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Advanced Training
Creating Groups: Grade Centre:
8. Due date - Set the due date of the
1. Click on Users & Groups underneath Click on Grade Centre - 3 display options:
(Submissions are accepted after this date
Course Control Panel
and will be marked Late)  Full Grade Centre (will view all the
2. Click on Groups assessment columns)
9. Recipients - Assignments can be
3. Click on Create Single Group assigned to each Student individually or  Assignments (will only view the
to a group of students.
4. Click on Manual Enroll Assignment columns)
(Groups need to be set up first before
5. Type in Name for group setting up the Assignment)  Tests (will only view the Test columns)
6. Fill in Description of group (optional) 10. Click on Submit
7. Group available: YES
8. Tool Availability: Select which tools will Evaluate Student Responses (Online) To Hide Columns click on next to the
be available to members of the Group column you want to Hide and click on Hide
9. Membership: Select the members for Column
1. Click on Grade Centre underneath your
the group To Show Columns:
Course Control Panel.
10. Click on Submit 1. Click on Manage
2. Click on Assignments (only the Assign-
ment columns will display in the Grade 2. Click on Column Organisation
Assignments: Centre)
3. Select the columns you want to show
3. Click on next to the Assignment
The lecturer creates assignments for stu- column you want to grade 4. Click on Show/Hide
dents to complete and sets the detail that
the task requires. The student then creates 4. Click on Grade Attempts 5. Click on Show Selected Columns
the assignment response and submits 5. Enter a mark and feedback for current 6. Click on Submit
electronically via Assignments. assignment attempt.
6. Use the Save and Next and View Previ- To Reorder Columns:
Create Assignment
ous buttons to navigate through the
attempts in the queue, one at a time. 1. Click on Manage

7. Use Save and Exit to save the cur- 2. Click on Column Organisation
rent/last attempt and return to the Grade 3. Click on to reorder your columns
An Assignment can be added to a Content Centre.
Area / Learning Module or Content Fold- 4. Click on Submit
er. Evaluate Student Responses (Offline)
Downloading Marks
Steps for creating an Assignment:
1. Click on Grade Centre underneath your
With Edit Mode On: Course Control Panel. 1. Click on Work Offline
1. Click on Create Assessment 2. Click on Assignments (only the Assign- 2. Click on Download
2. Click on Assignment ment columns will display in the Grade 3. Data - Select the data to download:
Centre) Full Grade Centre, Specific Assessment
3. Name - Type in name of Assignment
3. Click on next to the Assignment column or user information only
4. Instructions - Type in the instructions column you want to grade
for the Assignment. 4. Options - Delimiter Type - select tab or
4. Click on Assignment File Download csv
5. Attach File - If you want to attach a file,
click on Browse My Computer and se- 5. Select the Users (Student Assignments 5. Save Location - select My Computer
lect the file(s). you want to download) 6. Click on Submit
6. Grading - Fill in the Points Possible for 6. Click on Submit 7. Click on Download
the Assignment. 7. Click on the link - 8. Choose the Save option
7. Availability - Set the number of Download assignments now.
attempts, set the dates from when to 9. Click on Open or Close
8. Choose the Save File option and click
when the Assignment must be available 10. Click on OK
on OK
and select if you want the system to
9. Decide where you want to save the file. 11. Open the file in Excel, a Warning
track the number of views of the
(The file is saved in .zip format) Message will pop-up, click Yes.
assignment or not.
(The file will open)
Uploading Marks Smart Views Calculated Columns

A Smart View is a focused look at the Grade There are 4 types of Calculated Columns:
Preparation of spreadsheet to upload:
Centre. It shows only the data that matches 1. Average: Calculates & displays the
 Download the file by following the a set of criteria. Smart Views are useful to numeric average for a selected number
instructions for Downloading Marks. quickly find data when the Grade Centre of columns.
includes a great number of Students and
 Make the necessary changes to the file, Columns. 2. Min/Max: Calculates either the min or
like deleting unnecessary columns and max grade for a selected number of
adding new grade columns. How to create a Smart View: columns.
 Save the file as .csv. 1. Click on Grade Centre underneath your
3. Total: Calculates the total points for a
Course Management Control Panel.
number of columns related to the total
Steps for uploading the .csv file: 2. Click Full Grade Centre number of points allowed. Useful for
generating final score.
1. Click on Work Offline 3. Click on Manage > Smart Views
4. Click on Create Smart View 4. Weighted: Calculates and displays a
2. Click on Upload grade for a selected number of
3. Browse for the file you want to upload 5. Name - Type in name of Group columns, based upon each column’s
6. Tick Add as Favourite respective worth of the total grade.
4. Delimiter Type - select csv
5. Click on Submit 7. Selection Criteria:
Track Students:
6. Select the Column(s) to upload  Type of view: Select Course Group
You can track student activity with the
7. Click on Submit  Select criteria: Select the groups to Performance Dashboard and Course
8. Click on Edit Column Information include in this Smart View. Reports underneath Evaluation (on the
Course Control Panel).
9. Select Primary Display  Filter results: Choose the columns
to display in results. 1. Performance Dashboard: Provides an
10. Select Secondary Display up-to-date report on the activity for all
8. Click on Submit.
11. Select Category if applicable students. Information appears in a table
format. Click the arrow in the header
12. Type in Points Possible row of a column to sort the table data by
13. Options: Include this Column in Grade that column.
Centre Calculations = Yes, Show this
Column to Students = Yes, Show Sta- 2. Course Reports: Course Reports
tistics (average and median) for this provides different ways to view
column to Students in My Grades = Yes information about student activity,
content usage, course standards and
14. Click on Submit. course objectives.

The Retention Centre:

 The Retention Centre provides an easy way for you to discover which students in your course are at risk. You can communicate with
struggling students and help them take immediate action for improvement. You can also keep track of patterns over time.

 Step-by-Step instructions on how to use the Retention Centre, can be found underneath the e-Learning: Best Practice subject >
Help Files > Retention Centre Helpfile

E-Learning Certificate:

 Attended ALL three training sessions: Basic, Intermediate and Advanced.

 Showed competency in e-Learning by successfully facilitating at least one Subject.

Competency Criteria is on the e-Learning: Best Practice Subject.

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