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SDG: 17

Partnerships for the Goals

Juha I. Uitto
Geeta Batra Editors

for People and
the Planet
Evaluating Environment and Development
Sustainable Development Goals Series
The Sustainable Development Goals Series is Springer Nature’s inaugural
cross-imprint book series that addresses and supports the United Nations’
seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The series fosters comprehensive
research focused on these global targets and endeavors to address some of
society’s grand challenges. The SDGs are inherently multidisciplinary, and
they bring people working across different fields together toward a common
goal. In this spirit, the Sustainable Development Goals series is the first at
Springer Nature to publish books under both the Springer and Palgrave
Macmillan imprints, bringing the strengths of our imprints together.
The Sustainable Development Goals Series is organized into eighteen
subseries: one subseries based around each of the seventeen respective
Sustainable Development Goals, and an eighteenth subseries, “Connecting
the Goals,” which serves as a home for volumes addressing multiple goals or
studying the SDGs as a whole. Each subseries is guided by an expert Subseries
Advisor with years or decades of experience studying and addressing core
components of their respective Goal.
The SDG Series has a remit as broad as the SDGs themselves, and
contributions are welcome from scientists, academics, policymakers, and
researchers working in fields related to any of the seventeen goals. If you are
interested in contributing a monograph or curated volume to the series, please
contact the Publishers: Zachary Romano [Springer; zachary.romano@] and Rachael Ballard [Palgrave Macmillan; rachael.ballard@].

More information about this series at

Juha I. Uitto • Geeta Batra

Change for People
and the Planet
Evaluating Environment
and Development
Juha I. Uitto Geeta Batra
Independent Evaluation Office Independent Evaluation Office
Global Environment Facility Global Environment Facility
Washington, DC, USA Washington, DC, USA

ISSN 2523-3084     ISSN 2523-3092 (electronic)

Sustainable Development Goals Series
ISBN 978-3-030-78852-0    ISBN 978-3-030-78853-7 (eBook)

© The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2022. This book is an open access publication.
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This book is intended to provide an authoritative, interdisciplinary perspec-

tive on innovative and emerging evaluation knowledge and practice related to
environment, natural resources management, climate change, and develop-
ment. In recent years, evaluation has emerged as an increasingly important
function in determining the worth and value of development interventions in
terms of their relevance, impact, performance, effectiveness, efficiency, and
sustainability. Evaluation has been formalized as a function in most develop-
ment agencies on both the multilateral and bilateral sides.
We now live in the Anthropocene, a new era in which human activity has
a dominant impact on planetary processes. Climate change and other environ-
mental challenges, such as chemical pollution and the mass extinction of spe-
cies, have become defining challenges of our time. The COVID-19 pandemic
that began in 2020 has tragically demonstrated how closely human health and
ecosystem health are intertwined. Adaptation to climate change is necessary
and the impacts of the changing climate are affecting the poorest countries
and regions and the most vulnerable populations in the most severe fashion.
The 2030 Agenda recognizes that sustainable development depends equally
on three interlinked pillars: social, economic, and environmental. All 17
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) incorporate each of these dimen-
sions to a varying degree. If one of the dimensions fails, the goal is not
Evaluation must rise to the challenges of sustainable development by con-
sidering both human and natural systems and fully accounting for the envi-
ronmental dimensions of development. This book explores evaluation in
areas such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, agriculture, forests,
and natural resources management. The chapters cover a wide range of situa-
tions, mostly drawn from real-world cases in the field in Africa, Asia, Latin
America, and small island developing states. The approaches and methods of
evaluation are equally wide ranging. These cases provide important lessons
for advancing evaluation at the nexus of environment and development. The
focus is on the role of evaluation in promoting transformational change
toward a more sustainable future.
This book has its roots in the Third International Conference on Evaluating
Environment and Development, held in Prague, Czechia, in October 2019,
organized by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Independent Evaluation
Office (IEO) jointly with the International Development Evaluation

vi Preface

Association (IDEAS) and the Earth-Eval1 community of practice. The con-

ference brought together a large number of established and upcoming evalu-
ators, researchers, and evaluation users from the Global North and South,
representing a wide variety of organizations, to discuss the frontiers of envi-
ronment and development evaluation. Following the event, the organizers
identified and contacted selected participants who made key contributions at
the conference and asked them to develop their ideas and papers into full-­
fledged book chapters according to a coherent plan. This is the outcome.
Our gratitude goes to our many partners in conceptualizing and organizing
the conference, in particular Rob D. van den Berg, then president of IDEAS,
and Daniel Svoboda who acted as the gracious host in Prague on behalf of the
Czech Evaluation Society. We are grateful for the generous support for the
preparation of this book by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and
especially the head of Development Evaluation, Anu Saxén. All our col-
leagues at the GEF IEO2 contributed substantively to the conference and to
this book. We would specifically like to thank Katy O’Grady, who worked
with us as assistant editor, preparing the manuscript, keeping track of all the
details, and ensuring that the book project was proceeding on schedule. Her
professionalism and attention to detail were indispensable.

Washington, DC, USA Juha I. Uitto

Washington, DC, USA  Geeta Batra


Transformational Change for People and the Planet:
Evaluating Environment and Development – Introduction ����������������   1
Juha I. Uitto

Part I Transformational Change

Evaluation for Transformational Change:

Learning from Practice �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17
Indran A. Naidoo

Transformational Change for Achieving Scale:
Lessons for a Greener Recovery ������������������������������������������������������������ 27
Geeta Batra, Jeneen Garcia, and Kseniya Temnenko

Part II Drivers of Sustainability

Sustainability After Project Completion:

Evidence from the GEF �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43
Neeraj Kumar Negi and Molly Watts Sohn

From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case
of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster Evaluations ������������������ 59
Carlo Carugi and Anna Viggh

Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability
in the Small Island Developing States���������������������������������������������������� 73
Geeta Batra and Trond Norheim
Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions ���������������������� 93
Ellen Fitzpatrick

Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability
of Climate Change Mitigation Results �������������������������������������������������� 105
Jindra Cekan and Susan Legro

viii Contents

Part III Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation
Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon Finance���������������� 127
Callum Murdoch, Lisa Keppler, Tillem Burlace,
and Christine Wörlen

Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects:
Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad ���������� 145
Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam

Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation:
Exploring the Role for MEL ������������������������������������������������������������������ 159
Robbie Gregorowski and Dennis Bours

Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions:
Lessons from the Adaptation Fund�������������������������������������������������������� 173
Ronnie MacPherson, Amy Jersild, Dennis Bours, and Caroline
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder
Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review���������������������������������������� 187
Laura Silici, Jerry Knox, Andy Rowe, and Suppiramaniam

Part IV Evaluation Approaches

Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability
and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion
and Institutional Capture������������������������������������������������������������������������ 207
Andy Rowe

Importance and Utilization of Theory-Based Evaluations
in the Context of Sustainable Development
and Social-­Ecological Systems �������������������������������������������������������������� 223
Takaaki Miyaguchi

Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030:
Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development Policy�������������������� 237
Mari Räkköläinen and Anu Saxén

Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods:
Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities������������������ 251
Prashanth Kotturi

Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know
Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help Save the Forests���������� 263
Katherine Shea

Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating
Environmental Interventions and Related
Socioeconomic Benefits���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 275
Anupam Anand and Geeta Batra
Abbreviations and Acronyms

ADB Asian Development Bank

AEDE National Agency for Domestic and Energy and Environment
AF Adaptation Fund
AF-TERG Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the Adaptation
AIMS Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea
API Application programming interface
APR Annual Performance Report
ARRI Annual Report on Results and Impact
ASM Artisanal and small-scale mining
ATAPED Association of Appropriate Technology for the Protection of
BEIS Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy
BII Biodiversity Intactness Index
CAS Complex adaptive system
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CCA Climate change adaptation
CCM Climate change mitigation
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
CEE Collaboration for Environmental Evidence
CER Certified emissions reduction
CES Canadian Evaluation Society
CHANS Coupled human and natural systems
Ci-Dev Carbon Initiative for Development
CLEAR Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results
Climate-KIC Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community
CMA Parties to the Paris Agreement
CMFP Carbon Market Finance Programme
CMO Context-mechanism-outcome
CMP Parties to the Kyoto Protocol
COP Conference of Parties
COVID-19 The disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus
CSO Civil society organization
DFID Department for International Development
DHS Department of Health Services
EA Evaluability assessment

x Abbreviations and Acronyms

EBA Ecosystem-based adaptation

EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
ECG Evaluation Cooperation Group
EEGM Energy efficiency guarantee mechanism
EO Evaluation Office
ERPA Emissions reduction purchase agreement
EXPAN Expanding the Protected Area Network
FBG Bio Guinea Foundation
FDA Forestry Development Authority
FFI Flora and Fauna International
FFS Farmer field school
FSE Special Fund for Environment
FUNBIO Brazilian Biodiversity Fund
GEF Global Environment Facility
GEF IEO Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office
GEI Global Evaluation Initiative
GFW Global Forest Watch
GHG Greenhouse gas
GIS Geographic information system
GIZ Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit
GLAD Global Land Analysis and Discovery
HELSUS Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science
ICF International Climate Finance
ICMO Intervention-context-mechanism-outcome
ICT Information and communications technology
IDB Inter-American Development Bank
IDEAS International Development Evaluation Association
IDIA International Development Innovation Alliance
IDPE Interdisciplinary Program in Evaluation
IEG Independent Evaluation Group
IEO Independent Evaluation Office
IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFI International financial institution
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IOCE International Organization on Cooperation in Evaluation
IOE Independent Office of Evaluation
IPBES Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
IPDET International Program for Development Evaluation Training
IREDA Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency
JICA Japan International Cooperation Agency
JNNSM Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission
J-PAL Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
KYC Know Your City
LDC Least developed country
LLA Locally led adaptation/action
M&E Monitoring and evaluation
Abbreviations and Acronyms xi

MDG Millennium Development Goals

MEL Monitoring, evaluation, and learning
MFE Methodological Framework for Evaluation
MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy
NDVI Normalized difference vegetation index
NEC National Evaluation Capacity
NFA National Forestry Authority
NGO Nongovernmental organization
NGP National Gender Policy
NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
of the United States
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECD DAC Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development,
Development Assistance Committee
PAR Participatory action research
PES Payment for ecosystem services
PMO Prime Minister’s Office
PSC Public Service Commission
QGI Quasi-experimental geospatial interpolation
R&D Research and development
RAC Refrigeration and air conditioning
RBF Results-based finance
REA Rapid evidence assessment
S2SE South to South Evaluation Initiative
SAMEA South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association
SCCE Strategic country cluster evaluation
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SDI Slum/Shack Dwellers International
SDSN Sustainable Development Solutions Network
SEI Stockholm Environment Institute
SES Socioecological systems
SETIG Systems in Evaluation Topical Interest Group
SFM Sustainable forest management
SIDS Small island developing states
SIF Seychelles Islands Foundation
SLM Sustainable land management
SNA Social network analysis
TIPC Transformative Innovation Policy Consortium
TONC Theory of No Change
UCEC Union for Credit and Loan
UN United Nations
UN OHRLLS United Nations Office of the High Representative for the
Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing
Countries and Small Island Developing States
UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
UNEG United Nations Evaluation Group
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
xii Abbreviations and Acronyms

UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change

UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
USAID US Agency for International Development
UWA Uganda Wildlife Authority
VIIRS Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
VNR Voluntary national review
VOPEs Voluntary organizations of professional evaluation
WRI World Resources Institute
WTE Waste to energy
About the Authors

Anupam Anand is an evaluation officer at the GEF Independent Evaluation

Office. He has a Ph.D. in geospatial sciences from the University of Maryland,
College Park.

Geeta Batra is chief evaluator and deputy director at the Global Environment
Facility Independent Evaluation Office (GEF IEO). She has 27 years of expe-
rience in international development, with 10 years’ experience in program
development and implementation and 17 years in international development

Dennis Bours coordinates the AF-TERG Secretariat to facilitate implemen-

tation of the evaluative work program and supports the AF-TERG Chair in
the development of AF-TERG-­related strategies, policies, and work plans.
Bours has (co-)authored various guidance notes, evaluation reviews, and
MEL manuals, and co-edited the New Directions for Evaluation journal spe-
cial edition focusing on adaptation and resilience MEL.

Tillem Burlace is a principal consultant with NIRAS-LTS, specializing in

environmental economics and monitoring and evaluation of sustainable natu-
ral resource management and climate change projects (across sustainable
agriculture, forestry, energy, and land use). He has been involved in the evalu-
ation of the Carbon Market Finance Programme from inception. Burlace is
also a monitoring, evaluation, and learning advisor on FCDO Green Economic
Growth Programme for Papua and has conducted cost-benefit analysis across
a range of agricultural and environmental commodities. He previously
worked for the Victorian Government in Australia developing and imple-
menting market-based instruments for sustainable natural resource manage-
ment. Burlace holds a masters’ degree in ecological economics.

Carlo Carugi With the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation

Office since 2009 as a senior evaluation officer, Carlo Carugi has more than
32 years’ experience in environment and development, 16 of which he spent
in developing countries. In the course of his career, he conducted several
project, program, policy, strategy, thematic, and country-level evaluations for
the European Commission, Italy, FAO, and others. Among Carugi’s interests
is the integration of the socioeconomic with the environmental in evaluation.
He holds an M.Sc. in agricultural science from the University of Bologna and

xiv About the Authors

an M.Sc. in environment and development from the Imperial College at Wye,

University of London.

Jindra Monique Čekan/ová, Ph.D., is a political economist with 33 years of

experience in international development. She has learned from villagers and
ministers in 27 countries in Africa, Latin America, and Central and South
Asia. Clients have included USAID, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation,
the Adaptation Fund, the Red Cross Movement, Catholic Relief Services, and
PricewaterhouseCoopers. Since 2013, she has focused on ex-post-project
evaluation and what it can teach about sustained impacts; she created
Sustained and Emerging Impacts Evaluations (SEIE). Her firm, Valuing
Voices at Cekan Consulting, LLC, uses mixed-methods evaluations focused
on participatory development.

Dr. Ellen Fitzpatrick is an agriculture and natural resource economist who

studies development policy and practice, specifically the dynamics of sustain-
able regional economies; food and livelihood systems; and program design,
evaluation, and impact assessment. Her work includes research in Africa,
Southeast Asia, the South Pacific, Latin America, and Turkey. Fitzpatrick is
currently at Merrimack College in Massachusetts, serving as director of the
Interdisciplinary Institute, and has held previous positions at the University
of Arkansas and State University of New York – Plattsburgh. She has served
as a consultant for global NGOs, US government agencies, and

Jeneen Garcia is an evaluation officer at the GEF IEO, where she has co-­
developed conceptual frameworks for assessing impact in complex adaptive
systems for evaluations addressing international waters, biodiversity, multi-
stakeholder partnerships, environmental and socioeconomic synergies and
trade-offs, and scaling-up of environmental outcomes. She holds degrees in
environmental science, marine biology, and water and coastal management,
with certificates in evaluation from the International Program for Development
Evaluation Training (IPDET) and the Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab
(J-PAL). She is currently program co-chair of the American Evaluation
Association’s Systems in Evaluation Topical Interest Group (SETIG).

Robbie Gregorowski is a monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) expert

specializing in climate change, systems innovation, adaptive learning, and
sustainable change. In 2018, he founded Sophoi ( Sophoi
provides MEL expertise to help people and organizations generate new
knowledge, learn, and change.

Caroline Holo is a data analyst directly supporting the implementation of

evaluations and studies part of the AF-TERG evaluative work program.
Before she joined the AF-TERG, she worked as MEL coordinator in
Madagascar’s largest marine protected area with coastal communities. She
has worked on impact evaluations, MEL designs and planning, data analysis,
and outreach.
About the Authors xv

Amy Jersild is an evaluator, educator, and researcher with 20 years of expe-

rience in the international development field. She is currently pursuing a
Ph.D. at Western Michigan University. Her research interests include meta-
evaluation, evaluability assessments, and the professionalization and interna-
tionalization of evaluation.

Lisa Keppler is a project manager in the field of environmental economics

and ­sustainable finance for the Secretariat of the German International
Climate Initiative. Between 2016 and 2019, she worked as consultant for
Arepo with a focus on evaluations and assessments of energy and climate
policy programs. This included the UK Government’s Carbon Market Finance
Programme. Keppler holds a master’s degree in economics with a focus on
development economics. Through her international work experience (e.g.,
solar sector in Kenya), she has profound knowledge of international environ-
mental and climate change policies, development economics, and innovative
financing mechanisms.

Jerry Knox is professor of agricultural water management based within the

Water Science Institute at Cranfield University (UK). His international
research focuses on the science, engineering, and management of water for
agriculture, including assessing the relationships among water resources, abi-
otic stress (drought), crop yields and the environment, and the sustainability
of agricultural production in the context of climate change and water-related

Prashanth Kotturi works as an evaluation officer with the Independent

Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
He has 10 years of experience in evaluation and research and has undertaken
numerous evaluations at the project, country, and corporate levels. His geo-
graphic experience spans Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. He has a keen
interest in environment and climate change, rural finance and community-
driven development, and agricultural value chains.

Susan Legro, MIA, MPH, is a climate change mitigation specialist with

more than two decades of experience in donor-funded mitigation and MRV
projects. She has worked on global and regional initiatives to improve report-
ing to the UNFCCC, and her work at the country level covers more than 30
countries. She currently works as an independent consultant, primarily for
UN agencies.

Ronnie MacPherson is a monitoring and evaluation specialist with over

20 years’ experience in international development, working in diverse sectors
and contexts including climate change, low carbon development, clean
energy, funding mechanisms and aid effectiveness. Current and recent clients
include the Global Environment Facility, UNCCD, Green Climate Fund,
International Renewable Energy Agency, and UN Environment.
xvi About the Authors

Takaaki Miyaguchi, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of

Global Studies at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies in Japan. Before start-
ing an academic career in 2012, he worked at the United Nations Development
Programme and other United Nations agencies for 8 years, developing and
managing climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in more than 20
countries. He holds a Ph.D. in global environmental studies from Kyoto
University, master of public policy from the University of Chicago, and bach-
elor of science from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Callum Murdoch works for NIRAS-LTS International as a senior consul-

tant, specializing in climate finance and climate evaluation. In 2019, he took
over project management of the Carbon Market Finance Programme evalua-
tion, and led the development of the realist evaluation framework. At NIRAS-
LTS, Murdoch also provides climate finance evaluation services to several
multicountry portfolio evaluations, including the UK’s Climate Public Private
Partnership program and the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation’s
Renewable Energy Portfolio. Prior to joining NIRAS-LTS, he worked in pri-
vate finance with a leading hedge fund broker. He holds a master’s degree in
international law and sustainable development.

Indran A. Naidoo With 25 years of professional experience in evaluation,

Indran is a global thought leader, manager, instructor, and author, renowned
for reform initiatives. He is director of the Independent Office of Evaluation
of the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Previously, he was
director of the Independent Evaluation Office at the United Nations
Development Programme, overseeing significant reform of the evaluation
function, and has held senior government positions in South Africa. He has
led professional networks and several conferences that advanced the role of
evaluation in development. He holds a DPhil and master’s degree in geogra-
phy and has received several awards.

Suppiramaniam Nanthikesan is a lead evaluation officer at the Independent

Office of Evaluation of the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
He has more than 25 years’ experience in the field of sustainable develop-
ment, working in the private sector, academia, and the UN system.

Neeraj Kumar Negi is a senior evaluation officer at the Global Environment

Facility (GEF) Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) and has been with the
IEO since 2005. He has led several evaluations related to performance and
impact of GEF policies and programs. He previously worked at Seva Mandir
as a program associate. He holds a graduate diploma in forestry management
from the Indian Institute of Forest Management, a master’s in public affairs
from Princeton School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton
University, and is pursuing a Ph.D. with the School of Public Policy at the
University of Maryland.

Trond Norheim, Ph.D., is a partner in Scanteam, Norway, specializing in

environment and climate change, with 38 years’ experience in 70+ countries.
About the Authors xvii

His main competence is team leadership for design, implementation, moni-

toring, and evaluation. He has led multiple evaluations of GEF operations and
projects focused on small island developing states, including for the EU
Global Climate Change Alliance in the Pacific, the UNEP-EU Caribbean
Biological Corridor, and the GEF Independent Evaluation Office to carry out
strategic country cluster evaluations of the GEF SIDS portfolio in all tropical

Mari Räkköläinen, Ph.D., M.Sc., is a counselor of evaluation at the Finnish

Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC), where her duties are related to meth-
odological development and evaluation services. From 2018–2021, she was a
lead evaluation expert at the Development Evaluation Unit of the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs of Finland. Where she managed large-scale evaluations of
strategic relevance in development policy and cooperation and was a member
of the steering group for the Agenda 2030 evaluation in Finland. Prior to
2018, she was also with FINEEC, in charge of the evaluation of learning
outcomes. With nearly 20 years’ experience in evaluation, she has worked on
many national and international evaluations. Her research has focused on the
tensions between control and trust present in national-level evaluation sys-
tems, and confidence in the assessment process. Currently, she is president of
the Finnish Evaluation Society.

Andy Rowe is a fellow and former president of the Canadian Evaluation

Society (CES) with over 35 years in evaluation, now focusing on sustainabil-
ity and climate. He has developed a new approach for evaluating impacts
(Rapid Impact Evaluation) and contributes to the conceptual foundations for
evaluating sustainability and use-­seeking approaches for science. He initiated
the CES effort to mainstream sustainability in evaluation in Canada, is a
member of Footprint Evaluation and the Technical Evaluation Reference
Group of the Adaptation Fund, and contributes to several ongoing evaluations
of climate and sustainability. Rowe holds a Ph.D. from the London School of

Anu Saxén is director of the Development Evaluation Unit, Ministry for

Foreign Affairs of Finland. Previously, she was deputy head of mission at the
Finnish Embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. She has more than 30 years’ expe-
rience in foreign and development policy, private business, international busi-
ness development, and project management. She has held specialist,
leadership, and managerial positions in donor and international financing
institutions such as the European Commission and the World Bank. Anu has
been a keen and consistent user of evaluations throughout her career and is
acutely aware of the contribution evaluations can make to strategic planning
and policy development.

Katherine Shea is a monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) manager at

the World Resources Institute (WRI). She led MEL for Global Forest Watch,
leading two evaluations, and now supports the development of institute-wide
MEL practices with the Managing for Results team. Before joining WRI, she
xviii About the Authors

worked on monitoring and evaluation with the World Food Program in

Indonesia, Ecuador, and Uganda. She has a master’s in public administration
from Cornell University.

Laura Silici is an environmental economist with international field and

research experience in sustainable natural resource management, agricultural
innovation, and rural development. She works as a consultant to development
organizations and research institutions. She previously worked as a researcher
in the agroecology team at the International Institute for Environment and
Development (IIED) London.

Molly Watts Sohn joined the Global Environment Facility Independent

Evaluation Office in 2015 and supports the office’s work on both performance
and thematic evaluations. Prior to joining the World Bank, Sohn was an eval-
uation officer on the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Team at the
National Democratic Institute. She holds a master’s degree in Pacific
International Affairs from the University of California at San Diego and a
bachelor’s degree from the University of California at Berkeley.

Kseniya Temnenko is a knowledge management officer at the GEF IEO and

has 18 years of experience in evaluation and learning, including 12 years in
knowledge management. She works on innovative synthesis studies relevant
to GEF-supported programs, policies, and strategies. She also develops train-
ing materials and learning products that share lessons from evaluations.

Juha I. Uitto is director of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

Independent Evaluation Office. He has worked as an evaluator with the GEF
and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) since 1999 and
has managed and conducted numerous evaluations focusing on environment
and development at the global, regional, and country levels. His work history
combines positions in international development and research organizations.
He has a Ph.D. in social and economic geography.

Anna Viggh As a senior evaluation officer in the GEF IEO, Anna Viggh has
led thematic evaluations on adaptation to climate change, small grants, and
gender mainstreaming and led country-level evaluations. She has 30 years of
development and environment experience with the GEF, UNDP, the World
Bank, and several NGOs. Viggh holds master’s degrees from the Yale School
of the Environment and George Washington University Elliott School of
International Affairs.

Dr. Christine Wörlen is the founder and director of the independent research
and consulting company Arepo. She is an internationally renowned expert in
energy transition policy and finance and climate change evaluation. Since
2015, Wörlen has evaluated the Carbon Market Finance Programme. Before
she founded Arepo, she was head of the Renewable Energies Department at
the German Energy Agency and program manager at the Global Environment
About the Authors xix

Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam As a bilingual credentialed evaluator, Serge Eric

Yakeu Djiam has spent more than 15 years conducting evaluations on five
continents with community-based organizations, donors, governments, and
United Nations agencies. He has served as visiting professor in Algeria,
Cameroon, Canada, and the United Arab Emirates and is active in youth men-
toring. He is past president of the African Evaluation Association, global
chair of the EvalIndigenous Network, and a member of numerous evaluation
associations. Yakeu Djiam holds a double international M.Sc. in rural devel-
opment, an M.Sc. in research methodology and statistics, and international
certificates in North/South cooperation, social science, planning and evalua-
tion, and equity-­focused evaluation.
Transformational Change
for People and the Planet:
Evaluating Environment
and Development – Introduction

Juha I. Uitto


The world is facing multiple crises as mani- The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development1
fested in runaway climate change, a global is intended as a blueprint for people, the planet,
pandemic, loss of ecosystems and biological and prosperity. It recognizes the interconnected-
species, and rapidly growing inequality. These ness of economic, social, and environmental
are all closely interlinked as recognized in the development and how none of the three can suc-
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ceed in the long run if any one of them fails. The
Addressing them will require broad transfor- 2030 Agenda is titled “Transforming Our World.”
mational change that encompasses the econ- Yet, despite this almost universally accepted rec-
omy, institutions, and how we interact with the ognition, the world is facing crises on all three
natural environment. This chapter introduces fronts. Economic and social crises as expressed
the book that is intended to highlight how in continued poverty, unemployment, exclusion,
evaluation can contribute to such transforma- and constantly increasing inequality between and
tions. The chapter first reviews the state of especially within countries are well recognized.
development evaluation. It then briefly intro- Climate change has similarly gained visibility as
duces the state of the global environment the world has witnessed increasing weather
before discussing the implications of this con- anomalies, which are no longer affecting only the
text for evaluation, and how evaluation as a developing countries, as dramatically demon-
profession and practice must change in order strated by the unprecedented wildfires in Australia
to respond to the challenges of sustainability. and the West Coast of the United States. The
The chapter ends by explaining the flow of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
book in its four parts that focus on: transfor- (IPCC) has warned that if we do not limit the rise
mational change, drivers of sustainability, cli- of global temperatures to 2°C above preindustrial
mate change mitigation and adaptation, and levels, the world will face dire consequences
evaluation approaches. (2018).

J. I. Uitto (*)
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
Office, Washington, DC, USA

© The Author(s) 2022 1

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
2 J. I. Uitto

But a broader environmental crisis is unfold- such as the Moore Foundation, have incorporated
ing that involves an unprecedented loss of eco- regular evaluation, not only of their grantees but
systems and biological species; places a heavy of the overall direction their funding streams
burden of chemical pollution into the oceans, take. Evaluation has been formalized as a func-
land, water, and atmosphere; and poses a grave tion in most development agencies, both at the
danger to human health. The COVID-19 pan- multilateral and bilateral side.
demic that began in 2020 is an expression of this Although much progress has been made, there
crisis and a direct reminder of how human health are still areas where evaluation has not kept up
and ecosystem health are closely interlinked. with the times. Some evaluation practice remains
The Dasgupta Review, an authoritative report mechanistic and inward looking, tinkering with
on the economics of biodiversity led by Prof. Sir details rather than engaging with the big picture
Partha Dasgupta and released in February 2021, in the rapidly changing world. Evaluation must
confirms that the wellbeing of every person—our change to respond to challenges of sustainable
livelihoods and economies—depend on the natu- development and to become an active contributor
ral environment (Dasgupta 2021). It also reminds to transformational change.
us that humans are very much part of nature—a That is what this book is about. It provides an
fact that we in our technological hubris often authoritative, interdisciplinary perspective of
ignore—and our economies are embedded in innovative and emerging evaluation knowledge
nature, rather than external to it. However, our and practice related to environment, natural
current development trajectory is entirely unsus- resources management, climate change, and
tainable, which is endangering the prosperity of development. It is intended to make a contribu-
both current and future generations. tion to how evaluation can further transformation
We therefore need to transform how we inter- toward a more sustainable and just world.
act with nature. We need transformations of eco-
nomic and financial systems, of institutions, of
how we measure development, of education and State of Development Evaluation
how we see ourselves in relation to the rest of the
planet. Such transformational change is neces- What do we mean by evaluation? In their now-­
sary and it should be possible, but it requires classic textbook on the topic, Morra Imas and
knowledge and it requires alternative visions of Rist (2009, p. 8) define evaluation simply as the
what can be done and how. Evaluation should determination of the value of a project, program,
and can play its part in making transformational or policy. They note that most of the numerous
change possible. definitions include the notion of “valuing,” which
In recent years, evaluation has emerged as an distinguishes evaluation from research and moni-
increasingly important function in determining toring. The Development Assistance Committee
the value of development interventions in terms (DAC) of the club of industrialized countries, the
of their relevance, impact, performance, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability.
­ Development (OECD), has a formal definition of
Evaluation is everywhere in public and private evaluation:
organizations. Many governments and govern- The systematic and objective assessment of an
ment departments, notably in education, health, ongoing or completed project, program or policy,
and social services, use evaluation to inform the its design, implementation and results. The aim is
approaches they take to address the issues within to determine the relevance and fulfillment of objec-
tives, development efficiency, effectiveness,
their mandate. Private organizations constantly impact and sustainability. An evaluation should
evaluate their performance, whether they use the provide information that is credible and useful,
term evaluation or not. Most foundations, from enabling the incorporation of lessons learned into
the Gates Foundation to environmental actors the decision-making process of both recipients and
Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment… 3

Evaluation also refers to the process of determin- mance and impact. Or so it should. But this is not
ing the worth or significance of an activity, policy
or program. An assessment, as systematic and
always the case: Evaluators and those who com-
objective as possible, of a planned, on-going, or mission evaluations often are not interested in
completed development intervention. (OECD challenging the fundamental assumptions on
DAC, 2010, pp. 21–22) which their programs are based.
Also important to bear in mind is that plenty
Evaluation is conducted for various purposes, of evaluation takes place outside of the profes-
including accountability for results achieved and sion, although it may not be recognized as such.
for learning lessons from past experiences. For example, many ecologists are very much
According to the evaluation policy of the Global concerned with the effectiveness of conservation
Environment Facility (GEF, 2019), the most strategies and conduct thorough studies of how to
established public funding mechanism for the best protect ecosystems and animal and plant
global environment, the purposes of evaluation species in situ (e.g., Geldmann et al., 2019). This
include understanding why, how, and the extent is evaluative research, although contact is often
to which intended and unintended results are minimal between those who conduct such studies
accrued, and their impact on stakeholders. The and professional evaluators, who tend to mostly
GEF policy (2019) emphasizes the use of evalua- be social scientists by training. Enhancing this
tion, stating: interaction is important because both sides would
Evaluation feeds into management and decision-­ benefit greatly from cross-fertilization in terms of
making processes regarding the development of approaches and methodologies. While evaluators
policies and strategies; and the programming, ignore the natural sciences at their peril, conser-
implementation, and reporting of activities, proj- vationists often lack knowledge in the social sci-
ects, and programs. Thus, evaluation contributes to
institutional learning and evidence-based policy ences (Bennett et al., 2016).
making, accountability, development effective- Evaluation has also seen a strong trend toward
ness, and organizational effectiveness. It informs professionalization of the field. The DAC has
the planning, programming, budgeting, implemen- developed a set of evaluation criteria to standard-
tation, and reporting cycle. It aims to improve the
institutional relevance and achievement of results, ize the practice among donor organizations.
optimize the use of resources, and maximize the These influential and widely used criteria were
impact of the contribution provided. (p. 12) updated in 2019 to incorporate coherence as a
new criterion (OECD DAC, 2019). Professional
What distinguishes evaluation from related disci- associations, such as the International
plines, such as monitoring and performance Organization on Cooperation in Evaluation
audit, is that these latter take the status quo as a (IOCE),2 the American Evaluation Association,3
given. They are compliance oriented with a man- Canadian Evaluation Society (CES),4 and
date to check whether projects and programs are European Evaluation Society5 have moved this
doing what they set out to do and moving toward agenda, sometimes establishing credentialization
the objectives set for them. Although audit and programs as in the case of the CES. In the field of
evaluation both play oversight roles in international development, the International
organizations, their paradigms and approaches
­ Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS)6
have significant differences (Naidoo, 2020). and the EvalPartners7 have worked to bring eval-
Evaluation perspective is broader: Evaluators
have the mandate to look beyond the internal 2
intervention logic, to see how the intervention is 3
situated in the broader context and whether it is 4
actually making a difference to the problem it 5
was designed to address. Evaluation may thus 6
question the original logic and design of the 7
EvalPartners (, a partner-
intervention in light of evidence of its perfor- ship between IOCE, UN organizations, civil society orga-
4 J. I. Uitto

uation into the mainstream of development agen- others who see the “randomistas” as taking a
das. The United Nations Evaluation Group mechanistic view of complex development prob-
(UNEG)8 and the Evaluation Cooperation Group lems that is culturally and socially insensitive and
(ECG)9 of the international financial institutions lacking of external validity (e.g., Bickman &
work actively to professionalize and harmonize Reich, 2009).
evaluation practice among their member Somewhat belatedly, the randomistas—
organizations. Abhijit Banerjee, Esther Duflo, and Michael
Among development organizations, evalua- Kremer—were awarded the Nobel Prize for
tion capacity development is seen as a priority Economics in 2019 (e.g., Banerjee & Duflo,
and is carried out through structures such as the 2011). It seems, however, that the tide is turning
Centers for Learning on Evaluation and Results toward a more inclusive and comprehensive set
(CLEAR) and the International Program for of approaches. Experimental and quasi-­
Development Evaluation Training (IPDET)— experimental methods should remain in the bri-
both under the umbrella of the new Global colage of a wide range of tools used by evaluators
Evaluation Initiative (GEI)10 established by the (Patton, 2020a).
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) of the A desire to assign accountability through
World Bank Group and the United Nations quantitative attribution of results to a specific
Development Programme (UNDP). Focusing on intervention is natural. Although such attribution
national evaluation capacity in the developing is appealing to many, especially intervention pro-
countries has been a high priority for the UNDP ponents and donors, it is particularly elusive in a
for well over a decade. Led by the organization’s complex environment. Especially when we move
Independent Evaluation Office (IEO), biannual away from narrowly focused, targeted interven-
conferences on the topic have grown significantly tions toward more transformational efforts, cred-
in scope and influence since their beginning in ibly demonstrating the contribution of the
2009.11 intervention to the larger goal should suffice.
This is all very welcome but comes with cer- Here, a well thought-through theory of change is
tain risks, not least of creating an exclusive guild helpful (Mayne, 2019). As Andrew Natsios, the
of evaluators closing out new or heretic ideas. former administrator of the American interna-
Favored methods also have inevitably led to para- tional cooperation agency, USAID, stated,
digm contests between the different schools of already more than a decade ago: “Those develop-
thought. Most notably, claims to a scientific ment programs that are most precisely and easily
method by those advocating for randomized con- measured are the least transformational, and
trolled trials and other experimental techniques those programs that are most transformational
as a “gold standard” have drawn the derision of are the least measurable” (Natsios, 2010).
Another important attribute that distinguishes
evaluation from monitoring and performance
nizations, and voluntary organizations of professional audit is the focus on learning and the ability to
evaluation (VOPEs), strengthens the capacity of the draw wider lessons from factors that have enabled
VOPEs and influences policy making through promoting
or hampered interventions in making desired
UNEG ( brings together all units contributions.
in the UN system that have evaluation as their main func- As mentioned above, evaluation as a profession
tion, currently numbering almost 50. and practice is firmly anchored in social science
ECG ( has as its members 10 traditions. The practice also tends to remain
multilateral development banks and aims to harmonize focused on the achievement of predetermined
their evaluation approaches.
intervention objectives, rather than expanding its
The NEC Information Center (
focus on the broader context in which interventions
functions as an online platform for knowledge on the NEC take place and their interactions. In particular, envi-
conferences, publications, and other documents and tools. ronmental aspects of interventions—including
Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment… 5

their unintended consequences—are mostly miss- The Sustainability Context

ing from evaluations. This has been confirmed in
no uncertain terms by recent stocktakings of evalu- The international development context has
ation policies and practice by UNEG and CES changed rapidly in the 2000s. Most countries of
among their respective memberships. The UNEG the world have signed on to the 2030 Agenda for
stocktaking found that while most member agen- Sustainable Development and the attendant
cies consider the environment to be of medium- to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),12 and to
high-level interest to them—and almost 60% of the the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. These
agencies have environmental and social safeguards frameworks provide a common understanding of
that they need to adhere to in preparing their proj- the universal priorities and the sense of urgency
ects and programs—environmental concerns are of transforming the way our societies operate.
seldom reflected in evaluations (UNEG Working They call for a new value system that is not based
Group on Integrating Environmental and Social only on measuring economic growth, but empha-
Impact into Evaluations, 2020). In fact, according sizes sustainability and equality. They also recog-
to survey results, 84% of respondents from the UN nize the existential threats that humankind faces
agency evaluation units think that environmental due to anthropogenic climate change and envi-
considerations have not been adequately addressed ronmental degradation. We have entered the
in their evaluation guidance (the corresponding fig- Anthropocene, a new geological era in which
ure for social considerations was high, too, at 68%; humanity’s impact on the planet overwhelms
UNEG Working Group, 2020). everything else.
The above discussion points to some persis- At the same time, the dichotomy between
tent challenges that evaluation faces. As I outline industrialized and developing countries is blur-
below, the global landscape is rapidly changing ring, in particular with the entry of large, middle-­
and the demands for development that is environ- income countries like China and India on the
mentally sound and socially just are getting more world scene. China is poised to overtake the
urgent by the day. To maintain its relevance, eval- United States as the world’s largest economy
uation can no longer be satisfied with ex-post within a couple of decades. China has also been
assessments of whether interventions achieved most successful in eradicating extreme poverty
what was written in their program documents. and lifting the living standards of millions of peo-
Now evaluations must include a more future-­ ple. Still, according to the World Bank (Lakner
oriented, prospective dimension that provides et al., 2020), 689 million people—or 9.2% of the
guidance based on lessons for transformational world’s population—lived in extreme poverty in
change. Evaluation must move beyond individual 2017 (using the international poverty line of less
interventions to systems thinking. It must than $1.90 per day). The World Bank estimates
embrace both social and natural sciences using that this number has increased by a further 88
the full range of appropriate approaches, meth- million people (possibly going up to 115 million
ods, and data sources available. people) in 2020 as a result of the COVID-19 pan-
The word evaluation contains the notion of demic (Lakner et al., 2020). While the economic
value and, as evaluators, we should be clear about differences between countries have narrowed,
our values, which include respect for nature and inequalities within countries have grown and in
people in an inclusive and just manner. This significant portions of the world, fragility and
doesn’t mean that we should abandon objectivity conflict are increasing. At the same time, the role
in our analyses, but rather that we should provide of non-state actors, including the private sector
evidence-based, objective analysis of how to and civil society, in international development
most effectively contribute toward development has also increased.
that encompasses the values that we share. In the
words of Andy Rowe (2019), we must move
toward sustainability-ready evaluation. 12
6 J. I. Uitto

The 2030 Agenda recognizes that sustainable Unfortunately, as problematic as climate

development depends equally on three inter- change is, it is not the only environmental threat
linked pillars: social, economic, and environmen- we face. In essence, there are three simultaneous
tal. All 17 SDGs incorporate each of these and interlinked crises: the climate crisis, the
dimensions to a varying degree. If one of the nature crisis, and the pollution and waste crisis.
dimensions fails, the goal is not achievable. Research by the Stockholm Resilience Center
However, traditional measurements of develop- found that, specifically in areas of biosphere
ment rely almost exclusively on economic met- integrity (loss of genetic diversity) and biochemi-
rics and, to a lesser degree, on social indicators, cal flows (nitrogen and phosphorus pollution),
while the environmental dimension is at best an we have already breached the planetary boundar-
afterthought. This must change and evaluation ies with high risk for humans (Steffen et al.,
must play a role in the new thinking. Fortunately, 2015). The nitrogen and phosphorus that have
we see some promising indications that change is entered the biosphere come mostly from fertiliz-
on its way. The latest Human Development ers used for food production to feed the still
Report by UNDP (2020), a leading development increasing human population and its growing
organization, focuses on human development and appetite.
the Anthropocene. The report recognizes the One of the greatest challenges is the loss of
interlinkages between human development and habitat, ecosystem integrity, and biological diver-
the environmental challenges we face, calling for sity. We are currently facing the most rapid loss
exploring new, bold paths of expanding human of biological species in history, earning the moni-
freedoms and easing planetary pressures. It goes ker “the sixth extinction.” Research of 177 spe-
on to state: cies of mammals has documented that all have
In the face of complexity, progress must take on an lost 30% or more of their geographical range and
adaptive learning-by-doing quality, fueled by 40% or more have experienced severe population
broad innovations, anchored in deliberative shared declines (Caballos et al., 2017).
decision making and buttressed by appropriate These crises are closely interlinked in that
mixes of carrots and sticks. (UNDP, 2020, p. 5)
their drivers all reside in human activity. Food
Climate change is now widely recognized as a production is one of the main causes of environ-
defining issue of our time. The Intergovernmental mental destruction today, as land is cleared for
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2018) warns agriculture and cattle raising. We lose some 12
that we have about a decade to limit global warm- million hectares13 of tropical forest each year pri-
ing to 1.5°C above preindustrial levels or face marily due to land conversion for agriculture and
severe, irreversible consequences for both the other economic activities. Not only does this
people and the planet. These consequences will destroy ecosystems and animal and plant species
include increasing occurrence of extreme weather therein, it also reduces the ability of the forests to
events and rising sea levels that will inundate sequester carbon, thus exacerbating climate
large swaths of coastal area where the majority of change. Other major drivers of land conversion,
major cities are located. Climate change is not habitat destruction, biodiversity extinction, and
something that will happen sometime in the climate change include urbanization and the
future; its impacts are already felt around the spread of human habitat.
world. According to the National Oceanographic These are the same factors that lie behind the
and Atmospheric Administration of the United coronavirus pandemic that in its first year, 2020,
States (NOAA, 2021), 10 of the hottest years on killed almost 2 million people and devastated
record have been since 2005; the top three being
2016, 2020, and 2019. The unprecedented wild- 13
According to Global Forest Watch/University of
fires experienced by Australia in 2019 and the Maryland data, the tropics lost 11.9 million hectares of
U.S. West Coast in 2020 are linked to this warm- forest cover in 2019 (https://www.globalforestwatch.
ing trend. org/).
Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment… 7

economies around the world. The virus causing As has been demonstrably the case with the
COVID-19 is zoonotic, meaning it originated in COVID-19 pandemic, the people most vulnera-
nonhuman animals before spilling over to ble to environmental and health hazards are the
humans. This is not the first such pandemic. poorest and are often minorities, indigenous peo-
Earlier examples from recent history include ples, people of color, and women. The environ-
SARS, MERS, H1N1, Zika, Ebola, and HIV. In mental crises thus have a very clear social justice
fact, the risk of zoonotic pandemics has con- dimension that cannot be overlooked as we devise
stantly increased as humankind encroaches strategies for sustainable development.
deeper into the natural world for habitation, food
production, mining, transportation and other
activities, thus bringing us closer to animals that What It Means for Evaluation
act as reservoirs of viruses (UNEP, 2016; Vidal,
2020). The destruction of predators occurring as With the increasing attention given to the univer-
a consequence of habitat loss results in the sally applicable SDGs in both national and inter-
increase of animals, such as rats and bats, that national development plans, and the proliferation
effectively transmit their viruses to humans. of international agreements and financial mecha-
The data make clear how closely related nisms focusing on the environment, the need is
these crises are and how directly they affect growing to constantly assess the effectiveness
humanity already today. That human health and impacts of policies, strategies, programs, and
and ecosystem health are closely intertwined projects that are aimed to produce transforma-
is obvious. Climate change continues tional change for the environment and human
unabated. Even if all countries lived up to their wellbeing. We must identify lessons from the
nationally determined commitments under the past—what has produced desirable results, under
Paris Climate Agreement—which they mostly what conditions, and for whom—so that we can
don’t—these would be not adequate to stop incorporate these lessons to design better and
global warming within the limits defined in more effective interventions for the future.
the Agreement. With the continued warming Evaluation has a key role to play in this critical
come multiple hazards ranging from sea-level function, but an imperative step is furthering the
rise and weather anomalies to the spread of approaches and methodologies for evaluating at
disease-causing mosquitoes and other vectors. the nexus of environment and development.
Adaptation to climate change is necessary Evaluation must expand its vision to encompass
while we continue to work on mitigation mea- the coupled human and natural systems and how
sures (Global Commission on Adaptation, 2019). they interact.
The impacts of the changing climate are far from All this complexity has important implica-
uniform across the world. They are affecting the tions for evaluation (Bamberger et al., 2015).
poorest countries and regions and the most vul- Evaluation must be able to provide evidence of
nerable populations in the most severe fashion. how actions in the development sphere affect the
All densely populated, low-lying coastal areas environment and vice versa. It must be able to
from Miami to Lagos and from the Netherlands demonstrate the close interlinkages between eco-
to Bangladesh will have to deal with rising sea system health and human health in light of evi-
levels and increased coastal storms, but the dence from the real world. Evaluation must also
poorer countries and cities will have far fewer be able to look increasingly to the future, toward
resources to do so. Small island nations face exis- new and emerging threats and challenges, and
tential threats due to climate change. Although seek solutions to them. It must broaden its
the relationship is complex, climate change com- accountability focus to embrace learning more
bined with other factors contributing to vulnera- broadly.
bility appears to increase the likelihood of conflict Patton (2020a, pp. 189–190) identifies 20
(von Uexkull & Buhaug, 2021). ways in which evaluation must transform itself to
8 J. I. Uitto

evaluate transformation. It must rise above its and may be ignored if they raise inconvenient
project mentality and start looking beyond the issues against a planned project. Often, too, such
internal logic of the interventions that are evalu- unanticipated results occur in the social sphere
ated (Feinstein, 2019; Patton, 2020a). It must and may negatively affect vulnerable groups.
embrace a systems approach toward transforma- Many development projects, including some
tional change (Magro & van den Berg, 2019). related to agriculture, forestry, and mining, take
With a systems perspective, the interventions place on indigenous peoples’ lands where tenure
evaluated—whether they be policies, strategies, rights may be less well defined and whatever
programs, or projects—must be seen as part of a environmental and social impact assessment does
landscape in which they operate and interact with occur almost routinely ignores the spiritual and
other interventions. cultural values of a place or a resource. Even a
The DAC evaluation criteria—relevance, well-meaning project for climate adaptation can
coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and have highly differentiated impacts on different
sustainability—are widely accepted, understood, groups. For instance, what may be a good solu-
and used, which provides a strong incentive to tion for a commercial farmer may not be avail-
maintain them (OECD DAC, 2019). However, able to a small subsistence farmer whose situation
they have some conceptual issues. First of all, the may be worsened by the intervention. Evaluation
sustainability criterion refers to the continuation must be able to capture such nuances.
of benefits from an intervention and is silent on Many interventions take a long time to mature
the environmental dimension of sustainability. and the environmental impacts are slow to mate-
Making this distinction in the era of sustainable rialize. An evaluation of the GEF land degrada-
development goals is essential. Patton (2020b) tion portfolio found that measurable
has suggested the term adaptive sustainability to environmental improvements on the ground only
encompass ecosystem resilience and adaptability appeared 4.5–5.5 years after the projects closed
in the nexus between humans and the environ- (GEF IEO, 2018a). Given the time that project
ment. The Scientific and Technical Advisory preparation and implementation require, this is a
Panel of the GEF suggests using the term dura- decade or more after the problem was identified
bility to denote the continuation of benefits, while and the project designed. During that decade,
reserving sustainability for its environmental many things will have changed and the environ-
connotation (Bierbaum & Cowie, 2018). mental and social problems may have been exac-
Similarly, what seems to be missing from the erbated. Confining evaluation only to its
DAC criteria is a sense of urgency toward trans- summative role at the end of on intervention is
formational change. In this respect, an additional not possible. Rather, we must build evaluation
criterion would need to be introduced, whether into the process to provide timely feedback to
called transformational fidelity (Patton, 2020b) adaptive management. Knowledge must be
or transformative significance (Feinstein, 2019). extracted from the interventions as they are
Furthermore, evaluation must systematically implemented and fed back to action to improve
search for unintended consequences that may lie the practice in real time (West et al., 2019).
outside of the immediate scope of the evaluand. One of the key requirements is for multiple
We must assume that everything we do in the mixed methods that can address the issues of sus-
sphere of economic development will have unan- tainable development and contribute to transfor-
ticipated effects. These are often to the natural mational change. These may involve both
environment because those designing programs quantitative and qualitative approaches. Use of
or projects in sectors such as energy, industry, remote sensing and other big data show particular
agriculture, or infrastructure seldom take fully advantages in evaluating the environment and
into account the environmental consequences. natural resources management (Lech et al.,
Environmental impact assessments are rarely rig- 2018). They must be complemented by more tra-
orous enough to capture all the possible effects ditional methods, including participatory
Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment… 9

approaches that clarify the particular situations the planet. Evaluation can and must play a role
and concerns of local people and disadvantaged contributing to such transformational change if
groups. we are to achieve the SDGs (Feinstein, 2019).
Evaluation can help us identify factors and condi-
tions that guide us in designing initiatives that
About This Book lead to deep, sustained, large-scale impact (GEF
IEO, 2018b).
The overall theme of the book is transformational The book then moves on to consider the driv-
change and how evaluation can contribute to it. ers of sustainability. For decades, environmental
Transformational change has been defined in projects and programs have had less than optimal
numerous ways. For instance, UNDP (2011, p. 9) success and their durability has been limited
has defined it as “the process whereby positive because they have focused on treating symptoms
development results are achieved and sustained without addressing the root causes.
over time by institutionalizing policies, pro- Virtually all environmental problems have
grammes and projects within national strategies.” their causes in economic, political, and societal
We go beyond this definition, which focuses sim- factors. Terrestrial biodiversity and habitat loss
ply on positive development results from inter- are driven by deforestation and land conversion
ventions. To be truly transformational, change for agricultural, urban, industrial, and transporta-
must be of such scale and magnitude that it takes tion uses. Food production and habitat for the
the object of transformation to a different place expanding human population are fundamental
or level. Such change also must be lasting. The drivers. Oceans are stressed by overfishing and
situation in which the world finds itself today—in by pollution from land and ship-based sources.
terms of climate change, environmental unsus- Climate change is driven by fossil fuels for trans-
tainability, and inequality—is such that mere portation, heating, and industry, and by intensive
gradual improvements will not be sufficient. agriculture and deforestation.
It is often said that in crises lie opportunities. Common threads among the factors that in
Consequently, optimism still prevails that the turn influence all of the above. These can usually
pandemic and associated upheaval will lead to be found in the spheres of policies and economic
lasting societal changes. However, history incentives that encourage unsustainable practices
teaches us that for a crisis to lead to transforma- of production and consumption. Therefore, we
tion, a viable alternative to the status quo must need not only to address the direct drivers but
exist that a large segment of people can align also the indirect drivers of unsustainability. And
behind (Berman, 2020). We also assume we need high-level policy engagement to trans-
­implicitly that a transformation would be toward form these systems. Evaluations, too, must raise
something positive, although this might not nec- their sights toward the drivers and what influ-
essarily be so.14 ences them. Another evaluation of GEF projects
Here, we use the term transformational found that they were able to affect enduring
change to denote change toward a more sustain- change when they engaged with legal, policy, and
able, inclusive, resilient, and environmentally regulatory change (GEF IEO, 2018c).
sound state. Transformation is defined as a shift The third section of the book deals with evalu-
from the current system to a substantively new ating climate change action from different angles.
and different one (O’Connell et al., 2016, p. 19). It is obvious that efforts to slow down climate
Such a system shift is needed for humans and our change must accelerate if we aim to get anywhere
non-human relatives to continue enjoying life on near the goals set in the Paris Agreement. The
current nationally determined emissions reduc-
For instance, the crisis of the Weimar Republic led to the
tion goals are nowhere near sufficient to stop
rise of Nazism, which can be described as transforma- warming within the 2°C, let alone 1.5°C, by the
tional as well as disastrous. end of the century, according to the latest synthe-
10 J. I. Uitto

sis report released by the UN in February 2021, wrong” (Read, 1914, p. 35115). We can modify
calling for an urgent increase in ambition (UN the saying to also apply to questions: It is better
Framework Convention on Climate Change, to ask the right questions even if we cannot give
2021). To move into this direction, we need a exact answers.
variety of strategies to decarbonize the economy, Most of the authors in this book participated
including financial and technological tools. in the Third International Conference on
Determining the efficacy of both is also impor- Evaluating Environment and Development in
tant. This book provides lessons from evaluations Prague, Czechia, in October 2019, where the
on how to proceed on these fronts. foundations for this book were laid. The previous
Climate change impacts, however, are not conferences, held in Alexandria, Egypt, in 2008,
something for the future. They are being felt now and Washington, D.C., in 2014, also led to the
in terms of changing climatic patterns and publication of books that presented the state of
increased weather anomalies, storms, droughts, the art at that particular time in this rapidly evolv-
and wildfires. Irrespective of the success of miti- ing field (van den Berg & Feinstein, 2010; Uitto
gation actions, they will continue to worsen for et al., 2017). Although the two first conferences
some time. Successful adaptation to climate centered around the emerging field of evaluating
change—reducing people’s vulnerability and climate change actions, both in terms of mitiga-
building the resilience of the socioecological sys- tion and adaptation, this third conference broad-
tems—is an important priority where we must ened the scope to cover environmental and
learn rapidly from experiences. The book reviews natural resource management programs more
the state of the art in the still underdeveloped widely, with emphasis on transformational
field of evaluating adaptation, thus contributing change toward global sustainability.
to this important emerging endeavor. The authors cover a wide range of evaluation
The final part of the book focuses on evalua- approaches and methodologies, ranging from
tion approaches that will contribute to the quest quantitative, including geospatial, to more quali-
for transformational change for the people and tative and mixed methods that can be usefully
the planet. Our goal is not to promote one partic- applied to evaluating environment and sustain-
ular approach or methodology as a gold standard. able development policies, programs, and proj-
On the contrary, experience shows that we do ects at the nexus of human and natural systems.
need a wide range of approaches and methods to Opening up evaluators’ perspectives to these
tackle the problems of sustainable development. approaches is a key goal. This also requires open-
It is important to select the tools carefully to suit ing up the perspectives of those who commission
the task at hand, to answer the questions that need and use evaluations. These include donor govern-
to be answered. Whether we choose primarily ments and agencies, international organizations,
quantitative or qualitative methods should depend and NGOs. They have to understand the impor-
on the questions we wish to answer, and on the tance of looking beyond the confines of their nar-
availability of data and its quality. Too often, rowly defined intervention. This is not necessarily
evaluators pursue perfection in their methods and easy in the face of pressures to show the effec-
end up either adjusting their questions to suit tiveness and impacts of the work that each orga-
their methods or using an extraordinary effort to nization is doing or funding and resistance to
hone their data. Of course, we aim for as much accept responsibility for anything outside that
rigor as possible, but it is important to bear in scope. This is why a pure focus on accountability
mind the utility of the evaluation. The purpose of in evaluation is dangerous. In international devel-
evaluation is to contribute to finding solutions to opment, we often seem to see more interest in
pending problems and to improve the perfor-
mance of ongoing and future interventions. 15
This quote or some variation of it is often attributed to
Therefore, timeliness is essential and it is most John Maynard Keynes but it first appeared in the 1898
often “better to be vaguely right than exactly book by Carveth Read.
Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment… 11

demonstrating to donor country citizens what counts as credible evidence in applied research and
evaluation practice? (pp. 51–77). Sage.
their tax money achieved than in assuring that the Bierbaum, R., & Cowie,A. (2018). Integration: To solve com-
programs and projects actually led to durable plex environmental problems. Scientific and Technical
benefits to the countries and people they were Advisory Panel, Global Environment Facility. https://
intended for. Placing evaluation more in the­d ocuments/
hands of developing country partners is impor- Caballos, G., Ehrlich, P. R., & Dirzo, R. (2017). Biological
tant so that they can ensure that the development annihilation via the ongoing sixth mass extinction sig-
programs contribute positively to their priorities. naled by vertebrate population losses and declines.
Even more important is empowering local people Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
USA, 114(30), E6089–E6096.
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accountability toward the claimholders and to Dasgupta, P. (2021). The economics of biodiversity: The
ensure that no one is left behind. Dasgupta review. HM Treasury.
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the environmental dimension and the coupled Review_-­_Full_Report.pdf
human-natural systems, moving beyond individ- Feinstein, O. (2019). Dynamic evaluation for transfor-
ual projects to systems thinking, and identifying mational change. In R. D. van den Berg, C. Magro,
unintended consequences—does not come natu- & S. Salinas Mulder (Eds.), Evaluation for trans-
formational change: Opportunities and challenges
rally to many evaluators trained in specific intel- for the sustainable development goals (pp. 17–31).
lectual traditions and social science techniques. International Development Evaluation Association.
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and financial institutions, national organizations, Global Commission on Adaptation. (2019). Adapt now:
A global call for leadership on climate resilience.
research and academic institutions, and the pri- Global Center on Adaptation and World Resources
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Transformational Change for People and the Planet: Evaluating Environment… 13

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Part I
Transformational Change
Evaluation for Transformational
Change: Learning from Practice

Indran A. Naidoo

Abstract and suggests that flexibility provides an oppor-

tunity to remain relevant and advance trans-
The COVID-19 crisis has challenged the eval- formational goals.
uation profession by altering the framework
within which it operates. Evaluators must
embrace new realities and respond to changes  valuation Must Respond to Global
while not altering their principles, norms, and Signals to Be Relevant
A review of how evaluation networks and This chapter draws on the special session on eval-
offices have responded to changing demands uation for transformation at the 2019 International
showed lack of recognition for the long-term Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS)
implications to the profession. Commissioners conference. Since then, major changes have
and users of evaluation now have new priori- occurred globally, changing concepts on devel-
ties, and nontraditional actors have entered the opment and redefining its assessment. The
traditional evaluation space, offering similar changes in the development discourse mean that
expertise and meeting the demands of evalua- multiple reprioritizations are taking place, with
tion commissioners and users. The extensive major impacts on the global financial, gover-
development challenges posed by COVID-19 nance, accountability, and knowledge generation
require a comprehensive response capacity systems. Operating within these contexts—and
from evaluation if it is to be transformative as within authorizing political and social contexts—
a profession. evaluation practice cannot remain detached or
This chapter draws on national and interna- static. The new era has triggered new demands
tional case studies, examining the concept of for evaluative knowledge and products, now met
transformation from a contextual perspective by the research sector broadly, thereby diminish-
and noting the relativism in the concept. It ing the exclusivity that evaluators once held on
draws links between aspects, suggesting that evaluative knowledge and outputs. Unless evalu-
this period is an opportunity for evaluators to ation can demonstrate a more compelling value
learn from practice around transformation, proposition that moves beyond serving tradi-
tional oversight and accountability needs, it may
I. A. Naidoo (*) lose its privileged position. Its continued rele-
Independent Office of Evaluation, International Fund vance will be questioned.
for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy

© The Author(s) 2022 17

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
18 I. A. Naidoo

Evaluation does not occur in a vacuum but interventions to mitigate the impact of the crisis
responds to demands, imperatives, and contexts, and ensure that lives and livelihoods are pro-
which explains both its uneven evolution and tected, to help rebuild in a better, more sustain-
resultant variation across the globe. We have no able manner. Barbier and Burgess specifically
commonly shared perspective as to what evalua- highlighted that some SDGs will be sacrificed
tion is and should achieve; with various camps of during this period while focus is on SGDs to curb
evaluation practice justifying their positions, we the spread of the virus and tackle the immediate
lack evaluation consensus and identity. economic fallout. It means that addressing the
Demonstrating context’s effect on research SDGs with equal priority will probably not occur,
demand is the COVID-19 pandemic and United even if they are referenced as important.
Nations (UN) response, which has taken the form All of the joint UN government plans refer-
of supporting countries’ production of socioeco- ence the SDGs, which have served to date as
nomic assistance and recovery plans to ensure the milestones and targets for achieving Agenda
most effective development interventions. 2030. The evaluation community has been active
Although reporting and review are key parts of in supporting the SDGs through providing evalu-
the plans, they include little mention of evalua- ation capacity to countries, a significant contribu-
tion. Such plans do not draw sufficiently from tion. This is attested to in the proceedings of the
evaluative work at the country or global level. National Evaluation Capacities Conference 2019
This may signal a marginalization of evaluation (United Nations Development Programme,
in favor of other forms of research during this Independent Evaluation Office [UNDP IEO],
period that requires more real-time monitoring 2020), where countries presented case studies of
information to support recovery than detailed and their success in using evaluation for SDG attain-
often late evaluation studies. In the era of big ment. In this context and until the 2020 pan-
data, artificial intelligence, and other forms of demic, the form of evaluation considered valuable
data generation and extraction, evaluators are was that which built measurement capacity as a
often not engaging with new realities. basis for advancing transformation. The empha-
sis was for evaluation to be people-centered,
shown in both the Prague Declaration and,
 edefinition in the COVID-19 Crisis:
R adopted in Egypt, the Hurghada Principles
Evaluators Are Not Isolated (UNDP IEO, 2020), which also called for a focus
from Changes on people and collectivism. The UN principle of
leaving no one behind, particularly focusing on
With COVID-19 declared a global crisis in April vulnerable groups such as women, has empha-
2020 by the Secretary-General of the United sized the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the
Nations (Guterres, 2020), the UN has responded poor. The proposed UN response, apart from
to support the recovery of countries. One element acknowledging a serious loss of developmental
of the UN response is research and analytical gains, is to “build back better” (United Nations,
support to help decision making toward recovery. 2020). Implicit in the statement is a transforma-
It has resulted in the generation of assessments tional intention. Patton (2020), in his examina-
on the state of development of countries around tion of what needs to change for evaluation to be
the world, with the aim of better understanding transformative, asked for an acknowledgment of
the impact of the crisis. Evaluation was affirmed the changes. Prior to the crisis era, Feinstein
for its role in guiding progress toward the UN (2019) suggested that evaluation could be more
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development’s dynamic and support transformational change. In
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs; the current era, the potential role of evaluation in
Mohammed, 2019). The context now, as indi- generating knowledge and creating processes for
cated by Barbier and Burgess (2020), is one of a more sustainable society, and the new order will
declining resources and will require targeted be quite different (Schwandt, 2019). Therefore,
Evaluation for Transformational Change: Learning from Practice 19

evaluation that claims to be transformative must addressing larger units of analysis with intercon-
address these demands. nections and influences is difficult and will be
challenging in contexts of working with partners
and big data, at scales larger than most evaluators
Challenges to Evaluation deal with. This factor alone would challenge the
as a Practice and Form prevalence of classic accountability evaluation,
of Transformation with its bias toward linear thinking and measure-
ment. In this period, other actors will challenge
Interest in evaluation has increased, reflecting on the exclusive domain of judgment that evaluators
its identity as a practice with the associated have held. Very different requirements are now in
research stipulations and adherence, and ques- place for governance in the accountability or
tioning whether this practice, if pursued in a par- fidelity era, as argued in Schwandt’s (2019) dis-
ticular manner, can be transformative. These cussion on the post-normal era. Inevitably, as
debates will continue and Feinstein (2017) argued resources shift, so too will governance priorities,
that evaluation will also influence knowledge and this will affect evaluation, irrespective of its
management, which is critical in the era of big type.
data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning.
Classic evaluation practices and associated norms
are challenged as new research formations and Changes to the Evaluation–
data producers could influence the existing over- Transformation Relationships
sight architecture at the country and global levels over Time
affecting evaluation demand. Efficiency consid-
erations will be important and the old profes- My work in the field of evaluation over the last
sional boundaries between audit and evaluation 25 years has highlighted its relationship to power
may not be viewed as efficient and effective and its potential and constraints to be transforma-
(Naidoo & Soares, 2020). tional. The broad definition of positive change is
making advancements toward better quality stan-
dards, and, in the process, improving transpar-
 he Exploratory Nature of This
T ency and accountability. This is universally
Chapter applicable and, in these contexts, prioritizes ele-
ments of fidelity to assure funders and citizens
This chapter draws on personal experiences to that the organization performs as expected. In
reflect on the evaluation–transformation question this context, independence is an important com-
from an evaluation leadership perspective. The ponent for accountability obligations (Schwandt,
two case studies demonstrate the relativism 2019).
around the concept of transformation. In Patton’s Evaluation by its nature is judgmental and
(2020) discussion on Blue Marble Evaluation, he therefore triggers a set of managerial reactions
illustrated how the COVID-19 crisis has chal- that may not always resonate with the intention
lenged the notion of the nation-state, and shown of evaluators. Evaluators privilege science and
that the globe, instead, is highly interconnected assume rationality in decision-making (Schwandt,
with porous borders. 2005). Evaluation works on the assumption that
This may challenge evaluators who have tradi- evidence is central in decision-making contexts.
tionally worked within confined boundaries, The independent type of evaluation generates
departments, agencies, and country-level pro- tensions in organizations given its profile and
grams but seldom on a macro- and cross-cutting authority but is largely accepted as a part of orga-
level, where issues of complexity and its multiple nizational practice. The growth in the profession,
influences come in. Moving from units of analy- even at the level of national authorities, has pro-
sis that are small and perceived as static toward duced policies that show an understanding of the
20 I. A. Naidoo

relationship between independence, credibility, imply a form of redress, which evaluation mea-
and utility. sures and reports on. The transformative subject
evaluations fall into those that promote democ-
racy, as they generate public dialogue on perfor-
 he Crisis Context and Potential Loss
T mance for accountability purposes. One of the
of Judgement Proprietorship case studies I describe in this chapter relates to
apartheid South Africa. In this context, evalua-
I caution that the word “transformation” has tion was regarded as inherently transformative
become cliché and used broadly to describe all simply because it gave access to previously
changes, even those that would naturally evolve unavailable information. This may appear mod-
over time. Evaluation is often viewed as inher- est, but in such a context, against a backdrop of
ently progressive and transformative, but in prac- repression and state control, it was significant.
tice, unless there are actions to drive this goal, it
tends to fail.
In the context of COVID-19, evaluative Context Ascribes Value
sources (research think tanks, commissioned and Meaning to the Concepts
reviews, surveys, and social media streams) also of Transformation
feed directly to decision makers. Monitoring
information is valued due to its timely delivery, This discussion seeks to illustrate how context
and evaluators may lose their singular propriety may attribute a higher value to change. The con-
to performance information. Further, they may cept of positive transformation can be relative to
lose their direct access to decision makers as gov- how it brings about changes and is valued as such
ernance and accountability architecture changes. in these historical junctures. This is a value judg-
Evaluators’ ability to directly access beneficia- ment and projected by a part of the evaluation
ries also will change, given the travel restrictions, community, reflecting both its diversity and dif-
and remotely generated evaluations will not carry ferences in global growth (Naidoo, 2011, 2012).
the same level of authority as those generated This chapter also draws on examples from
from full engagement. The question is, what is within the UN situation and highlights how
the value proposition that evaluators bring into aspects such as evaluation approach, methodol-
this new context? A further issue is whether the ogy, and increasing evaluation outputs supported
classic accountability framework for evaluation transformation. The key shift was moving from
will remain dominant in the era of big data. This using an outsourced and consultant-driven model
needs exploration. to a professional cadre one, which helped affect
changes in learning and accountability (Naidoo,
Judging Transformation, Given the broad scope within this umbrella of
the Challenge of Relativism political topics, as the case studies illustrate, few
global standards exist to judge definitively
The backdrop against which an intervention takes whether or not evaluations are transformative.
place is important, as is whether evaluation is a This chapter takes the definitional view of a
practice to promote democracy. Many perspec- transformational practice as one that brings about
tives currently exist as to what transformative more fundamental changes in the sense of being
evaluation is but there is no consensus. Some able to trigger and/or sustain major changes on
scholars and practitioners identify transformation all fronts and meeting societal and developmental
if the subject matter is inherently transforma- aspirations (attainment of SDGs).
tional, such as land reform or addressing discrim- Transformational change could also include
ination. These are context specific and generally changes in professional identity and approach,
Evaluation for Transformational Change: Learning from Practice 21

showing evaluators as change agents, or redefin- audiences, its plays a more facilitative, co-­
ing evaluation decision making and governance creative role toward a utility focus (Patton, 2018).
arrangements. In both these situations, the modus operandi
would differ and the actual context would influ-
ence the extent to which evaluations may have
 hanges in Evaluation Production
C transformational purposes. Results are chal-
and Emphasis lenged in both contexts, and often the self-­
assessment undertaken by program units tends to
Evaluation, irrespective of what it is termed, is be more favorable on ratings than assessment
one of many streams of information to influence provided by independent evaluation units.
decision making (Rist & Stame, 2006). In the era Greater organizational dialogue is necessary to
of big data, artificial intelligence, and a more help reconcile these differences, in the spirit that
active research mode on the part of commission- evaluation is a part of organizational learning
ers and receivers of evaluation (in the form of using its independent principles to improve
outputs of reports, briefings, etc.), evaluation is quality.
now part of a larger flow of information at deci- My personal reflections from various leader-
sion makers’ disposal. Evaluators need to make ship functions also indicate that the passage of
stronger arguments about their value proposition time can change one’s views and those of people
when new scenarios, such as those caused by involved at a specific time as to whether the work
COVID-19, affect their work. It is too early to was truly transformational or, more modestly,
speculate how this will manifest, at what inten- contributory. The reflective approach in answer-
sity and form, and in which countries. The new ing these questions is an appropriate methodol-
evaluation construct will probably involve very ogy given the nascent state of development of the
different engagement permutations than those field of transformative evaluation.
currently in place.
The fidelity role of evaluation currently pre-
vails and although this form has progressed and  ase Studies on the Evaluation–
received much attention (Schwandt, 2019), it is a Transformation Nexus
particular type of evaluation that on its own may
not meet all of the transformative criteria of  outh Africa National Department
dynamic evaluation as espoused by Feinstein of Land Affairs and Public Service
(2020). The fidelity type of evaluation may pro- Commission
vide assurance of program value but may not nec-
essarily address issues that move beyond the My work as a senior manager at the National
organizational scope or provide a foresight pitch Department of Land Affairs and the Public
as called for by Patton (2019). In the COVID-19 Service Commission (PSC) of South Africa in
context, the classic evaluation criteria would also the post-apartheid era from 1995–2011 provided
require another look. Ofir (2020) and Patton an opportunity as an evaluation professional to
(2020) suggested new elements that capture the expand on the concept of evaluation for transfor-
dynamic nature of changes in the context of the mation. This was a period when the profession
global pandemic. In Picciotto’s (2020) discussion was still evolving as the country began establish-
on renewal of evaluation, he argues that the status ing its own professional evaluation association.
quo cannot remain and evaluation must be able to The South African Monitoring and Evaluation
produce changes that are more tangible. Association (SAMEA) was launched in 2005 and
When undertaking evaluation for purposes of set the pace for important growth of the
accountability, the focus is on assessing results profession.
against plans. In contexts where evaluation is not In my work at the National Department of
independent and focused on supporting internal Land Affairs from 1995–2000, the very func-
22 I. A. Naidoo

tion of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) did South African public sector. However, multiple
not naturally resonate with the administration. sources of information indicate governance fail-
The argument was that policy was not negotia- ures persist.
ble. When assessments of the policy showed The sentiment as of 2020 is that the country
weaknesses, it took a long time for the adminis- has not met the expectations of the developmen-
tration to make changes. This was frustrating tal state, and admissions from the ruling party
for evaluators who did not see adequate atten- regarding governance deficits at multiple levels
tion paid to evaluation. The production of basic show that one organization, albeit with formal
performance information was regarded as more authority, cannot on its own effect transforma-
important than policy analysis and impact tion. It can assist, but only if those in power act.
assessments. Thus, evaluation has limits as to what it can do,
In the still censorious but changing climate, and its support for transformation would be mod-
little qualitative analysis of program worth est at best in the context described. However,
occurred, the very modality of land reform deliv- accumulatively with other such directed initia-
ery was examined, and complicated and costly tives, it can make a difference.
processes meant rapidly rising frustrations among Gaining a perspective today on whether the
beneficiaries (Naidoo, 1997). Considered decades work of the PSC delivered a better public sector
later, results show that the program continues to over time, as politically promised, requires atten-
struggle because central issues raised at the early tion. The setting up of commissions of enquiry to
stage of the program were not addressed. The key investigate corruption indicates that the ideals of
question: When undertaking M&E of purport- a developmental state, working in the interests of
edly transformational programs, does one take its citizens, was unsuccessful. Therefore,
the policy as a given and just assess progress, or although the PSC sought to advance good gover-
does one have the space to question the basis of nance through its oversight work, it was not able
the policy? to effect transformational change in the country.
The work of the PSC was to oversee the per- The evaluation interventions may have initiated a
formance of the public service in using its powers type of thinking and discourse based on its prod-
and normative tools and measures to effect trans- ucts, but sustaining momentum was not possible
formation. It was expressly set up as part of the given various political and administrative leader-
democratic constitution to ensure good gover- ship changes. This has been the experience of
nance (Naidoo, 2010). This was enshrined in many countries around the world that have built
Chapter 10 of the constitution, which sets out M&E capacities only to find them being margin-
nine principles and values for public administra- alized based on political appetite for candid per-
tion that the PSC was to advance “without fear, formance results.
favor or prejudice” (Naidoo, 2004, 2010). Its
focus was on improving the capacity of the
“developmental state,” which was viewed as the  he Independent Evaluation Office
key driver for transforming government and the of the United Nations Development
country from its unequal and racially divided Program: Some Strategic Choices
past. It sought to advance equity and social and
economic transformation as part of the demo- This case study draws from the work that resulted
cratic era. The annual work of the PSC culmi- in the transformation of the Evaluation Office of
nated in a State of the Public Service report that UNDP into the Independent Evaluation Office
meta-assessed the organization’s work against (IEO). In this case, evaluation successfully influ-
the constitution’s values and principles and its enced country program design toward progres-
demonstrated progress or lack thereof. The PSC’s sive developmental agendas. This resulted in
was a national transformation project that gener- several international presentations and a UN
ated information to bring about changes to the course drawing on the experience at the
Evaluation for Transformational Change: Learning from Practice 23

International Program for Development reporting on service delivery. In the case of the
Evaluation Training (IPDET). UNDP, the agency interventions were assessed
This second case study reflects on my mana- and reported to both governing boards and coun-
gerial and leadership experience as director of the tries. The practice of reflection on results is trans-
Independent Evaluation Office of the UNDP over formative, and can advance the mandate of
an 8-year period. In this context, evaluation organizations within which independent evalua-
approaches and interventions sought to advance tion occurs.
the notion of transformation. The movement to Ensuring evaluation coverage is impactful; in
greater evaluation coverage created a global audi- the case of the PSC, the organization spanned the
ence for our work, thus expanding reflection on entire public sector with more than 140 depart-
results and making the organization more evi- ments across nine provinces at the national and
dence based. The promotion of evaluation con- provincial tiers of government. The impact for
versations or dialogues is better than the classic, potential transformation increases when evalua-
formalistic approach to evaluation, which can be tion engages a full breadth of governance indica-
transactional (working on reacting, responses, tors. Monitoring and evaluating the nine values
and rebuttals in formal settings). This mode does and principles for public administration against
not build collective responsibility for results and performance indicators allowed for rating and
may impede organizational learning. The revised comparison of performance and helped legisla-
approaches included advancing the support ele- tures and parliament hold administrators to
ment of evaluation, with the National Evaluation account. The success of these measures, however,
Capacity (NEC) series becoming the largest is still dependent on political will and action on
global event by national authority participation. results, which has not been adequately evident
Where stronger national evaluation capacity from the overall performance of the public
exists across countries, the receptiveness to eval- sector.
uation becomes better with an evaluation culture At UNDP, evaluation coverage was also a key
always supportive of advancing discussions on feature for increasing the evaluation critical mass.
development transformation. Pitching evaluation The five-fold increase in evaluation coverage that
as a support for the SDGs provided added legiti- resulted from a new policy and new approaches
macy for evaluation, and brought evaluation beginning in 2013 meant that all of the 130 coun-
directly into the discussions on development. It try programs were assessed and the results pre-
helped integrate the ideals of the UN and impera- sented for action. This increased the basis for
tives of the SDGs with the priorities, aspirations, meta-synthesis and created more timely opportu-
and development plans of countries. nities for program revision. Program countries in
particular appreciated the exercise of increasing
coverage and diversifying products, which pro-
Learning from Both Managerial Roles vided feedback they found important for their
prioritization and decision-making. Other
In both case studies, the thrust has been that eval- changes to ensure consistent quality assurance
uation serves a reform and transformation through a standing evaluation advisory panel
agenda, promoting transparency and generating helped create a critical mass and important dia-
dialogues across the tiers and levels of functions, logue to assist with advancing transformation
bringing in voices and illustrating the discrep- development goals. By the time of my departure,
ancy between intent and outputs and outcomes. the IEO had struck the sweet spot, with the
Evaluation’s very nature of challenging vision administrator being a major advocate for the
feeds more into the mission of the institutions, function and the board pleased with the outputs
supporting assessment of how this varies among and volume of evidence of UNDP performance
practices. In the case of the PSC, the notion of globally, helping to justify further funding. This
good governance was measured by assessing and can be considered transformational by pushing
24 I. A. Naidoo

into the public domain a sizeable portfolio of tion that decision makers receive, consider, and
work demonstrating the development challenges eventually prioritize. The matter of indepen-
of countries and bringing attention to the SDGs, dence, credibility, and use was a theme of the
the vulnerabilities of people and disadvantaged 2013 NEC Conference that brought this matter to
groups, the constraints, (including inherited the fore from the experiences of government,
structural impediments), and value proposition of showing evaluation’s potential and its constrain-
the organization. ing parameters. The claim of being transforma-
tional in such a context is difficult. Evaluation
transforming relationships was the theme of the
Some Conclusions 2011 NEC conference, which addressed
evidence-­ based policymaking and generated
Challenge on the Exclusivity multiple publications. From the evaluator per-
of Judgment spective, these indicate the desire for causality
between outputs and change and implicit accep-
In the context of 2021, evaluators face further tance that evaluation is transformational. In real-
challenges as they may potentially lose their ity, transformation is more complex in practice
exclusivity on judgement ability as action and measuring such instrumentalism is a difficult
research and co-creation modalities gain promi- task.
nence with artificial intelligence, machine learn-
ing, big data, and reliance on streams over
studies. The problem is exacerbated by the fact  he Enabling Environment
that assessment is difficult in complex situations for Transformation
(Ofir, 2020) and evaluators will encounter chal-
lenges in working in a Blue Marble context of Apart from an enabling environment to assist
high interconnectivity and fewer boundaries with transformation, certain interventions pro-
(Patton, 2020). vide the platform from which transformative
actions can occur. Evaluators have a tendency to
focus more on the output and product rather than
Reflecting on Transformation Drivers the related journey toward this goal. Evaluation
quality is as much about the process to arrive at
The experiential backdrop above has laid out the product as it is about the product itself. A con-
some reflections. Evaluation is one part of a ducive environment for enabling transformation
broader administrative and political system, and through evaluation will include the following
leadership within this plays a role in affirming or elements.
marginalizing the process. In the case of national
departments, becoming entrenched can be diffi-
cult, especially when political leaders with their Political Will and Leadership Support
own imperatives govern the administrative divide
between the heads of department or permanent The signals from the political environment are
secretary. Further, interpretation of what consti- critical to open the space for evaluative conversa-
tutes administrative and political success, or even tions. Policies on their own are insufficient and
transformation, is often at odds with evidence. evaluation or accountability advocates are impor-
How M&E negotiates this difficult terrain— tant. Countries such as South Africa, which has
often pitched toward an authority level beyond explicitly within its constitution bodies to
the organizational head who may not appreciate advance democracy and accountability, have an
the results—requires deft leadership skills. advantage. However, the extent to which the
Evaluators in this context need to recognize that political masters support such institutions in the
their work is but one of many streams of informa- form of who they appoint, how they fund the
Evaluation for Transformational Change: Learning from Practice 25

function, and whether they take findings seri- important in the context of action research, where
ously or not is critical. On its own, evaluation many voices and streams of information inform a
policies are insufficient to create the enabling more democratic and broad-based decision-­
environment, and aspects such as a free press, making architecture. Evaluators need to move
civil society participation, and activism to hold beyond only understanding and applying meth-
political and administrative leaders to account are ods; they must recognize context and its com-
needed to bolster the evaluation function. plexity in assessment, and work with rather than
Evaluation capacity, including dedicated eval- apart from key players. This will enable them to
uation units and systems that advance a results enter the debate and prove value in a rapidly
culture, is also important. In the international shifting environment that requires comprehen-
system, the evaluation offices of the UN, bilater- siveness and ability to work across sectors in a
als, and international financial institutions (IFIs) multidimensional manner. This shift certainly
that have dedicated evaluation functions can play means that evaluators need to establish how they
a role in advancing the mandate of particular can be most helpful, working in teams and coali-
agencies through promoting a results culture. The tions that are multidisciplinary and cross-cutting
work that these offices undertake jointly with and working alongside a range of technological
other agencies and the promotion of national or applications that support access to beneficiary
sector-specific evaluation capacity building helps voices. The ability of the profession to navigate
create space for reflecting on results, of govern- this challenging period will alter evaluator iden-
ment and of the agencies themselves. The cumu- tity and the purpose of evaluation, depending on
lative effect of this is helpful for advancing the success of the transition.
transformation, especially of agencies that have a
normative agenda, such as gender.

The Post-Normal or COVID-19 Era Barbier, E. B., & Burgess, J. C. (2020). Sustainability and
development after COVID-19. World Development,
All of the UN response and recovery plans have Feinstein, O. (2017). Trends in development evalua-
used evidence to improve research and oversight tion and implications for knowledge management.
collaboration. However, the gap remains and few Knowledge Management for Development Journal,
13(1), 31–38.
functional systems feed information back to gov- Feinstein, O. (2019). Dynamic evaluation for transforma-
ernments, partners, and citizens on the results of tional change. In R. D. van den Berg, C. Magro, &
the various policy interventions. This means that S. S. Mulder (Eds.), Evaluation for transformational
the plans remain largely aspirational, serving a change: Opportunities and challenges for the sustain-
able development goals (pp. 17–31). IDEAS.
purpose of resource mobilization, but may not Feinstein, O. (2020). Development and radical uncer-
provide evidence of impact given the lack of tainty. Development in Practice, 30(8), 1105–1113.
M&E systems. All of the plans purport to assist
the poor and marginalized, address structural and Guterres, A. (2020). A time to save the sick and rescue
the planet. New York Times, April 28. https://www.
other inequalities, and build a more environmen-­
tal and economically sustainable future—in climate-­antonio-­guterres.html
essence, be transformative—but evidence of Mohammed, A. J. (2019, October 20–24). Opening
transformation cannot be known without system-­ remarks by the United Nations deputy secretary
general. National Evaluation Capacity Conference,
wide approaches to assess the changes and report Hurghada, Egypt.
in them independently. nec2019_proceedings.shtml
In this chapter, I have suggested that much Naidoo, I. (1997). The M&E of the Department of Land
relativism is present in dealing with the concept Affairs, South African Government. In A. de Villiers &
W. Critchley (Eds.), Rural land reform issues in south-
of transformation. All evaluative activity is ern Africa (pp. 11–14). University of the North Press.
important, and one should use caution in privileg- Naidoo, I. (2004). The emergence and importance of
ing one form over another. This becomes more monitoring and evaluation in the public service. Public
26 I. A. Naidoo

Service Commission News, November/December Patton, M. Q. (2018). Principle-focused evaluation: The

8–11. guide. Sage.
letter/2004/psc_news_book_nov_2004.pdf Patton, M. Q. (2019). Expanding furthering fore-
Naidoo, I. (2010). M&E in South Africa. Many purposes, sight through evaluative thinking. World
multiple systems. In M. Segone (Ed.), From policies Futures Review, 11(4), 296–307. https://doi.
to results: Developing capacities for country monitor- org/10.1177/1946756719862116
ing and evaluation systems (pp. 303–320). UNICEF. Patton, M. Q. (2020, March 23). Evaluation implications­content/uploads/ of the Coronavirus global health pandemic emer-
toco_library/pdf/2010_-­_ Segone_-­_ From_Policy_ gency [blog post]. Blue Marble Evaluation. https://
To_Results-­UNICEF.pdf­i mplications-­
Naidoo, I. (2011, September 12–14). South Africa: The coronavirus-­global-­health-­pandemic-­emergency
use question – Examples and lessons from the Public Picciotto, R. (2020). From disenchantment to
Service Commission [conference session]. National renewal. Evaluation, 26(1), 49–60. https://doi.
Evaluation Capacities Conference, Johannesburg, org/10.1177/1356389019897696
South Africa. Rist, R. C., & Stame, N. (2006). From studies to streams:
documents/directors-­d esk/papers-­p resentations/ Managing evaluative systems. Transaction.
NEC_2011_south_africa_paper.pdf Schwandt, T. (2005). The centrality of practice to evalua-
Naidoo, I. (2012). Management challenges in M&E: tion. American Journal of Evaluation, 26(1), 95–105.
Thoughts from South Africa. Canadian Journal of
Program Evaluation, 25(3), 103–114. https://evalu- Schwandt, T. (2019). Post-normal evalua-­3-­103.pdf tion? Evaluation, 25(3), 317–329. https://doi.
Naidoo, I. (2019). Audit and evaluation: Working collab- org/10.1177/1356389019855501
oratively to support accountability. Evaluation, 26(2), United Nations. (2020). COVID-19, inequali-
177–189. ties and building back better. https://www.
Naidoo, I., & Soares, A. (2020). Lessons learned from
the assessment of UNDPs institutional effectiveness covid-­19-­inequalities-­and-­building-­back-­better/
jointly conducted by the IEO and OAI. In M. Barrados United Nations Development Programme, Independent
& J. Lonsdale (Eds.), Crossover of audit and evalua- Evaluation Office. (2019). Annual report on evalu-
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[4 blog posts].­ Evaluation Office. (2020). Proceedings of the National
evaluations-­and-­covid-­19-­part-­4-­accelerating-­change-­ Evaluation Capacity Conference 2019. http://web.

