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Allana Marcela Cavalcanti Barbosa *

Anny Caroline Rodrigues Acioli **
Gabriela Vasconcelos Cruz ***
Marcos Antônio Japiassú Resende Montes ****

Uniterms: ABSTRACT

Biofilms; Purpose: This article aims to conduct a literature review about the impact
Dental plaque;
Dental materials; that biofilm accumulation on different types of dental materials can cause
Oral health. on oral health, according to its characteristics. Methods: Original articles
about the accumulation of biofilm on the surface of different restorative and
rehabilitative dental materials and their repercussions on oral health were
gathered in journals in the PubMed and Lilacs databases using the search
terms "Biofilm", "Dentistry", "Dental materials", through the logical operator
"AND". An individual analysis of the articles that contemplated this study´s
subject was performed. Results: As a result of the search, 439 articles were
found, 416 from Pubmed and 23 from Lilacs, however only 23 studies
(Pubmed: 20 and Lilacs: 3) were selected for content analysis. The majority
of the selected articles discussed dental biofilm formation in the different
restorative and rehabilitative dental materials and how their characteristics
interfere in this accumulation. Final considerations: Bacterial adhesion and
biofilm formation are strongly influenced by the surface characteristics of
dental materials, such as their chemical compositions, surface roughness
and surface free energy, what can lead to negative repercussions to the
individual´s oral health.

* Acadêmica de Odontologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco, Universidade de Pernambuco. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-

** Acadêmica de Odontologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco, Universidade de Pernambuco. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-
*** Acadêmica de Odontologia da Faculdade de Odontologia de Pernambuco, Universidade de Pernambuco. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-
**** Professor Associado, Materiais Dentários, Universidade de Pernambuco. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1197-9985

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).


Unitermos: RESUMO

Biofilmes; Objetivo: Este estudo tem o objetivo realizar uma revisão crítica de
Placa dentária; literatura sobre a repercussão que o acúmulo de biofilme em diferentes
Materiais odontológicos; tipos de materiais dentários pode ter na saúde bucal, de acordo com suas
Saúde buccal. características. Materiais e Métodos: Foram pesquisados artigos nas
bases de dados PubMed e Lilacs acerca do acúmulo de biofilme na
superfície de diferentes materiais dentários restauradores e reabilitadores
e suas consequências na saúde bucal. Foram utilizados os termos
"Biofilm", "Dentistry", "Dental Materials", através da operadora lógica
"AND". Foi realizada uma análise individual dos artigos que
contemplaram o tema deste estudo. Resultados: Como resultado da
pesquisa, foram encontrados 439 artigos, sendo 416 de Pubmed e 23 de
Lilacs, porém apenas 23 estudos (Pubmed: 20 e Lilacs: 3) foram
selecionados para análise de conteúdo. A maioria dos artigos
selecionados discutiu a formação de biofilme nos diferentes materiais
dentários restauradores e reabilitadores e como suas características
interferem nesse acúmulo. Conclusão: A adesão bacteriana e a formação
de biofilmes são fortemente influenciadas pelas características de
superfície dos materiais dentários, como suas composições químicas,
rugosidade superficial e energia livre de superfície, o que pode levar a
repercussões negativas à saúde bucal do indivíduo.


