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Throwing Biomechanics: Aspects

of Throwing Performance
and Shoulder Injury Risk

Jesper Bencke, Roland van den Tillaar,

Merete Møller, and Herbert Wagner

6.1 Introduction 6.2 Biomechanical Aspects

of Throwing Performance
Biomechanics is the scientific discipline of describ-
ing movements and loading of joints and soft tissue. In team handball competition, the throwing
Biomechanics typically utilises motion analysis to movement finalises the offensive action. To suc-
obtain the kinematics and kinetics in order to quan- ceed in an attempt to score a goal, a team hand-
tify human movement. Kinematics quantifies the ball player must maximise the precision of the
motion of a system (i.e., position/velocity/accel- throw as well as ball velocity. It is well known
eration), whereas kinetics quantifies the forces and that team handball players use different throwing
torques that cause these motions. As such, it may techniques based on their playing position and it
provide insight into the technique of sports per- is dictated by the movements of the opposing
formance and information about mechanisms of defensive players. In competition, 73–75% of all
injury. In team handball, being able to throw with throws during the game constitute jump throws,
high quality is crucial for performance, and inves- followed by the standing throw with run-up
tigating the biomechanics of throwing will eluci- (14–18%), penalty throw (6–9%), diving throw
date the specific timing and segmental coordination (2–4%) and direct free throw (0–1%) [1]. These
(i.e., technique) characterising the optimal throw. different throwing techniques are used to increase
At the same time, in combination with knowledge the horizontal velocity (run-up), making it diffi-
of functional anatomy, biomechanical investiga- cult for the defensive player to tackle and poten-
tions may also reveal loading patterns or nonop- tially enabling a higher ball velocity.
timal coordination which may increase the risk of In general, all sports that involve overarm
injury. Information about both optimal throwing movements with a high endpoint speed, an optimal
technique and injury risk factors is important for performance (maximal ball velocity) is obtained
the athlete, coach and health-care personnel. through a specific progression (timing) of accel-
eration and deceleration of segmental movements,
J. Bencke (*)
Human Movement Analysis Laboratory, M. Møller
Copenhagen University Hospital, Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics,
Amager-Hvidovre, Denmark University of Southern Denmark,
e-mail: Odense, Denmark
R. van den Tillaar H. Wagner
Department of Sport Science and Physical Education, IFFB Sport Science and Kinesiology,
Nord University, University of Salzburg,
Levanger, Norway Salzburg, Austria

© ESSKA 2018 69
L. Laver et al. (eds.), Handball Sports Medicine,
70 J. Bencke et al.

as suggested by Herring and Chapman [2]. The higher ball velocity, as the earlier extension of the
progression of segmental motion displays initial elbow reduces the moment arm for the shoulder
forward motion of a proximal segment, while internal rotation allowing a higher internal rotation
more distal segments rotate backwards (i.e., like angular velocity and thereby leading to a higher ball
the upper arm extends and “lags behind,” when the velocity [9]. As shown in Fig. 6.2 this characteristic
trunk begins the forward rotation). The distal seg- movement coordination was found at all experience
ments will be decelerated by eccentric contraction levels; however, less experienced players were not
of the agonist muscles and subsequently acceler- able to produce a proximal-to-distal sequencing
ated forwards by concentric contraction of the from the pelvis rotation to the shoulder flexion com-
same muscles [3], with the muscles thus perform- pared to experienced and elite players. Not only in
ing a stretch-shortening cycle. If this progression timing (Fig. 6.2) but also in the maximal trunk flex-
of segmental movements occurs in a proximal-to- ion and rotation angular velocity significant differ-
distal order, it facilitates a transfer of momentum ences were found between elite and low-level
from the pelvis (or lower limb) through the trunk players [10]. Furthermore, to optimise throwing
to the throwing arm, thereby enabling higher velocity, it was found that the elbow extension and
velocities in throwing movements [3]. shoulder internal rotation velocity starting from a
In team handball throwing, a proximal-to-­distal maximal external rotation angle are the two main
sequence was also found in elite and experienced parameters related to overarm throwing velocity in
players (Fig. 6.1), however not fully complying to team handball [5, 11]. These results have shown
this segmental rotation order in the final part of the that the movement of the trunk and an optimal tim-
throw [4–8]. It was shown that maximal pelvis rota- ing of segmental accelerations are essential in team
tion angular velocity occurred before trunk rotation handball throwing.
and trunk flexion angular velocity followed by the Comparing different throwing techniques in
elbow extension and shoulder internal rotation team handball, it was found that ball velocity was
angular velocity. The observation that the maximal significantly impacted by the run-up and the pel-
elbow extension occurred before the maximal vis and trunk movements. Depending on floor
shoulder rotation angular velocity ­ facilitates a contact (standing vs. jump throws), team handball


