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KOLs Thread Information and Instructions:

The Thread Sections below are split in to three parts

1) Hashtag Examples
2) Thread Intro Examples
3) Thread Continuation Examples

You can add your preferred hashtags, then choose your preferred thread intro and add your
preferred thread continuation to suit your audience. You can also mix and match content from each
thread continuation example to customise your thread as well.

Please note your thread must be written in your own words and not just copied from the
supplied content below.

1) Hashtag Examples

Tag our Twitter (X) handle @LayerOneX

#L1X, #LayerOneX, #DeFi, #Web3Gaming, #Crypto, #Blockchain


(“The God Chain” is a subtle sub-narrative we would like to promote, and you can use in your thread
if you wish. Think L1X has the god like power to connect any chain it deems worthy, and by doing so
gives users and developers supreme access and control over their assets and project’s reach.)

Note: If you have other hashtags you feel get more effective reach please use your discretion.

2) Thread Intro Examples:

Once again please note these are examples you can use as a base for you to write in your own

1) Forget everything you know about blockchains! Layer One X (L1X) is here to shatter
limitations and pump every sector imaginable - DeFi, NFTs, gaming, even your digital identity.
Think borderless, think limitless, think of a future world where every blockchain is connected
through their technology. Think L1X!

2) There is a new chain on the block, and it will blow your mind. No matter what the sector, this
chain will have a positive impact on it. DeFi, Gaming, NFTs, Digital ID, DEPIN, Launchpads,
Stablecoins the list is limitless. It’s called Layer One X (L1X) and it has the ability to connect
each and every blockchain and eliminate borders for good.

3) The bull run is approaching, but this time it's powered by cross-chain tech. Layer One X (L1X)
is a new blockchain that acts as the neural network, connecting all blockchains and unlocking
brand new possibilities. Layer One X (L1X) is the new blockchain that can connect all
blockchains. Imagine DeFi protocols reaching new highs, NFTs transcending platforms, and
gamers exploring interconnected virtual worlds.

4) The next billion crypto users won't be confined to incompatible blockchains, they'll roam free
with Layer One X (L1X). L1X is more than just a blockchain, it is a blockchain that can connect
every other blockchain. Imagine a future where users and projects can access any blockchain
seamlessly without the need for risky bridges. That future is closer than you think with Layer
One X.

3) Thread Continuation Examples

A) NFTs market specific:
What impact can Layer One X have on NFTs?

Bullet points for you to expand on in your own words:

• Safer transfers: Eliminates risky bridge transactions for safer NFT movement.
• Cross-chain movement: Freely transfer NFTs between EVM and Non-EVM chains, reaching
wider audiences.
• Improved liquidity: Increases liquidity by facilitating cross-chain NFT trades.
• Universal ownership: Verify NFT ownership across chains, unlocking wider utility on multiple
• Enhanced collaboration: Enables cross-chain NFT project collaboration for innovative
• Unified portfolio management: Manage NFTs across platforms and chains easily, with a
complete gallery view.

B) DeFi market specific:

What impact can Layer One X have on DeFi?

Bullet points for you to expand on in your own words:

• Bridgeless DeFi Access: Connect to any DeFi protocol on any chain, maximizing liquidity and
• Multi-Chain Yield Farming: Combine high-yield opportunities across chains for optimal
• Consolidated Liquidity: Projects benefit from one deep pool serving all connected chains,
eliminating fragmentation.
• Cross-Chain Borrowing & Lending: Exploit arbitrage opportunities by borrowing low and
lending high across chains.
• Chain-Agnostic Token Swapping: Swap any token with any other token on any chain
• Automated Asset Movement: Optimize capital and returns within DeFi with predefined
trigger-based asset movement and transaction execution.
• Cross-Chain DAO Participation: Participate in DAOs on different chains without switching
wallets, boosting collaboration and governance.

C) Gaming market specific:

What impact can Layer One X have on Gaming?

Bullet points for you to expand on in your own words:

• Universal Cross-Chain Gaming ID:

o Store and build skills, reputation, preferences across games and chains.
o Access games on any chain at appropriate levels and preferences based on your
• Interoperable NFTs:
o Use NFTs from one game to unlock features in another (e.g., weapon to racing car).
o NFTs verified across chains, unlocking relevant assets within different games.
• Cross-Chain Tournaments & Events:
o Compete with players from diverse communities across games and blockchains.
o Participate in epic events like multi-universe fighting championships.
• Unified NFT Management:
o Track and manage NFTs from all platforms and chains in one place.
o Gain a holistic view of your virtual collection in a unified gallery view.

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