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Instituto Superior C&C Technologies


Reading Module, is designed to develop effective reading and clear thinking.

Includes two reading that will help improve both reading and thinking skill. Each

reading is followed by activities and Reading Comprehension Questions. In

addition, the activities after each reading helps students think carefully about

the basic content and organization of the selection. Discussion Questions then

provide instructors one more opportunity to engage students in various reading

and thinking skills and to deepen their understanding of a selection.

The Adventure of Reading

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A reading adventure is open to everyone. Through reading we have the

to travel to infinite worlds, inhabit infinite characters, and have infinite


and that’s a truly magical thought. But, we live in a culture where people

watch an average of over five hours of television every day! Reading is a skill

that must be actively practiced. The simple fact is that people who do not read

very often are not likely to be strong readers.

. How much television do you watch on an average day?

R. I watch television one hours a day. Most of the time in the evening before
to sleep.

Another reason for not reading much is that you may have a lot of

responsibilities. You may be going to university and working at the same


You may have a lot of family duties as well. If you have free time, you may feel

too tired to read. It might seem easier to turn on the TV than to pick up a book.
❖ Do you do any regular reading – for example, a daily newspaper or
weekly magazine?

R. Yes, I do. I like to read newspaper every day in the morning because I like
to get information about the events and situation that happened every day in
Panama and around the world.

❖ When are you most likely to do your reading?

R. I am most likely to do my reading in the morning because my mind is open

and my brain is ready to get the comprehension about it.

A third reason for not reading is that reading may not have been a pleasant
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experience in school. You may not have been good at reading, or you may not

have enjoyed what you were given to read. As a result, you may have

that reading in general is not for you.

. Do you think that school made you dislike reading, rather than enjoy it?

R. It all varies. In my case, it's because we're forced to read them and do additional
work rather then simply enjoying what's being read. Personally, I'm a fan of fantasy
stories and I read my books in class because I'm uninterested in the work within the
school books and that most school books are primarily fiction/hard-to-read, or too
easy of books.

Finally, through reading we can all be explorers and learn to be the hero of our

own lives, and that is surely the greatest adventure.

Activities - 1
A- Below are words, or forms of words, from “Words to Watch.” Write in
the one that best completes each sentence. The write the letter of that
word in the space provided.

-A Brush-up B- illiterate C- memo

D- poised E- self-esteem

1. __E_ Although Marie was shy and giggly during her teens, she soon grew
into a__Self-esteem_ and impressive young woman.

2. ___A__ Before playing in the soccer game, Devon thought it wise to attend
a _brush up session on the rules.

3. __C_ The boss sent a __Memo_ to all employees warning them that layoffs
might soon occur.

4. __D_ Being able to figure out a complicated set of written directions is

enough to boost anyone’s __Poised_.

5. B If you are _Illiterate_, it can be very difficult to get by in today’s print-

centered world.
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B- Reading comprehension Questions

Central Point and Main Ideas

1. __B_ Which sentence best expresses the central point of the selection?

A. Learning disabilities of all types can be overcome with hard work.

B. Marvel felt mush shame and fear throughout her public-school education
C. Through hard work, Marvel gradually overcome her learning disability and
the shame and fear it caused her.

D. Students with learning disabilities should not have to attend the public
schools in this country.

2. __A_ Which sentence best expresses the main idea of paragraph 12?

A- The first sentence

B- The second sentence

C- The third sentence

D- The last sentence

Supporting Details

3. __D_ The author states that in high school, she avoided classes that

A. Her close, helpful friends had not enrolled in.

B. Started early in the day.

C. Were too easy.

D. Had writing assignments and heavy reading.

4. _ C According to one of Marvel’s teachers, a typical learning-disabled


A. Is poor at sports.

B. Has few talents.

C. Has an IQ of normal or above.

D. Has an IQ of normal or below.

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5. __A __Marvel is unhappy that she

A. Slipped through the public-school system.

B. Has never made the dean’s list.

C. Is not paid more for her job as a dental assistant.

D. Never married.

Signal Words

6. _D__ In the sentence below, the words such as show a relationship of

A. Addition.

B. Contrast.

C. Time.

D. Illustration.

“Things she bought, such as appliances and other household items,

come with instruction manual.” (Paragraph 13

7. __B_ In the sentences below, the word but shows a relationship of

A. Addition

B. Time

C. Illustration

D. Time

“She had a ‘system,’ and it worked. But sometimes she got caught.”
(Paragraphs 16-17)


8. __C_ Marvel’s experience in the fifth grade suggests that

A. Children may not show sympathy toward other children with

learning disabilities.
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B. Elementary school teachers are quick to identify and help students

who have trouble reading.

C. The other students wanted to help Marvel learn to read better, but

didn’t know how.

D. Marvel was not the only student in her class who had difficulty


9. _B__ Paragraph 28 suggests that A. Marvel was not a very good student.