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Transformational Change
for Achieving Scale: Lessons
for a Greener Recovery

Geeta Batra, Jeneen Garcia,

and Kseniya Temnenko

Abstract Land mismanagement, habitat loss, overexploi-

tation of wildlife, and human-induced climate
Achieving transformational changes that can change have created multiple pathways for
be then effectively scaled up requires ambition pathogens to transmit from wildlife to domestic
in design, a supportive policy environment, animals and humans, affecting our health and
sound project design and implementation, well-being.
partnerships, and multistakeholder participa- A recent report from the Intergovernmental
tion. This chapter presents a framework that Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and
can be applied at the design stage to plan for Ecosystem Services (IPBES) concluded that
change and scaling up and provides relevant future pandemics will emerge more often, spread
lessons based on GEF interventions. Achieving more rapidly, kill more people, and impact the
change and scale can be an iterative and a con- global economy more than COVID-19 unless
tinuous process until impacts are generated at there is a transformative change to address these
the magnitude and scope of the targeted scale. infectious diseases (Daszak et al., 2020). In fact,
Successful transformations typically adopt a the pandemic has made it clear that solutions and
systems approach and address multiple con- future avoidance will require a transformative,
straints to attain environmental and other systems approach to reduce the global environ-
socioeconomic impacts. mental changes caused by unsustainable con-
sumption; these changes drive biodiversity loss;
climate change; pollution of oceans, land, and
Introduction air; and pandemic emergence (Global
Environment Facility [GEF], 2020). But the news
COVID-19 has transformed our lives in unfath- is not all negative. As pointed out by Professor
omable ways—it has altered our behaviors, cit- Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum,
ies, and the environment. It has also affirmed “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow win-
the inextricable link between the broader eco- dow of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and
system in which we live and human health. reset our world” (2020, para. 15). It provides a
chance to develop an ambitious approach to safe-
G. Batra (*) · J. Garcia · K. Temnenko guarding environmental support systems through
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation legal and regulatory instruments, policy mea-
Office, Washington, DC, USA sures, capacity building, technological innova-
e-mail:;; tions, and scaling-up and replication of

© The Author(s) 2022 27

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
28 G. Batra et al.

demonstrated instruments. Monitoring, evalua- draws on two recent evaluations investigating

tion, knowledge, and learning activities can play transformational change and scaling-up, con-
a critical role in assessing progress against initia- ducted by the GEF Independent Evaluation
tives implemented, informing adaptive manage- Office (IEO), which developed systematic
ment, and demonstrating results on environmental approaches to understand the pathways to trans-
outcomes and on socioeconomic benefits gener- formational change and provide relevant lessons
ated. Evaluation, while generating lessons for based on GEF interventions.
scaling up tested approaches based on prior evi-
dence, is also responding to this call for a
systems-­based approach to understanding trans-  Framework for Transformational
formation (GEF IEO, 2018; Patton, 2020; Change and Achieving Scale
Picciotto, 2009, 2020; Uitto, 2019; van den Berg
et al., 2019; World Bank Group, Independent The GEF IEO evaluation to explore GEF support
Evaluation Group [IEG], 2016). for transformational change defined such change
Addressing the linkages among biodiversity as: deep, systemic, and sustainable change with
loss, climate change, and emerging diseases is large-scale impact in an area of global environ-
imperative to preventing future pandemics. mental concern (GEF IEO, 2018).1 The underly-
Globally, there are few funds like the Global ing theory of change is that by strategically
Environment Facility, which is positioned to cat- selecting projects that address global environ-
alyze the transformational change in biodiversity mental concerns and are designed to support fun-
and other environmental areas to reverse the wor- damental changes in key systems or markets, the
risome trends in the global environment. GEF engages in interventions that are more likely
Established in 1992, the GEF is the principal to lead to a sustainable, large-scale impact,
financial mechanism for the Convention on assuming good project design and ­implementation
Biological Diversity and an important financial and supportive contextual conditions. The theory
mechanism for the United Nations Framework of change is shown in Fig. 1.
Convention on Climate Change, the Stockholm For this evaluation, the IEO selected and
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, the screened completed GEF projects along the fol-
United Nations Convention to Combat lowing criteria:
Desertification, and the Minamata Convention on 1. Relevance: The intervention addresses a
Mercury. Working through its 18 agencies, the global environmental challenge, such as cli-
GEF has provided close to $20 billion in grants mate change, biodiversity loss, or land
and mobilized an additional $107 billion in cofi- degradation.
nancing for more than 4,700 projects in 170 2. Depth of change: The intervention causes or
countries. The GEF also funds projects in inter- supports a fundamental change in a system or
national waters and sustainable forest manage- market identified as a root cause of an envi-
ment that support implementation of global and ronmental concern.
regional multilateral environmental agreements. 3. Scale of change: The intervention causes or
Recently, the GEF has promoted multifocal and supports a full-scale impact at the local,
integrated interventions that interact with broader national, or multicountry level.
natural and human systems, with the objective of 4. Sustainability: The impact of the intervention
achieving deep, systemic, and sustainable change is financially, economically, environmentally,
with large-scale impact. socially, and politically sustainable in the long
Over its nearly 3 decades, the GEF has term, after the intervention ends.
designed and implemented interventions that
have proven to be “transformative,” with some
pilot initiatives that were subsequently scaled up 1
Evaluation team members: Andres Liebenthal, Geeta
to achieve results at larger scale. This chapter Batra, Kseniya Temnenko, Katya Verkhovsky.
Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery 29

Fig. 1 Theory of Change for GEF Transformational Interventions

Applying qualitative comparative analysis, the ronmental concern. The cases that aimed at
evaluation identified drivers of change in deep system-wide transformation took a comprehen-
dives into projects, providing useful lessons for sive approach to modify the functioning of com-
the design and implementation of future inter- ponents (economy, public sector, private sector,
ventions (see the Appendix for a table of the proj- community) whose collective interaction affect
ects mentioned in this chapter). the environment.

 ddressing Market and System

Drivers of Change Reforms Through Policies
The policy environment had an important impact
 lear Ambition in Design
C on the depth and scale of reforms promoted by
The interventions that achieved transformational transformational interventions. All cases
change aimed to address fundamental market or addressed market and system changes through
systemic distortions as root causes of global envi- policies. Six of the cases helped to strengthen and
ronmental concern. The interventions that implement policies to trigger and sustain trans-
focused on market transformation targeted the formational change, while the two remaining
supply and demand of goods and services associ- cases leveraged the existing enabling policy
ated with environmental impacts of global envi- frameworks to support transformational change.
30 G. Batra et al.

 uality of Project Design

Q covering larger areas, by leveraging finance,
and Implementation knowledge, and policy. That is, an intervention
All interventions that achieved transformational may be implemented across a wider area either
change were well implemented in terms of qual- through government or other funders investing
ity of project design and supervision by execut- more money for this purpose, through knowledge
ing agencies. Some of the salient features across about the intervention motivating stakeholders to
all projects were: comprehensive diagnostic implement using their own resources, through a
assessments that identified key barriers; coherent policy requiring or encouraging stakeholders to
designs to address all identified barriers; the early implement an intervention, or a combination of
involvement of strong executing agencies that these. In the GEF context, countries typically use
were ready to own the project objectives; and replication in connection with larger financing
willingness on all sides to learn and adjust the and technical assistance provided by the multilat-
design, scope, and management of the interven- eral development banks to reproduce successful
tion as needed to ensure its success. interventions on a larger scale.
Mainstreaming involves the integration of an
Mechanisms for Financial intervention’s implementation within an institu-
Sustainability tion’s regular operations, usually through a policy
The transformational interventions established or legal framework. While mainstreaming typi-
mechanisms for financial sustainability by lever- cally happens within a specific national or local
aging market forces and stakeholders’ economic government agency, it may also occur simultane-
interests or by integrating changes within govern- ously through multiple government sector agen-
ment budgetary systems. cies, or in other institutions such as donors, civil
Transformation does not always require large society organizations, and the private sector.
investments. Although major, multiphase, large Linking involves the implementation of mul-
interventions can support transformational tiple types of interventions that, by design, all
change, relatively modest medium-sized proj- contribute to the same impact at the scale of a
ects, with budgets under $2 million, that target system defined by environmental, economic, or
main barriers and work with key stakeholders at administrative boundaries. The system could be a
the right time also can have a significant impact. landscape, seascape, ecoregion, a value chain,
supply chain, or a national government. Within
value and supply chains, linking takes place
Scaling-Up between interventions that address causes and
effects; for example, through working both in
Scaling-up is one mechanism for achieving trans- countries where deforestation or wildlife poach-
formational change and one indicator that trans- ing occurs, and countries where demand for the
formational change is likely to be achieved. We forest and wildlife resources is high. Linking
define scaling-up as an increase in the magnitude could also involve different interventions under a
of global environmental benefits and/or expan- common theme or transboundary issue, such as
sion of geographical and sectoral areas covered water pollution or fisheries. Linking allows for
by those benefits, such as within a specific mar- addressing multiple environmental areas in an
ket or system. The mechanisms for achieving integrated manner within a specific geographic or
transformational change and scaling-up happen ecological unit.
through replication, mainstreaming, linking, or Large-scale catalytic effects are often associ-
catalytic effects. ated with technological improvements whose
Replication refers to the implementation of benefits can be captured by harnessing an effec-
the same intervention multiple times, thereby tive market demand. The most notable examples
increasing the number of stakeholders and/or of a catalytic effect involve the transformation of
Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery 31

the market or system for renewable energy devel- • Adequacy of the policy environment to create
opment. With other types of interventions—such an enabling environment for depth and scale
as those focused on biodiversity protection and of reforms
land conservation—the GEF IEO found that the • Civil society and local community
projects’ support for cutting-edge science and participation
technologies appeared to have faced greater chal- • Private sector participation; for projects in this
lenges in capturing and monetizing the related evaluation, the impact of private enterprises
benefits and thereby can rely only partially on on the effectiveness of the transformational
market-based approaches. interventions was mainly defined by the extent
of their (supply-side) response to the changes
created by the project
Factors Influencing Transformative • Economic and market conditions
Change and Scaling-Up

The two GEF IEO evaluations identified internal Example 1: Transformative

factors that enable the achievement of transfor- and Effectively Scaled Up: Lighting
mational results, including: Africa – Market-Based Solutions
for Energy Access
• Good quality of project implementation that
covers the quality of project design and super- About 580 million people in Africa have no
vision, including a comprehensive diagnostic access to grid electricity and rely on polluting
assessment to identify the barriers that need to and dangerous sources of lighting such as kero-
be addressed to achieve the objectives of the sene lamps, candles, and battery-powered
project torches. Fuel-based lighting is generally low
• A careful project design that reflects a coher- quality and expensive, which impedes learning
ent logical framework of activities and economic productivity.
• A strong implementation agency that is ready Modern electric lighting products—such as
to own the objectives of the project and is will- solar lamps—offer an opportunity for people
ing to exert the leadership and acquire the living in off-grid areas to replace fuel-based
capacity and resources necessary to ensure lamps with higher quality, safer, cleaner, and
their achievement more affordable lighting devices. Despite the
• A willingness to learn, adjust, and adapt the benefits of solar lamps, the market was not
design, scope, and management of the inter- developing as quickly as expected. The market
vention as needed to ensure its success appraisal that was funded by the GEF and the
International Finance Corporation/World Bank
We found that beneficial pre-intervention analyti- identified six barriers that inhibited market
cal activities and contextual conditions include: growth:
1. Consumers did not trust the available solar
• Capacity building products because many of them were poorly
• Building partnerships with international donor made and did not work properly.
partners, which enables projects to expand 2. Consumers did not know the benefits of solar
their scope and scale lamps, how to use them, or where to buy them.
• Strong government ownership of and support Some consumers were unaware that solar
for the project lamps existed.
• Implementation capacity of local institutions, 3. Manufacturers and designers did not know
especially when the activities are spread over consumer preferences for the design and func-
a range of sites and local jurisdictions tion of solar lamps.
32 G. Batra et al.

4. Supply chain entities did not know each other. Table 1 Lighting Africa Program Impact as of June 2018
Solar lamp manufacturers entering the lower-­ Overall Impact
income consumer market did not have an 32,280,2751 People in Africa who are currently
established distribution network. meeting their basic electricity needs
through off-grid solar products meeting
5. Lack of finance was a big problem. Designers Lighting Global Quality Standards
and manufacturers, distributors and import- 17,920,902 Quality-verified solar lighting
ers, and retailers needed financing to purchase products sold through local
and move products to the end users. Lower-­ distributorships in Africa since 2009
income consumers needed microloans to help 1,792,090 Metric tons of GHGs avoided in
Africa in the past year; the CO2–
with the upfront cost of purchasing a solar equivalent of taking 383,745 cars off
lamp. the road for a year
6. Long customs processes and import tariffs on Access to Finance (as of July 2016)
solar lamps were a common concern for man- $20M Foreign exchange credit facility
ufacturers who considered importing solar established by the Development
Bank of Ethiopia with World Bank
lamps to African markets. funds to support import of qualifying
The Lighting Africa program was created to products, including quality-verified
transform the off-grid market by removing these solar lanterns
barriers. Its goal was to help catalyze markets for 1,000,000 Ethiopians gained access to modern
energy services through this credit
quality, affordable, clean, and safe off-grid light-
ing. The overall approach was to demonstrate the 800,000 Quality-verified products imported
market viability by providing market intelli- into Ethiopia through this credit
gence; developing a quality assurance infrastruc- facility
ture; facilitating business-to-business 11 MFIs (4 in Kenya, 5 in Ethiopia, 2 in
Nigeria), and KIVA – the crowd-­
interactions; helping governments address policy
funding platform, providing consumers
barriers; providing business development ser- micro-loans for quality-verified,
vices; and facilitating access to finance for manu- off-grid lighting and energy products
facturers, local distributors, and consumers. The Market Intelligence (as of January 2018)
program received about $22 million in contribu- 30 Market Insight reports published,
tions from 2007 to 2013. The GEF was the largest facilitating entry into new markets or
mobilization of investors
donor, providing more than one third of the funds 4 Market Trends reports published,
(World Bank IEG, 2015). analyzing the off-grid products market
In 2014, the final evaluation of the Lighting across Africa, including the 2018
Africa program concluded that the program had Global Off-Grid Solar Market Trends
played a crucial role in transforming the market
Quality Standards (as of July 2016)
(Castalia Strategic Advisors, 2014). The key GLOBAL Lighting Global Quality Standards
accomplishments as of 2018 are shown in Table 1. adopted as international standard for
Key factors in Lighting Africa’s transforma- solar lighting products by the
tional success included: International Electrotechnical
Commission as IEC Tech Spec
• The program operated in areas where there 255 Solar lighting and energy products
was proven, strong demand for improved off-­ tested against the Lighting Global
grid lighting solutions. Quality Standards to date
• It was carefully designed to simultaneously 101 Solar lighting and energy products
(10W–100W) currently meet the
address all major market barriers. Because Lighting Global Quality Standards
barriers differ from market to market, the pro- Partnering with Governments (as of July 2016)
gram started with a basic program design, but (continued)
Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery 33

Table 1 (continued) Commission provides multiple ecosystem ser-

Overall Impact vices, such as biodiversity conservation, recharg-
8 Countries integrated Lighting Africa ing of ground water, water purification, pollution
activities into their World Bank-­ reduction, flood protection, and support for
financed energy access projects:
Burkina Faso, Mali, Liberia, DRC, socioeconomic activities such as fisheries and
Uganda, Ethiopia, Tanzania, and tourism.
Rwanda. The Danube PES project was launched in
Policy (as of July 2016) 2009 with the objective of demonstrating and
3 National governments (Ethiopia, promoting Payment for Ecosystem Services
Kenya, and Tanzania) and ECOWAS
have or are in the process of adopting (PES) and related financing programs in the
national standards for off-grid solar Danube River basin and other international water
products that are harmonized with basins (Varty, 2012). The project was a GEF
Lighting Global Quality Standards medium-size project with total GEF funding of
1 Institution, the UN Framework
about $1 million, cofinancing of $1.2 million
Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) requires solar lighting from the World Wildlife Fund, and in-kind con-
products to meet IEC Technical tributions from partners including government
Specification 62257-9-5 to qualify for agencies, NGOs, local authorities, and private
carbon financing (CDM).
companies.2 The project design was focused at
Source: Lighting Africa (2018) the national levels in Bulgaria and Romania, with
Note: Lighting Africa has contributed toward these results
through its market development activities implemented in some outreach activities in Ukraine, Serbia, and
collaboration with various intermediaries across the sup- the wider Danube river basin. It also included
ply chain, development partners, financial institutions, local-level activities where pilot PES programs
and, most important, manufacturers of solar lighting were to be tested and demonstrated.
products and their distribution partners in Africa.
Upon completion of the project in 2014, the
terminal evaluation concluded that the project
it tailored the components to address the spe- had been successful in eliciting the adoption of
cific barriers identified in the target countries. several national-level PES concepts into national
• The program focused on market transforma- fisheries policies in Romania and Bulgaria, and
tion. Lighting Africa did not fund solar their testing and implementation in four pilot
lamps—it funded activities that created effec- programs (Stefanova, 2014). Specifically:
tive markets in which consumers spent their
own money to buy solar lamps. • The project designed and introduced a pilot
program for the sustainable management and
harvesting of biomass (mainly reeds) in
 xample 2: Review, Ownership,
E Bulgaria’s Persina Nature Park, including full
and Partnering: Payments cost recovery from the sale of pellets and
for Ecosystem Services in the Danube briquettes.
Basin • Working with the Friends of the Rusenski
Lom Nature Park in Bulgaria, the project
According to the International Commission for developed and helped implement a program to
the Protection of the Danube River, about 80% of generate funds for the protection and mainte-
the historical floodplains in the Danube basin has nance of the aesthetic value and biodiversity
been lost over the last 150 years. Among the of the reserve from the sale of postcards and
remaining 20%, the areas along the lower Danube other promotional materials.
between Bulgaria and Romania and in the
Danube delta still possess a rich and unique bio-
logical diversity that has been lost in most other 2
The project was also supported by a GEF project prepa-
European river systems. The International ration grant of $25,000.
34 G. Batra et al.

• The project established a conservation and well for the continued adoption, replication,
development fund for Romania’s Maramures and scaling-up of the piloted approaches.
protected area by attracting sponsorships and • The mix of project partners was effective and
donations for local guesthouses and tour oper- efficient, with each partner making important
ators interested in repositioning the area as an contributions toward different aspects.
ecotourism destination. Although the project introduced a very new
• The project mobilized public funds for the PES concept, the good collaboration between
implementation of policies for the mainte- project partners, driven by their interest in the
nance of water quality and biodiversity values project, was instrumental in the successful
in the Ciocanesti area along the lower Danube delivery of outcomes.
in Romania. The resulting management prac-
tices had led to improved water quality and an Not every transformative project is scaled up.
observed increase in the number of nesting Three key actions are necessary for taking impact
birds. to scale: (a) adoption of the intervention by rele-
vant stakeholders, (b) sustained support for scal-
Based on the financial, institutional, and ing activities, and (c) learning for adaptability
sociopolitical support elicited by the project, the and cost-effectiveness. Figure 2 includes the fac-
evaluation report rated the sustainability of these tors and enabling conditions that influence these
achievements as moderately likely. Good pros- three actions.
pects existed for future financial commitments to
sustain the project, but many of these potential
resources were still unsecured, especially for the Adoption of the Intervention
long term. The transformation was modest in
scale, focusing on specific target areas within a Relevant stakeholders must first be willing to
limited geographic range. As a result of this proj- implement the intervention that generates impact.
ect, four PES programs in selected wetland areas Factors that contributed to stakeholders’ will-
were established along the lower Danube basin. ingness to adopt an intervention clustered into
The main factors that contributed to the proj- two types: those that developed a sense of owner-
ect’s success were: ship for the intervention, and those that made the
benefits of adopting the intervention clear and
• A timely and effective midterm review found salient.
that the project had been too ambitious in rela- Stakeholder ownership has been identified in
tion to its budget and time frame. On this several IEO evaluations as a key contributing fac-
basis, the project followed a recommended tor to progress toward impact. Having ownership
streamlining of project objectives, a refocus- implies that stakeholders find a program’s objec-
ing on priority areas, and reduction of less tives meaningful and useful to themselves per-
important activities. sonally. Buy-in to the intervention is attributed at
• The decision to implement the project without least in part to participatory activities or mecha-
direct government involvement allowed the nisms (Garcia, 2019), such as public consulta-
project to proceed at a time when the relevant tions during project preparation, village
agencies were overwhelmed with other committees, and community-based natural
requirements. These agencies had been resource management agreements.
involved in the design and development of the Stakeholders are motivated to adopt the inter-
project, and actively participated in capacity vention because they perceive the benefits of
building and oversight activities, establishing doing so. Benefits are defined as gains or avoided
adequate institutional ownership that boded losses. Gains are usually noted in the form of
Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery 35

Fig. 2 Framework for Assessing the Likelihood of Scaling-Up. (Adapted from GEF IEO (2019))

higher income, cost savings, or new business

opportunities; losses avoided are usually in the  ustained Support for Scaling-Up
form of penalties, legal liabilities, or decreasing Processes
income due to a degraded natural resource base.
In some cases, adopting an intervention had For the relevant stakeholders to implement the
the synergistic effect of both creating gains and intervention that generates impact, supporting
avoiding losses. For example, in Macedonia, a institutions must sustain the enabling conditions
cheaper alternative for PCB decontamination for implementation.
together with the risk of penalties for non-­ All successful cases of scaling-up received
compliance created mutual reinforcement for pri- some form of support for longer than a typical
vate companies to decontaminate their equipment. 5-year project, mainly from their respective gov-
Similarly, when farmers in China and Brazil ernments. This evaluation and other research
switched to sustainable land management have found that, in general, sustained support of
(Garcia, 2018), it resulted in both biodiversity between 10 and 20 years is necessary for scaling-
protection and higher incomes, among other ben- ­up to take place.
efits (see project list in Appendix). Three factors emerged as important for ensur-
Pilot activities are sometimes not successfully ing long-term support for scaling-up processes:
scaled up because the gains are not sufficient to (a) scaling-up becoming a political priority, (b)
overcome the costs of changing the status quo. gaining the support of political and economic
For example, a GEF project introduced the plant- influencers, and (c) working through existing
ing of buffer strips and pasture rehabilitation as long-term structures that depend on the appropri-
part of managing nutrient pollution in the Danube ate choice of partner institutions.
River. The pilot was successful, yet did not scale Figure 2 highlights the necessary conditions
in a subsequent project, in part due to state subsi- for enabling scaling-up. First, knowledge and
dies that left little incentive to include forestry information dissemination, participatory pro-
activities in land management. Other components cesses, and incentives and disincentives are
of the project that demonstrated benefits, such as needed to motivate adoption of interventions.
reduced manure in waterways, were successfully Second, strong institutional and individual
scaled up and continue to expand without GEF capacities, policy framework and operating
support. guidelines, and sustainable financing provide
36 G. Batra et al.

the resources for sustained implementation. cost savings were reallocated toward additional
Finally, multistakeholder interactions and part- technical training and public awareness-raising
nerships and systematic learning mechanisms activities. Systematic learning mechanisms
allow the scaling-­up process to be adaptable and were usually in the form of knowledge
cost effective in the face of changing contextual exchange networks and regular multistake-
conditions. holder meetings.
A program can support the establishment and A few cases integrated adaptability into
strengthening of these enabling conditions, which project design by allowing flexibility about
can increase not just the implementation of an which interventions to adopt and scale up
intervention by relevant stakeholders, but also based on actual contextual conditions. For
support for scaling-up activities from institutions, example, throughout the implementation of
in a positively reinforcing cycle. In Brazil, the the Rural Electrification and Renewable
GEF invested very early on in establishing Energy Development project in Bangladesh,
FUNBIO (,3 an orga- the project continuously incorporated lessons
nization that is now implementing scaling-up from its own pilot approaches, and—as the
activities in the Amazon protected areas under a national demand for the solar home systems
government mandate. grew—the project shifted its focus to this
component. The project also utilized monitor-
ing and evaluation data from the field to incor-
Learning for Adaptability porate new features such as LEDs to better
and Cost-Effectiveness serve lower income households, which in turn
made the solar home systems more attractive
For scaling-up processes to be sustained, sup- to a larger population.
porting institutions have to learn from systematic
feedback that will allow them to adapt the scal-
ing-­up process to changing contexts and make it Conclusions
more cost effective.
Project evaluations at midterm and closure Achieving transformational changes that can be
have contributed to the scaling-up process. In then effectively scaled up requires ambition in
many of the GEF projects we explored, learn- design, a supportive policy environment, sound
ing from these evaluations typically led to real- project design and implementation, partnerships,
location of project funds. For example, in the and multistakeholder participation. This chapter
case of Romania, the reallocation led to a shift presents a framework that can be applied at the
from an expensive, concrete-based agricultural design stage to plan for change and scaling-up
waste management platform to a cheaper and and provides relevant lessons based on GEF
equally efficient plastic alternative, allowing interventions. Achieving change and scale can be
more farmers to benefit from the funds. In an iterative and a continuous process until
China’s termite control initiative, the learning impacts are generated at the magnitude and scope
resulted in a decision to use a more cost-effec- of the targeted scale. Successful transformations
tive form of integrated pest management. The typically adopt a systems approach and address
multiple constraints to attain environmental and
This took place in 1991 through the Brazilian Biodiversity other socioeconomic impacts.
Fund project.
Transformational Change for Achieving Scale: Lessons for a Greener Recovery 37


Projects Discussed in This Chapter

Relevant Case
Name GEF ID Implementing Agency Country Study
Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy 1209 The World Bank Bangladesh Bangladesh
Development RERED
Rio de Janeiro Integrated Ecosystem 1544 The World Bank Brazil Brazil Rio
Management in Production Landscapes of the Rural case
North-Northwestern Fluminense
PRC-GEF Partnership: Land Degradation in 956 Asian Development China China IEM case
Dryland Ecosystems: Project I-Capacity Bank
Building to Combat Land Degradation
PRC-GEF Partnership: An IEM Approach to 2369 International Fund China China IEM case
the Conservation of Biodiversity in Dryland for Agricultural
Ecosystems - under the PRC-GEF Partnership Development
on Land Degradation in Dryland Ecosystem
PRC-GEF Partnership: Forestry and 3483 Asian Development China China IEM case
Ecological Restoration in Three Northwest Bank
Provinces (formerly Silk Road Ecosystem
Restoration Project)
PRC-GEF Partnership: Capacity and 3484 Asian Development China China IEM case
Management Support for Combating Land Bank
Degradation in Dryland Ecosystems
PRC-GEF Partnership: Sustainable 3608 The World Bank China China IEM case
Development in Poor Rural Areas
PRC-GEF Partnership: Mainstreaming 3611 The World Bank China China IEM case
Biodiversity Protection within the Production
Landscapes and Protected Areas of the Lake
Aibi Basin
Demonstration of Alternatives to Chlordane 2359 The World Bank China China termite
and Mirex in Termite Control control initiative
Promoting Payments for Environmental 2806 UNEP Regional: Danube PES
Services (PES) and Related Sustainable Bulgaria, Project
Financing Schemes in the Danube Basin Romania
Lighting Africa/Lighting “The Bottom of the 2950 The World Bank Regional: Lighting Africa
Pyramid” Ghana, Kenya
Enabling Activities to Facilitate Early Action 1518 United Nations North Macedonia PCB
on the Implementation of the Stockholm Industrial Macedonia case
Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants Development
(POPs) in the Republic of Macedonia Organization
Demonstration project for Phasing-out and 2875 United Nations North Macedonia PCB
Elimination of PCBs and PCB-Containing Industrial Macedonia case
Equipment Development
DBSB: Agricultural Pollution Control 1159 The World Bank Romania Romania
Project - under WB-GEF Strategic Partnership international
for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River waters case
and Black Sea
DBSB: Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control 2970 The World Bank Romania Romania
Project-under the WB-GEF Investment Fund international
for Nutrient Reduction in the Danube River waters case
and Black Sea
Brazilian Biodiversity Fund 126 The World Bank Brazil n/a
38 G. Batra et al.

References American Journal of Evaluation. https://doi.

Picciotto, R. (2009). Development effectiveness: An eval-
Castalia Strategic Advisors. (2014). Evaluation of lighting
uation perspective. In G. Mavrotas & M. McGillivray
Africa program – Final report. Report to International
(Eds.), Development aid: Studies in development eco-
Finance Corporation.
nomics and policy (pp. 180–210). Palgrave Macmillan.
Daszak, P., das Neves, C., Amuasi, J., Hayman, D.,
Kuiken, T., Roche, B., Zambrana-Torrelio, C., Buss,
Picciotto, R. (2020). From disenchantment to
P., Dundarova, H., Feferholtz, Y., Foldvari, G.,
renewal. Evaluation, 26(1), 49–60. https://doi.
Igbinosa, E., Junglen, S., Liu, Q., Suzan, G., Uhart,
M., Wannous, C., Woolaston, K., Mosig Reidl, P., …
Schwab, K. (2020, June 3). Now is the time for
Ngo, H. T. (2020). Workshop report on biodiversity
a ‘great reset’. World Economic Forum.
and pandemics of the Intergovernmental Platform
h t t p s : / / w w w. w e f o r u m . o rg / a g e n d a / 2 0 2 0 / 0 6 /
on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. IPBES
Stefanova, V. (2014). Terminal evaluation of the proj-
Garcia, J. (2018). You win some, you lose some –
ect Promoting payments for ecosystem services
Synergies and trade-offs of GEF support (Part 1).
(PES) and related sustainable financing scheme in­win-­some-­you-­lose-­
the Danube Basin. United Nations Environment
some-­% E2%80%93-­s ynergies-­a nd-­t rade-­o ffs-­g ef-­
Programme, Evaluation Office. http://hdl.handle.
Garcia, J. (2019). Want to scale up? Change-proof your
Uitto, J. I. (2019). Sustainable development evaluation:
program! Lessons from the GEF (Part 1). https://
Understanding the nexus of natural and human sys-­s cale-­c hange-­p roof-­y our-­
tems. New Directions for Evaluation, 2019(162),
Global Environment Facility. (2020). White paper on a
van den Berg, R. D., Magro, C., & Salinas Mulder,
GEF COVID-19 response strategy: The complexi-
S. (Eds.). (2019). Evaluation for transforma-
ties and imperatives of building back better. https://
tional change: Opportunities and challenges for­meeting-­
the Sustainable Development Goals. International
Development Evaluation Association. https://ideas-­
Paper%20on%20a%20GEF%20COVID-­1 9%20­evaluation/
Varty, N. (2012). Promoting payments for ecosystem ser-
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
vices (PES) and related sustainable financing schemes
Office. (2018). Evaluation of GEF support
in the Danube Basin. Mid-Term Review. Final Report.
for transformational change. https://www.
United Nations Environment Programme, Evaluation­g ef-­s upport-­
World Bank Group, Independent Evaluation Group.
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
(2015). World Bank Group support to electric-
Office. (2019). Evaluation of GEF support to scaling
ity access, FY2000-2014. World Bank. https://ieg.
up impact 2019.
Lighting Africa. (2018). Program impact as of June 2018.
World Bank Group, Independent Evaluation Group.­impact/
(2016). Supporting transformational change for pov-
Patton, M. Q. (2020). Evaluation criteria for evalu-
erty reduction and shared prosperity: Lessons from
ating transformation: Implications for the coro-
the world bank experience. World Bank. https://open-
navirus pandemic and the climate emergency.

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(, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Part II
Drivers of Sustainability


Neeraj Kumar Negi (*) e-mail:

Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office, Washington, DC, USA

International development aid is generally provided through projects that are

implemented with defined resources during a defined period. After project
implementation is complete, the donor support for the project ends. Whether
project benefits will continue, and whether the project will achieve its long-­
term objectives after implementation ends are important questions that inter-
est donors and recipients of the support. Sustainability is an essential criterion
to assess the extent to which these interventions deliver their long-term ben-
efits. The chapters in this part discuss important aspects related to project
sustainability such as observed sustainability after project completion and its
drivers, concerns related to sustainability measurement, and importance of
including a community-based perspective in project design and evaluation to
adequately address sustainability.
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
defines sustainability as “the extent to which the net benefits of the interven-
tion continue, or are likely to continue” (OECD/DAC Network on
Development Evaluation, 2019, p. 12). When explaining its definition of sus-
tainability, OECD notes that “depending on the timing of the evaluation, this
may involve analysing the actual flow of net benefits or estimating the likeli-
hood of net benefits continuing over the medium and long-term” (p. 12).
International development organizations generally conduct project evalua-
tions at or around implementation completion. Consequently, assessment of
sustainability is mostly an estimation of likelihood of continuation of net ben-
efits. Some of the chapters included in this part try to break this mold by
bringing in evidence gathered after projects had been complete for 2 or more
Negi and Sohn, in “Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence
from the GEF,” present findings of a desk review that covered postcompletion
evaluations conducted by the Global Environment Facility Independent
40 II Drivers of Sustainability

Evaluation Office (GEF IEO) or independent evaluation offices of the

­agencies that implement GEF-funded projects. The review assessed sustain-
ability of 62 completed projects for which results were field verified at least
2 years after implementation completion. They found that the benefit stream
of most projects sustained during the postcompletion period. Although the
sustainability outlook of some projects did decline during the postcompletion
period, this was balanced by the instances where the outlook improved. Negi
and Sohn found that multiple factors affect sustainability, including quality of
project design, stakeholder buy-in, political support, financing for follow-up
activities, institutional capacities, and continued support by executing
In “Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small
Island Developing States,” Batra and Norheim discuss the sustainability of 45
GEF-funded projects that were implemented in small island developing states
(SIDS). Of these, results of 24 projects were field verified by the evaluators
during the postcompletion period. Batra and Norheim found that project sus-
tainability in SIDS is affected by policy and regulatory regime, country own-
ership, awareness, institutional capacity, and institutional partnerships. At the
project level, they found that project design, adaptive management, arrange-
ments for scaling-up and replication, and a sound exit strategy may enhance
sustainability. Despite differences on specific issues, their findings are consis-
tent with those of Negi and Sohn in the previous chapter.
Carugi and Viggh, in “From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The
Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster Evaluations,” present a
methodological approach that they have found useful in assessing project
results and sustainability. They report on their experience in assessing results
and sustainability of GEF-funded projects implemented in least developed
countries and two African biomes—the Sahel and the Sudan-Guinea Savanna.
They argue that by proper sequencing of evaluation activities, much more
may be learned about the results and sustainability of projects, and present
lessons from their experience. In their work, they structured the evaluation to
generate an aggregate analysis and broad trends at the front end of the evalu-
ation, followed by field verifications for select project sites to facilitate tar-
geted and in-depth enquiry. This approach, they found, is more useful for
understanding the complexity of the evaluated interventions and the factors
that are important at national and local levels.
Cekan and Legro, in “Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the
Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results,” establish the impor-
tance of postcompletion evaluation to ensure data on actual sustainability of
the projects and learning from the experience. They make two broad points.
First, postcompletion evaluations are rarely conducted. Second, using GEF as
an illustrative example, they argue that even when postcompletion evalua-
tions are conducted, their methodologies may not be consistent and the evalu-
ation reports may not be publicly available. There is little to disagree with in
the broader points raised by Cekan and Legro. However, although most inter-
national development organizations do not have a postcompletion evaluation
product line, most do cover postcompletion sustainability through impact and
thematic evaluations that involve substantial postcompletion field verification
II Drivers of Sustainability 41

and provide information on observed long-term sustainability of implemented

In “Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions,” Fitzpatrick
argues that to have a sustainable impact on intended beneficiaries, develop-
ment interventions should deepen human capabilities to manage economic
and social change and should be environmentally sound. Like other chapters
in this part, this chapter makes a case that postcompletion evaluations are
important for knowing whether project outcomes and impacts have been sus-
tainable. Fitzpatrick emphasizes the importance of determining whether gov-
ernance structures have fulfilled their functions and outcomes have been
sustained. She presents a case study of an asset transfer program in Malawi to
illustrate the criteria used for evaluating sustainability and to show that focus
on community capacity can facilitate endogenous changes in the beneficiary
communities, which in turn can enhance likelihood of sustainability of a
given development intervention.

OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation. (2019). Better criteria for better eval-
uation: Revised evaluation criteria definitions and principles for use. Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Sustainability After Project
Completion: Evidence
from the GEF

Neeraj Kumar Negi and Molly Watts Sohn

Abstract taining, mainstreaming, replication, scaling-

up, and market change—was higher at
This chapter examines the extent to which postcompletion evaluation, as the passage of
completed GEF projects are sustainable and time allows long-term project outcomes to
the factors affecting sustainability. We consid- manifest. At the project level, we observed
ered only those projects that were covered these catalytic processes in a wider set of
through postcompletion evaluation at least activities at postcompletion evaluation than at
2 years after implementation completion, and implementation completion. Factors such as
where the evaluation reports provided ade- financial support for follow-up, political sup-
quate information related to observed sustain- port, follow-up by and capacities of the exe-
ability during the postcompletion period. We cuting agency, stakeholder buy-in, and project
assessed 62 projects to meet the selection cri- design seem to play a crucial role in determin-
teria, then completed a desk review of the ing project sustainability.
postcompletion evaluation reports and other
relevant documents for these projects to assess
the extent to which the project outcome was Introduction
We found that the projects covered through International development cooperation is aimed
postcompletion evaluations were generally at helping the recipient countries address their
sustainable, with the sustainability outlook development challenges. A significant share of
deteriorating for some projects while improv- this aid is provided to the recipients through a
ing for others. The incidence of the catalytic project-based modality. For projects to achieve
processes that enhance sustainability—sus- their long-term objectives, it is important that
the infrastructure created and approaches pro-
moted by these projects are sustained. However,
Nina Hamilton, Ritu Kanotra, Selin Erdogan, and the extent to which this takes place typically is
Spandana Battula provided research assistance support not ascertained because reporting on project
for this chapter.
performance usually culminates at the comple-
tion of an implementation. This chapter aims to
N. K. Negi (*) · M. W. Sohn address this gap by bringing forth evidence on
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation postcompletion performance of GEF-supported
Office, Washington, DC, USA projects.

© The Author(s) 2022 43

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
44 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

International development agencies generally the project among the key stakeholders, support
assess sustainability of their projects at comple- from the political leadership, and institutional
tion of implementation. However, at that point, capacities of the executing partner.
most of the project benefits are yet to accrue, so
assessments of project sustainability generally
estimate likelihood of future net benefit flows. Understanding Sustainability
Assessment of actual sustainability after imple-
mentation completion—say, 2 years or more after The Brundtland Commission in 1987 defined
completion—is relatively rare. This is primarily sustainable development as “development that
because taking stock of the actual accrual of ben- meets the needs of the present without compro-
efits during the postcompletion period is costly, mising the ability of future generations to meet
relevant information may be difficult to access, their own needs” (World Commission on
and responsibility for conducting these evalua- Environment and Development, 1987, p. 41). The
tions may not be clear. As a result, little is known term sustainability, however, is used with various
in terms of observed sustainability of develop- perspectives (White, 2013). For some, most
ment projects. important is an economic perspective focused on
The evidence presented in this chapter is intergenerational tradeoffs, and a comparison of
based on the post completion performance of value and costs to the society (Solow, 1993;
projects supported by the Global Environment Stavins et al., 2003). For others, conservation of
Facility (GEF). As of January 2021, the GEF has ecosystems and prevention of environmental
provided more than $21 billion through 5000 degradation is an overriding consideration
projects in 170 countries. These projects address (Costanza & Patten, 1995). Still others call for
global environment challenges related to biodi- consideration of holistic approaches to under-
versity conservation, climate change, interna- standing sustainability (Mebratu, 1998).
tional waters, land degradation, sustainable forest The principles of sustainable development and
management, and chemicals and waste. its application have been addressed by several
Of the GEF-supported projects, more than scholars (Daly, 1990; Hardi, 1997; Lélé, 1991).
1700 have been completed, accounting for $7.5 Most consider social, economic, environmental,
billion in GEF grant funding. We presented a par- and institutional dimensions for sustainability
tial review of postcompletion sustainability of 53 assessment (Aarseth et al., 2017; Mebratu, 1998;
of these projects in the GEF Independent Olsen & Fenhann, 2008; Saysel et al., 2002;
Evaluation Office’s (IEO) Annual Performance Singh et al., 2009). Scholars’ assumptions were
Report 2017 (GEF IEO, 2019). Since then, we related to the what and how of sustainability
have further deepened this analysis by including assessment and can have ethical and practical
nine more completed projects and by reducing implications in terms of the characteristics that
data gaps. Our analysis in this chapter covers 62 gain prominence versus those left out of the dis-
completed projects that were financed by the GEF cussion (Gasparatos, 2010). The focus of much
and field verified 2 or more years after comple- of the work on sustainability assessment has cen-
tion by the GEF IEO or the World Bank’s tered on determining the extent to which devel-
Independent Evaluation Group (IEG). opment activities avoid harm to the environment
We found that most of the projects predicted and to social, economic, and other systems
to be sustainable at project completion were affected. Such focus leaves out assessment of the
indeed sustainable during the postcompletion durability of development interventions, espe-
period. The factors affecting actual accrual of cially those aimed at delivering sustainable
benefits during the postcompletion period development.
included quality of project design, availability of Within the context of delivering development
financing for follow-up activities, acceptance of aid through projects, sustainability may be under-
Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF 45

stood as “the extent to which the net benefits of or economic), sociopolitical, institutional, and
the intervention continue, or are likely to con- environmental risks into account when assessing
tinue” (Organisation for Economic Co-operation likelihood of sustainability.
and Development Development Assistance
Committee [OECD DAC] Network on
Development Evaluation, 2019, p. 12). This per- Analytical Framework
spective has been used in several studies that
assess sustainability of development projects. In this chapter, we examine the extent to which
However, Patton (2020) recently criticized the completed projects are sustainable and the fac-
criterion, arguing that the OECD DAC’s narrow tors that affect sustainability. To assess project
definition is inadequate to assess systemic trans- sustainability, we take stock of the accrued and
formations and does not adequately address the likely benefits of projects that were completed
broader issue of sustainability. more than 2 years prior to point of assessment.
Hoque et al. (1996), who assessed sustain- The projects covered focus on addressing envi-
ability of a water, sanitation, and hygiene educa- ronmental concerns, with benefit streams usually
tion project in Bangladesh, found that acceptance in the form of environmental stress reduction and
of the promoted practices by the beneficiaries improvement in environmental status, adoption
was an important factor in ensuring sustainabil- of promoted technologies and approaches,
ity 6 years after implementation completion. changes in legal and policy environment, and
Pollnac and Pomeroy (2005), who studied inte- improvements in institutional and individual
grated coastal management, found that a com- capacities. The extent to which such expected
munity’s perception of likely benefits from an benefits—that are demonstrably linked to project
intervention affected their continued involve- activities—accrue is a measure of the project’s
ment in project activities and, therefore, project sustainability. Evaluators estimate the accrual of
sustainability. Martinot et al. (2001) found that, benefits and likelihood of future accrual for the
for projects focused on solar home systems, the time frame within which these benefits may be
extent to which the promoted model ensured expected.
profitability affected its sustainability. However, If the past benefit accrual and likely future
these analyses are limited to a small number of accrual of a project (after accounting for risks) is
projects and generalizing the findings beyond close to the ex-ante projections, then the project
their local implementation context is usually is assessed as sustainable. Although the approach
difficult. that international development organizations use
International development organizations such to assess sustainability is analogous, our approach
as the Asian Development Bank (ADB), European differs in that we make this assessment based on
Bank for Reconstruction and Development review of information on observed continuation
(EBRD), United Nations Development of benefits gathered more than 2 years after proj-
Programme (UNDP), United Nations ect completion, rather than estimated likelihood
Environment Programme (UNEP), International of continuation of benefits at project completion.
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), and This means that assessment of project sustain-
the GEF assess likelihood of sustainability of ability is informed more by data on actual accrual
their completed projects. This likelihood is than by data on likelihood of future accrual.
assessed at the point of project completion and The extent to which a project is sustainable
considers the results achieved and risks to accrual may be affected by variables related to its design,
of future benefits. Generally, 60%–70% of these implementation, and contextual factors. For
agencies’ completed projects are rated in the example, in instances where recipient commu-
likely range for sustainability (GEF IEO, 2019). nity support is important, the extent of attention
The organizations generally take financial (and/ to community consultations and outreach may
46 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

play an important role in determining sustainabil- The 62 projects address environmental con-
ity. Similarly, for a project addressing market cerns such as biodiversity conservation (23 proj-
barriers, the structure of incentives may deter- ects), climate change (22 projects), chemicals
mine how well a technology is adopted by pro- (six projects), ozone depleting substances (four
ducers and/or consumers. During implementation, projects), international waters (four projects),
attention to supervision, exit strategy, and capac- and land degradation (one project); two projects
ity building of key institutions may affect sustain- addressed multiple focal areas. Fifty-three of the
ability. Timely availability of cofinancing may projects were implemented within a single coun-
also enhance project sustainability. An account of try and nine were global or regional projects
such factors is provided in the project completion spanning multiple countries. In all, the projects
reports. with a national geographic scope covered 34
At project completion, the project’s finances countries. GEF financing for these projects
have been utilized and the project team dissolves. ranged from $0.5 million to $35 million, with an
During the postcompletion period, project sus- average of $8.1 million.
tainability may be affected by factors such as The 62 projects were under implementation
host institutions mainstreaming project follow-up from 2 to 12 years, with an average duration of
activities; support from the national government; 6 years. On average, the last field verification was
presence of an enabling legal, policy, and regula- conducted 6 years after project completion; final
tory environment; presence of a motivated lead- field verifications ranged from 2 to 14 years post-
ership; market conditions; and general economic completion. The World Bank was the lead imple-
and political climate in the country. The account menting agency for 42 projects, UNDP for 18,
of how such factors affected a project’s sustain- and UNEP for one. Fifty-five of these projects
ability may be provided in the project’s postcom- were implemented by a single GEF Agency, with
pletion evaluation report. We review these seven implemented jointly by two GEF Agencies.
sources to gather information on the factors and
mechanisms through which they affect project
sustainability. Methodology

Screening and Review

We conducted this review in 2018–2020, identi-
The focus of our study was the project portfolio fying 147 completed GEF projects that had been
of the GEF, which provides financial support, covered through postcompletion evaluations and/
mostly in the form of grants, for projects that or field verifications (from here on referred to as
address global environmental concerns. Of the postcompletion evaluation) by the GEF IEO or
1700 completed projects, 147 received a post- the GEF Agency evaluation offices. We screened
completion evaluation or a field verification by these projects to ensure that the postcompletion
the GEF IEO or the implementing agency evalu- evaluation took place at least 2 years after the
ation office. After screening the verification implementation was completed. This ensured
reports, we identified reports for 62 completed that enough time had elapsed after project com-
GEF projects as adequate in terms of quality of pletion to assess actual accrual of benefits during
reporting on sustainability. We then reviewed the the postcompletion period. In this 2-year period,
field verification reports for these projects in the project execution structure financed through
greater detail (see the chapter appendix for a the project funds is generally dismantled, longer
complete list of the projects, their implementing term results of the project have greater time to
agencies, and the countries in which the interven- manifest, and risks to accrual of benefits are more
tions took place). likely to have materialized. We screened out 35
Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF 47

of the projects because their most recent post- and midterm reviews. Sustainability was assessed
completion evaluation took place less than on a 4-point scale: sustainable, moderately sus-
2 years after project completion. tainable, moderately unsustainable, and unsus-
We surveyed the postcompletion evaluations tainable. In assessing performance, we
to ensure that they provided adequate informa- considered:
tion on the project’s postcompletion sustainabil-
ity. We considered evaluation reports prepared by • aspects such as financial, economic, social,
the GEF IEO and the publicly available postcom- political, and environmental sustainability
pletion reports by the evaluation offices of the • probability and likely effect of a risk
GEF Agencies. This ensured that the evidence • accrued and likely benefits
provided in these reports was credible; that is, • time frame within which benefits are expected
provided by individuals a step removed from (ECG, 2012)
project implementation.
Where a project was covered through more The assessment was both backward looking—
than more than one postcompletion evaluation or taking account of the accrued net benefits—and
field verification report, we only considered those forward looking—estimating the likelihood of
conducted 2 years or more after completion for accrual of net benefits in future.
assessment of sufficiency of evidence by these We assessed the extent to which environmen-
together. After the screening process, 62 projects tal benefits—the focus of the covered projects—
were retained in the pool: 42 with postcomple- had accrued at the time when the postcompletion
tion evaluation reports prepared by the GEF IEO evaluation was conducted. We also documented
and 20 with reports prepared by the World Bank’s instances where promoted interventions were
Independent Evaluation Group. reported to be adopted outside the framework of
Our desk review of available project docu- a given project through processes such as main-
ments included the postcompletion evaluation streaming, replication, scaling-up, and market
and field verification reports, implementation change. When documenting these broader adop-
completion reports, annual progress reports, mid- tion processes, we identified the elements of the
term reviews, and project proposal documents. GEF projects that were being adopted and the
We compiled the information relevant to project scale at which they were being adopted. For some
sustainability using an instrument that gathered of the interventions, such as protected area man-
numerous information sources: outcome achieve- agement and capacity development of institu-
ments at project completion and at postcomple- tions, sustaining the momentum created by the
tion field verification, projected sustainability at project is also an important characteristic.
project completion and observed sustainability at
postcompletion, mechanisms through which the
projects achieved long-term impacts, barriers Limitations
restraining progress, and factors driving the
changes. We then organized the information A comparison of the performance ratings of the
gathered through the instrument in a dataset to projects at implementation completion (see
facilitate analysis. Table 1) showed that the sustainability ratings of
the projects covered through postcompletion
review were significantly different from the other
Assessment Approach completed projects in the GEF portfolio. This
may be due to a selection bias: Projects with
To assess sustainability, we reviewed the infor- implementation failure due to both endogenous
mation provided in the postcompletion evalua- and exogenous reasons are generally excluded
tion reports and other project documents such as from postcompletion review and postcompletion
the terminal evaluation, annual progress reports, evaluations may implicitly give more attention to
48 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

Table 1 Performance ratings at implementation comple- adoption—sustaining, mainstreaming, replica-

tion: GEF projects rated in satisfactory/likely range as
tion, scaling-up, and market change—was higher
percentage of rated projects
at postcompletion evaluation. These catalytic
Performance Projects with
dimension (binary postcompletion Other projects
processes also covered more project interven-
rating scale) evaluation (62) (1644) tions at postcompletion evaluation than at imple-
Outcome 85% (61) 80% (1625) mentation completion. The review shows that
(Satisfactory – factors such as financial support for follow-up,
Unsatisfactory) political support, follow-up by and capacities of
Sustainability 78%* (59) 62%* (1524)
the executing agency, stakeholder buy-in, and
(Likely – Unlikely)
Implementation 83% (48) 80% (1419) project design may play a crucial role in deter-
(Satisfactory – mining project sustainability.
M&E 63% (43) 65% (1455)
(Satisfactory –
 ustainability During Postcompletion
Source: GEF IEO (2020) dataset
Note. * = statistically significant difference
Most projects that were assessed at implementa-
tion completion as likely to sustain were also
projects that provide greater opportunity to test assessed as being sustainable during the post-
the given project’s theory of change. On perfor- completion period (see Table 2). For several proj-
mance parameters such as outcome, quality of ects that were assessed as unlikely to sustain, the
implementation, and quality of monitoring and risks did not materialize. The revised assessment
evaluation (M&E), the performance was not sig- based on postcompletion evaluation placed these
nificantly different. projects in the sustainable range. For two thirds
The postcompletion evaluations and field veri- of the completed projects, the outlook on risks to
fications that we reviewed were not conducted sustainability improved from the point of imple-
with the primary purpose of assessing sustain- mentation completion to the postcompletion
ability. Most were completed as part of the field evaluation (see Table 3). The sustainability out-
work to gather detailed information on a thematic look deteriorated for only about one sixth of the
area. These evaluations and verifications were projects.
conducted by different evaluators at different About one third (31%) of the projects achieved
points in time (from 2004 to 2018). Further, the a higher level of outcome at postcompletion eval-
duration at which the postcompletion evaluation uation than at implementation completion (see
was conducted after project completion ranged Table 4), because the longer time frame since
from 2 to 14 years. This led to differences in the implementation facilitated greater progress.
level of detail on issues related to sustainability in When compared to the status at implementation
the reviewed documents. completion, the outcome achievement of a vast
majority of projects was at the same level or
higher at postcompletion evaluation.

The findings of the review indicated that, in gen- Broader Adoption and Sustainability
eral, the projects covered through postcompletion
evaluations were sustainable. Although the sus- Sustainability of a project is a function of whether
tainability outlook of some projects did deterio- the project’s long-term effects are achieved. But
rate, this was balanced by improvement in the seeing a project’s environmental results manifest
outlook for others. The review also showed that fully may take a long time. Similarly, some long-­
incidence of the catalytic processes of broader term effects may be attributed directly to a proj-
Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF 49

Table 2 Distribution of completed projects based on their sustainability ratings

Assessed performance at postcompletion evaluation
Projected sustainability at implementation completion Sustainable range Unsustainable range Total
Likely range 60% (37) 15% (9) 74% (46)
Unlikely range 11% (7) 10% (6) 21% (13)
Not rated 3% (2) 2% (1) 5% (3)
Total 74% (46) 26% (16) 100% (62)

Table 3 Change in likelihood of sustainability

Change in likelihood of sustainability at postcompletion versus at
Projected sustainability at project completion Higher Same Lower Unable to assess Total
Likely range 13% (8) 37% (23) 13% (8) 11% (7) 74% (46)
Unlikely range 5% (3) 11% (7) 2% (1) 3% (2) 21% (13)
Not rated 0% (0) 3% (2) 0% (0) 2% (1) 5% (3)
Total 18% (11) 52% (32) 15% (9) 16% (10) 100%

Table 4 Change in level of project outcome achievement

Outcome achievement at postcompletion versus at completion
Projected sustainability at project completion Higher Same Lower Unable to assess Total
Likely range 21% (13) 39% (24) 11% (7) 3% (2) 74% (46)
Unlikely range 8% (5) 8% (5) 3% (2) 2% (1) 21% (13)
Not rated 2% (1) 3% (2) 0% (0) 0% (0) 5% (3)
Total 31% (19) 50% (31) 15% (9) 5% (3) 100%
Source for Tables 2, 3, and 4: GEF IEO (2020) dataset; review of postcompletion evaluations

ect while others may be attributed only indirectly Although incidence of replication and scaling-up
because they involve catalytic processes and also showed nominal increase, those differences
other actors. Broader adoption takes place when were not statistically significant. This finding is
other stakeholders such as governments, private consistent with what one would expect in sustain-
sector, civil society, and other donors (whether able projects.
originally part of the project or not) adopt, Higher incidence of broader adoption at post-
expand, and build on initiatives through a variety completion evaluation was also evident in several
of mechanisms (GEF IEO, 2019). These mecha- instances at a more granular level. Our review
nisms include processes that sustain, mainstream, tracked the extent to which other actors were
replicate, and/or scale up the supported adopting interventions related to:
approaches, and/or change the structure of the
targeted markets. The data from the review shows • technology dissemination
that, indeed, incidence of the processes of broader • governance arrangements (including develop-
adoption (such as sustaining, mainstreaming, and ment of legal and policy measures)
market change) was significantly higher at the • management approaches (including develop-
point of the postcompletion evaluation than the ment of management plans and strategies)
point of implementation completion. Figure 1 • development of institutional capacities
provides a comparison of the incidence of these (through training, awareness, and support for
broader adoption processes at both points. operational infrastructure)
50 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

Fig. 1 Incidence of Broader Adoption Processes at Note. Graph shows percentage of projects studied
Implementation Completion and at Postcompletion (N = 62); ** = p < .001; *** = p < .005

Table 5 Broader adoption processes and the elements adopted

Sustaining Mainstreaming Replication Scaling-up Market change
Technology dissemination 27* 11* 5 5 27 16 11 5 31* 15*
Governance arrangements 39* 23* 44* 29* 3 2 10 11 16 6
Management approaches 40** 18** 5 11 11 16 10 8 3 2
Institutional capacities 39 37 16 15 23 21 13 6 11 5
Note. Figures indicate percentage of projects studied (N = 62); PC postcompletion, C project completion; * = statisti-
cally significant difference at 90% confidence, ** = at 95%

Table 5, which presents the findings of this reduction and/or environmental status change
tracking, shows that several project elements (insignificant, local, large scale, or no change),
were adopted by other actors for a higher per- and broader adoption, was taking place both at
centage of projects at postcompletion evaluation postcompletion evaluation and at implementa-
than at implementation completion. Although for tion completion. Table 6 presents the findings of
several project-supported interventions the dif- this assessment. It shows that environmental
ference in incidence of adoption was not statisti- status change/stress reduction and broader
cally significant, the direction of change in adoption were taking place for a nominally
general was consistent with an increase in broader higher percentage of projects, and at a large
adoption. scale, at postcompletion evaluation than at
The review found that environmental status implementation completion. Although the dif-
change and broader adoption was taking place ference in incidence was not statistically signifi-
at postcompletion for a nominally higher per- cant, the direction of change was consistent with
centage of projects and at a higher scale. We most projects being sustainable at project com-
assessed the scale at which environmental stress pletion (see Table 2).
Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF 51

Table 6 Environmental Status Change/Stress Reduction agement of the basin. These procedures and
and Broader Adoption
guidelines have been implemented through a
At postcompletion At completion series of follow-up projects funded through
Environmental status change/stress reduction World Bank loans. In Mexico, the GEF-funded
Yes 69% 61%
Introduction of Climate Friendly Measures in
At large scale 39% 34%
Transport project provided support for the devel-
At local scale 31% 27%
No 31% 39% opment of the first bus rapid transit line in Mexico
Insignificant scale 13% 15% City. Thanks to sustained financial support by the
No evidence 18% 24% government, more metrobus lines were subse-
Broader adoption quently added, leading to expansion of the low-­
Yes 84% 75% carbon public transit system.
At large scale 45% 35% Availability of financial support for follow-up
At local scale 39% 40% also reduces risks to sustenance of the progress
No 16% 25% made by the project. For the Renewable Energy
Insignificant scale 5% 21%
Development project in China, sustained govern-
No evidence 11% 3%
ment financial support and regulations have sta-
Note. Figures indicate percentage of projects studied
(N = 62)
bilized the changes in the renewable energy
market and reduced the risk of losing the gains
related to market transformation. In case of the
Factors that Facilitate Sustainability Lewa Wildlife Conservancy project in Kenya, the
risks to sustainability decreased because of an
The narratives of the postcompletion evaluation increase in the fundraising capacity of the con-
reports discussed the factors that affected project servancy and continued support from the
outcomes and sustainability. These include finan- government.
cial support for follow-up, political support, fol- In contrast, lack of financial support for fol-
low-­up by and capacities of the executing agency, low-­up activities can adversely affect a project’s
stakeholder buy-in, and project design ability to achieve its long-term outcomes. For
weaknesses. example, the Caribbean Planning for Adaptation
to Global Climate Change project established 18
 inancial Support for Follow-Up
F stations to monitor sea level rise. However, post-
Availability of financial support for follow-up completion evaluation found that none of these
activities is an important factor in a project’s sus- stations were transmitting data consistently after
tainability. Projects for which key stakeholders project completion because network maintenance
(including national and local governments, devel- had not been funded and continuity in capacity-­
opment agencies, NGOs, and private sector orga- building efforts was lacking. Similarly, in
nizations) provided support for follow-up faced Ethiopia, the Conservation and Sustainable Use
reduced risks and were able to progress well of Medicinal Plants project aimed at supporting
toward achieving their long-term outcomes. in situ conservation of medicinal plants in the
Of the 19 projects for which we assessed out- Bale Mountains National Park. However, the
come achievement at postcompletion at a higher park was under resourced and an expected fol-
level than at implementation completion, avail- low-­up project did not materialize. This affected
ability of financial support for follow-up was a implementation of the plans and guidelines
key factor in 12 projects (63%). For example, the developed as part of the project and its replication
GEF-supported Mekong River Basin Water to other areas in the country.
Utilization Project, implemented by the World
Bank in Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand, and Political Support
Vietnam, developed the procedures and guide- Political support for a project and its follow-up is
lines for the Mekong River Commission for man- another important factor that affects project sus-
52 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

tainability. The support is especially important was higher at postcompletion evaluation than at
for projects that aim to influence the legal, policy, implementation completion.
and regulatory framework of a country. In other Several examples illustrate the role of execut-
projects, continued support from the political ing agencies in facilitating project sustainability.
leadership may help government agencies and The World Bank-implemented Alternate Energy
departments prioritize follow-up to a given proj- project in India aimed at development of the
ect. Evidence from the postcompletion evalua- renewable energy sector through support for
tions showed political support (or lack thereof) small hydro projects, solar photovoltaic, and
had a critical effect on project sustainability in wind energy. One project component was to
several instances. Of the 19 projects with out- enhance the capacities of its executing partner,
come achievement at a higher level at postcom- the Indian Renewable Energy Development
pletion evaluation than at implementation Agency (IREDA), through technical support and
completion, strong political support was a key training, and through support for enhancing its
factor for 11 projects (58%). operational capacity. After completion of the
The China Renewable Energy Development project, IREDA has continued supporting renew-
project progressed well toward achieving its cata- able energy development projects and is able to
lytic effects because the Chinese government carry out its mandate more effectively due to its
adopted the Renewable Energy Law of 2006. enhanced capacities. IREDA’s leadership has
Similarly, the India Ecodevelopment project, helped in enhancing the sustainability of the proj-
which piloted a financing mechanism in a pro- ect. The Lewa Wildlife Conservancy Project in
tected area, received support from the political Kenya was executed by the Kenya Wildlife
leadership that amended the nation’s Wildlife Act Conservancy, an NGO. After implementation
to mandate that similar mechanisms be estab- completion, the conservancy has continued to
lished in all tiger reserves. In Bulgaria, a high create and manage new community conservan-
level of political support for the Ozone Depleting cies that support wildlife populations, and this
Substances Phase-out project led to sustained has enhanced the sustainability of the GEF-­
efforts for development of appropriate legisla- supported project outcomes.
tion; establishment of procedures to permit,
record, and monitor production of ozone-­ Stakeholder Buy-In
depleting substances; and implementation of Buy-in on the part of key stakeholders—or lack
measures to address illegal trade of these of it—appears important in determining project
substances. sustainability. Of the 19 projects for which out-
come achievement was assessed to be at a higher
Follow-Up by, and Capacities of, level at postcompletion evaluation than at imple-
Executing Partner mentation completion, for six (32%), strong
The support provided by an international devel- stakeholder buy-in was a key factor in facilitating
opment agency through a project generally ends progress. Strong stakeholder involvement in the
at implementation completion. Typically, activi- Ozone Depleting Substances Phase-out project in
ties are implemented on the ground by an execut- Bulgaria led to sustained efforts by the participat-
ing agency that has a track record or mandate to ing enterprises in maintaining equipment, which
address concerns that are the focus of the project. enhanced project sustainability. The Lewa
We found that, after implementation completion, Wildlife Conservancy project generated sus-
the follow-up by the executing agency—and its tained support from local communities and
capacities to follow up—seems to affect sustain- national government by providing representation
ability. This was a key factor in seven (37%) of to the national and local government on the Lewa
the 19 projects for which outcome achievement Wildlife Conservancy board. That sustained
Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF 53

political support helped in replication of commu- this was assessed to be a major missed opportu-
nity conservancies in the region, and buy-in from nity for the project and the gains from the project
local communities facilitated the efficient cre- were limited because the main concern was not
ation and management of new community con- addressed.
servancies, which have contributed to the
outcomes of stable and improving wildlife
populations. Conclusion

Project Design Although the sustainability outlook of some proj-

Each project is expected to be well designed so ects changed from sustainable to unsustainable
that the scarce resources are used for activities (or the reverse) with time, the review found little
that are relevant, effective, and efficient. The difference in the percentage of projects that were
project design should address key risks to the sustainable at the postcompletion evaluation.
project and incorporate measures to mitigate Passage of time allowed several long-term out-
risks that may jeopardize progress. Identifying comes of the projects to manifest. It also allowed
examples where appropriate design made a proj- catalytic processes of broader adoption to take
ect relevant and effective is difficult, but weak- root—in several instances, interventions sup-
nesses in project design that limit a project’s ported by the projects were being sustained,
ability to achieve its long-term outcomes are mainstreamed, replicated, scaled up, and/or lead-
more apparent. ing to market change.
In several projects, weaknesses in project The completed projects covered in the review
design negatively affected progress and sustain- were somewhat higher achieving projects to
ability. The design of the Caribbean Planning for begin with. Therefore, the performance of an
Adaptation to Global Climate Change project average approved project would be somewhat
did not give attention to maintenance of the sea lower because the average would include proj-
level rise monitoring stations created by the proj- ects that experienced implementation failure
ect. This affected functioning of these stations: (these are generally excluded from postcomple-
Three years after project completion, none of the tion evaluations) or unsatisfactory outcomes
stations were transmitting data consistently. In (generally underrepresented in postcompletion
Romania, the progress made by the Danube evaluations). Nonetheless, results do show that
Delta Biodiversity project was jeopardized in most instances, projects that are assessed to
because the project did not adequately consider have performed well at implementation comple-
livelihood concerns of the residents of the tion are able to sustain their performance. This
Danube Delta area, making it difficult to sustain allays a major concern in the development com-
these communities’ interest in conservation. The munity that gains made up to implementation
design of the Ship-Generated Waste Management completion may be lost during the postcomple-
project, which covered countries in the Caribbean tion period.
islands, did not anticipate that ship-generated Our review showed that numerous factors may
waste at sea (driven by cruise ships) would be a affect sustainability, including availability of
substantial contributor to pollution compared to financial support for follow-up, political support
waste that enters the land-based system. Instead for the project, follow-up by and capacities of the
of contributing to reduction of ship-generated executing partner, stakeholder buy-in, and short-
waste, the project focused more on the threat comings in project design. These factors should
from marine and coastal solid waste pollution to be given attention to improve likelihood of sus-
the land-­based system. After project completion, tainability of development projects.
54 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

Appendix: Completed GEF-funded Projects with Postcompletion Evaluation

GEF Implementing
ID Project Name Agency Country
15 Programme for Phasing Out Ozone UNDP/ Tajikistan
Depleting Substances UNEP
18 Kenya - Lewa Wildlife Conservancy World Bank Kenya
49 Coastal Wetlands Management World Bank Ghana
50 Kenya - Conservation of the Tana River World Bank Kenya
Primate National Reserve
54 Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and World Bank Uganda
Mgahinga Gorilla National Park
57 Biodiversity Conservation World Bank Bolivia
59 Regional - OECS Ship-Generated Waste World Bank Regional (Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica,
Management Grenada, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St.
Vincent and Grenadines)
64 Demand Side Management Demonstration World Bank Jamaica
69 Danube Delta Biodiversity World Bank Romania
71 In-Situ Conservation of Genetic World Bank Turkey
74 Ozone Depleting Substance Consumption World Bank Russian Federation
Phase-out (first tranche)
76 Alternate Energy World Bank India
84 India - Ecodevelopment World Bank/ India
90 Russia Biodiversity Conservation Project World Bank Russian Federation
93 Ozone Depleting Substances Phase-out World Bank Bulgaria
94 Technical Support and Investment Project World Bank Hungary
for the Phaseout of Ozone Depleting
100 Danube Delta Biodiversity World Bank Ukraine
105 Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to World Bank Regional (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados,
Global Climate Change (CARICOM) Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Grenada,
Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St.
Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent and
107 Ukraine - Ozone Depleting Substances World Bank Ukraine
112 Photovoltaic Market Transformation World Bank/ Global (Kenya, India, Morocco)
Initiative IFC
114 Russian Federation - Ozone Depleting World Bank Russian Federation
Substance Consumption Phaseout Project
115 Phaseout of Ozone Depleting Substances World Bank Poland
134 South Africa - Cape Peninsula Biodiversity World Bank South Africa
Conservation Project
192 Bhutan Integrated Management of Jigme UNDP Bhutan
Dorji National Park (JDNP)
292 Russian Federation - Capacity Building to UNDP Russian Federation
Reduce Key Barriers to Energy Efficiency
in Russian Residential Buildings and Heat
325 Coal Bed Methane Capture and Commercial UNDP India
Sustainability After Project Completion: Evidence from the GEF 55

GEF Implementing
ID Project Name Agency Country
344 Lithuania Phase Out of Ozone Depleting UNDP/ Lithuania
Substances UNEP
351 Ethiopia - A Dynamic Farmer-Based UNDP Ethiopia
Approach to the Conservation of Plant
Genetic Resources
358 Sustainable Development and Management UNDP Belize
of Biologically Diverse Coastal Resources
370 India - Development of High-Rate UNDP India
Biomethanation Processes as Means of
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
386 India - Optimizing Development of Small UNDP India
Hydel Resourcces in the Hilly Regions of
404 Energy Efficiency World Bank India
445 Barrier Removal for the Widespread UNDP China
Commercialization of Energy-Efficient
CFC-Free Refrigerators in China
446 Renewable Energy Development World Bank China
593 Programme for Phasing Out Ozone UNDP/ Turkmenistan
Depleting Substances UNEP
615 Mekong River Basin Water Utilization World Bank Regional (Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand,
Project Vietnam)
631 Conservation and Sustainable Use of World Bank Ethiopia
Medicinal Plants
643 Renewable Energy for Agriculture World Bank Mexico
769 Programme for Phasing Out Ozone UNDP/ Kazakhstan
Depleting Substances UNEP
778 Indigenous and Community Biodiversity World Bank Mexico
Conservation (COINBIO)
784 Methane Capture and Use (Landfill World Bank Mexico
Demonstration Project)
818 Conservation of Globally Threatened UNDP Sri Lanka
Species in the Rainforests of Southwest Sri
837 Conservation and Sustainable Use of the World Bank Regional (Belize, Guatemala, Honduras,
Mesoamerican Barrier Reef Mexico)
878 Protected Area Management and Wildlife World Bank/ Sri Lanka
Conservation ADB
885 Reversing Environmental Degradation UNEP Regional (Cambodia, China, Indonesia,
Trends in the South China Sea and Gulf of Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam)
941 China – Demonstration for Fuel-Cell Bus UNDP China
945 National Protected Areas System World Bank Ecuador
1058 Pacific Islands Renewable Energy UNDP Regional (Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia,
Programme (PIREP) Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue,
Papua New Guinea, Palau, Samoa, Solomon
Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu)
1079 Off-Grid Rural Electrification for UNDP/World Nicaragua
Development (PCH / PERZA) Bank
56 N. K. Negi and M. W. Sohn

GEF Implementing
ID Project Name Agency Country
1084 Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate World Bank Regional (Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados,
Change Project (MACC) Bahamas, Belize, Dominica, Grenada,
Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St.
Lucia, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Vincent and
1124 Integrated Participatory Ecosystem UNDP Cabo Verde
Management in and Around Protected
Areas, Phase I
1155 Introduction of Climate Friendly Measures World Bank Mexico
in Transport
1356 Forest Sector Development Project World Bank Vietnam
1544 Rio de Janeiro Integrated Ecosystem World Bank Brazil
Management in Production Landscapes of
the North-Northwestern Fluminense
1682 Facilitating and Strengthening the UNDP Vanuatu
Conservation Initiatives of Traditional
Landholders and Their Communities to
Achieve Biodiversity Conservation
1872 Community Agriculture and Watershed World Bank Tajikistan
2767 LAC Regional Sustainable Transport and World Bank Regional (Argentina, Brazil, Mexico)
Air Quality Project
2947 Renewable Energy and Rural Electricity World Bank Mongolia
Access (RERA)
2952 Thermal Power Efficiency World Bank China
3148 DBSB Agricultural Pollution Control World Bank Croatia
Project - under the Strategic Partnership
Investment Fund for Nutrient Reduction in
the Danube River and Black Sea
3510 LDC/SIDS Portfolio Project: Capacity UNDP Sierra Leone
Building for Sustainable Land Management
in Sierra Leone
3973 Armenia Energy Efficiency Project World Bank Armenia https://ecgnet.
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A systematic literature review. International Journal 91(8), 1613–1622.
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dicting sustainability. Ecological Economics, 15(3), (Evaluation report No. 136).
193–196. evaluations/annual-­performance-­report-­apr-­2017
Daly, H. E. (1990). Toward some operational principles Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
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From the Big Picture to Detailed
Observation: The Case of the GEF
IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster

Carlo Carugi and Anna Viggh

Abstract an opportunity to focus on a limited set of

purposively selected issues that are common
This chapter introduces strategic country in clusters of countries and/or portfolios. This
cluster evaluations (SCCEs), a concrete enables a comprehensive understanding of
example of how the Independent Evaluation the factors at play in complex national and
Office (IEO) of the Global Environment local settings.
Facility (GEF) has dealt with the increasing
complexity of GEF programming. This com-
plexity reflects the interconnectedness—in Introduction
terms of both synergies and trade-offs—
between socioeconomic development priori- Since the early 1990s, evaluations have been con-
ties and environment conservation imperatives ducted according to the five criteria of relevance,
that is typical of many country settings in effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainabil-
which GEF projects and programs are imple- ity (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
mented, such as least developed countries and Development, Development Assistance
small island developing states. SCCEs Committee [OECD DAC], 1991, 2019). This
address this complexity by applying a purpo- approach has worked rather well, especially at
sive evaluative inquiry approach that starts the project level where most of the evaluation
from aggregate analyses designed to provide body of work was being done. Standard evalua-
trends and identify cases of positive, neutral, tion methods have included the review of project
or negative change, and proceeds to in-depth documentation, portfolio analysis, interviews at
data gathering aimed at identifying the spe- agencies’ headquarters, and field observations in
cific factors underlying the observed change a selection of project sites assessed using special-
in those specific cases. By establishing the ized technical expertise.
interconnectedness and sequencing of the The introduction of more complex delivery
various evaluation components, rather than modalities that started in the 2000s—sector
conducting these in parallel, SCCEs provide approaches, budget support modalities, and
programs—and the advent of the Millennium
C. Carugi (*) · A. Viggh Development Goals (MDGs), recently replaced
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs),
Office, brought about a corresponding increased com-
Washington, DC, USA plexity in evaluation. The SDGs take an inte-

© The Author(s) 2022 59

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
60 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

grated approach that links the three pillars of Challenges and Opportunities
sustainability: social, economic, and environ- in IEO Complex Evaluations
mental (United Nations Department of
Economic and Social Affairs, 2015). Although Complex evaluations typically use mixed meth-
such integration is necessary to move toward ods involving both quantitative and qualitative
sustainable development, it undeniably poses tools and analyses. In mixed-methods research,
significant challenges in terms of identifying methods sequence and dominance are central
suitable metrics and indicators to assess concepts. The rationale for the mixed-method
achievements and results in a way that breaks explanatory sequential design is often that the
the “data silos” performance measurement quantitative analysis provides a general under-
approach that was typical of the MDGs era standing of the main research results while the
(ICLEI, 2015). qualitative data and their analysis refine and
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), a explain those results (Walker & Baxter, 2019).
partnership set up as a result of the 1992 Rio When this approach is applied in evaluation,
Earth Summit, underwent a similar evolution. aggregate quantitative analysis can also inform
From a project-based delivery institution subsequent qualitative deep dives in specific
focusing on the environment, the GEF is projects/project sites to explain the main trends
increasingly moving toward more complex, and provide additional insights. This is the usual
programmatic, interconnected, and synergetic approach in academic research, which, unlike
delivery modalities that consider the environ- evaluation, does not usually face tight deadlines
mental with the social and economic dimen- to serve decision makers’ specific information
sions. These GEF integrated programming needs.
modalities aim at tackling the main drivers of In practice, tight timelines make for difficulty
environmental degradation and achieving in applying a coherent sequencing in conducting
impact at scale (GEF Independent Evaluation the various quantitative and qualitative compo-
Office [IEO], 2018a). The GEF has designed nents of a typical complex, higher level evalua-
these strategies because many of these drivers tion. A long time is needed for process issues,
extend their influence beyond national bound- and the tasks that take the longest usually are
aries. To participate in integrated, multiple- (from most to least time consuming): (a) con-
country initiatives, governments need to find a tracting the various firms and individual experts;
balance between their national sustainable (b) getting in touch and agreeing on the field mis-
development priorities and their commitments sion dates and modalities with GEF national
to contribute to the global goals of interna- stakeholders in countries chosen for field data
tional environmental conventions. gathering; (c) setting up stakeholder engagement
In the GEF, project and program evaluations mechanisms such as peer review panels and ref-
are conducted by GEF partner Agencies. The erence groups, and the functioning of those
GEF IEO conducts complex evaluations at levels mechanisms; and (d) arranging the mission logis-
higher than projects (GEF IEO, 2019a). To better tics while complying with security procedures of
capture the successes and challenges the GEF has the institution (which in the GEF case is the
faced in its move toward more complex, inte- World Bank). Afterwards, when the time comes
grated programming, IEO evaluations increas- to bring it all together, the evaluators must trian-
ingly consider innovative ways to address the gulate the different sets of qualitative and quanti-
complexity of assessing the environmental with tative data and information, looking for coherence
the social and economic, including how these and connectedness between the various pieces of
three dimensions play out at the national and evidence.
local levels. The way GEF support is operational- To address this challenge, a few years ago the
ized at the country level is increasingly a key IEO IEO developed a systematic approach to triangu-
area of enquiry. late evidence and identify key findings in country
From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster… 61

portfolio evaluations (Carugi, 2016). This change on key environmental outcome indicators
approach ensures the systematic use and analysis over time. Targeted field verifications follow in
of all the data and information gathered, while specific hot spots selected based on the findings
respecting tight deadlines. Systematic triangula- of the geospatial and portfolio analyses. The pur-
tion can also help in addressing common chal- pose of field verifications is to identify and under-
lenges in evaluation, such as the scarcity or stand the determinants of the observed change or
unreliability of data, or the complexities of com- lack thereof.
paring and cross-checking evidence from diverse The identification of factors hindering and/or
disciplines. Although comprehensive, systematic enabling the sustainability of GEF outcomes was
triangulation does not allow evaluators to purpo- one of the main themes selected by the GEF IEO
sively dive deeply on a limited set of selected key for deep-dive investigation in SCCEs. In 2017,
themes that are common to multiple country or the IEO completed a desk study on the sustain-
portfolio settings. ability of GEF project outcomes (GEF IEO,
2019b).2 The study analyzed the IEO datasets of
terminal evaluation ratings to assess correlations
 he Strategic Country Cluster
T among sustainability, outcomes, implementation,
Evaluation Concept broader adoption, project design features, coun-
try characteristics, and other variables. The anal-
A way to address the challenge of assessing com- ysis took stock of projects for which field
plex environmental and development interven- verifications were conducted by the IEO at least
tions that require comparing and cross-checking 2 years after project completion. According to the
evidence from diverse disciplines is to apply a study, the following contributing factors were at
sequenced, purposive approach in the conduct of play in those cases where past outcomes were not
an evaluation. That is what the IEO has done with sustained: (a) lack of financial support for the
strategic country cluster evaluations (SCCEs). maintenance of infrastructure or follow-up, (b)
SCCEs focus on a limited set of common themes lack of sustained efforts from the national execut-
across clusters of countries and/or portfolios that ing agency, (c) inadequate political support
involve a critical mass of GEF investments including limited progress on the adoption of
toward comparable or shared environmental legal and regulatory measures, (d) low institu-
challenges and that have gained substantial expe- tional capacities of key agencies, (e) low levels of
rience with GEF programming over the years. stakeholder buy-in, and (f) inadequate project
Starting from aggregate portfolio analysis to design characterized by flaws in the theory of
identify trends and cases of positive and absent or change of projects.
negative change, SCCEs are designed to dive The IEO further explored these issues by
deeply into those themes and unpack them applying the new SCCE purposive evaluative
through purposive evaluative inquiry. SCCE enquiry approach to three different clusters of
design is based on a conceptual analysis frame- country portfolios. The SCCEs’ main objectives
work, an approach the GEF IEO developed ear- were: (a) to provide a deeper understanding of
lier at the country level,1 to enable comparison of the determinants of the sustainability of the out-
findings across geographic regions and/or portfo- comes of GEF support and (b) to assess the rele-
lios. In addition to the aggregate portfolio analy- vance and performance/impact of the GEF toward
sis, SCCEs use geospatial analysis to identify the main environmental challenges from the
countries’ perspective. Gender, climate resil-
ience, private sector, and GEF operations in frag-
From 2006 to 2016, the GEF IEO conducted 26 country ile situations were also assessed as cross-cutting
portfolio evaluations and studies that used the country as
the unit of analysis to examine the totality of GEF support
across all GEF Agencies and programs. The new strategic
country cluster evaluations build on this experience. 2
Negi and Sohn’s chapter in this book updates this review.
62 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

A unique area of SCCE research was the envi- biomes was based on the countries’ comparable
ronment vs. socioeconomic development nexus, land-based environmental challenges. These
a concept that is central to sustainable develop- countries also face challenges related to gover-
ment. This nexus is too often neglected in devel- nance, demographics, migration, conflict, and
opment interventions, both by donors and fragility, which work as drivers for the environ-
developing countries alike (GEF IEO, 2020). mental issues at hand. Most countries in the two
Efforts to integrate socioeconomic development selected biomes are LDCs, and half are fragile
with environment conservation/sustainable use (World Bank, 2020).
both at national and local levels depend on the The LDCs SCCE covered 47 countries that
interest of country governments. Many govern- are currently designated by the United Nations as
ments in the least developed countries (LDCs) LDCs.5 Focus on LDCs was based on these coun-
believe that achieving both at the same time is tries’ greater challenges related to sustainability
difficult, and perceive, rather than a nexus, that of outcomes over several GEF periods (GEF
major trade-offs exist between environment and IEO, 2019b) and related economic, social, and
socioeconomic/livelihoods objectives. Countries environmental challenges. Most LDCs are char-
differ on: (a) reliance on natural resources, (b) acterized by a low level of socioeconomic devel-
susceptibility to natural disasters, (c) the poor’s opment. They have weak human and institutional
dependence on the environment, and (d) the gov- capacities, low and unequally distributed income,
ernment’s economic development and other pri- gender inequality, and scarce domestic financial
orities. SCCEs investigated if and how the resources. LDCs often suffer from governance
existence of a nexus between socioeconomic crisis, political instability, and, in some cases,
development needs and environmental conserva- internal and external conflicts. Twenty-eight of
tion priorities (or lack thereof) contributed to or the 47 LDCs are fragile (World Bank, 2018). The
hindered the observed sustainability of project SIDS SCCE covered 39 small island developing
outcomes. states in the AIMS (Atlantic, Indian Ocean,
Mediterranean, and South China Sea), Caribbean,
and Pacific regions. The choice to evaluate the
Applications of the SCCE Approach SIDS as a strategic country cluster was based on
their shared geophysical constraints that result in
The approach discussed in the previous sections disproportionately large economic, social, and
has been applied to three clusters of countries, environmental challenges.
one covering the GEF portfolio of projects and
programs in two biomes,3 one covering LDCs,
and one covering the small island developing Methodological Considerations
states (SIDS) portfolios.4 The African biomes
covered by the first SCCE were the Sahel and the Selection of case study countries in the three
Sudan-Guinea Savanna. Selection of these two SCCEs drew upon sustainability cohorts com-
posed of national and regional projects completed
between 2007 and 2014 and having Annual
A biome is an ecological zone sharing similar habitats or Performance Report (APR) ratings (GEF IEO,
vegetation types. Its uniformity is defined by the type of
2018b, 2019b, c) to allow for observation of the
plant life in relation to temperature and rainfall patterns.
Each biome consists of several terrestrial ecoregions (a actual sustainability of outcomes 4–5 years after
smaller class). An ecoregion covers a realm of land/water
having geographically distinctive communities, sharing
the same environmental conditions and ecological dynam- 5
For more information on the United Nations definition of
ics (Data Basin, 2011). LDCs, see
Because the SIDS SCCE is discussed at length in a sepa- least-developed-country-category/creation-of-the-ldc-cat-
rate chapter, this chapter gives detailed examples of site egory-and-timeline-of-changes-to-ldc-membership-and-
visits only for the African biomes and the LDCs SCCEs. criteria.html
From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster… 63

project completion. Projects in the African challenges were classified by biome in the case of
biomes and LDC cohorts were classified as: (a) the African biomes SCCE and by geographic
having both outcome and sustainability ratings in country category in the case of the LDCs and
the positive range (i.e., highly satisfactory, satis- SIDS SCCEs. Projects with both positive and
factory, or moderately satisfactory); (b) having negative outcome and sustainability ratings in
both outcomes and likely sustainability ratings in each portfolio were tagged to each environmental
the negative range (i.e., highly unsatisfactory, challenge.
unsatisfactory, or moderately unsatisfactory); (c) Guided by the mapping of countries and proj-
having either positive outcome and negative ects to environmental challenges, the IEO
likely sustainability ratings, or the inverse; and selected countries with the largest number of
(d) not having either outcome or sustainability national and regional projects with positive and
ratings, or both (see Tables 1, 2, and 3). negative outcome and sustainability ratings. This
Also informing the selection of country case method ensured the largest number of observable
studies were trends over time of key environmen- data points and coverage of possible factors
tal outcome indicators at geolocated project sites, affecting sustainability. The countries selected
with the aim of identifying cases of positive and also included those in which projects addressed
absent or negative change. Country case study the most commonly shared environmental chal-
selection started with the identification of the lenges. In the African biomes SCCE, these were
main environmental challenges faced by the deforestation and land degradation, threats to
countries covered by the respective SCCE. These biodiversity, and desertification. In the LDCs

Table 1 Outcome and sustainability ratings matrix

Change Outcome rating
Highly Satisfactory Moderately Moderately Unsatisfactory Highly
satisfactory satisfactory unsatisfactory unsatisfactory
Sustainability Likely Positive Neutral
rating Moderately
Moderately Neutral Negative

Table 2 African biomes SCCE: Selection of countries based on APR ratings prior to missions
Outcome and sustainability ratings
Project Both positive Both negative Neutrala No ratingsb Total
Country 10 16 16 4 46
Regional 7 4 4 7 22
Total 17 20 20 11 68
Positive outcome and negative sustainability, or negative outcome and positive sustainability

Projects without either outcome rating, sustainability rating, or both


Table 3 LDCs SCCE: Selection of countries based on APR ratings prior to missions
Outcome and sustainability ratings
Project Both positive Both negative Neutrala No ratingsb Total
Country 25 21 29 12 87
Regional 14 7 10 9 40
Total 39 28 51 21 127
Positive outcome and negative sustainability, or negative outcomes and positive sustainability

Projects without either outcome rating, sustainability rating, or both

64 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

SCCE, these were deforestation and land by the project were still in operation 5 years after
­degradation, and biodiversity loss. Water-related the project was completed. Selecting Zhemgang
challenges were also important and included District for a site visit allowed the evaluation
water quality and quantity, threats to marine team to observe, 5 years postcompletion, the
resources, and coastal and coral reef main sustainability factors fostering positive
degradation. SLM results in mountainous ecosystems along-
The application of the pre-mission selection side unforeseen hindering factors. The team
process based on outcomes and sustainability rat- could verify the status of SLM measures intro-
ings was accompanied by typical logistics and duced by the project and directly collect informa-
organizational considerations such as site acces- tion on their continued use and maintenance from
sibility and seasonality. In Bhutan, evaluators did the remote rural communities living in those
not make the final selection of project sites to highly degraded lands. Photos 1 and 2 show
visit until after discussion upon arrival in the meetings to finalize selection of sites and inter-
country with stakeholders in the Gross National view rural communities in Bhutan.
Happiness Commission, relevant line ministries, For the African biomes SCCE, once the evalu-
and technical agencies such as the National Soil ation team had selected the countries and projects
Services Center. For example, in the case of based on the pre-mission selection process
­sustainable land management (SLM), these dis- described above, they prepared geospatial maps
cussions resulted in the LDC SCCEs evaluation for each project site prior to the missions to the
team visiting a site in Zhemgang District, selected country. Once in the country, evaluators used
out of three possible sites to logistically coordi- these maps to select the sites to visit in the field
nate with site visits to the other projects in the verification mission (see Fig. 1). This ensured the
sustainability cohort and in consideration of road conduct of field observations in specific project
conditions in the mountainous country. This locations selected both in highly degraded areas
choice was made because the SLM project sites and in areas where vegetation had actually
are located in areas of high incidence of land deg- increased.
radation that are inhabited by most of the coun- The evaluation team shared these maps with
try’s poorest and most vulnerable communities. stakeholders (on a laptop/smartphone in the field,
Although the terminal evaluation had rated the or on paper in local offices) to stimulate discus-
project’s outcomes in the positive and sustain- sions and identification of the key factors at play
ability in the negative range, the evaluation team driving the change observed in the map—see
could verify that the SLM measures introduced Photos 3 and 4. Local technicians, locally elected

Photos 1 and 2 LDCs SCCE – Finalizing sites selection Photo 2: Discussing SLM measures with farmers during
and interviewing rural communities in Bhutan site visits (Zhemgang, March 2019)
Photo 1: Meeting the Gross National Happiness
Commission (Thimphu, March 2019)
From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster… 65

Fig. 1 African biomes SCCE – project sites geospatial maps

Photos 3 and 4 African Biomes SCCE – Discussing Photo 4: Kyenjojo District technical staffs reviewing
environmental change with local stakeholders Albertine Rift forest loss maps (Uganda, May 2019)
Photo 3: Field visit in Kaback Commune (Guinea, March

representatives, and community members all estry technicians. In Kaback, the anti-salt dikes
confirmed the environmental changes in the areas built with GEF support in highly degraded coastal
indicated in the maps and provided additional areas were insufficient in both height and width
insights on when, how, and why those changes to withstand water intrusion. Attempts were made
occurred. For example, in Tolo (Guinea), areas of in Konimodouya and Katonko to change the
increasing vegetation were subject to intense approach by building a more robust dike, but
afforestation efforts accompanied by strict these too could not withstand the rising sea-level
enforcement measures by local government for- pressure.
66 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

The purposive selection processes described

above allowed for an in-depth, more granular, lake banks has been slowly rehabilitated
and comprehensive understanding of which spe- through intense reforestation measures (see
cific factors have influenced the observed sus- Photo 5). The area has become green, with
tainability following project completion. In Tolo, no agricultural activities around the lake,
the watershed identified for relocating farmers favoring the settling in of a small micro-
from the Bafing Lake had insufficient water for climate that benefits the whole ecosystem.
irrigation, a case of poor project design (see Box It was reported that years ago, one could
1). In Zhemgang, the quality of project design led cross the lake by foot in April due to dam-
to the highly positive observed sustainability age from deforestation. The banks around
postcompletion (see Box 2). the lake, once degraded from unsustainable
agriculture activities, are now green.
Access to water remains the key impedi-
ment for agriculture in the Mamou region.
Box 1: Field Visit in a Site Selected The two hectares of watershed where the
Based on Pre-mission Analysis: farmers have been delocalized has an irri-
Tolo, Bafing Lake (Guinea) gation system with canals that allows water
The GEF project applied a coherent eco- to be spread on the field and six groundwa-
system approach to the whole watershed, ter wells, all of which are thanks to the
working with all the stakeholders involved. Community Land Management Project
Evaluators selected two sites to visit in investments. The mission found this area
Tolo: The first was on protection measure underused. Farmers reported that despite
to rehabilitate the Bafing Lake banks, and the investments made, they can have
the second involved community-based enough irrigation water only for 6 months
farming in the adjacent watershed. The lake in a year (see Photo 6).
is a source for 50% of the water going to
the Senegal river. Around the lake is a com-
munity village. One of the project objec-
tives was to reduce deforestation around  eospatial Analysis Following Project
the lake that leads to erosion and water loss Field Visits
from the lake basin. Deforestation is due to The IEO conducted targeted geospatial analysis
land clearing for slash-and-burn, itinerant once teams returned from the missions, using the
agriculture. The local forest department geographic coordinates collected with GPS track-
enforces a forest-cutting ban around the ing software apps installed in the team members’
lake. The project relocated the farmer com- smartphones and the information gathered during
munity around the lake to a watershed 2 km field observations. Both in Bhutan and Guinea,
from the village, where communities could this analysis showed increased vegetation despite
practice horticulture. This delocalization lower precipitations in the project sites visited,
measure was informed by a socioeconomic providing complementary data to shed more light
study followed by intensive participatory on the observed changes (see Figs. 2 and 3). The
activities and negotiations, which provided reforested areas evidenced by the satellite photos
a management arrangement for the distri- taken in 2012 and 2019 on the Bafing lake basin
bution of land in the watershed and included in Guinea (Fig. 4) are the result of GEF-induced
granting some compensation measures to farmer relocation and afforestation activities
the farmers. accompanied by strict government enforcement.
Years after the delocalization of the This temporary project success depends on the
activity from the lake, the ecosystem of the farmers continuing to practice horticulture in the
watershed where they have been relocated.
From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster… 67

Box 2: Field Visit to a Site Selected Biodiversity Action Plan. SLM principles
Based on Pre-mission Analysis: have been incorporated in the government’s
Zhemgang District, (Bhutan) 12th five-year plan (2018–2023) and in
The project aimed to strengthen institu- plans on poverty reduction and increased
tional and community capacity for antici- food security.
pating and managing land degradation. Key factors driving postcompletion sus-
SLM practices were piloted in three geogs tainability were good project design and
(groups of villages), where farmers were government support, including highly rele-
trained in SLM techniques. The project vant objectives in line with government pri-
sites were in areas of high incidence of land orities and relevant activities to achieve the
degradation that were inhabited by the stated objectives. The project design was
country’s poorest and most vulnerable guided by a bottom-up approach with par-
communities. The project resulted in an ticipatory planning that focused on com-
increase in farmers practicing SLM tech- munity priorities, phased implementation
niques, a reduction in sediment flows in allowing for adjustment throughout imple-
selected watersheds, regeneration of mentation based on learning from pilots,
degraded forest land, and improved grazing decentralization to strengthen the role of
land in the pilot geogs. The postcompletion communities and local authorities, use of
site visit to a pilot geog in a remote area in knowledge and information on farmer
Zhemgang noted continued practice of incentives, and an integrated multisectoral
SLM techniques such as land terracing, approach. Before the completion of the
hedgerows, fruit orchards, tree plantations, project, institutional, financial, technical,
and irrigation systems. Selling produce and policy arrangements were made for
both in the district and in Gelephu on the sustaining its outcomes.
border with India has provided increased
income for residents. Villagers confirmed
in interviews that more land is under culti- In Zhemgang, both forest and vegetation cover
vation, and 60% of households continue in pastures have increased since the onset of the
using SLM techniques learned from the project. In Fig. 5, the 2010 image clearly shows
project. The remainder of the households large areas of relatively bare ground, which are
discontinued using SLM due to shortages subsequently covered by vegetation in 2018. The
of water and losses caused by wildlife such findings of the post-mission geospatial analysis
as bears and wild boars. The government of the SLM project confirmed the field visit find-
has provided some electric fencing, but it is ing of improved sustainability of outcomes years
not sufficient. The continued practice of after project completion.
SLM techniques has also helped improve
and retain soil and convert shifting land
cultivation to sustainable land cover (see Lessons from the SCCE Experience
Photo 7).
Among the project outcomes were the Using the selection process described in this
preparation and implementation of the chapter and a combination of geospatial analy-
2007 Land Policy Act that incorporated sis prior to and after field visits to targeted proj-
SLM principles in programs and policies ect sites, the SCCEs revealed that most of the
including the National Land Policy, the field-­verified projects maintained or sustained
Forestry Policy, the National Adaptation their outcomes postcompletion. This was the
Program of Action, and the National case for 87% of the projects field verified in the
African biomes SCCE (16 projects), 81% in the
68 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

Photo 5 Reforestation around Bafing Lake

Photo 6 Watershed relocation land

SIDS SCCE (24 projects) and 70% in the LDCs dive analysis into which specific factors contrib-
SCCE (25 projects). More important, the selec- uted to these improvements in the observed
tion of projects with a combination of outcome postcompletion sustainability. Enhanced learn-
and sustainability ratings in both the positive ing led to a better understanding of how the
and negative range and tagged to the main envi- environment and development nexus (or lack
ronmental challenges faced by the country led thereof) played out in contributing to or hinder-
to a diverse group of projects selected for deep- ing the observed sustainability. This would not
From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster… 69

Fig. 2 African biomes SCCE – vegetation increase vs. lowering annual rainfall in the Bafing region, 2012 and 2019

Fig. 3 LDCs SCCE – vegetation increase vs. lowering annual rainfall in Zhemgang

have been possible to achieve with the same A second important lesson that informs the
granularity through the usual randomized preparation of future IEO work plans is that
approaches to country, project, and site selec- applying the described sequencing approach
tions for field verification applied in parallel to from aggregate analysis to detailed observation
the conduct of aggregate analyses in previous took a long time. This investigation was possible
IEO evaluations. because the three SCCEs were conducted in the
70 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

Fig. 4 African biomes SCCE – vegetation increase around the Bafing Lake

Photo 7 Fruit orchards contributing to soil conservation, observed in Zhemgang

Fig. 5 Vegetation increase in Zhemgang

From the Big Picture to Detailed Observation: The Case of the GEF IEO’s Strategic Country Cluster… 71

2 years following the completion of the Sixth text taking place postcompletion. Although pre-
Comprehensive Evaluation of the GEF, corre- vious analyses already indicated the importance
sponding to a slightly lower intensity in the GEF of good project design for fostering the sustain-
decision makers’ demand for evaluative evidence ability of project outcomes (GEF IEO, 2019b),
from the office. To minimize the long timeframes less was known about the different ways in which
that may result from sequencing, the most time-­ various contextual factors come progressively
demanding activities should be conducted first. into play 4–5 years after a project is completed.
In the case of SCCEs, aggregate geospatial anal- This understanding sheds new light on how to
ysis was the most time-consuming and complex best take advantage of the country- and site-­
component, followed by making the arrange- specific context factors that enable the sustain-
ments for the missions in selected countries. ability of GEF interventions, a lesson that further
At times, pre-mission analysis needs adjust- contributes to improving project design.
ment to account for country-specific logistics and
other organizational considerations influencing
the final site visit selections. In the case of the References
LDCs SCCE, site selection had to account for the
remoteness and challenges of traveling to several Carugi, C. (2016). Experiences with systematic triangu-
lation at the Global Environment Facility. Evaluation
sites during a visit in a mountainous country. and Program Planning, 55(4), 55–66. https://doi.
When this happens, care should be taken in org/10.1016/j.evalprogplan.2015.12.001
adjusting site selection to allow as much compli- Data Basin. (2011). Terrestrial ecoregions of the world
ance as possible with the results of the pre-­ [Data set].
mission aggregate analysis, while accounting for Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
variation due to the site changes in the final deep-­ Office. (2018a). Evaluation of programmatic
dive analysis, as was done in Bhutan. approaches in the GEF (Evaluation Report
Applying a purposive evaluative enquiry No. 113).
approach to evaluation encompasses sequencing Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
the evaluation data-gathering and analysis com- Office. (2018b). Strategic country cluster evaluation
ponents so that each component informs the fol- (SCCE): Sahel and Sudan-Guinea savanna biomes
lowing one. This approach has the potential to selection of case study countries. http://www.gefieo.
produce a deeper, more granular and comprehen- biomes-­2018-­case-­study-­countries.pdf
sive understanding of the issues being evaluated. Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
This was achieved by introducing the new SCCE Office. (2019a). The GEF evaluation policy. https://
approach, in which evaluators used geospatial­
analysis with aggregate portfolio analysis and Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
review of project documentation to design the Office. (2019b). GEF annual performance report 2017
case studies’ deep dives in terms of issues to (Evaluation Report No. 136).
focus on, data and information to gather, and sites/default/files/ieo/evaluations/files/apr-­2017_0.pdf
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
exact locations for gathering those data. Office. (2019c). Strategic country cluster evaluation
The project selection method based on proj- (SCCE): Least developed countries selection of case
ects’ positive and negative outcomes and sustain- study countries.
ability ratings was very useful for new discoveries. files/ieo/documents/files/scce-­ldc-­2018-­case-­study-­
Among these, field visits to 36 completed proj- Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
ects in 12 LDCs by the three SCCEs found that Office. (2020). Strategic country cluster evaluation
25 projects sustained or progressed further in (SCCE): Sahel and Sudan-Guinea Savanna biomes
achievement of their outcomes after project com- Volume 2 – technical documents. https://www.gefieo.
pletion. Teams found that these improvements biomes-­2018-­v2.pdf
were mainly attributed to two factors: the quality ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability. (2015).
of project design and positive changes in the con- Measuring, monitoring and evaluating the SDGs
72 C. Carugi and A. Viggh

(ICLEI Briefing Sheet, Urban Issues, No. 06). https:// United Nations Department of Economic and Social­S DGs-­ Affairs. (2015). Social development for sustainable
Briefing-­S heets-­0 6-­M easuring-­M onitoring-­a nd-­ development.
Evaluating-­the-­SDGs.pdf dspd/2030agenda-­sdgs.html
OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation. Walker, C., & Baxter, J. (2019). Method sequence and
(2019). Better criteria for better evaluation: Revised dominance in mixed methods research: A case study
evaluation criteria definitions and principles for of the social acceptance of wind energy literature.
use. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18.
revised-­evaluation-­criteria-­dec-­2019.pdf World Bank. (2018). Harmonized list of fragile situ-
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and ations FY 18.
Development, Development Assistance Committee. en/189701503418416651/FY18FCSLIST-­F inal-­
(1991). DAC criteria for evaluating development July-­2017.pdf
assistance [Factsheet]. Organisation for Economic World Bank. (2020). Classification of fragile and
Co-operation and Development. https://www.oecd. conflict-affected situations.