The oral cavity is a complex environment, due and form microcolonies 1. Over time, bacterial cells
to its high humidity, moderate temperature, which aggregate, proliferate and grow into a mature
has an average of 36,8ºC, and the high abundance biofilm, firmly attached to these surfaces 1.
of nutrients that promote the development of Several factors can influence the development
differentiated microorganisms, and, therefore, the and accumulation of oral biofilm, such as poor oral
biofilm formation 1. A prerequisite for the formation hygiene, smoking, restorations with rough surfaces
of this biofilm is the development of acquired and genetic factors 6. These aspects can cause
pellicle, which occurs through the deposition of consequences for oral health such as recurrent
salivary glycoproteins, phosphoproteins, lipids and cavity, gingivitis, periodontitis, peri-implantitis and
gingival fluid components on the dental surface, prosthetic stomatitis7. Some methods can be used
considering that bacterial adhesion to biotic or to control the formation of biofilm in the oral cavity,
abiotic surfaces of the oral cavity depends on its aiming to avoid the consequences of triggering
formation 2. Bacterial biofilms are complex, factors, such as tooth brushing, that is a
functional and structurally organized microbial mechanical method and the use of toothpastes and
communities, characterized by a diversity of mouthrinses, which are chemical methods 7. The
microbial species that are mainly related to dental formation of oral biofilm has repercussions for oral
surfaces or gingival epithelial cells 3. health, also interfering in the longevity of dental
The biofilm is formed from an imbalance of materials.
complex interactions involving microorganisms, Scientific evidence demonstrates the existence
which because of a diet based on sugars, produce of an active interaction at the interface of dental
metabolites that cause demineralization 4. The materials and oral biofilm, which may affect the
development of biofilm can be divided into four mechanical and aesthetic characteristics of these
stages, where the first phase consists of the materials, such as Methacrylate-based resin
formation of acquired pellicle. The adhesion of the composites and polymers, which are currently the
primary microorganisms to this pellicle main components of dental restorative materials
corresponds to the second phase. The third stage used for the restoration of tooth decay and absent
is due to secondary colonization; and, finally, there teeth 7. The present work aims to conduct a
is the fourth and final stage corresponding to the literature review about the impact that biofilm
maturation of biofilm plaque 5. Salivary pellicle accumulation on different types of dental materials
receptors provide attachment sites for the cells of can cause on oral health, according to its
initial floating bacteria to connect to these surfaces characteristics.

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).

This study is characterized by a literature if it was trustworthy.

review with the objective of gathering the main Finally, with the selected studies, the articles
information of articles on the accumulation of were fully read and essays were written with the
biofilm on the surface of different restorative and main points of discussion, in order to facilitate the
rehabilitative dental materials and their individual analysis of the articles that contemplated
repercussions on oral health. this article's subject.
The articles were searched in the first semester
of 2021, using the strategy of "advanced search" in RESULTS
the databases: PubMed and Lilacs, through the
logical operator "AND" with the combinations of the As a result of the search, 439 articles were
following terms: "Biofilm", "Dentistry", "Dental found, 416 from Pubmed and 23 from Lilacs,
materials". It was selected articles that were however only 23 studies (Pubmed: 20 and Lilacs:
published in the years between 2010 and 2020. 3) were selected for content analysis.
The studies were selected from the reading of From the selected studies, ten bring the
the title, in order to verify if they were in formation of dental plaque in the different
accordance with the chosen subject. After this restorative and rehabilitative dental materials and
initial selection, it was observed whether the article how their characteristics interfere in this
had been published in portuguese or english and accumulation, two articles address the relationship
whether it addressed some content about the between diet and the development of oral biofilm,
consequences of oral biofilm accumulation for two analyze biofilm formation capacity in
longevity and functionality of the material, as well orthodontic materials and nine articles discuss the
as for oral health. The exclusion criteria were the different antimicrobial compounds that can be
correspondence of the articles to the theme added to dental materials in order to reduce biofilm
addressed in this study and the authenticity of the accumulation and consequently improve their
information collected, that was verified by the performance. (Table 1).
scientific platform where the article was found and
Table1. Summary of collected articles