B. Marvel did not allow short-term setbacks to keep her from learning yo read
and write.

C. Marvel blamed her teacher for pushing her into a class she wasn’t ready

D. Marvel believed that the assignment to write about a favorite place was a
Willy one. statements


10. A_ in the following group, one statement is the point, and the other are
support for the point. Write the letter of the statement that is the point of the

A. People who are illiterate cannot read street signs or read maps.

B. An inability to read limits a person’s job opportunities.

C. An inability to read makes it difficult for a person to function in

today’s world.


Complete the map of this selection by filling in the letters of the missing major

details, which are scrambled below. (two of the items have already been filled

in for you.)

Major Supporting Detail Missing from the Diagram

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A. Marvel learned to read at a level beyond high school.

B. Marvel decided to go back to school.

C. Marvel was in the fifth grade when she realized that she was far behind

her classmates.

D. Marvel was trained as a dental assistant and then got a job as one.

E. Marvel avoided high-school classes that involved writing assignments

and heavy reading.

F. Marvel was asked to join the Advisory Council of the School for Adults.

G. Marvel had two friends who took notes for her and coached her through

her courses.

Central point: Marvel Kretzmann worked hard and eventually gained

self-confidence and learned to read and write.


Discussion Questions

1- Do you know someone who has a learning disability? If so, how does

that person’s experience compare with Kretzmann’s

R: Yes, I do. I know a friend with learning disability. She finished the

elementary school, but she did not learn to read. I can compare her no

experience with Krestzmann’s experience because she passed from one

grade to another one until to finish the Elementary school because she was

very good un math. She is excellent in multiplication, divission, addition and

sustraction. She did not have the opportunity to go to study in a special

school because she lived very far from school and she did not have the
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money. Today she is 40 years and she felt confused, frustrated and

frightened because she says, that she is an illiterate person. She is ashamed

and she feels down self-esteem and sometime she act aggressive when she

faced with a situation that she does not understand.

2- Should Kretzmann have been “passed from grade to grade” because

she was good at math? Or should she have been made to stay at a lower

grade until her reading and writing skills got better?

I think, she should have been promoted, but a class geared to students with

learning desabilities. In that way she could have avoided they stigma of failure

but she still received the attention she needed.

3. Kretzmann says that sometimes when she is called upon to speak to

small groups, she feels “uncomfortable.” Why do you think this is?

Would you feel uncomfortable speaking to a group? Explain.

Marvel explains that she feels unconfortable speaking before small group

because she felt as she was presenting herself as an illiterate.

In My case, I feel very nervous and unconfortable in social situation or in

situation where I have to do something in front of other people, like participate

in meeting or introduce myself to new people. I often feel like I will say or do

the wrong thing. I might think that other people will easily notice signs of my

anxiety and judge me negatively.

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Activities - 2

A- Below are words, or forms of words, from “Words to Watch.” Write

in the

one that best completes each sentence. The write the letter of that word
in the

space provided.

A- mound B- segued C- squashed D- vivid E- wand

1- B After talking for a few minutes about the Bush presidency, our teacher
Segued into a discussion of the 2008 president election.

2- C The power-hungry dictator Squashed all those who challenged his brutal

3- D The fairy tale was so Vivid that when the child fell asleep,
he dreamed about a house made of gingerbread and candy.

4- E My little sister Vivian enjoys wearing a “magic” cape and waving her rule
around s if it were a wand.

5- A That Mound of dirty clothes near the foot of the stairs really needs to be
put in the washing machine.

B- Reading comprehension Questions

Central Point and Main Ideas

1. _D_Which sentence best expresses the central point of the selection?

A. Mr. Gery forced his students to become fighters.

B. Mr. Gery was good at getting his students to pay attention.

C. Mr. Gery was not mean person.

D. Mr. Gery challenged his students to learn skills that would help
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them in the real world.

2. __B__Which sentence best expresses the main idea of paragraph 6? A.

Mr. Gery is not bad mood.

B. Mr. Gery wants his students to prepare themselves to take some

heavy hits.

C. Mr. Gery realizes that some of his students have already taken

some heavy hits.

D. Mr. Gery doesn’t want his students to be like rocks.

Supporting Details

1. __D__ Mr. Gery compares his fist to

A. A rock.

B. A lump of clary.

C. A magic wand.

D. Everything that can happen out in the real world.

2. ___B__ Mr. Gery’s Job is to

A. Provide his students with shelter.

B. Help his students with language skills.

C. Train his students to become boxers.

D. Teach his students social studies.

Signal Words
1. __B___ Most of the signal words used in this selection are
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A. Time words.

B. Addition words.

2. ___D__ In the sentences below, the word because shows a relationship of

A. Contrast C . time
B. Illustration D. cause and effect

You need to become a rock. Because you don’t want to be flabby when the real
world comes along and takes a crack at you.” (Paragraph 14)

3. __A___ The relationship of the second sentence below to the first sentence
is one of.