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Staying Small and Beautiful:
Enhancing Sustainability
in the Small Island Developing

Geeta Batra and Trond Norheim

Abstract vide insights for future project design and

implementation? This chapter draws on find-
Spread over the ocean regions of the ings from a recent country cluster evaluation
Caribbean, the Pacific and Atlantic, the Indian on SIDS conducted by the Independent
Ocean, the Mediterranean, and the South Evaluation Office (IEO) of the GEF. It pres-
China Sea, the small island developing states ents the main environmental challenges in
(SIDS) are a distinct group of developing SIDS, the evidence on the relevance and effec-
countries often known for their rich biological tiveness of GEF interventions in addressing
diversity, oceans, tourism, and fisheries. The these challenges, and the main risks to sus-
pressures on these and other natural resources tainability of outcomes. Important contextual
is most immediate in the islands where the factors that affect sustainability in SIDS
high vulnerability to the impacts of climate include good policies and legal and regulatory
change, limited land and water resources, frameworks, national ownership of projects,
often unsustainable natural resource use, and environmental awareness, institutional capac-
other particular economic vulnerabilities are ity, and strategic institutional partnerships.
disrupting livelihoods. The COVID-19 pan- Project-related factors including good project
demic has further exacerbated the SIDS econ- design and adaptive project management,
omies and livelihoods. Over the past 25 years scaling-up and replication based on lessons
the Global Environment Facility (GEF) has learned, and a good exit strategy are also
supported interventions in SIDS through $578 important for sustainability.
million in financing, in critical areas such as
biodiversity protection, climate resilience, and Keywords
energy access through renewable energy. But
how effective and sustainable have these inter- GEF · Sustainability · SIDS · Biodiversity ·
ventions been? What factors influencing the Climate change
sustainability of GEF interventions can pro-

G. Batra (*) Introduction

Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
Office, Washington, DC, USA Spread over the ocean regions of the Caribbean,
the Pacific and Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, the
T. Norheim Mediterranean, and the South China Sea, the
Scanteam, Oslo, Norway

© The Author(s) 2022 73

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
74 G. Batra and T. Norheim

small island developing states (SIDS) are a dis- fundamentally adversely impacting the main eco-
tinct group of developing countries often known nomic sectors of agriculture, fishing, and
for their rich biological diversity, oceans, tour- tourism.
ism, and fisheries. The pressures on these and The GEF Independent Evaluation Office
other natural resources is most immediate in the (IEO) conducted a strategic country cluster eval-
islands where the high vulnerability to the uation (SCCE) of SIDS in 2019–2020, evaluating
impacts of climate change, limited land and water the relevance and effectiveness of GEF interven-
resources, often unsustainable natural resource tions in countries in the Atlantic, Indian Ocean,
use, and other particular economic vulnerabilities Caribbean, and the Pacific. The overarching
are disrupting livelihoods. The COVID-19 pan- objectives of the SCCE were:
demic has further exacerbated the SIDS econo-
mies and livelihoods. Over the past 25 years the 1. To assess the relevance of GEF support in
Global Environment Facility (GEF) has sup- addressing the main environmental challenges
ported interventions in the SIDS through $578 in SIDS.
million in financing, in critical areas such as bio- 2. To provide a deeper understanding of the
diversity protection, climate resilience, and determinants of sustainability of outcomes for
energy access through renewable energy. But future design and implementation.
how effective and sustainable have these inter-
ventions been? What factors influencing the sus- To address these questions, we analyzed GEF
tainability of GEF interventions can provide SIDS projects completed between 2007 and 2014
insights for future project design and for sustainability of outcomes; these date param-
implementation? eters provided sufficient time after project com-
Despite many regional and national differ- pletion to observe early trends towards
ences indicative of the heterogeneity across sustainability of outcomes. To further explore the
SIDS, with context-specific environmental and determinants of sustainability, we undertook
socioeconomic development challenges (United country case studies of Kiribati and Vanuatu in
Nations Office of the High Representative for the the Pacific; Comoros, Maldives, Mauritius, and
Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Seychelles in the Indian Ocean; Guinea-Bissau in
Developing Countries and Small Island West Africa/Atlantic; and Belize, Dominican
Developing States [UN OHRLLS], 2015; United Republic, Jamaica, and St. Lucia in the Caribbean.
Nations Environment Programme [UNEP], 1999, The evaluation also examined cross-cutting
2008, 2010, 2013; World Bank, 2009, 2015), issues on gender, vulnerability/resilience, and
these nations share certain geophysical con- private sector engagement in relation to their role
straints, environmental challenges, and economic in achieving sustainable outcomes.
vulnerabilities due to their small size, geographic
remoteness, and fragile environments. Their
resource base is limited with a predominant focus Environmental Challenges
on natural resources and tourism, domestic in SIDS
markets are typically small, and remoteness
results in high costs for energy, infrastructure, SIDS confront many severe challenges, espe-
and transportation, and a heavy dependence on a cially climate change that results in sea-level rise,
few markets for exports. Their openness makes the increased impact of natural disasters and
them particularly vulnerable to economic shocks invasive alien species, problems relating to non-
and their growth has been sluggish (OECD, sustainable use of land and water affecting the
2018). SIDS are also highly vulnerable to climate productive sectors, and issues with the gover-
change and natural disasters. Climate change is nance of the natural resources (UN OHRLLS,
causing sea-level rise, beach erosion, coral 2015; UNEP, 1999, 2008, 2010, 2013; World
bleaching, more invasive alien species, and is Bank, 2009, 2015).
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 75

According to an Intergovernmental Panel on fertile soils and a large number of crops can be
Climate Change (2019) special report, The Ocean produced at different altitudes. However, the soils
and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, the sea are often degraded due to deforestation and over-
level is likely to rise 0.61–1.10 m by 2100 if exploitation by a relatively high population, and
global greenhouse gas emissions are not miti- strong tropical rainfalls cause erosion and land-
gated. However, a rise of 2 meters or more cannot slides. Poor land management practices such as
be ruled out. Even if efforts to mitigate emissions slash-and-burn agriculture, uncontrolled livestock
are effective, extreme sea level events will grazing on fragile lands, poor road construction,
become common before 2100, and probably by and unplanned or poorly planned settlements in
2050 in many locations. Without ambitious adap- landslide-prone areas have further exacerbated
tation, the combined impact of hazards such as land degradation (Food and Agricultural
coastal storms and high tides will drastically Organization of the United Nations, 2017). In
increase the frequency and severity of flooding SIDS in Latin America and the Caribbean, land
and land erosion in low-lying SIDS (OECD, degradation costs an estimated $4.8 billion dollars
2018). Particularly at risk from rising sea levels annually, and impacts approximately 125 million
are the Bahamas, Kiribati, Maldives, the Marshall people within the region (UNEP, 2014). It directly
Islands, and Tuvalu, where between 30% and impacts human livelihoods and survival, with sig-
55% of the land is less than 5 m above sea level nificant negative implications for the most vulner-
(World Bank, n.d.). able groups in society.
Beach erosion is another common problem in Many SIDS see themselves as large ocean
SIDS, and has increased due to climate change. states, as their ocean territories are approximately
The coral reefs around many islands are also 20.7 times greater than their land area, and many
severely affected by global warming, which is are promoting sustainable use of ocean resources
causing ocean acidification, reef degeneration, while generating economic growth, building
and more frequent coral bleaching. Coastal social and financial inclusion, and preserving and
tourism-­ related development and an influx of restoring ocean ecosystems (Meddeb, 2020). The
tourists put pressure on coastal areas and feed oceanic and coastal fishing industry represents an
into coral reef degradation. More than 70% of important source of nutrition and revenue for
Antigua and Barbuda’s coral reef is threatened by SIDS populations. However, unsustainable com-
coastal development; in St. Vincent and the mercial fishing has put pressure on marine
Grenadines, the coral reefs around Tobago Cays resources. In Nauru, Palau, and Tonga, commer-
are under threat of further deterioration due to the cial fishing accounts for 50%–70% of total fish-
anchoring of cruise ships. The development of ery activity, and although the number of tons
marinas, hotels, and other tourism-related facili- produced per year is rather small, it does have an
ties has also put pressure on mangroves and wet- impact on fish stocks. The top three fish-­exporting
lands and reduced important fish breeding SIDS—Fiji, Kiribati, and Papua New Guinea—
habitats. have lower rates of commercial fishing, ranging
The primary sectors of agriculture, agrofor- from 10.0% to 28.6% of the country’s respective
estry, fisheries, and tourism are important in most total fishery activity. Marine resources here are
SIDS. In atoll countries, soils are mostly infertile also threatened by natural disasters, mainly
and not conducive for agriculture. Limited fresh- cyclones, damaging fishing grounds and fish
water resources combined with excessive drain- breeding habitats, and seabed mining is a critical
age in these islands makes agriculture even more issue in Papua New Guinea. In all SIDS, illegal,
difficult, with the result that annual crops often unreported, and unregulated fishing; harmful
are produced only in the rainy season. Climate fishing subsidies; pollution; habitat degradation;
change and unusual weather variability have governance structures; and a lack of policies and
made agricultural production planning increas- their enforcement pose threats to marine
ingly difficult. The volcanic islands often have resources.
76 G. Batra and T. Norheim

The isolated nature of SIDS makes for small associated with negative environmental effects.
populations and restricted habitats, leading in Mining takes a toll on the environment in several
turn to often unique but also extremely fragile SIDS. For example, some of Guyana’s and
biodiversity, where species often lack the ability Suriname’s extractive processes for gold use cya-
to adapt to rapid changes. Countries that cur- nide and mercury, which are both highly toxic.
rently face immediate threats to their flora and Impacts from mining include soil contamination,
fauna include Cabo Verde, Cook Islands, Guinea-­ deforestation, removal of soil surface, and biodi-
Bissau, Kiribati, Palau, São Tomé and Príncipe, versity loss. In the Americas, SIDS particularly at
the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu. risk from the environmental impacts of mining
Invasive alien species are the primary cause of are Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Guyana,
species extinctions in island ecosystems. If left Haiti, Jamaica, and Suriname. In the Pacific,
unchecked, these species can degrade critical phosphate mining in Nauru has a major impact
ecosystem services on islands, such as the provi- on natural resources. For many SIDS, sand min-
sion of water and the productivity of coastal ing and seabed mining are practices that have a
areas. Large numbers of invasive alien plants major impact on the integrity and sustainability
often cause problems in the agricultural sector of local ecosystems.
and forest areas, and in freshwater bodies. The discussion above highlights the fact that
Invasive animal species are also a big problem, environmental issues in SIDS are clearly interre-
such as the small Indian mongoose (Herpestes lated and impacted by economic constraints such
auropunctatus) and rats that prey on native ani- as limited diversification; small markets; high
mals and eat bird eggs. In the ocean, invasive levels of indebtedness; high costs of energy,
alien species have been less frequently reported, infrastructure, communication, and transporta-
but the lionfish (Pterois volitans) that is native to tion; limited institutional capacity; and brain
the Indo-Pacific is a problem in the Caribbean, drain. Growing recognition of the vital impor-
where its toxic spikes are a threat to biodiversity tance of the oceans to the economies and liveli-
and tourists. hoods in SIDS has increased calls for integrated
Another challenging issue in SIDS is waste “blue economy” approaches, the “sustainable use
management, due to lack of space and deficient of ocean resources for economic growth,
waste-handling systems. Solid waste is fre- improved livelihoods and jobs, and ocean ecosys-
quently burned or discarded in the sea or in tem health” (World Bank, 2017). At the same
nearby mangroves. Large amounts of solid waste time, SIDS face fundamental challenges that
are accumulated on land, then often flow into the must be tackled immediately—especially their
ocean. The substantial number of tourists and high vulnerability to the impacts of climate
tourist facilities in many SIDS increase the change, reflected in the need for sustainable man-
amount of waste produced. In St. Vincent and the agement of natural resources on land and in the
Grenadines, wastewater from tourist yachts has ocean, and the need to convert to renewable and
severely polluted the eastern coasts. Solid and less costly energy sources. Adaptation measures
liquid waste make their way to the coastal areas, are complicated by limited land and water
contaminating beaches and marine ecosystems. resources, lack of awareness, and long-standing
Sewage water most often goes directly into the traditions of unsustainable exploitation of
sea without any treatment. Permeation of aqui- resources. As such, appropriate environmental
fers by wastewater, including contaminated water interventions would require an integrated
from agricultural production (fertilizers, pesti- approach to land, water, forest, biodiversity, and
cides), also reduces water quality. coastal resource management, which in turn
Many SIDS have rich but currently untapped would have an impact on economic livelihoods.
repositories of mineral resources. Extraction is an In the next section, we highlight some of the
important source of foreign capital and govern- main SIDS interventions of the GEF that aim to
ment revenue, and a source of jobs, but is also address these complex and systemic challenges.
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 77

GEF Interventions in SIDS Table 1 Environmental domains in SIDS GEF projects

Environmental domains Projects %
The GEF has a mandate to protect the global Threats to terrestrial biodiversity 71 24.91
environmental commons—the biodiversity, Deforestation and land degradation 48 16.84
water, oceans, healthy forests, land, and stable Climate change mitigation—emission 45 15.79
climate on which the planet and human health
Climate change adaptation—sea-level 42 14.74
depend. The pressures on these resources are rise
immediate in SIDS, in view of their unique biodi- Water quality and quantity 39 13.68
versity and vulnerability. Although the GEF does General capacity building 39 13.68
not have an official strategy for SIDS, it has for Climate change mitigation— 35 12.28
more than 25 years supported projects in critical renewable energy and energy
areas for SIDS such as biodiversity protection on
Threats to marine resources 34 11.93
land and in the ocean, resilience to climate Coastal and coral reef degradation 30 10.53
change and related disaster risk management, Threats to freshwater fishery 17 5.96
increased energy access through renewable resources
energy and energy efficiency, halting and revers- Waste management 14 4.91
ing land degradation, cooperation on interna- Climate change adaptation—natural 5 1.75
tional waters, and improved chemicals disasters
management. In total, between 2006 and 2018,
the GEF has invested $1.37 billion in SIDS of soil, water, and biodiversity.1 Many projects
through 337 interventions, 219 of which were at under one focal area generate co-­benefits in other
the country level and the others at a regional areas, especially between the areas of biodiversity
level. Recently, the GEF has planned an addi- and climate change, but these co-benefits are
tional $233 million commitment through 2022. often not measured. The chapter appendix pro-
Of GEF allocations in SIDS, 43% are in Asia, vides a list of all projects discussed in this chapter,
37% in Latin America and the Caribbean, and their implementing agencies, and the countries in
20% in the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean which the interventions took place.
and South China Sea (AIMS). The GEF imple- We found that all projects reviewed had a sat-
ments projects through 18 implementing agen- isfactory rating for relevance to the national envi-
cies. The United Nations Development Program ronmental challenges and were relevant for the
(UNDP) has implemented more than half the environmental priorities in relation to national
GEF projects in SIDS; together, the UNDP, priorities.2 This was further reflected in the gov-
UNEP, and World Bank have implemented more ernments’ interest in employing GEF funding to
than 85% of the GEF SIDS portfolio. confront their challenges. GEF-financed projects
This evaluation included a desk review of the
portfolio of 286 GEF projects in the 39 SIDS. Most
Two examples are A Ridge to Reef Approach for the
GEF projects reviewed are focused on climate
Integrated Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial
change mitigation and adaptation, including Ecosystems in the Seychelles; and Conserving
energy, followed by biodiversity (31%) and inter- Biodiversity and Reducing Land Degradation Using a
national waters. Table 1 presents the environmen- Ridge to Reef Approach in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
tal domains addressed in the GEF SIDS projects.
Some examples include Support to the Alignment of
Jamaica’s National Action Programme to the UNCCD
Fifteen percent of the portfolio’s projects address 10 Year Strategy; Mainstreaming Global Environmental
more than one area. Many projects cover water- Priorities into National Policies and Programmes;
shed management from an integrated natural Renewable Energy Technology Development and
resource management perspective, sometimes Application, which supported the Maldives national strat-
egy in the area of renewable energy; and Sustainable
with a ridge to reef approach, and establish alli- Management of POPs in Mauritius, which was designed
ances with the agricultural sector in conservation to comply with the priorities in the Mauritius National
Implementation Plan on hazardous waste.
78 G. Batra and T. Norheim

are also well aligned with the GEF and conven- Change Fund, the GEF has built an active portfolio
tion strategies in climate change, biodiversity, of projects across SIDS in Africa, the Indian Ocean,
sustainable forest management, and hazardous Asia-Pacific, and Latin America and the Caribbean.
waste. The ministers of environment and other Recent GEF support has focused on:
government officials interviewed highlighted that
the GEF is an important source of funding that • Disaster preparedness and resilience, includ-
fits into their priorities and planning. This is also ing mapping of disaster-prone areas and estab-
reflected in the country programs of GEF lishment of local early warning systems, as
Agencies that have a national presence, including well as ecosystem-based approaches
the UNDP, the World Bank, and regional devel- • Innovative tools to manage disaster risk such
opment banks (Inter-American Development as risk insurance facilities, risk pooling, risk
Bank, African Development Bank, and Asian transfer, and supportive policy and capacities
Development Bank). Discussions around formu- • Win-win solutions that can deliver both adap-
lation and identification of priority areas take tation and global environmental benefits, such
place between the GEF focal point in a country’s as improved access to drinking water (includ-
government and relevant ministries and agencies, ing rainwater harvesting), improved access to
with consultation with relevant GEF Agencies. clean and resilient energy, more climate-­
resilient smallholder food systems, and inte-
grated semiurban and urban planning
Climate Resilience
Building the capacity of the private sector to
The GEF adaptation projects support investment, engage in climate change adaptation and main-
policy, and capacity-building measures in a range of streaming community and gender considerations
sectors that are vulnerable to climate risk, including are also important aspects.
agriculture, fisheries, water resources, health, and For example, the Kiribati Adaptation Program
urban and coastal settlements. To improve climate focused on climate resilience and disaster risk
resilience and reduce disaster risks, the GEF sup- management, including the design of seawalls to
ports land use planning with an integrated and sus- protect against sea-level rise and coastal erosion.
tainable natural resources management approach The subsequent phases continued the process,
and disaster risk management focused especially on strengthening climate resilience based on the
prevention and mitigation of natural disasters. strategies and designs developed, and improved
Through its two adaptation funds, the Least the seawall designs based on lessons learned dur-
Developed Countries Fund and the Special Climate ing the previous phase (see Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Seawall models used in the World Bankv Kiribati Adaptation Program (KAP)
From left: Failed eroded KAP II sandbag seawall, KAP III seawall with cement sandbags, and KAP III rock seawall
using imported rocks. (2019 photos courtesy T. Norheim)
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 79

I ntegrated Resource Management support is often channeled through regional GEF

Through Ridge to Reef programs, which also encourage South-South
knowledge transfer. Examples from the various
Thirty percent of the GEF projects in SIDS con- regions are the Pacific’s Strategic Action
sider integrated approaches such as ridge to reef, Program, Addressing Land-Based Activities in
whole island approach, or blue economy. The the Western Indian Ocean, and Catalyzing
GEF is supporting SIDS countries in implement- Implementation of the Strategic Action
ing such approaches to sustainably manage soil, Programme for the Sustainable Management of
water, and biodiversity while also considering Shared Living Marine Resources in the Caribbean
renewable energy resources and productive sec- and North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems.
tors such as agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and
tourism. “Ridge to reef” is an integrated water-
shed management approach in which the plan- Protected Areas
ning area starts at the top of the island and ends at
the coral reef. The approach is designed to reverse GEF assistance has included the establishment of
the degradation of coastal resources by finding new protected areas, building capacity for plan-
ways to reduce the flow of untreated wastewater, ning and effective area management including
chemicals, nutrients, and sediments from land-­ co-management with local stakeholders, and
based economic activities and cities into deltas, establishment of protected area funds and other
coastal zones, and oceans. Two ecosystems are mechanisms for sustainable financing. The GEF
specifically important for the resilience and eco- supports strategies to reduce the negative impacts
nomic viability of the coastal zones: the man- of tourism, fisheries, and agriculture, while at the
groves and the coral reef. Ridge to reef is one same time allowing traditional communities situ-
important measure to help defend these ecosys- ated in and around the areas to carry out sustain-
tems that protect human settlements against natu- able income-generating activities from fruit,
ral disasters and are also important for nuts, fish, eco-tourism, etc., based on the ecosys-
productivity of fisheries. Consequently, this tems’ carrying capacity.
approach employs integrated water resource
management and integrated coastal management
plans that come together into long-term sustain- Land Use Management
able use of natural resources, while limiting the
impact on fragile environments. The GEF’s work in land degradation—specifi-
cally deforestation and desertification—has
emphasized the need to take an integrated
Blue Economy approach to sustainable land management while
ensuring the sustainability of livelihoods. The
Another priority area of the GEF is strengthening GEF has now expanded this approach to include
national blue economy opportunities through a the United Nations Convention to Combat
combination of national and regional invest- Desertification (UNCCD, 2017) guiding princi-
ments. GEF support aims to sustain healthy ple of land degradation neutrality. The GEF’s
coastal and marine ecosystems, catalyze sustain- support to SIDS has evolved in the same way,
able fisheries management, and address pollution seeking to ultimately halt and reverse land degra-
reduction in marine environments. The GEF dation, restore degraded ecosystems, and sustain-
assists SIDS in identifying sustainable public and ably manage the resources.
private national investments through funding of The many environmental challenges on land
collective management of coastal and marine and in the ocean are interconnected, and GEF
systems and implementation of integrated ocean projects to confront these challenges recognize
policies and legal and institutional reforms. This this. Addressing a single challenge separately is
80 G. Batra and T. Norheim

not possible, because management of soil, water, resources, but continue to meet a high percentage
and waste impacts the ocean, and thereby human of their energy needs by burning fossil fuels. The
economic activities, especially fisheries. GEF supports SIDS to strengthen national energy
Examples of projects demonstrating this include security, develop clean energy policies, catalyze
the regional program Combating Living Resource private investments in the renewable energy sec-
Depletion and Coastal Area Degradation in the tor, and facilitate the use of advanced renewable
Guinea Current LME Through Ecosystem-Based energy and energy efficiency technologies in
Regional Actions; Integrated Ecological Planning agriculture and urban and rural development,
and Sustainable Land Management in Coastal with co-benefits to health, community develop-
Ecosystems of Comoros; and Integrated ment, poverty eradication, and women’s
Management of the Yallahs River and Hope River empowerment.
Watersheds. Within each of these areas, the GEF must
assure support to achieve global environmental
benefits. This evaluation showed that, consistent
Invasive Alien Species with the challenges SIDS confront, the most
important areas include maintaining biodiversity
Invasive alien species are one of the main causes goods and services (36.8%) and support for low-­
of ecosystem degradation and species extinctions emission development (35.1%), followed by
in SIDS. Many SIDS have been geographically enhancement of the countries’ capacity to imple-
isolated for thousands of years and are therefore ment multilateral environmental agreements and
more vulnerable to the effects of alien species. mainstream them into national and subnational
The GEF continues to support the implementa- policy, planning, financial, and legal frameworks
tion of comprehensive prevention, early detec- (26%).
tion, control, and management, while In all the different focal areas, GEF inter-
emphasizing a risk management approach that ventions have mostly focused on strategy
focuses on the highest risk invasion pathways. implementation and institutional capacity
development, and on various aspects of knowl-
edge management. Infrastructure investment is
Chemicals and Waste included in only a few projects, usually at a
small scale. Institutional strengthening, includ-
Toxic chemicals, other hazardous waste, and ing training, continues to be important, not
waste arriving from the ocean present acute chal- only for SIDS governments, but also for effec-
lenges to the fragile ecosystems in SIDS and their tiveness and efficiency in all GEF projects (see
coastal areas. GEF programs seek to address the Table 2). These issues are especially signifi-
sound management of chemicals and waste cant for the least developed countries (LDCs)
through strengthening the capacity of subna- that have fewer resources for the public sector.
tional, national, and regional institutions and SIDS are also in favor of regional projects with
strengthening the enabling policy and regulatory South-South sharing of knowledge, which is
framework in these countries. yielding important benefits for the smallest and
poorest countries. The evaluation found sup-
port for regional programs especially in the
 enewable Energy and Energy
R Indian Ocean, but also in the Caribbean and
Efficiency Pacific, where countries are in favor of regional
programs if they include a strong national
Several SIDS have a huge potential of untapped component (for pilot projects), and transfer of
renewable energy resources from solar, wind, knowledge/lessons learned that especially ben-
hydroelectric, tidal, geothermal, and biomass efit the smallest countries.
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 81

Table 2 GEF contribution areas

Area Sub area Projects %
Strategy implementation Technologies and approaches 120 42.11
Implementing mechanisms and bodies 81 28.42
Financial mechanisms for implementation and sustainability 62 21.75
Institutional capacity development Policy, legal, and regulatory frameworks 172 60.35
Governance structures and arrangements 66 23.16
Informal processes for trust building and conflict resolution 1 0.35
Knowledge management Knowledge generation 125 43.86
Information sharing and access 92 32.28
Awareness raising 73 25.61
Skills building 152 53.33
Monitoring and evaluation 73 25.61

Table 3 Positive environmental outcomes mentioned in Table 4 Areas of positive changes in building institu-
the terminal evaluation reports in SIDS tional capacity/governance in GEF projects in SIDS
Area of positive environmental outcome Projects % Area of capacity building, institutional
Threats to terrestrial biodiversity 18 51.43 development, or improved governance Projects %
Deforestation and land degradation, 13 37.14 Capacity and skills development 38 86.36
including SLM Awareness raising 32 72.73
Water quality and quantity 10 28.57 Development of plans, policies, 25 56.82
Waste management 8 22.86 codes, covenants, laws, and
Threats to marine resources 7 20.00 regulations
Coastal and coral reef degradation 5 14.29 Knowledge management, 24 54.55
Climate change mitigation, emission 5 14.29 information-sharing, and knowledge
reduction systems
Renewable energy and energy 5 14.29 Institutional and decision-making 17 38.64
efficiency processes, structures, and systems
Climate change; sea level rise 2 5.71 Environmental monitoring systems 14 31.82
Other 1 2.86 Decision-makers’ information and 6 13.64
access to information
Note: The total number of projects is higher than the num-
Trust-building and conflict resolution 2 4.55
ber of the projects with terminal evaluations (45) because
several projects had more than one environmental Other 1 2.27
outcome Note: The total number of projects is higher than the num-
ber of the projects with terminal evaluations (45) because
several projects had more than one area of positive change

Performance and Sustainability versity, deforestation/land degradation, and water

of GEF Projects in SIDS quality/quantity (see Table 3). Socioeconomic
outcomes were observed in the areas of income
Based on a detailed review of 45 closed SIDS generation/diversification, private sector engage-
projects with terminal evaluation reports pre- ment, and civil society engagement. All the proj-
pared at closure, we observed positive environ- ects except one (97.78%) reported improvements
mental institutional capacity building and in institutional capacity or governance (see
socioeconomic outcomes in more than 75% of Table 4).
the projects (for example, see Box 1). The find- Overall, the SIDS portfolio performance was
ings were further validated through in-country slightly lower than that of the overall GEF portfo-
visits to these projects in 2018. The main positive lio. Factors contributing to this include limited
environmental impacts were in the areas of biodi- project preparation time, particularly for projects
82 G. Batra and T. Norheim

cutting across various environmental areas; the Sustainability

relative complication of GEF projects, compared
to those of other funding agencies, and the proj- Sustainable development is defined as “develop-
ects’ additional burden on existing limited capac- ment that meets the needs of the present without
ity; and weak national institutional capacity for compromising the ability of future generations to
procurement. Of note, nearly all GEF projects are meet their own needs” (World Commission on
implemented during a single phase with a dura- Environment and Development, 1983). For a
tion of 4–5 years. New projects with similar or project, sustainability is understood as the likeli-
complementary goals are often approved without hood of continuation of the benefits after comple-
designing a coherent next phase based on results tion of project implementation. Donors are
and lessons learned. Monitoring information, increasingly interested in ensuring that benefits
including the availability of baseline data, contin- continue past interventions to ensure longer term
ues to be a challenge. outcomes and impacts.

Box 1: Case Study: Geospatial Analyses on

practices. To address these threats, the GEF
the Outcomes of the Iyanola—Natural
project adopted a cross-sectoral, strategic
Resource Management Project in the NE
approach to integrated landscape manage-
Coast of St. Lucia
ment involving forest, coastal, and land use
This case study demonstrates the relevance management. The main activities included
and effectiveness of GEF interventions developing a regulatory framework,
using geospatial analysis. The $7.3 million enhancing capacity to produce biodiversity-­
Iyanola—Natural Resource Management friendly goods and services, restoration,
of the NE Coast project was launched in and piloting land use plans. Time series
2015 to improve the effective management forest loss data (see Fig. 4) shows an
and sustainable use of the natural resource increase in forest loss in the protected area
base of the northeast coast of Saint Lucia before the project implementation started
and generate multiple global environmental in 2015, and a slight decrease during the
benefits. The region hosts Iyanola dry for- project period. At the 2018 data point, the
ests that are classified as the key biodiver- percent loss had further decreased to 0.05%
sity areas and as important bird areas. in the protected area and about 0.04% in
These dry forests are unique to the region the buffer areas.
and an important habitat for a combination As a result of the GEF interventions,
of rare and endemic flora and fauna species, vegetation cover increased between 2015
with ecosystems rich in biodiversity and and 2016 in restoration sites (see Fig. 5).
unique dry scrub forests and pristine The average normalized difference vegeta-
beaches (see Figs. 2 and 3). The forest tion index (NDVI) at the three restoration
region is also endowed with a variety of sites increased by 20% between 2015 and
environmental resources that form an 2018; the productivity tapered down in
important and potential socioeconomic and 2018 compared to the previous 2 years,
cultural asset base of the island’s national perhaps due to a decrease in precipitation.
economy. The plantation of native and nonnative
The Iyanola dry forests area is threat- trees together with the understory led to
ened mainly by agriculture expansion, log- increased vegetation productivity, also ver-
ging, and forest fire due to slash-and-burn ified during site visits.
Fig. 2 Iyanola dry forests, St. Lucia

Fig. 3 Location of the

Iyanola project sites
84 G. Batra and T. Norheim

Fig. 4 Percent forest loss, 2001–2018. (Source: GEF IEO, 2019)

Fig. 5 Landsat-derived vegetation productivity at the restoration sites; NDVI before and during the project. (Source:
GEF IEO, 2019)

The GEF SIDS SCCE examined 45 projects  actors Affecting the Sustainability
which were rated for their likely sustainability at of Outcomes in SIDS
completion. Half the projects had an overall sus-
tainability rating of likely or moderately likely The main contextual and project-related factors
(see Table 5). We found relatively small differ- that affect sustainability are summarized in
ences between the different dimensions of sus- Table 6. These were developed based on field vis-
tainability, with political sustainability being its and further confirm results from our desk anal-
most likely. ysis of the 45 projects on national and regional
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 85

Table 5 Ratings on four dimensions of project sustainability in SIDS

Sustainability dimension Likely/moderately likely Moderately unlikely/unlikely Not rated/NA
Financial 53 18 28.88
Political 62 9 28.89
Institutional 51 22 26.67
Environmental 49 9 42.22

Table 6 Observed contributing and hindering factors influencing the sustainability of outcomes
Sustainability Contributing factors Hindering factors
Context related • Legal and institutional framework for • Low institutional capacity, especially in the
environment and protected areas relatively smaller countries, with low
• Government policies supporting ownership, little institutional memory, high
environmental conservation, climate turnover, and brain drain
change mitigation, and adaptation • Unfavorable political conditions and events in
• National ownership of projects, some countries (coup d’etat, corruption, civil
reflected in government support and protests)
budget allocation • Often weak national and local environmental
• Strategic institutional partnerships NGOs with low technical capacity and limited
• Public–private partnerships in the key influence on decision making and low capacity
sectors on local level to implement planned activities
• Sustainable national financing • Low level of environmental awareness, reflected
mechanisms, e.g. environmental funds, in the public’s attitude to waste and to
to cofinance projects renewable energy sources
• General institutional capacity, especially • Pressure from the agricultural and tourism
in the public sector sectors to exploit sensitive areas, from a land,
coastal, and marine environment perspective
• Natural disasters and unfavorable environmental
conditions (hurricane, drought, earthquake,
• Infrastructure constraints that make transport
and communication across islands difficult,
impacting learning and knowledge sharing
Project related • Training and institutional capacity • Project design that does not consider previous
building, including introduction of new projects in the sector and lessons learned
technology and new techniques • Little consideration of impact and sustainability
• Buy-in and sense of ownership among in the project design
key project stakeholders • Insufficient involvement of main stakeholders
• Adaptive project management during design and implementation
• Strength of project teams and • Weak project monitoring and risk management
engagement of steering committees • Insufficient national and local capacity building
• Strategic institutional partnerships to assure continuation of activities
• Replication and scaling-up based on • Lack of exit strategy and future financing to
lessons learned, including small-scale sustain the projects’ momentum
local investments financed by GEF-
SGP, NGO/CSO, and the private sector

interventions that were completed between 2007 capacity, good project design and adaptive proj-
and 2014, allowing time after project completion ect management, an engaged project steering
to observe the long-term sustainability of out- committee, building strategic institutional part-
comes. Below, we discuss these factors with nerships, scaling up and replication based on les-
examples from GEF projects. sons learned, and a good exit strategy.
Project-related factors that influence sustain- We found that the most important project-­
ability include training and building institutional related hindering factor was the quality of project
86 G. Batra and T. Norheim

design, which sometimes gave little consideration the total annual budget for marine conservation
to long-term impact and sustainability. Many of was estimated at $5.2 million and increased up to
these SIDS projects had a short time horizon for an average of approximately $9.9 million from
planned outcomes and impact, and the issue of 2013 to 2018, with a peak budget of $12.4 mil-
sustainability was often considered only from a lion in 2016 due to the construction of the Blue
financial point of view. Not enough consideration Bay Marine Park Centre.
was given to previous projects in the same sector The establishment of national environmental
(e.g., biodiversity, energy) and even though the funds is important for sustainable development
project documents always list preceding projects, financing as demonstrated in Guinea-Bissau
seldom did deep analysis occur of lessons learned through the Biodiversity Conservation Trust
that could help avoid repeating errors from the Fund, which was able to achieve sustainable
past. Project plans from international consultants results, particularly in capacity building and
often provided a theoretical approach without on- institutional strengthening. Its most important
the-ground technical and social knowledge; at the result was the creation of the Bio Guinea
same time, most SIDS have less specialized capac- Foundation (FBG) with an initial government
ity for project design. Therefore, collaboration funding of 1 million Euros. It is a public fund but
between national specialists and international managed autonomously with its own board, with
counterparts is necessary. Another challenge for the goal of covering the costs of the protected
many SIDS is that GEF projects must include a area system and supporting other biodiversity
high percentage of cofinancing. conservation initiatives. The Bio Guinea
Important contextual factors that affect sustain- Foundation is to be capitalized with $1.7 million,
ability in SIDS were found to be national policies including $0.9 million from the GEF’s frame-
and legal and regulatory frameworks, national work strengthening project.
ownership of projects, national environmental Strategic institutional partnerships, including
funds, environmental awareness, institutional public–private partnerships, have been another
capacity, and strategic institutional partnerships. key contributing factor in project sustainability.
The most important context-related factor was Long-term partnerships with national NGOs for
the national-level legal and regulatory framework protected area management have been funda-
for environment and protected areas, and the mental for social, environmental, and financial
extent to which the laws were enforced. For sustainability of protected areas. In Seychelles,
instance, in Comoros, unsustainable forest and the protected area site Vallée de Mai is situated
agricultural practices, including slash-and-burn within the Praslin National Park, managed by the
and overexploitation for firewood and timber, National Parks Authority, but is managed sepa-
have greatly reduced the possibility for regenera- rately by the NGO Seychelles Islands Foundation
tion of natural forest ecosystems. The govern- (SIF). The site has the highest concentration of
ment has developed policies and incentives to the endemic coco-de-mer palm (Lodoicea mal-
promote agricultural production and self-­ divica), found only on the islands of Praslin and
sufficiency of food products. Curieuse. The entrance fees from tourists visiting
National ownership of the projects is an the site are used to cofinance the UNESCO World
important contributing factor for sustainability, Heritage Sites of the Aldabra Atoll more than
as reflected in local stakeholder participation and 1000 km away, where income from tourism is not
government support and budget allocation. so easy to manage.
Ownership by national institutions was clearly
demonstrated in the case of the Partnership for Institutional Capacity, Environmental
Marine Protected Areas in Mauritius, in which Awareness, and Economic Pressure
various departments of the government have pro- Our evaluation found that low levels of institu-
vided for sustained budgeting for the conserva- tional capacity, lack of environmental awareness,
tion of marine resources and biodiversity since and pressure from economic sectors had negative
the early 1990s. After the project closed in 2012, effects on projects’ sustainability.
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 87

Overall low institutional capacity causes prob- clearly shown in Comoros, where solid waste was
lems especially in the poorest SIDS countries, and found all over the country and waste collection
brain drain has been an issue in the Pacific islands and handling is limited even in urban areas and
and the Caribbean. High turnover at the national tourist resorts. However, some governments,
level is another issue in many SIDS, especially in including Mauritius, Samoa, and Seychelles, have
countries with a dynamic private sector such as taken effective measures to forbid single-use plas-
Mauritius and the Dominican Republic. Some tic bags and conduct awareness campaigns
SIDS, such as Guinea-Bissau, Comoros, and through public media. The national component of
Maldives, have passed through periods of political the project in Mauritius installed waste incinera-
instability and coup d’etat, which not only affected tors and grids in the four main streams to prevent
ongoing projects but also cut off financing from solid waste from entering the port waters in the
many development agencies for long periods. Municipality of Port Louis.4
Low technical capacity and limited direct influ- Another common challenge is pressure from
ence on decision making of national and local economic sectors such as agriculture and tourism
environmental NGOs was another issue noted in to exploit environmentally sensitive areas.
Comoros, Kiribati, and Mauritius, where it has Deforestation in SIDS due to the advance of the
limited opportunities for national dialogue on sus- “agricultural frontier” has mostly been limited by
tainable development and reduced opportunities lack of road infrastructure in the island interior,
for partnerships such as those supporting local steep areas on the volcanic islands, and poor soils
communities. In contrast, we found that the envi- on the atoll islands. On the other hand, natural
ronmental NGOs in Jamaica and Seychelles were habitats such as mangroves and wetlands in coastal
technically strong and had significant influence on areas have often been eliminated due to shrimp
political decisions. farming and construction of coastal tourist resorts.
Low levels of environmental awareness are Sustainability changes over time as circum-
reflected in the public’s attitudes toward waste and stances change. Two thirds of the 24 projects that
renewable energy sources. One example is attitude were subject to field verification had positive
regarding the use of disposable plastic. During (moderately likely or likely) sustainability rat-
country visits, evaluators observed huge amounts ings at completion, while the observed sustain-
of solid waste along the coast line, along roads, and ability rating for the same projects was higher
even in protected areas. However, communities after the passage of time, at 81.25%.5 For exam-
that act a certain way based on short-term self- ple, in Guinea-Bissau, sustainability ratings
interest, mostly due to incentives, differ from com- improved with the political situation after the
munities that act based on awareness that their coup d’etat ended. Another factor is the GEF’s
actions will benefit them and their livelihoods in project funding timeline: The GEF normally
the future. Awareness raising is a slow process, finances only one project phase, with the expec-
especially in countries with high poverty rates. tation that the results will be achieved within that
In Guinea-Bissau, the lack of public awareness period. This evaluation, however, found that just
was demonstrated in large amounts of garbage one project intervention is often not sufficient to
directly in front of schools established inside achieve sustainability. Multi-phase projects, such
national parks, even though the schools have envi- as the Kiribati Adaptation Program presented
ronmental education on the curriculum.3 The gen-
eral lack of environmental awareness was also 4
Projects such as Addressing Land-Based Activities in the
Western Indian Ocean have helped reduce the threats of
waste to the health of marine and coastal ecosystems.
The problem is being addressed through local and 5
The evaluation noted differences in sustainability ratings
national awareness raising through the project over time in 12 projects. In nine, sustainability improved
Strengthening the Financial and Operational Framework over time; two projects had a decline in the sustainability
of the National Protected Areas System in rating; and in one project in St Lucia, the changes were
Guinea-Bissau. mixed.
88 G. Batra and T. Norheim

earlier, have a higher likelihood of sustainability.6 The evidence is also limited on projects achiev-
As an alternative to several phases, replication ing socioeconomic co-benefits and social inclu-
and scaling-up of project activities can strengthen sion. In terms of broadening and ensuring
the sustainability of outcomes. These follow-up sustainable impact, the most important mecha-
interventions may be financed through other nism is mainstreaming activities in biodiversity
national or international sources. and climate change through policies, strategies,
and activities of the countries. The second signifi-
cant channel is sustaining progress in environ-
GEF’s Overall Additionality in SIDS mental outcomes through attention to the project
and contextual factors presented.
The GEF’s strongest areas of additionality in
SIDS are strengthening institutions and assis-
tance with legal and regulatory frameworks, Conclusions
which, as the discussion above highlights, are
very important for sustainability of outcomes Despite the heterogeneity across SIDS, they con-
(GEF IEO, 2018). Projects across SIDS have front many common and severe challenges: cli-
achieved results in other areas of additionality to mate change that results in sea-level rise, the
varying degrees, with the weakest area being increased impact of natural disasters and invasive
accessing private sector financing (see Table 7). alien species, problems relating to nonsustain-
able use of land and water affecting the produc-
Table 7 GEF’s main areas of additionality in SIDS tive sectors, and issues with the governance of
Project Results natural resources. These are further impacted by
Additionality elements design achieved common economic constraints such as limited
Innovation additionality diversification; small markets; high levels of
Focus on solar technology indebtedness; high costs of energy, infrastruc-
Ridge to reef approach ture, communication and transportation; limited
institutional capacity; and brain drain. The
Socioeconomic additionality
COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated the
Encouraging of local
solutions situation, impacting the tourism industry that is
Social inclusiveness an integral part of these economies. However,
Social and economic drawing on evaluative evidence and lessons from
benefits GEF projects, this chapter highlights two impor-
Institutional/governance additionality tant points for sustainability of interventions.
Strengthening of institutions
First, investment in proven integrated interven-
Environmental governance
tions, such as blue economy and ridge to reef
Financial additionality
Access to private sector
approaches, is necessary. Expanding marine and
financing coastal activities could help diversify these econ-
Policy/regulatory additionality omies that are heavily reliant on the tourism sec-
Strengthening of the policy tor. Second, attention to contextual and
and regulatory environment project-related factors is very important. Putting
Environmental additionality these economies on a path to sustainability and a
greener recovery will require investments in
sound policy and regulatory frameworks, institu-
The Preparation Phase KAP I was implemented 2003– tional strengthening, financing from the public
2005 and the Pilot Implementation Phase KAP-II during and private sectors, and innovations in locally
2006–2011 followed by the Expansion Phase KAP
III. The program’s expected outcome is strengthened cli-
driven solutions that generate economic benefits
mate resilience for Kiribati, especially on the main and are socially inclusive.
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 89

Appendix: Projects Discussed in Chap. 7

GEF Implementing
Project name ID Country agency
SIP: Integrated Ecological Planning and 3363 Comoros IFAD
Sustainable Land Management in Coastal
Ecosystems of the Comoros in the Three Island
of (Grand Comore, Anjouan, and Moheli)
SPWA-BD: Guinea Bissau Biodiversity 3817 Guinea-Bissau World Bank
Conservation Trust Fund Project
Strengthening the Financial and Operational 5368 Guinea-Bissau UNDP
Framework of the National PA System in
Integrated Management of the Yallahs River 4454 Jamaica IABD
and Hope River Watersheds
Support to the Alignment of Jamaica’s National 5893 Jamaica UNEP
Action Programme to the UNCCD 10 Year
Strategy and Preparation of the Reporting and
Review Process
Kiribati Adaptation Program—Pilot 2543 Kiribati World Bank
Implementation Phase (KAP-II)
Renewable Energy Technology Development 1029 Maldives UNDP
and Application Project (RETDAP)
Partnerships for Marine Protected Areas in 1246 Mauritius UNDP
Sustainable Management of POPs in Mauritius 3205 Mauritius UNDP
A Ridge-to-Reef Approach for the Integrated 9431 Seychelles UNDP
Management of Marine, Coastal and Terrestrial
Ecosystems in the Seychelles
Iyanola—Natural Resource Management of the 5057 St. Lucia UNEP
NE Coast
Conserving Biodiversity and Reducing Land 9580 St. Vincent and the Grenadines UNDP
Degradation Using a Ridge-to-Reef Approach
Mainstreaming Global Environmental Priorities 5655 Vanuatu UNDP
into National Policies and Programmes
Combating Living Resource Depletion and 1188 Regional: Angola, Benin, Congo, Cote UNDP
Coastal Area Degradation in the Guinea d’Ivoire, Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana,
Current LME through Ecosystem-based Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,
Regional Actions Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, São Tomé
and Principe, Togo, Congo DR
Catalyzing Implementation of the Strategic 5542 Regional: Antigua and Barbuda, UNDP
Action Programme for the Sustainable Barbados, Brazil, Belize, Colombia,
Management of Shared Living Marine Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican
Resources in the Caribbean and North Brazil Republic, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana,
Shelf Large Marine Ecosystems (CMLE+) Honduras, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and
Nevis, St. Lucia, Mexico, Panama,
Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, St.
Vincent and Grenadines
Strategic Action Programme (SAP) of the 530 Regional: Cook Islands, Fiji, Micronesia, UNDP
Pacific Small Island Developing States Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue,
Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands,
Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Samoa
Addressing Land-based Activities in the 1247 Regional: Kenya, Comoros, Madagascar, UNEP
Western Indian Ocean (WIO-LaB) Mauritius, Mozambique, Seychelles,
Tanzania, South Africa
90 G. Batra and T. Norheim

References ing environment. UNEP Regional Office for Latin

America and the Caribbean.
United Nations Environment Programme. (2013). Arab
Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations.
region atlas of our changing environment. http://hdl.
(2017). Land degradation assessment in small island
developing states.­i7744e.pdf
United Nations Environment Programme. (2014).
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
Emerging issues for small island developing states.
Office. (2018). An evaluative approach to assess-
ing GEF’s additionality.
United Nations Office of the High Representative for the
Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
Countries and Small Island Developing States
Office. (2019). Small island developing states (SIDS)
(2015). Small island developing states in numbers:
strategic country cluster evaluation (SCCE). https://
Climate change edition 2015. https://sustainablede-­island-­developing-­­IN-­
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. (2019).
Summary for policymakers. In H.-O. Pörtner, D. C.
World Bank. (2009). Timor-Leste: Country environmen-
Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor,
tal analysis.
E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, M. Nicolai, A. Okem,
J. Petzold, B. Rama, & N. Weyer (Eds.), IPCC spe-
World Bank. (2015). Maldives: Identifying opportuni-
cial report on the ocean and cryosphere in a chang-
ties and constraints to ending poverty and promoting
ing climate.
shared prosperity. https://openknowledge.worldbank.
Meddeb, R. (2020, December 2). Small island developing
World Bank. (2017). What is the blue economy?
states do not have the luxury of time. United Nations
Development Programme.
World Bank. (n.d.) DataBank: World development indi-
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development. (2018). Geographical distribution of finan-
World Commission on Environment and Development.
cial flows to developing countries 2018: Disbursements,
(1983). Our common future. United Nations.
commitments, country indicators. Author. doi:https://­2018-­en-­fr
United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.
(2017). Scientific conceptual framework for land Resources
degradation neutrality. A report of the Science-
Policy Interface.
CBD Country profile for all countries visited: https://cbd.
Database of GEF projects:
United Nations Environment Programme. (1999). Pacific
GEF–UNDP Small Grants Program (SGP): www.sgp.
islands environmental outlook. UNEP Regional Office
for Latin America and the Caribbean.
IUCN Country Profiles:
United Nations Environment Programme. (2008).
The Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species:
Africa: Atlas of our changing environment. UNEP
Division of Early Warning and Assessment (DEWA).
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species: https://www.
World Bank Country Profiles: https://www.worldbank.
United Nations Environment Programme. (2010). Latin
America and the Caribbean: Atlas of our chang-
Staying Small and Beautiful: Enhancing Sustainability in the Small Island Developing States 91

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Assessing Sustainability
in Development Interventions

Ellen Fitzpatrick

Abstract ward linkages catalyzing growing economic

Sustainability is often claimed as an impact in
development interventions although there is Keywords
rarely a shared understanding of what it means,
how to design for it, and especially how to Sustainable impact · Capabilities ·
assess the likelihood that intended streams of Environment · Design · Evaluation · Malawi
benefits will continue. This chapter asserts that
to design and later to evaluate an intervention
with sustainable impacts, the intervention must This chapter presents a framework for trans-
deepen indigenous capabilities to manage the forming sustainability from a broad, amorphous
program, to solve problems, and to innovate. idea to a concrete and trackable impact that can
The design and implementation also must oper- be used in the design and evaluation of programs
ate within environmental boundaries, not and projects. This framework suggests that if
extracting resources beyond the ability to NGO and government programs are to have sus-
regenerate or degrading environmental ser- tainable impacts, they must deepen human capa-
vices—that is, design and implementation must bilities to manage economic and social change
incorporate the primacy of the environment. A and to operate within environmental limits. To
postprogram evaluation 3–10 years after a pro- effectively evaluate whether a program is likely
gram has ended provides evidence on whether to have sustainable outcomes and impacts, a
the program is likely to have sustainable postprogram assessment is essential.
impacts. A case study of an asset transfer pro- The discussion begins with a description of
gram in Malawi highlights the criteria for eval- the problem: an industry born out of a colonial
uating sustainability: deepened capabilities and world where NGOs, governments, and founda-
social capital, reinvestment in program activi- tions have sought to reduce poverty through
ties, and the development of backward and for- technology transfers, education, and infrastruc-
ture with little attention to the impacts on the
environment and the long-term work of collabo-
ration and partnership. The second section pres-
E. Fitzpatrick (*) ents a framework that defines key components
Interdisciplinary Institute at Merrimack College, for the design and evaluation of programs for
North Andover, MA, USA sustainability. The third section presents a case

© The Author(s) 2022 93

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
94 E. Fitzpatrick

study of a postprogram evaluation that provides reasons. First, when a new program begins,
evidence of sustainable outcomes, including whether focused on improved livelihoods, elec-
deepened community capabilities and improved tricity, clean water, or improved health, it raises
livelihoods, and missed opportunities for envi- communities’ expectations. This poses ethical
ronmental stewardship. The last section summa- issues: Is it fair to raise expectations when it is
rizes the argument and makes recommendations unclear whether the program benefits will con-
for evaluation practices that encourage a more tinue? If we are not reasonably sure that a pro-
deliberate approach to sustainability. gram will yield long-term streams of benefits,
is it fair to ask communities to commit their
time, resources, and trust to this activity?
The Problem Second, do we as development practitioners
also have an obligation to do no harm? Are we
Sustainability as a concept was first introduced in confident that the proposed activity won’t make
1987 in response to a United Nations concern participants more vulnerable? For example, if a
about the challenges of economic and social program is proposed that increases income in
development in a world with increasing ecologi- the short term but degrades an environmental
cal degradation. The UN World Commission on resource, have our actions limited future access
Environment and Development produced the to environmental services and hence damaged
study Our Common Future, also known as the intergenerational equity? Finally, a postpro-
Brundtland Report (1987). This report defined gram evaluation provides an opportunity to
sustainable development as “development that learn about the successes and failures of the
meets the needs of the present generation without program’s design and implementation, and pro-
compromising the ability of future generations to vides important information about the likeli-
meet their own needs” (p. 16). This perspective hood that outcomes and impacts will continue
on sustainability has been critiqued as being into the future.
anthropocentric and situating other species and Although the Brundtland Report began the
environmental services in service to humans. serious discussion of biophysical limits of our
Concern has also been raised that “meeting shared environment, has the popularity of the
needs” may sanction over-consumption, word sustainability or sustainable development
­especially in the Global North, and justify the brought us any closer to meeting basic needs for
continuous extraction of resources from the this generation or securing the ability of the earth
Global South (Farley & Smith, 2014). The chal- to meet the needs of future generations? NGOs
lenge for NGOs, governments, foundations, and and multilaterals spend an estimated $150 billion
academics is that because the term sustainability each year in development assistance (World
has never been well defined, or perhaps under- Bank, 2020). Funders and evaluators may want to
stood, it has been co-opted so that it means what- know whether the work of this large industry has
ever the user wants it to mean. Corporations use made a difference in terms of well-being, secu-
it to market their products or to secure customer rity of the marginalized, and protection of our
loyalty, multilaterals use it to justify export pro- environment.
motion, and NGOs use the term in program plan- Global poverty rates are variable across
ning, grant seeking, and fund raising to signal a regions but from 2015 to 2017, approximately 52
sensitivity to environmental issues. million people rose out of poverty. This is 0.5%
A shared understanding of the core elements per year, a decline from 1% per year that was
of sustainability and a commitment to assess achieved between 1990 and 2015. This decline
these elements after a program closes is impor- makes achieving the 2030 goal of less than 3% of
tant for the development community for three the population living in poverty more unlikely
Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions 95

(World Bank, 2021).1 Poverty rates remain high  he Environment as a Closed

in many global south countries, especially those System
affected by political turmoil. The World Bank
suggests the region most challenged (where To answer the first question, we must acknowl-
extreme poverty will likely remain in the double edge that we live in a closed system, where the
digits past 2030) is in sub-Saharan Africa, which integrity of our environment sets the limits on our
had a poverty rate of 41.1% in 2015 (World Bank, economic and social opportunities. As early as
2018). We have spent large sums of money but 1966, Ken Boulding encouraged us to integrate
have made only discouraging progress in meeting growth with limits into our thinking when he
basic needs for the current generation. contrasted the cowboy economy to a spaceship
Our influence on the global environment is economy; that is, to treat how we grow not as if
less sanguine. Although global environmental we have unending resources at our disposal but as
problems are largely driven by consumption in if we are all on a spaceship, where what we use
the global north countries, the resource extraction and dispose is limited (Boulding, 1966). This
and waste burden has taken its toll. The Living requires that the design of programs articulate
Planet Index documents a 68% decline in mam- how the economic, social, and environmental
mals, birds, amphibians, retiles, and fish from systems are interacting.
1970 to 2016 (Almond et al., 2020), a troubling Systems thinking can help trace the connec-
reflection of the health of our ecosystem. The tion between economic/social change and envi-
Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII), which exam- ronmental limits by allowing us to identify
ines how much of the earth’s original biodiversity feedback loops and causal relationships.
remains, shows a global BII at 79%, significantly Evaluators often use systems thinking as they
below the recommended “safe level” of 90% reproduce a program’s theory of change. This
(Almond et al., 2020). So, we have an opportu- approach can also be used to embed a theory of
nity to make significant improvement in the prac- sustainability into program theory. Just as we use
tice of sustainability. To do this, we need a shared linking hypotheses to demonstrate how activities
understanding of what sustainability means and lead to outcomes and outcomes to impact, we can
then the willingness to transfer this shared use a theory of sustainability to trace out how the
­meaning to the design and evaluation of interven- design of a program can lead to sustainable out-
tions that aspire to contribute to sustainably comes and impacts and how interventions affect
improving lives. limited environmental resources and services.
As we think about the sustainability of pro- To assess whether program activities adhere to
grams, we face two related questions: Is the pro- the boundaries (limits) of the environment, we
gram environmentally sustainable; that is, does can draw from ecological sciences and the role of
the program explicitly account for the resources biodiversity and its importance for resilience.
and environmental services used? Second, are Although resilience is rapidly becoming an over-
the outcomes and impacts sustainable? While used word, if we understand resilience to mean
specific outcomes will likely change as the pro- the ability of a system to bounce back after a
gram evolves, do those outcomes contribute to shock, then it is an important component of sus-
the sustainability of program impacts? tainability. Protecting and maintaining diverse
ecosystems absorbs some of the service loss that
may occur in the attempts to improve human
well-being. An example of a diverse food system
Poverty rates increased in 2020 in part due to the COVID- comes from a visit to the Huicholi who live in the
19 pandemic. Although the pandemic has been global in highlands of the Pacific coast of Mexico. They
its reach, the vulnerable have become more so. This
reveals how tenuous the climb out of poverty has been and
relayed a story of a government official who
how little resilience has been created by seven decades of approached the community to plant hybrid maize,
international aid. arguing that the yields of the improved variety
96 E. Fitzpatrick

would provide more food for the community. The intervention is twofold; first, it must respond to a
elders replied: “If we take your seed and replace need or value expressed by the community, what
ours, we put our community in danger. Your evaluators call relevance, and second, the inter-
seeds may produce much more in a good year, vention must be designed to extend the commu-
but we plant many kinds of maize seed. If the nity’s capabilities.
rains don’t come, we have maize that will grow. Catalyzing or extending communities’ capa-
If there is too much rain, some of our maize will bilities requires that communities are cocreators
grow. The diversity of what we plant ensures that and become innovators, problem solvers, and
we will eat; can you promise the same with your managers. Communities are not just collabora-
seeds?” When a biodiverse ecosystem receives a tors but lead actors (Mog, 2004). If the program
shock, it is more likely that the system can main- is to be sustainable, the community must take
tain its processes, absorb the disturbance, and over the roles of the NGO. Further, the program
retain its function and structure. If biodiversity should create change by melding community
declines, the system will have decreased ecologi- assets with new knowledge, information, or
cal resilience and be in danger. Therefore, an external assets (Mog, 2004).
intervention will not be sustainable if it dimin- If a program is implemented without a com-
ishes biodiversity health, ecological resilience, mitment to this process, outcomes are likely to
and ecosystem vitality. The ecological services dissipate when external program management or
provided by the environment create possibilities funding ends. Elements of process that enable
in the economic and social sphere. Without these sustainable outcomes and impacts require that
possibilities, economic and social systems would communities participate in identification of the
collapse. As we design for changes in economic problem, collaborate in the design of the pro-
and social spheres, we must also understand the gram, and develop decision-making structures.
nature and limits of our use. The environment is a Another important element is that participants
closed system; it can’t expand as we modify eco- understand and are a part of any new technology,
nomic and social systems to improve well-being. techniques, or methods so that they are able to
It is incumbent on us to design for improvements solve problems and adapt to changing circum-
in well-being within this closed system or we will stances. Woolcock (2000) extends capabilities to
compromise intergenerational equity. also include the assessment of programs. He sug-
gests that instead of focusing on externally
imposed performance indicators, assessments
 atalyzing Capabilities to Ensure
C focus on how the community sees the program
Sustainable Outcomes and Impacts evolving over time. Evaluators can contribute to
this process by working with the community to
Different types of development interventions— illustrate how capacity building has led to out-
whether livelihoods; food production; infrastruc- comes and impacts over time, and also to diag-
ture; or water, sanitation, and hygiene—require nose where failures have occurred and how to
that we draw on environmental resources and ser- learn from them (Woolcock, 2000).
vices that have an impact on the ecosystem. For Learning, adaptation, and innovation are more
example, when we introduce livestock into a com- than one-time changes. For example, a common
munity, we are concerned about how this increased objective for many NGOs is to improve liveli-
population will affect land use, natural flora, and hoods. From an economist’s lens, the binding
water supply. We may also be concerned about the constraint may be a lack of physical assets, so an
introduction of disease, invasive species, and asset such as dairy cattle is introduced. If no
dependencies on external inputs. All of these accompanying investment is made to further
influence the sustainability and resilience of the organizational and technical expertise, or to inno-
ecosystem. Another important component—per- vate in response to changing situations, then the
haps a precondition—of sustainability for any cows will likely be consumed in a few years and
Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions 97

no long-term change in livelihoods will occur. streams of benefits (and costs), and establishes
The ability of participants to learn, adapt, and their relationship to program activities. Impacts,
innovate is the lynchpin to sustainable while projected in program documents, usually
outcomes. are long-run phenomena that occur because of
Marginalized communities are not without planned and unplanned sustained outcomes. The
assets, both human and physical. A theory of sus- program evaluation provides an opportunity to
tainability should include the identification and test the efficacy of a theory of sustainability: Did
use of local assets. Social capital is an important the outcomes sustain and did they contribute to
local asset in most global south communities, sustainable impacts? The postprogram evaluation
especially rural communities. Lin defined social provides insights for redesign and/or the confi-
capital as resources embedded in a social struc- dence to scale up.
ture that can be accessed and/or mobilized in pur- The postprogram evaluation is especially
posive action (Lin, 2008). These social relations important when assessing how activities affect an
have an economic value in that households may environmental resource or service. It often takes
rely on social networks to exchange knowledge, time for a resource or a service to be degraded or
provide safety nets, and create economic oppor- altered and it takes time for a resource to recover.
tunities (Hartmann, 2014). Networks contain External support for a program may end before
resources that increase capabilities—the ability environmental harm is detected or before recov-
to access resources and combine those resources ery of a resource or service is obvious. Papua
in new ways. Networks influence norms and New Guinea is a country with many ongoing
behavior such as adoption of new techniques or mangrove restoration programs, one of which
technologies, or participation in collective activi- illustrates the importance of a postprogram eval-
ties (Fitzpatrick & Akgungor, 2019). Program uation. Mangroves provide communities with a
activities that deepen and extend these networks buffer from extreme weather events and their
contribute to sustainable outcomes by endogeniz- extensive root systems serve as nurseries to main-
ing capabilities within the communities. tain fish and shrimp populations. In response to
extreme degradation of mangroves, an interven-
tion was designed to educate the communities
Postprogram Evaluation about the services the mangroves provide. The
intervention also worked with the community to
The third evaluative component of sustainability replant and reduce harvesting. The program out-
is the simplest but frequently is not carried out by comes assessed in the final evaluation were par-
NGOs and governments. This is the practice of ticipants’ knowledge, and a target increase in the
revisiting communities several years after exter- stock of mangroves. The expected impacts of the
nal funding and management of program activi- program were the restoration of fish and shrimp
ties has ended. One reason this is rarely done is populations to improve food security and liveli-
structural: Funding agencies often require a mid- hoods, and the reestablishment of the buffer ser-
term and final evaluation but not a postprogram vices of mature mangroves. However, no
evaluation. Furthermore, budgets for monitoring, postprogram evaluation was conducted, so the
midterm, and final evaluations are usually inte- opportunity to learn from this intervention was
grated into project proposals, but rarely is there a lost. For example, is understanding the services
budget for postprogram evaluation. Final evalua- provided by mangroves enough for a community
tions are summative, determining if the program to change practices of harvesting? Will replanting
was delivered as designed and if the outcomes and decreased harvesting continue after external
detailed in the program’s theory of change were resources end? At what point will the nurseries
met. A postprogram evaluation, which usually reach a sustainable yield? What protection do the
takes place 2–7 years after the close of the pro- recovering stands of mangrove provide during
gram, examines outcomes and unexpected coastal weather events? This is just some of the
98 E. Fitzpatrick

information that could have been collected over effects of a program. This is important for
3–5 years after the program that would have con- sustainability because networks create a more
tributed to future design and effectiveness of diverse economic and social ecosystem, one that
mangrove restoration. is more resilient to potential shocks.
As discussed previously, a precondition for
sustainability is the increased capabilities of par-
ticipants/communities. Confirmation of enhanced  airy Development Asset
capabilities will emerge after external support of Transfer—Malawi
the program has ended. Evidence may include
the continuity and efficacy of governance struc- An older woman cupped my face in her hands
tures to manage the program and of participants and looked directly into my eyes. She said, “Look
to adapt to changing conditions, demonstrate at me, I am a poor old woman, and I, me, put my
problem solving, and innovate. Evidence of granddaughter through college. I was able to do
emerging sustainable impacts—impacts that this because of my cows. I gave the morning milk
come about due to participant effort and to my family and those in need and I sold the eve-
resources—include continuous investment using ning milk to the association. In two years, I was
community resources, such as asset transfers, able to send my granddaughter to college in
training and mentoring, collective action, or Lilongwe.”2
maintenance of public infrastructure. The goal of this program was to enhance the
Postprogram evaluation will also reveal how livelihoods among smallholder farmers, mostly
the initial program may have stimulated change women, whose income and access to resources
in other sectors. In this chapter’s Malawi case put them at or below the poverty line. The project
study, the postprogram evaluation revealed how included an asset transfer in the form of a dairy
the initial dairy program catalyzed backward and cow3 and training to enhance the capabilities of
forward linkages, making it more likely that the participant households. This training included
nascent program would thrive. These spillover care of the cow (nutrition, health, shelter),
effects aren’t always obvious during planning improvement in home gardens, and management
and they may not be developed sufficiently at the skills. Households that received a pregnant cow
final evaluation to be seen as an indirect benefit agreed to pass on the first calf to another house-
that supports sustainable change. hold that completed the training and was ready to
Evaluating programs that aspire to have sus- receive it. The initial household also provided
tainable impacts necessitates a framework that support and guidance in the care of the animal to
includes process, an understanding of the syn- the recipient household.
ergy between the intervention and environmental The theory of change for this community
limits, and a commitment to postprogram assess- development intervention asserted that the trans-
ment. The following case study of an asset trans- fer of the asset of livestock (physical capital)
fer program in Malawi illustrates elements of combined with a set of trainings (human capital)
program design that have enhanced capabilities would enhance social capital and productive
but not accounted for environmental limits. This capacity among beneficiary households. This
program provides an example of a postprogram new productive capacity would then stimulate an
evaluation that focused on process and the role increase in income. The model further assumed
that capabilities played in nurturing livelihood that participants, through collective action, would
outcomes. This evaluation used social network link to markets and sustain advances made in
analysis (SNA), a proxy for social capital, to
measure relationships of reciprocity and trust 2
This story is drawn from the author’s personal
and how these relationships become pathways experience.
for knowledge, innovation, and livelihood oppor- 3
The cows and transferred calves are the property of the
tunities. SNA is also used to trace out the spill- women in the household.
Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions 99

income. The ultimate goal was for the interven- Another indicator of sustainability was the
tion to catalyze a movement out of poverty for community’s continuous investment in program-­
the participants and the larger community. related activities. The evidence from the postpro-
This program began in 2009 with the final gram evaluation included continuation of the
evaluation completed in 2012 and the postpro- asset transfer, active mentoring of new partici-
gram evaluation in 2015. The purpose of the post- pants, and the use of collective funds to improve
program evaluation was to determine if participant and enlarge the cooling facility.5 During the
capabilities and other outcomes increased while 3 years after the program, the collection and
maintaining or improving the environment. chilling system increased throughput and main-
The evidence of enhanced capabilities among tained the community association’s reputation for
the participants included ongoing community high-quality product established during the pro-
governance of the asset transfer, innovation and gram. Typically, one of the most common chal-
problem solving, and continuous investment lenges for newly formed associations is financial
using community resources. Participants in the management. The postprogram evaluation found
program were initially asked by the implement- that bills were paid, a savings account main-
ing partner, in 2009, to establish a governing tained, and payments to farmers were prompt.
committee to manage the transfer of livestock While the program demonstrated institutions
and facilitate ongoing training of new partici- and capabilities that contribute to sustainable
pants. From the close of the program to the post- impacts, a complementary phenomenon was the
program evaluation, this committee had rotated stimulating effects this program had on other sec-
in new members as terms expired, and success- tors. One of the surprises from the postprogram
fully monitored and enforced the process of pass- evaluation was the growth of backward linkages
ing on the livestock. brought about by the program’s expansion of the
The participants and key informants provided dairy sector. This development became visible as
evidence of their application and extension of the we analyzed changes in social networks from the
knowledge and skills to support dairy production. midterm to the postprogram evaluation. We
This indicates the effectiveness of participants’ expected the networks to become larger as more
initial training and the community’s ability to households in the communities were able to get a
extend and adapt knowledge over time. The pro- calf, the training, and support. But the postpro-
gram also trained community volunteers as gram evaluation found an increasing number of
­community animal health workers and equipped people in the networks who were not dairy pro-
them to support participants to manage basic ani- ducers but provided backward linkages: farmers
mal health issues. These two complementary providing inputs into dairy mash and feed supple-
activities—the extension of participants’ knowl- ments, and new hammer mills. The demand for
edge and the embedding of a community-based transport for milk and inputs increased employ-
paraprofessional—proved to be important to ment and contributed to these spillover effects.6
internalizing capabilities in the community. The We also observed spillover effects of knowledge.
postprogram evaluation revealed a decrease in Eighty percent of nonprogram households in the
livestock mortality and an increase in live births network reported that they adopted an improved
after the close of the program, indicating partici- practice due to their relationship with a program
pants’ ability to solve problems and innovate4 participant. Nonprogram households also
(Heifer International, 2012).
The program supported participants in establishing a
One example of innovation was the cross breeding of milk collection and chilling center by acquiring milk
Zebus (an indigenous cow) with the program Jersey cows. chilling equipment while the participants contributed
Jersey are known for the high fat content of their milk, but locally available resources and labor to construct the col-
Zebus consume less water and are more robust in a rugged lection and chilling house.
environment. Although milk production with the cross- 6
Analysis from the postprogram evaluation showed that a
bred cows was lower, the incidence of disease declined 1% change in income of participants resulted in a .78%
significantly. change in the income of nonparticipants in the network.
100 E. Fitzpatrick

reported that they relied on the program-trained not account for how income is distributed among
community animal health workers for informa- household members or over the year, which may
tion and vaccinations. These investments, which have important implications for food security.
became significant after the close of the program, Assessing household income over a multiyear
signaled the strength of the economic changes period provides an estimate of the reliability of
taking place in the livestock sector. These could the income. It is therefore important that measur-
be considered emerging outcomes, those that ing income to a benchmark be done over time.
were unintended but occurred as a result of the Both of these issues are important for food secu-
program and the efforts and resources of project rity and household resilience.
participants. We found that the change in net income for the
One of the clearly articulated outcomes of this program households was sufficient to afford par-
program was the increase in income from ticipants a modest but decent living at the close of
advances in dairy productivity. As part of the the project in 2012. When we measured net income
postprogram evaluation, we examined the change in 2015, 3 years after the end of the project, net
in real net farm income for participants and com- incomes had increased 60%, indicating a sustain-
pared it to a measure of living income able change in income. The increases that we saw
(Fitzpatrick & Akgungor, 2019).7 The calculation in net income were likely to level off, at least in the
for the living income benchmark for this project short to medium run, as supply and demand condi-
was based on the Anker and Anker (2014) study tions adjusted. What is important is that this infu-
of the living wage in the tea-growing area of sion of capital allowed participants to increase
Malawi. Because this project site was in the cen- incomes above the living income and, as such,
tral region of Malawi, we made adjustments increased the economic resiliency of this group.
based on differential costs of food and housing. Postprogram evaluation also allowed us to
All prices were adjusted to a 2015 base, allowing assess whether collective and individual capabili-
for a linear measurement across time, similar to a ties increased. We did this by examining whether
poverty line. new institutions fulfilled their function, whether
The purpose of measuring changes in the farm sufficient knowledge was transferred to maintain
income of households was twofold, seeking to and increase the dairy population, and whether
determine (a) if positive change occurred and (b) participants were able to pass on knowledge and
if it was sustained after the end of the interven- support to new participants without the support
tion. If participants were able to achieve a level of of project personnel. Continuous investment also
net income equal to or greater than the living confirmed participants’ confidence and commit-
income benchmark, and at least sustain this level ment to program outcomes. Last, while analyzing
of income after the close of the project, we can the role of social capital in facilitating many of
conclude that livelihoods have improved and these outcomes, we discovered that the program
have exhibited evidence of sustainability and catalyzed spillovers into other sectors, further
resilience to unexpected events. Figure 1 illus- increasing the likelihood that this new growth
trates changes in real farm income at baseline will be sustainable. This postprogram evaluation
(2009), end of project (2012), and postprogram took place 3 years after the project’s close, which
evaluation (2015). provided enough time to assess the likelihood of
One of the limitations of living income as a sustainable outcomes and sustainable impact.
benchmark of improved livelihoods is that it does Five to seven years would provide the time for
testing innovations, revealing design flaws, and
Living income is a concept adopted from the work of
observing resilience. Waiting longer before post-
Anker and Anker (2014). Living income is different from program evaluation would also provide more
a poverty line in that it encompasses the idea of a “decent time to see how participants innovated in response
living,” one that measures the ability of households to to changing market conditions, climate, and the
meet all their basic needs including food, water, educa-
tion, housing, healthcare, clothing, and a provision for
inevitable challenges of managing change in
unexpected events. close communities.
Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions 101

Fig. 1 Comparison of living income benchmark and program evaluation (daily income of a household in 2015
average net real incomes, 2009–2015 USD). Source: Fitzpatrick and Akgungor (2019; this
Note. 2009 figure is the baseline at the start of the pro- source discusses the statistical analysis of living income
gram, 2012 is at the end of the program, at 2015 is at post- 2009–2015)

the increases in Zebu-Jersey crosses or the male

Environmental Effects calves that were often sold to nonparticipants.
But the design and evaluation of the program
As programs modify economic and social sys- did not take into account the environmental
tems to improve well-being, sustainability impacts of such a large change in livestock
requires that the design and implementation con- population.
sider that we are operating in a closed system and The environmental resources and services that
that environmental resources and services are a greatly enlarged dairy sector require include
limited. To this end, the design and evaluations of water for animal hydration and hygiene and
a program should address two questions: Has the increased water for producing dairy feed. The
program been designed to maintain or improve backward linkages that stimulated feed and fod-
environmental resources and services? Are there der production put more marginal land into culti-
missed opportunities or unintended effects that vation, potentially contributing to soil erosion
were caused by program activities or that evolved and loss of fertility. Another concern was the
after the program ended? pressure that the demand for feed and fodder put
Recall that one objective of this program was on the conversion of forests to farmland. These
to increase the income of participants and their were not considerations when the program was
communities through the development of a designed and implemented. The environmental
dairy sector. At the beginning of the program in impacts of development interventions, especially
2009, 60 pregnant cows were delivered to the those associated with improving livelihoods
first round of participants. By 2015, when the through the expansion of market activity, are
postprogram evaluation was conducted, the rarely considered in the design stage or incorpo-
communities had approximately 1200 dairy rated into a theory of change. A postprogram
cows that were project related. This does not evaluation can estimate the environmental
include the increase in dairy population that impacts because many do not become apparent
resulted indirectly from the program, namely until years after the project has ended. If an orga-
102 E. Fitzpatrick

nization or government is committed to sustain- able impacts to improve the social, economic,
able development and the primacy of the and environmental returns on investments, to be
environment in enabling economic growth, an respectful of the time and resource commitments
environmental impact assessment should inform that participants make in the expectation of
the design of the program and a postprogram improved well-being, and to contribute to inter-
evaluation should surface the intended and unin- generational equity.
tended impacts on the environment. Identifying If outcomes are to be sustainable, interventions
environmental problems can support work with need to deepen the capabilities of participants;
communities to design remediation strategies. they will be the ones to maintain the program, to
A postprogram evaluation may also reveal make it dynamic—they are they innovators, the
missed opportunities to contribute to environ- problem solvers. Otherwise, the cows are eaten!
mental health. For example, a major environmen- Development professionals and governments
tal and health problem in Malawi is the exposure should incorporate two interrelated elements of
to wood-based cooking fuels; about 98% of sustainability to the design and evaluation of pro-
households depend on this source (Gercama & grams. First is incorporating the primacy of envi-
Bertrams, 2017). This has serious health effects ronment into interventions, and second is
and also contributes to widespread deforestation. formulating outcomes and impacts that result in
In the long run, this deforestation creates food streams of benefits that continue beyond the life
security risks as forests diminish, soil erodes, and of the program. Finally, to know whether sustain-
regional droughts become more common. This able impacts occurred, a commitment to assess-
program missed an opportunity to address this ing this work well after the programs have ended
health and environmental problem. The increas- is essential.
ing sources of dairy manure could have been To secure a stream of benefits after the close
used to make biogas for cooking and lighting. of a program, an intervention should deepen the
This would have created a demand for new prod- communities’ abilities to create and manage gov-
ucts: biogas, biogas equipment, and dried organic ernance structures, solve problems, and innovate.
fertilizer from the sludge. If attention to environ- Postprogram evaluation allows us to determine
mental impacts had been integrated into the whether governance structures have fulfilled their
design of this program, these opportunities would functions and whether outcomes have continued.
have been apparent and would have strengthened In the case presented, we observed the income of
the sustainability of program impacts. A theory the participants increasing 3 years after the pro-
of sustainability embedded in the theory of gram ended. This indicated that participants have
change with explicit links from activities to out- managed, solved problems, and created new
comes and outcomes to impact could have opportunities. This postprogram evaluation also
revealed potential environmental concerns and revealed an intervention that contributed to envi-
incorporated plans to address concerns and ronmental degradation. Well-meaning interven-
opportunities into the program design. tions focused on improving human well-being
often overlook negative impacts to environmental
well-being or assume none will occur. We are not
Discussion accustomed to putting the environment front and
center and we are often ill equipped to project the
Sloppy, opportunistic, and superficial treatment impact of interventions on the environment in the
of the concept of sustainability has contributed to long run. Environmental boundaries must be
the ineffectiveness of many development inter- incorporated into initial program planning, and
ventions and has, in many cases, led to environ- when our planning isn’t sufficient, evaluation
mental degradation. As development plays a role in integrating knowledge of the dam-
professionals and government planners, we have age or potential damage back into the redesign
an obligation to promote programs with sustain- process.
Assessing Sustainability in Development Interventions 103

While the results of this study pertain to a spe- ity in a growing economy (pp. 3–14). John Hopkins
University Press.
cific project, they also provide preliminary evi- Farley, H., & Smith, Z. (2014). Sustainability: If it’s
dence of the importance of catalyzing and everything, is it nothing? Routledge.
engaging physical, human, and social capital in Fitzpatrick, E., & Akgungor, S. (2019). Evaluating the
an intervention to influence the structure of a asset transfer model in facilitating sustainable liveli-
hood in rural Malawi. Food Economy, 21(1), 129–152.
local community in a way that leads to a sustain-­001007.
able set of new opportunities for the most vulner- Gercama, I., & Bertrams, N. (2017, October 26). Smoke
able. When this occurs, outcomes are more likely and mirrors: Malawi’s untold crisis. New
to be sustainable because the intervention trig- Internationalist.
gered new skills and institutions that enhanced Hartmann, D. (2014). Economic complexity and human
capability. We see this in the continued asset development. Routledge.
transfers, the deepening of social networks, the Heifer International. (2012). Final report for Malawi
growth of backward linkages, and the partici- smallholder dairy development program. Lilongwe,
pants reinvestment in program activities. These Lin, N. K. (2008). Social capital, theory and research.
enhanced capabilities and innovations allow for Transaction Publishers.
endogenous change in the communities that is Mog, J. (2004). Struggling with sustainability. World
regenerative, signaling a capacity for Development, 32(12), 2139–2160. https://doi.
sustainability. Woolcock, M. (2000). Social capital: Implications for
development theory, research and policy. World Bank
Research Observer.
References World Bank. (2018, September 19). Decline of extreme
global poverty continues but at a slowed rate [Press
Almond, R. E. A., Grooten, M., & Petersen, T. (Eds).
(2020). Living planet report 2020: Bending the curve
of biodiversity loss. WWF. https://www.worldwildlife.
World Bank. (2020, December 12). Net official develop-
ment assistance and official aid received [Data set].
Anker, R., & Anker, M. (2014). Living wage for rural
Malawi with a focus on the tea growing area. Fair
Trade International.
World Bank. (2021, January 5). Poverty data [Data set].
Boulding, K. (1966). The economics of the coming space-
ship Earth. In H. Jarret (Ed.), Environmental qual-
World Commission on the Environment and Development.
(1987). Our common future. Oxford University Press.