Angular velocity [˚/s]

5000 Elbow extension

Pelvis rotation
Trunk rotation
2000 Shoulder rotation


-0.20 -0.15 -0.10 -0.05 0.00 0.05

Time [s]

Fig. 6.1 Pelvis and trunk rotation, shoulder internal rotation and elbow extension angular velocity in the team handball
jump throw
6 Throwing Biomechanics: Aspects of Throwing Performance and Shoulder Injury Risk 71


shoulder flexion

less experienced
wrist flexion
Joint movement

elite p<.01**
forearm pronation

shoulder rotation

elbow extension

trunk flexion p<.01**

trunk rotation p<.05*

pelvis rotation

–0,15 –0,10 –0,05 0,00 0,05 0,10

Time [S]

Fig. 6.2 Mean timing of occurrence of maximal joint players. Significant differences between two joints and
angular velocities in the standing throw with run-up in skill groups: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.001 and **P < 0.001
less experienced, experienced and elite team handball

players used two different strategies (lead leg male players are able to throw faster, although the
brakes the body vs. opposed leg movements dur- ball in male team handball is 0.1 kg heavier [16–
ing flight) to accelerate the pelvis and trunk to 18]. These differences in throwing velocity were
yield differences in ball velocity [12]. Comparing mainly caused by the height of male compared
different arm positions (overarm vs. sidearm), it with female players. Male players are on average
was found that the different position of the hand 0.1 m taller, the distance between the shoulder and
at ball release was primarily caused by different finger at ball release is 0.06 m longer, and the seg-
trunk flexion and tilt angles [10]. However, in all mental length of the forearm with hand is 0.04 m
different throwing techniques (standing vs. jump- longer [19]. Another variable that could explain
ing and/or run-up, overarm vs. sidearm), elite and sex differences in throwing velocity was the fat-
experienced players were able to adapt their free mass. Male elite handball players have gener-
throwing movement to the different conditions to ally more fat-free mass than female players and
perform an optimal proximal-to-distal sequenc- were therefore able to throw faster because of the
ing and similar throwing arm movements [8, 12– subsequent higher muscle mass [18].
15]. These optimal proximal-to-distal sequencing Besides dividing the different throws based on
and similar arm movements were also found in arm position or after run-up or jumping, it is pos-
overarm movements in other sports like tennis, sible to identify all types of handball throws by
volleyball, and baseball [3, 4]. their wind-up: a circular or whip-like wind-up
When examining differences between male and and that these different wind-up have different
female players, several studies have shown that biomechanical characteristics [20]. Higher ball
72 J. Bencke et al.