A. Contrast C. time
B. cause and effect. D. addition

“You’re going to be the kind of person that life can smuch around, and that’s
sad. But some of you, maybe a lot of you, are going to be rock.” (Paragraph 16)


1. __D___ This selection suggests that:

A. Student who have poor reading and writing skills are going to be unprepared
for real life.

B. Reading and writing skills are less important than being physically tough
when facing the real world.

C. Using a computer is the best way to develop good reading and writing skills.

D. Good teacher can make their students into fighters.

2. ___A__ We can infer that the author

A. Was one of the students that Mr. Gery called “Mr. Clay” at the end of the

B. Become a English teacher like Mr. Gery.

C. Thought Mr. Gery should have been harder on the class.

D. Learned a great deal from Mr. Gery.

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1. __A___ Write the letter of the statement that is the point of the following
argument. The other statements are support for the point.

A. Mr. Gery challenged his students to become like rocks, not like clay.

B. An inspiring teacher, Mr. Gery worded hard to motivate his students to


C. Mr. Gery told his students that he’d help them train to become better
readers and writers and then worked them hard.

D. Mr. Gery teased his students when they didn’t complete their assignments
by calling them “Mr. Clay” or “Ms. Clay.”

Rosa: A success Story. (Edward Patrick)

Activities – 3

A- Below are words, or forms of words, from “Words to Watch.” Write in

the one that best completes each sentence. The write the letter of that
word in the space provided.

A- conveyed B- halting C- oppressive D- sentiment E- trek

1- In__halting_ English, Luis explained to me that he still had a number of

relatives living in Mexico.

2- On September 11, 2001, TV and radio stations around the

country_conveyed_ the shocking news that terrorists had attacked the
World Trade Center.

3- When Mr. Davis retired from teaching after thirty- five years, many
expressed the __sentiment__ that he had been one of the best teachers
the school had ever had.

4- On our cross-country __treck___. We stared in Brooklyn, New York and

ended in Los Angeles.

5- Forcing a prisoner to stand for hours in a freezing room is an oppressive_

form of punishment.
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Reading comprehension Questions Central Point and Main Ideas

1- __B__Which sentence best expresses the central point of the selection?
A. Civil wars have destroyed many countries.
B. Like many immigrant fleeing oppression, Rosa came to America and made
a successful life for himself.
C. Rosa finally brought her mother to the United States.
D. Rosa married and gave birth to twins, one of whom she named after the

2- __A__Which sentence best expresses the main idea of paragraph 4?

A. The Border Patrol turned on bright searchlights.

B. Rosa held on to her brothers but couldn’t see her mother.
C. Rosa and her brothers successfully crossed the border, but her mother was
among those who did not.
D. The guide was very cautious and waited for what seemed like hours until it
seemed safe to continue crossing the border.

3- __D__Which sentence best express the main idea of the ´paragraph 6-7?
A- Rosa English was not very good.
B- Rosa always asked question in class.
C- The author encouraged Rosa to ask questions.
D- Rosa was a very eager student.

1- __A__ Circle the statement that is the point of the following argument.
The other statements are support for that point.
A. After fleeing war-torn Nicaragua, Rosa worked hard to become successful
in America.
B. Although Rosa could barely speak English when she began her collage
coursework, she received her associate’s degree in three years.
C. Rosa entered San Diego States University and received a Bachelor of Arts
degree in early childhood education.
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D. Together with her husband, Alberto, Rosa opened a child-care center.

Mapping Major events of the selection are scrambled in the list below.
Write them in their correct order in the diagram on the next page.

• Rosa’s education toward a bachelor’s degree

• Rosa’s escape to the United States
• Rosa’s education toward an associate’s degree
• Rosa’s visit with the twins
• Rosa’s graduation and party Central pion: Rosa is an example of the many
immigrants who come to America to escape oppression and then work hard to
become productive citizen.

Discussion Questions
1- How did Rosa’s education prepare her for her career? What interest and
qualities would lead someone to want to work in childcare?

R: Rosa reveled an inner strenght. She began to study in a reading clases

because she wanted to learn English. Rosa proved to be one of the most
enthusiastic students. She constantly challenge her professor. She prodded to
him to provide more information additional examples and better explanations.
Rosa advanced from the básic reading to more difficult study skill class. She
enrolled in the early Childhood program at the collage. It took Rosa three years
to complete the course work that she need to graduate after that she entered
San Diego State University. There, she got a bachellor of arts degree.

The interest and qualities would lead someone to want to work in childcare are:
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Patient and persistence, communication, problem solving, love and kindness,
planning and decision, organization and time management, compassion and

2- The author writes that “we need……. To be reminded of success stories like
Rosa’s.” Why do you think he feels this way? What can learn from reading
R: He felt proud to has been part of Rosa’s success. He felt fortunate to be
the author and witness of Rosa’s growth and enthusiasm. He felt happy to
has been an important person in Rosa’s emotional and intellectual
development. He showed his emotional capacity to capture the beautiful
good and kind of existence and also evidence of his opennes and empathy.

Wey can learn from reading Rosa’s story many things:

This story teaches us that every sacrifice has its reward. Wey need to be
strong to face the challenges that we can find during life. We must face the
challenges that life give us. We study so hard in order to be professional. It
does not matter if it is difficult in many occasions. We need to continue
working so hard to get better future. This short story teaches us that we must
be greatful with people who offers their help in our difficult moment in life.

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