Authors Year Title Objective Conclusion

The restoratives tested were able to greatly increase

Fluoride releasing restorative
Investigate the effects of solution pH and the F release at acidic, cariogenic pH, when these ions
Moreau JL, XU materials: effects of ph on
2010 immersion time on the mechanical properties and are most needed to inhibit caries. However,
HHK mechanical properties and ion
F release of restorative materials mechanical properties of these F-releasing
restoratives degraded significantly in immersion.
Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of a
Marra J, Paleari Antimicrobial activity of an
thermopolymerizable acrylic resin for a prosthetic
AG, Rodriguez LS, acrylic resin for prosthetic The results showed that the group containing 25%
basis combined with poly(2 tert-butylaminoetil)
Leite ARP, Pero 2011 base combined with an PTBAEMA completely inhibited the biofilm formation of
methacrylate (PTBAEMA) antimicrobial activity
AC, Compagnoni antimicrobial polymer on the S. aureus and S. mutans.
on staphyloccocus aureus biofilm formation,
MA formation of biofilm
Streptococcus mutans and Candida albicans.
Pereira CA, Streptococcus mutans biofilm
Evaluate S. mutans biofilm adherence on the Human saliva pellicle increased S mutans adhesion to
Eskelson E, adhesion on composite resin
surface of nanofilled, nanohybrid, and all composite restorative materials tested. Also,
Cavalli V, Liporoni 2011 surfaces after different
microhybrid composites submitted to different Nanofilled composite resin presented the lowest
PCS, Jorge AOC, finishing and polishing
polishing and finishing techniques. bacterial adhesion among composites.
Rego MA techniques
Effect of the main materials According to the bibliographic review conducted, the
Identify the effect of the materials most
used in dental practice materials that most commonly enable the formation of
Gil, AMC 2015 commonly used in dental practice against the
against the formation of bacterial dental plaque are composite resins, followed
formation of bacterial dental plaque.
bacterial dental plaque by silver amalgam.
Studies show that implants with surface rough ness
Silva FL, Expose the types of surface treatment of dental
have a greater area of contact between the tissue and
Rodrigues F, Implant surface treatment: a implants, as well as cellular interactions related
2016 the external part of the implants, the literature does not
Pamato S, Pereira literature review to these materials and how this affects the speed
present a consensus as to the best type of surface
JR and quality of osseointegration.
Souza JCM, Mota
Evaluation of the density and morphological
RRC, Sordi MB, Biofilm formation on different After 24h, results reveal statistically significant values,
aspects of in vitro biofilms cultivated in different
Passoni BB, 2016 materials used in oral biofilm density higher on CoCr surfaces than in
materials used in oral rehabilitation supported by
Benfatti CAM, rehabilitation zirconia, titanium or feldspar-based porcelain.
dental implants.
Magini RS

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).
Table1. Summary of collected articles. (Continuation)

Authors Year Title Objective Conclusion

A higher degree of surface roughness of ceramic

Surface characteristics and The objectives were to characterize the
Kim KH, Waddell restorations often generates greater wear on the
biofilm development on surface and roughness of four ceramic materials
JN, Tompkins G, 2017 opposite dentition, compromises the aesthetics of the
selected dental ceramic and to evaluate the development of biofilm
Schwass D restoration and increases biofilm´s adhesiveness and
materials following clinical intraoral polishing protocol.

Evaluation of physical-
Peralta SL, Leles Temporary restorative materials sealant capacity is
mechanical properties, Investigate the physical-mechanical properties,
SB, Dutra AL, extremely important, due to the fact that microleakage
2017 antibacterial effect, and antibacterial effects and cytotoxicity of seven
Silva VB, Piva E, can lead to secondary infections, threatening the
cytotoxicity of temporary temporary restorative materials.
Lund RG treatment.
restorative materials
Discuss the process of cavity formation and the
The incorporation of metallic nanoparticles has
A. Balhaddada A, Toward dental caries: role of pathogenic biofilm in this process, the
become a field of interest in dentistry and several
A. Kansaraa A, exploring nanoparticle-based increasing incidence of recurrent cavity and the
studies have demonstrated their ability to improve
Hidan D, D. Weir 2018 platforms and calcium recent efforts made to incorporate bioactive
mechanical and physical properties, and also improve
M, H.K. Xu H, phosphate compounds for nanoparticles into restorative materials, as
the antimicrobial properties of materials against certain
Anne S. Melo M dental restorative materials strategies for the prevention and management of
oral species.
caries-related bacteria.
Each chemical composition of dental materials
Influence of dental prosthesis The objective was to discuss the influence of
Hao Y, Huang X, (organic matrix, inorganic filling, fluoride and various
2018 and restorative materials biofilm formation on the tooth interface with
Zhou X, et al metal ions) can improve or inhibit the formation of
interface on oral biofilms restorative materials and prostheses.
Silva, T.S., Clinical studies demonstrate a cause-and-effect
Freitas, A.R., relationship between biofilm accumulation in teeth or
Oral biofilm formation on
Pinheiro, M.L., do The objective was to evaluate and compare the dental implants and the development of peri-implant
2018 different materials for dental
Nascimento, C., accumulation of biofilm in implant materials. gingivitis. The progression of the inflammatory process
Watanabe, E., leads to peri-implantitis and consequent loss of the
Albuquerque, R.F implant.
Nanostructured polymeric
Review the new generation of nanostructured,
materials with protein- The combined use of MPC with DMAHDM resulted in
Zhang N, Zhang bioactive and therapeutic dental polymeric
2018 repellent and anti-caries a more effective reduction of colony formation units
K, Xie X, et al materials with protein repellent properties and
properties for dental and more effective deaths than each agent alone.
anti-cariogenic properties.
Conrads G, Wendt
LK, Hetrodt F, Deep sequencing of biofilm Bacteria adhere more strongly to composites, this
To evaluate in detail the composition of dental
Deng Z-L, Pieper 2019 microbiomes on dental interferes with their biostability and consequently
biofilm in resinous dental materials.
D, Abdelbary composite materials longevity.
MMH, et al