velocities were found with the circular wind-up circular movement. Furthermore, in the circular
than with the whip-like wind-up. These were wind-up the maximal angle of the shoulder flex-
mainly caused by a significantly higher maximal ion and the trunk tilt forwards were higher than
joint movement velocity of the pelvis and pelvic with the whip-like wind-up during the cocking
tilt using the circular wind-up than with the whip-­ phase. These increased angles may stretch the
like wind-up. Since the rest of the joint move- arm, shoulder and abdominal muscles more
ments showed no significant differences between extensively and can build up more tension early
the two wind-up techniques, the pelvis and pelvic in the movement, i.e., an enhanced counter move-
tilt resulted in a higher maximal velocity of the ment between trunk and upper extremity occurs
endpoints of the hip and shoulder segments of [11]. This was also shown by the significantly
around 0.5 m/s each and a higher ball velocity of higher pelvis and upper torso rotation with the
1 m/s. However, timing sequence of initiation circular wind-up. In the whip-like wind-up the
and maximal angular velocity between the two ball was directly moved upwards and backwards,
wind-ups was very similar [20] (Fig. 6.3). and this resulted in a significantly higher peak
The main difference in the wind-up techniques external rotation angle of the shoulder. These
was how the arm was moved backwards in the increased angles during the arm-cocking phase
cocking phase, and naturally the kinematics in may cause increased forces around the elbow and
this phase was expected to be different. Minimal shoulder joint. Furthermore, total throwing time
shoulder abduction angle was higher with the was longer with the circular wind-up. This
whip-like wind-up, because the elbow is raised to resulted in a longer cocking phase since the tim-
the side from the two-hand phase to the one-hand ing of the maximal external rotation of the shoul-
phase and not downwards backwards like in the der with the circular wind-up was significantly

Fig. 6.3 (a) An example of an overarm throw with a circular wind-up throwing movement. (b) An example of an
overarm throw with a whip-like wind-up throwing movement in team handball (adapted with permission [20])
6 Throwing Biomechanics: Aspects of Throwing Performance and Shoulder Injury Risk 73

closer to ball release. Also the initiation and max- internal rotation, and (2) the deceleration phase
imal ball acceleration occurred closer to ball after ball release, where the forceful forward trunk
release with the circular wind-up. As the maxi- rotation, humeral flexion and internal rotation
mal acceleration was closer to ball release, this must be decelerated quickly. These elements of the
resulted in a higher ball release velocity with the throwing technique depend heavily on muscle
circular wind-up. As discussed above, handball strength of all involved muscle groups, optimal
throwing is a very technical and forceful skill. neuromuscular coordination, adequate range of
The nature of the game constantly challenges the motion and stability of the proximal segments [3].
ability of the player to vary the way of throwing Reduced capacity or internal imbalance in any of
either hard or soft, with run-up or jumping and these parameters may increase injury risk.
with different arm positions or wind-up, which The biomechanical foundation for exerting
inherently also challenges the technical skills and high forces around the glenohumeral joint in order
strength of the individual player. Training to opti- to accelerate the ball is a solid proximal base of the
mise technique in a variety of throwing types muscle attachments to accelerate the distal seg-
seems essential for the top-level player. ment. That is, a stable scapula is necessary for the
glenohumeral rotators to internally and externally
rotate the upper arm with adequate force, and if
Fact Box descending through the kinematic sequence of
Biomechanical Aspects of Throwing rotation described above, the thorax needs to be
Performance: stable to adequately allow the scapula-­stabilising
Ball velocity in team handball is strongly muscles to control the scapula, etc. This exempli-
influenced by an optimal proximal-to-­ fies a kinetic chain where the transfer of momen-
distal sequencing, optimal trunk move- tum from the proximal segment to the distal
ment, maximal arm rotation and an op- segment is very dependent on the strength and
timal adaptation to different conditions optimal neuromuscular control of the proximal
(standing vs. jumping with or without segment, starting with a good core stability as also
run-up, different arm positions, tackling described by Kibler et al. [21] and having the opti-
from the opposing defensive player). mal coordination of segmental rotations in order to
Consequently, coaches should focus on reduce excessive loads in the shoulder. Studies in
trunk stabilisation and an optimal throw- baseball pitchers have shown that nonoptimal
ing technique before strength training to coordination of pelvic and trunk rotation influ-
improve performance. ences the shoulder joint loading [22, 23] underlin-
ing the importance of the correct kinematic
intersegmental coordination to reduce the stressful
loading of the shoulder. The same mechanism
6.3  iomechanical Injury Risk
B must also be considered when performing varia-
Factors of the Shoulder tions of the standard throw. In handball, a very
diverse range of throwing techniques is displayed,
The described biomechanics of performing an and the whip-like wind-up technique discussed in
optimal hard throw also imposes a risk of overload the previous section is typical of the frequently
injury. When looking at the potential injury risk used, fast-performed throw with the ipsilateral
elements of a throw, two main phases are evident foot in front. Performing these alternative, quickly
as the instants involving the highest muscle forces performed, throws may increase the chance of get-
and then potentially the highest risk of injury: (1) ting the ball past the defender due to the element of
The cocking phase, where the initial backward surprise, but it may also increase the injury risk by
rotation of the trunk and shoulder horizontal exten- placing more stress on the shoulder joint as this
sion and external rotation is decelerated and technique involves less rotation of the proximal
immediately succeeded by a forceful trunk for- segments to initiate the acceleration and shorter
ward rotation, shoulder horizontal flexion and time for acceleration of the distal segments and
74 J. Bencke et al.