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Can We Assume Sustained Impact?
Verifying the Sustainability
of Climate Change Mitigation

Jindra Cekan and Susan Legro

Abstract Evaluating sustainable development involves

looking at the durability and continuation of net
The purpose of this research was to explore benefits from the outcomes and impacts of
how public donors and lenders evaluate the global development project activities and invest-
sustainability of environmental and other sec- ments in various sectors in the post project
toral development interventions. Specifically, phase, i.e., from 2 to 20 years after donor fund-
the aim is to examine if, how, and how well ing ends.1 Evaluating the sustainability of the
post project sustainability is evaluated in environment is, according to the Organisation
donor-funded climate change mitigation for Economic Co-operation and Development
(CCM) projects, including the evaluability of (OECD, 2015), at once a focus on natural sys-
these projects. We assessed the robustness of tems of “biodiversity, climate change, desertifi-
current evaluation practice of results after cation and environment” (p.1) that will need to
project exit, particularly the sustainability of consider the context in which these are affected
outcomes and long-term impact. We explored by human systems of “linkages between poverty
methods that could reduce uncertainty of reduction, natural resource management, and
achieving results by using data from two pools development” (p. 3). This chapter focuses more
of CCM projects funded by the Global narrowly on the continuation of net benefits
Environment Facility (GEF).
We use the term “postproject” evaluations to distinguish
Keywords these longer term evaluations from terminal evaluations,
which typically occur within 3 months of the end of donor
Climate change mitigation · Sustainability · funding. While some donors (JICA, 2004; USAID, 2019)
use the term “ex-post evaluation” to refer to evaluations
Climate finance · Ex-post evaluation · Post distinct from the terminal/final evaluation and occurring
project evaluation · Postcompletion evalua- 1 year or more after project closure, other donors use the
tion · Sustained impact · Impact terms “terminal evaluation” and “ex-post evaluation” syn-
onymously. Other terms include postcompletion, post-
closure, and long-term impact.

J. Cekan (*)
Valuing Voices at Cekan Consulting, LLC, Prague,
Czech Republic
S. Legro
Independent Consultant, Prague, Czech Republic
© The Author(s) 2022 105
J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
106 J. Cekan and S. Legro

from the outcomes and impacts of a pool of cli- of project objectives. The need for effective
mate change mitigation (CCM) projects (see means of measuring sustainability in mitigation
Table 1). The sustainability of CCM projects projects is receiving increasing attention (GEF
funded by the Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office [IEO], 2019a) and
(GEF), as in a number of other bilateral and is increasingly important, as Article 13 of the
multilateral climate funds, rests on a theory of Paris Agreement mandates that countries with
change that a combination of technical assis- donor-funded CCM projects report on their
tance and investments contribute to successfully actions to address climate change (United
durable market transformation, thus reducing or Nations, 2015). As several terminal evaluations
offsetting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. in our dataset stated, better data are urgently
CCM projects lend themselves to such analy- needed to track continued sustainability of past
sis, as most establish ex-ante quantitative mitiga- investments and progress against emissions goals
tion estimates and their terminal evaluations to limit global warming.
often contain a narrative description and ranking
of estimated sustainability beyond the project’s
operational lifetime, including the achievement Measuring Impact
and Sustainability
Table 1 Changes in OECD DAC Criteria from 1991 to
2019 Although impactful projects promoting sustain-
1991 2019 able development are widely touted as being the
SUSTAINABILITY: SUSTAINABILITY: aim and achievement of global development
WILL THE BENEFITS projects, these achievements are rarely measured
beyond the end of the project activities. Bilateral
Sustainability is The extent to which the
concerned with net benefits of the and multilateral donors, with the exception of the
measuring whether the intervention continue, or Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
benefits of an activity are are likely to continue. and the U.S. Agency for International
likely to continue after Note: Includes an Development (USAID),2 have reexamined fewer
donor funding has been examination of the
withdrawn. Projects need financial, economic, than 1% of projects following a terminal evalua-
to be environmentally as social, environmental, tion, although examples exist of post project
well as financially and institutional evaluations taking place as long as 15 years
sustainable. capacities of the systems (USAID) and 20 years (Deutsche Gesellschaft
needed to sustain net
benefits over time. fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit [GIZ]) later
Involves analyses of (Cekan, 2015). Without such fieldwork, sustain-
resilience, risks, and ability estimates can only rely on assumptions,
potential trade-offs. and positive results may in fact not be sustained
as little as 2 years after closure. An illustrative set
The positive and negative The extent to which the
changes produced by a intervention has generated of eight post project global development evalua-
development intervention, or is expected to generate tions analyzed for the Faster Forward Fund of
directly or indirectly, significant positive or Michael Scriven in 2017 showed a range of
intended or unintended. negative, intended or results: One project partially exceeded terminal
This involves the main unintended, higher-level
impacts and effects effects. . . . It seeks to evaluation results, two retained the sustainability
resulting from the activity identify social, assumed at inception, and the other five showed a
on the local social, environmental, and decrease in results of 20%–100% as early as
economic, environmental, economic effects of the 2 years post-exit (Zivetz et al., 2017a).
and other development intervention that are
indicators. longer-term or broader in
scope. 2
In a 2013 meta-evaluation, Hageboeck et al. found that
Source: OECD/DAC Network on Development only 8% of projects in the 2009–2012 USAID PPL/LER
Evaluation, (2019); italics are emphais added by Cekan evaluation portfolio (26 of 315) were evaluated post-proj-
ect following the termination of USAID funding.
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 107

Since the year 2000, the U.S. government and after project funding ends. Only a post project
evaluation, however, can provide empirical data
the European Union have spent more than $1.6 about whether a project’s services and benefits
trillion on global development projects, but were sustained. (para. 9)
fewer than several hundred post project evalua-
tions have been completed, so the extent to Rogers and Coates (2015) expanded the precon-
which outcomes and impacts are sustained is not ditions for sustainability beyond only funding,
known (Cekan, 2015). A review of most bilateral to include capacities, partnerships, and owner-
donors shows zero to two post project evalua- ship. Cekan et al. (2016) expanded ex-post proj-
tions (Valuing Voices, 2020). A rare, four-coun- ect methods from examining the sustainability
try, post project study of 12 USAID food security of expected project outcomes and impacts post
projects also found a wide variability in expected closure to also evaluating emerging outcomes,
trajectories, with most projects failing to sustain namely “what communities themselves valued
expected results beyond as little as 1 year enough to sustain with their own resources or
(Rogers & Coates, 2015). The study’s Tufts created anew from what [our projects] cata-
University team leaders noted that “evidence of lysed” (para. 19). In the area of climate change
project success at the time of exit (as assessed by mitigation, rigorous evaluation of operational
impact indicators) did not necessarily imply sus- sustainability in the years following project clo-
tained benefit over time.” (Rogers & Coates, sure should inform learning for future design
2015, p. v.). Similarly, an Asian Development and target donor assistance on projects that are
Bank (ADB) study of post project sustainability most likely to continue to generate significant
found that “some early evidence suggests that as emission reductions.
many as 40% of all new activities are not sus-
tained beyond the first few years after disburse-
ment of external funding,” and that review  ow Are Sustainability and Impact
examined fewer than 14 of 491 projects in the Defined?
field (ADB, 2010). The same study described
how assumed positive trajectories post funding The original 1991 OECD Development
fail to sustain and noted a Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria for evalu-
tendency of project holders to overestimate the ating global development projects included sus-
ability or commitment of implementing partners— tainability, and the criteria were revised in 2019.
and particularly government partners—to sustain The revisions related to the definition of sustain-
project activities after funding ends. Post project ability and emphasize the continuation of bene-
evaluations can shed light on what contributes to
institutional commitment, capacity, and continuity fits rather than just activities, and they include a
in this regard. (ADB, 2010, p. 1) wider systemic context beyond the financial and
environmental resources needed to sustain those
Learning from post project findings can be benefits, such as resilience, risk, and trade-offs,
important to improve project design and secure presumably for those sustaining the benefits.
new funding. USAID recently conducted six p­ ost Similarly, the criteria for impact have shifted
project evaluations of water/sanitation projects from simply positive/negative, intended/unin-
and learned about needed design changes from tended changes to effects over the longer term
the findings, and JICA analysed the uptake of (see Table 1).
recommendations 7 years after closure (USAID, In much of global development, including in
2019; JICA, 2020a, 2020b). As USAID stated in GEF-funded projects, impact and sustainability
their 2018 guidance, are usually estimated only at project termination,
An end-of-project evaluation could address ques- “to determine the relevance and fulfilment of
tions about how effective a sustainability plan objectives, development efficiency, effectiveness,
seems to be, and early evidence concerning the impact and [projected] sustainability” (OECD
likely continuation of project services and benefits DAC, 1991, p. 5). In contrast, actual sustainabil-
108 J. Cekan and S. Legro

ity can only be evaluated 2–20 years after all dictive measure of post project sustainability.
project resources are withdrawn, through desk Validity issues include whether an estimate of
studies, fieldwork, or both. The new OECD defi- risks to sustainability is a valid measure of the
nitions present an opportunity to improve the likelihood of post project sustainability, whether
measurement of sustained impact across global the narrative estimates of risk are ambiguous or
development, particularly via post project evalu- double-barreled; and the efficacy of using a
ations. Evaluations need to reach beyond pro- ranked, ordinal scale that treats sustainability as
jected to actual measurement across much of an either/or condition rather than a range (from
“sustainable development” programming, includ- no sustainability to 100% sustainability).
ing that of the GEF. Throughout this chapter, we identify projects
GEF evaluations in recent years have been by their GEF identification numbers, with a com-
guided by the organization’s 2010 measurement plete table of projects provided in the appendix.
and evaluation (M&E) policy, which requires that
terminal evaluations “assess the likelihood of
sustainability of outcomes at project termination The Limits of Terminal Evaluations
and provide a rating” (GEF Independent
Evaluation Office [IEO], p. 31). Sustainability is Terminal evaluations and even impact evalua-
defined as “the likely ability of an intervention to tions that mostly compare effectiveness rather
continue to deliver benefits for an extended than long-term impact were referenced as sources
period of time after completion; projects need to for evaluating sustainability in the GEF’s 2017
be environmentally as well as financially and Annual Report on Sustainability (GEF IEO,
socially sustainable” (GEF IEO, 2010, p. 27). 2019a). Although they can provide useful infor-
In 2017, the GEF provided specific guidance mation on relevance, efficiency, and effective-
to implementing agencies on how to capture sus- ness, neither is a substitute for post project
tainability in terminal evaluations of GEF-funded evaluation of the sustainability of outcomes and
projects (GEF, 2017, para. 8 and Annex 2): “The impacts, because projected sustainability may or
overall sustainability of project outcomes will be may not occur. In a terminal evaluation of
rated on a four-point scale (Likely to Unlikely)”: Mexican Sustainable Forest Management and
Capacity Building (GEF ID 4149), evaluators
• Likely (L) = There are little or no risks to made the case for ex-post project monitoring and
sustainability; evaluation of results:
• Moderately Likely (ML) = There are moder- There is no follow-up that can measure the consoli-
ate risks to sustainability; dation and long-term sustainability of these activi-
• Moderately Unlikely (MU) = There are sig- ties. . . . Without a proper evaluation system in
nificant risks to sustainability; place, nor registration, it is difficult to affirm that
the rural development plans will be self-sustaining
• Unlikely (U) = There are severe risks to sus- after the project ends, nor to what extent the com-
tainability; and munities are readily able to anticipate and adapt to
• Unable to Assess (UA) = Unable to assess the change through clear decision-making processes,
expected incidence and magnitude of risks to collaboration, and management of resources. . . .
They must also demonstrate their sustainability as
sustainability an essential point in development with social and
economic welfare from natural resources, without
Although this scale is a relatively common compromising their future existence, stability, and
measure for estimating sustainability among functionality. (pp. 5–9)3
donor agencies, it is not a measure that has been
tested for reliability, i.e., whether multiple raters
would provide the same estimate from the same
data. It has also not been tested for construct 3
Page numbers provided with GEF ID numbers only refer
validity, i.e., whether the scale is an effective pre- to project terminal evaluations; see Appendix.
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 109

Returning to a project area after closure also fos- In donor- and lender-funded CCM projects, emis-
ters learning about the quality of funding, design, sion reduction estimates represent an obvious
implementation, monitoring, and evaluation and impact measure. They are generally based on a
the ability of those tasked with sustaining results combination of direct effects—i.e., reductions
to do so. Learning can include how well condi- due to project-related investments in infrastruc-
tions for sustainability were built in, tracked, and ture—and indirect effects—i.e., reductions due to
supported by major stakeholders. Assumptions the replication of “market transformation” invest-
made at design and final evaluation can then also ments from other funding or an increase in
be tested, along with theories of change climate-­friendly practices due to improvements
(Sridharam & Nakaima, 2019). Finally, post proj- in the policy and regulatory framework (Duval,
ect evaluations can verify the attributional claims 2008; Legro, 2010). Both of these effects are gen-
made at the time of the terminal evaluation. As erally estimated over the lifetime of the mitiga-
John Mayne explained in his 2001 paper: tion technology involved, which is nearly always
In trying to measure the performance of a program, much longer than the operational duration of a
we face two problems. We can often—although given project (see Table 2).
frequently not without some difficulty—measure The increasing use of financial mechanisms
whether or not these outcomes are actually occur- such as concessional loans and guarantees as a
ring. The more difficult question is usually deter-
mining just what contribution the specific program component of donor-funded CCM projects, such
in question made to the outcome. How much of the as those funded by the Green Climate Fund
success (or failure) can we attribute to the pro- (, can also limit
gram? What has been the contribution made by the the ability of final evaluations to capture sustain-
program? What influence has it had? (p. 3)
ability, because the bulk of subsequent invest-

Table 2 Typology of GHG Reductions Resulting from Typical Project Interventions

Type of Project lifetime (quarterly annual Post project lifetime (post project evaluation)
GHG monitoring)
Direct Reductions directly financed by Continuing reductions from project-financed
reductions donor-funded pilot project(s) or investments (through the end of the technology
investment(s) lifetime; e.g., 20 years for buildings, 10 years for
industrial equipment, etc.)
Indirect Reductions from policy uptake (e.g., Continuing reductions from policy uptake (e.g.,
reductions reduced fossil fuel use from reduced fossil fuel use from curtailment of

curtailment of subsidies, spillover subsidies, spillover effects from tax incentives,

effects from tax incentives, increased increased government support for energy efficiency
government support for renewable or renewable energy due to strategy development)
energy due to strategy development)
(co-) funded by the donor

Reductions from market Continuing reductions from market transformation

transformation (changes in (changes in availability of financing, increased
availability of financing, increased willingness of lenders, reduction in perceived risk)
willingness of lenders, reduction in as a legacy of the pilot demonstrations and/or
perceived risk) supported by pilot outreach and awareness raising funded by the
demonstrations and/or outreach and donor-funded project
awareness raising (co-)funded by the

New reductions from the continuation of the

investment or financing mechanism established by
the donor-funded project
110 J. Cekan and S. Legro

ments in technologies that are assumed with project measurements to confirm whether results
revolving funds will not take place during the happened at any time after project closure.
project lifetime. A 2012 paper by then-head of
the GEF Independent Evaluation Office, Rob van
den Berg, supported the need for post project Methodology
evaluation and importantly included:
Barriers targeted by GEF projects, and the results The impetus for this research was a sustainability
achieved by GEF projects in addressing market analysis conducted by the GEF IEO that was
transformation barriers . . . facilitate in understand- summarized in the 2017 GEF Annual Performance
ing better whether the ex-post changes being Report (GEF IEO, 2019a). The study stated:
observed in the market could be linked to GEF
projects and pathways through which outcomes “The analysis found that outcomes of most of the
and intermediate states . . . [and] the extent GEF-­ GEF projects are sustained during the postcom-
supported CCM activities are reducing GHGs in pletion period, and a higher percentage of proj-
the atmosphere . . . because it helps in ascertaining ects achieve environmental stress reduction and
whether the incremental GHG reduction and/or
avoidance is commensurate with the agreed incre- broader adoption than at completion” (p. 17).
mental costs supported by GEF. . . . It is imperative Learning more about postcompletion outcomes
that the ex-ante and ex-post estimates of GHG and assessing how post project sustainability was
reduction and avoidance benefits are realistic and evaluated was the aim of this work.
have a scientific basis. (GEF IEO, 2012, p. 13)
This chapter’s research sample consists of
This description of GHG-related impacts illus- two sets of GEF project evaluations. We chose
trates the difficulties associated with accurately projects funded by the GEF because of the large
drawing conclusions about sustainability from size of the total project pool. For example, the
using a single scale to estimate “the likely ability Green Climate Fund lacks a large pool of mitiga-
[emphasis added] of an intervention to continue tion projects that would be suitable for post proj-
to deliver benefits for an extended period of time” ect evaluation. Our first tranche was selected
(GEF IEO, 2010, p. 35) due to several factors. from the pool of CCM projects cited in the sus-
First, the GEF’s 4-point scale is supposed to cap- tainability analysis, which included a range of
ture two different aspects of continuation: ongo- projects with the earliest start date of 1994 and
ing benefits from a project-related investment, the latest closing date of 2013 (GEF IEO, 2019a).
and new benefits from the continuation of These constituted $195.5 million dollars of
­financing mechanisms. Without returning to eval- investments. The pool of projects in the climate
uate the continued net benefits of the now-closed change focal area (n = 17), comprising one third
investment, such assumptions cannot be fully of the GEF IEO sample, was then selected from
claimed. Second, the scale is supposed to capture the 53 projects listed in the report for further
benefits that can be estimated in a quantitative study. We then classified the selected projects by
way (e.g., solar panels that offset the use of a cer- which ones had any mention of field-based post
tain amount of electricity from diesel genera- project verification according to an evaluability
tors); benefits that can be evaluated through checklist (Zivetz et al., 2017a). This list high-
policy or program evaluation (e.g., the introduc- lights methodological considerations including:
tion of a law on energy efficiency); and benefits (a) data showing overall quality of the project at
that will require careful, qualitative study to completion, including M&E documentation
determine impacts (e.g., training programs for needed on original and post project data collec-
energy auditors or awareness-raising for energy tion; (b) time postcompletion (at least 2 years);
consumers, leading to knowledge and decision (c) site selection criteria; and (d) proof that proj-
changes). Aggregating and weighing such an ect results were isolated from concurrent pro-
array of methods into one ranking is methodolog- gramming to ascertain contribution to sustained
ically on shaky ground, especially without post impacts (Zivetz et al., 2017a).
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 111

Next, we reviewed GEF documentation to (IFAD), UNDP, UNEP, United Nations Industrial
identify any actual quantitative or qualitative Development Organization (UNIDO), and the
measures of post project outcomes and impacts. World Bank.
These could include: (a) changes in actual energy We eliminated three projects listed in the cli-
efficiency improvements against final evaluation mate focal area subset from consideration in the
measures used, (b) sustained knowledge or dis- second tranche because they had not been com-
semination of knowledge change fostered pleted, leaving a pool of 35 projects. Ex-ante
through trainings, (c) evidence of ownership, or project documentation, such as CEO endorse-
(d) continued or increased dissemination of new ment requests, and terminal evaluation reports
technologies. Such verification of assumptions in were then reviewed for initial estimates of certain
the final documents typically explores why the project indicators, such as GHG emission reduc-
assumptions were or were not met, and what tions, and ratings of estimated sustainability on
effects changes in these assumptions would have the 4-point scale, including the narrative docu-
on impacts, such as CO2 emissions projections. mentation that accompanied the ratings.
The second tranche consisted of projects in
the climate change focal area that were included
in the 2019 cohort of projects for which the GEF Findings
received terminal evaluations. As the GEF 2019
Annual Performance Report explained: The question of whether post project sustainabil-
Terminal evaluations for 193 projects, accounting ity was being measured was based on the first
for $ 616.6 million in GEF grants, were received tranche of projects and on the sustainability anal-
and validated during 2018–2019 and these projects ysis in which they were included. Most of the
constitute the 2019 cohort. Projects approved in documents cited in the sustainability analysis
GEF-5 (33 percent), GEF-4 (40 percent) and
GEF-3 (20 percent) account for a substantial share were either terminal or impact evaluations
of the 2019 cohort. Although 10 GEF Agencies are focused on efficiency (GEF IEO, 2019a), and
represented in the 2019 cohort, most of these proj- most of the documents and report analysis
ects have been implemented by UNDP [United focused on estimated sustainability. Of the 53
Nations Development Programme] (56 percent),
with World Bank (15 percent) and UNEP [United “postcompletion verification reports,” as they are
Nations Environment Programme] (12 percent) referred to in the review (GEF IEO, 2019a, p. 62),
also accounting for a significant share. (GEF IEO, we found only 4% to contain adequate informa-
2020, p. 9) tion to support the analysis of sustainability. Our
wider search for publicly available post project
We added the second tranche of projects to repre- evaluations, which would have constituted an
sent a more current view of project performance evidence base for sustained outcomes and envi-
and evaluation practice. ronmental stress reduction and adoption cited in
The climate change focal area subset con- the GEF IEO 2019 analysis, did not identify any
sisted of 38 completed GEF projects, which post project evaluations. We were unable to repli-
account for approximately $155.7 million in GEF cate the finding that “84% of these projects that
grants (approximately 20% of the total cohort were rated as sustainable at closure also had sat-
and 25% of the overall cohort budget). Projects isfactory postcompletion outcomes. . . . Most
included those approved in 1995–1998 (GEF-1; projects with satisfactory outcome ratings at
n = 1) and 2003–2006 (GEF-3; n = 2), but 68% completion continued to have satisfactory out-
were funded in 2006–2010 (GEF-4; n = 26), and come ratings at postcompletion” (GEF IEO,
24% in 2010–2014 (GEF-5; n = 9), making them 2019a, p. 3) or to compare the CCM subset of
more recent as a group than the 2019 cohort as a projects with this conclusion. The report stated
whole. Six GEF agencies were represented: Inter-­ that “the analysis of the 53 selected projects is
American Development Bank (IDB), based on 61 field verification reports. For 81 per-
International Fund for Agricultural Development cent of the projects, the field verification was con-
112 J. Cekan and S. Legro

ducted at least four years after implementation effects of the institution or other concurrent
completion [emphasis added].” However, we projects, or analytic methods.
found no publicly accessible documentation that • Transparent benchmarks based on terminal,
could be used to confirm the approach to field midterm, and/or baseline data on changes to
verification for 8 of the 17 projects. outcomes or impacts: M&E documents show
Similarly, the available documentation for the measurable targets and indicators, baseline vs.
projects lacked the most typical post project hall- terminal evaluations with methods that are
marks, such as methods of post project data col- comparable to methods used in the post proj-
lection, comparisons of changes from final to ect period: For some of the 17 projects, project
post project outcomes and impacts at least 2 years inception documents and terminal evaluations
post closure, and tracing contribution of the proj- were available; in other cases, GEF evaluation
ect at the funded sites to the changes. reviews were available. Two had measurable
Documentation focused on a rating of estimated environmental indicators that compared base-
sustainability with repeated references to only line to final, but none were after project
the terminal evaluations and closure reports. In closure.
summary, of the 17 projects selected for review • Substantiated contribution vs. attribution of
in the first tranche, 14 had data consisting of ter- impacts: Examples of substantiated contribu-
minal evaluations, and none was 2–20 years tion were not identified.
post closure. We did not find publicly available
evidence to support measurement of post project Evaluation reports revealed several instances
sustainability other than statements that such evi- for which we could not confirm attribution. For
dence was gathered in a handful of cases. Of the example, evaluation of the project Development
pool of 17 projects, only two (both from India) of High Rate BioMethanation Processes as
made any reference to post project data regarding Means of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions
the sectors of activity in subsequent years. (GEF ID 370), which closed in 2005, referenced
However, these two were terminal evaluations the following subsequent market information:
within a country portfolio review and could not As of Nov 2012, capacity installed from waste-to-­
be substantiated with publicly accessible data. energy projects running across the country for grid
We then screened the first tranche of projects connected and captive power are 93.68MW and
using the Valuing Voices evaluability checklist 110.74 MW respectively [versus 3.79KW from 8
sub-projects and 1-5 MW projects]. . . . The tech-
(Zivetz et al., 2017b): nologies demonstrated by the 16 sub-projects cov-
ered under the project have seen wide-scale
• High-quality project data at least at terminal replication throughout the country. . . . An installed
evaluation, with verifiable data at exit: Of 14 capacity of 201.03MW within WTE [waste to
energy] projects and the 50% of this is attributed to
projects rated for sustainability, only six were the GEF project. (GEF IEO, 2013, vol. 2, p. 64)
rated likely to be sustained and outcome and
impact data were scant. Claims of “the technical institutes strengthened
• Clear ex-post methodology, sufficient samples: as a result of the project were not fully effective
None of the evaluations available was a post at the time of project completion but are now
project evaluation of sustainability or long-term actively engaged in the promotion of various bio-
impact. Although most projects fell within the methanation technologies” are unsubstantiated in
evaluable 2–20 years post project (the projects publicly available information; as a result, the ex-­
had been closed 4–20 years), none had proof of post methods of contribution/attribution data are
return evaluation. There were no clear post not clear. Another project in India, Optimizing
project sampling frames, data collection pro- Development of Small Hydel [hydroelectric]
cesses including identification of beneficiaries/ Resources in Hilly Areas (GEF ID 386), pro-
informants, site selection, isolating legacy jected that later investments in the government’s
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 113

5-year plans would happen, and the resulting Management Demonstration energy conservation
hydropower production would be attributable to project that ended in 1999 [GEF ID 64]).
the original project (GEF IEO, 2013); again, this Although none of the documents mentioned out-
attributional analysis was not documented. come indicators, eight of the 17 rated estimated
Analysis of a third project in India, Coal Bed CO2 direct and indirect impacts.
Methane Capture and Commercial Utilization In the second pool of projects—the CCM sub-
(GEF ID 325), which closed in 2008, claimed set of the 2019 cohort—63% of the projects were
results that could not be reproduced: “Notable rated in the likely range for sustainability (n = 22;
progress has been made through replication of nine were rated likely and 13 marginally likely).
projects, knowledge sharing, and policy develop- This is slightly higher than the 2019 cohort as a
ment” and “expertise was built” (GEF IEO, 2013, whole, in which 59% were rated in the likely
Vol. 2, p. 90). Further claims that the project con- range. In turn, the 2019 annual performance
tributed to “the total coal bed methane production report noted that “the difference between the
in the country and has increased to 0.32 mmscmd GEF portfolio average and the 2019 cohort is not
[million metric standard cubic meters per day], statistically significant for both outcome and sus-
which is expected to rise to 7.4 mmscmd by the tainability rating” (GEF IEO, 2020, p. 9). It is
end of 2014” is without proof. The evaluation slightly lower than the percentage of CCM proj-
reported estimates of indirect GHG emission ects receiving an overall rating of marginally
reduction, based on postcompletion methane gas likely or higher in the 2017 portfolio review
production estimates of 0.2 million m3 per day: (68%, n = 265; GEF IEO, 2017, p. 78).
1.0 Million tons equivalent per year, considering In this second set of projects, only two
an adjustment factor of 0.5 as the GEF ­contribution received a rating of marginally unlikely and only
[emphasis added], the indirect GHG emission one received a sustainability rating of unlikely.
reduction due to the influence of the project is esti- The remainder of the projects could not be classi-
mated to be 0.5 million tons of CO2 equivalent
per annum (2.5 million tons over the lifetime fied using the 4-point rating scale, either because
period of 5 years). (GEF IEO, 2013, Vol. 2, p. 91) they had used an either/or estimate (one project),
a 5-point scale (one project), or an estimate based
Yet without verification of coal bed methane cap- on the assessment of risks to development out-
ture and commercial utilization continuing, this come (two projects). Six projects or could not be
impact cannot be claimed. assessed due to the absence of a publicly acces-
sible terminal evaluation in the GEF and imple-
menting agency archives.
 ow Is Sustainability Being
 ow Effectively Is Sustainability
Fifteen of the 17 CCM projects we reviewed in Being Captured?
the first tranche were rated on a 4-point scale at
terminal evaluation. Of those 15, 12 had overall Throughout the first set of reports on which the
ratings of either satisfactory or marginally satis- sustainability was claimed, “84% of these proj-
factory, and one highly satisfactory overall. ects that were rated as sustainable at closure also
Eleven of the sustainability ratings were either had satisfactory postcompletion outcomes, as
likely or marginally likely. Only two projects compared with 55% percent of the unsustainable
were rated marginally unlikely overall or for sus- projects” (GEF IEO, 2019a, p. 29). The data did
tainability, and only one project received margin- not support the claim, even during
ally unlikely in both categories (the Demand Side implementation.
114 J. Cekan and S. Legro

• As a Brazilian project (GEF ID 2941) showed, sions values for thermal power sector and data
sustainability is unlikely when project from all wind farms in China, without a bot-
achievements are weak, and exit conditions tom-­up estimate. The interpolation of this data
and benchmarks need to be clear: The exit lacks verification.
strategy provided by IDB Invest77 is essen- • Similar sampling issues emerge in a project in
tially based on financial-operational consider- Mexico (GEF ID 643): “A significant number
ations but does not provide answers to the of farmers . . . of an estimated 2,312 farmers
initial questions how an EEGM [energy effi- who previously had had no electricity” (p. 20)
ciency guarantee mechanism] should be saw their productivity and incomes increase as
shaped in Brazil, how relevant it is and for a result of their adoption of productive invest-
whom, and to whom the EEGM should be ments (e.g., photovoltaic-energy water-­
handed over (p. 25). pumping systems and improved farming
• In Russia, the terminal evaluation for an practices). A rough preliminary estimate is
energy efficiency project (GEF ID 292) cited extrapolated from an evaluation of “three
project design flaws that seemed to belie its [emphasis added] beneficiary farms, leading
sustainability rating of likely: “From a design-­ to the conclusion that in these cases average
for-­replication point of view the virtually on-farm increases in income more than dou-
100% grant provided by the GEF for project bled (rising by139%)” (p. 21).
activities is certainly questionable” (Global
Environment Facility Evaluation Office [GEF Baseline to terminal evaluation comparisons
EO], 2008, p. 20). Further, the assessment that were rare, with the exception of photovoltaic
“the project is attractive for replication, dis- energy projects in China and Mexico, and none
semination of results has been well imple- were post project. Two were mid-term evalua-
mented, and the results are likely to be tions, which could not assess final outcomes
sustainable [emphasis added] for the long-­ much less sustainability. Ex-post project evalua-
term, as federal and regional legislation sup- tions far more typically focus on the contribu-
port is introduced” (GEF EO, 2008, p. 39), tions that projects made, because only in rare
makes a major assumption regarding changes cases can the attribution be isolated, especially
in the policy environment. (In fact, federal for a project pool, where the focus is often on
legislation was introduced 2 years post proj- creating an enabling environment reliant on a
ect, and the extent of enforcement would range of actors. One such example is the Indian
require examination.) energy efficiency project approved in 1998 (GEF
• A Pacific regional project (GEF ID 1058) was ID 404), in which
rated as likely to be sustained, but its report the project resulted in a favorable environment for
notes that it “does not provide overall ratings energy-efficiency measures and the sub-projects
for outcomes, risks to sustainability, and inspired many other players in similar industries to
M&E” (p. 1). adopt the demonstrated technologies. Although
quantitative data for energy saved by energy effi-
• The Renewable Development Energy project ciency technologies in India is not available, it is
in China (GEF ID 446) that closed in 2007 evident that due to the change in policy and finan-
was evaluated in 2009 (not post project, but a cial structure brought by this project, there is an
delayed final evaluation). The report consid- increase in investment in energy efficiency tech-
nologies in the industries. (GEF IEO, 2013, Vol. 2.,
ered the project sustainable with a continued p. 95)
effort to support off-grid rural electrification,
claiming, “the market is now self-sustaining, And while such GEF evaluators are asking for
and thus additional support is not required” ex-post evaluation, in an earlier version of this
(p. 11). The project estimated avoided CO2 book, Evaluating Climate Change Action for
emissions and cited 363% as achieved; how- Sustainable Development (Uitto et al., 2017), the
ever, calculations were based on 2006 emis- authors encouraged us to be “modest” in expecta-
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 115

tions of extensive ex-post evaluations and explo- Table 3 Sustainability Planning from a Decentralized
Power Generation Project in Lebanon (GEF ID 4749)
ration of ex-post’s confirmatory power seemingly
has not occurred: Resources Are there financial risks that may
jeopardize the sustainability of
The expectations have to be aligned with the size of project outcomes?
the investment. The ex-post reconstruction of base- What is the likelihood of financial
lines and the assessment of quantitative results is an and economic resources not being
intensive and time-consuming process. If rigorous, available once GEF grant assistance
climate change-related quantitative and qualitative ends?
data are not available in final reports or evaluations Ownership What is the risk, for instance, that
of the assessed projects, it is illusive to think that an the level of stakeholder ownership
assessment covering a portfolio of several hundred (including ownership by
projects is able to fill that gap and to produce aggre- governments and other key
gated quantitative data, for example on mitigated stakeholders) will be insufficient to
GHG emissions. When producing data on proxies allow for the project outcomes/
or qualitative assessments, the expectations must be benefits to be sustained?
realistic, not to say modest. (p. 89)
Do the various key stakeholders see
that it is in their interest that project
benefits continue to flow?
Project Evaluability Is there sufficient public/stakeholder
awareness in support of the project’s
long-term objectives?
Following an analysis of the sustainability esti- Partnerships Do the legal frameworks, policies,
mates in the first pool of projects, we screened proj- and governance structures and
ect documentation and terminal evaluations for processes within which the project
conditions that foster sustainability during plan- operates pose risks that may
jeopardize sustainability of project
ning, implementation, and exit. We also analyzed benefits?
how well the projects reported on factors that could Benchmarks, Are requisite systems for
be measured in a post project evaluation and factors risks, & accountability and transparency, and
that would predispose projects to sustainability. resilience required technical know-how, in
These sustained impact conditions consisted of the
Are there ongoing activities that
following elements: (a) resources, (b) partnerships may pose an environmental threat to
and local ownership, (c) capacity building, (d) the sustainability of project
emerging sustainability, (e) evaluation of risks and outcomes?
resilience, and (f) CO2 emissions (impacts). Are there social or political risks
that may threaten the sustainability
Although documentation in evaluations did
of project outcomes?
not verify sustainability, many examples exist of
Source: 4749 Terminal Evaluation, p. 45. Note: Capacity
data collection that could support post project Building and Emerging Sustainability were missing from
analyses of sustainability and sustained impacts project 4749
in the future. Most reports cited examples of
resources that had been generated, partnerships
that had been fostered for local ownership and Tangible examples of the above categories at
sustainability, and capacities that had been built terminal evaluations include the following.
through training. Some terminal evaluations also
captured emerging impacts due to local efforts to Resources
sustain or extend impacts of the project that had The most widespread assumption for sustainabil-
not been anticipated ex-ante. ity was sufficient financial and in-kind resources,
The Decentralized Power Generation project often reliant on continued national investments or
(GEF ID 4749) in Lebanon provides a good new private international investments, which
example of a framework to collect information could be verified. National resources that could
on elements of sustainability planning at terminal sustain results include terminal evaluation find-
(see Table 3). ings such as:
116 J. Cekan and S. Legro

Funding for fuel cell and electric vehicle develop- licas), and “total number of technicians and
ment by the Chinese Government had increased
from Rmb 60 million (for the 1996-2000 period) to
extensionists trained in renewable energy tech-
more than Rmb 800 million (for the 2001-2005 nologies” (p. 33). This came to 3022, or 121% of
period). More recently, policymakers have now the original goal of 2500, which provides a good
targeted hydrogen commercialization for the 2010-­ measure of how the project exceeded this
2020 period. (GEF ID 445, p. 17)

Another example is: “About 65 percent of Emerging Sustainability

[Indian] small Hydro electromechanical Recent post project evaluations also address what
Equipment is sourced locally” (GEF ID 386; emerged after the project that was unrelated to
GEF IEO, 2013, Vol.2, p. 76). The terminal eval- the existing theory of change. These emerging
uation of a global IFC project stated that “Moser findings are rarely documented in terminal evalu-
Baer is setting up 30 MW solar power plants with ations, but some projects in the first pool included
the success of the 5 MW project. Many private information about unanticipated activities or out-
sector players have also emulated the success of comes at terminal evaluation, and these could be
the Moser Baer project by taking advantage of used for future post project fieldwork follow-up.
JNNSM scheme” (GEF ID 112, p. 3). As a consequence of the hydroelectric resource
project, for example, the Indian Institute “devel-
 ocal Ownership and Partnerships
L oped and patented the designs for water mills”
The Russian Market Transformation for EE (GEF ID 386; GEF IEO, 2013, Vol. 2, p. 73). The
Buildings project (GEF ID 3593) showed in its terminal evaluation for another project stated that
recommendation to governmental stakeholders “following the UNDP-GEF project, the MNRE
that their ownership would be essential for sus- [Ministry of New and Renewable Energy] initi-
tainability, describing “a suitable governmental ated its own programs on energy recovery from
institution to take over the ownership over the waste. Under these programs, the ministry has
project web site along with the peer-to-peer net- assisted 14 projects with subsidies of US$ 2.72
work ensuring the sustainability of the tools [to] million” (GEF ID 370; GEF IEO, 2013, Vol. 2,
support the sustainability of the project results p. 62).
after the project completion” (p. xi). An Indian
project (GEF ID 386) noted how partnerships  enchmarks, Risks, and Resilience
could sustain outcomes: As the GEF’s 2019 report itself noted, “The GEF
By 2001, 16 small hydro equipment manufactur- could strengthen its approach to assessing sus-
ers, including international joint ventures (com- tainability further by explicitly addressing resil-
pared to 10 inactive firms in 1991) were ience” (GEF IEO, 2019a, p. 33). Not doing so is
operational. . . . State government came up with a risk, as our climate changes. Two evaluations
policies with financial incentives and other promo-
tional packages such as help in land acquisition, noted “no information on environmental risks to
getting clearances, etc. These profitable demon- project sustainability;” these were the Jamaican
strated projects attracted private sector and NGOs pilot on Removal of Barriers to Energy Efficiency
to set up similar projects. (GEF IEO, 2013, Vol. 2, and Energy Conservation (GEF ID 64; p. 68) and
p. 74)
a Pacific regional project (GEF ID 1058). For
likelihood of sustainability, the Jamaican project
Capacity Building was rated moderately unlikely and the Pacific
The Renewable Energy for Agriculture project in Islands project was rated likely but “does not pro-
Mexico (GEF ID 643) established the “percent- vide overall ratings for outcomes, risks to sus-
age of direct beneficiaries surveyed who learned tainability, and M&E” other than asserting that
of the equipment through FIRCO’s promotional the follow-up project, which has been approved by
activities” (86%), “number of replica renewable the GEF, will ensure that the recommendations
energy systems installed” (847 documented rep- entailed in the documents prepared as part of this
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 117

project are carried out. Thus, financial risks to the Unlike projects in the carbon finance market,
benefits coming out of the project are low. (p. 3)
GEF projects estimate emissions for a project
period that usually exceeds the duration of the
 reenhouse Gas Emissions (Impacts)
G GEF intervention. In most cases, ex-ante esti-
In GEF projects, timeframe is an important issue, mated GHG reductions in the post project period
which makes post project field verification that are larger than estimated GHG reductions during
much more important. As the GEF IEO stated in the project lifetime. In practice, this means that
2018, “Many environmental results take more for projects for which the majority of emissions
than a decade to manifest. Also, many environ- will occur after the terminal evaluation, evalua-
mental results of GEF projects may be contingent tors are being asked to estimate the likelihood
on future actions by other actors.” (GEF IEO, that benefits will not only continue, but will
2018, p. 34). increase due to replication, market transforma-
tion, or changes in the technology or enabling
environment. Table 4 provides several examples
Uncertainty and Likelihood Estimates from the GEF 2019 cohort of how GHG reduc-
tions may be distributed over the project
Estimating the likelihood of sustainability of lifecycle.
greenhouse gas emissions at terminal evalua- The range in Table 4 shows the substantial
tion raises another challenge: the relatively variation in uncertainty when estimating the like-
high level of uncertainty concerning the lihood of long-term project impacts. For projects
achievement of project impacts related to GHG designed to achieve all of their emission reduc-
reduction. GHG reductions are the primary tions during their operational lifetimes, the
objective stated in the climate change focal achievement of GHG reductions can be verified
area, and they appear as a higher level impact as a part of the terminal evaluation. However,
across projects regardless of the terminology most projects assume that nearly all estimated
used. For a global project on bus rapid transit GHG reductions will occur in the post project
and nonmotorized transport, the objective was period, so uncertainty levels are much higher and
to “reduce GHG emissions for transportation estimates may be more difficult to compile. In
sector globally” (GEF ID 1917, p. 9). For a other evaluations, evaluators may identify incon-
national project on building sector energy effi- sistent GHG estimates (e.g., GEF ID 4157 and
ciency, the project goal was “the reduction in 5157), or recommend that the ex-ante estimates
the annual growth rate of GHG emissions from be downsized (e.g., GEF ID 3922, 4008, and
the Malaysia buildings sector” (GEF ID 3598; 4160). These trends may also be difficult to cap-
Aldover & Tiong, 2017, p. i). For a land man- ture in likelihood estimates.
agement project in Mexico, the project objec-
tive was to “mitigate climate change in the
agricultural units selected . . . including the Conclusions and Recommendations
reduction of emissions by deforestation and the
increase of carbon sequestration potential” While sustainability has been estimated in nearly
(GEF ID 4149, p. 21). For a national project to all of the projects in the two pools we considered,
phase out ozone-depleting substances, the proj- it has not been measured. Assessing the
ect objective was to “reduce greenhouse gas ­relationship between projected sustainability and
emissions associated with industrial RAC actual post project outcomes was not possible due
(refrigeration and air conditioning) facilities in to insufficient data. Further, findings from the first
The Gambia” (GEF ID 5466, p. vii). Clearly, pool of climate change mitigation projects did not
actual outcomes in GHG emissions need to be support the conclusion that “outcomes of most of
considered in any assessment of the likelihood the GEF projects are sustained during the post-
of sustainability of outcomes. completion period” (GEF IEO, 2019a, p. 17).
118 J. Cekan and S. Legro

Table 4 Distribution of Estimated GHG Reductions Ex-Ante for Selected Projects in the CCM Subset of the GEF 2019
Ex-ante GHG reduction estimates % of reductions
During project Total reductions achieved by the
GEF ID Country Sub-Sector lifetime (tCO2e) (tCO2e) terminal evaluation
2941 Brazil EE Buildings 705,000 9,588,000 7
2951 China EE Financing 5,400,000 111,500,000 5
3216 Russia EE Standards / 7,820,000 123,600,000 6
3555 India EE Buildings 454,000 5,970,000 8
3593 Russia EE Industry 0 3,800,000 0
3598 Malaysia EE Buildings 2,002,000 18,166,000 11
3755 Vietnam EE Lighting 2,302,000 5,268,000 44
3771 Philippines EE Industry 560,000 560,000 100
Sources: 2941 Project Document, pp. 35–37; 2951 PAD/CEO Endorsement Request, p. 88; 3216 Project Document,
pp. 80–90; 3555 Terminal Evaluation; 3593 Terminal Evaluation, p. 23; 3598 Terminal Evaluation, p. 24; 3755 GEF
CEO Endorsement Request; 3771 Terminal Evaluation pp. 8–9

In the absence of sufficient information regarding administrative support for project data reposito-
project sustainability, determining post project ries to retain data in-country at terminal evalua-
GHG emission reductions is not possible, because tion for post project return and country-level
these are dependent on the continuation of project learning, and include evaluability (control
benefits following project closure. groups, sampling sizes, and sites selected by
We also conclude that although the 4-point evaluability criteria) in the assessment of project
rating scale is a common tool for estimating the design. We also recommend sampling immedi-
likelihood of sustainability, the measure itself has ately from the 56 CCM projects in the two sets of
not been evaluated for reliability or validity. The projects that have been closed at least 2 years.
scale is often used to summarize diverse trends in Donors’ allocation of sufficient resources for
the midst of varying levels of uncertainty limits. CCM project evaluations would allow verifica-
The infrequency of the unlikely rating in terminal tion of actual long-term, post project sustainabil-
evaluations may result from this limitation— ity using the OECD DAC (2019) definition of
evaluators believe that some benefits (greater “the continuation of benefits from a development
than 0%) will continue. However, the 4-point intervention after major development assistance
scale cannot convey an estimate of what percent- has been completed” (p. 12). It would also enable
age of benefits will continue. Furthermore, the evaluators to consider enumerating project com-
use of market studies to assess sustainability is ponents that are sustained rather than using an
not effective in the absence of attributional analy- either/or designation (sustained/not sustained).
sis linking results to the projects that ostensibly Evaluation terms of reference should clarify the
caused change. methods used for contribution vs. attribution
As a result, the current evaluator’s toolkit still claims, and they should consider decoupling esti-
does not provide a robust means of estimating mates of direct and indirect impacts, which are
post project sustainability and is not suitable as a difficult to measure meaningfully in a single
basis for postcompletion claims. That said, M&E measure. For the GEF portfolio specifically, the
practices in the CCM projects we studied sup- development of a postcompletion verification
ported the collection of information that docu- approach could be expanded from the biodiver-
mented conditions (e.g., resources, partnerships, sity focal area to the climate change focal area
capacities, etc.) in a way that projects could be (GEF IEO, 2019b), and lessons could also be
evaluable, or suitable for post project evaluation. learned from the Adaptation Fund’s (2019) com-
We recommend that donors provide financial and missioned work on post project evaluations.
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 119

Bilateral donors such as JICA have developed understanding of climate change action” in their
rating scales for post project evaluations that countries under Article 13 of the agreement
assess impact in a way that captures both direct (United Nations, 2015), and donors have a clear
and indirect outcomes (JICA, 2017). imperative to press for continued improvement in
Developing country parties to the Paris reporting on CCM project impacts and using les-
Agreement have committed to providing “a clear sons learned to inform future support.


Projects Discussed in Chapter

Unless indicated otherwise in the text, see project

documentation at the GEF project database
( under the proj-
ect ID number.

Name GEF ID Agency Country
Demand Side Management Demonstration 64 The World Bank Jamaica
Photovoltaic Market Transformation Initiative (IFC) 112 The World Bank Global, India, Kenya,
Capacity Building to Reduce Key Barriers to Energy 292 UNDP Russian Federation
Efficiency in Russian Residential Building and Heat
Coal Bed Methane Capture and Commercial 325 UNDP India
Development of High Rate BioMethanation 370 UNDP India
Processes as Means of Reducing Greenhouse Gas
Optimizing Development of Small Hydel Resources 386 UNDP India
in Hilly Areas
Energy Efficiency 404 The World Bank India
Barrier Removal for the Widespread 445 UNDP China
Commercialization of Energy-Efficient CFC-Free
Refrigerators in China
Renewable Energy Development 446 The World Bank China
Renewable Energy for Agriculture 643 The World Bank Mexico
Demonstration of Fuel Cell Bus Commercialization 941 UNDP China
in China (Phase II-Part I)
Pacific Islands Renewable Energy Programme 1058 UNDP Regional: Cook Islands,
(PIREP) Fiji, Micronesia, Kiribati,
Marshall Islands, Nauru,
Niue, Papua New Guinea,
Palau, Solomon Islands,
Tonga, Tuvalu, Vanuatu,
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions with Bus 1917 UNEP Global, Columbia, Tanzania
Rapid Transit
Market Transformation for Energy Efficiency in 2941 UNDP Brazil
120 J. Cekan and S. Legro

Name GEF ID Agency Country
RUS Market Transformation Programme on Energy 3593 European Bank Russian Federation
Efficiency in GHG-Intensive Industries In Russia for
and Development
Buildings Sector Energy Efficiency Project (BSEEP) 3598 UNDP Malaysia
SPWA-CC: Promoting Renewable Energy Based 3922 UNIDO Gambia
Mini Grids for Productive Uses in Rural Areas in
The Gambia
Reducing GHG Emissions from Road Transport in 4008 UNDP Russian Federation
Russia’s Medium-sized Cities
SFM Mitigating Climate Change through 4149 IFAD Mexico
Sustainable Forest Management and Capacity
Building in the Southern States of Mexico (States of
Campeche, Chiapas and Oaxaca)
Promotion of Biomass Pellet Production and 4157 UNDP Georgia
Utilization in Georgia
Technology Transfer and Market Development for 4160 UNDP Tajikistan
Small-­Hydropower in Tajikistan
Small Decentralized Renewable Energy Power 4749 UNDP Lebanon
ESCO Moldova - Transforming the market for 5157 UNDP Moldova
Urban Energy Efficiency in Moldova by Introducing
Energy Service Companies (ESCO)
Reducing Greenhouse Gases and ODS Emissions 5466 UNIDO Gambia
through Technology Transfer in the Industrial
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector

Cekan, J., Zivetz, L., & Rogers, P. (2016). Sustained

References and emerging impacts evaluation. Better Evaluation.
Adaptation Fund. (2019). Report of the Adaptation Duval, R. (2008). A taxonomy of instruments to reduce
Fund Board, note by the chair of the Adaptation greenhouse gas emissions and their interactions.
Fund Board – Addendum. AFB/B.34–35/3. Draft – Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
8 November 2019. https://www.adaptation-­fund. Development.
org/document/report-­of-­the-­adaptation-­fund-­board-­ Global Environment Facility. (2017). Guidelines for
note-­b y-­t he-­c hair-­o f-­t he-­a daptation-­f und-­b oard-­ GEF agencies in conducting terminal evaluation for
addendum/ full-­sized projects.
Aldover, R. Z., & Tiong, T. C. (2017). UNDP/GEF tions/guidelines-­gef-­agencies-­conducting-­terminal-­
project PIMS 3598: Building sector energy effi- evaluation-­full-­sized-­projects
ciency project (BSEEP): Terminal evaluation report. Global Environment Facility Evaluation Office. (2008).
Global Environment Facility and United Nations Evaluation of the catalytic role of the GEF. https://
Development Programme.­documents/
evaluation/evaluations/detail/8919 gef-­c atalytic-­r ole-­q ualitative-­a nalysis-­p roject-­
Asian Development Bank. (2010). Post-completion documents.pdf
sustainability of Asian Development Bank-assisted Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
projects.­ Office. (2010). GEF monitoring and evaluation
completion-­sustainability-­asian-­development-­bank-­ policy.
assisted-­projects evaluations/gef-­me-­policy-­2010-­eng.pdf
Cekan, J. (2015, March 13). When funders move on. Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
Stanford Social Innovation Review. Office. (2012). Approach paper: Impact evaluation of
articles/entry/when_funders_move_on# the GEF support to CCM: Transforming markets in
major emerging economies.
Can We Assume Sustained Impact? Verifying the Sustainability of Climate Change Mitigation Results 121

sites/default/files/ieo/ieo-­documents/ie-­ccm-­markets-­ The Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation, 16(1),

emerging-­economies.pdf 1–24.
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation OECD/DAC Network on Development Evaluation.
Office. (2013). Country portfolio evaluation (2019). Better criteria for better evaluation: Revised
(CPE) India. evaluation criteria definitions and principles for
country-­portfolio-­evaluation-­cpe-­india use. Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Development.
Office. (2017). Climate change focal area study. revised-­evaluation-­criteria-­dec-­2019.pdf­meeting-­documents/ Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
climate-­change-­focal-­area-­study Development. (2015). OECD and post-2015
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation reflections. Element 4, Paper 1: Environmental
Office. (2018). Sixth overall performance study of the Sustainability.
GEF: The GEF in the changing environmental finance environment-­d evelopment/FINAL%20POST-­
landscape. 2015%20global%20and%20local%20environmen-
council-­meeting-­documents/GEF.A6.07_OPS6_0.pdf tal%20sustainability.pdf
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Office. (2019a). Annual Performance Report Development, Development Assistance Committee.
2017. (1991). DAC criteria for evaluating development assis-
annual-­performance-­report-­apr-­2017 tance.
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation pdf
Office. (2019b). A methodological approach for Rogers, B. L., & Coates, J. (2015). Sustaining develop-
post-project completion. ment: A synthesis of results from a four-country study
council-­documents/methodological-­approach-­post-­ of sustainability and exit strategies among devel-
completion-­verification opment food assistance projects. FANTA III, Tufts
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation University, & USAID.
Office. (2020). Annual performance report research/exit-­strategies-­ffp
2019. Sridharam, S., & Nakaima, A. (2019). Till time (and
annual-­performance-­report-­apr-­2019 poor planning) do us part: Programs as dynamic sys-
Hageboeck, M., Frumkin, M., & Monschein S. (2013). tems—Incorporating planning of sustainability into
Meta-evaluation of quality and coverage of USAID theories of change. The Canadian Journal of Program
evaluations. USAID. Evaluation.
evaluation/meta-­evaluation-­quality-­and-­coverage cjpe-­entries/33-­3-­pre005.pdf
Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2004). Issues Uitto, J., Puri, J., & van den Berg, R. (2017). Evaluating
in ex-ante and ex-post evaluation. In JICA Guideline climate change action for sustainable development.
for Project Evaluation: Practical Methods for Project Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation
Evaluation (pp. 115–197). Office.
lish/our_work/evaluation/tech_and_grant/guides/pdf/ ieo/documents/files/cc-­a ction-­f or-­s ustainable-­
guideline01-­01.pdf development_0.pdf
Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2017). United Nations. (2015, December 12). Paris agreement.
Ex-post evaluation results. In JICA annual evalu-
ation report 2017 (Part II, pp. 1–34). https://www. agreement.pdf United States Agency for International Development.
c8h0vm0000d2h2gq-­att/part2_2017_a4.pdf (2018). Project evaluation overview. https://
Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2020a). Ex-post­s tarter/program-­c ycle/
evaluation (technical cooperation). https://www.jica. project-­design/project-­evaluation-­overview United States Agency for International Development.
project/ex_post/index.html (2019). USAID’s impact: Ex-post evaluation
Japan International Cooperation Agency. (2020b). series.
Ex-post evaluation (ODA loan). https://www.jica. ExPostEvaluations Valuing Voices. (2020). Catalysts for ex-post learning.
Legro, S. (2010, June 9–10). Evaluating energy savings Zivetz, L., Cekan, J., & Robbins, K. (2017a). Building
and estimated greenhouse gas emissions in six proj- the evidence base for post project evaluation: A report
ects in the CIS: A comparison between initial esti- to the faster forward fund. Valuing Voices. http://
mates and assessed performance [paper presentation].­c ontent/uploads/2013/11/
International Energy Program Evaluation Conference, The-­case-­for-­post-­project-­evaluation-­Valuing-­Voices-­
Paris, France. https://energy-­­ Final-­2017.pdf
content/uploads/2019/06/2010-­paris-­027-­susan-­legro. Zivetz, L., Cekan, J., & Robbins, K. (2017b). Checklists
pdf for sustainability. Valuing Voices. http://valuingvoices.
Mayne, J. (2001). Assessing attribution through contribu- com/wp-­c ontent/uploads/2017/08/Valuing-­Voices-­
tion analysis: Using performance measures sensibly. Checklists.pdf
122 J. Cekan and S. Legro

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Part III
Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation
and Adaptation

A. Viggh (*) e-mail:
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office, Washington, DC, USA

One of the most profound challenges of our time is climate change. In this
part, authors discuss approaches in evaluating both climate change mitigation
and adaptation interventions. Two chapters relate to important aspects of
evaluating climate change mitigation of carbon finance and a community-­
level energy efficiency project. Concerning adaptation to climate change,
three chapters discuss aspects of evaluation’s implications for monitoring,
evaluation, and learning (MEL) including innovative MEL opportunities;
structures, processes, and resources supporting MEL; and the implications of
evidence reviews with respect to MEL.
The first chapter on climate change mitigation, “Using a Realist Framework
to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon
Finance,” discusses a framework for using the realist evaluation method to
overcome contextual uncertainties of carbon market finance. The framework
was applied in the midterm evaluation of the 12-year Carbon Market Finance
Programme (CMFP). The UK Department for International Development
and the Department of Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy published
the CMFP business case under the UK’s International Climate Finance in
2013. The CMFP aims to support sub-Saharan African least developed coun-
tries in obtaining financing through the carbon market. The collapse of the
carbon market and its uncertain future led the evaluation team to consider a
realist evaluation approach that seeks to explain how projects work or do not
work, and under what circumstances. Murdoch, Keppler, Burlace, and Wörlen
describe the methodology, benefits, and challenges of realist evaluation as an
approach, argue that using realist evaluation is practical, and provide recom-
mendations for a revised approach for future evaluations.
In “Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy
Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad,” Yakeu Djiam discusses the
importance of evaluation in climate change mitigation projects that contribute
to sustainable development. The chapter presents the findings of an evalua-
124 III Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

tion of a project that aimed to improve energy efficiency of traditional indus-

tries and reduce demand for firewood by promoting energy-efficient cook
stoves in micro- and small-scale food-processing industries in Chad. The
project, financed by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented
by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), tar-
geted the beer-brewing and meat-grilling sectors, which are large consumers
of firewood. The introduction of locally developed energy-efficient stoves in
these sectors faced several barriers that the project addressed. The chapter
highlights evaluation findings related to project performance, project coordi-
nation and management, gender mainstreaming, and other cross-cutting
issues, followed by a discussion of the value of evaluation in ensuring a proj-
ect’s long-term relevance and sustainability for beneficiaries, and achieve-
ment of transformational change.
Gregorowski and Bours, in “Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate
Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL,” start the discussion on
adaptation to climate change by stating that established MEL approaches no
longer reflect the complexity of current problems of climate change, environ-
mental degradation, and global pandemics. The chapter presents the findings
of a study of MEL approaches and technologies commissioned by the
Adaptation Fund’s Technical Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG). The
study aimed to provide new insights for innovative MEL approaches to sup-
port climate change adaptation interventions. The authors describe the pur-
pose and approach of the study, including its scan-search-appraise
methodology based on a three-step hypothesis to explore a set of innovative
MEL approaches and methods. The chapter concludes with seven recommen-
dations and provides illustrative examples of innovative MEL approaches,
processes, and technical interventions for the future of MEL, to enhance a
systems innovation approach to climate change adaptation.
Addressing evaluability of climate change adaptation-focused interven-
tions, MacPherson, Jersild, Bours, and Holo explore in “Assessing the
Evaluability of Adaptation-­ Focused Interventions: Lessons from the
Adaptation Fund” how evaluability assessments can help identify opportuni-
ties for strengthening evaluability and MEL of a project. To assess whether
Adaptation Fund projects have monitoring and evaluation plans and budgets
to support useful MEL, AF-TERG developed an assessment framework and
applied it to the whole AF portfolio. The chapter outlines the history and
purpose of evaluability assessments, the approach of the assessment, and the
analysis of the information collected. The authors discuss the findings from
applying the framework and how the process of evaluability assessments can
strengthen both a project’s evaluability and its MEL. A key conclusion of the
assessment is that focusing on improvements of a project’s overall MEL
should lead to improved evaluability.
The final chapter of the climate change part, “Evaluating Transformational
Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review,”
draws on the findings of research funded by the International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD) Independent Office of Evaluation as part
of a broader thematic evaluation of their support for smallholder farmers’
adaptation to climate change. Silici, Knox, Rowe, and Nanthikesan discuss
III Evaluating Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation 125

evaluating transformational adaptation in smallholder farming through the

findings of an evidence synthesis of literature searches and review. The review
was executed in line with well-established guidelines and provided a synthe-
sis of evidence on smallholder adaptation to climate change from the past 10+
years. The authors summarize the key messages from the evidence synthesis
and discuss their implications with respect to MEL under the framework of
transformational change, with a focus on the challenges that MEL faces. The
chapter ends with comments on the future role of evidence reviews in the-
matic evaluation beyond climate change adaptation and on the value such
synthesis can add to MEL.
Using a Realist Framework
to Overcome Evaluation
Challenges in the Uncertain
Landscape of Carbon Finance

Callum Murdoch, Lisa Keppler, Tillem Burlace,

and Christine Wörlen

Abstract objectives. The collapse and failed recovery

of the carbon market impacted underlying
In 2013, the United Kingdom Department assumptions of the CMFP’s theory of
for International Development and the change, and uncertainty about CDM’s future
Department of Business, Energy, and complicated evaluation of program sustain-
Industrial Strategy published a business case ability. This chapter presents a practical
for the Carbon Market Finance Programme approach to using realist evaluation to over-
(CMFP). The core mandate: to build capac- come the contextual uncertainties of the car-
ity and develop aids for least developed bon market landscape, providing strengths
countries in sub-­ Saharan Africa to access and weaknesses of the approach applied and
finance via the carbon market. The chosen recommending a revised approach for future
strategy involved signing emission reduction evaluations.
purchase agreements with private sector
enterprises, using the United Nations
Framework Convention for Climate  he Evaluation of the Carbon
Change’s Clean Development Mechanism Market Finance Programme
(CDM) to verify generation of tradeable cer-
tified emissions reductions. The World In 2013, the UK Department for International
Bank’s Carbon Initiative for Development Development (DFID) and the Department of
(Ci-Dev) would implement the 12-year pro- Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS;
gram. The team for the 2019 midterm evalu- then the Department of Energy and Climate
ation found that program uncertainty—from Change) published a business case for the Carbon
sociopolitical challenges in pilot markets to Market Finance Programme (CMFP) under the
global indecision on the future of Article 6 UK’s International Climate Finance (ICF). The
and carbon markets—would complicate core mandate of the program was to build capac-
assessing progress toward business case ity and develop tools and methodologies to help
least developed countries in sub-Saharan Africa
access finance via the carbon market. The busi-
C. Murdoch (*) · T. Burlace ness case explored several options before settling
NIRAS-LTS International, Edinburgh, UK on a strategy that involved signing emission
reduction purchase agreements with private sec-
L. Keppler · C. Wörlen tor enterprises seeking to improve energy access
Arepo, Berlin, Germany

© The Author(s) 2022 127

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
128 C. Murdoch et al.

in least developed countries, using the United establish what that mechanism will look like or
Nations Framework Convention for Climate how it will operate. The quest for the elusive
Change’s (UNFCCC) Clean Development Paris Rulebook, which would provide the foun-
Mechanism (CDM) to verify the generation of dations on which this new mechanism will be
tradeable certified emissions reductions (CERs). built, has not yet yielded any results (as of 2020).
The business case team selected the World Bank’s With the review of the nationally determined
Carbon Initiative for Development, or Ci-Dev, contributions scheduled for 2020, it was hoped
for the implementation of the program over a that COP25 in 2019 would generate clarity.
12-year period. Although some progress was made, the future of
On paper, the CMFP is a relatively straightfor- carbon markets remains as undefined and uncer-
ward results-based finance (RBF) program using tain as it has since the signing of the Paris
carbon credits as the underlying result. However, Agreement.
the market for certified emissions reductions— The UK is implementing the CMFP in this
and indeed, nearly all emission trading schemes— context, accompanied by the evaluation described
changed drastically since 2013 and was in a state in this chapter. The 11-year evaluation kicked off
of such uncertainty as of 2019 that market insid- in late 2014 and will run until the conclusion of
ers were reticent to discuss it.1 Starting in late the program in 2025. In 2019, the evaluation
2011, the price for carbon trading instruments, team conducted a midterm evaluation to gauge
including certified emissions reductions, began the program’s progress to date (LTS International,
to decline. At the release of the CMFP business 2020). We quickly found that the uncertainty sur-
case, the market was in the middle of what most rounding the program, from the local sociopoliti-
(including those at the UNFCCC) would describe cal challenges of the markets where the projects
as a collapse, and the outlook for recovery was are being piloted to the global indecision on the
difficult to determine (CDM Policy Dialogue, future of Article 6 and carbon markets, would
2012). A further development that contributed to make assessing the program’s progress toward its
the uncertainty was the establishment of the Paris stated business case objectives a challenging pro-
Agreement at the 21st Conference of Parties cess. The collapse and failed recovery of the mar-
(COP21) in 2015, especially Article 6.4, which ket struck at many of the underlying assumptions
stated: of the CMFP’s theory of change. Moreover,
A mechanism to contribute to the mitigation of uncertainty about the future of CDM complicated
greenhouse gas emissions and support sustainable any evaluative judgement on program
development is hereby established under the sustainability.
authority and guidance of the Conference of the The team considered a number of approaches
Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to this
Agreement for use by Parties on a voluntary basis. before deciding that the realist evaluation
(UNFCCC, 2015) approach (Pawson & Tilley, 1997) would be best
suited to evaluating the program given the uncer-
The implication of this Article, and indeed the tain landscape. Although systematic evaluation
rest of Article 6, was that a new carbon verifica- methods are most common, they focus on
tion and trading instrument would be established explaining whether or not an intervention led to a
by the Paris Agreement, likely replacing the certain outcome. Instead, realist evaluation helps
CDM. What Article 6 did not do was clearly to open the black box of program theory—it tries
to explain how and why projects work or do not
Even though the team for the evaluation discussed in this work, for whom, and under what circumstances.
chapter noted this risk and limitation throughout the prep- It recognizes that the context in which individual
aration of the evaluation approach, we were nonetheless projects are operating makes important differ-
surprised how unwilling critical senior stakeholders were
ences to the projects’ results. It also shows that
to share information and opinions when the topic of post-­
Paris carbon markets was raised. no project intervention is likely to work every-
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 129

where, under all circumstances, and for every- tory evaluation methods, such as a contribution
one. The application of realist evaluation, analysis and an energy market barrier analysis
therefore, provides the opportunity to evaluate based on the Theory of No Change (Wörlen et al.,
projects within their unique and changing local, 2011), could be assessed in the context of the
national, and global contextual factors. wider portfolio findings. Figure 1 shows the cho-
Another benefit of realist evaluation is that it sen realist evaluation framework.
does not prescribe a specific, regimented
approach. A plethora of literature offers different
applications for realist principles in evaluation Realist Evaluation as an Approach
and various philosophical discussions about the
nature of realist thinking. This chapter fits within The leading questions of a realist evaluation ask
the former category and seeks to offer a field how, why, for whom, and under what circum-
guide of sorts for applying realist evaluation to stances the program works or does not work.
interventions for which the underlying theory has Answering these questions requires identifying
been affected by the uncertain contextual land- the underlying generative mechanisms and causal
scape in which it operates. We first describe the relationships of the program’s dynamic through a
methodology applied in the CMFP midterm eval- continuous, multistage hypotheses development
uation, then weigh the positives and negatives of process. This retroductive process moves back
this approach, finally presenting a revised meth- and forth between inductive and deductive logic
odology taking into account the learning emerg- based on assumptions, continuous learning, and
ing from the evaluation. the expertise of its developers (Greenhalgh et al.,
2017a). Inductive reasoning generates a new the-
ory from collected data and multiple observa-
Overview of Methodology tions showing a logical pattern, whereas deductive
reasoning starts with a theory and the formula-
To systematically address the described com- tion of hypotheses which are tested and verified
plexity of both the program itself and of its by observations. The retroductive approach
embedded environment, the team developed an applied by realist evaluation draws from both.
evaluation framework drawing on realist evalua-
tion principles. Complementing this were other Hypothesis Development
evaluative analysis methods, each of which gives The first step in the process was the formulation
specific insights into the program’s dynamic of hypotheses in the form of intervention-­context-­
implementation and progress. Descriptive analy- mechanism-outcome statements, or ICMOs,
sis focused on verifiable and quantitative data, which were developed with a top-down approach.
including reporting against the program’s logical Based on the program’s theory of change and a
framework, a value-for-money analysis, bench- review of program- and context-related literature,
mark assessments, and, to a lesser extent, a quali- these statements were formulated in an abstract
tative comparative analysis. We used explanatory way to be valid to the whole program itself, and
analysis for qualitative, interpretative data and to the project portfolio. ICMO configurations are
where the evaluation required greater the core analytical elements of realist evaluation.
­consideration of the contextual factors contribut- As shown in Fig. 2, they bring together in one
ing to the program’s progress. For this explana- statement
tory analysis, the team used a realist evaluation
approach in two tranches: first, as a specific eval- • a program’s intervention (I)
uation method to gather, code, and analyze data • the context (C) in which the intervention takes
from a variety of sources, and second, as a syn- place and that influences whether an interven-
thesis framework against which other explana- tion activates a mechanism (M), which is the
130 C. Murdoch et al.

Fig. 1 Realist evaluation framework combining descriptive and explanatory evaluation methods

Fig. 2 Elements of an ICMO statement

response of the intervention target to the Box 1: Example ICMO Statement

• the outcome (O), the desired end result of the By providing carbon-results-based financ-
other three components’ interactions. ing and business development support
funding (I), in a context with sufficient cus-
The intervention is the only factor under the tomer demand for the energy technologies,
direct control of the program; context, mecha- access to finance for the pilot enterprises,
nism, and outcome are outside its direct control. and a supportive policy framework (C),
The mechanism is the center of the realist expla- revenue and capacity for projects will be
nation for how and why change occurs. It is a sufficient to overcome the operational chal-
non-observable process, often described as lenges in providing rural energy access
changes in the reasoning and behavior of indi- technologies (M), resulting in increased
viduals or different levels of systems, that leads energy access and the generation and sale
from the intervention to the outcome intercon- of certified emissions reductions (O).
nected with contextual factors (Greenhalgh et al.,
Overall, our evaluation team developed four To improve the explanatory value, each ICMO
ICMO statements: two addressing the direct configuration consisted of sub-statements for
results of the program and two addressing the each of the elements where the hypotheses
program’s impact level, focusing on (a) barrier involved compound statements (i.e., I1a, I1b, I1c,
removal in energy markets and (b) the transfor- C1a, C1b, etc.; see Box 2). For example, the
mation of the carbon market, including replica- CMFP funding provided for carbon credit pur-
tion of the program’s approach (LTS International, chase often sought to trigger the same or similar
2020). An example ICMO statement (para- mechanisms as funding provided for project
phrased from the CMFP evaluation) is provided readiness or capacity development. Thus, these
in Box 1. two interventions were often considered in paral-
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 131

lel. However, a particular piece of evidence col- commissioners (BEIS) and the implementation
lected might support one intervention more than agents (Ci-Dev) to ensure that they contained all
the other and therefore would need to be indepen- of the relevant elements to depict the theory of
dently assessed. change and its influences. The ICMOs passed
through several iterations, often with minor
Box 2: Example ICMO Sub-statements phrasing or order changes.

By providing carbon-results-based financ- Coding System

ing (I1a) and business development support The evaluation team then tested the ICMO
funding (I1b), in a context with sufficient hypotheses by coding initial primary data (inter-
customer demand for the energy technolo- views) and secondary data (program documents,
gies (C1a), access to finance for the pilot previous evaluation exercises, etc.) against the
enterprises (C1b) and a supportive policy hypotheses to find out whether these theories
framework (C1c). . . were pertinent, productive, and appropriately
designed. In an inductive process, we revised the
hypotheses where the coded data gave indication
After splitting the ICMOs into sub-statements, about contexts, mechanisms, or outcomes that
the team identified critical components for each had not yet been considered in the ICMO state-
sub-statement that would prove the sub-­ ments, but where data showed relevance to the
statement’s accuracy (see Box 3). The compo- program’s development. During the process, the
nents listed were not exhaustive but served to team again consulted stakeholders on the inter-
guide what evidence would either confirm or dis- pretation of the available data to reach a reason-
prove a sub-statement. This was to ensure consis- able judgement about the most useful findings.
tency across users of the realist methodology and We repeated these steps at key stages of the eval-
to enhance the deductive side of the analysis. uation process, leading to the retroductive nature
of the approach.
For coding the ICMOs, we adapted the
Box 3: Example ICMO Sub-statement approach first adopted by the midterm evaluation
Components of the UK Government’s Climate Public Private
Sub-statement: “By providing carbon-­ Partnership Program (Climate Policy Initiative &
results-­based financing (I1a)”. LTS International, 2018). A matrix was designed
Sample components: that not only coded the evidence against the
ICMO hypotheses, but also assessed the strength
1. An emissions reduction purchase agree- of each point of evidence and the overall evi-
ment (ERPA) has been signed with the dence saturation. The intention of the coding
project entity. matrix was to develop a quantifiable scoring pro-
2. The ERPA price is within a suitable cess for the evidence collected that would allow
range. the evaluation team to determine how accurate
3. Finance has been transferred in the initial hypotheses were. We devised a simple
exchange for carbon credits. scoring system (see Table 1) that ranged from 3
(when a particular piece of evidence demon-
strated high accuracy of the statement or sub-­
statement) to −3 (when evidence strongly
A fundamental element of realist evaluation is disproved or contradicted the statement or sub-­
the involvement of core program or intervention statement). The scoring also included a neutral
stakeholders in the ICMO development process. value, X, which marked evidence as being rele-
In the CMFP evaluation, the ICMOs were refined vant to the ICMO but not applicable to the cur-
through consultations with both the evaluation rent sub-statements. The team closely reviewed
132 C. Murdoch et al.

Table 1 ICMO evidence scoring guide

Score Description
3 Evidence strongly supports ICMO statement. Multiple or all components are
met, or particularly strong evidence toward select components is provided.
1 Evidence partially supports ICMO statement. Some components have been
met, or evidence supports the overall statement without actually meeting the
−1 Evidence partially contradicts ICMO statement. Evidence disproves or creates
doubt that some components have been met, or evidence contradicts the
overall statement without opposing specific components.
−3 Evidence strongly contradicts or disproves ICMO statement. Multiple or all
components are countered or disproved, or particularly strong evidence
negating select components is provided.
X Evidence does not support or contradict the sub-statement but is relevant to
the overall ICMO. For example, evidence provides a specific contextual factor
that the statement hasn’t captured, or an outcome that differs from those

these evidence points and ensured the continuous Table 2 Strength of evidence scoring scheme
verification of the relevance and revisions of the Type Description Modifier
ICMO configurations. This scoring approach was Verifiable Refers to data that are both ×2
designed to be simple, intuitive, and quantifiable evidence plausible and possible to verify.
while providing a traceable roadmap of how evi- Such evidence generally
describes quantifiable measures
dence was used to formulate specific evaluation that can be physically counted
findings. Plausible This includes evidence that may ×1
To assess the strength of evidence, we catego- evidence make a plausible claim but may
rized each piece of evidence according to Table 1, draw heavily on assumptions
then used a modifier to weight the evidence (see from secondary literature.
Alternatively, it may refer to
Table 2). Verifiable evidence, either factual infor- evidence that is the plausible
mation or evidence from highly authoritative conclusion drawn by an expert
sources, received a two-times modifier to reflect stakeholder or observer.
the inherent strength of such evidence. Plausible Presented evidence may justify
this view but lack methodology
evidence largely refers to data such as stake- against which the validity of the
holder interviews or discussions, qualitative or conclusion can be verified
subjective secondary literature, or any other data Minimal Some documents may simply ×0
source that would require further triangulated evidence claim an outcome but provide
no information about the data
evidence to verify. As such, we applied no modi- or methodology used to
fier to this type of evidence, on the understanding evidence this claim.
that evidence from one stakeholder would need Alternatively, a claim may be
to be cross-referenced and validated by evidence supported by some evidence,
but other contrary evidence is
from other stakeholders or sources. If no data or also provided. This evidence
argument supported the evidence point or if rele- was not coded but used to
vant contrary evidence was provided, the evi- signpost potential data and a
dence was not coded but still used as information need for further analysis
to improve the further analysis.

Evidence Saturation strongly it supported or contradicted the underly-

For each sub-statement, we calculated the con- ing ICMO statement. The convergence was cal-
vergence of all data to score the saturation of its culated for positive and negative data points
content in relation to the components and how using the banding shown in Table 3 to determine
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 133

Table 3 Saturation rating ICMO statements in the matrix. Overall, we

Evidence saturation coded more than 800 individual data points
level Rating against the ICMO statements, providing almost
> 75% convergence Green saturation level – 2000 total scores. The matrix then generated
of relevant evidence treated as confirmed evidence
supporting hypothesis average scores for each statement or sub-­
60–75% convergence Amber saturation level – statement, adjusting for the strength of evidence
of evidence treated as partially confirmed modifiers, which were used to assess the state-
supporting hypothesis but level of saturation and ment’s accuracy. The matrix also generated over-
divergent views pointed out
all saturation scores, which increased confidence
< 60% convergence Red saturation level –
of evidence not treated as confirmed; in the accuracy of the score achieved. On this
supporting hypothesis discussed within the analysis’ basis, the evaluation team formulated the find-
findings ings of the ICMO analysis.
Table 5 provides three example scores adapted
from the evaluation to demonstrate coding results
Table 4 Categories of ICMO scoring results for hypotheses that are shown to be accurate,
Category Description
inaccurate, or divergent due to significant differ-
Total statement Total score for each sub-statement, ences in project performances within the
score adjusted for strength of evidence portfolio.
Total data points Total number of evidence data Overall, the results of the coding in the CMFP
points scored against each evaluation varied significantly, although this was
to be expected. The scatter graph in Fig. 3 shows
Average Average score for each sub-­
statement score statement, adjusted for strength of the average score of all sub-statements coded in
evidence relation to their data saturation. High saturation
Positive data Saturation of data in relation to the was achieved with around half the sub-statements
convergence components and its support of the coded, but very few sub-statements achieved an
(%) specific sub-statement
average score of greater than 1 or less than −1.
Negative data Nonsaturation of data in relation to
convergence the components and its This is indicative of high reliance on plausible
(%) contradiction to the specific data, often receiving a weaker score with no
sub-statement modifier, unlike verifiable evidence. The chart
Saturation of Predominant data convergence for shows several outliers, highlighting where sig-
data (%) the specific sub-statement
nificantly strong evidence was found supporting
the accuracy of the sub-statements.
how different statements would be discussed and In the following two charts, the data is split to
analyzed depending on their overall data satura- show specifically the scoring for the interven-
tion. Where the majority of evidence for a tions (Fig. 4) and the mechanism sub-statements
hypothesis was scored positively, the saturation (Fig. 5). For the interventions, all average scores
level would support claims that the hypothesis were positive and, with the exception of one out-
was accurate; where the evidence was mostly lier, all achieved high saturation and relatively
negative, the saturation level supported the oppo- high accuracy scores. We found greater variance
site, indicating that the hypothesis did not hold and less saturation with the mechanism scores,
true. For the high saturation threshold, more than and on average they received a lower accuracy
75% of the evidence needed to be scored either score with none breaking beyond an average
positive or negative. Low saturation of evidence score of 1 or −1. This is not especially surprising
implied that less than 60% of the evidence scored as interventions are more observable and verifi-
either positively or negatively. able than the mechanisms they hope to trigger,
and thus receive higher scores.
Coding Results These charts say little about the evaluation
Table 4 summarizes the score categories that findings, but they do illustrate several important
resulted from the coding of evidence against the factors that we explore in the next sections. First,
134 C. Murdoch et al.

Table 5 Example scoring results

Category Hypothesis 1 Hypothesis 2 Hypothesis 3
Total statement 98 −49 2
Total data points 32 63 44
Average statement 3.06 −0.78 0.05
Positive data 94 24 54
convergence (%)
Negative data 6 76 46
convergence (%)
Saturation of data 94 −76 54
Result Very high likelihood High likelihood hypothesis Highly divergent evidence
hypothesis is accurate is partially inaccurate indicative of differences at a project

Fig. 3 Average score of ICMO statements in relation to their saturation

more than half the sub-statements received a 1 or −1 for accuracy. This is reflective of the con-
convergence score of less than 75%, indicating text in which this coding took place, where
moderate to significant evidence divergence. uncertainty abounds and clear, verifiable evi-
This was primarily driven by the heterogeneity dence is limited. It is also indicative of the matu-
of the program portfolio, which, due to its small rity of the projects (the latest commencing
size, could be significantly offset by a single out- mid-2018), which limited the availability of
lying project or small project cluster. Second, strong evidence, especially for mechanism and
few sub-­statements scored beyond an average of outcome sub-statements.
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 135

Fig. 4 Average score of sub-statements for interventions in relation to their saturation

Fig. 5 Average score of sub-statements for mechanisms in relation to their saturation

Realist Evaluation as a Framework improve the overall robustness of the data scoring,
and guide the application of these methods, all data
The evaluation team also conducted other descrip- that emerged from these different analyses under-
tive and explanatory analyses to increase the quality taken were synthesized under the realist evaluation
of the evaluation findings. To promote consistency, framework and coded accordingly.
136 C. Murdoch et al.