thus increasing the force needed to reach the same deficit (GIRD), without any change in the total
approximate ball velocity [20]. rotational range of motion. However, studies in
As mentioned above, adequate muscular baseball show that if GIRD is accompanied by a
strength and optimal neuromuscular activation is reduced total rotation ROM, shoulder injury risk
also important, both for performance and injury is increased [34]. In the literature, consensus on
prevention. By creating a solid foundation for the importance of GIRD and total ROM as inde-
optimal control of the distal segments, increased pendent risk factors for injury is not yet estab-
core and pelvic strength and stability may reduce lished; however, in male elite handball players,
shoulder injury risk [24], and in handball it is Clarsen et al. [28] found a slightly increased risk
shown that performance may be improved by of injury with reduced total rotational ROM, but
training core stability [25, 26]. Around the gleno- no significant association of GIRD and injury
humeral joint, reduced muscular strength of the risk, but on the other side, Andersson et al.
external rotators has been found to increase the [30] could not confirm these risk factors in a
risk of shoulder injury in baseball [27]. This large group of mixed-sex handball players [30].
association was also found in adult male handball Besides the increased retroversion, a biome-
players [28, 29]; however, it could not be chanical explanation of a reduced total range of
­confirmed in a recent study in mixed-sex hand- motion may be a tightness of the posterior shoul-
ball players [30]. Biomechanically, the shoulder der joint capsule and muscles [35, 36], probably
external rotators may play a role as stabilisers caused by the cumulative loads of the decelera-
during the cocking phase, but during throwing tion phase in repetitive throwing [32].
the forceful deceleration of the internal rotation Most studies on shoulder rotation have
after ball release depends largely on the shoulder reported the angles of humeral rotation in rela-
external rotator muscles. Lack of strength may tion to the planes of the thorax with the scapula in
result on greater stress on other soft tissue on the a fixed position, but in reality the humeral rota-
posterior side of the shoulder due to a lesser abil- tion occurs with respect to the scapula, which in
ity to dynamically break the internal rotation turn moves with respect to the thorax [37].
movement. Therefore, the positioning of the scapula is cru-
Another biomechanical aspect of shoulder cial when discussing which degrees of rotation
injury risk is the range of motion of the gleno- that may be increasing the injury risk. For
humeral joint. Rotational range of motion is an instance, an external rotation of 140° in abduc-
important factor for throwing performance, and tion with respect to the thorax may stretch the
increased maximal external rotation is often joint capsule much more with an anterior tilted
observed in the throwing arm of handball play- scapula, than if the scapula has moved with the
ers, as well as other overhead athletes, com- external rotation by posterior tilting around a
pared to the non-throwing arm. It is argued that transverse axis. The importance of the scapula
increased maximal external rotation angle in the positioning has been shown in cadaver studies
overhead athletes allowing increased arm cock- during a simulated cocking phase, where maxi-
ing might have a positive effect on ball veloc- mal external rotation, in combination with less
ity, as it allows a larger internal rotation motion scapula upward rotation and increased scapula
to accelerate the ball [13]; however, a recent internal rotation, increases the risk of impinge-
study could not correlate clinically measured ment [38]. These cadaveric observations direct
external rotation RoM with either ball release the attention to how optimal scapula kinematics
velocity or measured maximal external rotation should be during the cocking phase of throwing,
during throwing in handball [31]. Some of the i.e., optimise posterior tilting, and ensure ade-
observed increased maximal external rotation quate upward rotation and sufficient external
may be attributed to increased humeral retrover- rotation of the scapula. Adequate muscular
sion, probably due to the torsional stresses from strength and neuromuscular activation of the
throwing on the growing bone [32, 33], thus muscles securing this optimal positioning during
also displaying a glenohumeral internal rotation throwing is important, and later chapters will
6 Throwing Biomechanics: Aspects of Throwing Performance and Shoulder Injury Risk 75

discuss in detail which exercises are important these results could not be confirmed [30]. The
for the rehabilitation of nonoptimal scapula kine- findings by Clarsen et al. [28] and Andersson
matics. But in order to investigate which factors et al. [30] are limited by inclusion of both new
may influence the scapula positioning during the and existing shoulder problems at study start [28,
injury situation, i.e., the throwing situation, bio- 30]. As the authors recognise, causation cannot
mechanical measuring of the scapula may be a be assumed without solely focusing on new
means of investigation. However, measuring the shoulder problems. The identified associations
scapula kinematics during throwing is a chal- between scapular control, decreased TROM,
lenge, because kinematic tracking of the scapula reduced external strength and shoulder problems
is difficult due to the explosive nature of throw- in these studies might just as well have resulted
ing and the fact that most of the scapula move from the existing shoulder problems as they may
under the skin and only the acromial plateau is be a risk factor for development a new shoulder
suitable for marker placement. Thus, relatively problem. Based on the many chronic cases seen
few studies on the 3D biomechanics of the in these studies, the former scenario is more
­scapula during throwing have been performed. likely than the latter.
Only two studies have investigated the scapula This is important in an injury preventive per-
kinematics during handball throwing showing spective, because for a modifiable biomechanical
that at the instant of maximal arm cocking, i.e., risk factor to be preventable, it must be estab-
the instant of great impingement risk [38], the lished whether or not the association between the
scapula was at the highest level of external rota- risk factor and injury represents a causal relation-
tion, upward rotation and posterior tilting in order ship [43].
to biomechanically accommodate the need for
stability (Bencke et al., unpublished; [39], which
corresponds well to the findings in baseball [40,
41]. During handball practice many throws of Fact Box
different exertion are performed, and fatigue may Biomechanical Risk Factors in Throwing:
be a factor affecting the control of the scapula. • The correct proximal-to-distal sequence
Several studies have observed abnormal scapula will reduce loading of the shoulder and
kinematics as a result of fatigue during other, thus reduce the risk of overload
more simple, upper limb motor tasks (e.g., [42]), injuries.
but Plummer and Oliver [39] find no change in • High dynamic core strength and stabil-
scapula kinematics in handball players after ity will reduce injury risk by facilitating
localised fatigue induced by medicine ball throw- optimal rotation sequence.
ing. In contrast, new data suggests small signifi- • Optimal scapula control is crucial to
cant reductions in scapula upward rotation and reduce risk of impingement and other
posterior tilting at the instant of maximal humeral overload risk factors.
external rotation during throwing in handball • Facilitating adequate posterior tilt, exter-
after a fatiguing protocol simulating handball nal rotation and upward rotation through
practice throwing (Bencke et al., unpublished sufficient ROM and optimal scapula
data). Although these data may only add some muscle strength and coordination is
suggestions for mechanical explanation of fac- recommendable.
tors contributing to shoulder injury risk, a larger • Strong external rotators and sufficient
prospective study in handball has also demon- total ROM will reduce injury risk related
strated the scapula control as a risk factor for to the deceleration phase of the throwing.
overuse shoulder injuries. Clarsen et al. [28] have • Managing progression of throwing load
shown prevalence of scapula dyskinesis among by close supervision throughout the sea-
players with shoulder injury in male elite hand- son will reduce risk of injuries due to
ball players [28]; however, in a follow-­up study overload.
in mixed-sex population of handball players,
76 J. Bencke et al.