To improve the understanding of the program complexity analysis with limited generalizability
portfolio, we conducted case studies for projects (Befani et al., 2007)—and provided both a unique
representing half of the portfolio. These covered avenue by which to analyze evidence regarding
different technologies, business models, states of causes of project success and evidence genera-
energy access markets, and political and regula- tion to parallel and triangulate much of the realist
tory environments. The approach to conducting coding (Olsen, 2014).
the case studies was developed using contribu-
tion analysis principles, drawing on the six-step
guidance developed by Mayne (2008). For the Benefits of the Applied Approach
case studies, we collected additional data through
interviews with the projects’ implementing Using realist evaluation both as an evaluation
actors, policy stakeholders, and market experts method and as the basis for a mixed-methods
for each of the technologies represented in the evaluation framework has several benefits. First,
case study portfolio. the method offers the possibility of exploring
Based on the interviews and the additional complexity and context in a systematic way. The
market information, the team conducted an aim of the evaluation was to analyze program
energy market barrier analysis using Theory of progress and the impact it had on the various
No Change (TONC; Wörlen et al., 2011). TONC local energy markets and the carbon market.
is a program-based evaluation approach that Therefore, during the design stage, the evaluation
looks at the four main groups of stakeholders of team had to take into account global, national,
the energy access market that can influence the and local contextual factors and the uncertain
effectiveness of market transformation programs: outlook of the carbon market. Due to the iterative
the users of the technology, the providers of the nature of developing the realist framework, the
goods and services (the supply chain), the local approach was flexible enough after the initial
and international financiers, and the policy mak- design stage to be adapted to a changing
ers. For each of the case study projects, we used environment.
a TONC to reveal barriers that impede market During prior evaluation phases, an expansive
change and their intensity. We also performed set of evaluation questions had been formulated.
analysis of how these barriers were addressed by We grouped the questions thematically to address
activities of the projects or the program itself. specific areas of interest for this evaluation phase.
Finally, to compare how combinations of fac- Based on these groupings, we developed the four
tors may have contributed to the program’s out- ICMO configurations and coded and scored evi-
comes, the evaluators undertook a qualitative dence against them. The thematically organized
comparative analysis of the program portfolio evidence scored under the ICMOs allowed for
(Ragin, 2000; Thomas et al., 2014). This is a extraction of findings and recommendations
theory-­based approach that applies systematic, respectively for each of the evaluation questions.
logic-based, cross-case analysis to largely quali- This organization also highlighted significant or
tative data to identify potential pathways of outlying evidence to provide more nuanced
change (Baptist & Befani, 2015). In particular, it answers to the evaluation questions.
can be used to identify different combinations of Another benefit is that the configuration of
conditions necessary to achieve a desired out- ICMOs is a continuous, retroductive process and
come. This is particularly useful in complex set- is therefore able to consider new insights acquired
tings where contextual and intervention during the evaluation or major changes of the
characteristics vary across cases and interdepen- program’s embedded environment. Like the eval-
dencies exist between contextual and interven- uation framework itself, the ICMO configura-
tion conditions. The qualitative comparative tions can be iteratively adjusted and used for
analysis approach is remarkably compatible with subsequent evaluation phases. For example, if
realist thinking—a theory-based approach to contextual factors have changed or new mecha-
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 137

nisms and outcomes are identified, the statements scored according to its plausibility and impor-
can be modified without requiring a full reset of tance for the evaluation. In contrast to other eval-
the evaluation framework. If additional areas of uation methods, this method minimizes the
interests arise at a later phase of the evaluation subjective assessment of individual evaluators:
process, evaluators can also develop new ICMO listing the components with signifiers for each
configurations. This ensures that the evaluation sub-statement ensures consistency in the subjec-
methodology is able to keep up with the shifting tive coding process. Moreover, the elaborate
carbon landscape and developments in its imple- framework and coding system can be used for
mentation while maintaining rigor and consis- subsequent evaluation phases and can be itera-
tency of approach. tively improved as the availability of data
A top-down, program-focused approach was increases and the understanding of individuals
used for the ICMO formulation because much working on the evaluation grows.
time had been spent in the previous evaluation
stages to develop and improve the program’s the-
ory of change. Developing ICMOs based on Challenges of the Applied Approach
program-­level information is more time efficient
than formulating statements for each project and As described above, the realist evaluation meth-
later abstracting them to make them valid for the odology has several advantages. However, the
whole project portfolio. Program-level state- development and application of the method dur-
ments also make the program theory more visible ing this evaluation also revealed challenges and
and give it a clear structure. The abstract struc- limitations.
ture of the ICMO configurations enabled us to First, the method described requires signifi-
incorporate a wide variety of existing data. To cant levels of effort. The establishment of the
improve the ICMO configurations, the evaluation components supporting the accuracy of the sub-­
team refined them based on specific project find- statements and the coding process itself were
ings when these findings were also likely to help time consuming. Regarding the components,
explain outcomes of other projects. Using the reaching consensus across the team and key
ladder of abstraction, we formulated each spe- stakeholders as to which components would act
cific finding as a general phrase to make it valid as signifiers took extensive consultation. The
for other projects of the portfolio. coding process, which is based on a line-by-line
The created ICMO matrix allows for high evi- isolation approach, required personnel suffi-
dence traceability. With the inclusion of the data ciently familiar with the ICMOs and the evidence
in the matrix and the developed coding system, base. Had the midterm evaluation not been suffi-
we could extract the specific data sources that led ciently resourced, the approach chosen likely
to a given finding and categorize the strength of would not have been as effective as it was. In
evidence against each finding. We could also fil- addition to the resource requirements, although
ter the evidence regarding individual projects or the scoring system was highly robust and pro-
countries and analyze the ICMO statements sepa- vided clear, quantitative assessments of hypothe-
rately at the country or project level. This can be ses’ accuracy, it was limited in its ability to assess
advantageous when findings need to be formu- negative findings and did not offer a useful option
lated according to different clusters, based on for assessing which other interventions might
technology, business model or country. For have led to a given mechanism, and vice versa.
example, in a situation such as the results under Second, the coding process was somewhat
Hypothesis 3 in Table 5, the evaluation team inflexible, requiring positive or negative scoring
could filter data in the matrix to identify which against predetermined hypothesis statements,
projects were causing the divergence in evidence which, if incorrectly set out or phrased, could
and investigate those projects further. Once the lead the evaluation team down a narrow path in
system is in place, the data is systematically the wrong direction. Given the highly variable
138 C. Murdoch et al.

contexts in which the CMFP operates and the lead to incorrect assumptions about the program
diverse range of outcomes expected at the project results.
level, this approach to coding did not support
effective and efficient capture of unstated or
unforeseen contextual factors and program out- Improving the Methodology
comes. Although the coding process did include
an investigation marker score, the X, to highlight Drawing on the lessons learned during the devel-
where evidence indicated unpredicted contextual opment and application of the realist evaluation
factors or outcomes, in practice this was chal- approach, this section considers an alternative
lenging to implement given the limited opportu- approach to developing ICMOs and applying
nity for qualitative description. realist evaluation in an uncertain landscape with
Third, the program consisted of 12 projects a small but heterogeneous selection of evidence
and developing robust ICMOs for this number studies.
proved to be challenging. Working from the bot-
tom up, developing 12 sets of ICMOs—one for
each project—would have been time consuming  ottom-Up Formulation of ICMO
and significantly increased the evaluation data Statements
requirements and the ICMO-related consulta-
tions. However, the top-down approach, develop- The formulation of the ICMOs themselves may
ing ICMOs at the portfolio level and testing them benefit from a bottom-up approach, rather than
at the project level, was somewhat hindered by top-down. Although each of the 12 projects
the heterogeneity of the projects, which resulted involved had the same basic strategy—using
both in ICMO statements that were too general to results-based financing and supporting grants to
effectively capture the nuance of the different implement commercial business models for
projects and in high divergence of evidence. This energy access technology to generate certified
also meant the resulting findings were not always emissions reductions—a core objective of the
generalizable, and, despite efforts to produce overall program was to test new business models
synthesized scores for the wider portfolio, exten- in different markets, using different technologies.
sive analysis and discussion was required in the As such, the project models varied substantially,
evaluation report to explicitly draw out where from traditional commercial cookstove sales, to
projects landed on a particular findings curve. biomass fuel utilities, to public aggregator-led
Identifying the right balance between specific solar home system distribution. Each of these
project-level results versus more abstract models relies on different intervention strategies,
portfolio-­level results—the right rung on the lad- seeks to trigger different mechanisms of change,
der of abstraction—in such a portfolio is a recog- and must contend with different contextual fac-
nized challenge of realist evaluation and well tors. In cases of such heterogeneity, developing
exampled in this case (Punton et al., 2020). ICMO hypotheses for each project (or cluster of
Finally, although the realist approach projects, in the case of larger portfolios) is likely
addressed many of the challenges created by the to yield more nuanced theories that can be more
uncertain landscape, it could not resolve several readily tested at the project level. Had the team
fundamental issues. The fact that post-Paris developed 12 sets of ICMOs, or even eight sets
Agreement stakeholder engagement was limited, reflecting the eight project countries, the task at
for example, was not inherently improved by the the portfolio level would have been finding the
realist approach beyond highlighting where satu- correct level of abstraction at which to synthesize
ration was low and more evidence needed. The the hypotheses—too high and the aggregated
nature of the market also resulted in higher avail- theories risk becoming disconnected to the proj-
ability of negative evidence, particularly in rela- ects, too low and they will lack generalizability
tion to the transformation of the carbon market, for the wider portfolio. Finding the right balance
which, if not read and analyzed correctly, could would allow for the formulation of portfolio-­
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 139

level ICMOs, which are well suited to assessing allowing for deeper analysis of the causal mecha-
the overall success or impact of the portfolio and nisms. During the coding process, these signifiers
which can be effectively tested via project stud- could then be directly tied to the accuracy rating
ies. However, this approach is not without trade-­ for the whole statement.
offs. For example, stakeholder engagement, In the example in Box 4, the intervention of
feedback, and consultation are critical in the providing carbon-RBF would ensure “revenue
effective formulation of ICMOs. Increasing the and capacity for projects will be sufficient to
overall number of ICMOs would increase the overcome the operational challenges in providing
engagement requirements, particularly because rural energy access technologies.” Breaking this
each project, with a few exceptions, involved an into signifiers, one might say that evidence of a
entirely different set of implementors, funders, project-supported company using revenue from
partners, and other key stakeholders. the carbon-RBF to recruit new staff or to invest in
distribution infrastructure would be good indica-
tors that the mechanism was operating as theo-
Increasing Traceability of Causality rized. Evidence of each of these signifiers would
by Tailoring the Coding warrant a strong accuracy rating in coding. Thus,
to the Mechanism the mechanism hypothesis statements could be
tested through traditional deductive reasoning.
ICMO statements are theoretically portable,
meaning that a mechanism proven to operate as
expected in one situation could feasibly be Box 4: Example ICMO Statement
repeated elsewhere. However, to actually be por- By providing carbon-results-based financ-
table, ICMOs must maintain a balance between ing and business development support fund-
having sufficient generalizability to be trans- ing (I), in a context where there is sufficient
ferred and enabling appropriate analysis of how customer demand for the energy technolo-
and why a given mechanism functioned or was gies, access to finance for the pilot enter-
triggered, to ensure any transference or replica- prises, and a supportive policy framework
tion is suitably tailored to new contexts (Pawson (C), revenue and capacity for projects will
& Tilley, 1997). be sufficient to overcome the operational
Another option with ICMOs would be to take challenges in providing rural energy access
a different approach to the coding process. In the technologies (M), resulting in increased
CMFP evaluation, the team used a coding system energy access and the generation and sale of
that sought to prove the accuracy of each hypoth- certified emissions reductions (O).
esis and sub-statement. As noted above, this sys-
tem provided quantitative scoring on whether the
overall hypothesis was correct but limited evi-
dence on causality, particularly where the evi- In this approach, complete ICMO hypotheses
dence differed from the original theory. In part, should still be constructed, but coding them as a
this was because each statement type in the complete unit is not necessary. With the primary
ICMOs was treated the same, with equal weight- focus on providing evidence and proving the
ing. An alternative approach would be to place mechanism, a more flexible approach applied to
the emphasis in coding on the actual mechanisms the interventions might benefit the overall analy-
of change—the M in ICMO and the critical con- sis, particularly given the shifting landscape of the
sideration for the ICMO portability. This program. Each intervention could be given a tag
approach would still use the concept of signifiers, (I1, I2, I3, etc.) to be used to link the relevant inter-
but would only provide them for the mechanisms. ventions to the mechanism being coded against.
This would reduce the level of effort required to With the mechanism example in the previous para-
agree on effective evidence thresholds while graph, the ICMO was developed with two inter-
140 C. Murdoch et al.

ventions: first, the commitment of carbon-­RBF failure of each intervention than those identified
(I1); and second, the business development sup- and coded. Thus, staying open to updating and
port provided by the program implementor (I2). revising the ICMOs in the face of new evidence
Using the alternative approach, evidence could be that does not fit within the existing framework is
binarily marked positively where it indicates the important, because narrowing the view of the
presence of one or both of these interventions, and analysis to specific factors for each mechanism
scored based on the strength by which the evi- can limit the nuance of the evaluation findings.
dence links them to the mechanism. A further con- Evaluators can employ a revised approach
sideration is that possible evidence might indicate drawing on the evidence-based ICMO assembly
that the mechanism was due to another interven- method that some favor. The pre-identified con-
tion (such as the use of the program implementor’s textual factors could be grouped thematically to
influence in the market, an intervention tested by allow quick coding of the relevant factors
our evaluation team) or an intervention that had ­demonstrated by specific evidence extracts. This
not been captured by the original ICMO hypothe- also cuts down on repetition among the contextual
ses, playing perhaps an even greater role than the factors. In coding evidence, qualitative descrip-
originally linked intervention. The original coding tion linked to a tagged context grouping is likely
approach would not have adequately captured this the most effective option, providing additional
linkage. In the revised approach, such interven- detail or analysis on the contextual factors identi-
tions could be tagged and scored for strength of fied by a specific piece of intervention or mecha-
linkage to the mechanism in question. At the con- nism evidence. This qualitative coding would also
clusion of the coding process, the evaluation team support the capture of other contextual factors not
could then assemble a more complete picture of previously identified by the evaluators, thus
which interventions contributed to which mecha- allowing for both a deductive and inductive
nisms and by how much, based on the actual evi- approach to coding and developing understanding
dence gathered. of the critical contextual factors involved.
Using this more flexible system allows evalu- A similar approach could be appropriate for
ators to set out their hypotheses at the start of the outcomes to ensure qualitative capture of unex-
process and assess how accurate they are, and pected outcomes or outcomes with a stronger
also allows for effective evidence gathering on link to a given mechanism than envisioned,
causal linkages that had not been drawn at the although generally the bond between mechanism
outset. It supports a more inductive approach to and outcome is more consistent.
developing causal pathways without the need for
the continuous stakeholder consultation that is
required for reformulation of the hypotheses. Summary of the Modified

Increasing Variability of Contextual Table 6 presents sample coding that evaluators

Factors might apply to the above-described approach. In
this approach, only the existence of the mechanism
In analyzing the contextual factors, a similar and the links between the mechanism and the inter-
inductive approach may be better suited to the ventions or outcomes are quantitatively scored.
uncertainties of the current carbon market. The original scoring system would still be
Although certain key contextual factors such as applicable to this revised approach for the mecha-
appetite for carbon trading or capacity of imple- nisms, with each piece of data being scored twice:
menting organizations were evidently important once for the strength of the evidence (Table 7);
from the outset, the evaluation team found a vari- and once for the content of the evidence in rela-
ety of surprising and unexpected contextual issues tion to the signifiers (Table 1). The strength of evi-
that often proved more critical to the success or dence score applies a multiplier to the content
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 141

Table 6 Modified ICMO coding system

Statement Score Description
Intervention Assigned intervention Yes/no based on intervention established in
Strength of linkage Positive or negative score based on strength
of connection to mechanism demonstrated
by evidence
Alternative intervention Does the evidence indicate that other
identified interventions led to mechanism?
Strength of linkage Positive or negative score based on strength
of connection to mechanism of the
alternative intervention
Other Does the evidence indicate that non-­
identified/external interventions contributed
to mechanism?
Context Contextual factors Which identified contextual factors does the
evidence support?
Other What other contextual factors are identified
by the evidence?
Mechanism Score Score the accuracy of the mechanism
statement per evidence scoring guide, based
on evidence signifiers
Outcome Assigned outcome Yes/no based on outcome(s) established by
Strength of linkage Positive or negative score based on strength
of connection to the mechanism
demonstrated by evidence
Alternative outcomes Does the evidence indicate that other
identified outcomes are caused by the
Other Does the evidence indicate that unexpected
outcomes are linked to the mechanism?

Table 7 Modified ICMO evidence scoring guide

Score Definition
3 Evidence strongly supports mechanism statement. Multiple or all signifiers are met.
1 Evidence partially supports mechanism statement. One or more signifiers are met.
−1 Evidence partially contradicts or disproves mechanism statement. Evidence disproves or
creates doubt in one or more signifiers.
−3 Evidence strongly contradicts or disproves mechanism statement. Multiple or all signifiers are
countered or disproved.

score, recognizing that verifiable and authoritative itive or negative) and the total evidence conver-
sources provide more convincing evidence than gence. The revised approach to coding also
plausible, subjective sources (see Table 7). allows for the inductive generation of alternative
The modified coding system will generate hypotheses, allowing users to efficiently reflect
several scores including the overall data score, on the data gathered to reformulate and revise
the total data points, the average data score, and ICMO statements. Further, it provides a refer-
the data saturation in the form of positive and ence matrix linking evidence to findings during
negative data convergence (a score reflecting substantive evaluations.
what percentage of the total data points were pos-
142 C. Murdoch et al.

Conclusion • Find the right level of abstraction for your

ICMO statements: When dealing with a port-
The application of realist evaluation is appropri- folio of projects or interventions of any size,
ate when considering interventions operating in setting the right balance between portfolio-
highly unstable or unpredictable landscapes. The and project-level hypotheses is vitally impor-
method offers a sufficient balance of evaluation tant. Start from the bottom where possible,
rigor and adaptability, allowing for retroductive cluster projects by intervention type if needed,
analysis that can evolve over time. The use of and remember to think about generalizability
ICMO statements allows for nuanced hypotheses and portability of the hypotheses.
to be tested (provided the right level of abstrac- • Engage stakeholders regularly but appro-
tion is achieved), which incorporates critical con- priately: Stakeholder input to the ICMO
textual factors at their core. The approach offers development process is one of the realist eval-
the opportunity to find out not only what has hap- uation pillars and consultations should be held
pened, but how it happened and, to a lesser extent, at all key development stages, including itera-
why. In the CMFP evaluation, this contextualized tions after data collection. However, striking a
understanding was important to generating effec- balance is important between sufficient
tive, balanced findings that fairly accounted for engagement and the resource implications, not
the market uncertainty in evaluating the out- to mention the evaluator’s biggest concern:
comes and impact of the program interventions. burdening the commissioner. Agreeing on the
The approach developed by the evaluation team process for consultations early in the ICMO
for the CMFP was very effective in providing development and testing adjustments before
traceable, quantified findings. It also provided a consultation may help to strike this balance.
robust framework against which other evaluation • Do not underestimate the resource require-
exercises could be designed, implemented, and ments: Developing, coding, and analyzing
scored. ICMOs using either of the methods described
However, as with all evaluation methodolo- above is a time-consuming process. It requires
gies, realist evaluation is not without its limita- not only individual subjective assessments for
tions, some of which were apparent in this every piece of data collected, but also exten-
evaluation. The significant resource require- sive stakeholder consultation and rigor in data
ments, risks of overly narrow lines of analysis, gathering. Even if the described coding
and challenge in ensuring generalizability are all approach is not adopted, the development of
important lessons that should be considered when ICMO statements, especially for portfolios of
setting out to conduct a realist evaluation. Based projects, is a difficult task that requires suffi-
on these learnings, we have presented a revised cient resources and time for feedback and
approach to conducting realist evaluation. This iterations.
approach seeks to increase the flexibility of real- • Remain open to emerging concepts (and do
ist evaluation, ensure more nuanced analysis of not be overly deductive): Developing
the causal linkages between interventions and hypotheses and scoring against them can
mechanisms, and open the approach further to result in tunnel vision, blinkering evaluators to
unforeseen contextual factors or program emerging concepts and data. The retroductive
outcomes. approach described in this chapter, which
This approach is unlikely to be suitable for all allows for regular feedback loops between the
evaluators seeking to apply realist approaches, evidence and the hypotheses, is a beneficial
nor would it be appropriate for all evaluations. way of thinking about and analyzing the data
Nevertheless, the following key lessons are use- that allows for multiple iterations of develop-
ful insights for any evaluator embarking on a ment and the incorporation of emerging ideas
realist evaluation: and trends.
Using a Realist Framework to Overcome Evaluation Challenges in the Uncertain Landscape of Carbon… 143

References LTS International. (2020). Evaluation of the carbon mar-

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High-Level Panel on the CDM Policy Dialogue. (2012).
case-­a nd-­i ntervention-­s ummary-­c arbon-­m arket-­
Climate change, carbon markets and the CDM: A call
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Thomas, J., O’Mara-Eves, A., & Brunton, G. (2014).
Retroduction in realist evaluation. RAMESES II
Using qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) in sys-
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Evaluation’s Role in Development
Projects: Boosting
Energy Efficiency in a Traditional
Industry in Chad

Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam

Abstract cludes with lessons provided by the evalua-

tion, including engagement with targeted
This chapter illustrates the critical importance beneficiaries, awareness of local context, and
of evaluation in development projects. It consideration of size and scale for a demon-
explores the relevance, processes, and specif- stration project that can be scaled up in future
ics of a project to introduce energy-efficient programs.
cook stoves in two traditional industries in
Chad. Although Chad benefits from great
solar potential given its location and being a Introduction
Sahelian country, biomass accounted for 94%
of the primary energy supply in 2008, and Frequent and intense storms, widespread and
only 2.2% of Chadian households have access destructive fires, shrinking water supplies, desert-
to electricity. The beer brewing and meat grill- ification, and changes to ocean environments
ing sectors in particular use enormous quanti- increasingly evidence climate change. The
ties of limited and expensive firewood. Locally impacts of climate change—which include slow
developed energy-efficient stoves for the two or poor crop production, higher food and fuel
targeted sectors were available, but those tech- prices, drought and famine, higher inflation, and
nologies had not been commercialized and slower economic growth—are especially severe
disseminated into the Chadian market. The for the poor, who often lack the resources to cope
project aimed to overcome issues of technol- and adapt. As the Global Environment Facility
ogy, financing, dissemination, resistance to (GEF, n.d.) explained,
change, and awareness to introduce and estab- Taking action on climate change means adopting
lish use of energy-efficient stoves in micro-­ and implementing ambitious programs to limit
scale food processing to achieve environmental emissions of greenhouse gases to levels compatible
and economic benefits, discussing the effec- with the well-being of the ecosphere, while support-
ing communities around the world to adapt to the
tiveness of models introduced and adopted by unavoidable impacts of the climatic changes that are
project beneficiaries with related training. already being observed. It also means embracing the
This chapter considers issues related to the potential of the green economy—a more sustainable
project’s financing and sustainability and con- way of life that balances economic, social, and envi-
ronmental priorities. (para. 2)

S. E. Yakeu Djiam (*)

Independent Evaluator, Yaounde, Cameroon

© The Author(s) 2022 145

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
146 S. E. Yakeu Djiam

One such ambitious program that aimed to bal- in the back yards of their houses. Each brewery
ance economic, social, and environmental priori- employs four to 15 women and produces two to
ties was a project to promote energy-efficient three 150- to 200-l batches of beer per week.
cook stoves in micro- and small-scale food-­ Each batch of beer requires at least 54 kg of
processing industries in Chad. Given its location wood. The stoves used are outdated and highly
and as a Sahelian country, Chad has a great solar inefficient, further increasing the amount of wood
potential of about 4.5 billion MWh/year and thus needed per batch.
ranked 20 worldwide for its solar potential in The tchélé, in which men smoke or grill vari-
2008 (Price & Margolis, 2010). Despite this, bio- ous types of meat, represents another sector that
mass accounted for 94% of the primary energy consumes a lot of firewood. Run by men, the
supply in 2008, and only 2.2% of Chadian house- tchélé is either a simple street booth or a small
holds had access to electricity; of these, only 1% shop that includes an extension with benches
were outside of the capital city of N’Djamena.1 where patrons can consume the meat on the spot.
About 79% of the energy supply in urban and A tchélé employs between two and five people,
90% in peri-urban and rural areas in Chad derive depending on its size and on whether they also do
from ligneous sources. Burning firewood for fuel butchery-related work.
produces greenhouse gases directly, which has To take advantage of the opportunity these tra-
negative health effects on human health, and ditional industries presented to improve energy
reduces the capacity of forests to act as carbon efficiency and reduce demand for firewood, the
sinks. Moreover, the imbalance between the fire- Global Environment Facility (GEF) financed a
wood supply and demand accelerates desertifica- project implemented by the United Nations
tion and poses concerns for rural, peri-urban, and Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
urban development. To curb high deforestation in 2014, titled “Promoting Energy-Efficient Cook
rates, the Government of Chad passed an act in Stoves in Micro- and Small-Scale Food
2009 that prohibited cutting green wood Processing Industries.” The project drew on les-
(Republic of Chad, 2017; United Nations sons learned from a similar intervention in
Development Programme [UNDP], 2017). Burkina Faso (UNIDO Office of Independent
However, an outcome of the act has been to Evaluation, 2015). Project components included
triple the price of wood in the market, which has improving the design of cook stoves to achieve
had a negative effect on micro and small optimum fuel efficiency, creating sustainable
­entrepreneurs in Chad, especially beer brewers financial programs to finance acquisition of the
and meat grillers in N’Djamena. A 2010 study on energy-efficient cook stoves, and improving the
firewood consumption estimated that the beer business performance of micro and small entre-
brewing and meat grilling sectors in N’Djamena preneurs. This project also included a monitoring
alone consume around 14,000 tons of firewood and evaluation component with the express intent
per year, with more than 3300 cabarets (the of facilitating smooth and successful project
equivalent of bars) and 2300 meat-grilling stands implementation and sound impact. This chapter
(Vaccari et al., 2012). explores the role of evaluation in a development
The traditional breweries produce a local beer project, with discussion of the project back-
called bili bili, a sorghum-based alcoholic drink ground; the evaluation findings including project
that requires intensive cooking for 10–16 h per performance, coordination and management,
batch. The breweries are cottage industries that gender mainstreaming, cross-cutting issues, and
are exclusively operated by women entrepreneurs conclusions; and a summary of the importance of
evaluation in such a project.
The Clean Energy information portal of the Renewable
Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership,, is
no longer active. For data available on the portal, contact
Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad 147

Project Background ments to adapt the technology to users’ needs

and further improve the energy efficiency and
High firewood consumption exerts a negative performance of the stoves for market.
impact on the environment and on the livelihoods • Dissemination: Shifting from traditional,
of micro and small entrepreneurs in Chad. energy inefficient stoves to improved models
Traditional food processing, such as brewing would require adoption at a larger scale
beer and grilling meat using large commercial (demand vs. supply sides).
cook stoves with low energy efficiency due to • Resistance: The introduction and dissemina-
incomplete combustion of firewood, requires tion of new energy-efficient technologies
long cooking times and high consumption of fire- often faces reluctance to change; thus, a strat-
wood. The use of energy-efficient cook stoves egy was needed to overcome resistance and
could reduce firewood consumption by at least enhance acceptance among users and
50% and considerably decrease cooking times. consumers.
As a corollary of the shift to energy-efficient • Awareness: Lack of awareness about the ben-
cook stoves, entrepreneurs would also be able to efits of a new technology can stall buy-in and
increase their income and profit margins by uptake. Benefits of potential new energy-­
decreasing their fuel costs and optimizing the efficient technologies are reduced fuel con-
production process. The shift would further con- sumption and costs, and improved production
tribute to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions processes, health conditions, and livelihoods.
and reducing deforestation rates and negative
impacts on health. The GEF-funded project sought to address
Prior to this project, two local cook stove some of these key barriers to the introduction of
manufacturers had developed prototypes for energy-efficient stoves among beer brewers and
energy-efficient stoves with support of the meat grillers in Chad. Therefore, the primary tar-
Association pour le Développement de Micro-­ gets of the project were beer-brewing and meat-­
Crédit and the Association of Appropriate grilling micro enterprises, cook stove suppliers
Technology for the Protection of Environment and local project developers, and experts from
(ATAPED). However, these prototypes had not relevant policymaking and implementing institu-
yet been commercialized and disseminated into tions. The project aimed to create a market for
the Chadian market because the manufacturers energy-efficient stoves in three ways:
faced constraints related to limited financial
resources, high costs of raw materials, absence of • Promoting energy-efficient stoves that con-
relevant technical training and support, and weak sume 50–80% less firewood for processing
market demand. These barriers prevented the food.
local manufacturers from producing and selling • Developing clusters2 within the beer brewing
their energy-efficient stoves at a market scale. and meat grilling sectors to support demand
The following were the main barriers to the for improved cook stoves, generate collective
introduction of energy-efficient stoves in the
­ gains, and empower female and male
micro-­scale food-processing sectors in Chad that entrepreneurs.
the project aimed to overcome: • Facilitating access to finance to aid in acquir-
ing improved cook stoves by implementing a
• Technology: Improved cook stove technology
should not only be appropriate to the needs of 2
Such clusters, or tontines as they are called in Chad, are
each sector/usage, but also affordable, easy to self-help groups of five to ten members who are encour-
use, durable, widely available, and socially aged to develop savings behaviors and pool resources to
purchase the new stoves. These are groups based on trust
acceptable or desirable. and mutual support that can more easily access microfi-
• Financing: Producing and selling improved nance because institutions are more likely to lend to them
cook stoves would require significant invest- than to individuals.
148 S. E. Yakeu Djiam

credit and savings program and linking to vol- Table 1 Project stakeholders (UNIDO, 2013)
untary carbon markets to generate additional Stakeholders Roles in the project
revenues for end users switching to improved Cofinanciers Global Environment Facility/
cook stoves. FEM:
Support part of the financial
Four intervention zones were identified as the FSE:
focus areas for project activities based on two cri- Support partial allocation of
teria: (a) high concentration of the selected types financial resource
of enterprises and (b) proximity to N’Djamena, Ministry of Environment and
Fishery (counterpart of the
which is one of the main intervention zones, project):
employing more than 40,000 beer brewers and Support in the promotion of the
2300 tchélé workers. Table 1 lists the project’s project and energy-efficient
stakeholders and their roles in the project. stoves, especially in outreach
and logistics
The initial project budget was $2,600,000 in
Shell Foundation:
both cash and in-kind support over 2 years (2015– 1. Support the dissemination of
2017), with a final deadline in 2018 to accommo- clean cook stove solutions
date pending activities and outputs. A significant 2. Support the development and
scale-up of models to
budget shortfall from the national government of
disseminate the use of clean
Chad and the National Agency for Domestic and cook stoves
Energy and Environment Development (AEDE) 3. Share knowledge and
reduced the project budget by more than half. experience gained through
projects implemented in other
This was due to increased engagement of the
countries and regions
national government under the Special Fund for Envirofit:
Environment (FSE) in supporting civil society 1. Develop well-­engineered
organizations (CSOs) with small-grant interven- technology solutions to
tions related to environmental preservation.3 improve the energy efficiency
of institutional stoves
2. Support and train local
technicians on the assembly
Evaluation Findings of the stoves
3. Support the development of
related projects within the
To enhance future projects, identify lessons carbon market
learned, and provide recommendations, the eval- Implementing UNIDO:
uation team implemented evaluation activities agency 1. Bears ultimate responsibility
(see the Appendix for the evaluation methodol- for implementing the project
2. Delivers planned outputs and
ogy) and prepared a final report. The team met
expected outcomes
with a sample of 18 key informants, four groups/ 3. Leads the general
cooperatives of blacksmiths, 14 groups/coopera- management and monitoring
tives of meat grillers, and 25 groups/cooperatives of the project and reporting on
project performance to the
of beer brewers. The evaluation report was orga-
nized around project performance with targeted
evaluation criteria and discussed project coordi-
nation and management, gender mainstreaming,
and cross-cutting themes. It concluded with rec-
ommendations and lessons learned.

Seventy-six microprojects address themes such as desert-
ification, adaptation to climate change, biodiversity con-
servation, soil restoration, and capacity building.
Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad 149

Table 1 (continued) Relevance

Stakeholders Roles in the project
Executing partner AEDE: The evaluation team found the project design to
1. Host location and provide be relevant and aligned to several Chadian
close collaboration with the
project management unit national policies. First, the project fit into the
2. Support various aspects of the goals of the National Development Plan 2017–
project via its expertise in 2021 (Republic of Chad, 2017) and the national
energy efficiency and stoves poverty reduction plan (Republic of Chad, 2010)
3. Implement the project locally
with respect to its five strategic axes:
Financial Development
Microfinance Institution
(FINADEV): 1. Strengthening the resilience of agricultural,
1. Support financial training for forestry, and fisheries systems
2. Promoting actions to mitigate greenhouse gas
2. Support and manage the
financial mechanism with emissions
loans to beneficiaries 3. Improving sustainable access to diversified
Partner Ministry of Women energy sources
government Empowerment, Social Action 4. Preventing risks and managing extreme
agency and National Solidarity:
1. Leverage synergies between weather events
their activities and the project 5. Strengthening the capacity of institutions and
2. Work with members of the actors in the fight against climate change and
steering committee in giving enhancing instruments and capacities for
feedback and advice for the
efficient implementation and mobilizing climate finance
sustainability of the project
Beneficiaries Associations/cooperatives and Moreover, as Chad is a Sahelian country that is
(more or less individuals (blacksmiths, beer exposed to advancing desertification, climate
structured) brewers, and meat grillers):
change, and environmental degradation, the proj-
Support cluster development of
micro-enterprises and generate ect also supported the energy sector’s policy
collective gains framework (Ministry of Economy and Planning,
Other partners VERICHAD (company): Republic of Chad, 2008). The framework was
1. Support the development of established to promote technical and economic
cook stove prototypes
2. Support training for support for optimum energy development to
blacksmiths reduce national dependency on wood fuel, which
ATAPED: represents about 96.5% of energy consumption,
1. Support the production of thereby supporting the climate change strategy
cook stoves for beneficiaries
(Republic of Chad, 2017). Several of its priority
2. Provide follow-up training to
other blacksmiths’ actions aim to promote alternative energy sources
cooperatives and energy efficiency, such as extending the pro-
Source: Adapted from UNIDO (2013) by the evaluation hibition on cutting wood for fuel, using butane
team gas, and developing efficient domestic energy—
actions that need to be strengthened to find sub-
stitutes for wood and charcoal, which are
Project Performance generally used to cook food and bake bricks for
building houses.
The project performance component of the evalu- Key informant assessments indicated that the
ation targeted four criteria: project relevance, project was unique in focusing on productive
effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. activities such as cook stoves for brewing beer
150 S. E. Yakeu Djiam

and grilling meat. The project met one of the key adopted, provides some protection from fire and
priorities of both UNIDO and GEF strategic pol- harms, is cost efficient, and consumes about 35%
icy for renewable energy and energy efficiency less firewood than previous cook stoves.
(UNIDO, 2009b), which aims to help pro-poor The second project output was to create a sus-
actors in the Global South enhance their access to tainable financial mechanism for beer brewers and
modern services and increase the viability of meat grillers to purchase the new cook stoves.
their small-scale industries by augmenting the Although awareness meetings were conducted in
availability of renewable energy for productive the cluster zones, no loan had been granted to any
uses (UNIDO, 2009a). Thus, GEF resources allo- cooperative at the time of the evaluation. This was
cated to support the dissemination of energy-­ due to delay on the part of UNIDO in signing the
efficient cook stoves in the traditional contract and providing the guarantee fund to
food-processing industry met one of the govern- FINADEV, attributable in part to UNIDO’s not
ment’s priorities to fight desertification and cli- having a physical presence in Chad. Despite the
mate change (UNDP, 2017). lack of an agreement with the Union for Credit and
The project was relevant despite its limited Loan (UCEC) in Mandélia, 25 cooperatives
scale; it targeted 15–30% of existing beer brew- opened and were operating accounts without
ers and meat grillers in the selected project zones, loans. The project succeeded in linking cluster
a figure limited by the reduced financial resources groups to the formal financial system by providing
of the project. The project linked to six of the all members with an individual savings account at
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): 1 – the FINADEV and at the UCEC. However, the
poverty reduction; 3 – good health and well-­ project budget shortfall compromised several
being; 5 – gender equality; 7 – affordable energy activities planned for Output 2, including lack of
and clean energy; 9 – industry, innovation, and training for project developers on project identifi-
infrastructure; and 13 – climate action. The proj- cation and development.
ect was also in line with Chad’s Poverty Reduction The third and final output was to improve the
Strategy Paper (Republic of Chad, 2010), reflect- business performance of micro and small enter-
ing the national development policy that priori- prises through clustering. Gathered in coopera-
tizes the food-processing sector while focusing tives, beneficiaries were trained on several themes
on protecting the environment and promoting the such as enterprise management, cooperative gov-
private sector. ernance and financial literacy, and financial
mechanisms using microfinance tools and mar-
keting techniques. The objective was for cluster
Effectiveness members to improve their business performance
and profits by at least 40%. However, evidence
Evaluation of the project’s effectiveness included indicated that the project focused primarily on
whether the project had achieved its expected cook stoves for energy efficiency to the exclusion
outputs and outcomes. As a pilot program, the of other training. Only about ten cluster associa-
evaluation team considered the objective of tions were organized in all of the cluster zones,
improving the adoption of cook stoves to be but all of these associations were formalized with
about 70% achieved given the targeted number of official cooperative authorization. The positive
beer brewers and meat grillers in the selected feature of this output was the linkage of coopera-
clusters. Three models of cook stoves were tested tive units to energy-efficient cook stove
with these two cluster sectors. Beneficiaries distributors.
rejected the first as too expensive and poorly The project completed about 75% of its objec-
adapted to local needs. The second model had tives under the expected budget shortfall; the
limited capacity and was therefore also rejected, financial constraints did not permit completion of
especially by women beer brewers. The third the overall planned activities. Evaluators did
model, which the beneficiaries ultimately observe several unplanned changes among the
Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad 151

meat grillers of N’Djamena and the beer brewers in environment and energy such as the Ministry
of Mandélia—the clusters with the greatest level of Environment, the Ministry of Oil and
of adoption of the energy-efficient stoves. Petroleum of Chad, and AEDE.

Efficiency Sustainability

The evaluation team found the project to be very The evaluation team found thematic training and
cost-efficient. Despite the budget constraint, the awareness meetings to be assets for the sustain-
project management unit was able to ensure a ability of the project. Moreover, training pro-
good value-for-money management process vided to the existing cooperative of blacksmiths
based mostly on signed memorandums of agree- was also helpful. Other assets could support the
ment or financial conventions, with payment sustainability of the achieved outputs such as cre-
based on delivery of technical reports and site ating a community-based forest and providing
visits when necessary, and/or on evidence from support for existing traditional credit mecha-
previous financial segment and reporting. nisms, namely tontines, as informal opportunities
Completion of project activities/outputs was for private ownership of cook stoves. However,
high, considering that the project budget was the lack of knowledge among beneficiaries about
40% of the amount originally planned. Given this the credit system approach and accountability
working environment, the evaluation team was and the delay in establishing the financial mecha-
impressed with the good quality of expertise nism were negative factors that would likely
provided. affect replication of project results. Another fac-
The achieved project outputs were completed tor was illiteracy on the part of most
in a timely manner despite the lengthy beneficiaries.
­administrative process for compliance with the Implementing the planned exit strategy could
UNIDO legal system and procurement obliga- sustain this pilot project’s outcomes in the middle
tions, exacerbated by the organization’s lack of a term, including an improved financial program
physical presence in Chad. The evaluation did coupled with a peer-to-peer learning strategy to
not find any deviation between the disbursements support synergies among cluster groups. Training
and project expenditures, and the level of on the development and operationalization of
achieved outputs affirmed satisfactory project future cluster teams and a coaching approach by
cost-effectiveness. cluster development officers would serve as key
Although the evaluation determined that the drivers for this skills-transfer strategy. At the time
project was cost effective and project outputs of this writing, the team expected the post-project
were timely, monitoring of the production of sustainability plan of large-scale dissemination
improved cook stoves and distribution was less of energy-efficient cook stoves to have a signifi-
effective. The evaluation team found inconsis- cant impact on greenhouse gas reduction and
tency in the new cook stoves distributed to cluster improvement of beneficiaries’ living conditions.
cooperatives even from the same production line, These measures, coupled with the knowledge
either in terms of size or the quality of iron used, transfer, could support synergies within individ-
which compromised the functionality and ual and cooperative unions at all levels. Cluster
affected adoption of the new stoves. This situa- members are expected to fund the platform
tion had potential to significantly affect adoption through a fee of $0.50 paid to the cluster coopera-
of the technology and its dissemination. A final tive on each energy-efficient cook stove sold. The
concern was that the evaluation found no estab- collection of this symbolic fee will be encour-
lished partnership between the project and other aged to improve the platform continually and to
donors’ projects; however, synergies were devel- meet user needs while protecting the environ-
oped internally with sectoral ministries working ment. However, the evaluation did not find any
152 S. E. Yakeu Djiam

practical measure related to establishing the fee, tance of AEDE. Final energy-efficient cook
such as a signed agreement. stoves were distributed to the five cluster groups
The evaluation team found that sustainability later than originally planned due to delays in
of the energy-efficient cook stoves was somewhat signing these contracts. The varied availability of
influenced by the operational costs for raw mate- the technical assistant from UNIDO headquarters
rial. An in-depth assessment of whether new also led to irregular scheduling of meetings of the
cook stoves built using local materials could be steering committee; regular meetings to monitor
more efficient than the energy-efficient cook and report on project activities would likely have
stoves made with iron could provide a useful fur- reduced or eliminated delays.
ther measure. Under the leadership of the project assistant,
The project’s visibility was relatively weak. cluster agents ensured permanent monitoring of
For instance, limited attention was paid to the field activities by collecting progress informa-
involvement of media, use of flyers, and devel- tion, including feedback from partners and bene-
opment of publicity spots and/or brochures, ficiaries. This information resulted in ten timely
which could have improved buy-in from beer progress reports on the project. The technical
brewers and meat grillers not targeted by the assistant from UNIDO carried out five field mis-
project. Another shortcoming was that the proj- sions, each of which provided opportunity for
ect was not able to schedule peer-to-peer learn- performance review and generating corrective
ing missions with other countries’ beneficiaries measures or action plans. The evaluation team
for knowledge sharing, such as in Burkina Faso, appreciated the adaptive exit strategy, which was
Sierra Leone, or Kenya, where similar projects based on performance review of achieved project
have been tested. outputs to support the financial program.
The evaluation considered the project’s origi-
nal aim of linking the voluntary carbon markets
to generate additional revenues for businesses Gender Mainstreaming
that switched to the energy-efficient cook stoves.
Evaluators found that because the stoves for the Project design and implementation phases
beer-brewing and meat-grilling sector consumed ensured a gender balance of women and men in
less firewood than bakers and brick construction, project activities, including the project’s manage-
sectors that have previously benefitted from vol- ment and participants. Strategically, the project
untary carbon markets, the demand was not great was aligned with the National Gender Policy
enough to pursue this approach. (NGP), which aims to serve as a guiding instru-
ment for integrating the concerns and specific
needs of women and men, especially for pro-poor
Project Coordination targets (United Nations High Commissioner for
and Management Refugees [UNHCR], 2012). The project targets
one of the most vulnerable small-scale industrial
The project adopted in-depth consultation with business groups in Chad, and the evaluation team
stakeholders. The evaluation team found that found that the baseline study did include gender
gathering key actors in a steering committee was analysis with planned gender-related project
an asset to managing the project activities and to indicators. About 65% of project beneficiaries
achieving the project outputs given the ongoing were women and 35% were men. On the project
budget shortfall. The project’s approach incorpo- management team, the project manager and the
rated a signed financial convention with service technical assistant were women, with three
providers such as Verichad and FINADEV, and women among the eight people in the project
the overall procurement and provision of funds management unit (38%), and two among the
were managed by UNIDO with the local assis- eight (25%) on the steering committee.
Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad 153

The evaluation found no negative factors that Conclusions

might affect the gender mainstreaming within the
course of the project. The precariousness and The evaluation team found that the project linked
inaccessibility of energy sources affect women to the SDGs and aligned with Chad’s Poverty
more, but this factor decreases dramatically the Reduction and Growth Strategy (Republic of
longer women spend on production- and capacity-­ Chad, 2010), reflecting the national development
building activities. The training modules pro- policy that prioritizes the food-processing sector
vided to women entrepreneurs helped to empower while focusing on environmental protection and
and integrate them into the energy-efficient stove promotion of the private sector. In terms of per-
value chain, especially in the business manage- formance and results, the project design was rel-
ment, marketing, saving, and credit mechanism. evant and aligned with several Chadian national
The project’s comparative advantage has been policies, such as the national development plan
having a balanced gender equity focus on female (Republic of Chad, 2017); the policy framework
and male business groups. of the energy sector, which considers measures as
gathered by the energy sector master plan
(Minister of Economy and Planning, Republic of
Cross-Cutting Issues Chad, 2008); the NGP, which considers gender
mainstreaming to provide gender equity-focused
By considering both the context of and cultural interventions for both men and women (UNHCR,
practices around the beer-brewing and meat-­ 2012); and the national strategy to combat cli-
grilling businesses in Chad, the project covered mate change and support environmental preser-
cross-cutting thematic issues. The participatory vation in Chad (UNDP, 2017). The financial
approach, adopted with in-depth consultative support has been helpful to the beer-brewing and
meetings, was a key asset in this regard. meat-grilling sectors.
First, all cluster agents were recruited locally The project was effective in achieving 75% of
and each was assigned to their zone of greatest its goals. It included individual business proces-
concern given their long-term knowledge and sor actors in cooperatives and provided timely
working experience in the project zones. This training on themes such as enterprise manage-
approach enabled the project to work well with ment, cooperative governance and financial liter-
local and traditional authorities and with respect acy. Individual entrepreneurs appreciated the
to local practices and concerns. The choice of financial mechanism available, but establishing a
business model was aligned with traditional sustainable financial mechanism remains an
food-processing practices with traditional stake- ongoing challenge.
holders. For decades, non-Muslim women have Project management adopted in-depth consul-
managed beer brewing industrial processing, tation with stakeholders and engaged participa-
while Muslim men have largely dominated meat tion from female and male food processors. This
grilling industrial processing. Chad is primarily a equitable development of the gender dimension
Muslim country, with more than 75% of the total succeeded with consideration of cross-cutting
population identifying as Muslim, thus requiring themes such as working within the local context
that all animals be slaughtered as required by and cultural practices of the targeted zones.
Muslim practice either for household consump- The project has been cost-efficient, providing
tion or for sale in a tchélé. a good value for money, and cost-effective despite
Finally, the project management, implementa- the budget shortfall of about 45%. However, the
tion, and evaluation fieldwork followed cultural project failed to initiate partnership with other
and contextual practices. For instance, the last donor projects. The ongoing exit strategy could
3 days of the evaluation fieldwork coincided with sustain the project outputs for a middle-term
the beginning of Ramadan. Therefore, meetings duration; this strategy focuses on an improved
were scheduled within nonprayer times. financial mechanism coupled with peer-to-peer
154 S. E. Yakeu Djiam

learning to support synergies among cluster having a woman cluster agent can generate
groups. buy-in from female participants.
The evaluation team provided several recom- 3. Considering the size of this project and the
mendations to support continued progress on the huge amount of groundwork required at the
project’s objectives and for UNIDO’s potential community level, an important step is ensur-
future collaboration in Chad. For the project ing a manageable number of targeted clusters
management team, evaluators recommended and beneficiaries to demonstrate success to
continuing to monitor and coordinate efforts and scale up in future programs.
increase attention to awareness and close collab- 4. Considering local context is important when
oration with cluster groups, including the black- selecting energy-efficient technology to
smith cooperative to complete the cycle of the ensure suitable infrastructure and affordabil-
value chain. Second, the management team ity for targeted beneficiaries.
should continue to pursue the mobilization of
resources committed by AEDE FSE to support
the project.  alue of Evaluation in Development
The evaluators recommended that UNIDO Projects
consider signing tripartite agreements with AEDE
and local contractors and promoting nonfinancial The energy-efficient cook stove project in Chad
collaboration with other microfinance institu- illustrates the critical importance of evaluation in
tions, such as UCEC in Mandelia, to cover other development projects. Clearly, one important
clusters. A second recommendation was develop- aspect is the ability to demonstrate effectiveness
ing an evidence-based operational exit strategy and efficiency in using donor funds, but perhaps
and enhancing visibility of project outputs. more important to the long-term success of a
Specifically, UNIDO should activate the financial project is ensuring its relevance and sustainabil-
program as soon as possible by coupling it with ity for the project participants and communities.
peer-to-peer learning to increase synergies among In this case, the project was found to be relevant
cluster groups. An audience-tailored approach to to several goals related to both the environment
communication would further promote the project and to private sector business development.
and improve awareness. Another recommended Evaluation identifies areas for improvement to
step for UNIDO was assessing other prototypes of enhance performance of a project while it is
energy-efficient cook stoves built using local underway and for future similar efforts, and also
material such as mot or bricks. Finally, the evalu- recognizes aspects that work well. With this spe-
ators suggested that UNIDO consider sustaining cific project, an identified difficulty was the
the energy-efficient technology in future projects delayed or reduced funding. Features of the proj-
by including a field technical advisor and promot- ect that were helpful and instructive for future
ing partnership by aligning and enforcing the exit undertakings were extensive stakeholder engage-
strategy with a framework on capacity develop- ment and attention to the local context and
ment with other donors’ projects. customs.
Four overall lessons shared by the evaluation As for sustainability, the evaluation hinted at a
team offered insight for future projects. mutually reinforcing ecosystem in which beer
brewers and meat grillers gain the financial ben-
1. In a sustainable development project dealing efits of reduced fuel cost and come together in
with energy-efficient cook stoves, consulting clusters to improve their business skills and for
in depth with targeted beneficiaries and test- mutual support for financing further purchases of
ing various prototypes are key steps toward energy-efficient equipment. This, in turn, sup-
the adoption of a technology by cluster groups. ports the growth and development of a local
2. In a cultural and contextual development envi- industry for producing energy-efficient cook
ronment with high female illiteracy, like Chad, stoves.
Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad 155

Evaluation has an essential role in movement tion, (d) the accessibility of the targeted location
toward transformational change, as this project due to the ongoing security context of the coun-
demonstrates. By identifying specifics of a proj- try, and (e) the gender distribution within benefi-
ect’s successes and shortcomings and pinpointing ciaries’ cooperatives to include women and men.
the project aspects that directly affect its out- Other actors such as partners were selected
comes, evaluation highlights opportunities for based on their level of participation in project
scaling up an effort from a pilot to a broader ini- implementation.
tiative, which can deliver more successful out- The evaluation team used a mix of qualitative
comes for people and environmental measures. and quantitative analysis methods, including data
Also aiding in transformation is the cumulative triangulation and retroaction, to arrive at the eval-
effect of evaluation from one project to another. uation findings that fully responded to the evalu-
Just as this cook stove project in Chad built upon ation questions and make recommendations.
success identified in evaluation of similar proj-
ects in other nations, future efforts to develop Desk Review
environmentally beneficial opportunities for This process included identification and review
small entrepreneurs can build on this project’s of relevant technical reports and background
evaluation. documents such as those from the United
Nations Industrial Development Organization
(UNIDO, 2009a, b, 2013) and UNIDO OIE
Appendix: Methodology (2013), progress reports, baseline report, mar-
keting report, workshop and training reports,
 ampling Methods and Data
S and other documents collected during field
Collection interviews and field visits. Desk review helped
the team understand the project logic model and
The evaluation followed United Nations implementation features, the operational con-
Evaluation Group (UNEG) norms for standards texts, and challenges.
for evaluation (UNEG, 2016) and employed the
criteria of the Development Assistance Qualitative Methods
Committee of the Organisation for Economic The evaluation team gathered data from key
Co-operation and Development (OECD DAC) informant interviews (using semistructured
Network on Development Evaluation (2019). guides, face-to-face or via Skype/phone calls)
The purposive sampling method proposed by De with a validated range of stakeholders engaged in
Vaus (2001) was adopted to consider direct ben- the project implementation, and focus groups
eficiaries to visit and select actors among small (with semistructured discussion guides) that con-
businesses and traditional food-processing sidered gender for female beer-brewing and male
industries and sites. Respondents included men meat-grilling entrepreneurs. These data revealed
and women involved in either beer brewing or the activity’s performance toward its primary
meat grilling and marketing. The client purpo- objectives with tracking evidence.
sively proposed the five project locations (clus-
ters) and beneficiary groups, with enough Quantitative Methods
duplication to allow for substitutions if needed. The evaluation used quantitative data such as
Respondent selection was guided by (a) time socioeconomic information from focus group
constraints on fieldwork, (b) types of business discussions with a purposive sample of direct
activities, (c) the distance between N’Djamena project beneficiaries. The team also drew data
and the three clusters outside of N’Djamena and from existing statistics and comparison figures
related time constraints to allow at least two from performance indicators and progress
interviews and two focus groups in each loca- reports.
156 S. E. Yakeu Djiam

Site Visits United Nations Evaluation Group. (2016). Norms and

standards for evaluation.
Field observation made use of a structured check- document/download/2601
list of selected physical investments supported by United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
the project to document how their function and (2009a). UNIDO and energy efficiency: A low-car-
benefit to the beer-brewing and meat-grilling bon path for industry.
default/files/2009-­1 0/UNIDO_and_energy_effi-
beneficiaries. ciency_0.pdf
United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
(2009b). UNIDO and renewable energy: Greening
 ata Analysis Methods
D the industrial agenda.
and Reporting Renewable%20Energy%20-­% 20Greening%20
All analysis considered gender and socioeco- United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
nomic characteristics of respondents. Correlation (2013). Request for MSP approval for GEF Trust
Fund: Promoting energy efficient cook stoves in micro
was used to assess relationships between and and small-scale food processing industries. https://
within indicators from the identified outcomes.
The team developed data analysis from its CEO%20Endorsement%20(GEF%20Project%20
findings, analyzing qualitative data collected via Document%20120617)
UNIDO Office for Independent Evaluation. (2013).
the semistructured individual and group inter- Independent terminal evaluation: Burkina Faso:
views using thematic and content analysis and Promoting energy efficiency technologies in beer
based on a specific analytical framework. Content brewery in Burkina Faso. United Nations Industrial
analysis helped the team go beyond descriptions Development Organization. https://www.unido.
org/sites/default/files/2015-­0 8/GFBKF12001_
of changes in practices and attitude to identify the BeerBrewingSec_TE-­2014_EvalRep-­F_150813_0.
most salient characteristics of these changes and pdf
map the main strengths and weaknesses in the
decision-making process. The team designed
rubrics to analyze the data and capture emerging References
themes, based on pattern analysis (convergent/
divergent) and country distribution. Global Environment Facility. (n.d.). Climate change.
The evaluation analyzed the collected quanti- Retrieved December 28, 2020, from https://www.the-­change
tative data and statistics with more focus on Ministry of Economy and Planning, Republic of Chad.
descriptive statistics such as frequency distribu- (2008). Master plan of the energy sector in Chad,
tion using Excel. The team also validated qualita- Annex 1, Section 1: Terms of Reference.
tive responses with quantitative information from Price, S., & Margolis, R. (2010). 2008 solar technologies
market report. U.S. Department of Energy. https://
the project document, performance indicators,
progress reports, community site visits, and any Republic of Chad. (2010). Poverty reduction and growth
available findings. The evaluation employed tri- strategy paper: NPRS2: 2008–2011. https://www.
angulation (among sources, methods, and field
information) to confirm or disconfirm findings Republic of Chad. (2017). Chad: Plan National de
from primary and secondary data sources. Développement (PND) 2017–2021. https://www.ref-
United Nations Development Programme. (2017). Chad
national adaptation plan. https://www.adaptation-­
Appendix References­national-­adaptation-­plan
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. (2012).
De Vaus, D. (2001). Research design in social research. SGBV strategy 2012–2016: Chad. https://www.unhcr.
Sage. org/56b1fd9f9.pdf
OECD DAC Network on Development Evaluation. United Nations Industrial Development Organization.
(2019). Better criteria for better evaluation. https:// (2009a). UNIDO and energy efficiency: A low-carbon path for industry.
atingdevelopmentassistance.htm files/2009-­10/UNIDO_and_energy_efficiency_0.pdf
Evaluation’s Role in Development Projects: Boosting Energy Efficiency in a Traditional Industry in Chad 157

United Nations Industrial Development Organization. UNIDO Office for Independent Evaluation. (2013).
(2009b). UNIDO and renewable energy: Greening Independent terminal evaluation: Burkina Faso:
the industrial agenda. Promoting energy efficiency technologies in beer
docu-­ments/4747543/download/UNIDO%20and%20 brewery in Burkina Faso. United Nations Industrial
Renewable%20Energy%20-­% 20Greening%20 Development Organization. https://www.unido.
the%20Industrial%20Agenda org/sites/default/files/2015-­0 8/GFBKF12001_
United Nations Industrial Development Organization. BeerBrewingSec_TE-­2014_EvalRep-­F_150813_0.
(2013). Request for MSP approval for GEF Trust pdf
Fund: Promoting energy efficient cook stoves in micro Vaccari, M., Vitali, F., & Mazzú, A. (2012). Improved
and small-scale food processing industries. https:// cookstove as an appropriate technology for the Logone Valley (Chad – Cameroon): Analysis of fuel and cost
CEO%20Endorsement%20(GEF%20Project%20 savings. Renewable Energy, 47, 45–54. https://doi.
Document%20120617) org/10.1016/j.renene.2012.04.008.

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Enabling Systems Innovation
in Climate Change Adaptation:
Exploring the Role for MEL

Robbie Gregorowski and Dennis Bours

Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.

Steve Jobs
What is now proved was once only imagined.
William Blake

Abstract 1. Promote and lead with a CCA systems inno-

vation approach, engaging with key concepts
Traditional monitoring, evaluation, and learn- of complex systems, super-wicked problems,
ing (MEL) approaches, methods, and tools no the Anthropocene, and socioecological
longer reflect the dynamic complexity of the systems.
severe (or “super-wicked”) problems that 2. Engage better with participation, inclusivity,
define the Anthropocene: climate change, and voice in MEL.
environmental degradation, and global pan- 3. Overcome risk aversion in CCA and CCA
demics. In late 2019, the Adaptation Fund’s MEL through field testing new, innovative,
Technical Evaluation Reference Group and often more risky MEL approaches.
(AF-TERG) commissioned a study to identify 4. Demonstrate and promote using MEL to sup-
and assess innovative MEL approaches, meth- port and integrate adaptive management.
ods, and technologies to better support and 5. Work across socioecological systems and
enable climate change adaptation (CCA) and scales.
to inform the Fund’s own approach to 6. Advance MEL approaches to better support
MEL. This chapter presents key findings from systematic evidence and learning for scaling
the study, with seven recommendations to sup- and replicability.
port a systems innovation approach to CCA: 7. Adapt or develop MEL approaches, methods,
and tools tailored to CCA systems innovation.

R. Gregorowski Introduction
Sophoi Ltd, Wivelsfield Green, Haywards Heath, UK
e-mail: The Adaptation Fund was established by the
D. Bours (*) Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) of the
Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the United Nations Framework Convention for
Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG), Washington, DC, USA Climate Change (UNFCCC) to finance concrete

© The Author(s) 2022 159

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
160 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

adaptation projects and programs in developing broad, to look beyond MEL methods, tools, and
countries that are particularly vulnerable to the technologies to include wider and emerging
adverse effects of climate change. At the MEL-relevant principles, approaches, and pro-
Katowice Climate Conference in December cesses. The foundational concepts of innovation,
2018, the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA) adaptation, and MEL are defined as follows:
decided that the Adaptation Fund shall also serve
the Paris Agreement. • Innovation – There is no single definition of
In late 2019, the Adaptation Fund’s Technical innovation. The study adopted a simple yet
Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG) com- comprehensive definition of innovation that
missioned a study to identify and assess innova- resonates with innovative MEL as a concept
tive monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) and can be applied to both technological and
approaches, methods and technologies to better process innovation: “Innovation is the renew-
support and enable climate change adaptation ing, advancing, or changing the way things are
(CCA). The study aimed to contribute to new done” (Everett et al., 2011, p. 6).
knowledge on innovative MEL opportunities to • Adaptation – “The process of adjustment to
both support and enable CCA and contribute to actual or expected climate and its effects. In
and inform the fund’s own approach to MEL. human systems, adaptation seeks to moderate
This chapter presents key findings from the or avoid harm or exploit beneficial opportuni-
study to a wider CCA MEL audience and con- ties. In some natural systems, human interven-
cludes with a series of recommendations on tion may facilitate adjustment to expected
future directions for MEL commissioners and climate and its effects” (Intergovernmental
practitioners working in the context of CCA and Panel on Climate Change, 2014, p. 1758).
systems transformation. • Monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL) –
The emphasis of the definition in the context
of the study was to break MEL down into its
Study Purpose and Approach three separate but overlapping parts—moni-
toring, evaluation, and learning—as part of a
The study took a broad and open-ended approach virtuous project cycle informing project
to identifying innovative MEL for CCA, applying course correction, design, delivery, and learn-
a scan-search-appraise method to look within and ing in an ongoing process.
beyond the CCA sector to identify potentially –– Monitoring – In the context of MEL, moni-
innovative and useful MEL practices for CCA. The toring is a continuous assessment that aims
method is essentially a structured funneling and at providing stakeholders with early,
sieving process, refining from a broad field or detailed information on the progress of an
landscape down to set of focused priorities or con- intervention. In the context of the
clusions. The scan phase was a relatively rapid and Adaptation Fund, monitoring should sup-
high-level assessment of the whole innovative port near to real-time learning as part of a
MEL field or landscape, comprising an open- wider approach to flexible and adaptive
ended online literature review and five open-ended management.
key informant interviews. The search phase took –– Evaluation – Building on the definition
the overview provided by the scan phase and from the Organisation for Economic Co-­
refined it in the context of adaptation, using a more operation and Development (Development
systematic document review process and 10 semi- Assistance Committee Working Party on
structured key informant interviews. Aid Evaluation, 2002), evaluation refers to
The purpose of the study was to identify inno- the process of determining the worth or
vative MEL practices within and beyond the cli- significance of an activity, policy, program,
mate adaptation space (scan and search) of or institution—an assessment, as system-
potential value and use to the Adaptation Fund atic and objective as possible, of a planned,
(appraise). The scope of the study was explicitly ongoing, or completed development inter-
Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL 161

vention. Useful and robust evaluation  omplexity, Systems Innovation,

should inform both accountability and and CCA
learning, depending on the emphasis of the
evaluation questions. Social innovation and innovation for develop-
–– Learning – In essence, learning is about ment in the context of today’s global challenges
understanding what works, in what con- are the focus of this section of the chapter.
texts, for whom, and why. Learning should Innovation is increasingly seen as central to
support direct and rapid course correction addressing the interlinked global challenges of
of an intervention and generate evidence poverty, inequality, and climate change. The lat-
and knowledge on the scalability and/or est thinking on social innovation and innovation
transferability of interventions across con- for development is shaping how CCA is defined,
texts. In the context of the Adaptation understood, and addressed.
Fund, learning should be linked to the The concept of systems innovation is critical
building of capacities, particularly adaptive for successful CCA. In response to the finding
capacity, of all stakeholders—beneficia- that systems innovation approaches and business-­
ries, implementers, managers, and wider as-­usual MEL approaches are increasingly dis-
interest audiences. It should also reflect connected, we suggest that systems innovation
how these stakeholders learn through dou- and complexity offer the MEL community,2
ble and triple-loop learning processes. ­particularly those involved in CCA, an opportu-
nity to evolve and advance MEL mindsets,
The study’s scan-search-appraise methodol- approaches, and methods.
ogy began from the following three-step
 CA, Complex Systems,
1. Climate change is a “super-wicked problem,”1 and Innovation: Evolution
shaped by the complex and dynamic interac- to the Present Day
tions of social, economic, and environmental
factors that define the Anthropocene era. The Transformative Innovation Policy
2. Successful CCA requires innovative and trans- Consortium (TIPC) has produced a simple and
formative ways of doing development, notably elegant three-frame model (Fig. 1) that summa-
through a systems innovation approach. rizes the major phases or frames of innovation
3. MEL theory and practice needs to adapt and theory and policy and places them in historical
evolve to better support a systems innovation context. (Schot & Steinmueller, 2018; TIPC,
approach in CCA. 2018).
Frame 1 is identified as beginning with a post-­
World War II institutionalization of government
Wicked problems are difficult to clearly define, with support for science and research and develop-
understanding of the problem constantly evolving. They ment (R&D) with the presumption that this
have many interdependencies, are often multicausal and
socially complex, and exist in complex systems that would contribute to growth and address market
exhibit unpredictable, emergent behavior. They usually
have no right or wrong response, although responses
might be worse or better; these problems cross gover- 2
The authors recognize that a single, homogeneous MEL
nance boundaries, involve changing behavior, and are community does not exist. However, a consistent finding
characterized by chronic policy failure (Rittel & Webber, of the study is that mainstream or established MEL
1973; Australian Public Service Commission, 2007). In approaches and methods applied by the majority of MEL
the case of climate change as a super-wicked problem, practitioners do not engage with the principles of systems
time is running out, those who cause the problem also innovation to address super-wicked problems. Only a
seek to provide a solution, the central authority needed to small number of innovative MEL practitioners are already
address the issues is weak or nonexistent, and irrational working on exploring MEL approaches that support sys-
discounting occurs that pushes responses into the future tems innovation, with virtually none working in the con-
(Levin et al., 2012). text of CCA.
162 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

Fig. 1 Three frames of innovation

failure in private provision of new knowledge. Frame 2 represents the evolution of innovation
Frame 1 builds on the thinking of some of the theory and policy up to the present day and incor-
originators of innovation theory, notably Joseph porates the perspectives of influential innovation
Schumpeter (1883–1950) and his thinking that thinkers such as Mariana Mazzucato3 and Daniel
innovation and technological change of a nation Kahneman,4 among others. While still focusing
comes from the interaction between government, on innovation to support economic growth (rather
scientists (inventors), and industry actors. Frame than wider social and environmental needs), this
1 produces a simple linear model of innovation
focused on enhancing national economic growth 3
Founder/director of the University College London
through the overcoming of market failures in sci- Institute for Innovation and Public Purpose.
ence and technology research. It identifies the 4
Professor of psychology and public affairs emeritus at
discovery process (invention) in which technol- the Woodrow Wilson School, the Eugene Higgins
Professor of Psychology emeritus at Princeton University,
ogy is the application of scientific knowledge as and a fellow of the Center for Rationality at the Hebrew
the most important element of innovation. University in Jerusalem.
Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL 163

frame emphasizes a more complex and dynamic The Anthropocene: The nature of humans’
relationship between key innovation stakehold- impact on the global biophysical system has
ers—actors, networks, and institutions—and become so dominant that scientists have pro-
stresses feedback loops between invention, inno- posed that the last 216 years of the existing
vation, and use. Innovation theory and policy Holocene period should become recognized
draw on and have been influenced by the fields of as a new geological epoch, termed the
behavioral economics, positive psychology, and Anthropocene. The concept of the
public policy. Under this frame, Mazzucato and Anthropocene has been suggested as a new
others recently have emphasized the critical role geological era marked by global threats and
of entrepreneurs, and the relationship between the challenges, the greatest of these being climate
state/national systems and entrepreneurial actors. change, which are defined by the dynamic
Frame 3 is emerging and focuses on mobiliz- interactions between human and environmen-
ing the power of innovation to address a wide tal systems (Olsson et al., 2017).
range of societal challenges, including inequality, Super-wicked problems: Climate change is
unemployment, and climate change. It calls on the greatest single threat facing the planet,
“social innovation” to provide transformative threatening both natural and human systems.
change in the face of “grand challenges” (Schot Addressing this urgent and intensifying
& Steinmueller, 2018) and super-wicked prob- threat is a complex, dynamic, and frequently
lems. It notes that these challenges and problems contested challenge. Recognition is increas-
extend across multiple scales that transcend ing that super-wicked problems (Balint
national, sectoral, technological, and disciplinary et al., 2011; Levin et al., 2012), such as cli-
boundaries. Solving these global environmental mate change, global pandemics, and rising
and societal problems requires the engagement of inequality, require a fundamentally different
a much broader set of actors. Innovation theory approach from previous eras in history.
(and emerging policy) in this area combines Levin et al. (2012) define super-wicked
long-established academic thought in the areas of problems as having four core characteristics:
new institutional economics, public policy, com- (a) time is running out, (b) those who cause
mon pool resources, and socioecological sys- the problem also seek to provide a solution,
tems—drawing on the work of political (c) the central authority needed to address
economists such as Elinor Ostrom5—and com- the issue is weak or nonexistent, and (d) irra-
bines this with new and emerging theory and tional discounting occurs that pushes
practice in the areas of complex and adaptive responses into the future.
systems, transformational change, and experi-
­ Complex adaptive systems: The notion of com-
mentation and active sensing. This third and lat- plexity as the property of a system is not new.
est frame of innovation builds on and embraces a But more recently, researchers have advanced
small number of broader emerging concepts that the concept of complex adaptive systems
relate to better conceptualizing and understand- (CAS) as a way of better understanding the
ing the world. We present the key concepts in a global challenges characterized by complex
short glossary, below. interactions between human and environmen-
tal systems. David Snowden’s Cynefin
Framework (Snowden & Boone, 2007) was
(1933–2012) Distinguished professor, the Arthur
one of the first and is still the most elegant
F. Bentley Professor of Political Science, and co-director explanation of systems sense making. Framing
of the Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis climate change within a CAS has profound
at Indiana University; also research professor and the implications for how the challenge is under-
founding director of the Center for the Study of
Institutional Diversity at Arizona State University.
stood and addressed (Preiser, 2018), and for
Awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences how MEL of CCA is approached and deliv-
in 2009. ered to support positive change.
164 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

Resilient and transformational change: Frances Westley,6 a global thought leader on

Resilience is the capacity of a system to reor- social innovation, described social innovation as:
ganize after a disruption (climatic shock or any initiative (product, process, program, project,
stress) without losing the essential functions or platform) that challenges and, over time, con-
of that system. The capacity for a social sys- tributes to changing the defining routines, resource
tem (e.g., individuals, organizations, neigh- and authority flows, or beliefs of the broader social
system in which it is introduced. Successful social
borhoods, communities, whole societies) to innovations have durability, scale and transforma-
absorb disturbance and adapt where neces- tive impact.7
sary, while undergoing significant change, is
the defining characteristic of someone or The concept of social innovation has several
something that is resilient. Although resil- tenets that are particularly relevant to innovation
ience is about maintaining the essential func- for development and have profound implications
tions of a system, transformation is commonly for MEL. Resilient and transformational change
interpreted as radical change requiring inno- is one of the tenets already mentioned as part of
vation and testing of new approaches. For cli- the third frame of innovation. Two other princi-
mate change, this entails the generation of ples are:
new knowledge and a markedly different way
of doing things in order to address a threat of Scales and their actors: Westley and others
this scale (Climate Investment Funds, 2019). engaged in social innovation scaling talk in
Both concepts—resilience and transforma- terms of three forms: (a) scaling out, which is
tional change—have received heightened based on market-based technological innova-
attention in response to the COVID-19 pan- tion scaling; (b) scaling-up, which involves
demic due to the increased recognition of scaling from individual social entrepreneurs
economic and social systems shifting from to institutional and system entrepreneurs to
those based primarily on efficiency to those take an innovation and find resources for it to
defined by economic, social, and environ- reach a tipping point so that the institutional
mental resilience. context of that innovation shifts to a new state
(e.g., impact investing); and (c) scaling deep,
The third frame of the TIPC model and the which relates to deep, long-term, and pro-
concepts above are united and integrated in the found shifts in culture, attitudes, and behav-
field of social innovation, which draws on a tradi- iors toward or triggered by an innovation (e.g.,
tion of broader innovation theory and policy and public support for action on climate change).
refines the innovation concept in recognition of Solving complex social and environmental
complex and systemic social and environmental problems and challenges: The field of social
problems such as poverty, climate change, unem- innovation places particular emphasis on two
ployment, discrimination, and biodiversity loss. elements: (a) CAS have certain unique and
According to the Center for Social Innovation defining features, and (b) social innovation for
(2020): sustainability and climate change requires a
Social innovation is the process of developing and deeper focus on human–environmental
deploying effective solutions to challenging and interactions.
often systemic social and environmental issues in
support of social progress. Social innovation is not In the context of social innovation to help
the prerogative or privilege of any organizational
form or legal structure. Solutions often require the solve challenges such as climate change, the
active collaboration of constituents across govern-
ment, business, and the non-profit world. 6
J.W. McConnell Chair in Social Innovation at Waterloo
University’s Institute for Social Innovation and Resilience.
Westley’s keynote on the history of social innovation at
Nesta’s Social Frontiers, November 14–15, 2013.
Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL 165

complex systems category is useful because it The EIT Climate Knowledge and Innovation
suggests that solutions are discovered by devel- Community (Climate-KIC) is a European Union-­
oping a safe environment for experimentation. funded climate innovation initiative and a leading
This experimentation allows us to discover proponent of systems innovation. Climate-KIC
important information that leads to the creation aims to identify and support innovation that helps
of new, emergent solutions. Evidence and society mitigate and adapt to climate change.
knowledge are emergent through a probe-sense- They explicitly recognize that climate change is a
respond process. Framing thinking on social complex problem and that individual innova-
innovation around the concept of the tions, projects, and organizations are unlikely to
Anthropocene has led to an emerging belief meet the challenge. Rather, their approach applies
(among scholars and practitioners) that “social a portfolio logic: They construct “portfolios of
innovation for sustainability lacks a deeper engagement” on a particular issue or challenge,
focus on human–environmental interactions based on the understanding that some elements
and the related feedbacks, which will be neces- of the portfolio will succeed and some will natu-
sary to understand and achieve large-­ scale rally fail. Systems innovation in this context is
change and transformations to global sustain- driven by what they call levers of change.
ability” (Olsson et al., 2017, p. 1) and “the “Systems innovation is not limited to technologi-
social, environmental, and economic pillars cal improvements. It acts on a wide array of
often associated with sustainable development change levers all at once, testing for possibility,
and ‘triple bottom line’ thinking have often led connecting different approaches to learn from
to trade-­off decisions that either neglect the one another, looking for integrations, mash-ups,
social-ecological, or strongly favor the eco- and exponential effects” (Climate-KIC, 2019).
nomic” (p. 5). Climate-KIC then aims to identify “early sig-
nals of potential systemic change” to identify
which innovations to further support and ulti-
Systems Innovation—The CCA Future mately scale. This approach is very similar to the
original probe-sense-response approach pro-
“Innovation-as-usual” – typically siloed and posed by Snowden. In the context of climate
focused on “supplying” the market with
technology-­ led solutions – is not delivering a
change, this means an early and continuous focus
1.5-degree world. We need a new model of innova- on learning to support adaptive management and
tion to tackle climate change. . . one that is identify replicable and scalable opportunities.
designed to generate options in the face of uncer- A second concept central to Climate-KIC are
tainty and diversity, and to test for integrated and
exponential solutions to address the complex,
the levels of change. Complexity and systems
multi-faceted nature of the changes we need to dynamics are addressed by working at many lev-
make. . . . Using systems innovation as a key tool, els, from district and city level to countries,
our aim is to catalyze change in whole cities, regions, sectors, and value chains.
regions, industries, and value chains by 2035. . . .
Systems change not climate change.
The evolution of the field of innovation, from
Climate-KIC (2019) a post-World War II focus on the institutionaliza-
tion of government support for science and R&D
So how best to address the super-wicked problem to the present-day focus on social and systems
of climate change? A consensus is emerging that innovation, has been complemented by and runs
the answer lies in the concept of systems innova- parallel to continuing advances in understanding
tion. Systems innovation takes the concepts and enabling international development.
introduced in this chapter thus far, builds on the Resonating with the growing interest in and sup-
premise of social innovation, and is then applied port for systems innovation approaches are a set
in the context of urgent needs for systems-level of innovation for development principles more
transformation. explicitly focused on understanding and address-
ing the root causes of poverty and inequality. The
166 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

International Development Innovation Alliance tial to advance CCA MEL to better support a
(IDIA) has produced eight development innova- systems innovation approach to addressing cli-
tion principles in practice (IDIA, 2019): mate change. It also suggested that they would
enable the MEL community more broadly to
Principle 1. Promote inclusive innovation better engage with, support, and advance a sys-
Principle 2. Invest in locally driven solutions tems innovation approach to super-wicked
Principle 3. Take intelligent risks problems.
Principle 4. Use evidence to drive decision
Principle 5. Learn quickly and iterate  even Directions of Change
Principle 6. Facilitate collaboration and for the CCA MEL Community
Principle 7. Identify scalable solutions 1. Promote and lead with a CCA systems
Principle 8. Integrate proven innovations innovation approach including better
engaging with the key concepts of complex
These eight principles can provide a blueprint systems, super-wicked problems, the
for successful CCA when they are combined with Anthropocene, and socioecological
a systems innovation approach, such as the systems.
Climate-KIC approach that proceeds from a port-
folio logic, constructing portfolios of engage- New terms and concepts are emerging in
ment on CCA as a particular challenge. In the development discourse as fields such as systems
next section, we explore the implications in terms innovation explore and more deeply define and
of principles and approach for the MEL commu- understand global challenges and problems. With
nity—or at least for those practitioners who particular relevance to CCA, most prominent
mainly focus on mainstream or established MEL among these are the concepts of complex and
approaches and methods. adaptive systems, super-wicked problems, socio-
ecological systems, the Anthropocene, and trans-
formational change. Although the systems
 EL’s Role in Enabling Systems
M innovation community is pressing ahead in defin-
Innovation for CCA ing and exploring these concepts, they are not
receiving consistent supported from the MEL
This third part focuses on the key implications, community in terms of the critical MEL dimen-
ideas, and lessons for MEL practitioners work- sions of these concepts—defining characteristics,
ing in CCA, drawing on the latest thinking and indicator frameworks, and measurement
practice from systems innovation and innovation approaches.
for development. These implications, ideas, and Taking transformational change as an exam-
lessons are framed from the outset by the earlier ple, we see little knowledge and consensus on
mentioned three-step hypothesis. defining, measuring, and assessing transforma-
We also provide in this section illustrative tional change. The approach for CCA MEL prac-
examples of innovative MEL approaches, pro- titioners should be to establish clear frameworks,
cesses, and technological interventions accord- pathways, and indicators for transformational
ing to the major themes that have emerged from change; establish an evidence base on which con-
MEL to support a systems innovation approach texts and interventions are genuinely transforma-
to CCA. These examples have the potential to tional (as opposed to other more incremental and
support enhanced MEL in CCA either through iterative change processes); and develop rela-
development in related fields or by being piloted tively consistent indicator frameworks and mea-
in a current CCA context. The AF-TERG MEL surement approaches to better assess and learn
study indicated that these cases have the poten- from transformational results.
Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL 167

2. Engage better with participation, inclusiv- 1. Demands for accountability – Increasingly

ity, and voice in MEL. energetic civil societies with a growing
demand for greater transparency and public
The issues of genuine participation, inclusion, accountability
and voice have rightly taken on increased promi- 2. More mature civil societies – With civil soci-
nence in MEL theory and practice in recent years. ety increasingly willing and capable to partici-
This is particularly the case in CCA MEL where pate in MEL processes
locally led adaptation/action (LLA)8 has gained 3. The boom of information and communica-
recognition because people and communities on tions technology (ICT) – Particularly in this
the frontlines of climate change are often the context, the spread of internet and mobile
most active and innovative in developing adapta- phone technology
tion solutions. More broadly, evidence has shown
that for development to be effective and sustain- Out of these factors have emerged a number of
able, people who are vulnerable must be empow- citizen-led/citizen-generated data platforms, a
ered and their voices heard, and gender equality prominent example being the Slum/Shack
and the empowerment of women and girls is cru- Dwellers International (SDI) Know Your City
cial to development progress, particularly in the (KYC) initiative (SDI, 2018), which unites orga-
context of CCA. nized slum dwellers and local governments in
This commitment has been reaffirmed across partnerships anchored by community-led slum
the development space, perhaps most recently profiling, enumeration, and mapping. ICT-­
and prominently in the Sustainable Development enabled participant reporting is not new to CCA
Goals (SDGs), which commit to ensure “no one programming but is still not widely included in
will be left behind” and to “endeavour to reach the MEL components of programs. One likely
the furthest behind first” as overarching princi- reason is that it needs to be built into the design
ples (United Nations General Assembly, 2015)9 of the program itself from the onset rather than
Organizations such as the United Nations applied later as a MEL tool. The technology and
Development Programme (UNDP) are advancing tools are now proven, and cost and failure risks
evidence and education about the underlying fac- associated with ICT-enabled MEL have been
tors that cause people to be left behind. In a recent reduced significantly over the last few years.
paper, they outlined five critical factors: discrimi- As such, MEL methods employing ICT
nation, geography, governance, socioeconomic should no longer be considered risky or unproven
status, and shocks and fragility (UNDP, 2018). and citizen/participant reporting can provide
Again, these critical factors resonate with the big data across the MEL cycle. ICT-enabled partici-
issues being engaged with and explored by inno- pant reporting as part of project monitoring can
vation for development communities. shift participants from passive beneficiaries of
The combination of three factors, prevalent in program activities to more active and empow-
wider development policy and practice, have ered participants, reporting real-time reactions
enabled advances in locally and/or citizen-led (positive and negative) to interaction with the
MEL. These factors have not yet been fully program. On the accountability side, ICT-
explored in the context of CCA: enabled participant reporting can generate data
on program coverage and satisfaction. In terms
Also see of learning, open-ended questions such as
tion/action-tracks/locally-led-action and https://www.wri. “Provide an illustration of what you do differ-
org/our-work/project/global-commission-adaptation/ ently as a result of the program” allow partici-
pants to demonstrate what a program may have
In addition to the overarching principle of “no one will be
left behind,” SGD 5 aims to achieve gender equality and
enabled, often in video or photo form. Subjective
empower all women and girls, and SDG 10 aims to reduce reporting and learning are key areas that require
inequality within and among countries. further exploration, such as by asking partici-
168 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

pants about the extent to which they feel more and adaptive management that simple, boiler-
able to cope and adapt to the threats posed by plate solutions are rarely appropriate for complex
climate change as a result of the program. This problems, an aversion remains to identifying and
goes to the heart of many CCA programs that testing new and innovative solutions.
aim to build adaptive capacity in target groups, The fear of failure leads CCA agencies to
removing the need to develop proxy indicators take limited risks in their policy, programming,
of adaptation and then generate data against and MEL. This results in the perpetuation of
them. The added advantage is that this type of established but often inappropriate approaches,
reporting can be done before, during, and after a methods, and tools. These agencies are moti-
climatic shock or stress, and overlaid with shock/ vated and incentivized more by accountability-
stress intensity data. driven evaluation processes than by trying
Linked to this but at a more systemic level is less-tested and more innovative evaluative
the issue of the decolonization of MEL. Launched approaches, processes, and tools that may
in 2018, the South to South Evaluation Initiative deliver rich, insightful, and useful new knowl-
(S2SE; African Evaluation Association, 2017) edge, but come with a higher risk of failure until
aims to elevate the substantial but underutilized they are established.
indigenous knowledge, theory, and capacities of Hence, the MEL-system norm—fixed-term
the Global South, and aims to reverse the asym- results reporting systems paired with traditional
metries in decision making, resources, and accountability-focused, postproject, mixed-­
knowledge in the global evaluation ecosystem. methods evaluations—remains the staple of most
CCA MEL is a particular case in point: Global large bilateral and multilateral agencies working
South perspectives, knowledge, and capacity go on CCA. In this context of risk aversion, it is
to the heart of not only MEL but also of appropri- deemed better to have a safely delivered end-of-­
ate and effective CCA. Far too often, evaluations project evaluation that produces a long, unengag-
are designed and led by those designated interna- ing (often unread) evaluation report with little or
tional experts and only supported by national no real insight than to risk engaging a more inno-
experts. This immediately places southern vative evaluation approach or method but one
experts, who tend to hold much deeper and more that carries a higher risk of failing.
relevant insights into local contexts, challenges, The challenge is not to find new and innova-
opportunities, and practices, into a subordinate, tive MEL approaches, methods, and tools for
lower value role and position. It perpetuates CCA; the challenge is finding the opportunity
north-south power dynamics and ultimately and resources to field-test them. Ways exist to
results in lower quality, less insightful, and less reduce the risk of failure, such as combining
useful evaluations. established MEL methods with the piloting of
new and innovative data collection and data anal-
3. Overcome risk aversion in CCA and CCA ysis methods and tools. Much as the process of
MEL through field testing new, innovative, bricolage has gained popularity in systems inno-
and often more risky MEL approaches. vation, so could the same process in MEL for
CCA (Patton, 2020). For example, a project that
The architecture, systems, and norms that are aims to strengthen and then track household cli-
all pervasive in international development and mate resilience through face-to-face household
CCA encourage risk aversion and the mainte- surveys could also pilot more subjective (how
nance of traditional/established practices. This is resilient household residents feel) and real-time
the case in both CCA policy and programming results reporting through mobile phone-based
and CCA MEL to support it. Despite increased participant reporting in the face of a climatic
recognition from the fields of complex systems shock or stress.
Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL 169

4. Demonstrate and promote the use of MEL adaptive programming should themselves be
to support and integrate adaptive adaptive in their own designs, actions, and behav-
management. iors, evidence that CCA practitioners are leading
the way is limited.
Recent years have seen an enhanced focus on
adaptive management as the key concept at the 5. Work across socioecological systems and
heart of doing development differently. This is scales.
based on an increased recognition that develop-
ment interventions are delivered in dynamic, A long-recognized, and largely unaddressed,
unpredictable, and often contested contexts and challenge of the CCA MEL community is to
systems; that in these contexts interventions need develop and apply MEL approaches, methods,
to be innovative; and that how best to deliver and capacities that integrate the social, economic,
results in these contexts is uncertain. Therefore, and environmental dimensions across systems
operating effectively and efficiently in these con- and scales. At present, most MEL approaches
texts requires projects, programs, and institutions tend to focus on individual domains—the human
to be “adaptive.” This means or the environmental/ecological domain—and
not the interactions between them.
• tailoring MEL systems, particularly monitor- Earlier in this chapter, we introduced the con-
ing systems, to generate robust evidence on cepts of super-wicked problems, complex adap-
program management and delivery; tive systems (CAS), and the Anthropocene as
• a focus on lesson learning in close to real time critical, interrelated concepts that have a rising
to support course correction; prominence in the context of CCA and with
• explicit focus on learning from unintended which the MEL community is beginning to
consequences and failures as well as from suc- engage. The fundamental issue underlying these
cesses; and concepts is the relationships among the social,
• portfolio learning and sense making among economic, and environmental dimensions taking
coalitions of similar stakeholders, both within place in complex contexts and systems. In past
and outside of the program context, support- development discourse, policy and practice has
ing evidence and learning on both scalability tended to focus on these elements in isolation and
and transferability (Pasanen & Barnett, 2019; to prioritize the social and economic over the
Wild & Ramalingam, 2018). environmental.
Few CCA MEL frameworks systematically
Adaptive management focuses on intention- encourage a portfolio of indicators across all
ally building in opportunities for structured and three domains—social, ecological, and eco-
collective reflection, ongoing and real-time nomic. One potential solution would be to
­learning, course correction, and decision making explicitly embrace a socioecological systems
in order to improve effectiveness. This means (SES) approach in CCA policy and program
that adaptive programs require, at project incep- design. The SES approach describes the four
tion, intentional MEL design in which learning essential dimensions (the natural system, liveli-
and course correction are integrated into the pro- hoods and people, institutions and governance,
gram from the start. and external drivers) that provide the basis on
The concept of adaptive management should which to situate and understand CCA results
resonate particularly with CCA projects, pro- within a wider system. These also provide the
grams, and organizations given that they share basis for an MEL system based on the selection
the same concept at heart. While it seems obvious of a balanced set of CCA indicators under each
that organizations promoting climate change dimension.
170 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

6. Advance MEL approaches to better sup- cepts. Blue Marble Evaluation is founded around
port systematic evidence and learning for four overarching principles and 12 operating
scaling and replicability. principles. A simple starting point for any CCA
MEL approach, system or method (whether for a
Given that the effects of climate change are project, program, organization, or institution)
being felt globally—across contexts, locations, would be to assess which and how many of the
and scales—learning what works, in what con- Blue Marble principles it is coherent with or sup-
texts, and why is particularly relevant for the ports. Commissioners of CCA MEL services
CCA MEL community. Along with locally led have a large role to play in encouraging Blue
learning, the CCA community has rightly put Marble (systems innovation) principles in the
considerable emphasis on evidence and learning MEL terms of references they draft and the MEL
to support scaling and replicability. However, services they fund. As made clear throughout the
these two key concepts are not yet systematically chapter, this is a new and emerging area that is
integrated into MEL frameworks either as indica- gaining momentum. Its implications have yet to
tors or as key evaluation and learning questions be explored and defined in the context of CCA.
or criteria. The AF-TERG study has focused on innova-
Systems innovation approaches place particu- tive MEL approaches that attempt to reframe the
lar emphasis on identifying, scaling, and replicat- role played by the MEL community, suggesting
ing successful interventions, whether these are that the way MEL is approached and delivered
products, technologies, or processes. IDIA needs to fundamentally shift. The rationale is that
(2017) has devised a high-level process for scal- a fundamental shift in approach is required from
ing innovation in a development context, and this the MEL community and practitioners, rather
process is particularly important in the context of than a more granular focus on adopting and inte-
CCA. CCA MEL frameworks—from strategy grating the latest MEL technological innovations.
and design (theories of change) through monitor- Consequently, this chapter has given little atten-
ing frameworks (indicators) to evaluation and tion to innovative MEL technologies, despite the
learning (key evaluation criteria and learning subject of technology for MEL being the focus of
questions)—should more deeply engage with the considerable attention through networks and
concepts of scaling and replicability as defined in events such as MERL Tech. Technological inno-
a systems innovation approach. vation in MEL tends to be related to data under
three overlapping themes: (a) data collection and
7. Adopt or develop MEL approaches, meth- capture technologies, (b) data analysis technolo-
ods, and tools tailored to CCA systems gies including artificial intelligence and machine
innovation. learning, and (c) data presentation and visualiza-
tion technologies. The data collection and cap-
This final suggested direction engages more ture technologies can be broken down into three
directly with the most appropriate MEL core areas: (a) big data, which includes satellite
approaches, methods, and tools. Although several imaging and remote sensing; (b) information and
MEL approaches and frameworks aim to engage communication technology (ICT); and (c) the
with scale, context, and system dynamics, the internet of things.
two most prominent are developmental evalua- Despite the slow uptake, technological inno-
tion (Patton, 2010) and its evolution into Blue vations provide solutions to core challenges in
Marble Evaluation10 (Patton, 2020). Both MEL: reaching isolated groups; monitoring
approaches recognize some of the key issues behavior change; collecting qualitative and sub-
raised in this chapter and Blue Marble Evaluation jective data; compiling, integrating, and inter-
explicitly engages with systems innovation con- preting multiple datasets; enhancing quality
control; post evaluation verification; and finding
10 robust samples for comparison. Examples of use
Enabling Systems Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation: Exploring the Role for MEL 171

in data collection include decentralized data standard practice for years. These traditional
gathering through self-reporting, online data har- approaches, methods, and tools tend to be based
vesting, and the use of real-time data (Raftree, on simple cause-effect results chains, tested ex-­
2016, 2020). In terms of analysis, Bamberger and post through narrowly defined evaluation ques-
Mabry (2019) outlined several data analysis tech- tions, and with established power relationships
niques with direct applications for program between evaluation commissioners, evaluation
MEL. Bruce et al., (2020) added machine learn- practitioners, participants, and intended audi-
ing and artificial intelligence for text analytics as ences. They no longer reflect the dynamic com-
technological innovations to the toolbox of the plexity of super-wicked problems that define the
MEL practitioner. Anthropocene: climate change, environmental
Finally, in terms of data visualization, pro- degradation, and global pandemics.
cessed data or MEL evidence needs to suc-
cinctly communicate complex problems and
solutions. Visualizing and packaging data in a References
meaningful way across stakeholders is a chal-
lenge. The rapid pace of change in data technol- African Evaluation Association. (2017). South to south
evaluation (S2SE): A call to action.
ogy will eventually and inevitably shape, drive, wp-­content/uploads/2018/05/S2S_Brochure.pdf
and inform MEL, especially from learning and Australian Public Service Commission. (2007). Tackling
data visualization perspectives. This may mean wicked problems: A public policy perspective.
that instead of a traditional narrative report, Australian Government.
MEL products and outputs could (and should) Balint, P., Stewart, R., Desai, A., & Walters, L. (2011).
increasingly become digital, interactive, and Wicked environmental problems: Managing uncer-
more widely available. tainty and conflict. Springer.
What matters is not how technological innova- Bamberger, M., & Mabry, L. (2019). Real world evalu-
ation: Working under budget, data and political con-
tions collect, analyze, or present data in isolation, straints (3rd ed.). Sage.
but how they are integrated into innovative MEL Bruce, K., Gandhi, V., & Vandelanotte, J. (2020).
approaches and methods to advance the delivery Emerging technologies and approaches in monitor-
of CCA programming and understanding of CCA ing, evaluation, research, and learning for interna-
tional development programs. MERL Tech. http://
more broadly. This is the bricolage Michael­content/uploads/2020/07/4_MERL_
Quinn Patton refers to in Blue Marble Evaluation. Emerging-­Tech_FINAL_7.19.2020.pdf
For this to happen, the MEL community needs to Center for Social Innovation. (2020). Defining social
better engage with, exchange with, and under- innovation. Stanford Graduate School for Business.­r esearch/
stand the data scientists and technologists, and centers-­initiatives/csi/defining-­social-­innovation
vice versa. Climate Investment Funds. (2019). The CIF
Transformational Change Learning Partnership:
Pioneering joint learning to catalyze low-carbon,
climate-resilient development. Climate Investment
Conclusion Funds Transformational Change Learning Partnership.­
In this chapter, we have argued that a systems documents/cif-­t ransformational-­c hange-­l earning-­
innovation approach is required to address cli- partnership-­pioneering-­joint-­learning
Development Assistance Committee Working Party on
mate change adaptation, and that this in turn Aid Evaluation. (2002). Glossary of key terms in eval-
requires a fundamentally different and new uation and results based management. Development
approach from the CCA MEL community and Assistance Committee of the Organisation for
practitioners. This new systems innovation Economic Co-operation and Development. http://
approach in MEL would move the discipline in EIT Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community.
part away from the established static, uni-linear, (2019). Work with us to achieve net zero, in time.
project-program-country-region-bound MEL Funding systems change is today’s most impor-
approaches, methods, and tools that have been tant innovation. https://www.climate-­
172 R. Gregorowski and D. Bours

wp-­content/uploads/2019/10/191029_EIT_Climate-­ GRAID by the Stockholm Resilience Centre. https://

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Assessing the Evaluability
of Adaptation-Focused
Interventions: Lessons
from the Adaptation Fund

Ronnie MacPherson, Amy Jersild, Dennis Bours,

and Caroline Holo

Abstract ect portfolio to determine the level of evalu-

ability and make recommendations for
Evaluability assessments (EAs) have differing improvement. This chapter explores the
definitions, focus on various aspects of evalu- assessment’s findings on designing programs
ation, and have been implemented inconsis- and projects to help minimize the essential
tently in the last several decades. Climate challenges in the field. It discusses how the
change adaptation (CCA) programming pres- process of EA can help identify opportunities
ents particular challenges for evaluation given for strengthening both evaluability and a proj-
shifting baselines, variable time horizons, ect’s MEL more broadly. A key conclusion
adaptation as a moving target, and uncertainty was that the strength and quality of a project’s
inherent to climate change and its extreme and overall approach to MEL is a major determi-
varied effects. The Adaptation Fund Technical nant of a project’s evaluability. Although the
Evaluation Reference Group (AF-TERG) framework was used retroactively, EAs could
developed a framework to assess the extent to also be used prospectively as quality assur-
which the Fund’s portfolio of projects has in ance tools at the pre-implementation stage.
place structures, processes, and resources
capable of supporting credible and useful
monitoring, evaluation, and learning (MEL). Introduction
The framework was applied on the entire proj-
Background to Adaptation Fund
R. MacPherson
Greenstate, Newtonmore, UK The Adaptation Fund was established by the
e-mail: Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) of the
A. Jersild United Nations Framework Convention for
Evaluation consultant and doctoral candidate in the Climate Change (UNFCCC) to finance concrete
Interdisciplinary Program in Evaluation (IDPE) at climate change adaptation (CCA) projects and
Western Michigan University (WMU), Kalamazoo,
MI, USA programs in developing countries that are partic-
e-mail: ularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of climate
D. Bours (*) · C. Holo change. At the Katowice Climate Conference in
Technical Evaluation Reference Group of the December 2018, the Parties to the Paris
Adaptation Fund (AF-TERG), Washington, DC, USA Agreement (CMA) decided that the Adaptation
Fund (AF) shall also serve the Paris Agreement.