6.4  etiology and Mechanisms

A inexperienced players or when a player returns to
of Shoulder Injury sport after injury. To encompass these changing
factors, relative training load is likely to provide
To facilitate a better understanding of sports a more applicable measure of the external load.
injury aetiology, causal models, such as the origi- Sudden increase in training and competition
nal multifactorial model [44] and its subsequent load relative to either the preceding week or 2–4
revisions [45, 46], have been introduced as over- preceding weeks has been associated with injury
all visual models to provide a broad conceptuali- in various sports in the literature [55–57]. Only
sation of aetiology for sports injury in general. one published study has undertaken research into
The model by Meeuwisse acknowledges that the relationship between relative training load
exposure to injury results from a combination of and injuries in youth handball players [29]. The
being subject to different risk factors and, through findings from this study demonstrated that the
preceding cycles, participating with these risk shoulder injury rate was nearly twice as high in
factors being present [46]. Based on this premise, the week following a 60% or greater increase in
handball participation must be considered as pri- handball load (hours of competition and training)
mary exposure for injury, while other factors, for when compared with increase in handball load
instance, biomechanical factors, influence the <20%. Additionally, Møller and coworkers [29]
level of handball participation a player can toler- examined how athlete characteristics modified
ate before injury occurs [47]. the association between training and shoulder
Risk factors related to participation, in the lit- injury rate. This analysis differed from previous
erature also described as external training load, mentioned and traditional analyses, treating
may represent step count, distance run, throws handball load as the primary exposure and bio-
and/or time spent practising sport in both training mechanical variables as effect measure modifi-
and competition [48]. With regard to the associa- ers. The findings showed that an effect of a
tion between training load and shoulder injuries moderate increase between 20% and 60% in
in overhead sports, significant associations handball load was exacerbated by the presence of
between the absolute throwing workload defined reduced external rotational strength or scapular
as the total number of self-reported throws or dyskinesis and that reduced shoulder external
pitches the week before injury have been reported rotational strength also exacerbated the effect of
in baseball and cricket [49–52]. These findings large increases in handball load above 60%.
support the importance of training load in shoul- Concerted efforts should, therefore, be made to
der injury development and have already formed avoid rapid increases in handball load. This is
the basis of preventive throwing regulations for particularly important for players with scapular
youth baseball pitchers [53]. dyskinesis and reduced strength, because players
A drawback to the use of absolute load with these certain characteristics may be more
changes is that they do not take the players’ vulnerable to shoulder injury already at a moder-
changing cycling of injury, participation and ate increase in handball load [29].
other risk factors into account. For example, an In summary, this chapter has described that a
association between more than 75 throws and key element of good throwing performance is the
risk of shoulder injury has been reported in the optimal proximal-to-distal rotation sequence
literature [50, 51, 54]. However, there is a possi- enabling the segments to build up ball velocity
bility that the recommendations of the number of efficiently without overloading specific joint
throws might be different at the beginning of the structures, typically around the shoulder; conse-
study (which could be the preseason or the start quently focus on improving throwing technique
of the season) than in the mid-season. In addition, is important for performance. Changing throwing
the number of throws tolerated is likely to be technique both in terms of different arm positions
different for experienced players compared to and different wind-up techniques may give some
6 Throwing Biomechanics: Aspects of Throwing Performance and Shoulder Injury Risk 77

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