© The Author(s) 2022 173

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
174 R. MacPherson et al.

Since 2010, the Fund has committed $720 mil- Wholey (1979) and his colleagues at the Urban
lion in grants to more than 100 projects in devel- Institute in the 1970s as a response to the delays
oping countries, with projects working in a and low value found in summative evaluations of
diversity of sectors including agriculture, disaster U.S. government programs. EAs were a means
risk reduction, coastal management, food secu- by which to examine a program’s structure to
rity, and urban development. The Fund provides determine whether it could lend itself to generat-
grants to implementing entities that lead the ing useful results from an outcome evaluation.
development, implementation and monitoring of They were also viewed as a preformative evalua-
work on the ground, usually in partnership with tion activity that was part of a cost-effective strat-
other organizations. Implementing entities can be egy in determining readiness for evaluation and
multilateral (e.g., UN and multilateral agencies), enhancing use. For Wholey, EAs were the first of
regional (regional development banks), or four tools in a “sequential purchase of informa-
national (government ministries, national tion,” including rapid feedback evaluation, per-
research institutions). formance monitoring, and impact evaluation
As with other comparable institutions, the (Wholey, 1979; Wholey et al., 2010, p. 82).
Adaptation Fund uses evaluation as a tool for The Development Assistance Committee of
understanding project results, strengthening the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
accountability, learning, and continuous improve- Development (OECD DAC, 2002) defined evalu-
ment. An evaluation framework (AF, 2012) sets ability as “the extent to which an activity or a
out the Fund’s approach, defining objectives, program can be evaluated in a reliable and credi-
requirements, roles, and processes that should be ble fashion” (p. 21) with a focus on methods and
applied when evaluating Adaptation Fund sup- design, in contrast to Wholey’s stronger focus on
ported projects. Central to this approach, imple- utility from a cost perspective. The OECD DAC
menting entities are required to commission further described EAs as an “early review of a
independent final evaluations (AF, 2011a, b) for proposed activity in order to ascertain whether its
any Adaptation Fund-supported project, with objectives are adequately defined and its results
independent midterm evaluations if a project is verifiable” (p. 21). Scriven (1991) noted the pos-
more than 4 years in length. sible confusion that EAs may pose with regard to
The Fund’s evaluation function was initially taking the place of serious summative evaluation,
outsourced. In 2019, the Fund internalized evalu- or to support the greater tendency to rely on
ation with the establishment of the Adaptation objectives-based evaluation (a pseudo-evaluative
Fund Technical Evaluation Reference Group approach) when the time comes to evaluate
(AF-TERG). An early step by the AF-TERG was (Stufflebeam & Coryn, 2014).
to commission a series of preliminary studies to Wholey (1979) developed an eight-step
inform and support the development of a multi- approach to implementing EAs:
year work program. One of these studies was an
evaluability assessment (EA) of the Adaptation 1. Define the program to be evaluated.
Fund’s portfolio of projects. 2. Collect information on the intended program.
3. Develop a program model.
4. Analyze the extent to which stakeholders have
 istory and Purpose of Evaluability
H identified measurable goals, objectives, and
Assessment activities.
5. Collect information on program reality.
Michael Scriven (1991) defines evaluability anal- 6. Synthesize findings to determine the plausi-
ogous to requiring serviceability in a new car. It bility of program goals.
may be thought of as “the first commandment in 7. Identify options for evaluation and
accountability,” notes Scriven (p. 138). The tech- management.
nical use of the term originated with Joseph
Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund 175

8. Present conclusions and recommendations to In developing our EA approach to CCA pro-

management. gramming at the portfolio level, we found few
concrete examples of previous EAs, with the
Over the years, Wholey’s approach was modi- exception of the Green Climate Fund Independent
fied and others have further elaborated and Evaluation Unit’s 2019 Summary of the
emphasized certain aspects while reducing the Evaluability of Green Climate Fund Proposals
number of steps. Smith (1989), for instance, (Fiala et al., 2019). Given the challenges noted in
identified stakeholder awareness as a particularly the literature on maintaining clear objectives for
vital part of EAs, noting the importance of per- EAs, and a need to have clear links between the
ceptions about what a program is to accomplish dimensions of our checklist and relevant theory
and whatever defined needs there may be for and evidence, we were purposeful in developing
evaluative information on a program, whereas our EA framework, discussed below.
Rutman (1980) focused on methods and the fea-
sibility of achieving an evaluation’s purpose.
Trevisan and Walser (2015) simplified Wholey’s  valuation of Climate Change
approach into a model of four iterative Adaptation
Climate change poses dire consequences for the
1. focusing the EA, world, and given the relatively short timeframe to
2. developing an initial program theory, reverse trends, evaluating CCA interventions is
3. gathering feedback on program theory, and essential to understand how best to adapt. The
4. using the EA. challenges in evaluating CCA interventions are
well known and prove to be particularly complex.
Each component features a checklist with ques- These include, for example, assessing attribution,
tions reflecting the Program Evaluation Standards creating baselines, and monitoring over longer
(Yarbrough et al., 2011). time horizons (Bours et al., 2014; Fisher et al.,
The application of EAs has been intermittent. 2015; Uitto et al., 2017).
Although Wholey’s work initiated a decade with CCA programming poses particular chal-
a flurry of EAs in the 1970s–1980s, a revival in lenges for evaluation due to adaptation perfor-
their use, particularly at the international level, mance stretching far beyond the project life
did not occur until the late 1990s. Few publicly cycle. As a result, the impacts of such programs
available examples of EAs exist. As Scriven are difficult to measure because their outcomes
(1991) warned about the confusion EAs may may manifest much later. Climate change pat-
present in relation to other evaluative activities, terns and the prediction of weather patterns and
reviews of the available EAs reflect concern extremes also pose a level of uncertainty for both
about inconsistent implementation and use, programming and evaluation. The level of uncer-
revealing a lack of clarity about EA as a unique tainty increases when moving from global to
concept (Davies, 2013; Davies & Payne, 2015; regional climate models, to regional scenarios,
Trevisan, 2007). Confusion with needs assess- and then to local impacts on human and natural
ments, formative evaluations, and process evalu- systems (Wilby & Dessai, 2010). Given this
ations were found, as was mission creep, with unpredictability, collecting baseline data against
EAs extending into other evaluative functions which progress can be tracked is difficult. With
based on commissioners’ interests and budgets. climate change interventions spanning sectors
Davies and Payne (2015) identified a need for and areas, another challenge is thinking at a sys-
clearly bounded expectations of the outputs of an tems level and across multiple stakeholder
EA and for linking the contents of a checklist for groups.
implementing EAs to relevant wider theory and Finally, like most complex problems, CCA
evidence. presents a challenge for causal inferences
176 R. MacPherson et al.

between intervention and outcome. Given the government bodies, regional organizations, and
cross-sector nature of CCA, with multiple influ- multilateral stakeholders.
ences from both the social and natural worlds, We adopted the OECD DAC (2002) definition
developing a coherent evidence base on which to of evaluability, “the extent to which an activity or
make causal inferences is difficult (Bours et al., a program can be evaluated in a reliable and cred-
2015). In spite of these challenges, MEL for ible fashion,” and developed two objectives to
CCA projects plays a central role for identifying guide the development and implementation of
how best to reduce vulnerability and build resil- our EA:
ience to climate change (Bours et al., 2014). With
a growing need for accountability and learning, 1. Assess the extent to which the Adaptation
having MEL systems in place that generate evi- Fund’s projects have in place structures, pro-
dence that is fed back into adaptation practice is cesses, and resources capable of supporting
important. In this context, the role of evaluability credible and useful monitoring, evaluation
is critical to ensuring that a project can be evalu- and learning.
ated and has the foundations necessary for carry- 2. Based on the assessment’s findings, provide
ing out evaluations that will offer important advice on how to improve the evaluability of
lessons for the future. the Adaptation Fund’s projects and portfolio.

The bounded outputs for the assessment included

Study Objectives determining the extent of evaluability of the over-
all portfolio and identifying ways to improve
Given the need for clearer definition on EAs and evaluability. These findings were discussed inter-
the challenges CCA programming presents for nally to develop strategies to address both policy
evaluation, this chapter describes the Fund’s and operations, and to inform future evaluative
evaluability framework and the process of work. Our EA design was guided by Scriven’s
developing and applying it in assessing the eval- (2007) discussion on checklists, an approach that
uability of the projects part of the Fund’s portfo- implies a comprehensive approach to understand-
lio. We reflect on areas of learning that have ing the phenomenon under study. Practical con-
implications for both the evaluation and CCA siderations for implementation, including review
fields. of the MEL standards already applied by the
Fund and standards not necessarily applied but
identified as being of critical importance to cred-
Assessment Approach ible MEL and/or evaluability, were based on the
work of Davies (2013) and Davies and Payne
Framework Development (2015). The design was conceptualized in two
phases, assessment and verification. The first
The AF-TERG embarked on an EA in 2019 to phase, which we detail below, was concluded by
examine all 100 projects approved by the Fund’s July 2020, with the second phase of field verifica-
board at the start of the assessment’s inception in tion planned for 2021.
November 2019, making up the Fund’s project Through a process of literature review, brain-
portfolio. These projects were diverse, spanning storming, and multiple consultations, we con-
a range of types of grantee organizations working structed our assessment framework with seven
within varying contexts, from small island states categories, each associated to a key component of
in the Caribbean and Pacific to locations in MEL: (a) project logic, (b) MEL plan and
Central Asia, Africa, and South America. The resources, (c) data and methods, (d) inclusion, (e)
projects also had a diverse set of implementing portfolio alignment, (f) long(er)-term evaluabil-
entities and stakeholders, including grassroots ity, and (g) evaluability in practice. The implica-
organizations, civil society organizations (CSOs), tion for these multiple categories as a checklist is
Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund 177

that, taken together, they make up the totality of enabled analysis of the entire portfolio, while
what the AF-TERG identified as evaluable CCA also shedding light on the Fund’s existing review
projects. Within each category, we established a process. The second phase was intended to fill
series of assessment criteria. The categories and any information gaps identified during the first
criteria were a combination of (a) MEL standards phase.
already applied by the Adaptation Fund, and (b) Based on a detailed set of guidance, reviewers
standards not necessarily applied by the Fund but assessed the evaluability of all 100 projects
identified by the AF-TERG assessment team as against each of the assessment criteria, providing
standards and approaches of critical importance narrative justification for assessments and allo-
to credible MEL and/or evaluability, particularly cating ratings where relevant (where logical, we
for CCA-focused projects. Table 1 presents the applied rating scales to individual criteria).
categories, their criteria, and brief discussion of Table 2 provides an example of a criterion’s rat-
their relevance. ing system. All project-level assessments were
recorded within a spreadsheet-based assessment
tool that, in turn, supported portfolio-level analy-
Process for Implementation ses and in the longer term will serve as a transpar-
ent, accessible database of all the EA’s underlying
As part of the first phase, we reviewed the origi- data.
nal proposal documentation for all 100 board-­ In addition to the seven assessment categories
approved projects.1 Proposal documentation was and their underlying criteria, the tool also
the main documentation for analysis in the sense recorded descriptive detail for every project, such
of (a) making a consistent assessment of the eval- as project status, budget, country, and sector(s),
uability of the portfolio at the project onset and of for example. We subsequently used this detail to
the structures already available and considered support cross-portfolio analyses, enabling the
for evaluation in the project design, and (b) assessment to identify patterns or trends in evalu-
informing the MEL and proposal review pro- ability according to criteria such as a project’s
cesses in terms of evaluability in the Fund. We age, the kind of implementing entity that leads
also analyzed available project inception reports, the project, the context within which the project
project performance reports, midterm evaluation works, and so forth.
reports, and terminal evaluations to develop an
initial understanding of the evaluability in prac-
tice during project implementation. Analysis
Consistent with the intentions that the objec-
tives of the assessment were clearly laid out and The results of the portfolio evaluability assess-
that the team would carry out a second phase of ment illustrate the common tensions already
field verification for evaluability in practice, the encountered in CCA monitoring and evaluation
first phase was exclusively desk based. The (M&E). More precisely, they concur with the
nature of the phased approach restricted the depth three challenges identified by Fisher et al. (2015):
of analysis: Where gaps or uncertainties occurred assessing attribution, creating baselines, and
within individual projects, we did not seek clari- monitoring climate change activities over longer
fication through means such as follow-up inter- time horizons. The assessment of various criteria
views with implementing entities or project allows us to pinpoint specific elements in the
teams. However, limiting the work exclusively to project design and implementation that contrib-
a desk review allowed for broad coverage and ute to these tensions. Finally, the results show the
importance of undertaking evaluability assess-
The projects were at different points in the project cycle:
ments to help build stronger M&E in the field of
approved but implementation had not started, under CCA.
implementation, or completed at the time of assessment.
178 R. MacPherson et al.

Table 1 The Adaptation Fund’s evaluability assessment framework

Category Project logic
Criteria Quality of project Quality of evidence Clarity of project additionality
logic base

Project logic is integral to project evaluability because it describes the basis and justification for an intervention, the
starting conditions and assumptions, the expected results, and the anticipated means or pathways through which the
project will deliver those results. CCA-focused projects should also be based on a logic model that reflects—and
identifies linkages between—both the human and natural systems being affected.
Category MEL plan and resources
Criteria Quality of M&E Quality of MEL Quality of approach to learning
plan resources

For a project to be evaluable, there must be a feasible approach to identifying the project’s likely contribution to
outcomes, including a clear direction as to what aspects of the project will be measured and how, a description of
who will be involved (roles and responsibilities), the resources that will be available to deliver the proposed
approach, and intended use for adaptive management.
Category Data and methods
Criteria Quality of results Quality of indicators Quality of baselines Quality of data
statements or other measures

Project evaluability is often dependent on the relevance and quality of data generated during project
implementation, with the gathered data typically (but not necessarily exclusively) defined by a project’s indicators.
Consequently, an assessment of project evaluability needs to consider the quality of project indicators, the methods
through which progress against those indicators is assessed, and the quality of baseline against which project
performance and results will be assessed.
Category Inclusion
Criteria Quality of project Quality of evidence Clarity of project additionality
logic base

Quality of data disaggregation: gender Quality of data disaggregation: other

The assessment considered the extent to which MEL activities involved and represented all of a project’s interest
groups, whether individuals, communities, sub-national institutions, or country governments. This includes
assessment of the participation and representation of women, youth, and socially excluded and vulnerable groups.
Recognition is growing that an intervention’s approach to MEL—and the data that MEL generates—can only be
credible if it is based on the consent and participation of the people and institutions that the intervention aims to
support. This is particularly the case for CCA, where interventions are frequently focused on building individual,
community, and institutional resilience.
Category Portfolio alignment
Criteria Depth of alignment Quality of monitoring and reporting against
portfolio results

Data and learning generated through each project’s MEL activity should also contribute to and strengthen the
evaluability of the Adaptation Fund’s overall portfolio. Project-level contributions to portfolio evaluability will be
most readily achieved where clear alignment exists between a project’s expected results and the Adaptation Fund’s
Strategic Results Framework.
Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund 179

Table 1 (continued)
Category Long(er)-term evaluability
Criteria Potential for postcompletion evaluation
The kind of results and changes targeted by CCA interventions are mostly long(er)-term in nature, only identifiable
and measurable well after a project has been implemented. But for an evaluation to be undertaken 5 years after a
project’s funding period, for example, resources must be available and—more important—sufficient foundations
must be in place for an evaluation to be even plausible. The prospects for long(er)-term evaluability could be
improved by, for example, a project having indicators that can be accurately measured over longer time horizons, a
project logic model that extends beyond implementation, and the likely availability of institutions and individuals
that participated in the original intervention.
Category Evaluability in practice
Criteria Changes to MEL approach documented and Quality of evaluability in practice

Documentation such as midterm and terminal evaluations can reveal how well a project’s MEL strategy has
performed in practice and, by extension, can provide insight into the actual strengths and challenges around project
evaluability. Consequently, analyzing this documentation can improve understanding of the practical limitations
(and opportunities) that projects face when it comes to ensuring interventions are evaluable. Comparing these
documents to a project’s original MEL design can also build understanding as to whether and how MEL strategies
typically change. Once a project is under implementation, adjustments to MEL strategy are often required due to
situations such as changes in plans, unanticipated monitoring challenges, or unforeseen resource constraints. Under
such circumstances, project evaluability can be maintained and improved if changes to MEL strategy are well
documented within progress reports.

Table 2 Example of a criterion’s rating system

Criterion Quality of project logic
Guiding Does the project logic provide a sufficient basis against which performance and results can be
question evaluated?
Scale Very good Good quality Fair quality Weak quality Very weak Logic not
quality quality documented

Guidance A project’s logic is considered very good quality if it includes all of the following:
 Explicit logic model, whether a theory of change, logical framework, or other explicit model
 Clear description of the project’s expected results
 Clear description of the pathways and processes through which the project will deliver expected
 Clear description of the assumptions underpinning the project’s logic
 Clear description of the external influences that may affect project delivery
 Intervention logic expresses a clear contribution to CCA
 Project logic reflects both human and natural systems
 Environmental and social risks are reflected in project logic
The scale should then be applied according to the degree of alignment with the above elements
and the clarity of discussion around project logic, with—at the lower end of the scale—very weak
quality meeting only one of the above elements and/or logic is unclear.

Logic and Additionality evaluability category, the assessment looked at

of Adaptation Projects the criterion clarity of project additionality (see
Table 3).
Relevance to Evaluability
To be evaluated effectively, a project must have Adaptation-Specific Evaluability
clearly articulated logic. Clarity on additionality Considerations
also strengthens evaluability by improving the CCA projects invariably work within complex
potential for identifying (isolating) a project’s natural systems and target results that focus on
influence and results. Within the project logic human interactions within those systems. Those
180 R. MacPherson et al.

Table 3 Guidance for assessing clarity of project reduced. Where the assessment identified a lack
of clarity around an intervention’s additionality,
Category Project logic this was often because of programmatic strengths
Criterion Clarity of Guiding question for and efforts to contribute to a broader agenda. But
project assessors
additionality To what extent is it
when resources and efforts were combined across
clear that the project’s projects, perceiving how any eventual results
work is additional to could be directly attributable to a specific inter-
business-as-usual and/ vention or individual funding source became
or other initiatives that
have been or are being
more difficult; at best, only a project’s contribu-
delivered? tion to results would be evaluable.
As noted above, this scenario of multiple
actors and influences working within complex
complex systems are influenced by multiple fac- systems is common (even standard) for CCA
tors, many (if not most) of which will be com- projects. The evaluability of such projects will
pletely outside the control of any given benefit from clear, honest descriptions of how a
intervention. Similarly, to attribute higher-level project is distinct and—just as important—how a
results to a single project is often unrealistic or project intersects or even duplicates other work.
erroneous. The additionality of a CCA project is Given that interdependencies between CCA proj-
more often described in terms of the contribution ects are common, evaluability may be reliant on
to higher level results and the project’s impact description and analysis of not just the main proj-
pathways toward those results. From an evalu- ect’s own results chains, but also the results
ability perspective, this necessitates a clear chains of related initiatives. Furthermore, proj-
description not just of a project’s additional con- ects—and the funders that support those proj-
tribution, but also the numerous other factors that ects—may need to accept that the only
will influence higher level results, and a project’s measurement ever possible for a project may be
interactions with those other factors. its contribution to high-level results.

The assessment found that clarity of project addi-  vidence Base and Baselines: Natural
tionality was greatly supported by a project pro- vs. Human Systems
posal template that required Fund applicants to
provide detail on related initiatives and describe Relevance to Evaluability
whether and how their proposed work duplicated When it comes to a project’s evidence base, eval-
those other initiatives. This requirement was pri- uability can be strengthened where there are clear
marily motivated by the Adaptation Fund’s desire lines and logical linkages between prior experi-
to ensure that their grants did not duplicate other ences and a proposed intervention. The evidence
funding sources. However, this simple, standard base and learning from previous work can also
request also helped evaluability: It obliged appli- help to define how performance and results
cants to think through and articulate how their should be measured, including the design and
project related to broader work on adaptation setting of baselines. In turn, baselines are critical
and, in doing so, helped to ensure that project for evaluability: A project’s progress can only be
proposals invariably contained clear descriptions monitored, evaluated, and fully understood if
of how interventions were (or were not) addi- comparisons can be made between a project’s
tional to external initiatives. current position and a clearly described starting
However, from an evaluability perspective, point that a baseline ideally establishes. The
this created a common tension. Projects under- assessment looked at quality of evidence base
standably and rightly sought to gain efficiencies and quality of baseline across two evaluability
and synergies with related interventions, often to categories, project logic and data and methods
the extent that the clarity of additionality was (see Table 4).
Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund 181

Table 4 Guidance for assessing quality of evidence base Findings

and baseline
With regard to additionality, the Adaptation
Category Project logic Fund’s proposal templates ensured that projects,
Criterion Quality of Guiding question for in the main, presented clear, well-referenced
evidence assessors:
base Does the project logic
descriptions of the preintervention evidence base.
reference and take into This requirement was principally used by Fund
account data, evidence and applicants to justify the case for a project, but it
learning from prior also served to strengthen evaluability: The evi-
research, initiatives, and
institutional experience?
dence base and site-specific context inherently
Category Data and methods provided a basis against which project progress
Criterion Quality of Guiding question for and results could be evaluated.
baseline assessors: However, the assessment also found that the
Does a baseline exist for all depth and quality of the preintervention evidence
of the proposed project base varied according to whether evidence related
indicators/measures, or are
clear plans in place for to natural systems or to human systems. The use of
developing a baseline? detailed climatic and environmental baseline data
(i.e., natural systems) was especially strong within
most proposals. Conversely, proposals devoted
Adaptation-Specific Evaluability less attention to describing and evidencing the
Considerations nonenvironmental context within which an inter-
Of particular relevance to CCA-focused work vention was to operate, including the human and
and to Adaptation Fund projects specifically, the institutional aspects of a project. Beginning at the
assessment looked at how project evidence base design/proposal stage, evaluability tended to be
and baselines took into account both natural and stronger for work relating to natural systems, less
human (including institutional) systems. The so for work relating to human systems (and, by
conceptualization of—and separate emphasis extension, the linkages and interactions between
on—natural and human systems is central to the natural and human systems).
Fund’s definition (AF, 2017, p. 3) of an adapta- While considering how the preintervention
tion project: evidence base and baselines reflected human and
A concrete adaptation project/programme is natural systems, the evaluability assessment also
defined as a set of activities aimed at addressing reviewed the extent to which—once projects
the adverse impacts of and risks posed by climate were under implementation—monitoring
change. The activities shall aim at producing visi- approaches (including results frameworks) mea-
ble and tangible results on the ground by reducing
vulnerability and increasing the adaptive capacity sured change across both systems, and the inter-
of human and natural systems to respond to the dependencies between them. Although the
impacts of climate change, including climate majority of projects did support some degree of
variability. measurement of both human and natural systems,
direct monitoring approaches were very heavily
A CCA project’s evaluability will be partly deter- geared toward only measuring change within
mined by how well a project’s evidence base and human systems (e.g., agricultural infrastructure,
baseline describe the starting position of the institutional and individual capacities, legisla-
­targeted natural systems (e.g., forestry coverage, tion). Indeed, many projects that measured some
biodiversity, soil characteristics), the starting aspect of natural systems did so through only one
position of the targeted human systems (e.g., relatively high-level indicator (e.g., area of land
agricultural practices, economic incentives, gov- restored). Moreover, only a handful of projects
ernment policy, institutions), and the current had results frameworks in place that would be
ways in which the two systems interact (e.g., capable of measuring both systems and the inter-
agricultural practice reducing biodiversity, eco- dependencies between them. The comparatively
nomic incentives accelerating deforestation). strong baseline understanding of natural systems
182 R. MacPherson et al.

was often not being expanded (or even followed Table 5 Guidance for assessing quality of MEL
up) during implementation. Perhaps this is
because accessing historical natural data (i.e., cli- Category MEL plan and resources
mate, environment, biodiversity) is compara- Criterion Quality of Guiding question for
MEL assessors:
tively easy, so a strong evidence base can be resources Are financial and
developed. Conversely, accessing historical institutional resources for
human data could be more difficult (and such MEL explicitly defined,
data may not be available), thus developing a and are these sufficient to
support delivery of the
detailed pre-implementation evidence base could MEL strategy?
be quite resource intensive.
Aside from the differing treatments of human
and natural systems, the findings also illustrate can be considered indirect MEL. Examples of
that ensuring project evaluability is an ongoing such activities are development of new climate
process. Evaluability can’t be achieved through monitoring approaches, consolidation of histori-
project design alone: Even where evaluability cal environmental data, research activities, and
appears strong at the pre-implementation stage, capacity development on the monitoring and
that level of evaluability has to be maintained interpretation of data. Project evaluability can be
throughout project delivery by, for example, strengthened where these indirect activities are
designing and applying processes capable of formally linked with the intervention’s MEL
gathering the breadth and quality of data neces- strategy, in turn ensuring that project MEL (and
sary to measure results across both human and evaluability) benefits from the widest possible
natural systems. range of data and resources.

 esources Allocated to MEL: Direct
R During assessment of this criterion, our most
vs. Indirect notable finding was that the proportion of indirect
financial resources associated with MEL-relevant
Relevance to Evaluability activity was far larger than the proportion of
Project evaluability is partly dependent on suffi- resources directly allocated to MEL. Frequently,
cient institutional and/or financial resources indirect MEL activity was a core component of
being allocated toward MEL activity (with the projects, such as in projects focused almost
definition of what comprises “sufficient” exclusively on developing sub-national climatic
resources dependent on the nature of each project monitoring infrastructure. Many projects also
and its MEL strategy; see Table 5). To support the were strengthening institutions, capacities, and
assessment of resource adequacy, we identified infrastructure required for longer term (postpro-
the level of financial resources allocated toward ject) monitoring and measurement of CCA-­
MEL for every project, recording two figures: relevant indicators and results.
However, such obviously MEL-relevant activ-
• Direct resources: Money allocated explicitly ities were not recognized or presented as such by
toward MEL activities. projects. This disconnect could have been due to
• Indirect resources: Money allocated towards project partners not conceptualizing the activity
activities that, although not itemized or cate- as MEL, or the common perception of MEL as a
gorized as MEL, are likely to be of direct, sub- purely accountability-focused exercise, rather
stantive benefit to MEL. than as a tool that can also support learning and
knowledge generation. Regardless of the reasons
Adaptation-Specific Evaluability for the disconnect, where projects did not make
Considerations the link between their direct MEL work and those
Many CCA interventions include—and are indirect activities with clear relevance and value
sometimes focused exclusively on—activity that for MEL, the data and learning generated through
Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund 183

indirect activities may have provided only a lim- Table 6 Guidance for assessing potential for postcom-
pletion MEL
ited contribution or none at all to the project’s
formal MEL. This could have reduced the poten- Category Long(er)-term evaluability
tial and strength of a project’s evaluability. Criterion Potential for Guiding question for
postcompletion assessors:
Another notable finding was that the data col- MEL Are the project’s
lected through indirect MEL activities tended to logic, monitoring
be more focused on natural than on human sys- approach, and
tems. While some projects were actually gather- postcompletion
ing extensive data and/or developing arrangements
infrastructure for the measurement of natural sys- sufficiently long(er)-
tems, this data was not being used to bridge the term in nature to
above-noted gap whereby formal, direct project support
postcompletion MEL?
MEL placed more (and sometimes exclusive)
emphasis on the monitoring of human systems.
Thinking beyond individual projects, we also see implementation, and the likely longer term avail-
a risk that data could be overlooked by future ability of institutions and individuals that partici-
research and meta-evaluations if not identified as pated in the original intervention.
being MEL relevant. In turn, this could reduce
the potential contribution and value of data to Adaptation-Specific Evaluability
longer-term learning and knowledge generation. Considerations
From an evaluability perspective, these find- The kind of results and changes targeted by CCA
ings highlight the importance of looking beyond interventions are mostly longer term in nature,
a project’s self-identified direct MEL activity, only identifiable and measurable well after a
particularly where those projects are working to project has been implemented. Consequently, the
develop monitoring capacities and infrastructure. justification for postcompletion evaluation is par-
Moreover, the findings also demonstrate how the ticularly strong in the adaptation arena. Therefore,
actual process of evaluability assessment can considering the extent to which foundations are
help to identify and uncover opportunities for in place for longer-term evaluability—and post-
strengthening not just evaluability, but a project’s completion evaluation—is important for any
MEL more broadly. assessment of an adaptation project’s

Potential for Postcompletion Findings

Evaluation The assessment first sought to identify whether
projects had formal plans in place for postcomple-
Relevance to Evaluability tion evaluation. Only 3% of projects confirmed
Although still a relatively underdeveloped formal plans for postcompletion evaluations, with
approach, postcompletion evaluations are even the concept of postcompletion evaluation
increasingly deployed as a tool to measure the rarely being mentioned across the portfolio. Plans
longer term impact of interventions. However, for postcompletion monitoring were far more
for an evaluation to be undertaken several years prevalent, with several projects including compo-
after a project’s closure, adequate resources must nents whose entire purpose was to establish orga-
be available and, more important, sufficient foun- nizational structures, systems, and capacities for
dations must be in place for an evaluation to be longer-term (indefinite) monitoring of factors such
even plausible (see Table 6). The prospects for as local meteorological data, water levels, or land
long(er)-term evaluability could be improved by, use. However, the funding and institutional
for example, a project having indicators that can arrangements for these longer term systems were
be accurately measured over longer time hori- infrequently specified. All of these longer term
zons, a project logic model that extends beyond monitoring systems focused on only one aspect of
184 R. MacPherson et al.

a project; we identified no examples of projects principles taking into account the Fund’s current
that planned broader longer term monitoring and historical approaches to evaluation and an
through approaches such as continued, wide-­ understanding of our evaluand, CCA programs.
ranging monitoring against their original results We adopted the OECD definition of evaluability
framework. and set about a process akin to both Wholey’s
The limited examples of longer term MEL are (1979) eight steps and Trevisan and Walser’s
unsurprising; even within the MEL sector the (2015) four-stage approach: defining the evalu-
concept of longer term MEL is still relatively and, literature review, framework development,
new. Consequently, the assessment also consid- consultation and piloting, implementation, and
ered the extent to which projects had in place cer- presentation of results.
tain foundations that at least strengthened the The process of our EA tool development was
potential for postcompletion MEL, such as logic consultative, involving peer review by an evalua-
models that established pathways and results tion consultant and by AF-TERG’s advisory
beyond the project’s lifetime, project indicators board of evaluation and climate change program-
that could plausibly be measured 5 years after ming experts. We developed a 5-point scale with
project completion, indicators based on preexist- criteria of equal weighting. We piloted the tool,
ing national data sets that are likely to be main- reflected on its results, further revised, and piloted
tained over the longer term, and clear descriptions again. Two colleagues undertook the review,
of postcompletion institutional ownership of the aligning their interpretation of criteria and scor-
project’s outcomes. Some instances of projects ing. Although we did not determine an inter-rater
had promising building blocks in place, with sev- reliability score, we systematically compared
eral projects benefiting from clear exit strategies assessments to calibrate judgment.
and descriptions of postcompletion ownership, The results of the EA identified challenges
whether institutional, community, or individual. that are well documented about CCA program-
A handful of projects also aligned their results ming (Fisher et al., 2015), as discussed above,
frameworks with preexisting national results and resonated with Adaptation Fund stakehold-
frameworks and data sets, with the explicit ratio- ers, serving to promote discussion and decision
nale being to support longer term monitoring of making about the Fund’s evaluation policy and
project results. However, these were exceptions; processes for funding and partnership. A consid-
the broader portfolio was characterized by gener- eration for this first phase of the EA was the sole
ally weak potential for postcompletion MEL. reliance on written documentation and the lack of
Again, these findings are not surprising given opportunity to engage on site with partner agen-
the universally low application of longer term cies. In the second phase of our two-phased
MEL and postcompletion evaluation. However, approach of assessment and verification, we will
the process of evaluability assessment can help continue to collect data on site with partners and
pinpoint gaps and opportunities to at least reflect on the tool’s merit and utility as part of our
strengthen the foundations for any potential post- effort to engage in formative meta-evaluation.
completion evaluation. With this positive EA experience and as we find
additional use for the tool going forward, we may
also meta-evaluate following field verification,
Reflections on the EA Tool using relevant criteria found in the Program
Development and Implementation Evaluation Standards (Yarbrough et al., 2011).

We undertook a reflective and consultative pro-

cess to develop a tool specific to CCA program- Conclusions
ming and its particular challenges, aiming to
fulfill our objective of an impartial and accurate The framework that was developed and applied
assessment of the Adaptation Fund portfolio’s for the Adaptation Fund EA proved to be a useful
evaluability. The tool was informed by a set of tool for understanding evaluability strengths and
Assessing the Evaluability of Adaptation-Focused Interventions: Lessons from the Adaptation Fund 185

gaps both within individual projects and across strength and quality of a project’s overall
the Fund’s whole portfolio. Moreover, the frame- approach to MEL is a major determinant of a
work supported the identification of CCA-­ project’s evaluability: If a project gets its MEL
specific evaluability opportunities and challenges. “right,” the project is highly likely to also have
Results of the assessment supported the three strong evaluability. This suggests that, where
challenges related to climate change activities improved evaluability is sought, focusing efforts
identified by Fisher et al. (2015): assessing attri- specifically on strengthening evaluability may
bution, creating baselines, and monitoring over not be efficient or even necessary; instead,
longer time horizons. improvements to overall MEL strategy and pro-
The assessment confirmed the difficulty in cesses should inherently deliver improvements to
identifying the additionality of CCA programs the quality of evaluability.
because of the complexity of such interventions.
Clarifying the project logic through an EA helps
conceptualize the project results in terms of con- References
tribution or attribution in a longer term
perspective. Adaptation Fund. (2011a). Guidelines for proj-
ect/programme final evaluations. Author.
The study also highlighted the difficulty in h t t p s : / / w w w. a d a p t a t i o n -­f u n d . o rg / d o c u m e n t /
setting baselines to measure the results of CCA in guidelines-­for-­projectprogramme-­final-­evaluations/
a comprehensive way, which would encompass Adaptation Fund. (2011b). Results framework and base-
impacts on both natural and human systems. It line guidance – Project-level. Author. https://www.
adaptation-­f­c ontent/uploads/2015/01/
showed that, beyond the usual suspect of unavail- Results%20Framework%20and%20Baseline%20
ability of nature-focused and human-focused Guidance%20final%20compressed.pdf
data, the failure to integrate this data from both Adaptation Fund. (2012). Evaluation framework.
systems in the MEL system was the source of Author. https://www.adaptation-­
gaps in knowledge during project Adaptation Fund. (2017). Operational policies and guide-
implementation. lines for parties to access resources from the adapta-
Finally, the study highlighted the need to plan tion fund. Author. https://www.adaptation-­
for and allocate resources for longer term M&E to document/operational-­p olicies-­g uidelines-­p arties-­
be able to measure the delayed impacts of CCA Bours, D., McGinn, C., & Pringle, P. (2014). Monitoring
interventions. The EA process can help pinpoint & evaluation for climate change adaptation and
gaps and opportunities to at least strengthen the resilience: A synthesis of tools, frameworks and
foundations for any potential postcompletion approaches (2nd ed.). SEA Change Community of
Practice and UKCIP.­
evaluation. The EA was incredibly useful in content/PDFs/SEA-­Change-­UKCIP-­MandE-­review-­
assessing the extent of the structures, processes, 2nd-­edition.pdf
and resources in place capable of supporting cred- Bours, D., McGinn, C., & Pringle, P. (2015). Monitoring
ible M&E. Although we conducted this assess- and evaluation of climate change adaptation: A review
of the landscape. Wiley.
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could inform and ensure that projects have the A synthesis of the literature with recommendations
evaluability structures necessary at project design. (Working Paper 40). Department for International
The study of evaluability in practice, which veri- Development London, United Kingdom. https://www.­research-­outputs/planning-­evaluability-­
fies whether the evaluability is maintained assessments-­a -­s ynthesis-­o f-­t he-­l iterature-­w ith-­
throughout project delivery, could also be com- recommendations-­dfid-­working-­paper-­40
plemented with field verification to inform gaps in Davies, R., & Payne, L. (2015). Evaluability assess-
the processes related to project implementation. ments: Reflections on a review of the litera-
ture. Evaluation, 21(2), 216–231. https://doi.
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constitutes sound MEL more broadly. Indeed, a ger, better, smarter: A summary of the evaluability of
key conclusion of the assessment was that the Green Climate Fund proposals. Green Climate Fund
186 R. MacPherson et al.

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Evaluating Transformational
Adaptation in Smallholder
Farming: Insights
from an Evidence Review

Laura Silici, Jerry Knox, Andy Rowe,

and Suppiramaniam Nanthikesan

Abstract scaling-up (in its multiple forms), knowledge

management, and the human-environment
The literature on smallholder farming and cli- nexus. We discuss the implications of our find-
mate change adaptation (CCA) has predomi- ings on monitoring, evaluation, and learning,
nantly investigated the barriers to and highlighting the challenges that evaluators
determinants of farmer uptake of adaptation may face in capturing (a) the persistence or
interventions. Although useful, this evidence durability of transformational pathways, (b)
fails to highlight the changes or persistence of the complexity of “super-wicked” problems,
adaptation responses over time. Studies usu- and (c) the relevance of context-dependent
ally adopt a narrow focus on incremental dynamics, within a landscape setting. We also
actions that provide limited insights into trans- address the contribution of evidence reviews
formative adaptation pathways and how fun- to contemporary debates around development
damental shifts in policy can address the root policy linked to climate change and agricul-
causes of vulnerability across different sectors ture, and the implications and value of such
and dimensions. Drawing on an evidence syn- reviews to provide independent scientific rigor
thesis commissioned by the International and robustness to conventional programmatic
Fund for Agricultural Development’s evaluations.
Independent Office of Evaluation, this chapter
outlines how lessons from CCA interventions
can be transferred via three learning domains
that are essential for transformational change: Introduction

L. Silici (*) Smallholder agriculture represents 75% of the

Independent Consultant, Rome, Italy world’s farms (Lowder et al., 2016) and 80% of
J. Knox the source of food consumed in the developing
Water Science Institute at Cranfield University, world (International Fund for Agricultural
Cranfield, UK Development [IFAD], 2020). Yet smallholder
e-mail: farmers constitute more than half of the world’s
A. Rowe undernourished people; they inhabit some of the
ARCeconomics, Maple Bay, BC, Canada most vulnerable and marginal landscapes, and
S. Nanthikesan many lack secure land tenure and water rights.
Independent Office of Evaluation of the International These factors further exacerbate their exposure to
Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy

© The Author(s) 2022 187

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
188 L. Silici et al.

climate change (IFAD, 2020), alongside other the nexus interactions between the human and
sources of vulnerability such as population ecosystems. We briefly summarize the key find-
growth and land fragmentation. Indeed, small- ings from the review and discuss their policy and
holder agriculture is disproportionately threat- practice implications with respect to monitoring,
ened by unpredictable weather patterns, with the evaluation, and learning (MEL) under the frame-
impacts of extreme events including floods, work of transformational change, with a focus on
droughts, and heat waves having profound impli- the challenges that MEL faces. Specifically, these
cations on both food security and poverty reduc- included addressing (a) the persistence, or dura-
tion, especially for rural communities dependent bility, of transformational pathways; (b) the com-
on rainfed agriculture (United Nations plexity of “super-wicked” problems (Levin et al.,
Environment Programme [UNEP], 2018). 2012) that lead to trade-offs across different
Although extensive information is readily intervention dimensions and respective goals;
available on the projected agricultural impacts of and (c) the relevance of context-dependent
climate change and on adaptation measures that dynamics, within a landscape setting.
could help minimize those impacts, assessments In smallholder farming, transformational adap-
that specifically address the vulnerability of tation entails adaptive strategies that address the
smallholder farmers to climate change are very different root causes of vulnerability, internalize
limited (Donatti et al., 2019). Thus, there is a aspects of gender, racial, and intergenerational
need to better understand how smallholder farm- equity (i.e., social and environmental aspects), and
ers perceive the risks of climate change, the fac- enable changes in the wider food system, includ-
tors that influence their decisions to adapt, and ing solutions at any point in the value chain and
what adaptation strategies have been practiced diversification into off-farm sectors.
and why (Belay et al., 2017). Transformative solutions exert influence beyond
This chapter draws on the findings of an evi- the boundaries of specific interventions, possibly
dence synthesis commissioned by the IFAD reaching different sectors (outside agriculture) and
Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) to inform dimensions such as gender roles and behavioral
a thematic evaluation of IFAD’s support for changes. More generally, they imply a conceptual
smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate shift toward transformative changes beyond incre-
change. Evidence reviews aim to provide a trans- mental adaptive actions. Indeed, adaptation is not
parent and robust assessment of what is known a discrete measure, but rather a dynamic and itera-
(and not known) in the literature regarding a spe- tive process due to a changing context where the
cific topic, by adopting a systematic methodol- climate is one of many risks (Vermeulen et al.,
ogy to search, screen, and critically appraise a 2015; Wise et al., 2014). The pace of climate vari-
database of scholarly articles, including peer-­ ability is also increasing alongside other sources of
reviewed and grey literature. vulnerability such as population growth and land
Executing the review involved several discrete fragmentation and the emergence of alternative
stages following the well-established guidelines responses (off-farm employment, markets).
of the Collaboration for Environmental Evidence Successful implementation and expansion of
(CEE; Pullin et al., 2018), ensuring that the out- transformation pathways in smallholder agricul-
comes met quality standards with respect to ture are underpinned by three mutually interact-
robustness, transparency, and repeatability. The ing factors. First, CCA solutions need to integrate
exercise provided a valuable narrative synthesis the multiple nexuses between the socioeconomic
of the evidence produced over the last 10+ years sphere and the surrounding ecosystem; second,
on smallholder adaptation to climate change, transformation entails scaling-up, in the interme-
focusing on how lessons from climate change diate or longer term; and third, an effective and
adaptation (CCA) in smallholder farming could usable climate adaptation knowledge base is
be transferred within three learning domains: (a) needed to understand the nexus better in order to
scaling-up, (b) knowledge management, and (c) promote scaling-up.
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review 189

Methodology  ey Messages Emerging

from the Evidence Synthesis
This review was originally conceived as a rapid
evidence assessment (REA), an approach  caling Up Transformative Adaptation
designed to deliver a relatively quick synthesis of Pathways
evidence of existing research on a defined topic. Scaling up a process or an initiative may take
The REA methodology involves defining an multiple forms and does not imply only bringing
explicit research question(s) and following a an intervention to scale (to more people, larger
strict procedure that is not dissimilar to the devel- areas) or adapting it to similar conditions in dif-
opment of a protocol for conducting a systematic ferent locations (horizontal scaling-up). Scaling
review. An REA is rigorous and has an approach up a project can also relate to moving it forward
that is tractable and transparent but generally into a more developed, complex phase, possibly
lacks the depth of analysis often associated with including new components, configurations, and
a full systematic review. However, REAs are stakeholders (diagonal scaling-up). It can also
widely used for informing policy decision mak- consist of mainstreaming a certain approach into
ing. In this study, the overarching question that policy, leveraging and catalyzing policy and/or
guided the review was: What interventions have institutional change (vertical scaling-up; Neufeldt
been successful in building smallholders’ adap- et al., 2015). In the latter case, scaling-up pro-
tive capacity and responses to climate change and cesses imply more than just physical or technical
how have these been effectively transferred as dimensions, but also social scaling-up (increas-
learning outcomes in the three key dimensions of ing social inclusiveness) and conceptual scaling-
scaling-up, knowledge management, and ­up in terms of moving beyond participation to
ecosystem-­human interactions? Our review fol- embedding empowerment in the entire develop-
lowed the approach developed by CEE (Pullin ment process (Binswanger-Mkhize et al., 2009).
et al., 2018) of first developing a protocol that With respect to adaptation, social and conceptual
guides the execution and describes how the liter- dimensions of scaling-up are particularly impor-
ature searches will be conducted, including the tant to pursue genuinely transformative
bibliographic sources and search strings, the data pathways.
extraction methods, quality assessment, and evi- The academic literature on CCA and small-
dence synthesis. The review was constrained by a holder farming has predominantly investigated
set of inclusion and exclusion criteria and the the determinants of (or barriers to) farmer adapta-
research question defined above. tion at a given point in time and for a defined
We used a range of bibliographic databases location (Etana et al., 2020). In our review, about
including Scopus, Web of Science, and Science one fourth of the publications were quantitative
Direct, and web search engines (Google Scholar) studies addressing barriers and determinants of
and institutional websites for various interna- farmers’ adoption of CCA. This evidence base
tional development organizations, think tanks, provided valuable insights on the necessary pre-
and research institutes. Following trial searches, conditions and the enabling factors (or capaci-
we selected the search string “smallholder, AND ties) that determine smallholders’ decisions to act
agric* AND climat* AND change, AND adapt*”. in the face of climate change. Among the former
Collectively, the searches returned 806 sources of are factors that underpin a farmer’s decision to
evidence. After a thorough screening of the titles adapt: knowledge regarding climate change,
and abstracts using a set of inclusion criteria, we farming and natural resource management,
selected 132 sources for full-text reading; of weather information services, and past experi-
these, we then reviewed and synthesized 91. For ence of extreme climate events; collectively,
a detailed explanation of the review methodology these contribute toward building farmers’ con-
with information on the resources used, see Silici sciousness of the need to adapt. However, aware-
et al. (in press). ness alone does not trigger change. A series of
190 L. Silici et al.

enabling factors of social, economic, environ- given objective (Wise et al., 2014). Some of the
mental, and institutional natures ultimately deter- evidence also stresses the need to address the
mine a smallholder’s actual capacity and social roots of vulnerability and the necessity for
motivation to take action. political–economic change to achieve “transfor-
Planned adaptation strategies should thus mative adaptation” (Bassett & Fogelman, 2013).
ensure that the underlying determinants of adop- Several key points emerged regarding small-
tion, such as access to knowledge and informa- holder farming and transformational adaptation
tion, exist alongside other relevant enabling patterns. First, evidence of path dependence cor-
factors, including endowment with productive roborates the need to provide financial and insti-
assets, human capital (education and skills), and tutional support to overcome the behavioral and
institutional support (e.g., farmer groups and col- economic barriers of less endowed households,
lective action; Atsiaya et al., 2019; Bedeke et al., who could otherwise become locked in vicious
2019). Profiling different vulnerability categories cycles of inaction, thereby undermining overall
is also extremely important because smallholders community ability to adapt over time (Etana
adopt different strategies according to their et al., 2020). In fact, we found that the sustain-
degree of sensitivity and adaptive capacity ability of outcomes is better achieved when their
beyond their actual exposure to climate change. distribution is more equitable and inclusive; this
More well-off farmers, for instance, rely on a implies that all socioeconomic groups and differ-
stronger economic buffer and usually have stron- ent types of smallholders can respond to risk and
ger connections with formal and informal institu- vulnerability according to their adaptive capacity.
tions, which in turn affect their risk perception In terms of planning, the review confirmed that
and adaptive decisions. Policy and institutions no one blueprint or strategy works across all con-
must build on this understanding to meet the par- texts; instead, adaptation should be perceived as a
ticular needs and priorities for distinct small- continuum of approaches, ranging from activities
holder groups, with the most notable disparities that aim to address the different drivers of vulner-
found in income and gender (Ruijs et al., 2011). ability to measures explicitly targeting climate
While this branch of research is very useful to change impacts, including not only farming but
understand farmers’ decision making and how to also water and soil conservation and off-farm
support capacity building, it fails to show the diversification. Planned responses should follow
changes or persistence of adaptation behavior iterative processes, should set out all possible
over time (Etana et al., 2020). Moreover, because trade-offs (economic, temporal) between alterna-
of a largely quantitative, linear approach and a tive strategies, and should be open to assess and
predominant interest in mainstreaming techno- envision all possible futures (Vermeulen et al.,
logical solutions, these studies have maintained a 2015, 2018). For example, the most viable path-
rather narrow focus on incremental actions and way for some farmers may be to exit agriculture
adjustment approaches within the agricultural altogether, which itself requires careful manage-
sector. The outcome is a limited perspective on ment and planning of consequent rural transitions
agriculture-related solutions and a failure to (Stringer et al., 2020).
detect innovative adaptation practices that incor- Although identifying generic solutions is not
porate local wisdom and creativity. possible, sustained adaptation and scaling-up do
Other studies have adopted a more dynamic, have some recurrent features. These include the
longer term perspective in describing adaptation need for integrated, multisector interventions;
pathways. Here the concept of a pathway focuses adopting participatory approaches in planning,
more on an iterative process of decision making, implementation, and dissemination; and foster-
rather than on the outcome, emphasizing the ing knowledge exchange, peer learning and co-­
adaptive nature of the decision process itself in creation of knowledge. Participation and
the face of high uncertainty and intertemporal ownership of adaptive solutions are extremely
complexity, rather than the achievement of a important to ensure equitable scaling-up pro-
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review 191

cesses, because inter- and intra-household differ- equity (Derbile et al., 2016), or to embark into
ences mean individuals react differently to more risky activities (Etana et al., 2020). Bridging
multiple stressors. Institutional aspects are also local and external knowledge helps broaden
critically important features in creating success- farmers’ knowledge base to include more
ful adaptation pathways. Sustainable adaptation forward-­looking considerations (Makate, 2019;
only happens if farmers and their community Shackleton et al., 2015). On the other hand, hav-
members have the capacity to organize them- ing a supply of scientific or external information
selves. Institutional learning, or institutional does not imply that it is passed on, understood,
capacity building, doesn’t necessarily entail for- and accepted; this depends on how it is commu-
malized structures (although linking with formal nicated and, importantly, if it matches smallhold-
organizations does confer some advantages), but ers’ needs.
it is needed to foster adaptation through collec- School education, vocational training, and
tive action and social learning. Institutional sup- agricultural extension and advisory services
port, collective action, and participation are also (where available) are important enablers of adap-
critical in bridging local and scientific knowledge tive capacity because farmers with more educa-
(Arouna & Akpa, 2019; Stringer et al., 2020; tion and skills are able to understand, trust, and
Vermeulen et al., 2018). assimilate the information they receive and uti-
lize it to support their needs (Guido et al., 2018;
Transformative Knowledge Henriksson et al., 2020). Joining formal groups
Management such as producer organizations, cooperatives, or
Access to knowledge constitutes one of the most outgrower programs can allow farmers to gain
important determinants of smallholders’ deci- access to technical skills, market information,
sions to respond to risk and is a critical element in weather forecasts, and other relevant information
building adaptive capacity. Creating the knowl- on credit, laws, and policies (Abass et al., 2018).
edge base that underpins its access and use, how- These mechanisms for transferring knowledge
ever, faces two challenges: Climate solutions help foster adaptive capacity and peer support,
have a shelf life, and they are very context spe- but they may not be effective for all smallholders
cific. Therefore, the way knowledge regarding or may even be exclusive of some groups if they
climate change and variability is produced, trans- have too narrow a technical focus and are con-
ferred, and exchanged is extremely relevant to ceived as a one-way, top-down transfer. The
securing equitable and inclusive scaling-up path- actual way in which knowledge is transferred to
ways (Popoola et al., 2020; Roncoli et al., 2010). smallholders and how it then interacts with local
Building adaptive capacity does not rely solely knowledge is critically important.
on external, scientific knowledge. Knowledge Knowledge can be produced and circulated
embedded in farmers’ experience and tradition is via more participatory ways. Partnerships and
also critically important in raising awareness of social learning (deep understanding and assimila-
climate risks and selecting appropriate responses. tion of concepts through social interaction) were
In fact, autonomous adaptation is based on farmer identified in the literature as promising ways to
perception of climate change and variability. link science, policy, and practice to tackle multi-
However, autonomous adaptations may be lim- ple and related challenges of agricultural devel-
ited in scope and may be not entirely effective opment, food security, and climate change
over the long run. They can even lead to maladap- adaptation. The evidence showed that beyond
tation because farmers typically react to the empowering specific groups, inclusive learning
actual threat experienced and do not consider processes (such as pro-poor research and gender
likely future threats (Akinyemi, 2017; Makate, transformative approaches) accelerate and
2019). Knowledge based on local practices also improve development outcomes for everyone
may not be sufficient to prompt more transforma- (Shaw & Kristjanson, 2014). Both formal groups
tive actions that take account of intergenerational and informal collective action, such as self-help
192 L. Silici et al.

neighborhood networks, work-sharing groups, should act as a broker to liaise between different
and other community-based organizations, can interest groups and to mediate and coordinate
foster synergies for social learning and capacity partnerships. External actors may also have a role
building. However, registered community-based in creating or enhancing the demand for knowl-
organizations seem to be more significantly asso- edge, thereby helping to overcome the limitations
ciated with adaptation (Khanal et al., 2019). associated with relying only on local knowledge.
Synergies between informal and formal struc- Researchers taking part in learning platform
tures also result in more effective organizations have to mind-shift into a learner role and need a
because they promote institutional learning, drive deep understanding of local cultural norms and
innovation and knowledge from external sources, institutions to ensure inclusion of all views (e.g.,
and enlarge participation to more heterogeneous to separate women and men in consultations, and
groups (Hulke & Revilla Diez, 2020). to look beyond existing community groups that
Learning platforms based on participatory may include only stronger members). Time is
action research (PAR) that bring together differ- also needed to build trust and a safe and comfort-
ent actors have been shown to be particularly able interface environment through appropriate
effective in supporting adaptation strategies. communication before the inception phase.
They rely on social learning and collective action Finally, economic incentives may also be needed
and help external actors (researchers, policymak- to include marginalized categories who may not
ers, and development institutions) assess have time to engage in consultation activities
community-­ based perspectives and existing (Shaw & Kristjanson, 2014). To work well, PAR
adaptation options, using these as a starting point and learning platforms also need a supportive
for further action (Asociacion Andes, 2016; institutional environment, reflected in economic
Wekesa et al., 2017). This type of research can support but also in an adequate policy and legis-
also help in situations where climate change is lative framework (Chandra et al., 2017).
not the only externality but one of multiple
sources of vulnerability, thereby providing a Ecosystem-Based Adaptation
deeper understanding of the contextual barriers and Landscape Approaches
to adaptation. By fostering inclusion, social in Smallholder Farming
learning eases access to knowledge by women Individual smallholder farms are typically small,
and people in other vulnerable categories who are but their collective share of contributions to the
not always targeted by institutional information ecosystem burden cannot be ignored. Ecosystem
sources in agriculture (Kerr et al., 2018; Mapfumo goods and services are the backbone of farmers’
et al., 2013). agricultural economy. Common natural pool
Several examples in the literature reported resources such as forests and wetlands provide
successful aspects of social learning through col- complementary sources of livelihoods and, more
laborative approaches that were broadly formal- generally, a healthy and productive landscape
ized into learning platforms or alliances. Farmer encourages households to remain in rural areas,
field schools (FFS) may also be considered as a slowing down outward migration from the coun-
relevant learning platform that integrates adapta- tryside while increasing income opportunities
tion at different levels and scales, albeit the and sustaining local adaptation (Arouna & Akpa,
degree of participation in needs assessment and 2019; Food and Agriculture Organization of the
design of training modules is not as high as in United Nations, 2014). The interactions between
PAR (Chandra et al., 2017; de Sousa et al., 2018). farming and the environment also have negative
For learning platforms to be effective in promot- connotations, with farmers often exposed to natu-
ing social learning and collective action in adap- ral disasters and weather extremes. On the other
tation, strong facilitation is needed that minimizes hand, even if smallholder agriculture does not
power imbalances and builds trust among differ- contribute to water and air pollution as much as
ent stakeholders. One or more formal institutions large-scale intensive farming does, anthropo-
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review 193

genic activities such as grazing, encroachment, ecosystem goods and services and GHG mitiga-
and deforestation may severely undermine the tion, and thereby identify suboptimal equilibria
natural resource base and ultimately smallhold- where the different economic, social, and envi-
ers’ livelihoods. When taken collectively, these ronmental objectives are consistently achieved
small units can still pose a heavy burden on the (Reid et al., 2013).
ecosystem; at the same time, just due to their Beyond stressing the importance of assessing
large number and small scale, they can play an adaptation responses through an integrated,
innovative role in forging beneficial ways of cross-sectoral approach, the evidence review also
interaction between agriculture and the highlighted the relevance of local and landscape
environment. dimensions. The ecological aspects of adaptation
Despite these important connections, the responses and land use changes are closely linked
review identified relatively few studies that to local socioeconomic conditions: different
focused explicitly on the nexus between humans locations, albeit close to each other, may take dif-
and their surrounding ecosystems, or that used an ferent adaptation paths and these should be con-
environmental lens to critique adaptation within textualized within the agro-ecological landscapes
smallholder agriculture. These findings may well in which they reside (López et al. 2020; Marquardt
be influenced by the inclusion criteria defined in et al., 2020; Newsham & Thomas, 2009). Thus, a
the review, but the fragmented evidence on this holistic approach to adaptation in smallholder
topic nevertheless reflects a reality where policy agriculture should cut across not only sectors but
planning in agriculture, environment, and climate also across multiple levels of intervention, from
change still happen in silos, with limited the household level through the community, right
exchanges between disciplines (El Chami et al., up to the landscape level.
2020). This is a key concern and should be recog- In this context, ecosystem-based adaptation
nized as a strategic development priority and (EBA) has been proposed as an effective tool to
considered explicitly in program evaluations. achieve such an integrated vision (Abdelmagied
Other areas of intervention can support stron- & Mpheshea, 2020; El Chami et al., 2020;
ger nexus integration between human and eco- Vignola et al., 2015). Agro-forestry, for instance,
logical systems in adaptation planning, has shown high potential to enhance smallhold-
implementation, and assessment. First, several ers’ adaptive capacity (Lasco et al., 2014; Partey
studies stressed the need for a reframing of small- et al., 2018; Quandt, 2020). Other studies have
holder farming and agriculture more generally, highlighted that smallholders were aware of the
and for an integrated system alongside natural links between the ecosystem and their economic
resource management, energy, and climate activities, and many already use practices that
change. Agricultural sustainability is a three-­ could be classified as EBA (Chain-Guadarrama
dimensional model that requires overcoming dis- et al., 2019; Shah et al., 2019). However, the evi-
ciplinary boundaries. A transdisciplinary dence also calls for greater involvement of
approach, which represents a step forward for researchers and policymakers to address some
interdisciplinarity with full integration of key challenges. These include, for example, inte-
­different disciplines, is much needed (El Chami grating the farmers’ local knowledge with results
et al., 2020). Such an approach should be pursued from scientific research and extension services to
through policies that promote circular models of help manage and minimize the trade-offs at farm
the economy and cyclical, rather than linear, and landscape levels, such as competitive interac-
growth-oriented systems. The economic analysis tions between trees and crops, or pest infestations
undertaken to inform such policies should reflect that can result from ecosystem stabilization
this complexity. That is, analysts should be able (Lasco et al., 2014; Quandt, 2020). Scientific and
to value the costs and benefits beyond the con- economic research could also help quantify the
ventional measures of productivity and efficiency economic returns from ecosystem goods and ser-
to include, for instance, the economic value of vices, such as pest and disease control or the role
194 L. Silici et al.

of trees as buffer strips. Economic incentives Policy Shortcomings

based on these analyses are much needed because Policymakers play a key role in supporting small-
EBA approaches constitute long-term strategies holders’ adaptation to climate change. Policies at
with generally low returns (and hence incentives) national and international levels define and influ-
in the short term. ence adaptation pathways, first and foremost by
Our review also showed that institutional sup- setting the vision that underlies the legal and the
port to social networks and collective action was institutional frameworks. High-level, public
very important in smallholders’ pursuing adapta- intervention is needed to ensure that autonomous
tion pathways that assimilate the nexus between adaptations (that may be guided by short-term
human and ecological systems. Being part of a net- perspectives) and planned adaptations (more for-
work helps farmers to coordinate collective action ward looking to intergenerational sustainability)
around common pool resources. Strong social net- work consistently toward virtuous patterns of
works, coupled with the presence of environmental transformative adaptation. Evidence showed that
champions, can help facilitate the spread of knowl- path dependence in farmers’ choices to uptake
edge-intensive practices for adaptation, such as adaptation calls for higher level coordination and
agro-ecology, and lead to higher environmental investments across three intervention scales—
sustainability in smallholder farming (Nyantakyi- household, community, and landscape.
Frimpong et al., 2019; SaintVille et al., 2016). Institutional and financial support is necessary to
Some authors advocated for combining EBA preserve local adaptation efforts (e.g., through
and community-based adaptation and main- infrastructure) and to secure an enabling policy
streaming them into large-scale planning. and legal environment (e.g., land tenure, access
According to Reid (2016, p. 5) “good EBA rights to natural resources). External institutions
should (but does not always) have a strong com- such as government and development actors
munity focus.” The participatory dimension of should also provide economic incentives to
EBA is easily explained by the fact that many ensure that environmental considerations are
(although not all) natural resource and environ- fully integrated into human responses (such as
mental practices transcend administrative bound- compensation for investments in agroforestry
aries and go beyond field limits, requiring that don’t deliver immediate returns) and, more
collective agreement and action. Indeed “good” generally, to reconcile the unavoidable trade-offs
community-based adaptation often considers between competing objectives in the economic,
ecosystems and ecosystem services to a strong social, and environmental domains.
degree. Local adaptation activities in the field The narrative that emerged from the review
tend to combine the two approaches and compen- highlights that policies would need to undergo
sate for the shortcomings of top-down initiatives some fundamental shifts to support adaptation
based on hard infrastructure (Reid, 2016). pathways that are genuinely inclusive and sustain-
However, to achieve fruitful integration of these able. First, adaptation strategies should address the
two approaches at scale, an important component root causes of vulnerability, which in the farming
is addressing the policy context to assess whether sector may lie in complex situations where climate
governance is actually inclusive for all ­community change is just one of multiple stressors. This
members, whether there is devolution of rights implies pursuing transformative strategies that
and responsibilities to local institutions, and how have a holistic, intersectoral approach, keeping
this works in practice. Incentives are needed both open all the options for response (including, for
for individuals and community groups. These example, exiting agriculture). Within the agricul-
could be distributed via external funding for pub- tural sector, this means welcoming system-ori-
lic projects and initiatives, as financing tools such ented solutions that go beyond technological
as offering microcredit or revolving funds, or as interventions at plot and farm level; in fact, such
payments for ecosystem services (PES) and interventions may prove to be only coping strate-
direct compensation (Reid, 2016). gies and, if not well targeted, might also generate
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review 195

or exacerbate inequalities at the expense of poorer, requisite for adaptation that works for everyone
less knowledgeable, or less connected farmers. (Lemos et al., 2013). However, several funda-
Indeed, addressing the root causes of vulnerability mental barriers need to be overcome. At national
also requires assessing and, if necessary, rebalanc- levels and in international forums, an original
ing power relationships and politics of knowledge disconnection exists between farmers, technical
at the community level to avoid asymmetries in experts, and policymakers and coordination
access to knowledge and information, the exclu- remains limited. True participation by smallhold-
sion of most vulnerable groups, and elite capture ers in the decision-making process is scarce, with
of benefits. Finally, policy plays a fundamental “participation” often reduced to consultation, and
role in reorienting science and research toward the devolution of power is weak. As a result, poli-
more participative, multistakeholder, and transdis- cies often do not reflect smallholders’ real needs
ciplinary approaches, according to the principles and preferences, which risks reinforcing vicious
discussed above. circles of power imbalance and inequitable adap-
However, the evidence presents a largely tation outcomes (Hameso, 2017; Nigussie et al.,
empirical approach and we often perceived a 2018; Sova et al., 2015; Taylor, 2018).
seeming disconnection between policy, research, Further challenges lie in the difficulties of
and practice. Although extensive empirical litera- mainstreaming successful local adaptation solu-
ture exists on the impacts of climate change, poli- tions into large-scale planning; because climate
cymakers do not systematically use the evidence impacts are often locally specific, large-scale ini-
available (Khan & Akhtar, 2015). A further prob- tiatives to support smallholder farmers must con-
lem is that while many studies identify barriers to sider local priorities and integrate lessons from
adaptation in farming, the appreciation of their successful autonomous adaptation efforts.
interactions and impacts remains scarce. At the Scaling up climate adaptation into large-scale
policy level, perceptions of climate change agricultural initiatives requires not only integra-
mainly as an environmental issue rather than a tion of lessons from community-based adaptation
broad development issue results in it often being (i.e., learning local priorities, capacities, and les-
sidelined, constituting a barrier to planning and sons), but also the building of inclusive gover-
implementing effective actions. Other political nance. Mainstreaming community-based
barriers include a shortfall of funding and insuf- adaptation, in particular, is more than scaling-up
ficient coordination (Shackleton et al., 2015). of specific adaptation practices or knowledge; it
Poor interaction between different disciplines, is about mainstreaming institutional and organi-
both in research and in policy, was identified as a zational approaches that allow this knowledge to
further gap. Although recognition is growing that be generated (Wright et al., 2014). According to
smallholder farming and the surrounding ecosys- this vision, securing impact at scale in practice
tem are tightly coupled, most climate change involves providing the lawful circumstances to
interventions in agriculture have still focused on embed local institutions into broader governance
farm-related technological solutions. A frameworks, to legally devolve rights and respon-
­technocentric approach risks neglecting environ- sibilities to local groups and communities (espe-
mental and natural resource dimensions because cially with regard to natural resource
it does not solve problems from a holistic per- management) and to reform land tenure and
spective. It also risks exacerbating income and rights to access natural resources as required
gender inequalities because access to assets and (Reid, 2016).
skills is often gender biased and generally inter- One major opportunity to bring social learn-
dicted to the most vulnerable. ing on adaptation to the national level is via exist-
Pursuing the idea of adaptive development ing extension and advisory services, but in many
may help overcome some of these limitations and lower-middle income countries, extension ser-
promote a truly transdisciplinary approach where vices are limited and often biased to target rela-
reducing societal inequality and injustice is a pre- tively wealthier households (Wright et al., 2014).
196 L. Silici et al.

Another way to support effective knowledge tion to the behavioral and institutional changes
sharing is through stakeholder platforms. that address the needs of the most vulnerable
Stakeholder consultations in policy and in (Anderson, 2011). Without understanding how
research help consider the multiple and some- vulnerability to climate change is produced and
times competing objectives among different sec- distributed, planned adaptations may inadver-
tors and interest groups, and the resulting tently promote injustice and deepen inequality.
trade-offs in the distribution of benefits and costs Inequality of outcomes may be channeled
(Abegunde et al., 2019). Stakeholder-centered through wealth, gender, and local relationships
methods are increasingly used alongside other that influence dynamics of power, knowledge
trade-off analysis methods oriented to better flow, and uptake of certain technologies.
management, that is, with the aim to improve the Therefore, at a higher level, evaluation should
relative situation for different groups, acknowl- seek to consider not only the outcomes of adapta-
edging that eliminating trade-offs and generating tion but also the processes behind them, to under-
win-win solutions for all is not possible stand whose preferences and priorities have
(Gusenbauer & Franks, 2019). guided the decisions and the actions that have
been implemented. At the operational level, a
fundamental challenge to monitoring is that
Implications for Monitoring, adaptive strategies also take time to implement
Evaluation, and Learning and deliver impacts that can be monitored; key
milestones are therefore needed to track actual
Evidence assessment and continuous learning are changes over time.
critical to inform policy makers about what works Another related challenge for those engaged
for whom. In the context of the three learning in evaluation is that complex, iterative, adaptive
outcomes of relevance to this study, monitoring, processes may often cut across different sectors
evaluation, and learning (MEL) should be able to beyond agriculture. MEL should be able to assess
capture the success of both autonomous and outcomes cutting across sectors (transdisci-
planned adaptation strategies in pursuing trans- plinary) and take into account these relation-
formative pathways in smallholder farming. The ships—and the trade-offs—across different
outputs from the review highlighted a number of intervention domains with different and some-
challenges for MEL in attaining this goal, and times competing goals (e.g., food security and
showed opportunities for innovation and cross-­ conservation). The evidence showed that failing
learning from different disciplines and method- to fully acknowledge the interactions between
ological approaches. the human and environmental systems, and con-
One challenge lies in the need to evaluate the tinuing to treat agriculture separately from the
durability and the persistence over time of non- environment, may undermine a full understand-
linear development processes. The evidence in ing of adaptation solutions both in agriculture
the literature on scaling-up and knowledge and beyond. The ecological aspects of adaptation
­management showed that social equity remains a responses in agriculture, and more generally in
key factor of transformational patterns; on the land use changes, are closely linked to the social
other hand, the reiteration of inequitable starting and economic dimensions of migration, labor,
conditions coupled with scarce opportunities for and shifting production patterns. These interlink-
building adaptive capacity causes path depen- ages are highly dependent on context and framed
dence in farmer decision making, leading to tech- within the scope of landscapes that do not neces-
nology lock-in situations and possibly sarily overlap with administrative boundaries
maladaptation. Enabling countries and organiza- and/or productive areas. These considerations
tions to better assess and evaluate transformative call for MEL in agriculture to redefine both its
adaptation thus requires an inclusive approach focus (beyond the farming sector) and its scope
built on effective knowledge sharing and atten- (across traditional boundaries): Evaluators
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review 197

should go beyond the project or program scale nance in adaptation. These platforms also may be
and use the community and landscape dimen- useful to inform the development of innovative
sions as the scope for evaluating context-­ MEL approaches.
dependent dynamics. At a higher level, a
conceptual shift is needed in what is convention-
ally valued as productive and efficient in agricul-  uture Role of Evidence Reviews
ture in order to embed considerations of inter- and in Programmatic Evaluation
intragenerational equity (including ecological
sustainability) into the assessment of adaptation Beyond providing valuable insights and new evi-
outcomes. dence on climate change adaptation in small-
Not only is a conceptual shift required, but holder agriculture, this type of review can also
changes and improvements in methodology are feed into broader discussions on how evidence
also necessary to assess and evaluate adaptation from a range of sources (including systematic
to climate change in agriculture. One opera- and rapid evidence reviews) can be usefully inte-
tional challenge lies in the fact that adaptive grated into thematic evaluations and what added
strategies take time to bear outcomes that can be value such syntheses can provide for MEL. The
monitored, so evaluators need to identify and value to MEL can be explained in relation to a
track key milestones toward the actual change. pyramid of evidence (Fig. 1) where the base rep-
Another issue is that current M&E approaches resents the degree of uncertainty and the different
mostly rely on purely quantitative methods, levels represent increasing consensus for differ-
which are not suited to understanding complex ent types of enquiry. In evaluation exercises, one
processes and interactions or to including more task is usually to gather all available data and
nuanced perspectives on equity and vulnerabil- information from a range of sources (including
ity. More expertise is needed on evaluation project design and progress reports, and semis-
applied to adaptation and on the combined tructured interviews with key informants and
application of quantitative and qualitative stakeholders) to corroborate and/or triangulate
approaches (Anderson, 2011). Evaluators expert opinion. The rationale is to realize the
should also use innovative approaches in eco- potential of the data gathered to inform the evalu-
nomics to value ecosystem goods and services; ation while minimizing any bias and uncertainty
to assess trade-offs more systematically across in the final judgement. Although evaluation pan-
different sectoral, spatial, and time scales; and els can access different target audiences, the
to better evaluate social costs and benefits in the information they acquire is subject to uncertainty.
calculation of PES and other economic incen- This could include, for example, the timing and
tives for farmers. scale of enquiry; the resources available to con-
Finally, improvements in governance are duct in-depth, in-country technical missions;
inherently difficult to assess, and so too is under- access to independent key informants; the rele-
standing how benefits are distributed among dif- vance of monitoring data; and personal subjectiv-
ferent groups. Indeed, even agreeing on a ity. Conclusions also tend to rely on expert
definition of successful adaptation may be diffi- judgement that depends on many factors includ-
cult because different interest groups will evalu- ing the evaluation experience and discipline
ate the same outcome differently. Although using expertise of individual team members.
participatory approaches and mutual learning is Traditional literature reviews also can provide
critical to overcome these issues, they create dif- valuable insights for evaluation exercises but are
ficulty in producing impartial and definitive contingent on the sources available (and used),
assessments (Anderson, 2011). In this context, the skills of the researcher in framing and execut-
stakeholder platforms provide a promising tool ing the searches, the scope of the review, and the
(alongside other analytical methods) to encour- method of analysis with inferences based on only
age mutual learning, communication, and gover- a sample of the available evidence. In contrast,
198 L. Silici et al.

Fig. 1 Pyramid of evidence to support project and program evaluation

systematic reviews are often considered to be at provide a deep understanding of the volume and
the top of the pyramid of evidence hierarchy, pro- characteristics of evidence that is available on a
viding the highest degree of consensus and low- certain topic and make it more accessible for fur-
est amount of uncertainty, given their highly ther scrutiny. Hence, REAs can facilitate answer-
structured and systemic methodology. Rapid evi- ing targeted, research-based evaluation questions
dence assessments (REAs) are consistent with by maximizing use of the existing evidence base,
many of the systematic review principles and while also providing a clear picture of the ade-
popular for informing decision making and pol- quacy of that evidence (Collins et al., 2015).
icy formulation. Evidence reviews can also help evaluators con-
This synthesis of evidence was based on the textualize projects and programs within a broader
structured methodology for an REA, although it picture for use in comparing their results with
ultimately presented a much deeper and wider findings drawn from international evidence. Thus,
ranging level of analysis more usually associated they can help evaluators understand how concep-
with a systematic review. This narrative synthesis tual issues are addressed across different disci-
required a hybrid approach articulated across three plines and timeframes, with support from a wider
related yet distinct learning domains, with each pool of case study material. In some instances (for
characterized by a high degree of complexity. We example, when exploring nexus issues between
chose the REA framework because it can be the human system and ecosystem in the agricul-
designed and executed in a relatively short time tural literature), REAs can help identify existing
span (1–3 months) depending on the scope of the gaps in knowledge and emerging trends in
research question and available literature, com- research, policy, and practice to inform how these
pared to 3–6 months for a systematic review. As gaps and trends might then affect intervention
such, it is more appropriate for informing pro- outcomes. Finally, evidence reviews can also help
grammatic evaluations where a relatively quick connect research communities with practitioners
synthesis of evidence is required. An REA can also by providing valuable and informed access to the
Evaluating Transformational Adaptation in Smallholder Farming: Insights from an Evidence Review 199

peer-reviewed scientific literature that is either Atsiaya, G. O., Ayuya, O. I., Nakhone, L. W., & Lagat,
J. K. (2019, 7). Drivers and responses to climate vari-
overlooked or not known to exist within the proj- ability by agro-pastoralists in Kenya: The case of
ect and program evaluation community. Laikipia County. SN Applied Sciences, 1, 827. https://­019-­0849-­x
Acknowledgements This research was funded by the Bassett, T. J., & Fogelman, C. (2013). Déjà vu or some-
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) thing new? The adaptation concept in the climate
as part of a broader thematic evaluation of their global change literature. Geoforum, 48, 42–53. https://doi.
development program on smallholder adaptation to cli- org/10.1016/j.geoforum.2013.04.010
mate change. The authors acknowledge colleagues from Bedeke, S., Vanhove, W., Gezahegn, M., Natarajan, K.,
the thematic evaluation team who provided valuable cri- & Damme, P. V. (2019). Adoption of climate change
tique and feedback on this review, including Nurul Alam, adaptation strategies by maize-dependent smallhold-
James Gasana, Margarita Borzelli Gonzalez, Christian ers in Ethiopia. NJAS – Wageningen Journal of Life
Hergarten, Prashanth Kotturi, Susanne Leloup, Carsten Sciences, 88, 96–104.
Schwensen, and Horst Weyerhaeuser. The opinions njas.2018.09.001
expressed in this chapter are those of the authors and do Belay, A., Recha, J. W., Woldeamanuel, T., & Morton, J. F.
not constitute a formal view from IFAD. (2017). Smallholder farmers’ adaptation to climate
change and determinants of their adaptation decisions
in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Agriculture
and Food Security, 6, 24.
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Part IV
Evaluation Approaches

Carlo Carugi (*) e-mail:
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation Office, Washington, DC, USA

This part discusses evaluation approaches for assessing integrated environ-

mental and socioeconomic co-benefits. It focuses on how best to approach the
socioeconomic and environment nexus from an evaluation point of view in
today’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) context. To set the stage of
this discussion, the part starts with “Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating
Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion and Institutional
Capture” and Rowe’s provocative call for attention to the fact that while the
SDGs have brought the social, the economic, and the environmental closer to
each other, they still treat them as separate, which does not bode well for
sustainability. Evaluation should be aware of that. According to Rowe, there
is no disputing the serious threats to sustainability faced by all on this planet,
or that humans have contributed significantly to this. The good news is that a
potential exists to diminish the level of threat. Although thus far evaluation
has not shown much interest in environmental sustainability, it can still
assume a more activist role and contribute value to checkmating extinction.
The chapter first outlines the current stance of evaluation with respect to sus-
tainability and then turns to how to design evaluations that contribute to
efforts to reverse the “end game” environmental trends.
The part continues with Miyaguchi’s chapter, “Importance and Utilization
of Theory-­Based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development and
Social-­Ecological Systems,” in which he emphasizes the importance of eval-
uation theories and practices considering the nexus between the natural and
human systems. It is hard to disagree with him. Miyaguchi rightly notes that
the breadth of the partnerships and collaborations brought about by the SDGs
among non-state actors, including the private sector, nongovernmental orga-
nizations, and nonprofit organizations, has been unprecedented. But the
inconsistencies and incompatibility among 169 SDG targets and their indica-
tors represent a challenge in light of the abilities and capacities of many
states, especially those of developing countries, to adequately monitor and
204 IV Evaluation Approaches

evaluate the current and future SDG achievement status. A related major
challenge lies in evaluating the nexus of human and natural systems. The
author discusses the utility of theory-based evaluation to address that chal-
lenge, and introduces a holistic framework called CHANS (coupled human
and natural systems) as a useful analytical framework in evaluating complex,
social-ecological systems.
Finland is committed to implementation of the United Nations 2030
Agenda for Sustainable Development and its goals. As a demonstration of
this commitment, the Finnish Government established that the implementa-
tion of the 2030 Agenda should be evaluated once during every 4-year elec-
toral term. In “Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030:
Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development Policy,” Räkköläinen and
Saxén describe the independent evaluation of Finland’s national implementa-
tion of the 2030 Agenda. The purpose of the evaluation was to support
evidence-­based decision making by informing the government and the public
on the efficiency of the 2030 Agenda implementation. This requires an
entirely new kind of comprehensive approach and coherence in the policies
of the various Finland administrative branches. According to the authors, the
evaluation was very timely as it strengthened the knowledge base for updat-
ing the implementation plan for the 2030 Agenda after the parliamentary
elections in 2019, contributing to the preparation of the new Government
program. Another vital role of the evaluation was providing content for the
social policy debate that preceded the parliamentary elections.
Sustainable development is characterized by new demands for develop-
ment actors to mainstream and incorporate in their work as they emerge.
Recent noteworthy examples include the environment and climate change.
Evaluators must consider how to reflect such emerging priorities in their
work and do so in a way that allows measuring progress and achievements. In
“Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative
Framework to Emerging Realities,” Kotturi discusses the experience of the
Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of the International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD) in incorporating concerns on environment
and climate within its evaluations. The IOE did this in two ways, namely by
adapting its existing methodologies to address environmental concerns while
continuing to meet the demands placed on IFAD’s evaluation function, and
by introducing in its evaluations new methodologies that allow assessment of
environmental change, such as geospatial analysis. IFAD has started geotag-
ging its project/program sites more systematically and plans to introduce this
practice as a standard part of its operational procedures. Geospatial data are
being harmonized across IFAD regional divisions and made available on a
web-based platform called IFAD Geonode. To be able to consistently use
these data in its evaluations, the IOE is exploring ways to further build its
geospatial analysis skills and capacity. This reciprocal adaptation between
IFAD operations and evaluation function is an example to follow.
Change in forest cover over time is one of the environmental changes that
are most easily observable with geographic information systems (GIS). In
“Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-­
Real-­Time Data Can Help Save the Forests,” Shea of the World Resources
IV Evaluation Approaches 205

Institute describes Global Forest Watch (GFW), an online platform that can
support monitoring and evaluation of conservation projects, international
commitments to reduce deforestation, and private sector zero-deforestation
plans. GFW is based on the idea that transparent, publicly available data can
support the greater good, which in this case is reducing deforestation.
However, by its very nature, the use of freely available data can be difficult to
track and its impact difficult to measure. This chapter provides a framework
for other open-data platforms to monitor outcomes and measure impact by
exploring four different options for measuring GFW’s reach and impact.
GFW’s experience indicates that while quantitative methods are capable of
measuring outcomes and impact, they are not sufficient. Qualitative methods
are also necessary to understand the mechanisms of adoption and produce
lessons for furthering the reach and impact of open-data solutions.
Anand and Batra close the part with “Application of Geospatial Methods
in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related Socioeconomic
Benefits,” discussing the extensive and diversified experience gained by the
Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the Global Environment Facility
(GEF) in blending geospatial analysis and remote sensing with qualitative
analysis in GEF IEO evaluations. Starting from the consideration that envi-
ronmental interventions such as those the GEF funds are essential for achiev-
ing the objectives laid out in the SDGs and the international environmental
conventions the GEF is mandated to serve, Anand and Batra convincingly
point at the complexities inherent in the assessment of expected environmen-
tal results and related socioeconomic benefits. This complexity originates
from the interlinkages, be these synergies or trade-­offs, between environmen-
tal and developmental goals, and the frequent lack of data, especially in
developing countries, that characterizes these interventions. Geospatial
approaches and tools allow assessment of environmental and socioeconomic
outcomes—in other words, measuring the progress of initiatives over time
while addressing their complexity. Drawing on GEF interventions in biodi-
versity (SDG 15), land degradation (SDG 15), and climate change (SDG 13),
the authors discuss the application of geospatial approaches to assess GEF
interventions’ relevance, results, and sustainability in terms of their environ-
mental outcomes as well as observable socioeconomic (SDG 1, 2) and health
(SDG 3) co-benefits.
Evaluation at the Endgame:
Evaluating Sustainability
and the SDGs by Moving Past
Dominion and Institutional

Andy Rowe

Abstract is well suited to this task, as are knowledges in

biophysical sciences. We know and promote
Three facts underlay this chapter. First, the knowledge processes for integrative evalua-
human system and all our ambitions for tion and are starting to shift toward the require-
improving the human system depend on sus- ments for evaluation at the nexus. As this
tainable natural systems. Second, we do not chapter shows, the anchors holding us back
have much time. On track to fall well short of are political, not technical.
all sustainability goals, the climate and sus-
tainability crises grow and extinction looms.
Third, up to this point evaluation has shown Introduction
little interest in sustainability, yet evaluation
potentially addresses the very questions that Every line of evidence leads us to conclude that
are central to informing and guiding rapid the threats to sustainability of the planet and the
adaptation of human behavior to successfully life it supports are very real, large, multi-faceted
surmounting extinction. and imminent. And yet globally we are falling
Business-as-usual evaluation will not suf- well short on milestones such as the 2030 Agenda
fice. At the endgame with extinction looming, for Sustainable Development and 2050 carbon
we need an evaluation that is more nimble, reduction goals. We have pushed natural systems
keeps up with rapidly accelerating knowledge, beyond their capacity to adapt and continue to
is relentlessly use-seeking and that guides the provide the services on which we depend. We are
way to joined-up approaches. The evaluation at the endgame on this planet.1
we need will systematically mainstream sus- With some important exceptions, evaluation
tainability across all evaluations and interven- globally has not recognized the overwhelming
tions, in all evaluation criteria and standards. evidence that sustainability is a matter worthy of
For this, all evaluations will always address our attention. Sustainability is a materially differ-
nexus where human and natural systems join
and incorporate knowledge and methods from
both systems. Existing evaluation knowledge
In revising this chapter, I came across the work of Robert
Nadeau that seems to presage some of my own work. He
wrote a decade earlier about the shortcomings of neoclas-
sical economics in not addressing the connection between
A. Rowe (*) environment and economics that he attributes to a two cul-
ARCeconomics, Maple Bay, BC, Canada ture (economics and environment) thinking (Nadeau,
e-mail: 2008) identified initially by C. P. Snow (Nadeau, 2006).

© The Author(s) 2022 207

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
208 A. Rowe

ent matter than those that evaluators are accus- structures from interventions at all levels so that
tomed to addressing because there is a hard stop connectivity to public policy goals is truncated
if we fall short; absent significant improvements (Chelimsky, 2012). It is an important mechanism
in our performance, that hard stop is a clear path- for the observable, inverse relationship between
way to extinction. Meaning that evaluation at the public expenditures and the status and trends on
endgame is different from business-as-usual conditions targeted by public policy such as pub-
evaluation. As with chess, the sustainability end- lic health and education (Williams, 2019).
game needs to be fully goal focused and must Sustainability is about connected systems while
fully commit all resources to strategies to achieve accountability is about partitioned systems, mak-
checkmate. ing pursuit of sustainability at odds with contem-
This chapter is concerned about the character porary approaches to accountability.
of evaluation that will enable the field to make Accountability is an important authorizing mech-
useful contributions at the endgame. The most anism bringing dominion into evaluation with the
fundamental change is from evaluations’ almost unintended effect of imparting a systematic posi-
monastic focus on the human system to system- tive bias to evaluation (Rowe, 2019b).
atic consideration of all interventions (projects, The COVID-19 pandemic provided dramatic
programs, strategies, policies) in their nexus evidence that human and natural systems are con-
location where both human and natural systems nected (Patton, 2020b). The virus reached us
are present, have influence, provide value, and along pathways created by our relentless incur-
are affected. sions into natural systems. The inverse and causal
The underlying mechanism for this monastic, relationship between contemporary forms of eco-
human-centered worldview lies in the rootstock nomic growth and environmental health have
of evaluation that is said to be provided by been starkly shown with the slowing of economic
Western social and management sciences with and social activities causally linked to reduced
accountability, social inquiry, and social incidence of some important health conditions
research methods as the trunk of the tree such as asthma and reductions in GHG emissions
(Christie & Alkin, 2008; Alkin, 2004). That from economic downturn. The economic down-
evaluation rootstock is embedded in and draws turn has resulted in falling petroleum prices,
nutrition from the accumulated soils of Judeo- making it less expensive to produce virgin plastic
Christian society strongly infused with domin- from fossil fuels as compared to recycling. At the
ion, a worldview in which humans have same time, demand for disposable (plastic) pro-
ascendancy over other living and nonliving tective equipment has increased manyfold. For
things, and over other peoples (Rowe, 2018). example, daily single-use plastic medical waste
Humans, and of course especially those of (gloves, masks, and gowns) in Wuhan at the peak
European origin (i.e., white), are at the top of of the pandemic there increased sixfold com-
the heap; all else serves. Nonhuman living and pared to prepandemic averages (Adyel, 2020), all
nonliving things that constitute the natural sys- of which is disposed in landfills. Demand for
tems on which all life depends are regarded as plastic packaging is estimated to have increased
resources to be freely extracted to support by 5.5%, strongly related to the increased con-
humans. And while social sciences and evalua- sumption of take-out foods; plastic deposits in
tion are adapting to recognize and address how landfills increased by 1400 tons during the
dominion has shaped thought and practice (e.g., 8-week shutdown in Singapore (Adyel, 2020).
gender bias, racism) the presumption that only That is, the pandemic reduced economic activity,
humans have value and therefore merit consid- decreasing demand for fossil fuels and lowering
eration continues virtually unchecked in their price, leading to increased fossil fuel use to
evaluation. produce single-use plastic commodities. This
Accountability is one of the stems of the eval- resulted in increased deposits in landfills and in
uation tree effectively partitioning governance unmanaged streams of disposal, a good example
Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion… 209

of connectivity from public health to economy to incorporating sustainability into evaluation—

environment. effectively our starting point for the endgame.
The evaluation worldview must shift to The findings clearly point to evaluation’s almost
acknowledge that human life is intrinsically con- singular focus on human systems and to an intel-
tingent on healthy natural systems with which we lectual infrastructure that is not fit for the purpose
are coupled2 and that we must end the unneces- of incorporating sustainability. I then briefly
sary harm we cause and move to restoring critical reprise my arguments that the cause for this state
environmental values. Indigenous worldviews of affairs lies in a worldview of dominion
are instructive; for example, we might take direc- whereby humans, and especially white humans,
tion from Daniel Wildcat from Haskell Indian hold dominion over all other living and nonliving
Nations University: things. This worldview is pervasive in social sci-
Think of how our worldview changes if we shift ence and evaluation, with accountability serving
from thinking that we live in a world full of as a key mechanism authorizing disregard of the
resources to a world where we live among rela- natural system in evaluation. To these earlier
tives. (Zak, 2019) arguments I add institutional capture as a further
mechanism separating human and natural sys-
Evaluation does not address the natural system for tems in evaluation and use the example of the
social and political reasons, but we have the SDGs to illustrate this. I then return to the end-
knowledges, tools, and methods needed to reno- game, illustrating some fundamental differences
vate evaluation by drawing on a broad palate between evaluation needed for the endgame and
including evaluation, social and biophysical sci- the evaluation we have now.
ences, conflict resolution, law, and other fields
(Patton, 2020b; Rowe, 2018). And emerging
efforts by evaluators are starting to build founda-  aking Stock on Evaluation Practice
tions for incorporating sustainability into evalua- and Resources on Sustainability
tion, such as in Blue Marble Evaluation (Patton,
2020a) and Better Evaluation (2020). The need Two recent and complementary stocktaking
for these efforts is amply demonstrated by two efforts have assessed current evaluation practice
recent stocktakings showing evaluation to be only and resources to incorporate sustainability. The
in the early stages of addressing nexus, that devel- UNEG Working Group on Integrating
opment evaluation appears to lead national and Environmental and Social Impact into Evaluations
sectoral efforts, and that the intellectual infra- completed a stocktaking of evaluation policy and
structure for nexus evaluation can only be guidance on social and environmental consider-
described as weak (Sustainability Working Group, ations and of practices of UNEG member evalua-
Canadian Evaluation Society [CES], 2020; United tion offices in addressing social and environmental
Nations Evaluation Group Working Group on considerations (UNEG Working Group, 2020).3
Integrating Environmental and Social Impact into The stocktaking is to contribute to deliberations
Evaluations [UNEG Working Group], 2020). about a common UN-wide approach for incorpo-
This chapter’s focus is on evaluation at the rating environmental and social considerations
endgame. I begin with the findings of the two into all evaluations (whether or not the evaluand
sustainability stocktakings to describe where is an environmental program). The second stock-
evaluation is now with respect to systematically taking was conducted by the Sustainability

I use the concept of coupled systems to refer to the
dynamic complex relationships across intimately con- 3
UNEG is a professional network that brings together the
nected human and natural systems (Liu, 2007; Ostrom, evaluation units in the UN system, including the various
1990; Rowe, 2019b) and nexus to refer to evaluation of UN departments, specialized agencies, funds and pro-
sustainable development with interlinked social, eco- grams ( as well as non-UN organ-
nomic and environmental dimensions (Uitto, 2019). isations such as the GEF IEO.
210 A. Rowe

Working Group of the Canadian Evaluation in support of the SDGs (UNEG Working
Society (CES) for two purposes: to assess the Group, 2020, p. 6).
extent to which sustainability has been addressed • The CES stocktaking showed sustainability
in federal evaluations and by other governments and consideration of the natural system to be
and organizations in Canada and by Canadian largely missing from federal evaluations con-
evaluators working internationally, and to assess ducted in 2016–2018, with Global Affairs
the intellectual infrastructure for evaluating sus- Canada being a notable exception, and that the
tainability in Canada and the United States (CES, intellectual infrastructure in Canada and the
2020). The CES stocktaking is informing consid- United States for evaluation in the natural sys-
eration of how the CES can mainstream sustain- tem is very limited.
ability in its own work and in evaluation in
Canada. The CES stocktaking report was com- The Canadian stocktaking is worth highlight-
pleted in 2020 with much of the work undertaken ing given the strong and long-standing evaluation
on a pro-bono basis by four leading Canadian infrastructure:
consulting firms.4
These two undertakings cover a wide swath of • The CES is the elder national evaluation orga-
global evaluation with UNEG addressing devel- nization among its global peers, membership
opment evaluation and the CES addressing evalu- per capita is highest relative to peer organiza-
ation at national and sub-national levels while tions, national training programs have been in
also assessing the Canadian and U.S. intellectual place since the mid-1990s, and the CES devel-
infrastructure for mainstreaming sustainability. oped the first evaluator credentialing in 2009.
Together, these two stocktaking efforts provide • The Canadian government enacted a
powerful evidence that the evaluation field is, at government-­ wide measurement and evalua-
best, mildly and only recently addressing sustain- tion system in 1977 and the National
ability and that the social dimension is the prior- Evaluation Policy in 1994 and 2001, requiring
ity for evaluation. all federal programs and initiatives of material
The two stocktaking efforts clearly showed importance (roughly greater than $5 million
that sustainability is largely missing in action CDN) to be evaluated at least once every
from evaluation in the UN system and in Canada, 5 years. This ensured that all federal depart-
and from the intellectual infrastructure for evalu- ments have a strong evaluation function and
ation in the United States and Canada. that supporting evaluation in their departments
and responding to evaluations is an important
• The UNEG stocktaking also revealed that, part of the performance criteria of federal
first, coverage of the social system is also only senior managers.
partial and, despite heightened awareness of • Provinces and territories also have evaluation
social–natural systems interaction, evaluation functions and requirements, as do other levels
guidance on environment is extremely lim- of government such as school boards and
ited; and second, that the over-arching need health agencies.
emerging from documentary analysis and sur-
vey responses of UNEG member agencies is For evaluation function and infrastructure,
for a comprehensive document providing Canada is a global leader. Canada also has signed
advice on how to evaluate the interactions most international climate and sustainability pro-
among social and environmental consider- tocols and agreements and the elected govern-
ations within the framework of UN activities ment platform and positions have, since 2015,
accorded sustainability and climate a strong
Given the relative strength of evaluation in
Canada and wide acceptance of the importance
Baastel, Goss Gilroy, Prairie Research, and Universalia.
Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion… 211

of climate and sustainability, it is reasonable to contributing to sustainability, the leading issue of

expect more positive observations than the sus- the day. But we can find encouragement because
tainability stocktaking showed. The stocktaking they clearly point to a growing recognition that
had four elements: sustainability is a top matter and to an interest in
addressing sustainability as a priority.
1. A review of all federal evaluations from Given the similarity of findings of the UNEG
2016–2018 revealed only a very tiny portion and Canadian efforts, a search for the systematic
addressing nexus or sustainability. Global origins for the clear prioritization in evaluation of
Affairs Canada was the leader, associated with the human over the natural system, and the sepa-
its responsibilities for international climate ration of the two systems, is reasonable. The next
and sustainability agreements. Natural section proposes that the origins lie in a dominion-­
resource-focused departments only evaluated infused worldview asserting that humans are
human system effects; that is, departments in imbued with rights over all else—basically colo-
the Canadian government whose mandates nization of the planet to serve humans.
included natural resources conducted evalua- Accountability structures have served as an
tions from an extraction stance. important mechanism framing evaluation from a
2. A review of Canadian philanthropic, nongov- dominion perspective, and global and national
ernmental, and First Nation evaluations did governance units have sought to capture the
not identify much in the way of evaluations resulting siloed landscape.
addressing nexus, although they did address
natural systems when this was the focus of
funding. Evaluations from these sectors rarely Dominion, Accountability,
considered both human and natural systems. and Institutional Capture
3. Examination of whether Canadian-based eval-
uators working internationally considered the The two stocktaking efforts clearly show that
natural system and nexus did identify interna- evaluation strongly prioritizes social matters, has
tional examples where this occurred. very limited capacity to address natural systems,6
4. And perhaps most concerning, the intellectual and only rarely, across the vast landscape of eval-
infrastructure for nexus evaluation or even uations covered by the two stocktaking efforts,
just evaluation of natural system effects is are the two systems, human and natural, consid-
almost asymptotic to zero; that is, the natural ered together.
system does not appear in peer-reviewed eval- I offer an explanation that evaluation rests on
uation literature in Canada and the United knowledge that itself rests on a worldview of
States,5 conference presentations, gray litera- dominion in which humans, and especially
ture, and professional and university-based humans of European origin, have dominion over
training. For example, just 4% of published all other living and nonliving things and regard
papers in the four leading North American these as resources for use as humans see fit.
evaluation journals addressed natural system Social inquiry and social research methods are
matters and only a few of these addressed said to be the rootstock of evaluation (Alkin,
nexus. 2004), but I argue that they draw their nutrition
from the terroir of dominion (Rowe, 2019b). The
The findings of the two stocktakings are other rootstock of evaluation is said to be account-
sobering but also encouraging. They are sobering ability. This management construct is layered on
in their confirmation that the evaluation field has top of dominion and is the second causal force
little or no presence and little existing capacity in that has contributed to an almost monastic focus

The stocktaking was limited to Canada and the United 6
Natural systems are inclusive of environmental impacts
States for purposes of feasibility only. as addressed by the UNEG stocktaking.
212 A. Rowe

on the human system by bounding accountability, of the colonized peoples who regarded them-
and consequently evaluation, to the intent and selves and other living and nonliving things as
boundaries of interventions severing or at least equal and part of a whole.
loosening connection to the public policy goals Dominion means that other living and natural
for which they exist and to other efforts address- things do not have value, that they exist to serve
ing those goals. Third, without structure that rec- humans, and any monetary value ascribed to
ognizes the connectivity between human and them results from ownership or regulated rights
natural system goals and the dependence of the that provide the ability to control access and use.
social system on the national systems, the SDGs A classic example of dominion in action was the
offer a goal structure, initially and still today, in construction of massive dams for electrical gen-
which the natural system does not need to be con- eration in pursuit of industrial and economic
sidered. This section provides a brief overview of development. Early critiques and resulting modi-
how dominion, accountability, and institutional fication of cost benefit and other analysis of dams
capture contribute to evaluation’s overwhelming recognized and evaluated the direct losses to
focus on the social system and neglect of the nat- humans above and below the dams. But only
ural system, as reflected by the UNEG recently have the ecosystem losses from flooding
stocktaking. above the dam and water loss below the dam
begun to be imputed, although on a limited basis.
Because living and natural things other than
Dominion humans were not valued, no mechanism was in
place to recognize their importance and scarcity,
Evaluating sustainability first requires systemati- directly causing relatively unfettered extraction
cally recognizing and addressing those elements and destruction—the fundamental cause of the
of both the human and natural systems that influ- sustainability crisis and climate change.
ence and are influenced by the evaluand. The The issue of temporal and spatial scales is
stocktaking efforts showed evaluation to have an another way that dominion and accountability
overwhelming focus on the human system, have led to evaluation’s monastic focus on the
reflecting a dominion worldview where humans human system. Systems are by their nature cou-
are ascendant and all other things, living and nat- pled, extensive, and dynamic, each with a wide
ural, can be extracted and deployed for human range of temporal and spatial scales and often
use. This is an implausible position: If human life very diverse units of account (Rowe, 2012).
depends on what we draw from the natural sys- Human temporal and spatial scales differ signifi-
tem, then the natural system must have value to cantly from scales relevant to the natural system,
the human system. The position that the natural and, of course, with a dominion-infused world-
system has no value and need not be considered view, the units of account that matters are human.
has deep roots in social science and economics, When the natural system is considered, it is usu-
which in turn are rooted in Judeo Christian world- ally from an extraction perspective in terms of
views and associated beliefs about dominion. utility to humans, not as a coupled system merit-
Dominion is quite a simple concept whose ing its own place in evaluations.
existence is undeniable but, like any deeply
­ Evaluation is a human system activity usually
embedded concept, it can be challenging to rec- conducted from temporal scales meaningful to
ognize and address. Dominion also provides a the aspects of the human system that is commis-
causal connectivity between the treatment of col- sioning and undertaking the evaluation. By their
onized and subjugated peoples and the treatment nature, effects of a human or natural intervention
of other species and elements in the natural sys- have broad reach, well beyond the temporal and
tem. Indeed, one of the rationales for the actions spatial reach of the intervention. Evaluations are
of colonizers was the superiority of their world- aligned with the programmatic schedules of
view over the very different worldviews of many interventions and usually extend backward to the
Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion… 213

start of the intervention and forward to some pro- system, such as the Global Environment Facility
grammatic or arbitrary time, usually less than (GEF), UN Environment, national government
10 years from their start. These temporal scales departments such as environment and natural
bear no relevance for the temporal scales of natu- resources, and environmental NGOs. The evalua-
ral system elements that can range from centuries tion record of these is mixed; while the GEF
to moments. Independent Evaluation Office addresses both
The value and function of natural systems is systems and incorporates nexus, other natural
not the only consequence of dominion. Clearly, system agencies focus almost exclusively on the
racism and misogyny are causally linked to the natural system. We can generalize this by fram-
dominion of white, European-origin males. To ing evaluations as single system (either human or
illustrate, a 1987 synthesis of two national 1986 natural) or two system (Rowe, 2012).
studies in the United States found that race was Evaluations are overwhelmingly single sys-
the was the most significant factor in locating tem, a situation to which accountability frames
toxic landfills and that 3 of 5 Black and Hispanic contribute. Since natural system values are infre-
Americans, and approximately half of all Asians, quently considered, accountability reinforces
Pacific Islanders, and American Indians, lived in ignoring the natural system. We know that even
communities with uncontrolled toxic waste sites within the human system we must recognize and
(Gilio-Whitaker, 2019). And while the roots of incorporate connectivity to reach to public policy
racism, misogyny, and extraction are commonly goals. Reinforcing and incentivizing partitions
and firmly planted in dominion, actions on these between human and natural systems and within
matters are often pitted against one another using human systems accountability reinforces silos,
class, religion, nationality, and other constructs, the opposite of the silo busting required for eval-
and all and each constrained by what is deemed uation at the nexus and for evaluation more
possible within capitalism and not overly delete- generally.
rious to economic growth. Evaluating sustainability requires evaluation
practices and methods that (a) recognize and
operate at the nexus where both human and natu-
Accountability ral systems are present and (b) address the intrin-
sic coupling between and within human and
Accountability is cited as one of the main stems natural systems. It is bad enough that the natural
of evaluation (Alkin, 2004); from the perspective system is not valued and that systems approaches
of sustainability, accountability can be described and understanding are unlikely with political and
as a highly evolved contagion. It is a manage- administrative partitioning. Accountability rein-
ment construct designed to enable monitoring forces and further constrains possibilities of
and improvement of agreed outcomes and is usu- addressing sustainability in programming and
ally linked to program, management, and person- evaluation with its focus on “accountability
nel performance. Managers and programs seek to scales” that rarely reach beyond the accountabil-
constrain risk of falling short on accountability ity frame of the intervention.
metrics by focusing on what they have the One result is that the responsibility and remit
­authority, resources, and capacities to be able to of the intervention and reach of its direct effects
likely achieve. This provides incentives to narrow frame the spatial scale for the evaluation within
the programmatic box for which they are account- the larger framing of governance structures such
able and to resist being accountable for contribut- as local area, province, or country, or within the
ing usefully to other boxes. remits of the responsible government organiza-
The two stocktakings observe that the natural tion. Ecosystems and landscapes provide more
system, sustainability, and the nexus are system- relevant spatial framing for natural systems; there
atically absent from evaluations. However, the is no reason to expect the boundaries and shapes
remit of some agencies does address the natural of ecosystems to align with human system politi-
214 A. Rowe

cal and administrative boundaries or program change are captured by existing structures, poli-
areas. And ecosystems are not always appropriate cies, and approaches. The SDGs were such a
for the territory of an organism—for example, a moment when sustainability was recognized as
wolf, whale, or snail function across or entirely an overriding priority requiring major structural
within an ecosystem. At a minimum, the relevant change to address. By and large, responsibilities
spatial scales for the natural system can be for individual SDGs were assigned without
thought of as an ecosystem, often highly coupled changing the partitioned structure of organiza-
with other ecosystems. This presumption that tions. But successfully addressing sustainability
boundaries and territories in the natural system programmatically or in evaluation requires plat-
will align with the political and administrative forms suited to the task; the partitioned struc-
boundaries of the human system is not limited to tures, policies, and approaches are not well suited
the natural system. For example, the same to pursuit and evaluation of sustainability.
assumption is made about boundaries of Understandably, the UN and other multilateral
Indigenous traditional lands, and that the Canada/ organizations staked claims on specific SDGs,
United States border is relevant or appropriate pursuing the assurance this provided to their
where it crosses traditional lands. For many futures; some such as the United Nations
Indigenous peoples, the relevant spatial boundar- Development Programme (UNDP), the United
ies are their traditional territories from which Nations Industrial Development Organization
food; medicine; and spiritual, ceremonial, and (UNIDO), and the International Fund for
community values are drawn (Gilio-Whitaker, Agricultural Development (IFAD) now explicitly
2019). Instead, evaluation is likely to address the recognize this connectivity, while others are on
spatial scales defined by colonial occupation the pathway to do so.
such as a reserve or First Nation territory; these The evaluation criteria of the Development
are always and importantly smaller than tradi- Assistance Committee of the Organisation for
tional territories and often exclude areas of high Economic Co-operation and Development
importance to Indigenous peoples. (OECD DAC) Network on Development
Program managers, evaluators, and especially Evaluation (2019) address sustainability as sus-
evaluation commissioners often insist that an taining interventions and achievement of impacts,
evaluation be conducted within the frame of the and not, as most think of sustainability, as a nexus
stated goals and operations of (accountability of) concept of human and natural systems together
the intervention. This severs interventions from with emphasis on sustaining the capacity of the
each other and limits the reach of evaluation, fall- natural system to enable life. In this, evaluation is
ing well short of the critically important public somewhat distinct—elsewhere sustainability is
policy goals such as ending poverty or achieving recognized as a science “with a room of its own”
sustainability. As Williams (2019) observed, such (Clark, 2007); the 2009 Nobel Prize in Economics
a frame establishes a program and evaluation was awarded to Elinor Ostrom for her work on
ecosystem where programs systematically are the commons and as one of the founders of cou-
assessed as providing positive contributions to pled human and natural systems (CHANS) anal-
the broad goal and where no progress is visible ysis. And, as the UNEG and CES stocktaking
toward achieving the goal itself. It also creates a efforts have shown, evaluation has also been
systematic positive bias in evaluation (Rowe, largely captured by the institutions it serves.

Sustainability-Ready Evaluation
Institutional Capture
Evaluators are good observers and place confi-
Institutional capture is the process by which dence in good evidence. They will increasingly
identified needs and demands for major structural be persuaded by the emerging knowledge on sus-
Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion… 215

tainability and climate, and increasingly recog- focus is in the human system is proving difficult;
nize how these have affected the human issues likewise, to get evaluations to address the natural
and populations that have been evaluators’ pri- system is challenging, as shown by the UNEG
mary concern. They will also recognize how their stocktaking. However, the effort does appear to
long-preferred interventions and methods in the be gaining some momentum, such as in research
human system can contribute to worsening cli- on environmental effects of refugee camps
mate and sustainability. The underlying premise (Braun et al., 2016), although discarded Covid-­19
of sustainability-ready evaluation is that evalua- face masks are already finding their way to land-
tors will recognize the need to address effects in fills and water bodies. As Fabien Cousteau (2020)
the natural as well as the human system and take wrote recently,
evaluation to a place where existing capacities We live in a closed-loop system. We can’t actually
are insufficient. Evaluators will need to, for throw things “away.” The plastic we toss in the gar-
example: recognize, speak, and hear representa- bage often just ends up inside the bodies of marine
tives of natural system knowledge; learn how to animals, before finding its way back inside of us.
(para. 12)
feasibly address dynamically coupled systems
(Liu, 2007); incorporate effects that have widely This means that what are usually classed as unex-
differing temporal and spatial scales and very dif- pected or unintended effects, or effects that were
ferently framed units of account; and be open to known but ignored because they lay outside the
and advocate for shared evaluation functions (see accountability frame of the intervention, now
Carugi & Bryant, 2019; Rowe, 2012; Uitto, have to be recognized as a direct effect of the
2019). intervention. I have shown (Rowe, 2018, 2019a,
Other fields of inquiry and assessment will be b) that ignoring direct effects in the natural sys-
important contributors to developing and imple- tem imparts a systematic positive bias to evalua-
menting evaluation at nexus settings. Evaluation tions. To make the point clear, evaluation
is a cross-disciplinary field accustomed to draw- conducted in silos has a systematic positive bias
ing from other fields of inquiry, and this is fortu- favorable to the intervention and, importantly,
nate because evaluating sustainability will require arising because of the accountability frames that
knowledge from and engagement from more sys- are applied as discussed above.
tem sciences. Climate and materials sciences, Sustainability-ready evaluation is an evalua-
ecology, and geography will be important as will tion function that is ready to recognize these con-
knowledge from more focused fields such as nections and able to cross them. It is an evaluation
energy engineering, biology, agriculture, forestry function with individual evaluators and evalua-
and fisheries, and areas of public administration tion organizations that are enthused by contribut-
such as procurement. Two connected fields con- ing to a future we choose (Figueres &
cerned with understanding and assessing nexus Rivett-Carnac, 2020). There are many strongly
will likely be critically valuable fellow travelers: held visions of what that future should be, with
sustainability science (Kates, 2011; Clark et al., associated and strongly held views of what we
2016) and CHANS work and networks (Liu, need to change to get there. It is not the job of
2007; Ostrom, 1990). evaluation to pick a pathway or end point; our job
Strongly siloed culture, structures, and prac- is to be enthused and capable of contributing to
tices of evaluation and programs create chal- improvement, including sorting and valuing the
lenges to mainstreaming sustainability in the competing pathways and desired new ways.
nexus sense of human and natural systems. To Evaluation today is appropriately described as
truly incorporate the natural system into long-­ close to sustainability-ignorant and far from
standing and newer interventions whose primary sustainability-ready.
216 A. Rowe

 ow Can Evaluation Contribute

H  ecognizing Natural Systems
to Checkmating Extinction? as the Foundation for the Human
System Means Adding the Natural
An evaluation able to contribute to the defeat of System Perspective to All Evaluation
extinction requires some relatively simple Criteria
changes in how we frame and undertake our
work, but these simple changes will significantly The opponent at the endgame is continued
alter the stance and thus the politics of evalua- destruction of the natural system by humans,
tion. Here I briefly sketch some important meaning that both systems must be considered
changes in stance for an evaluation fit for purpose and addressed by evaluation at the endgame.
for the endgame. That is, nexus is the required position for evalua-
Checkmating extinction will only be possible tion at the endgame.
if evaluation shifts from a singular focus on the Think of the relationship between human and
human system to mainstreaming nexus in all natural systems with the natural system as a bank
evaluation. We are right now at a juncture where account. The human system has well exceeded its
urgently needed changes seem possible. A sec- overdraft limit so that now every draw we make
ond major change in the stance of evaluation must have a repayment schedule that not only
relates to expectations of goal achievement: The matches current withdrawals but also systemati-
current standard of progressing toward goals cally and strategically starts to reduce the
merely draws out a checkmate in favor of extinc- overdraft.
tion. Instead, overcoming extinction requires a Environmental and social safeguards and poli-
stance at the endpoint and assesses achievement cies have been enacted by most development
of these goals with evaluation providing guid- donors with the requirement that they are applied
ance to improve performance. Of course, achiev- in project development, funding, implementa-
ing these goals requires joined-up, system-wide tion, operation, and assessment (IFAD, 2018;
efforts for which we need to join evaluation World Bank, 2020). These standards are rela-
stances with systems approaches. Conditions are tively recent, most enacted in the past decade,
worsening faster than expected and efforts to and the documents clearly consider human and
understand status and trends in natural systems natural systems as connected. In practice, how-
and options for mitigation and adaptation are ever, climate and environment/natural resource
generating new knowledge at a rapid pace. This management are usually treated as additional cri-
means that the stance of evaluation must be nim- teria that must be addressed in project design and
ble and adaptive to integrate these changes, and assessment, isolated and marginalized rather than
be undertaken with sufficient rapidity to align imbedded into planning.
with significantly accelerated decision cycles. We can consider inclusion of the natural sys-
Together, all of this means that evaluation for the tem criteria in four phases, defined by require-
endgame must be relentlessly use seeking and ments to meet the threshold to achieve a
forward looking. “satisfactory” rating:
These are but some of the features needed for
an evaluation function and practice that is an ally 1. Ignored: In this phase, environment (and cli-
in efforts to checkmate extinction. Consideration mate) were rarely addressed, development
of this stance will identify additional necessary was the priority and equity issues were impor-
features and perhaps diminish the importance of tant. Result: Increase in the overdraft on the
some that are discussed below. This chapter is natural system account.
only an early step in identifying the stance needed 2. Good intentions: Environment and climate
for an evaluation that contributes to the were noted in this second phase, often with
endgame. what could be described as a faith-based
Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion… 217

approach. It was not unusual to see project fusion provide positive prospects that this
designs, evaluations, and supervision reports will continue and accelerate.
that considered commitments to compliance
with donor environmental guidelines and Mainstreaming sustainability systematically
safeguards and with national regulations to locates evaluation at the nexus and is a first and
warrant a satisfactory rating. To put this in essential change in the stance of evaluation; but
perspective, I have never seen an evaluation of valuing the natural system evaluation is begin-
an education or health intervention make a ning to address dominion.
statement such as, “The design of the inter-
vention incorporated government guidelines
and a designated body has the authority to  valuation Standards Will Emphasize
inspect and enforce, so we deem the approach Achieving the Larger Goals Identified
satisfactory.” Substitute environment for edu- as Central to Checkmating Extinction
cation in the previous sentence and we have a
statement that is frequently made about natu- When the end is in sight, when the endgame is
ral resources, sustainability, and climate in what is at play, our focus shifts from playing the
supervision and evaluation documents. game well (admirable evaluation) and from con-
Result: Increase in the overdraft on the nat- tributing to incremental improvements for benefi-
ural system account. ciaries to an absolute need to provide value to
3. Do no harm: With these emerging approaches, checkmating our destruction of the natural sys-
achieving a satisfactory rating for climate and tem that sustains us.
environment requires plausible design and To illustrate the character of absolute evalua-
implementation resources and responsibilities tion standards, the International Resources Panel
such that the intervention will not harm the (IRP)7 has shown that the planet does not have
environment or ignore climate. Empirical evi- the material resources to provide for expansion of
dence is not required for a satisfactory rating existing cities and creation of new ones resulting
but might become an expectation. Use of less from urbanization, rural-to-urban migration, and
harmful practices for continued resource population increase (Swilling, 2018).
extraction, such as climate-smart agriculture, Development projects typically claim they will
species-specific fishing gear, protection of “contribute to” slowing rural-to-urban migration
mangroves, forest management, and methods through improved rural livelihoods. Rural-to-­
in road building, are deemed to not harm and urban migration and population growth are com-
so warrant a satisfactory rating. In effect, this plicated and involve a powerful mix of push and
is a type of double counting with the natural pull factors requiring combined programmatic
system benefits, such as improved irrigation efforts to achieve sustainable flows and levels
and soil condition, required to restore produc- that will contribute to sustainable development,
tion levels and support previous harmful agri- not undermine it. This is an illustration of a goal
cultural projection practices. Result: End of important for the endgame; evaluation needs to
continued withdrawals on the natural system assess against achievement of that goal. If popu-
account but accumulated overdraft not lation and urban growth threaten sustainability,
addressed. then the standard that needs to be applied in eval-
4. Evaluation we need: In the fourth phase, eval- uation is achieving the goals that will remove
uation for the endgame, achieving a satisfac- population increase and rural-to-urban migration
tory rating requires that restorative actions for as important threats to sustainability. This does
the natural system are confirmable, central, not mean curtailing migration and mobility,
and substantial parts of project design, opera- which are important to escaping severe climate
tions, and adaptive management. Result:
Paying down the overdraft; learning and dif- 7
218 A. Rowe

and for humanitarian and economic reasons. tioned efforts. It promotes collective action and
Achieving levels of rural-to-urban migration sus- accountability for sustainability goals.
tainable for both urban and rural areas likely
hinges on viable rural communities. And evalua-
tion can provide value in moving from current  ustainability Is Imbedded in All
unsustainable flows by adopting a stance that Evaluation Criteria Reflecting Nexus,
includes an expectation of verifiable achievement Not Isolated as a Free-Standing
of important endgame outcomes that will realize Criterion
specific migration goals set at sustainable levels.
These goals, like the high-end climate goals of a An evaluation stance recognizing the complex
CO2 reduction to limit temperature increase to connectivity of human and natural systems means
1.5°C, should be specified in absolute terms; for that all evaluation criteria should be considered
example, the specific sustainable population of from a two-system stance—sustainability and cli-
Vancouver or Hanoi. mate should not be isolated in separate and usu-
ally marginalized criteria.
Collective action means that work toward any
 tandards Need to Shift to Evaluating
S and all of the SDGs and government and third-­
Against Collective Achievement sector initiatives is likely to be drawing from and
of Sustainability Goals, and Away contributing to the sustainability of the natural
from Likely Contributions by system and climate. The previous element brings
Partitioned Organizations these into the scope of evaluation for the end-
and Interventions game, and this element addresses how evaluation
accomplishes this. Each of the evaluation criteria
Achieving the results needed to checkmate extinc- and standards, e.g. the OECD DAC criteria (rel-
tion requires collective and synthesized efforts; evance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency,
this is the required stance of evaluation for the impact, and sustainability), needs to be infused
endgame. with considerations of sustainability by address-
Partitions must be replaced by joined-up ing both human and natural systems. Examples
action and evaluation must adopt a collaborative include the effect of humanitarian efforts on the
focus on system achievement of the larger goals physical landscape, and the many effects on the
required for sustainability, regardless of whether natural system of the use of plastics.
interventions have adopted this stance. Holding
interventions accountable for achieving results
for which they are neither resourced nor autho- Evaluation Standards
rized is inappropriate. However, for the endgame, at the Endgame: Evaluating
evaluators should still address the needed result, with Rapid Change and Uncertainty
what is required to achieve it, and the success and
contributions of efforts toward collectively Relentless rapid learning and brisk adaptation is
addressing this result. Setting goals that are criti- the temporal scale required for interventions at
cally important to success in the endgame is one the endgame and so must also be for evaluation.
way evaluation can observe shortcomings in col- Sustainability and climate are topics where
laboration and shared efforts toward achieve- the knowledge and practice base is improving
ment. It will also reveal gaps between current and rapidly and still features considerable uncertainty
needed achievements that likely span a number and ambiguity. Where changes in our knowledge
of individual organizational remits. This type of are proceeding at a rapid pace and where consid-
evaluation, focusing on what is needed, reflects erable ambiguity still exists, longer term inter-
the spirit of a results focus but from a collective, ventions—such as 4 or more years—will
joined-up perspective rather than from parti- inevitably be suboptimal by the time they are
Evaluation at the Endgame: Evaluating Sustainability and the SDGs by Moving Past Dominion… 219

halfway through their remit, perhaps highly sub- relentlessly use seeking such as Rapid Impact
optimal. Those implementing interventions must Evaluation (Rowe, 2019a).
adopt vigorous adaptive management practices
and be held accountable for this. We need to
accelerate the pace of reflection and renewal, or Evaluation for the Endgame
else an important portion of our efforts will be Relentlessly Pursues Use
applying approaches that are no longer consid-
ered efficacious at a time when we can least We no longer have the luxury to indulge the eval-
afford to do so. Evaluation is an important vehi- uation agendas and strategies that do not con-
cle for this. tribute to checkmating extinction. Our work must
At the endgame, knowledge cycles are greatly focus directly and strongly on the rapid adapta-
reduced—we now think that the shelf life of tion and learning cycles of a proliferating land-
some current climate knowledge is about 2 years. scape of actions contributing (or not) to
Severe climate events are also accelerating, checkmating extinction.
becoming more frequent and severe and building
cumulative effects. Two category 5 storms and
resulting flooding within one month, as happened  onclusion: Nexus Requires New
in 2020 in the Caribbean, requires very different Rootstock to Grow Relevant
responses than two storms of equal strength sepa- Evaluation Functions
rated by 10 years.
To illustrate, consider 2030 and 2050 as fore- This chapter recognizes that we have entered the
casts of when we will pass irreversible thresh- endgame of extinction and identifies what is
olds, which make them key timings for needed for evaluation to contribute to checkmat-
checkmating extinction. A large portion of pro- ing extinction. I have sketched a trail from where
gram and project cycles approach 7 or more years evaluation is today to where it needs to be to pro-
from inception to renewal, with 1–2 years for vide value and guidance to efforts to achieve a
planning and funding, 1–2 years to mobilize, checkmate favorable to life on the planet.
then operations of 4–5 years. Seven-year pro- That trail first observes that evaluation at
gram cycles gives us just one program cycle until global and national levels is monastically focused
2030 and four until 2050. The typical mid-term, on the human system and only marginally
end-of-term, and later ex-post evaluation addresses the natural system. It reaches back to
approaches cannot provide information, insights, Judeo-Christian concepts of dominion as the ori-
and advice in time to affect interventions in much gin story for our focus, and identifies narrowly
more rapid adaptation cycles. Some evaluation framed accountability structures as an important
approaches and methods will need to adapt rap- contemporary mechanism for the exercise of
idly and significantly to be relevant to evaluation dominion. Reinforcing this is institutional cap-
at the endgame; fortunately, other approaches ture of efforts to infuse sustainability and system-
and methods are more fit for this purpose. Longer atically address necessary climate goals in
term evaluation undertakings will still provide development and associated social ambitions at
value, such as with longer term impacts and all levels. The unhappy result is seen in two
adaptation of interventions to changing condi- recent stocktaking efforts illustrating the limited
tions, but overall, evaluation at the endgame is a contributions of contemporary evaluation to
new challenge for the field, requiring the evalua- sustainability.
tion stance to immediately become shorter term Evaluation at the endgame is different from
and employ more rapid approaches that are the evaluation we have known and practiced up to
220 A. Rowe

now. Evaluation will need to take stances that to turn our backs on forces and institutional
will be challenging, as is any endgame effort. The arrangements that have provided us comfort in
six characteristics of evaluation for the endgame exchange for complicity, and turn to a future we
are: choose, which is to be a valued and useful con-
tributor to checkmating extinction.
1. The opponent at the endgame is continued
destruction of the natural system by humans,
meaning that both systems must be consid- References
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Importance and Utilization
of Theory-Based Evaluations
in the Context of Sustainable
Development and Social-­
Ecological Systems

Takaaki Miyaguchi

Abstract Nations member states and various stakeholders

all over the world have been galvanizing their
Numerous challenges confront the task of efforts to contribute to the achievement of the
evaluating sustainable development—its com- SDGs. Although the SDGs themselves were the
plex nature, complementary evaluation crite- result of international negotiation and consensus
ria, and the difficulty of evaluation at the among the member states, the breadth of the part-
nexus of human and natural systems. Theory-­ nerships and collaborations among non-state
based evaluation, drawn from critical realism, actors, including the private sector, nongovern-
is well suited to this task. When constructing a ment organizations, and nonprofit organizations,
program theory/theory of change for evaluat- has been unprecedented.
ing sustainable development, concepts of The SDGs, of course, are not without critics.
socioecological systems and coupled human Some argue that these goals are nothing but a
and natural systems are useful. The chapter wish list (Hickel, 2015), while others point out
discusses four modes of inference and the the inconsistencies and incompatibility among
application of different theory-based evalua- 169 targets and their indicators and question the
tion approaches. It introduces the CHANS abilities and capacities of many states, especially
(coupled human and natural systems) frame- those of developing countries, to adequately
work, a holistic, analytical framework that is monitor and evaluate the current and future status
useful in evaluating such complex, social-­ toward achieving these SDGs (Leal Filho et al.,
ecological systems and resonates with the 2019; Pongiglione, 2015; Stokstad, 2015).
challenging elements of sustainable develop- The focus of this chapter is to look at the chal-
ment evaluation. lenges in evaluating the status of sustainable
development, which requires looking into the
nexus of human and natural systems, and intro-
duce the utility of theory-based evaluation for
Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for such purposes. The chapter introduces a holistic
Sustainable Development and its Sustainable framework called CHANS (coupled human and
Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015, the United natural systems), an analytical framework that is
useful in evaluating such complex, social-­
ecological systems.
T. Miyaguchi (*)
Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Kyoto, Japan

© The Author(s) 2022 223

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
224 T. Miyaguchi

Challenges in Evaluating frame, such as a tropical rainforest, does not

Sustainable Development respect political or societal boundaries or juris-
dictions. Adequate evaluation faces a great chal-
We all know that humankind should strive for lenge due to such ecological spatial characteristics.
sustainable development as the concept is And our modern history offers ample evidence
declared and promised with the SDGs. However, that such ecological timeframes or spatial frames
evaluating the status of and progress toward “sus- have been blatantly ignored for short-term bene-
tainable development” is extremely difficult. fits to the economy and society.
Sustainable development is a concept that is The third challenging aspect relates to val-
not just complicated—with interventions involv- ues—economic, societal, and environmental.
ing multiple components, multiple agencies, and What type of value we adopt is a pivotal question
multiple simultaneous and/or alternative causal when evaluating progress toward achieving sus-
strands—but also complex, having recursive cau- tainable development. To evaluate such progress,
sality with reinforcing loops, disproportionate we must identify a common type of value through
relationships with a tipping point, and emergent which we can compare the effectiveness of the
outcomes (Rogers, 2008). Such characteristics of efforts toward it. One valuation type that has been
sustainable development make evaluation prac- overly used in our modern history has been eco-
tice all the more challenging. Rowe (2012, 2014) nomic, or monetary values. But one can fathom
identified four types of challenges. the limitations of relying solely on this dimen-
First is the challenge of attribution. Because sion of value and trying to apply it to other
the status of sustainable development is found at dimensions, such as ethnic, religious, cultural,
the nexus of human and natural systems, achiev- and biodiversity. The various methods developed
ing sustainability means maintaining the integrity mainly by economists allow us to put an (eco-
of the combined ecological–societal system (Kay nomic) value on natural resources (such as con-
& Boyle, 2008). One can therefore anticipate the tingency valuation, hedonic pricing, or cost
difficulties in comparing and matching both effectiveness analysis), but these are derived
human and natural systems against those inter- from and based only on the socioeconomic
ventions that take place from the human system dimension and do not allow us to grasp the com-
(Rowe, 2012; Vaessen & Todd, 2008). Pinning plex nature of social-ecological systems.
down, let alone quantifying, the level of attribu- The fourth type of challenge is one of achiev-
tion (or causation) is almost impossible. ing use and influence. Numerous knowledge
The second difficulty is one of temporal scale. products and evaluation reports address sustain-
Although temporal scales for measuring eco- able development, but whether these products
nomic activities or wealth being generated can be have been put to actual use is quite a different
as brief as quarterly, when we turn our attention matter. Therefore, engaging decision makers and
to society, a decade or more is required for us to stakeholders in the evaluation process itself is
confirm change within any generation in that vital so that they will put the results to use toward
period. What presents the toughest challenge in their decision-making processes.
evaluating sustainable development is related to In addition to these four types of challenges in
ecological time scales. For example, to validate a evaluating sustainable development, we also see
change of climate through an increase or decrease an aggregation challenge known as a micro-­
of greenhouse gas emissions requires 100 years. macro paradox (Uitto, 2014; Vaessen & Todd,
Even 20 to 30 years is needed to witness any 2008; Van den Berg & Cando-Noordhuizen,
change in climate variability. These scales of eco- 2017). This refers to lack of coherence or effec-
logical systems are beyond our socioeconomic tiveness when many successes at a micro level do
scales. not accumulate accordingly to result in successes
Temporal scale also has an important subdi- at a larger, macro scale. Such paradox stems from
mension: spatial frames. An ecological spatial reductionism. The shortcomings of reductionism
Importance and Utilization of Theory-Based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development… 225

are made especially apparent when we deal with Theory-based evaluation (used by Weiss, 1997a)
complex systems for which the whole is more is, in short, a “plausible and sensible model of
than the sum of the parts (Bhaskar et al., 2010; how the program is supposed to work” (Bickman,
Kay, 2008a). 1987). Other terms are interchangeable, such as
Sustainable development maintains the integ- logic model (Mathison, 2004), program theory
rity between socioeconomic and ecological sys- (Bickman, 1990), the theory of action (Patton,
tems. But more often than not, measuring, 1997), theory of change (Weiss, 1997a), and
analyzing, and evaluating the status of or move- theory-­driven evaluation (Chen & Rossi, 1983).
ment toward sustainable development has been In this chapter, I use Weiss’s terms theory-based
influenced by social science disciplines rather evaluation and theory of change, which consists
than natural, biophysical sciences (Rowe, 2012). of implementation theory and program theory.1
Such analysis leaves no doubt that all economic According to Brousselle and Buregeya (2018),
and social activities are based on a healthy envi- theory-based evaluation has emerged in reaction
ronment and the finite resources existing on to current normal evaluation practice. They assert
earth. Economic activity is, in effect, the conver- the need for a theory of change, not just for
sion of material and energy from a natural poorly formulated interventions, but especially
resource pool as input with converted material when evaluating complex interventions. And
and used energy as output. As ecological econo- theory-­based evaluation and its approaches are
mist Herman Daly (1990) put it, there is no such “aimed at reinforcing the explanatory power of
thing as “sustainable growth” when every single evaluations” (Weiss, 1997b).
economic activity is based on the natural Theory-based evaluation formulates program
resources existing on a finite planet. Although elements, rationale, and causal linkages. The
natural systems are thus the absolute foundation atheoretical approach to evaluation has been
of all economic activities, the international dis- characterized by “a step-by-step cookbook
course pertaining to sustainable development method of doing evaluations” (Chen, 1990). The
until now has been dominated by socioeconomic atheoretical approach tends to focus on the rela-
aspects—the human system side (Rowe, 2012, tionship between inputs and effects without con-
2014). sidering the transformational processes, referred
However, the problem is not just over-reliance to as “black box evaluations” (Norgbey &
on social sciences; what matters is the polariza- Spilsbury, 2014). Going beyond such atheoretical
tion in which attempts to evaluate sustainable approach, theory-based evaluation takes into
development happen only with either social sci- account the transformational processes inherent
ence discipline or with natural science disci- in the programs being evaluated (Chen, 1990).
pline—without their integration or synthesis. The Theory-based evaluation pays close attention
natural ecosystems are diverse, complex, and to contextual conditions. According to Chen
dynamic; thus, traditional, disciplinary science is (1990), theory of change consists of two parts,
“not by itself sufficient for understanding and normative theory and causative theory.2 The
dealing with ecosystems” (Waltner-Toews et al., causative theory “specifies how the program
2008, xii). In light of these current situations sur-
rounding sustainable development evaluation 1
Funnell and Rogers (2011) reverses these terms so that
efforts, we turn to theory-based evaluation and its program theory consists of theory of action and theory of
approaches. change. Thus, somewhat confusingly, program theory by
Weiss corresponds to theory of change by Funnell and
Rogers. Since the terms by Weiss are used more often in
international development and its evaluation field, I have
Theory-Based Evaluation adopted her terms in this chapter.
According to the original terms adopted by Chen (1990),
Before discussing theory-based evaluation and its it is described as program theory (instead of theory of
change, adopted by Weiss). However as explained in the
approaches, we must clarify the term’s meaning previous footnote, Weiss’s terminology, theory of change,
vis-à-vis other terms used in evaluation literature. is used in this chapter.
226 T. Miyaguchi

works by identifying the conditions under which words, abduction means “to interpret and recon-
certain processes will arise and what their likely textualize individual phenomena within a con-
consequences will be” (Chen, 1990). ceptual framework to understand something in a
With its focus on contextual conditions, new way” (Danermark et al., 2002, p. 80). In
theory-­driven evaluation also shares three funda- evaluation, this abduction inference is synony-
mental characteristics: (a) to explicate the theory mous with constructing a program theory.
of treatment by detailing the expected relation- According to Weiss (1997a), program theory
ships among inputs, mediating processes, and refers to “the mechanisms that mediate between
short- and long-term outcomes; (b) to measure all the delivery (and receipt) of the program and the
of the constructs postulated in the theory; and (c) emergence of the outcomes of interest” (p. 57). In
to analyze the data to assess the extent to which other words, program theory is hypothesized
the postulated relationships actually occurred causal linkages. In evaluation terms, then, it con-
(Coryn et al., 2011; Shadish et al., 2002). notes for whom an intervention may work and,
Several approaches stem from theory-based above all, how it works.
evaluation, including theory of change, realist The fourth mode of inference, retroduction,
evaluation, logic analysis, and contribution anal- provides the essence of this philosophy of sci-
ysis. All of these approaches have philosophical ence. Retroduction means to “reconstruct the
and conceptual roots in a philosophy of science basic conditions for these conceptually abstracted
known as critical realism (Brousselle & phenomena to be what they are” (Danermark
Buregeya, 2018). And an origin in critical realism et al., 2002, p. 80). It is one thing to talk about
is deemed quite appropriate to evaluating sustain- hypothesized (abstracted) causal linkages, but it
able development, which involves two-evaluand is quite another to pay heed to the conditions
systems. under which such generative mechanisms can be
triggered. Pawson and Tilley (1997), referring to
this notion of critical realism, likened such condi-
Critical Realism tions to a gunpower explosion that does not
always take place when flame is applied, but also
Critical realism is a philosophy of science advo- requires certain conditions, such the gunpower
cated by Roy Bhaskar. It originated as a critique mixture being compacted, the structure not being
of a deterministic worldview, which took the damp and having sufficient quantity and oxygen,
stance that if some factor X occurred—such as an and heat applied long enough. Gunpower explo-
intervention—then the observed result Y must sion functions as a generative mechanism and is
follow (Forss et al., 2011). This philosophy can synonymous with Weiss’s program theory
be understood through four modes of inference, (Blamey & Mackenzie, 2007). In evaluation
distinction between open and closed systems, and terms, through this fourth mode of inference, ret-
explanatory power rather than prediction. roduction, evaluators can grasp what may work
First, the four modes of inference are neces- under what circumstances.
sary to understanding critical realism. The first Therefore, through utilizing all four modes of
two, deduction and induction, are well known. inference described above, evaluators will be
Through deduction and induction inference, eval- able to know what works, for whom, how, and
uators get to know what works (through deduc- under what circumstances. Theory-based evalua-
tion by applying a theory, and through induction tion and its approaches resonate quite well with
with observations). The latter two modes of infer- this statement that is the essence of critical real-
ence, abduction and retroduction, are less famil- ism, and thus the root of theory-based
iar. Abduction combines the deductive and evaluation.
inductive modes of inference and is defined as The second component for understanding crit-
“working from consequence back to cause or ical realism, as described by Bhaskar (2013), is
antecedent” (Denzin, 2017, p. 100). In other the concept of the world as having three domains:
Importance and Utilization of Theory-Based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development… 227

empirical (observable experiences), actual (a fac- change—is important. Evaluators need to be

tual event that is generated by mechanisms), and aware of these similar but distinct approaches
real (the mechanisms that generate an event). and adopt the one that is appropriate to the pur-
These three domains establish a critical perspec- pose of the evaluation.
tive in which the reality that scientists study is Realist approach is concerned with promising
larger than only the empirical domain (Bhaskar, context-mechanism-outcome configurations
2013). (called CMO configurations; Pawson & Tilley,
Further understanding this concept requires a 1997). Utilizing this approach, evaluators can
grasp of the difference between closed and open hypothesize various program theories to deter-
systems. A closed system is akin to an experi- mine which are effective (or not) under certain
ment in which a certain mechanism is tested in an circumstances. In other words, realist approach
isolated laboratory setting, allowing the mecha- helps to deliver more precise and substantive pro-
nism to operate in isolation, independent of other gram learning. At the same time, however, it is
mechanisms. An open system is akin to society less appropriate for dealing with highly complex,
itself, in which social events are the products of multisite interventions with multiple outcomes
many simultaneously existing mechanisms, (Blamey & Mackenzie, 2007). Theory of change,
exemplifying the complex nature of society. in contrast, is more concerned with overall pro-
Because society is inherently an open system, we gram outcomes and helps to provide a strategic
must recognize that one cannot isolate a single perspective on a complex program (Blamey &
social mechanism and do an experiment. The Mackenzie, 2007).
above-mentioned modes of inference in social Theory-based evaluation approaches are
science function as an experiment does in natural appropriate for evaluating the status of and prog-
science (Danermark et al., 2002). ress toward sustainable development, which is
The third important element in understanding both complicated and complex. Based on the
critical realism is the difference between expla- characteristics of theory-based evaluation
nations and predictions. In a closed system, approaches, prudent evaluators adopt appropriate
explanations are synonymous with predictions, approaches for different purposes. Evaluators
whereas explanations in an open system indicate should use the theory of change approach, for
tendencies. When attempting to seek external example, when evaluating the overall status of
validity in an open system, one should seek sustainable development, and choose the realist
explanations, rather than predictions or judg- approach to hypothesize and understand certain
ments (Allen, 2008), to reveal the causal mecha- program theories that are deemed effective for
nism hidden beneath the surface (Brousselle & successful results within each program compo-
Buregeya, 2018). nent. Constructing and analyzing a theory of
change is an essential method for resolving the
problems inherent in complex interventions
Importance of Theory-Based (Dubois et al., 2011; Morell, 2010).
Evaluation Approaches But how can we construct theories of change
to apply to sustainable development evaluation?
The school of theory-based evaluation includes How do we assess emergent and anticipated out-
approaches with different implications (Alkin, comes resulting from relationships that are some-
2013). When choosing among them to evaluate times non-linear (Morell, 2010; Shiell et al.,
sustainable development, knowing the strengths 2008), and how do we deal with uncertainty cre-
and weaknesses of the two theory-based evalua- ated by complex, self-organizing systems (Kay,
tion approaches—realist approach and theory of 2008a)?
228 T. Miyaguchi

According to Funnell and Rogers (2011), the- sustainable development is about maintaining the
ories of change can be constructed in three ways.3 integrity among society, economy, and
Stakeholder mental model is articulated accord- environment.
ing to how stakeholders believe a program will
achieve what it is designed to do. Through deduc-
tive approach, a theory of change uses formal  oupled Human and Natural
and informal documentation and research theo- Systems (CHANS)
ries about a program and the needs it is intended
to address. And last, inductive approach “involves Just as social sector problems and their evalua-
observing the program in action and deriving the tions have been dominated by the social sciences
theories that are implicit in people’s actions when and their theories, the aspect of sustainability—
implementing the program” (Funnell & Rogers, especially within the context of ecological sus-
2011, p. 111). tainability—has been equally dominated by
Out of these three techniques, however, there natural, biophysical scientists. However, dealing
is an over-reliance on the deductive approach for with both social and ecological systems requires
theory development, with as many as 91% of analyses that involve several components from
analyzed cases reported to have used this each system, such as research on energy-water
approach, compared to 49% for the stakeholder nexus and food-energy-water nexus. Despite this,
mental model and 13% for the inductive develop- studies on nexuses with three and four nodes are
ment approach (Coryn et al., 2011). still very rare (Liu, Hull, Yang, Viña, Chen, et al.,
Predominantly, these theories are derived from 2016).
social sciences. Scriven (2012) pointed out a One promising theoretical framework for
strong tendency of professional evaluators to spe- understanding the mutual interactions and feed-
cialize in just one of the many branches of evalu- back mechanisms between human and natural
ation and only one area of human activity, further systems has been advocated and advanced by
narrowing the scope of evaluation and thereby Nobel laureate Elinor Ostrom in her pioneering
increasing difficulties in evaluating sustainable work on social-ecological systems. Her research
development. was concerned mainly with natural resources,
This discussion of approaches has two impor- especially common pooled resources, and pro-
tant points. First, we find fewer cases of con- vided a strong foundation to further understand
structing theories of change from a natural the governance for successfully managing the
science-based standpoint. And second, hardly commons, once considered impossible for an
any theory of change construction integrates both economic, rational, decision-maker worldview
social science and natural science; rather, evalua- (Folke, 2007; Liu et al., 2007; McGinnis &
tors have tended one way, using either social Ostrom, 2014; Ostrom, 1990).
science-­based or natural science-based The essence of this so-called adaptive man-
approaches (Rowe, 2012). agement and governance is about two-way inter-
If we are to evaluate sustainable development actions and feedback loops found between
at the nexus between human and natural systems, social-ecological systems (Evans, 2012). What
evaluators should integrate both social and natu- Ostrom’s work demonstrated was that socioeco-
ral sciences in constructing and hypothesizing nomic entities such as fishing villages could
theories of change, especially when the status of change their way of governing themselves, adapt-
ing their decision-making rules and procedures in
reaction to a situation such as a change in the eco-
The original text of Funnell and Rogers (2011) used the logical status of their surroundings. The related
term program theory instead of theory of change, but I
have used theory of change, an interchangeable term by
research has resulted in a general framework for
Weiss, to be consistent with the selection of evaluation analyzing sustainability of social-ecological sys-
terms and concepts in this chapter.
Importance and Utilization of Theory-Based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development… 229

tems, fully taking into account both human and surrounding Ailuropoda melanoleuc, such as
natural systems (Ostrom, 2009). demography at household level and by distance
Stemming from Ostrom’s work on adaptive and elevation level, education, energy transition,
management is another insightful analytical frame- government policies, human dependence on eco-
work for understanding social-ecological systems, system, infrastructure, livestock and livestock-­
called the coupled human and natural systems panda interactions, payment for ecosystem
(CHANS) framework. The primary focus of services, scenario analysis and modeling, and
Ostrom’s research was on common-pool resources spatial and tree distribution (Liu, Hull, Yang,
in which the ecological system was either unowned Viña, Chen, et al., 2016).
or ownership was shared. However, the CHANS Resonating well with the characteristics of
analytical framework goes well beyond the scale of sustainable development—complex systems
common-pool resources and can thus provide help- involving both human and natural systems—and
ful new insights that apply to the evaluation of sus- social and natural science disciplines, the
tainable development. CHANS framework “provides a platform for nat-
According to Liu, Hull, Carter, et al. (2016), ural and social scientists to work together to
the major barrier to effective implementation of quantify and integrate human-nature relation-
sustainable development is the lack of sufficient ships at multiple organizational levels across
knowledge about the complex relationships space and over time” (Liu, Hull, Carter, et al.,
between humans and nature. The CHANS 2016).
approach is intended “to serve as a pragmatic, Another characteristic of this framework is
heuristic tool for analyzing into relationships that it considers and treats the focal coupled sys-
between people and the environment.” The tem as an open system, rather than a closed sys-
CHANS framework emphasizes that the human tem, placing the focal coupled system under
and natural components are coupled rather than specific social, economic, and political settings
separate (Carter et al., 2014, para. 6). (Ostrom, 2009).
Among many other scholars, Ostrom has
emphasized that context (i.e., not interventions
themselves but the systems and subsystems that  hy We Need a Framework Like
surround them, such as societal, political, and CHANS
economic situations) does matter in analyzing the
intricate interactions between human and natural Especially when evaluating the complex systems
systems. What is distinctive about CHANS is that of sustainable development, evaluators should
it does not treat such contextual factors as exter- consider adopting theory-based evaluation and its
nal but as intrinsic elements within the frame- approaches instead of an oversimplified, one-­
work. Researchers used a CHANS framework to size-­fits-all, black box approach.
conduct a 20-year-long study of social-ecological Among the seven traps4 in constructing a the-
interactions that surround the biodiversity hot ory of change proposed by Funnell and Rogers
spot of the Wolong National Park of China, home (2011), having “no actual theory” is on top of the
to an endangered species of panda (Ailuropoda list. In evaluating sustainable development, we
melanoleuc). These researchers proposed a especially need to avoid this trap by developing
framework that incorporates the human subsys- theories of change that are: (a) based on both
tem components such as communities and local social and natural sciences, (b) able to recognize
residents, and the natural subsystem components
such as wildlife and the land cover characterizing 4
They are: (1) no actual theory; (2) having a poor theory
their habitat (Carter et al., 2014). The variety in of change; (3) poorly specifying intended results; (4)
ignoring unintended results; (5) oversimplifying; (6) not
the study’s analyses was truly transdisciplinary. using the program theory for evaluation; and (7) taking a
They included dedicated research on the influ- one-size-fits-all approach (Funnell & Rogers, 2011,
ence and relationships within this coupled system p. 42).
230 T. Miyaguchi

the interactions between human and natural sys- Appropriate Methodologies

tems, and (c) capable of describing nonlinearity
and emerging traits of complex systems and CHANS appears to provide a useful framework
incorporating ecological temporal scale and spa- for evaluating sustainable development. What
tial frames. Moreover, because theory-based can then be the appropriate methodologies and
evaluation is method neutral and suited to quanti- approaches for capturing such coupled systems?
tative or qualitative methods, or both (Chen, Evaluators have four types of methodologies to
2005; Donaldson, 2007), the CHANS framework consider. First is triangulation, “the process of
also offers flexibility for evaluators. CHANS can gathering scientific evidence about a system
systematically guide researchers in analyzing through a combination of laboratory, field, mod-
complex sustainability issues surrounding socio- eling, and historical investigations, facilitated by
ecological systems. iterative and cross-disciplinary collaboration
Another valuable element of the CHANS among research groups” (Plowright et al., 2008).
framework is that it recognizes the importance of When investigating the dynamism of complex
the participatory approach, or “putting researchers systems, we cannot predict or reach a correct
in the local residents’ shoes” (Liu, Hull, Yang, answer, because such is only possible based on a
Viña, An, et al., 2016). Many studies of social-­ linear (irreversible, one-way) cause-and-effect
ecological systems adopt “participatory worldview that excludes all influencing factors
approaches to identify, characterize, and solve under a simple, laboratory-like system. To nar-
management-related problems” (Norberg & row the level of uncertainty and describe com-
Cumming, 2008, p. 238). The importance of such plex systems with more explanatory power, we
an approach goes beyond a specific set of rules of need to shed light on the triangulation method.
one method. Participatory approach is vital This method has been well practiced and its
because complex systems cannot be captured by importance widely acknowledged among many
any single perspective and require a plurality of evaluators (Carugi, 2016; Forss et al., 2011;
perspectives. Such plurality requires a variety of Morra-Imas & Rist, 2009; Patton, 2002; Uitto,
“forms of inquiry, inclusion of, and dialogue with 2016).
persons representing different interests and differ- The second type of methodology is cross-­
ent world views” (Waltner-Toews & Wall, 1997, scale/cross-layer comparison. Complex social-­
p. 30). Because all coupled systems in question ecological systems are nonlinear with reversible
develop out of historical and cultural conditions, feedback loops, in requirement for multiple per-
the future of such a system cannot have one single spectives, and are multiscaled and multilayered
preferred state. As Kay (2008b) poignantly stated, (Waltner-Toews & Kay, 2008). Therefore, the
researchers, if left to decide, will inquire into those ability to pursue several different lines of explo-
aspects of the system that they themselves deem ration at several different scales is necessary
important; therefore, it is “crucial that the values, (Norberg & Cumming, 2008). For one example,
concerns, and knowledge of local stakeholders and analyzing or constructing simulation models only
actors be central to any inquiry” (p. 30). at a large, global scale (e.g., greenhouse gas
Of course, this is not to claim that CHANS is emission modeling) would be inadequate;
the only framework through which we can evalu- instead, the evaluator must compare different
ate sustainable development at the nexus of envi- scales or layers within the systems. A local land-
ronment and development. However, evaluators scape is applied to a sub-watershed, which is
should seek to use a framework that: (a) can made up of the ecological communities such as
encompass the complicated and complex nature woodlots, wetlands, open fields, etc., each of
of sustainable development; (b) is holistic, multi- which then is made up of individual species (Kay
layered, and multiscaled; and (c) draws from & Boyle, 2008).
both social and natural sciences, so that program To understand why certain social-ecological
theories develop using perspectives from both systems have not succeeded, we can conduct
disciplines. cross-scale/cross-layer comparisons and analyses
Importance and Utilization of Theory-Based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development… 231

at different spatial and temporal scales (Cumming, social-ecological complex systems that are appli-
2007; Ostrom, 2009). Evaluation already has a cable and spread across the globe (Carter et al.,
method that encompasses such nested nature 2016).
models, called nested theories of change (Mayne, Several CHANS sites have shared these com-
2015; Richards, 2019; Riley et al., 2018). mon characteristics:
Although almost all the applied cases of nested
theories of change in evaluation literature are • Organizational—restoring reciprocal effects
found within the human (social) systems, evalua- and feedbacks with nested hierarchies, indi-
tors in natural (ecological) systems can also rect effects, emergent properties, vulnerabil-
adopt this method. ity, and thresholds and resilience
The third methodology type is causal infer- • Spatial coupling—coupling across spatial
ence. Even though the field of evaluation has scales, couplings beyond boundaries, and
been dominated by social scientists and their heterogeneity
theories, the use of causal inference within natu- • Temporal couplings—human impacts on nat-
ral science domains has begun to attract atten- ural systems, rising natural impacts on
tion, notably in the cases of emerging infectious humans, legacy effects, time lags, increased
disease (Plowright et al., 2008) and global biodi- scales and pace, and escalating indirect
versity scenarios and landscape ecology effects5
(Cumming, 2007). Thus, we see the utility of
theory-based evaluation approaches even in the Evaluators are encouraged to start paying
realm of natural science. Incorporating both natu- close attention to this research field on social-­
ral science and social science perspectives in ecological systems and coalesce the previously
constructing theories of change is a prerequisite separated efforts and research results from social
for starting to evaluate sustainable development; and natural science into one, holistic framework
therefore, and an analytical framework like such as CHANS.
CHANS that enables such integration is
The final methodology is cross-site synthesis Conclusion
and meta-analysis. Because social-ecological
systems are both complicated and complex, try- Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for
ing to identify a one-size-fits-all strategy will be Sustainable Development in 2015, the concept
in vain. At the same time, treating every single and its goals have spread globally, with an
social-ecological system as a completely differ- increasing level of awareness and with inspiring,
ent and local incidence will not likely generate collaborative, multistakeholder implementation
any externally valid insights that are generaliz- initiatives all over the world. At the outset, with
able to other parts of the world. Rather, to do so, 17 SDGs, the objectives seemed clear. However,
“different ecological, socioeconomic, political, beyond the political rhetoric of these goals and
demographic, and/or cultural settings need to be targets, we realize that we cannot declare achieve-
synthesized” (Carter et al., 2014). Liu, Hull, ment of sustainable development when all 169
Carter, et al. (2016) stressed the importance of targets are met separately. The essence of sus-
seeking external validity and generalizability tainable development is to acquire and maintain
despite highly localized situations in each social-­ integrity among the three pillars—social, eco-
ecological system. They also advocated the nomic, and environmental. These three pillars are
importance of “model (social-ecological) sys- closely interlinked and interwoven. Accumulating
tems,” i.e., those that contain the core and essence each block or project successes from the micro
of CHANS. By conducting cross-site syntheses
or meta-analyses, CHANS researchers have been 5
For more details, refer to Liu, Hull, Yang, Viña, Chen,
already able to identify some common aspects of et al. (2016).
232 T. Miyaguchi

level will not lead to the macro-level integrity of the framework, rather than merely the external
that these goals are seeking overall. Evaluators drivers of change.
face a formidable task in evaluating sustainable By closely examining and applying the
development, homing in on the nexus between CHANS framework to ongoing and future pro-
human and natural systems. grams concerned with achieving sustainable
We face four types of challenges in evaluating development, evaluators can address the four
sustainable development: the issue of attribution, types of challenges in evaluating sustainable
temporal scale, the values, and achieving use and development. Although CHANS is not the only
influence. At the same time, we also face an extra framework that facilitates addressing these issues
challenge of the micro-macro paradox. Theory-­ and challenges, it has particular promise in sup-
based evaluation and its approaches offer a means porting evaluation of sustainable development.
well suited to evaluating these complex systems Knowing about a framework is one thing, but
that are multilayered, multiscaled, and span dif- conducting actual analyses is quite another.
ferent time scales. However, the methodologies discussed here, such
Theory-based evaluation has its roots in critical as triangulation, cross-scale/cross-layer compari-
realism, a philosophy of science that emerged out sons, causal inference utilizing both social and
of criticism against a deterministic worldview. natural science, and use of meta-analysis, are
Fully utilizing four modes of inference, critical considered appropriate in evaluating social-­
realism can help reconstruct the basic conditions ecological systems.
for certain phenomena to be what they are, by pay- Although one might argue that no conceptual
ing special attention to the context in which the model exists for evaluating sustainable develop-
specific generative mechanism is triggered. ment with a holistic lens, using a framework like
Even though theory-based evaluation and its CHANS allows evaluators to construct theories
approaches are considered appropriate in evaluat- of change and conduct subsequent analyses. At
ing complex systems, the theories of change that the same time, it supports specific analysis both
we develop and use tend to come predominantly quantitatively and qualitatively and utilizes both
from the social science discipline and be deduc- social and natural sciences.
tively constructed, instead of articulated by stake- Evaluating outcomes that a program cannot
holders or inductively constructed. When we deal hope to influence may be impossible. However,
with a social-ecological system, which is both because the CHANS framework specifically
complicated and complex, we need to develop focuses on the interlinkages and mutual influence
theories of change that are based on well-­ at the nexus between environment and develop-
developed principles from both the natural and ment, it enables analysis, if not outright attribu-
social sciences—particularly ecology, econom- tion, of a level of contribution to long-term
ics, and political science—and we must confront outcomes that are seemingly outside of a pro-
this formidable task through comparative analy- gram’s direct scope.
ses of many cases (Walker et al., 2006). With the recent increase in the level of aware-
This chapter introduced the useful analytical ness and attention to the concept of sustainable
framework called CHANS (coupled human and development and its goals, we should soon see
natural systems) that is capable of addressing the more evaluations of subjects that would tradi-
issues mentioned above. This framework has a tionally be considered outside the (narrow)
strong influence from Ostrom and her work on scope of a program. Theory-based evaluation
adaptive management and governance of and its approaches, with the support of an ana-
resources held in common. CHANS emphasizes lytical framework like CHANS, should be a
that human and natural components are coupled, great resource for our continuous and collabora-
rather than separate, and incorporates political tive efforts in evaluating sustainable
and socioeconomic situations as an integral part development.
Importance and Utilization of Theory-Based Evaluations in the Context of Sustainable Development… 233

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Pathway to the Transformative
Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation
of Finland’s Sustainable
Development Policy

Mari Räkköläinen and Anu Saxén

Abstract learned and future options. They encourage

emphasis on learning throughout the evalua-
Finland has been the first country in the world tion process even more in policy-level evalua-
to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the tions, and special attention to usefulness of the
national implementation the Agenda 2030. evaluation results already in evaluation design.
The purpose of the evaluation was to support Designing inclusive evaluation processes is a
efficient implementation of the agenda by pro- crucial precondition for evidence-informed
ducing information on the nation’s sustain- learning and decision making in promoting
ability work for all administrative branches. transformative policy in the country context.
The evaluation results are used for coherence
in the policies and long-term sustainable
development activities. The evaluation pro-
duced concrete recommendations on future Introduction to the Evaluation
directions for sustainable development policy.
It also proposed future evaluation approaches. Finland is committed to implementation of the
In this chapter, the authors present the eval- United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
uation approach and discuss the key results Development and its goals, with a national policy
and their usage. They identify the essential to evaluate the implementation of Agenda 2030
elements of the utility of the evaluation in con- once during every four-year electoral term.
tributing to national progress of sustainable Finland was the first country in the world to con-
development policy. The Agenda 2030 evalua- duct an impartial and independent evaluation of
tion approach was developmentally oriented the national implementation of Agenda 2030. The
and conducted in a very participatory manner. evaluation, called PATH2030, was funded as part
The authors reflect on the evaluative lessons the government’s 2018 analysis, assessment, and
research activities (
In its implementation plan for the 2030
M. Räkköläinen
Finnish Education Evaluation Centre, Helsinki, Agenda, the Finnish government was committed
Finland to a comprehensive evaluation of the national
e-mail: implementation efforts of the agenda. The pur-
A. Saxén (*) pose of the evaluation was to support evidence-­
Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Helsinki, based decision making and knowledge
management. This is important because efficient

© The Author(s) 2022 237

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
238 M. Räkköläinen and A. Saxén

implementation of the universal 2030 Agenda Development launched in 2013 (PMO, 2013) and
requires an entirely new kind of comprehensive the supporting Commitment2050 tool, “The
approach and coherence in the policies of the Finland we want by 2050” (PMO, 2016); the
administrative branches. By producing informa- government report on development policy (PMO,
tion on the nation’s sustainability work for all 2017a; VNS, 2016); and the government imple-
administrative branches, the evaluation results mentation plan of the 2030 Agenda (PMO,
could be used for coherent and long-term sustain- 2017b; VNS, 2017).
able development policy and activities. The eval-
uation also considered the status of sustainable
development in the foreign policy sector; specifi- Preparations
cally, the government sought to assess how
Finland’s foreign policy in all administrative sec- Initial discussion of the evaluation began in 2017
tors promotes the achievement of the Agenda between ministries and other implementing par-
2030 goals (Prime Minister’s Office, Finland ties and planning began in 2018 under the leader-
[PMO], 2017a, b). ship of the Prime Minister’s Office. The
The objective of the evaluation was to exam- assignment highlighted the involvement of stake-
ine the state of sustainable development in light holders. Accordingly, the evaluation approach
of national sustainability indicators, key sustain- was developmentally oriented and strongly par-
able development policies and objectives, and ticipatory by nature. It emphasized comprehen-
national implementation of Agenda 2030. The sive participation of key actors and stakeholders
evaluation was expected to produce concrete rec- in sustainable development policy. To promote
ommendations on the future directions for learning and sharing, evaluators collected data
Finland’s sustainable development policy, taking using interactive workshops, interviews, forums,
into account different timespans and levels of and surveys.
ambition, and proposing future evaluation The Prime Minister’s Office chaired the cross-­
approaches. Thus, the evaluation results would administrative steering group with representa-
also provide learning. tives from the ministries of environment, finance,
In its timely execution, the evaluation aimed foreign affairs, agriculture, and forestry. A
to strengthen the knowledge base for updating broader advisory group also was nominated to
the Finnish 2030 Agenda implementation plan ensure wider perspective of relevant experts and
after the parliamentary elections in 2019, and to stakeholders and to strengthen the use and useful-
give input into the preparation of the new ness of the evaluation results. The Development
Government Programme. It provided content Evaluation Unit of the Ministry for Foreign
for social policy debate preceding the parlia- Affairs had an expert role in the evaluation steer-
mentary elections and it produced information ing group to comment on the evaluation design,
on the sustainability work of ministries and rel- methodology, and reporting. Conducting the
evant stakeholders. Further, the evaluation could evaluation was an multidisciplinary team with
serve as an input for Finland’s next voluntary members from three Finnish organizations: think
national review (VNR), a component of the tank Demos Helsinki, the Helsinki Institute of
United Nations’ implementation process for Sustainability Science (HELSUS), and the
Agenda 2030, intended in part to facilitate the Finnish Environmental Institute (Syke).
sharing of successes, challenges and lessons The implementation of the evaluation was an
learned. intensive process, with launch taking place in
The Finnish evaluation mainly examined the August 2018 and the results published just
national-level implementation during the period 7 months later, in March 2019. The evaluation
following the adoption of the 2030 Agenda in title, PATH2030, describes the road map toward
early 2016. However, it also considered other sig- transformative policy as put forth in Agenda 2030
nificant public instruments at the national level, (Berg et al., 2019). The publication is part of the
such as the Society’s Commitment to Sustainable implementation of the 2018 Government Plan for
Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development… 239

Analysis, Assessment and Research (see www. Prague, Czech Republic, organized by the Independent Evaluation Office of the Global
Environment Facility (GEF), the Earth-Eval
Community of Practice, and the International
Dissemination Development Evaluation Association (IDEAS).
The VNR report was presented to the UN High-­
The results of the Finnish national evaluation of Level Political Forum on Sustainable
Agenda 2030 delivered an overall picture of the Development in New York in 2020.
progress and the status of implementation. In this article, we present the evaluation’s
Moreover, the document enhanced awareness of approach and discuss the key results and their
the role evaluation can play in the implementa- usage. We also reflect on the evaluative lessons
tion of policy goals and underpinning the learned and future options. To aid in understand-
Agenda’s Sustainable Development Goals ing the focus of the evaluation, we also briefly
(SDGs). introduce the coordination model of sustainable
Sustainable development policy is a broad development policy in Finland.
subject to evaluate, with no single, right way
to produce such a vast, national-level evalua-
tion because much depends on the context of Implementation of the Evaluation
the country and there are many variables to
consider. However, Finland wanted to share its  ocus of the Evaluation: Sustainable
experience and serve as a motivator for other Development Policy
countries to produce policy-level, strategic and the Coordination Model
evaluations of Agenda 2030 goals. After publi-
cation, the evaluation provided input to sev- The PATH2030 evaluation focused on Finland’s
eral proceedings and motivated further sustainable development policy and cross-­
international cooperation. administrative foreign policy. It examined the
We presented the PATH2030 evaluation in coordination model of sustainable development
2019 at the Third International Conference on in Finland, presented in Fig. 1. The model covers
Evaluating Environment and Development in stakeholders, networks, and documents that sup-

Fig. 1 Finland’s sustainable development coordination model

240 M. Räkköläinen and A. Saxén

port sustainable development policy at the guided the conceptualization of sustainable

national level. These are central to the coordina- development as a political objective; this process
tion, management, monitoring, and continuous also helped in analyzing the coherence of con-
improvement of Finland’s sustainable develop- cepts across those key documents (Berg et al.,
ment policy, providing, for example, perspectives 2019).
of young people and research. Sustainable development policy, in its broad-
Since 1993, the Finnish National est sense, refers to all policies that affect the
Commission on Sustainable Development has achievement of Finland’s sustainable develop-
acted as a coordinating body at the national ment targets. It may also, therefore, refer to
level. The Prime Minister serves as chair and policies that have not been included in the
commission members represent broadly vari- scope of sustainable development in previous
ous sectors of society, from political decision declarations. For instance, this scope might
making to ministries, research institutes, inter- include measures to combat climate change or
est groups, and nongovernmental organizations. to prevent the growth of societal inequality, or
The work is supported by a secretariat at the measures of economic policy that increase or
Prime Minister’s Office and by the Coordination decrease the total consumption of natural
Network of ministries. This network acts as a resources or the rate of employment (Berg
link between the various administrative sectors et al., 2019).
and national sustainable development policy. The evaluation looked at the operational
The Expert Panel on Sustainable Development, model of sustainable development, which refers
which has been in operation since 2013, con- to a comprehensive set of cross-administrative
sists of independent experts and researchers policies with the official mission of promoting
from a range of fields. In 2017, the Agenda sustainable development. Examples of these poli-
2030 Youth Group, coordinated by the Finnish cies include budget reviews from a perspective of
Youth Cooperation Alliance, was established sustainable development and the integration of
under the Finnish National Commission on sustainable development as part of the strategies,
Sustainable Development. measures, indicators, and evaluation of ministries
Finland’s first national strategy for sustainable (Berg et al., 2019).
development was published in 1998 (Ministry of The evaluation also studied foreign policy in
the Environment, 1998) and the second in 2006 all sectors of government. This refers to the
(PMO, 2006). In 2013, the Finnish National Finnish government’s aim that the nation, as a
Commission on Sustainable Development issued a global partner, supports the sustainable devel-
new strategic statement called the Society’s opment of developing countries through vari-
Commitment to Sustainable Development (PMO, ous means of foreign and security policy, such
2013). as trade policy and development policy (PMO,
In the PATH2030 evaluation, the key concept 2017a). According to the Government
is sustainable development. This concept has no Programme, Finnish development policy
single formulated definition, but it is commonly emphasizes strengthening the business activi-
understood as development that meets the needs ties and tax bases of developing countries
of the present without compromising the ability (PMO, 2015). The PATH2030 evaluation report
of future generations to meet their own needs. included these government priorities, which are
For this particular evaluation, central documents also linked to the UN processes that preceded
on sustainable development policy in Finland the 2030 Agenda.
Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development… 241

Evaluation Questions ways (see Stame, 2004, 2006; Weiss, 1997a, b).
Based on a desk study, the evaluation evolved
The ultimate purpose of the evaluation was to around four central target areas:
create preconditions for coherent and long-term
sustainable development policy and strengthen 1. The status of sustainable development
the knowledge base of the implementation plan 2. Theory of change behind sustainable develop-
for the 2030 Agenda. To achieve this, the evalua- ment policy
tion needed to cover complex phenomena and the 3. Policy measures
manifold policy context of the 2030 Agenda. 4. Foreign policy
Therefore, our evaluation team, steering group,
and supporting group worked intensively to han- The 4I’s framework (Brockhaus & Angelsen,
dle the comprehensive tasks required in the call 2012), in which sustainable development policy
for proposals and to define the main evaluation is analyzed through institutions, interests, ideas,
questions. With regard to assessing impact and and information, served as a key analysis struc-
effectiveness, we also had to take into account the ture for the evaluation. Using this framework, the
short time span. evaluators analyzed how, at the institutional level,
In the end, the final main evaluation questions societal structures limit or promote development,
related to: how the interest of stakeholders gain a voice, and
how different interest groups participate in the
• the state of sustainable development in Finland decision-making process. At the level of ideas
in light of indicators and ideology, evaluators identified ideologies and
• the main goals and means of the development explored how ideas have been accepted in poli-
policy tics. The evaluation team also studied the type of
• challenges and strengths of sustainable devel- information that was used to support and guide
opment policy policy. Table 1 presents the framework that was
applied to the evaluation (Berg et al., 2019).
In relation to foreign policy, the evaluation
Table 1 Analytical framework of the PATH2030
• the links and coherence between the different evaluation
administrative branches of foreign policy and Category Questions
the sustainable development goals (focusing Institutions (rules, How do structures restrict/
on international tax policy and trade policy) path-dependencies promote sustainable
• the different ways Finland’s foreign policy or stickiness) development policy? What are
the issues that are hard/
can contribute to achievement of goals across
possible to change?
all administrative branches Interests (potential Actors’ interests: Why does an
material advantages) actor lobby for a certain issue?
Is it somehow beneficial? Are
 arrying Out the Evaluation:
C different opinions heard? Who
may participate?
Approach, Methods, and Process Ideas (policy What ideologies guide the
discourses, action of different actors?
The evaluation approach derived from the tradi- underlying What new ideas are emerged?
tion of developmental evaluation, but it also ideologies or
relied on a theory-based analytical tool adapted
Information (data What kind of information is
for this evaluation. Theory-based assessment and knowledge, and used in politics? Who has
aims to understand both preconditions and mech- their construction produced it?
anisms of implementation, and we paid attention and use)
to the theories of change behind the impact path- Source: Berg et al. (2019)
242 M. Räkköläinen and A. Saxén

Fig. 2 The process of the PATH2030 evaluation. (Source: Berg et al., 2019)

The intensive evaluation process had three ment policy the opportunity to contribute to the
phases that formed the basis for conclusions and evaluation and learn from each other’s experi-
recommendations: ence during the evaluation process. The evalua-
tion used multidisciplinary methods and
1. Analysis of the current state of sustainable cross-sectoral data collection to acquire a wide,
development policy diverse set of material. The data consisted of
2. Evaluation of the current state and its chal- both indicators and documents, with expert
lenges and opportunities insight collected through questionnaires, inter-
3. Validation and development of the prelimi- views, roundtable discussions, and workshops.
nary recommendations via interviews and A total of 130 experts took part in the work-
workshops and within the steering group and shops, and we interviewed 80 bilaterally. The
the broader advisory group. questionnaire produced 238 responses. The data
collection process also included an international
The evaluation team also liaised with the workshop held with partner organizations
international evaluation community through Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and
EvalPartners and EVALSDGs to share ways of Sustainable Development Solutions Network
working and advice. (SDSN). Figure 2 illustrates the process of the
The evaluation explored the theory of change evaluation.
for Finnish sustainable development policy first
and foremost by focusing on the most central
documents—policy instruments for sustainable Key Messages from the Evaluation
development—and the views of the representa-
tives of ministries and other experts. The analysis The PATH2030 evaluation stated that in the
sought to clarify not only the official goals but future, Finland should focus on substantive issues
also the ways in which key actors perceive them where the nation still faces particular challenges
(Berg et al., 2019). The evaluation team con- or opportunities to progress. The evaluation
sulted the international SDG index (Sachs et al., found that Finland’s strengths in implementation
2018) and Finland’s national sustainable devel- of sustainable development include societal sta-
opment indicators. bility, competence, and capability to mediate
The developmental aspect assured that the conflicts of interest. The biggest challenges lie in
evaluation process was inclusive and included addressing climate change, the state of the envi-
several participatory elements. The process gave ronment, unsustainable consumption, and social
different stakeholders in sustainable develop- inequality.
Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development… 243

Although the evaluation concluded that sus- in cross-sectoral foreign policy should be a cen-
tainable development is broadly accepted in tral part of the Government Programme (Berg
Finnish society, at the policy level, Finland is still et al., 2019).
missing clear common vision and a plausible plan The evaluation also explored how the moni-
for achieving policy goals. The evaluation also toring and evaluation of the SDGs could be orga-
recognized that the theory of change for sustain- nized in the future. It recommended strengthening
able development needs to be clarified in terms of the monitoring of Agenda 2030 by improving the
objectives and measures, and in use of indicators. usability of indicator data and by creating a more
Despite this, Finland’s policy has succeeded in clearly visualized indicator system, which could
generating ownership and inclusiveness of sus- serve as a broad-based, topical benchmark for
tainable development, but the evaluation noted discussion. More usable data would promote
room for improvement in policy coherence and monitoring the achievement of goals and devel-
capacity to produce transformative change. The opmental trends. The evaluation also suggested
evaluation suggested increasing proactive mea- that a systemic, cross-administrative evaluation
sures and enhancing coherence of sustainable system would help more systematically assess
development policy. At the institutional level, sus- the impact of Finland’s sustainable development
tainable development has not yet been sufficiently policy and form a basis for the long-term follow
integrated into all government sectors and man- up of the results. The systemic national level
agement systems. Sustainable development is evaluation tool could increase knowledge of
reflected quite well in strategies, but various min- interconnection of activities between different
istries could include more management-­ level administrative and policy sectors. In relation to
Agenda 2030 discussions. The evaluation also decision making, the tool could strengthen the
found that the systemic use of indicators and other use of monitoring information and impact assess-
data and knowledge in decision making and soci- ment as part of the policy for implementing the
etal learning could be strengthened (Berg et al., 2030 Agenda (Berg et al., 2019).
2019). Overall, the evaluation provides a wealth
of information on the state of sustainable develop-
ment and different solutions.  he Use and Usefulness
A key finding concerning Finland’s foreign of the Evaluation
policy was that promoting sustainable develop-
ment in cross-sectoral foreign policy has largely At the national level, the results and recommen-
remained the responsibility of the Ministry for dations of the Path2030 Evaluation were widely
Foreign Affairs, especially its Department for shared with stakeholders. Several discussions
Development Policy. Hence, the evaluation noted took place with political parties, four parliamen-
a need to enhance the impact and coherence of tary committees reflected on the results together,
cross-administrative sustainable foreign policy and the evaluation team presented the results and
(Berg et al., 2019). organized workshops in several ministries and
Table 2 presents a summary of the evalua- with the Finnish National Commission on
tion’s analysis of strengths and challenges (Berg Sustainable Development. The evaluation’s tim-
et al., 2019). ing was ideal in relation to the election and ongo-
The evaluation recommended that sustainable ing negotiation for the Government Programme
development should become the basis of future in Finland. The Programme is very much built on
Government Programmes, that a roadmap for the basis of Agenda 2030, as recommended by
how to reach the goals should be created, and the PATH2030 evaluation. As a result, the
that, for example, the indicators and organization Government decided to include a roadmap to
of sustainable development and the role of the achieve the SDG in its new 2019 Programme, in
expert panel on sustainable development should the form of a report on the global 2030 Agenda
be revised. Promoting sustainable development for Sustainable Development. The report, sub-
244 M. Räkköläinen and A. Saxén

Table 2 Summary of analysis: strengths and challenges Table 2 (continued)

of Finland’s sustainable development policy
Analytical pillar Strengths Challenges
pillar Strengths Challenges Information A wealth of The systemic use
Institutions Finland has Sustainable information is of indicators and
diverse development has available on the research data in
participatory not been state of decision making
approaches to sufficiently sustainable and societal
sustainable integrated into all development and learning is
development. government sectors different insufficient.
and their solutions. Understanding of
management cross-sectoral
systems. themes of
The pursuit of Government work sustainable
sustainable on sustainable development is
development is development is underdeveloped
fairly visible, poorly resourced and information on
such as in the when the actual Finland’s foreign
strategies of required workload policy aims is
different is taken into fragmented.
ministries. consideration. Source: Berg et al. (2019)
Working in silos is
still a core
problem. After publication of the PATH2030 evalua-
Interests Widely shared Conflicts of interest tion, Helsinki hosted an international seminar on
aims and (e.g., short- and
evaluation to connect the SDGs with national pri-
processes, such long-term, different
as the 2030 dimensions of orities. The event was jointly organized by the
Agenda sustainable Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, IIED,
Government development) EVALSDGs, and UNICEF. The purpose of the
Report and decrease the
joint seminar was to support country-led initia-
reviews with a coherence and
sustainable transformational tives to evaluate national performance against
development power of politics. Agenda 2030. Government representatives, eval-
angle (e.g., Tightly defined uation specialists, and civil servants from more
budgetary commercial than 20 countries attended the seminar and par-
review), help interests tend to
mediate conflicts outweigh ticipated in workshops on the role of evaluation
of interest. sustainable in facilitating national policy dialogues and the
development policy evaluative challenge of the multidimensional
based on human characteristics of the SDGs. The main objectives
were to learn from one another, share good prac-
Ideas Sustainable In practice, many
development is a disagreements take tices, and produce an initial set of principles for
widely shared place over SDG evaluation. Bringing people together helped
and sustainable identify learning needs and informed postwork-
mainstreamed development
shop knowledge products.
aim. solutions.
(continued) The seminar inspired emerging international
cooperation that led to a coproduced handbook,
Evaluation to Connect the National Priorities
mitted to parliament in October 2020, serves as with SDGs (D’Errico et al., 2020). Although the
Finland’s national implementation roadmap for 2030 Agenda has clear guidelines for follow-up,
achieving the objectives of the 2030 Agenda review, and reporting, the workshops in the semi-
(VNS, 2020). The report presents the concrete nar revealed a demand for clarity and support
actions the government is taking to promote the around how to conduct evaluations in a country-­
achievement of each of the 17 SDGs in Finland led process. The four organizations decided to
and globally. meet this need together, collaborating on a guide
Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development… 245

to country-led SDG evaluations that would raise evaluation, while giving specific evaluation
awareness of the role evaluation could play at the methods the most robust role.
national level in the context of the 2030 Agenda. The experts observed that one of the greatest
The PATH2030 evaluation was introduced and challenges is assessing integration in the context
the guide was launched in New York at the UN’s of multiple SDGs. Thus, the methodology and
annual High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable methods chosen must support evaluators in draw-
Development. This event is the main intergovern- ing overall conclusions from multiple findings.
mental platform for discussions about sustainable Selection of appropriate methodology depends
development, including the sharing of knowl- on the evaluation questions, objectives, and use
edge, learning, challenges, and success. of the results. Participation of the key stakehold-
The guide has become a very timely resource ers in designing the evaluation approach also
for evaluation commissioners, managers, and quite often contributes to choice of methodology,
professional evaluators who are seeking to create which increases the usefulness of the evaluation
tailored plans and approaches to SDG evaluation results (D’Errico et al., 2020).
in their country context. Local and national eval- The chosen evaluation approach and method-
uators can now benefit from support in using ology have implications for utility. For a success-
SDG evaluations to improve policies and pro- ful evaluation, keeping the scope manageable is
grams closer to home by applying tailored important, as is limiting the number and diversity
approaches. Rather than offering a one-size-fits-­ of the evaluation questions. For example, in the
all model, the guide supports building successful case of Finland’s PATH2030 evaluation, the
evaluation around existing national context, extremely complex task led to the original evalu-
underpinned by the principles of Agenda 2030. ation questions in the call for proposals being
When preparing evaluation approaches, com- very challenging and complicated, and too
missioners, managers, and evaluation experts numerous. After some radical revisions, the ques-
have to consider complex system interactions and tions were clarified and simplified to better serve
interventions within Agenda 2030 policy imple- the purpose and usefulness of the Path2030 eval-
mentation. Evaluation commissioners often uation (Berg et al., 2019).
struggle with how to prepare for an effective and Below are some practical lessons learned for
useful evaluation in their country context. In the improving the utility of an SDG evaluation,
guide, experts emphasize the importance of iden- drawn from reflections on the Path2030
tifying from the outset who will use the evalua- evaluation.
tion results, how they will use them, and why.
After identifying this, commissioners can con- • Plan the framework carefully and be focused.
sider the different ways they could use evaluation • Keep the evaluation questions short and clear.
to learn about SDG implementation and relation- • Try to keep up participatory spirit—but make
ships with existing strategies, policies, and clear that all expectations cannot be met.
programs. • Allocate enough time for the entire evaluation
Connecting national priorities with SDGs— process.
including 17 goals, 169 targets, and 232 • Write the report such that readers can readily
indicators—is a challenge, and knowing and
­ understand the complex process and its results.
ensuring that the implementation is on the right Visualize and simplify the complex issues.
track is not easy. The international expert group • Formulate the recommendations carefully to
that prepared the guide reflected on some of the make them clear and easy to understand and
key issues in selecting the methodology and adapt.
designing the evaluation setup for an SDG evalu- • Focus on the opportunities, not only the
ation. They highlighted that successful evaluation challenges.
usually draws on evidence from various sources. • When communicating the results, connect to
Therefore, the guide recommends integrating the actual challenges and focus on the most
monitoring systems and indicators as part of the important priorities.
246 M. Räkköläinen and A. Saxén

In national evaluations, a participatory limited time span, and especially when the focus
approach enhances the usefulness of evaluation is on such a complex system. It is important to
results. In organizations, designing inclusive pro- recognize the evaluation processes and structures
cesses is a crucial precondition for evidence-­ that expand partnering, boost utilization of
informed learning and decision making. results, and lead to learning and transformative
change. We have learned that recommendations
become clearer, more concrete, and more realis-
Evaluative Lessons for the Future tic when they are formulated with the participa-
tion of stakeholders, civil servants, or policy
Inclusiveness and Participation makers who are the ultimate users of the evalua-
tion results. Implementation of recommendations
Discussing how Agenda 2030 evaluation is effective if the evaluation contributes directly
approaches and processes can contribute to to ongoing reform or an organization’s develop-
national progress on sustainable development is ment process. And if the timing is not right, eval-
interesting and extremely important. The uation may not affect the policy reviews,
PATH2030 evaluation of Finland’s sustainable strategies, or implementation of policies as
development policy is an example of conducting planned.
an evaluation in a very participatory manner. The
starting point for the evaluation was the tradition
of developmental-oriented evaluation (see Patton, Learning Throughout the Evaluation
1997, 2011), which is not a common approach in Process
policy-level evaluations of SDGs. The evaluation
focused more on systems and processes rather Several proceedings and dissemination events
than only on end results. The developmental ori- after the publication of the Path2030 evaluation
entation was intended to serve both sharing and have increased the utility of the evaluation results.
learning purposes and to bring together different Enhancing learning does not mean only dissemi-
interest groups and administrative sectors. nating results. It also requires attention both to
Another important justification of the approach learning throughout the evaluation process and to
was that the collaborative methods would help in learning from results after publication. From a
gathering valuable but undocumented data to learning perspective, it is more important that an
identify a comprehensive status of Agenda 2030 evaluation is valid and fit for the purpose in the
implementation. Joint workshops revealed and particular context than that it rigidly fulfills the
produced both in-depth knowledge about how the requirements of comparability of the results.
indicators had been applied in practice and data Locally designed evaluations (enabling owner-
used in the complicated context of decision mak- ship) to meet local conditions have proven to
ing. Developmental evaluations are often long have a positive effect on learning and develop-
lasting, but this was not the case in Finland’s ment, as long as other quality assurance elements
exercise. Despite the intensity and short duration, are embedded in the evaluation system to ensure
the evaluation’s developmental aspects were not as much confidence and trust as possible. Many
undermined; on the contrary, we learned numer- studies have shown that designing inclusive pro-
ous useful lessons. cesses is a crucial precondition for evidence-­
Although the Path2030 evaluation did not fol- informed learning and decision making in
low the most traditional principles of develop- organizations or in country contexts. Therefore,
mental evaluation, its success encourages us to allocating time for sharing and reflection through-
apply this approach even more consistently in out the evaluation process is important (e.g.,
policy-level evaluations. The evaluation con- Mayne, 2010, 2011; Palenberg et al., 2019;
vinced us that using participatory methods con- Räisänen & Räkköläinen, 2013, 2014;
sistently is possible—and worthwhile—even in a Räkköläinen, 2011; Vähämäki et al., 2011;
Pathway to the Transformative Policy of Agenda 2030: Evaluation of Finland’s Sustainable Development… 247

Table 3 Learning throughout the evaluation process of interventions, programs, and projects. This
Evaluation design Evaluative lessons learned feedback is usually provided during field work so
Methodological choices that immediate improvements can be introduced
Contextualization Embedding methods in context and put into practice in timely manner. Real-time
helps meet local conditions and
enables recognition of tacit
evaluations are often joint exercises that enable
knowledge and know-how in shared learning opportunities and enhance mutual
order to learn why and how the accountability between different actors.
results have been achieved. The COVID-19 pandemic has presented many
Mixed-methods Capturing the complexity by obstacles to SDG evaluation—and all develop-
using a variety of methods and
cross-sectoral data collection ment evaluations. Conducting evaluations that
enhances validity, which is capture the multidimensional characteristics of
significant for learning. the SDGs is even more challenging when activi-
Evaluation process ties are restricted. The pandemic caused data col-
Participation Involvement of key stakeholders lection problems in many countries, which may
and beneficiaries with various
backgrounds contributes lead to a major evidence gap and make verifying
collaborative learning and use of the impact of the 2030 Agenda even more diffi-
evaluation results, and gives cult. COVID-19 will also affect not only the way
opportunity for interactive recommendations are formulated, but how they
implementation of the
recommendations. can be put into practice and linked to SDGs. The
Inclusiveness Structured opportunities and pandemic will have long-term effects on econo-
allocated time for reflection mies, jobs, livelihoods, and poverty; therefore,
throughout the evaluation process the evaluation approaches during this period
contributes to evidence-informed
should be strategic and forward looking. More
solid national evaluation policies may also be
necessary. Strengthening evaluation capacity will
be instrumental in stimulating national-level
Vähämäki & Verger, 2019; Young, 2019). Table 3 ownership in evaluation and the use of evaluation
summarizes lessons learned that relate to sup- results for transformative change toward sustain-
porting learning throughout the evaluation. able development goals.
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2030 implementation, an important step is
encouraging countries to develop their own mon- References
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Evaluating for Resilient
and Sustainable Livelihoods:
Applying a Normative Framework
to Emerging Realities

Prashanth Kotturi

 inds of Change in Development
and Response
Evaluation has to reflect the evolving priori-
ties of development and measure progress on Development is a dynamic field with new
their achievement. At the same time, evalua- demands placed on development actors to main-
tion must also incorporate newer demands stream and incorporate every few years. The
from within the field such as increasing equity Brundtland Commission report (Brundtland,
focus in evaluations, gender mainstreaming, 1987) brought the importance of environment to
and human rights. Environment and climate the front and center of the development debate.
change became mainstreamed into the pro- Similarly, the Intergovernmental Panel on
gramming of development organizations fol- Climate Change was established in 1988 to draw
lowing the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and voices from across the globe onto a single plat-
formation of financing mechanisms such as form to tackle climate change. However, only
the Global Environment Facility (GEF) in later did environment and climate change become
1991. This chapter reflects on how the mainstreamed into the programming of develop-
Independent Office of Evaluation (IOE) of the ment partners. Environment found higher recog-
International Fund for Agricultural nition first in the aftermath of the Rio Earth
Development (IFAD) addressed the growing Summit in 1992 and the formation of financing
demands on the evaluation function in terms mechanisms such as the Global Environment
of incorporating concerns on environment and Facility (GEF) in 1991. Climate change also
climate within existing methodological frame- started to be reflected more explicitly in develop-
works, and also adapting its methodology to ment programming in the late 2000s, in light of
meet internal and external evaluation demands. the global food price crisis.
The chapter considers how evolving method- Evaluation as a field has to account for these
ologies, methods, and tools have helped IFAD evolving trends in development. Evaluation has
overcome these issues. to reflect the emerging priorities of the develop-
ment field and measure progress on their achieve-
ment. At the same time, evaluation also has to
incorporate new demands emerging from within
P. Kotturi (*) the field, such as making evaluations more equity
Independent Office of Evaluation of the International focused, gender mainstreamed, and human
Fund for Agricultural Development, Rome, Italy rights-centric.

© The Author(s) 2022 251

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
252 P. Kotturi

This chapter reflects on how the Independent Manual 2009 (first edition), and Evaluation
Office of Evaluation (IOE) of the International Manual 2015 (second edition). Each of these has
Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) built on the work of the previous methodologies.
addressed the emerging demands on evaluation The starting point for all three are the evaluation
function in terms of incorporating concerns on criteria of the Development Assistance
environment and climate within the existing Committee of the Organisation for Economic
methodological framework(s), directly or indi- Co-operation and Development (OECD DAC)
rectly, while adapting its methodology to meet first laid out in the Principles for Evaluation of
internal and external demands on IFAD evalua- Development Assistance (OECD, 1991) and later
tion. This chapter also illustrates how evolving defined in the 2002 Glossary of Key Terms in
methodologies, methods, and tools have helped Evaluation and Results Based Management
IFAD overcome these issues. (OECD, 2002). For the purpose of this chapter,
IOE’s evaluation criteria is divided into three cat-
egories: core criteria, impact criteria, and other
Evaluation Methodology of IOE criteria. Over the years, each of these categories
has evolved to encompass different facets of sus-
The Independent Office of Evaluation of IFAD tainable livelihoods and resilience to climactic
has had three iterations of evaluation methodol- shocks. Table 1 presents IOE’s evaluation meth-
ogy, codified in the Methodological Framework odology over time.
for Evaluation 2003 (MFE, 2003), Evaluation

Table 1 Evolution of IOE evaluation methodologies

MFE 2003 Evaluation Manual 2009 Evaluation Manual 2015
Core criteria Relevance Relevance Relevance
Effectiveness Effectiveness Effectiveness
Efficiency Efficiency Efficiency
Impact domains/ Impact on physical and financial Household incomes and Household income and net
criteria assets assets assets
Impact on human assets Human and social capital Human and social capital and
and empowerment empowerment
Impact on social capital and Food security and Food security and agricultural
people’s empowerment agricultural productivity productivity
Impact on environment and Natural resources and Institutions and policies
communal resource base environment
Impact on institutions, policies Institutions and policies
and regulatory framework
Other criteria Overarching factors: Sustainability Gender equality and women’s
Sustainability empowerment
Gender equality
Innovation and scaling up
Performance of IFAD Promotion of pro-poor Innovation and scaling up
innovation, replication
and scaling up
Performance of government Environment and natural
resource management
Performance of cooperating Adaptation to climate change
Performance of cofinancing Performance of IFAD
Performance of government
Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities 253

In terms of methodology, this chapter explores Development Programme, 2017), and may be
three defining features of IOE’s methodology and tangible or intangible in nature.
their role in evaluating environment, sustainabil- According to Chambers and Conway (1991),
ity, and resilience to climate change. These link tangible assets include food stocks; stores of
to a sustainable livelihood approach, constant value such as gold, jewelry, and woven textiles;
evolution of methodology, and accumulated and cash savings in banks of thrift and credit pro-
methodological experience through various grams. This category also includes land, water,
products. trees, livestock and farm equipment, tools, and
domestic utensils. Nontangible assets include
claims and access. Claims are often made in
 ustainable Livelihood Approach
S times of shocks or stress or when contingencies
and Evaluation Methodology arise. They are made on individuals or agencies;
on relatives, neighbors, patrons, chiefs, social
 onceptual Linkage Among
C groups, or communities; or on nongovernmental
Livelihoods, Environment, Resilience, organizations (NGOs), the international commu-
and Agriculture nity, or governments, including programs per-
IFAD has the mandate to work toward enhancing taining to drought relief or poverty alleviation.
the livelihood systems of rural populations Access is the opportunity to use a resource, store,
through agricultural and nonagricultural liveli- or service, or to obtain information, material,
hood options. technology, employment, food, or income.
When discussing sustainable livelihoods, the Figure 1 illustrates the components and flows in
definition from Carney (1998) reveals the various a livelihood.
layers therein: The definition of sustainable livelihoods
A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets brings to the fore the importance of withstanding
(including both material and social resources) and shocks and uncertainties for ensuring sustainabil-
activities required for a means of living. A liveli- ity of livelihoods, and the role that the various
hood is sustainable when it can cope with and kinds of assets play in doing so. Some of the
recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or
enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in major shocks that the poor face include political,
the future, while not undermining the natural climactic, and economic shocks. In this context,
resource base. (p. 4) even before climate change and environmental
sustainability became more mainstreamed into
This definition interweaves the ideas of liveli- development parlance and expressed more
hoods and resilience. It also lays out another explicitly in development theory, there was an
important aspect of livelihood enhancement and implicit recognition of the various climactic
the resilience to shocks: interaction between shocks and a more explicit recognition of the
human and natural systems. broader strategies to cope with them.
Central to both the Carney (1998) definition Over the years, evaluation criteria have
and determining the resilience of households to evolved to encompass different facets of sustain-
vulnerabilities is the idea of livelihood assets. able livelihoods and resilience to climactic
These are the means of production available to a shocks. The core criteria of relevance, effective-
given individual, household, or group that can be ness, and efficiency were influenced by the
used in their livelihood activities and have the Principles for Evaluation of Development
potential to produce something that is economi- Assistance published by OECD DAC in 1991 and
cally desirable (Goodwin, 2003, p. 3). Natural have been reflected in every iteration of IOE’s
capital, social capital, human capital, physical methodology.
capital, and financial capital are the five types of The second part of the methodology links
assets discussed in the literature (United Nations directly to the sustainable livelihood approach
254 P. Kotturi

Fig. 1 Components and flows in a livelihood

Source: Chambers and Conway (1991)

through the criteria and subcriteria under the ation methodology over the years (see Table 1)
impact domain in Table 1. These criteria/subcri- and has formed the basis on which IOE has built
teria mirror the various kinds of livelihood its methodology for evaluating environment and
assets—natural capital, social capital, human climate adaptation.
capital, physical capital, and financial capital—to
varying degrees. Given the criteria’s intricate
links to the sustainable livelihood approach, IOE  volution of the IOE Evaluation
has been able to determine whether an interven- Methodology
tion of a portfolio of projects is able to provide or
enable its smallholder target groups with assets As Tables 1 and 2 illustrate, each subsequent iter-
that help them adapt to various kinds of shocks, ation of IOE evaluation methodology has under-
including climactic shocks. This goes beyond gone significant changes in terms of criteria.
looking at physical infrastructure to considering Livelihood assets, such as human and social
intangible assets such as individual agency and assets, natural resource assets, physical assets,
social capital, skills that can help smallholders and financial assets, were most explicitly dis-
adapt to all kinds of shocks. However, a crucial cussed in the MFE 2003 and are reflected simi-
gap in using this rubric of criteria in evaluating larly in the evaluation manuals of 2009 and 2015.
adaptation to climate change is that it only looks Three broad observations illuminate the evolu-
at the presence or absence of certain precondi- tion of the evaluation criteria and methodology.
tions with a causal assumption that these will First, evaluation criteria have evolved from
help in adaptation efforts without always placing reflecting livelihood issues to a broader focus on
them in the context of the climactic risks that themes and thematic thrusts. The MFE 2003 cri-
exist in a given area. teria focused much more on prevalence and
The combination of OECD DAC criteria and strengthening different kinds of livelihood assets
those derived from a sustainable livelihoods that enhance the resilience of smallholders. The
approach form the normative framework on strengthening and presence of these was seen as
which IOE has built accountability and learning necessary for livelihoods to be resilient and sus-
in rural development. This normative framework tainable. As shown in Table 1, evaluation criteria
is reflected in the various iterations of IOE evalu- in 2009 and particularly in 2015 reflected the-
Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities 255

Table 2 Evolution of IOE evaluation questions

criteria Evaluation questions
2003 2009 2015
Environmental Did the natural Did the status of To what extent did the project adopt approaches/
assets and resource base the natural measures for restoration or sustainable management of
natural status change resources base natural resources (e.g., enhancement of ecosystem
resources (land, water, change (land, services, support to training and extension to foster
forest, pasture, water, forest, efficient environment and natural resource management,
fish stocks, pasture, fish uptake of appropriate/new technologies)? – conservation
etc.)? – access stocks, To what extent did the project develop the capacity of
Did exposure to etc.)? – community groups and institutions to manage
environmental conservation environmental risks (e.g., how governance-related factors
risks Did local are shaping the management of natural resources,
change? – communities’ influence of incentives and disincentives for sustainable
vulnerability access to natural natural resource use and natural resource-based
resources change livelihoods improvement)? – governance and
(in general and management of natural resources and environmental
specifically for the risks
poor)? – access To what extent did the project contribute to reducing the
Has the degree of environmental vulnerability of the community and build
environmental resilience for sustainable natural resource management
vulnerability that contribute to poverty reduction (e.g., factors such as
changed (e.g., access to technologies, information/awareness
exposure to creation)? – vulnerability
pollutants, climate To what extent did the project contribute to long-term
change effects, environmental and social sustainability (e.g., through
volatility in avoiding overexploitation of natural resources, loss of
resources, biodiversity, or reduction of the community’s livelihoods;
potential natural by empowering and strengthening the capacity of
disasters)? – community-based natural resource management groups
vulnerability to ensure sustainable natural resources management; or
by ensuring strong stakeholder engagement, especially of
vulnerable groups, in decision making affecting natural
resources use)? – human and natural system nexus
To what extent did the project follow required
environmental and social risk assessment procedures
(e.g., social, environmental, and climate assessment
procedures), including meaningful consultation with
affected and vulnerable communities, and comply with
applicable IFAD or national environmental and social
standards or norms to ensure any harmful impacts are
avoided or managed/mitigated through, where needed,
the implementation of effective environmental and social
management plans, including robust monitoring and
supervision? – safeguards compliance
Adaptation to To what extent did the project demonstrate awareness
climate change and analysis of current and future climate risks?
What are the amounts and nature of funds allocated to
adaptation to climate change-related risks?
What were the most important factors that helped the
rural poor to restore the natural resource and environment
base potentially affected by climate change?
256 P. Kotturi

matic priorities such as environment and natural been meant to also cover climate change-induced
resources, gender, food security, and, most prom- risks. However, in the 2015 iteration of IOE
inently, climate change. This change in method- methodology, the assessment of climate change
ology can be attributed to the evolving nature of is more explicit, with questions on current and
IFAD operations with a move away from inte- future risks. Such a change took place as a result
grated rural development programs to those with of an evolving and increasing emphasis on cli-
a theme focus, such as rural finance, value chains, mate change adaptation in IFAD’s strategic
market access, and integrated natural resource emphasis, corporate policies, and programmatic
management. Much more important, the reflec- thrusts.
tion of natural resource management as a sepa- Evaluation criteria have undergone change in
rate criterion reflected an increasing recognition two ways. First, newer evaluation criteria such as
of and focus on environmental conservation and climate change adaptation have been added over
management in IFAD programming in the con- time to reflect the evolving criteria. Second, even
text of donor demands and supplementary finan- when evaluation criteria have remained similar,
cial resources from funding institutions such as the scope of evaluation criteria has expanded in
the GEF. terms of the suggested evaluation questions under
Second, IFAD’s evaluation focus has evolved those criteria. A consequence of the increase in
from looking at conservation status of the natural the scope of questions is that crosscutting issues
resource base toward recognizing the importance are better incorporated into evaluations. Such
of the natural resource base for livelihoods of questions also better account for complexity. For
rural populations and their sustainable use and example, the 2015 iteration of evaluation meth-
management. This is most prominently reflected odology recognizes the dependence of target
in the evaluation questions framed under each groups on the natural resource base for liveli-
iteration of the evaluation methodology and the hoods and thus looks at human and natural sys-
number of questions under the environment and tem interaction. Similarly, the questions under
natural resource management criteria (see the 2015 methodology also go beyond simple
Table 2). In terms of questions, the 2003 MFE conservation to incorporate governance of the
had two questions pertaining to the state of the natural resource base.
natural resource base and vulnerability of rural
poor to environmental risks. The subsequent iter-
ations of methodology in 2009 and 2015 con- Accumulated Methodological
tained more expansive coverage in evaluation Experience Through Various Products
questions on environment and natural resource
management. The later iterations of IOE evalua- IOE produces a wide variety of products with
tion methodology have essentially focused on the differing scope, focus, and purposes. In the early
sustainable interactions between human and 2000s, most of IOE’s focus was on country port-
natural systems. The questions elaborated in
­ folio evaluations and project evaluations.
Table 2 are by no means exhaustive and provide However, IOE has increasingly moved toward a
only initial guidance; actual questions asked more thematic focus over the years. This started
under the criteria in each evaluation may differ. with undertaking higher plane evaluations such
Third, climate change adaptation was men- as corporate-level evaluations, which look at
tioned as a separate evaluation criterion for the corporate and thematic priorities beyond evalua-
first time in 2015. As Table 2 illustrates, climate tion of a country portfolio or project. This was
change was covered more implicitly under the further reinforced when, in 2011, IOE began
criterion of environment and natural resource undertaking evaluation synthesis reports on spe-
management in 2003 and 2009, as shown in the cific topics, an exercise that consolidates evalua-
evaluation questions that elaborate on environ- tion findings on a specific topic over a period of
mental risks. Such implicit inclusion has often time.
Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities 257

Thus, IOE has built its experience in evaluat- The figure illustrates how performance saw
ing environment and climate change over a period some decline in the period of 2007–2013 before
of time by undertaking incrementally different picking up again. IOE undertook the evaluation
kinds of analysis on the topics. For example, IOE synthesis report on environment and natural
produced evaluation synthesis reports in the past resources management in 2015 to consolidate the
few years on topics such as fisheries, water man- lessons that IOE evaluations have generated on
agement, and environment and natural resource the topic and explanatory factors for performance
management. This accumulated experience on in the area of environment and natural resource
evaluation synthesis also pointed to the need for a management. Thus, IOE’s products have progres-
higher plane evaluation specifically focused on sively built on one another to inform the debate
climate change adaptation. As of the time of writ- on thematic areas of priority for IFAD. IOE has
ing this chapter, IOE was undertaking a thematic introduced newer products from time to time to
evaluation on this topic. meet the accountability and learning require-
IOE has also been able to consolidate the find- ments of the organization. Such evolution in its
ings of its numerous evaluations over a period of products is operationalized through the evalua-
time to provide trends of performance on evalua- tion methodology, which has been revised as the
tion criteria in its Annual Report on Results and need arose for tackling newer challenges in IFAD
Impact (ARRI). Such trends are depicted on a operations.
3-year moving average. These assessments have
provided IOE with useful and contemporary
insights and helped in planning evaluations that  ethods for Assessment Using
probe the underlying factors influencing perfor- Normative Frameworks
mance. Figure 2 depicts the trends in IOE’s rating
on environment and natural resource manage- IOE typically has used a wide variety of methods
ment criteria as shown in the 2020 ARRI (IFAD, to collect data on evaluation questions and crite-
2020). ria. The evolution of IOE’s methods mirror the

Fig. 2 Trend in ratings on natural resource management

258 P. Kotturi

diverse elements of the organization’s evaluation ensuring access to financial resources in the
methodology vis-à-vis environment and climate event of facing shocks, especially financial
change adaptation. The sustainable livelihood shocks. Because discussions around financial
element of the normative framework mostly resources can be sensitive, evaluators usually
employs qualitative methods. deploy focus group discussions only to under-
stand the nature of community-­based and other
informal and formal sources of financial ser-
 ustainable Livelihood Approach
S vices that remain at the disposal of IFAD’s tar-
and Qualitative Methods get groups and these sources’ role in helping
communities withstand shocks. For example, in
Livelihood assets such as natural, social, human, many community-based savings groups that
physical, and financial capital are instrumental in IFAD creates and strengthens, financial prod-
ensuring the resilience of rural populations. IOE ucts exist for restarting economic activities such
methodology has historically focused on ascer- as restocking of livestock herds and reviving
taining the impact of IFAD interventions through crop agriculture. Evaluators conduct interviews
creation of these assets. Various dimensions with individuals to understand their access to
under these asset classes help in adaptation alternative avenues of income such as remit-
through different pathways and questions are tances and nonfarm income, and the resilience
asked under each of these to understand their role of those sources.
in helping smallholders adapt.
Social Capital
Physical Capital Social capital is defined by the OECD as “net-
Typical physical assets include tangible assets works together with shared norms, values, and
such as land, housing, and vehicles that are understandings that facilitate cooperation within
repositories of economic value. In terms of pri- or among groups” (2007, p. 103). Thus, assessing
mary data, evaluators generally assess physical social capital involves looking at the social
assets through individual interviews and direct dynamics between people, the functioning of
observations of field interventions. For example, community institutions, and formal and informal
evaluators in the field enquire with beneficiaries bonds. This requires evaluators to explore the
on their state of current asset matrix, the compo- individual and collective social capital to under-
sition of assets, and the utility of such assets in stand the level of trust, solidarity, and coherence
times of shocks. In terms of secondary data, that exists in a community. This is usually done
IFAD’s measurement and evaluation (M&E) sys- through in-depth focus group discussions with
tem typically captures the state of housing, size individuals who share social and geographic
of landholding, and household items as a part of spaces. Such focus group discussions also attempt
outcome and impact surveys. Such data is used to understand the ability of target groups to lean
by evaluators after due diligence on the method- on their social networks in times of shocks and
ology in the outcome surveys. The data is also the willingness of the social networks to provide
validated during field visits through interviews avenues for relief and recovery. Interviews with
and direct observations. individuals allow evaluators to confirm the extent
to which individuals are able to rely or have
Financial Capital relied on project- or program-facilitated social
For IFAD’s target groups, this category typi- networks. In terms of secondary data, IFAD uses
cally includes access to financial assets such as its M&E system from time to time to capture the
credit, insurance, savings, etc. Community- state of community institutions through a com-
based savings groups and remittances also hold posite rating or a qualitative assessment of their
an important place in IFAD’s operations in functioning.
Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities 259

Human Capital Now, IOE considers the state of the natural

Human capital refers to skills, knowledge, and resource base, interaction between human and
ability to work. Building human capital usually natural systems, and climate change-induced
involves training in farm and off-farm livelihood risks to livelihoods and to the natural resource
activities. To gather secondary data, IFAD’s base. IOE has felt an increasing need to adopt
M&E system captures output data on the train- newer methods because conventional qualitative
ings and skills imparted. IOE also interviews par- methods do not sufficiently assess on these
ticipants on the nature of the skills learned and dimensions. For example, conventional methods
their use in the livelihood matrix. IOE pays spe- cannot holistically assess the state of natural
cial attention to target groups’ ability to use the resources in a project/program area. A method
skills to undertake livelihood activities that pro- such as direct observation might provide a gen-
mote resilience. For example, IFAD programs in eral view of the state of the natural resource base
some countries help build off-farm vocational at a certain point in time, but natural resources
skills for professions and jobs that enable people systems are highly dynamic and require a longer
to diversify their livelihoods or migrate season- term view to understand program effects and nat-
ally for income-generating activities. ural resource systems at large. IOE assessments
also need a quantitative evidence base on the evo-
Natural Capital lution of natural resource systems. Similarly,
Historically, IFAD has relied on interviews and anchoring the adaptation efforts of a program/
focus group discussions to understand the state of project in local climactic risks requires a tempo-
the common and communal natural base and the ral and scientific analysis.
ability of target groups to access these assets. With this recognition, IOE has adopted geo-
This refers not just to access as a whole but also graphic information systems (GIS) analysis as
to equity of the access for various groups. Hence, one method for data collection and analysis. GIS
in-depth individual interviews and focus group provides IOE with two advantages over existing
discussions put special emphasis on interacting qualitative methods. First, GIS delivers a tempo-
with a sample that is as representative as possible ral view of IOE’s area of interest. IOE can ana-
when assessing access to natural capital. Direct lyze the state of natural resources and other
observations have also provided a general view topographic features of interest across years, irre-
of the state of natural resource management. spective of whether an IFAD program was active
However, in recent times, IOE has employed in that area. This allows IOE to create a baseline
newer methods to assess interventions on envi- situation in a given area even if program M&E
ronment and natural resource management, does not have a baseline survey. It could also
described below. allow IOE to create a counterfactual for the proj-
ect intervention, although this has yet to be
piloted in IOE. Figure 3 illustrates an IOE recre-
Methods for an Evolving ation of a baseline situation in a given area.
Methodology Second, GIS gives IOE spatial capability to eval-
uate beyond the mobility limitations of e­ valuators
As mentioned previously, IOE’s methodology in the course of field visits. In simpler terms, GIS
has evolved in the past few iterations from assess- allows evaluators to assess interventions in areas
ing the presence of livelihood assets to a more they may not be able to visit.
thematic focus on climate change adaptation and IOE first piloted GIS in its work in 2016 as a
environment and natural resource management. part of an impact evaluation in Georgia, using
More specifically, successive evaluation method- satellite imagery to analyze changes in landscape
ologies have moved away from simply looking at and cropping patterns in response to irrigation
target groups’ ability to access natural resources. system improvements. IOE retrieved satellite
260 P. Kotturi

Fig. 3 Sample difference in vegetation in Nepal between 2015 and 2019

imagery captured prior to the program to estab- reach any robust conclusions. Figure 3 shows that
lish a baseline, and then from the midpoint of the the leasehold forestry training provided in
program and the time of evaluation. IOE used Karnali province of Nepal did result in improved
this imagery to calculate the normalized differ- density of tree cover in one of the sites. This was
ence vegetation index1 and construct models to triangulated through qualitative questions on the
estimate crop yields before and after irrigation value of nontimber forest produce of the forestry
improvements, taking into account other vari- groups that depend on these leasehold forests.
ables from the program area. This analysis trian- This provided a proxy for increase in forest cover
gulated the findings emerging from the survey and its impact on the livelihoods of target groups.
data collected as part of the impact evaluation
itself. Constraints
Similarly, IOE used GIS in the context of a One of the limiting factors for using GIS in IOE
country-level evaluation in Nepal. Satellite imag- evaluations is the lack of systematic streamlining
ery (such as in Fig. 3) allowed IOE to understand geotagging of project/program interventions.
changes in the landscape over a period of time This prevents IOE from capitalizing on one of the
through visual observation of imagery. The idea major advantages of using GIS in evaluation
was to understand the broader nature of evolution work: the spatial capability to evaluate beyond
of the natural base in the general project area the mobility limitations of evaluators during field
without constructing models, which would visits. Usually, one of the ways to circumvent this
require more primary data on specific variables to constraint is by considering administrative
boundaries of a project site location. However,
IFAD’s interventions mostly target individual
Normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) quanti-
households at the community level and rarely
fies vegetation by measuring the difference between near-
infrared (which vegetation strongly reflects) and red light work at sub-watershed/watershed level or land-
(which vegetation absorbs). scape level. Thus, considering administrative
Evaluating for Resilient and Sustainable Livelihoods: Applying a Normative Framework to Emerging Realities 261

boundaries would lead to weak attribution and strongly the kind of environment and climactic
even contribution of the program to enhancing risks and the analysis undertaken to recognize
the natural resource base. In the absence of sys- those risks in IFAD operations.
tematic tagging of interventions as part of pro- Future methodological directions could build
gram/project M&E, evaluators are limited to on the existing normative framework. Two
analyzing only those sites that they have physi- potential lines of enquiry that could be better
cally visited and geotagged themselves. This explored in future evaluations are appropriate-
reduces the scope for ensuring external validity ness and adequacy of interventions addressing
of any conclusions that evaluators may draw climate risks and accompanying climate adapta-
based on GIS analysis. Another limitation is the tion needs. Appropriateness links interventions
lack of capacity within IOE to undertake GIS-­ more explicitly to prevailing climate change-
based collection and analysis of data. So far, IOE induced risks in a given area and seeks to iden-
has relied on external expertise to undertake GIS tify whether an intervention is appropriate for a
analysis in evaluations. given risk. Although the evaluation questions in
IOE’s methodological iterations do implicitly
GIS for the Future recognize the risks and responding interventions
IFAD has begun more systematic geotagging of in a given context, they do not do so explicitly.
its project/program sites and has made plans to Adequacy of interventions pertains to whether
introduce geotagging as a part of operational pro- the intensity of an intervention, the matrix of
cedures for projects in some regional divisions. interventions, and interventions’ coherence is
Such data is also being organized in a format that sufficient.
will be consistent across the organization and However, such evolution would require a
available on one web-based platform, IFAD newer paradigm of evaluation methodology,
Geonode. This should help IOE better use GIS to methods, and specialized skill sets to understand
evaluate interventions moving forward. To capi- the climactic risks in a given context. This would
talize on the opportunities provided by these new require evaluations to assess two aspects of a pro-
methods, IOE is exploring various avenues to gram/project. First, project design would need to
build GIS-related capacity in house. include a climatic risk assessment for the pro-
gram area. Second, evaluations would have to
validate the robustness of the climactic risk
 uture Perspectives on Methodology
F assessment process, which would require the
for Evaluating Climate Adaptation capacity of evaluation teams to undertake climate
and Natural Resource Management risk assessment through qualitative and quantita-
tive methods.
As mentioned earlier, IOE started evaluating cli- IOE has come a long way in terms of conduct-
mate adaptation and natural resource manage- ing evaluations, constantly learning as an evalua-
ment through the framework of sustainable tion unit, and upgrading its methodology
livelihood approach and the five kinds of capital. periodically. As the operations of IFAD have
IOE’s initial methodological approach to resil- become more focused on the issues around natu-
ience (including climactic risks) looked at the ral resource management and climate change
presence of the five kinds of capital, and their adaptation, IOE has had more occasions to build
presence was seen as enabling resilience of its knowledge base. In the next years, IOE will
IFAD’s target communities. However, resilience have an opportunity to undertake another revi-
needs to be more firmly anchored in risks that sion of its methodology when it revises its evalu-
prevail in a given context. The second and third ation manual and incorporate the new methods
iterations of IOE’s manual emphasize more and experiences it has piloted.
262 P. Kotturi

References Organisation for Economic Co-operation and

Development. (1991). Principles for evaluation of
development assistance. Organization for Economic
Brundtland, G. H. (1987). Report of the World Commission
Cooperation and Development, Development
on Environment and Development: Our common
Assistance Committee.
future. United Nations. https://sustainabledevelop-
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development. (2002). Glossary of key terms in evalu-
Carney, D. (1998). Sustainable rural livelihoods:
ation and results based management. Author. https://
What contribution can we make? Department for
International Development.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Chambers, R., & Conway, G. (1991). Sustainable rural
Development. (2007). Human capital: How what you
livelihoods: Practical concepts for the 21st century.
know shapes your life. https://read.oecd-­
Institute for Development Studies. https://publica-
United Nations Development Programme. (2017).
Goodwin, N. (2003). Five kinds of capital: Useful concepts
Guidance note: Application of sustainable livelihoods
for sustainable development. Global Development and
framework in development projects. Author. https://
Environment Institute.
International Fund for Agricultural Development. (2020).
2020 annual report on results and impact of IFAD
operations. Author.

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Measuring the Impact
of Monitoring: How We Know
Transparent Near-Real-Time Data
Can Help Save the Forests

Katherine Shea

Abstract Institute (WRI), its contributions need to be eval-

uated and monitored. Like other open-data plat-
Global Forest Watch (GFW) is an online plat- forms, it is based on the idea that transparent,
form that distills satellite imagery into near-­ publicly available data can support the greater
time forest change information that good; in this case, reducing deforestation. By its
anyone can access and act on. Like other very nature, the use of freely available data can
open-data platforms, GFW is based on the be difficult to track, and its impact difficult to
idea that transparent, publicly available data measure.
can support the greater good—in this case, The team behind Global Forest Watch (GFW)
reducing deforestation. By its very nature, the explored several methods for monitoring and
use of freely available data can be difficult to evaluating the impact of open-data tools for natu-
track and its impact difficult to measure. This ral resource protection. This chapter explores
chapter explores four approaches for measur- four approaches for measuring the reach and
ing the reach and impact of GFW, including impact of GFW, including quantitative and quali-
quantitative and qualitative approaches for tative approaches for monitoring outcomes and
monitoring outcomes and measuring impact. measuring impact. This chapter aims to provide a
The recommendations can be applied to other framework for other open-data platforms to mon-
transparency initiatives, especially those pro- itor outcomes and measure impact to learn and
viding remote-sensing data. iterate on the most cost-effective strategies for
natural resource protection. In the case of GFW,
we have found that quantitative methods are
capable of measuring outcomes and impact,
Global Forest Watch is an online platform that although they require innovative approaches.
can support monitoring and evaluation of conser- We’ve also found that qualitative methods are
vation projects, international commitments to necessary to understand the mechanisms of adop-
reduce deforestation, and private sector zero-­ tion and application and produce lessons for fur-
deforestation plans. As a partner-funded project, thering the reach and impact of open data.
like other projects within the World Resources

K. Shea (*)
World Resources Institute, Washington, DC, USA

© The Author(s) 2022 263

J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
264 K. Shea

Background: What Is GFW? Forest Watch, as the platform was named, is a

website that displays changes in forest cover as
Deforestation is a critically important challenge pink pixels on a map that can be overlaid with a
for the global community. Forests capture 30% of wide range of contextual data, including pro-
the carbon emissions released each year, playing tected areas or primary forest. Of the new fea-
a vital role in stemming climate change. They are tures and data added since 2014, the most
also home to untold biodiversity and a resource important are weekly deforestation alerts called
for remote and indigenous communities. But the “GLAD alerts.”1 GLAD alerts are the most spa-
world is losing forests at an alarming rate: A foot- tially explicit forest change alert product publicly
ball pitch’s worth of primary forest was lost every available, identifying areas of 30 by 30 m. GFW
6 seconds in 2019, according to WRI data, also carries Fires alerts, which use heat signa-
slightly more than in the previous year (Weisse & tures to detect fires and are updated daily, but do
Dow Goldman, 2020). not detect other types of clearing, such as when
Until very recently, those responsible for for- trees are felled for timber or to clear a road.2
ests—including policymakers, protected area Users can also analyze areas of interest by select-
managers, and international commodity purchas- ing an existing area such as a state or park, or by
ers—had no way of knowing where deforestation uploading or drawing their own shapefiles.
was happening without visiting potential sites on Global Forest Watch added a mobile phone appli-
foot. Tropical forests in places such as the Congo cation called Forest Watcher, which enables users
Basin are dense and inaccessible, and monitoring to download data about forest change and take it
them can be extremely costly. Researchers recog- offline and into the field where internet access
nized the lack of data as a concern and a barrier may not be available. The theory behind the data
to improved management: “To enhance the effi- is that users from civil society, governments, and
ciency of the protection, regeneration, and utili- the private sector will use this data to better man-
zation of forest resources, information about age and protect forests (see Box 1 for GFW
these changes is required” (Suwanwerakamtorn objectives).
et al., 2011, p. 169). In the mid-2000s, public All of the data on Global Forest Watch can be
data and advances in computing made such a sys- accessed freely by anyone with an internet con-
tem possible. When the U.S. government pub- nection, without even the need to identify them-
licly released imagery from the Landsat satellite, selves. The team behind the platform recognized
the potential for such data became clear. “Satellite at the outset that by providing the data in a com-
imagery offers an emerging source of data for pletely open fashion, they would lack informa-
analysis and a novel medium to attract greater tion about the reach of the platform, and the topic
government and public attention to domestic and was discussed in depth by developers. Eventually,
international problems such as deforestation” the goal of complete transparency won out. The
(Baker & Williamson, 2006, p. 12). Researchers limited knowledge about users was deemed a
also began calling for unified and publicly avail- worthy tradeoff to avoid the possibility that enter-
able sources of data. Eventually, researchers at ing private information might become a barrier to
the University of Maryland developed an use. This aligned well with the thinking of other
­algorithm to process the vast trove of satellite researchers who argued that public access to a
imagery and discern locations of forest change
(Hansen et al., 2013). 1
These alerts are nicknamed for the lab where they are
In 2014, WRI brought together the results of created, the University of Maryland’s Global Land
Hansen’s new forest change analysis, the com- Analysis and Discovery (GLAD) lab. More detail can be
found at
puting power of Google Earth Engine, and stake- 2
Fires alerts are drawn from the NASA Visible Infrared
holders in forest protection for a partnership and Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) Active Fire detection
a platform that made forest change data accessi- product, which operates at a 375-m resolution, to detect
ble to anyone with an internet connection. Global heat signatures of active fires.
Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help… 265

geo-wiki—an open-access geospatial platform—

would be critical for the success of remotely Box 1: Objectives Outlined in the Global
sensed data: Forest Watch Theory of Change

The philosophy is that as information is aggregated 1. Strengthened accountability for global

in public, discrepancies will arise, but so, too, will commitments: Accountability for
incentives to rectify them. The public nature of the implementation of global forest com-
information could induce a country to provide data mitments is strengthened by credible,
to correct the record, for instance. Experience with
public disclosure programs suggests that not all of independent information and analysis of
them work, however, so identifying conditions forest and land-use dynamics.
most conducive to success is part of the geo-wiki 2. Responsible supply chains: Actors trad-
experiment. (Macauley & Sedjo, 2011, p. 512) ing or financing major forest-risk com-
modities use smart strategies and
The open-data nature of Global Forest Watch cutting-edge information and technol-
created a challenge for monitoring and evaluating ogy tools to reduce deforestation and
the impact of the platform: If donors were to fund illegal logging in their supply chains
the continued development of the tools, they and investments.
deserved to understand its reach. WRI leadership 3. Empowered forest defenders: Civil
recognized that the institute has a responsibility society and law enforcement actors are
to identify the most efficient use of donor funds better equipped to expose and combat
to protect natural resources. The institute also has deforestation and illegal logging.
a mission of investigating and sharing guidance 4. A broad-based restoration movement:
on effective methods of natural resource manage- Around the world, communities and
ment. Therefore, over the past 5 years, the team commercial enterprises gain access to
explored new and evolving ways of monitoring the knowledge, expertise, and finance
program progress and measuring impact. These they need to restore degraded lands.
included using Google Analytics to track the 5. Enabling conditions for sustainable
reach of the platform, requesting data from users landscapes: Sound forest and land man-
through a login feature, gathering user stories, agement is enabled by governance
and a two-part evaluation. reforms, new incentives, and improved
geospatial monitoring and analysis in
targeted countries and landscapes.
GFW Monitors Progress

Analytics ognizes that many people may visit GFW once,

without integrating the information into future
The first step in the Global Forest Watch theory action or advocacy, so we began tracking active
of change is getting data into the hands of users users, defined as those who visit more than once
who might act on it. To measure the reach of in a year and stay for more than 2 minutes at a
GFW, the team turned first to Google Analytics, a time. (Repeat and longer visits suggest that the
tool that provides data to a website’s back-end user is reviewing information over time or delv-
developers about the traffic that website receives. ing deeper into an area or topic.) We also track
Analytics can provide data on a variety of perfor- the number of active users disaggregated by
mance indicators by breaking down website visi- country, and the number of users who perform
tors into certain categories. The GFW team tracks certain actions such as turning on or off the
the total number of visitors to the site, a figure GLAD alerts layer on the map. For example, in
that has risen steadily each year (since launch, 2019 we wanted to know how easily users found
more than three million people have visited GFW, the base map feature and which base map was
from every country in the world). The team rec- more popular among our users to understand
266 K. Shea

Fig. 1 Annual user data for GFW’s main website

Courtesy of WRI, Stephanie Jamilla

what information they were seeking. We were To learn more about users and applications,
able to track the number of clicks on these differ- the GFW team implemented one additional quan-
ent features. We learned that the features were titative metric. We gathered user information
easy enough to find, since about half of the users through a login system, allowing all data to
who clicked on them were “new,” compared to remain freely available while asking users who
users who had visited the site at least once before. wanted additional features to provide further
We also learned that planet imagery was the most information. Based on conversations with users
popular alternative base map, suggesting that and partners, the team had identified a need for
users were looking for even greater detail behind added features, particularly the ability to save
each pixel. areas of interest. In response, we developed the
All this data is useful for performance moni- MyGFW tool, which enables users to create and
toring and continued trends of increasing data save a custom set of areas and view them in a
usage imply that the site is relevant for users (see dashboard—and requires users to create a login.
Fig. 1). Rising numbers of active users in high-­ This provided an opportunity to gather data about
forest countries, increasing time on site, and users (notably, it also required the team to imple-
clicks on map layers suggest that the growing ment data security protocols to protect those
audience is interested in the available data. It can users). Through the login, the team could ask
also tell us a bit about how to make the site more anyone seeking to access the features a few ques-
useful by highlighting which features are easiest tions about their role in forest monitoring and
to access, or whether users are finding new fea- reason for using GFW.3 For example, we learned
tures, based on the number of clicks. Analytics that, of more than 2000 subscribers who reported
data cannot, however, tell us about who those on their sector, the majority worked for nongov-
users are or how, if at all, they apply the data. It ernmental organizations (NGOs), followed by
certainly cannot tell us if that application results
in any action or policy that could shift the trend 3
The login profile now asks users for their sector, role, job
of deforestation. title, organization, and location.
Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help… 267

researchers or students, government workers, and interface and a searchable database within WRI’s
those in the private sector. A smaller number of secure network, simply called the User Stories
users worked in journalism, community monitor- database. In the system, WRI staff could easily
ing, or other categories that covered donors and search, review, or add new user stories.
United Nations (UN) agencies (see Fig. 2). We The database now contains more than 300
could then link that data to the locations that detailed and categorized stories about uses of
users were monitoring. Gathering data linking GFW, painting a picture of the ways users achieve
the type of user to the area they monitored would impact. Each story is categorized by variables
become critical to evaluating whether users including location, year of first use, and sector,
applying GFW data influenced forest change. but most important are the type of application of
the data and the GFW objective to which the
story contributes. We also captured stories of
Users and Stories users who showed interest but ultimately discon-
tinued their use of GFW. The aggregate data from
Even with the combination of analytics and the database is not representative of all users, but
MyGFW logins, the GFW team still had limited rather those with whom GFW staff have the most
information about the way users applied data to contact or those who contact GFW with ques-
real-world situations. This type of information tions. For example, most of these (43%) come
could help the team, for example, make decisions from local NGOs, which tend be more likely to
about the balance between allocating resources to interact with GFW staff through requests for
better data or to wider reach, or identify which technical support, or from applications to GFW’s
type of user needed the most support, or which Small Grants Fund.
additional data would add the most value for Overall, the stories provide a qualitative
users. So the team embarked on an ambitious understanding of the variety of uses and some
project to gather, document, and categorize user notion of which of those are most successful.
stories for internal use. We created a user-friendly They tell the stories of journalists who used GFW

Fig. 2 Numbers of MyGFW subscribers by sector reported

268 K. Shea

to uncover illegal activities, or of teachers Quantitative Evaluation

improving students’ understanding of forests’
role in climate change, or of researchers advocat- When combined with GFW’s analytics data, the
ing for greater transparency in countries such as substantial number of anecdotes suggested that
China. near-real-time data was having the intended
Stories from the database also provide sub- impact, but could WRI provide definitive evi-
stantial anecdotal evidence that forest defenders dence? To answer this question, WRI’s Managing
have turned to GFW’s near-real-time data— for Results team worked with the GFW team to
GLAD alerts and Fires alerts—to monitor and complete a two-part, mixed-methods evaluation
protect areas of interest. Data from the MyGFW funded through an internal mechanism. The eval-
system told us that users were subscribing to uation aimed to explore potential methods, rec-
alerts, but stories in the database provided exam- ognizing that definitive evidence of impact might
ples of specific successes; 84 stories came from not be within reach just yet.
groups tasked with monitoring and protecting The quantitative team focused on that data
forests, from government officials to civil society most likely to create a short-term, measurable
and even private sector users. Of those, 21 stories impact: the GLAD deforestation alerts. Because
reported concrete results in stopping or prevent- users receive these alerts within days or months
ing deforestation. Examples include a police of deforestation occurring, and the alerts are spe-
chief from Brazil who manages a forest the size cific to a 30-by-30-m area, users can act quickly
of Nepal with only 12 field staff. He told the to intervene. Park rangers or local communities
team, “We effectively only started combating can conduct site visits to intercede or to deter the
deforestation after Global Forest Watch. It is the responsible parties. In Africa, the evaluation
principal tool of [our] police station.” The chief found that subscriptions to GLAD alerts
explained how the near-real-time alerts helped decreased the likelihood of deforestation by 18%.
him more quickly identify areas of burning and This impact increased when a lag time of 1 year
clearing, leading to at least eight arrests including was added between the subscription and the
company operators who were overseeing an ille- forest-­cover measurement, suggesting that as
gal deforestation scheme. Another NGO used the users learn and apply the tools, they become
data to follow up on alerts in Malaysia. They more effective at intervening in the causes of
identified a logging contractor who encroached deforestation. Indeed, these results correspond to
on an area that was outside a legal logging area— user stories, which suggested that areas where
allegedly accidentally. The group was reported to users had subscribed to receive email alerts might
authorities, and the logger now knows that they see reduced deforestation.
were being monitored and could be identified if WRI’s team worked with an economist from
they violate the rules again.4 Even private sector the University of Wisconsin–Madison to design
examples emerged: In Paraguay, an investment models to test the impact of the availability and
bank noticed an alert on a farm and telephoned use of GLAD alerts. Both models used time vari-
the farmer, who had been unaware of the fire but ation to create plausible counterfactuals. Two
was able to act quickly (Guthrie, 2018). things changed over time: First, GLAD alerts
were rolled out to different countries at different
times, and second, once alerts were available,
users began subscribing to alerts at different
times. The research team explored a third option
by attempting to build a model for receiving
alerts. Since cloud cover can prevent the detec-
tion of deforestation, sometimes users don’t
All stories are courtesy of the GFW user stories receive alerts until much later, and this could
database. affect actions. This third model proved impracti-
Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help… 269

cal for technical reasons, but the first two yielded and precipitation, and macroeconomic fixed
credible results. effects.
In the availability model, countries that had The unique approach used in this analysis
not yet gained access to alerts provided a coun- hinges on the gradual uptake of new data over
terfactual.5 This model explored the likelihood of time. A key source of bias for understanding the
deforestation in countries where alerts were impact of monitoring is the covariation of moni-
available compared with countries where they toring and deforestation; people tend to look
were not, and found no discernible impact. We where deforestation is occurring. By limiting the
hypothesized that this was because adopting sample to areas that were monitored through a
GLAD alerts may take time and adoption first subscription and incorporating the deforestation
occurs in limited areas of countries, while the rates before and after monitoring began, the
sample covered many areas where no adoption researchers could eliminate this bias.
occurred. It may also have included areas of for- The study results showed that “the average
est or mining concession or other areas where effect of subscriptions on deforestation [was]
monitoring was not intended to prevent clearing. negative, but statistically insignificant and small
The study noted that when a one-year lag effect compared with the average yearly 2011–2016
was applied, the correlation between availability deforestation probability (0.18)” (Moffette et al.,
and deforestation was negative, although not sta- 2021, para. 13). The analysis detected significant
tistically significant (Moffette et al., 2021). effects in Africa, but not in Asia or Latin America.
The model assessing use of GLAD alerts The researchers suggested that the effect in Africa
explored the impact of users holding a subscrip- is likely because of the limited alternatives for
tion to GLAD alerts for a specified area of forest. monitoring deforestation. In South America,
For the use model, researchers divided subscrib- Brazil has a national forest-monitoring system
ers into two categories, those with intent to moni- that excluded it from the sample. Peru, which
tor for action, such as local rangers or remote was included, developed its own forest-­
supply chain managers, and those without intent monitoring system during the study, and other
to act on monitoring, such as researchers at uni- included South American countries gained access
versities. The unit of analysis was a 1-by-1-km to GLAD alerts later than countries in Africa or
grid cell of forest area; the sample was limited to Asia. In Asia, alternative forest-monitoring sys-
those cells identified as falling within the sub- tems have emerged that are being used by private
scription areas of users with intent to monitor. sector actors, and subscriptions to GFW by local
Other control variables included biophysical civil society organizations are more limited,
characteristics such as slope, distance to road or which collectively contributed to a weaker effect.
ports, time-variant features such as temperature This research offers some additional clues to
two mechanisms of impact: policy incentives and
The study covered tropical countries that gained access experience applying the data. When data on pol-
to alerts in four waves from 2016 to 2017. Because the icy mechanisms was included in the analysis, the
timing was not correlated to deforestation, the variation
offers randomly assigned counterfactuals. Wave 1, March
study found that “subscriptions have a stronger
2016, included Peru, Republic of the Congo, and deterrent effect in protected areas and in forest
Kalimantan. Wave 2, August 2016, consisted of Brazil concessions” (Moffette et al., 2021). Further, the
outside of the Amazon Biome; the Brazilian Amazon was effect of subscriptions increased when a time lag
excluded from the study because of its alternative moni-
toring system. Wave 3, February 2017, included Brunei,
of 1 year was applied. This suggests that as users
Malaysia, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, integrate the data into protocols and systems and
Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Equatorial gain experience using alerts, they become more
Guinea, Gabon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, effective at deterring deforestation. Given that
Rwanda, and Uganda. Wave 4, November 2017, contained
Colombia, Ecuador, French Guyana, Guyana, Suriname,
the study covered only 2 years of potential usage
and Venezuela. For more information, see Moffette et al., of alerts, we can assume the potential for
270 K. Shea

increased effect over a longer period, given both ing forest titles and management plans. In
the lag effect and the steady increase in users. Uganda, the National Forestry Authority (NFA)
occasionally reviewed the data to oversee forest
management. We also found evidence of GFW
Qualitative Evaluation empowering civil society and law enforcement to
more efficiently and effectively expose and com-
The quantitative analysis found solid evidence bat illegal deforestation. Staff at the Uganda
that GFW contributes to reducing deforestation, Wildlife Authority (UWA) used GLAD alerts to
but questions remained about the mechanisms of plan routes for rangers going on forest patrols;
adoption and the enabling factors that lead to private forest owner groups used it to monitor
greater success or failure in applying GFW data conservation for livelihood funds; and, in
to forest monitoring. To answer these questions, Cameroon, civil society used it to independently
WRI conducted a qualitative portion of the evalu- monitor and report on illegal activities.
ation with case studies in Cameroon and Uganda. The most important findings from the case
This research found evidence of impact and iden- studies were the enabling factors. First of these
tified three categories of enabling factors: incen- was that monitoring is most effective when it
tive structures, capacity, and behavior change links to an incentive structure. Incentives can be
factors. WRI staff (including this author) con- positive: In the case of the UWA rangers, income
ducted the study with support from in-country from tourism incentivizes the more efficient pro-
consultants, and findings were published in a tection of forested parks. Increased access to
working paper by WRI (Shea & Coger, 2021). markets such as the EU, for Cameroonian export-
To conduct the case studies, we chose two ers, drives efforts to control deforestation at the
countries characterized by the same region and government level, and GFW was adopted in this
high levels of GFW usage and subscriptions but context even in the face of technical hurdles.
with different approaches in outreach strategy, so Conversely, the Ugandan NFA staff had also been
that we could detect contrasting results (Yin, trained in the tools, but that agency generates
2014). We used the GFW theory of change to income from selectively logging forested land;
identify a set of anticipated causal pathways and more than one informant mentioned a perverse
targeted key informants that included users and incentive not to stop illegal logging, and monitor-
potential users within the categories of GFW’s ing was not adopted on NFA lands. Incentives
intended objectives (see Box 1). Data from the may be financial, although these appeared to
user stories database and from subscription infor- drive the most large-scale change, such as a shift
mation contributed to identification of potential across multiple agencies of government, but
informants. We then conducted interviews and incentives can also be driven by other resources
focus groups with more than 100 key informants such as time or even reputation, both of which
representing a range of potential users, from may have financial implications. As examples
national government to NGOs to community from case studies illuminated, community cohe-
leaders in high forest-cover areas, and analyzed sion provides its own incentive in some forest
these results. communities, while in other cases the opportu-
The results of the case studies supported evi- nity to express political agency and a sense of
dence from the quantitative evaluation by altruism may also be incentives for independent
­identifying specific user groups that were apply- monitors.
ing tools in ways that directly or indirectly Capacity was another key factor in the adop-
reduced deforestation. We found evidence that tion and application of GFW—not only the tech-
the data contributed to awareness raising and nical capacity to receive the data, but also the
decision making for improving enabling condi- institutional capacity to integrate data into pro-
tions. For example, in Cameroon, government cess and act on that data. One significant element
officials used the data to make decisions regard- in successful capacity-building efforts was the
Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help… 271

role of intermediary actors, such as larger NGOs government, and this is part of its success. As
or in-country WRI staff that provided ongoing Shea and Coger (2021) reported, “According to
technical support and offered training sessions. one NGO representative, the government’s buy-
Overall, key informants reported the ability to ­in to a transparent system enables civil society to
use the main functions of GFW tools at high lev- hold government accountable by their own stan-
els, although some leaders from forest communi- dards” (p. 20). This corroborates a finding from
ties did report a lack of technical knowledge. one of the few other known studies of the impact
Complaints about physical capacity limitations of near-real-time forest data: “It is imperative to
such as limited access to cell phones, computers, establish collaborative relationships with govern-
internet, or data plans were more common. ment counterparts” (Musinsky et al. 2018, p. 18).
Institutional capacity to act on the available That study found that when data providers work
data is a familiar challenge for open data initia- with governments, and governments brand tools
tives. “Transparency is more likely to produce the and claim ownership, systems are most
intended effects when it fulfills both the condi- effective.
tion of ‘publicity’—having relevant disclosed In Uganda, the case studies revealed a differ-
information actually reach the intended audi- ent situation from that in Cameroon. No national
ence—and the condition of ‘political agency’— agency in Uganda had adopted GFW’s tools,
having mechanisms where citizens can take even as field staff were using them regularly for
action in response to the disclosed information” monitoring. Little work had been done to inte-
(Ling & Roberts, 2014, p. 8). In this case, some grate the available data and information into
such mechanisms were barriers to the success of larger institutional contexts, or to coordinate
GFW. For example, although informants between central and decentralized staff. This may
acknowledged the progress that Cameroon’s be due to WRI’s limited engagement with local
Ministry of Forests had made over the years of actors. In Uganda, WRI worked primarily
partnership with WRI, they also noted that insti- through a local NGO and did not have direct rela-
tutional change is slow. Changes like hiring a tionships with officials. One of the challenges for
new unit to process and handle digital data, insti- WRI, then, is how to continue to foster trust and
tuting new roles for staff, and opening new ownership in other contexts where it may not
reporting channels had taken years and are still have staff on the ground.
ongoing. One NGO staff member complained The qualitative study aimed to reduce a knowl-
that independent monitors still are not able to file edge gap identified through a literature review
electronic reports; they must be printed and paper finding that research examining the impact of
copies submitted. In his view, this slowed monitoring on deforestation is scarce (Shea &
response times or possibly provided opportuni- Coger, 2021). It did so by identifying several suc-
ties for special interests to intervene. Great trans- cessful mechanisms for the impact of near-real-­
parency in protocols may contribute to greater time data and by illuminating some enabling
effectiveness for near-real-time data. factors. It also produced recommendations for
Behavior change factors, notably trust and the GFW team, including a more complete
ownership, are also vital to adoption of new tech- assessment of existing incentive structures and
nologies and data. Trust hinges first on the capacity prior to entering future engagements
­validity and credibility of the data, and this may with partners, and establishment of a strategy for
include the system for its delivery, which is also addressing these factors through intermediary
built over time through relationships. The case actors or WRI’s direct engagement. Most impor-
study revealed that in Cameroon, WRI was able tant, the qualitative study rounded out a picture of
to cultivate trust both through the independence how GFW’s data can and does achieve impact
of the data and by persistent engagement and col- and provided recommendations to expand that
laboration with both NGOs and government. The impact in the interest of more effective forest
National Forest Atlas is officially owned by the protection.
272 K. Shea

Discussion and Conclusion impact of open data platforms is possible as long

as some data about the use of those platform is
When it comes to the management and safe- available, but that innovative methods may be
guarding of natural resources, remotely sensed needed. An experimental design would be ideal
information and open-data tools can play critical for evaluating, for example, whether a more
roles in filling knowledge gaps, providing evi- intentionally random rollout of the GLAD alerts
dence that stakeholders need to make decisions by GFW could have facilitated a more informa-
and take action. Knowing the reach and impact of tive evaluation. Ethical concerns about withhold-
such data can help refine the tools of delivery and ing access to data or technical considerations
outreach. To do so, data providers need to moni- may prevent such design. In this case, using ran-
tor progress and measure impact, but the very domly varying characteristics was possible to
nature of transparent, open data can make these create counterfactuals, as was the case with the
tasks especially challenging. When anyone can staggered uptake of GLAD alert subscriptions.
access and use the tools, program managers have Third, qualitative evidence that explains the
limited means to identify users and assess the mechanisms of impact are important for under-
adoption of tools or the impact of the work those standing the results. Although this is true for any
users do. analysis, it is especially important in the situation
Here we explored four methods—qualitative of data that is freely accessible to any user, where
and quantitative methods for monitoring prog- information about those users may be more
ress, and qualitative and quantitative approaches limited.
to evaluate impact—and their results. The lessons
from these methods and results are broadly appli-
cable to other platforms or tools presenting open References
data, especially data about natural resources.
Three lessons emerged with regard to monitor- Baker, J. C., & Williamson, R. A. (2006). Satellite
imagery activism: Sharpening the focus on
ing. First, basic user data accessed through Google tropical deforestation. Singapore Journal of
Analytics is useful for understanding reach and Tropical Geography, 27(1), 4–14. https://doi.
for improving basic functions and elements of the org/10.1111/j.1467-­9493.2006.00236.x.
platform. Second, more specific user data is use- Guthrie, A. (2018, March 7). Latin American banks hone
socially responsible lending policies. Latin Finance.
ful for understanding the potential mechanisms­
for impact. In particular, platform developers april-­2 018/latin-­a merican-­b anks-­h one-­s ocially-­
should explore options for two-tiered access when responsible-­lending-­policies
special features may prove useful; in the case of Hansen, M. C., Potapov, P. V., Moore, R., Hancher, M.,
Turubanova, S. A., Tyukavina, A., Thau, D., Stehman,
GFW this was a login that allowed users to save S. V. S., Goetz, S. J., Loveland, T. R., Kommareddy,
areas of interest. Logins of this type offer the A., Egorov, A., Chini, L., Justice, C. O., & Townshend,
opportunity to understand types of use and goals J. R. G. (2013). High-resolution global maps of 21st-­
of users. More important, such data may prove century forest cover change. Science, 342(6160), 850–
critical to conducting rigorous e­valuations of Ling, C., & Roberts, D. (2014). Evidence of develop-
impact. Third, gathering qualitative stories about ment impact from institutional change: A review of
users’ experience and application of the data in a the evidence on open budgeting. Policy Research
systematic way provided the necessary complex- Working Papers, the World Bank. doi:https://doi.
ity for additional decision making, and may con- Macauley, M. K., & Sedjo, R. A. (2011). Forests in cli-
tribute to evaluability of the project. mate policy: Technical, institutional and economic
The results of the evaluations also tell us three issues in measurement and monitoring. Mitigation
things. First, yes, GFW has been successful in & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 16(5),
reducing deforestation, implying that other open Moffette, F., Alix-Garcia, J., Shea, K., & Pickens, A. H.
data platforms can achieve impact. Second, the (2021). The impact of near-real-time deforestation
quantitative evaluation shows that measuring the
Measuring the Impact of Monitoring: How We Know Transparent Near-Real-Time Data Can Help… 273

alerts across the tropics. Nature Climate Change, lite data to monitor the encroachment of agriculture
2021.­020-­00956-­w. on forest reserve in the Phu Luang Wildlife Sanctuary,
Musinsky, J., Tabor, K., Cano, C. A., Ledezma, J. C., Loei Province, northeast of Thailand. Journal of
Mendoza, E., Rasolohery, A., & Sajudin, E. R. (2018). Earth Science and Engineering, 1(3), 169–176. http://
Conservation impacts of a near-real-time forest moni-
toring and alert system for the tropics. Remote Sensing index?id=6185.html
in Ecology and Conservation, 4(3), 189–196. https:// Weisse, M., & Dow Goldman, E. (2020, June 2). We lost a football pitch of primary rainforest
Shea, K., & Coger, T. (2021). Evaluating the contribu- every 6 seconds in 2019. Insights: WRI’s Blog,
tion of forest monitoring tools: Two case studies on June 2020.
the impact of Global Forest Watch. World Resources global-­tree-­cover-­loss-­data-­2019
Institute. Yin, R. K. (2014). Case study research design and methods
Suwanwerakamtorn, R., Pimdee, P., Mongkolsawat, S., (5th ed.). Sage.
& Sritoomkaew, N. (2011). The application of satel-

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Application of Geospatial Methods
in Evaluating Environmental
Interventions and Related
Socioeconomic Benefits

Anupam Anand and Geeta Batra

Abstract implemented by the Global Environment

Facility in biodiversity, land degradation, and
Environmental interventions underpin the climate change, we present the application of
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and geospatial approaches to evaluate the rele-
the Rio Conventions. The SDGs are integrated vance, efficiency, and effectiveness of inter-
and embody all three aspects of sustainable ventions in terms of their environmental
development—environmental, social, and outcomes and observable socioeconomic and
economic—to capture the interlinkages health co-benefits.
among the three areas. The Rio Conventions—
on biodiversity, climate change, and desertifi-
cation, also intrinsically linked—operate in
the same ecosystems and address interdepen- Introduction
dent issues, and represent a way of contribut-
ing to the SDGs. Assessing the results of Environmental interventions are important mech-
environmental interventions and the related anisms for delivering the objectives laid out in
socioeconomic benefits is challenging due to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and
their complexity, interlinkages, and often lim- the United Nations Rio Conventions. The SDGs
ited data. The COVID-19 crisis has also neces- are integrated and embody all three aspects of
sitated creativity to ensure that evaluation’s sustainable development—environmental, social,
critical role continues during the crisis. and economic—with the intention of capturing
Satellite and other geospatial information, the interlinkages among the three areas (United
combined with existing survey data, leverage Nations Environment Programme [UNEP],
open-source and readily available data to 2013). The three Rio Conventions—on biodiver-
determine the impact of projects. Working sity, climate change, and desertification, also
with geospatial data helps maintain flexibility intrinsically linked—operate in the same ecosys-
and can fill data gaps without designing new tems and address interdependent issues, and rep-
and often expensive data tools for every resent a way of contributing to the SDGs. The
unique evaluation. Using data on interventions various activities related to sustainable develop-
ment are linked through feedback mechanisms,
resulting in both benefits and tradeoffs. This is
A. Anand (*) · G. Batra where a systems approach that recognizes the
Global Environment Facility Independent Evaluation dynamic, interdependent complexity of real-­
Office, Washington, DC, USA
© The Author(s) 2022 275
J. I. Uitto, G. Batra (eds.), Transformational Change for People and the Planet, Sustainable
Development Goals Series,
276 A. Anand and G. Batra

world contexts across different scales, and recog- include the creation, collection, analysis, visual-
nizes dynamic shifts over time, is helpful in ization, and interpretation of geospatial data.
addressing environmental issues (Kass, 2019). Thus, geospatial data and methods can pro-
The Global Environment Facility (GEF) was vide spatially explicit, synoptic, time-series data
set up in 1992 as a financial mechanism for the for various earth system processes, and have been
Rio Conventions. The GEF supports the imple- used in the monitoring of environmental pro-
mentation of projects in five focal areas—biodi- cesses over the past 40 years (Awange & Kyalo
versity, climate change, land degradation, Kiema, 2013; Melesse et al., 2007; Spitzer,
international waters, and chemicals and waste— 1986). Its application in environmental evalua-
through 18 implementing agencies. Since 2010, tions has gained traction in the last 2 decades.
the GEF has moved toward integrated program- Evaluators initially used geographic information
ming that seeks to bring about changes in the systems mainly to visualize and detect change in
multiple domains necessary to achieve the desired combination with other evaluation data (Renger
long-term transformation. These programs con- et al., 2002). Others in evaluation have recog-
sider causes across the environment and different nized the usefulness of spatial data for determin-
realms of human activity, generate benefits in two ing baselines, outputs, and monitoring of results
or more GEF focal areas, and generate social and over time (Azzam, 2013; Azzam & Robinson,
economic benefits. This recent emphasis on mul- 2013). Evaluators have employed quasi-­
tifocal and integrated programming presents its experimental designs (Andam et al., 2008;
own sets of challenges, primarily those of evalu- Buchanan et al. 2016; Ferraro & Pattanayak,
ating the results and measuring other related 2006) using geospatial data in impact evaluations
benefits. of biodiversity and forestry interventions.
Drawing on GEF projects and programs in Geospatial analysis has also been used recently
biodiversity, land degradation, and climate in randomized control trials (Jayachandran et al.,
change, this chapter presents the application of 2017).
geospatial approaches to evaluate the relevance,
results, and sustainability of GEF interventions in
terms of their environmental outcomes and their Drivers of Increased Use
socioeconomic and health co-benefits. The first
section of the chapter includes an introduction to Recognition of the role of geospatial science by
geospatial data and analysis, the trends in its use, intergovernmental agencies and major environ-
and the reasons behind the increase in the use of mental and development policy frameworks is
these approaches. The next section illustrates the growing as countries move toward more
usefulness of geospatial data in evaluation using evidence-­based policy decisions (Lech et al.,
examples of specific applications by the GEF 2018). The United Nations Convention to Combat
Independent Evaluation Office (IEO). The final Desertification (UNCCD) has recommended
section discusses insights from geodata applica- using indicators obtained from remote sensing to
tions in environmental evaluations. monitor progress toward reversing and stopping
land degradation and desertification (Minelli
et al., 2017). The United Nations Framework
Geospatial Approaches Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and
and Methods the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
have also endorsed the use of objective indica-
Geospatial data is unique because it contains spa- tors, many of which are derived through geospa-
tially explicit information. The data can be col- tial methods.
lected from various sources such as remote Other factors have influenced the increased
sensing platforms, geotagged photographs, and use of geospatial data and analysis. First, we have
ground sensors, or from survey data sets that seen an unprecedented flow of spatial data from
include such information. Geospatial methods multiple sources, including satellite data.
Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related… 277

Moderate and coarse resolution data is free, and  ssessing the Relevance of GEF-­
high-resolution data is becoming less expensive Supported Interventions to Combat
and more widely available. The recent develop- Land Degradation and Desertification
ments in data science have influenced the avail-
ability and cost of data. The infrastructure and As the financial mechanism of the UNCCD, the
tools to work with large quantities of geospatial GEF uses land degradation focal area strategies
data or big geodata have increased substantially. consistent with the UNCCD global priorities,
The availability of application programming including its focus on combating desertification
interfaces (APIs), cloud-based services, and in Africa, emphasis on drylands and non-­
browser-based development environments have drylands, and achieving land degradation neutral-
allowed access to geospatial data and analysis ity. The GEF is gradually moving toward
without the need for significant computational integrated approaches in this area to deliver
infrastructure (Lech et al., 2018). Traditional sta- global environmental benefits in multiple focal
tistical tools are often incapable of dealing with areas while generating local environmental and
the volume and variety of geospatial datasets, development benefits. A 2017 land degradation
thus paving the way for machine learning and focal area study conducted by the IEO analyzed
artificial intelligence algorithms in the last 618 land degradation projects or multifocal area
5–7 years. projects with a land degradation component. The
study looked at the relevance and performance of
GEF’s investments in addressing land
 se of Geospatial Data and Analysis
U degradation.
in Monitoring and Evaluation The IEO used geospatial analysis to assess the
relevance of GEF interventions at global, coun-
Evaluators often encounter methodological chal- try, and site levels. The analysis involved a fea-
lenges and data issues during the course of evalu- ture overlay of the GEF-supported land
ations, including lack of baseline data, sampling degradation projects with the areas of land degra-
bias, difficulties in selecting appropriate counter- dation severity. The analysis showed that the
factuals, and accounting for the impact of multi- GEF implemented interventions to address land
ple scales and contexts on processes and degradation in all developing regions of the world
interventions. Geospatial approaches and tools (Fig. 1) with Africa appropriately receiving the
can effectively address these gaps and can be highest share of land degradation focal area proj-
applied to evaluate environmental and socioeco- ect financing (37%), followed by Latin America
nomic outcomes, to measure environmental and the Caribbean with 24% (GEF IEO, 2017).
change. We can also combine them with existing Africa has the largest share of land with extreme
qualitative and quantitative methods and the degradation in semi-arid areas (United Nations
results of interventions over time, while recog- Environmental Programme [UNEP], 2002).
nizing and accounting for the complex interrela- Degraded soils are also found in regions under-
tionships across the various factors. going deforestation such as Indonesia and Brazil
and areas with high population pressure such as
China, Mexico, and India (UNEP, 2002).
Application of Geospatial The study also noted that India, Mexico,
Approaches by the GEF IEO Brazil, Indonesia, and China received the major-
ity of land degradation financing from the GEF
The GEF IEO has been one of the earliest adopt- and the majority of national projects focused on
ers of geospatial methods to answer important forest and agricultural lands and rangelands.
evaluation questions on the relevance, effective- Overall, the results from this study showed that
ness, efficiency, and sustainability of GEF inter- the GEF was supporting land degradation proj-
ventions. This section presents examples from ects where most needed and relevant (GEF IEO,
GEF IEO evaluations. 2017).
278 A. Anand and G. Batra

Fig. 1 Land Degradation Levels and GEF Interventions

 ssessing Impacts in GEF-Supported

A At the global level, the evaluation used observa-
Protected Areas tions from satellite data, conducting geospatial
analysis for the period 2001–2012 in GEF-­
Protected areas are among the critical strategies supported protected areas and their buffers at 10
for biodiversity conservation (DeFries et al., and 25 km to compare the extent of forest loss in
2005). Global commitments and targets recog- these areas. The study examined forest change
nize the importance and role of protected areas in for 37,000 protected areas in 147 countries using
biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services a global dataset derived from satellite data analy-
management, poverty reduction, and generation sis (GEF IEO, 2016).
of economic benefits. As the financial mechanism Results of satellite data analysis of GEF-­
for the United Nations Convention on Biological supported protected areas demonstrated that
Diversity (CBD), the GEF applies a strategy con- these protected areas experienced less forest loss
sistent with the CBD’s strategic plan, reflected in than their surrounding 10 km buffer zones (see
its support to protected areas over the last Fig. 2). In the 2001–2012 period, GEF-supported
26 years. Between 1991 and 2015, the GEF pro- protected areas had up to four times less forest
vided $3.4 billion in grants to 618 projects cover loss than the overall respective country
involving protected areas, matched by $12.0 bil- averages, and at least two times less than pro-
lion in cofinancing, to help protect almost 2.8 tected areas not supported by the GEF in the
million km2 of the world’s non-marine ecosys- same biomes and countries.
tems (GEF IEO, 2016). These figures exclude the Using analysis through the biome lens, the
support provided by GEF outside of the protected evaluation found the greatest loss in protected
area systems. areas in tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf
Assessing the effectiveness and impact of forests, followed by tropical and subtropical
GEF-supported protected areas is challenging conifers and tropical and subtropical dry broad-
mainly due to the scale, different timelines, and leaf forest biomes (see Fig. 3). The findings con-
difficulty in collecting primary data due to the firmed the global trend of the most extensive
remoteness of protected areas. The IEO addressed forest loss in the tropics, followed by boreal and
these challenges using remote sensing data in the subtropical forests. The percentage loss of forest
Evaluation of GEF Support to Protected Areas cover was highest in temperate conifers and tem-
and Protected Area Systems (GEF IEO, 2016).1 perate grassland, followed by tropical and sub-
tropical grasslands, savannas, and scrublands;
The evaluation was conducted in collaboration with the and then tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf
Independent Evaluation Office of the UNDP. forests. These results are consistent with global
Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related… 279

Fig. 2 Forest Loss in Protected Areas vs. Surrounding Areas

trends of tropical and subtropical forests exhibit- Assessing Socioeconomic Co-Benefits

ing the most significant loss, followed by temper-
ate and boreal forests (Hansen et al., 2013). These Despite widespread interest and extensive
findings indicate the GEF’s relevance to pro- research into the socioeconomic impacts of envi-
tected areas and affirm that the funding is going ronmental interventions in the past few decades,
to areas experiencing a significant loss in pro- evidence remains inadequate and inconsistent
tected forests—an important indicator of ecosys- (Awange & Kyalo Kiema, 2013; Melesse et al.,
tem integrity. 2007; Spitzer, 1986). Studies that have attempted
The results also showed that the median per- to generate analytical insights and evidence have
cent forest loss in GEF-supported protected areas faced challenges, including the varying nature of
was 1.2% percent while averaging 4.1% in the co-benefits attributable to environmental initia-
countries. The highest net percent forest losses tives, the typology and breadth of implementa-
were seen in Côte d’Ivoire (14.72%), South tion approaches, and the data and methods used
Africa (6.75%), and Guatemala (5.37%), and the to assess co-benefits. The difference in methodol-
highest net area forest losses were observed in ogy, data, and temporal and spatial scales also
Nicaragua (2528.76 km2), Honduras makes it tricky to draw overarching insights from
(1592.78 km2), and Bolivia (1072.29 km2).2 these studies (Alpízar & Ferraro, 2020; Naidoo
et al., 2019).
Details of the approach, data, methods, and key findings
Studies have begun applying satellite and
of this evaluation can be found in the original evaluation other spatial data sources to assess the co-­benefits
report (GEF IEO, 2016). of development initiatives. These studies have
280 A. Anand and G. Batra

Fig. 3 Levels of Loss in Protected Areas

demonstrated how to leverage satellite-based conducted a study to estimate the global and
data sources for evaluating environmental out- local-level contributions of GEF environmental
comes. Building on the recent developments in initiatives and their related benefits.
research and impact evaluation, the GEF IEO
Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related… 281

IEO evaluators used a geospatial approach to development, that had not been observed in prior
determine the socioeconomic benefits associated years. The study noted that, in the absence of pre-
with GEF-supported sustainable forest manage- cise geographic location information, these find-
ment (SFM) interventions. The GEF has a long ings could have been an underestimate of the
history of providing support to improve the sus- actual impacts across the GEF SFM portfolio.
tainability of forestry resources to increase envi- The study recognized that results from the night-
ronmental benefits and deliver socioeconomic time lights at the portfolio level were not evident
co-benefits. This evaluation assessed the impacts and expanded the analysis to include local-level
of GEF-supported SFM interventions on bio- data. The local-scale case study in Uganda using
physical and ecological variables and co-benefits survey data helped fill the portfolio-level analysis
measured in terms of socioeconomic indicators, gap and further explore the impact of GEF SFM
and estimated monetary values of ecosystem ser- projects on socioeconomic outcomes. The results
vices using the principle of natural capital showed that GEF SFM projects were associated
accounting (Runfola et al., 2020). To examine the with an increase in household assets. By match-
socioeconomic effects, the study used both a ing the longitudinal survey data locations from
portfolio-wide approach (based on night light the World Bank household survey that were close
activity3) and a recent case study from Uganda, to GEF interventions to those farther away from
which was the first attempt to combine geospatial GEF intervention sites, the evaluation found that
data with other survey data. To detect the impact GEF SFM projects were associated with
of GEF projects on proximate (within 50 km) increased household assets between $163 and
households, evaluators used the World Bank’s $353 (within 40–60 km, respectively). The
Living Standards Measurement Survey of in-­ Uganda case study showed that households prox-
country household information (see Fig. 4). imate to a GEF implementation site tended to
The evaluation used the geographic locations experience average improvements in assets of
of GEF SFM projects and data on the measure- approximately $310 (within 50 km) as compared
ments of environmental outcomes based on sug- to those that were not close to a GEF implemen-
gested indicators from the CBD (2016) and tation site. Although results from a single case
UNCCD (2015). Night lights are a frequent study cannot be considered representative of the
proxy for socioeconomic outcomes, and the entire portfolio, the study provided useful insights
study used satellite-based measurements of that help in understanding the main dynamics
nighttime light intensity over time. It also utilized taking place in these areas,
a quasi-experimental approach to analyze GEF
interventions’ effectiveness along both environ-
mental and socioeconomic dimensions. Details Assessing Health Co-Benefits
of this evaluation’s methods and approaches are
available in the original evaluation report (GEF GEF-supported projects and programs seek to
IEO, 2019). influence positive environmental outcomes
The portfolio-level, global scope analysis of across critical areas such as biodiversity, land
economic and social co-benefits of GEF SFM degradation, and climate change by generating
projects indicated a small, positive impact on global and local environmental benefits. It is
socioeconomic benefits as indicated by nighttime well understood that improved environmental
light intensity. The study found that projects outcomes such as cleaner air, water, and soil
implemented since 2010 showed a positive effect undisputedly contribute to better living condi-
on nighttime lights (+0.24), a proxy for economic tions and health. The COVID-19 pandemic has
compelled a reexamination of the consequences
Studies have demonstrated that nighttime light levels are
of environmental destruction and its direct
highly correlated with economic activity, population, and implications for human health. Anthropogenic
establishment density (Mellander et al., 2015). activities leading to land use mismanagement,
282 A. Anand and G. Batra

Fig. 4 GEF Project Impacts on Proximate Households Using World Bank’s Living Standards Measurement Survey

fragmentation and destruction of natural habi- rated from the environmental agenda and
tats, and overexploitation of wildlife have fun- actions.
damentally created more opportunities for the Building on the earlier work on SFM in
spread of infectious and zoonotic diseases (Liu Uganda, the GEF IEO undertook a further analy-
et al., 2013; Olivero et al., 2020). Besides zoo- sis to examine and quantify the association
notic diseases, poor water and air quality are between GEF interventions and health co-­
still the leading causes of mortality worldwide. benefits. The study looked at the health condi-
Therefore, human health issues cannot be sepa- tions of children under the age of 5 in Kenya,
Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related… 283

focusing on health measures including the preva- and safety concerns. Geospatial analysis using
lence of diarrhea and coughs (Fig. 5). The study remote sensing data can help in such situations
explored whether improving environmental and where field visits and primary data collection are
socioeconomic co-benefits through GEF-­not possible.
supported projects led to improved health out- The IEO used satellite-based data to assess the
comes. It utilized the health survey dataset from sustainability of environment-related project out-
the Kenya Department of Health Services (DHS, comes, part of the evaluation of GEF support in
2014), which contained 1594 survey clusters, fragile and conflict-affected situations (GEF IEO,
each of which represented 19–25 households. 2020). The IEO analysis looked at the trends in
The analyzed projects were drawn from the the change of forest cover in Sapo National Park,
GEF’s biodiversity, land degradation, climate Liberia (Fig. 7). Evaluators compared the loss in
change, and sustainable forest management focal forest cover for different periods (before, during,
areas and programs. Only projects implemented and after the project) to those periods in areas
before 2014 were considered for the analysis. outside the protected areas and to trends in the
Evaluators used a quasi-experimental geospatial overall national forest cover loss.
interpolation (QGI) method on Kenya’s health Sapo National Park is Liberia’s only national
data to quantify the association between GEF park and a biodiversity hotspot within the Upper
interventions and children’s health conditions. Guinea Forest ecosystem. It has faced long-­
The QGI method has three parameters: sample standing threats from illegal farming, hunting,
density, upper distance bound, and maximum logging, and mining. In postwar Liberia, GEF-­
matching difference. It uses a propensity-­ supported programming illustrates its catalytic
matching approach to pair treated and controlled potential in situations affected by conflict and
survey clusters based on covariates. Runfola fragility. The project Establishing the Basis for
et al. (2020) provide more details on the QGI Biodiversity Conservation on Sapo National Park
approach. and in South-East Liberia, approved in 2004,
The study observed localized associations in marked one of the earliest GEF-funded projects
both variables tested, with a 17% reduction in the in postwar Liberia. The World Bank implemented
occurrence of coughs within 10 km of the GEF the project, and Flora and Fauna International
intervention areas, and a 9% reduction in the (FFI) executed the project in collaboration with
occurrence of diarrhea within a distance of less the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) of
than 3 km. Besides these direct measures of Liberia. The World Bank’s re-engagement in
health outcomes, GEF-supported projects also Liberia started after the Second Liberian Civil
had positive impacts on water access, including War ended in 2003 (Independent Evaluation
the access to source water in dwellings and the Group, World Bank [IEG], 2012, p. xiii.). Taking
presence of water at hand-washing facilities. The place from 2005–2010, the project was deemed
results were found to be stronger in clusters successful, and project documents noted that
closer to GEF interventions (see Fig. 6). “implementation occurred within a period of pro-
found governance, environmental, institutional
and societal changes in Liberia following a
Assessing Outcome Sustainability decade and half of the civil instability” (FFI,
in Fragile and Conflict Situations 2010, p i).
Since then, the GEF has supported various
Assessing the sustainability of outcomes is chal- projects in Libera in different focal areas. Two
lenging because, in most cases, projects do not other relevant GEF-funded projects—
have the resources or the mandate to look at the Consolidation of Liberia’s Protected Area
project results after closure. Examining outcome Network, from 2008 to 2012, and SPWA-BD:
sustainability can be more of an issue in fragile Biodiversity Conservation through Expanding
and conflict-affected situations due to logistical the Protected Area Network in Liberia
284 A. Anand and G. Batra

Fig. 5 Health Conditions of Children Under Age 5 in Kenya (Prevalence of Coughs and Diarrhea)

(EXPAN)—followed the first project and were Development Authority of Liberia executed the
also implemented by the World Bank. The Forest projects. Both of these projects were “built on
Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related… 285

Fig. 6 Health
Co-Benefits of
GEF-Supported Projects

Fig. 7 Trends in Forest Cover in Sapo National Park, Liberia

successful GEF investments in Sapo NP” (World Ultimately, the Government of Liberia received
Bank, 2007, p. 4) and focused on biodiversity grant funding ($37.5 million) through the World
conservation, protected area management, com- Bank from the Government of Norway for the
munity participation, and reducing rural depen- cost of the Liberia Forest Sector Project, 2016–
dence on forests and wildlife in Liberia. 2023, which expanded substantially on the initial
Drawing on these projects’ lessons, the World GEF projects (World Bank, 2016). This project
Bank continued its engagement with the forests supports priority investments to strengthen the
and protected area interventions in Liberia, on-the-ground management of Sapo National
expanding the protected area systems and Park, including physical demarcation, provision
strengthening capacity to maintain them.
286 A. Anand and G. Batra

of vehicles and equipment, and updating the socioeconomic and health co-benefits. Geospatial
park’s management plans (World Bank, 2016). analysis can help answer key evaluative ques-
The remote sensing analysis results in Fig. 7 tions on relevance, effectiveness, and sustainabil-
indicate minimal forest loss, close to zero defor- ity of outcomes.
estation within the park boundary (flat dark line). Geospatial methods can save financial and
This could be explained by the prohibition on all human resources and be very useful when work-
economic activities, including mining, within ing in hard-to-reach areas, especially in fragile
national parks, as per Liberia’s National Park leg- and conflict situations or in a limiting context
islation. Legal mining concessions are present in such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Geospatial
the buffer zone. analyses are also scalable and provide a cost-­
The results illustrate how efforts to protect effective and efficient approach for meaningful
Sapo National Park’s resources during the first studies at the project site, portfolio level, and
project have been sustained beyond the project global level. The results generated through these
duration and supported through subsequent inter- methods provide objective evidence and thereby
ventions. This trend inside the park contrasts aid transparency. The analyses can also reveal
with the phenomenal increase in forest loss out- patterns that are not obvious and help in under-
side the park borders (see Fig. 8) and in Liberia standing complex processes. Geospatial methods
as whole, mainly driven by illegal activities such and approaches work well in a mixed-methods
as mining and logging for sustenance in the post- framework and assist with common evaluation
war nation. challenges such as lack of baseline, finding the
The Liberian economy is highly dependent on right counterfactuals, and addressing accessibil-
natural resource exports from the mining, for- ity issues. The GEF IEO has used geospatial tools
estry, and rubber sectors. According to an for sharing evaluation results through 2-D maps
International Monetary Fund (2008) study, the and interactive maps and visualizations. These
small-scale mining sector for gold and diamonds tools facilitate the communication of complex
in the country was estimated to involve as many ideas and information.
as 100,000 artisanal miners in 2008, but only 48 As environmental programming becomes
artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) miners complex as it interlinks with other economic and
(Small & Villegas 2012). social variables, and the demand for globally
The two dips in the forest loss outside the Park consistent and locally relevant data keeps grow-
(around 2005 and 2010) shown in Fig. 7 coincide ing, geospatial data and analyses offer an effi-
with the eviction4 of illegal gold miners and settlers cient and complementary approach to evaluators
in Sapo National Park (FFI, 2010). The lack of to explore new and increasingly complex ques-
financial, technical, and human resources, and lack tions and topics. Whether applied on its own or in
of capacity and conducive legal environment in combination with other complementary data and
Liberia to effectively monitor ASM sites and other processes, geospatial approaches and methods
illegal activities also explain forest loss in the Sapo have undoubtedly opened up new avenues for use
National Park’s buffer zone (World Bank, 2020). in evaluation, and are here to stay.

Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge

Conclusions the role of IEO partners with whom we have collaborated
for these studies, including faculty at the University of
Maryland, NASA, and AID DATA, who contributed to the
This chapter demonstrates the utility of geospa- various evaluations mentioned in this chapter. The mate-
tial approaches and data to evaluate complex rial presented in the case studies is based on these com-
environmental interventions and assess their pleted evaluations. We particularly thank Min Feng, Dan
Runfola, and Jiaying (Tina) Chen for their contributions.

The Liberian Government used the term “Voluntary
departure” for the 2010–2011 removals.
Application of Geospatial Methods in Evaluating Environmental Interventions and Related… 287

Fig. 8 Forest Loss Within and Outside of Sapo National Park, Liberia
288 A. Anand and G. Batra

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