Incorporation of zwitterionic The depth of enamel demineralization was significantly

This study aimed to evaluate the incorporation of
Kim D, Lee M, Kim materials into light-curable lower in LCFV incorporated with zwitterionic materials
three different zwitterionic materials — Polymers
J, Lee D, Kwon J, 2019 fluoride varnish for biofilm in relation to the control group, demonstrating that the
MPC, CBMA and SBMA — in LCFV in relation to
Choi S inhibition and cavity incorporation of these compounds has a greater
inhibition of biofilm accumulation.
prevention inhibitory effect on cavity.

Experimentally analyze microbial adhesion and Considering the ability to form biofilms of S. mutans
Comparison of microbial
biofilm formation capacity of S. mutans and L. and L. acidophilus together in different orthodontic
Bozkurt AP, U ̈nlu adhesion and biofilm
2020 acidophilus individually and together in waxes, it was found that more biofilm was formed in
O, Demirci M formation on orthodontic wax
orthodontic wax materials and on different the 48th hours in Orthodots CLEAR (OrVance)
materials; an in vitro study
surfaces. compared to Brace Gard (Infa-Lab Inc.).
Strategies to reduce biofilm
Brum RS, Labes Discuss strategies capable of improving the
formation in peek materials Pure Poly(ether-ether-ketone) polymer has been
LG, Volpato CAM, 2020 antibiofilm and antimicrobial properties of
applied to implant dentistry: a shown to be susceptible to colonization by biofilms.
Benfatti CAM, poly(ether-ether-ketone) materials.
comprehensive review
Pimenta AL
To combat bacterial infections, metals, metal oxide
Nanoparticles as anti-
Carrouel F, and other nanoparticles seem to be promising
microbial, anti- Provide a synthesis of the progress made by
Viennot S, alternatives due to their distinct physicochemical
inflammatory,and nanomaterials and their use in the oral hygiene
Ottolenghi L, 2020 properties. Even though some materials have a
remineralizing agents in oral market as antimicrobial and remineralizer agents
Gaillard C, naturally antibacterial activity, their antibacterial
care cosmetics: a review of in oral care cosmetics.
Bourgeois D activity is increased when their dimensions are
the current situation
reduced to nanometric regimens.

Compare biofilm adhesion and formation in

Engel AS, Kranz Biofilm formation on different different dental restorative materials with those in The accumulation of proteins and the thickness of the
HT, Schneider M, 2020 dental restorative materials in human enamel to detect differences in bacterial acquired pellicle seem to depend on the underlying
et al the oral cavity composition, growth rate and morphology of the material.
oral biofilms formed, all in vivo.

Leyva del Rio D, The antibacterial effect of experimental adhesives

The aim of this study was to investigate the
Sartori N, Barton containing tt-farnesol was observed, but a more
Bioactive dental adhesive antimicrobial properties of experimental
Tomblin N, et al accurate evaluation of the adequate concentration of
system with tt-farnesol: adhesives incorporating different concentrations
2020 antibacterial agent was required to overcome the
effects on dental biofilm and of tt-farnesol in a universal adhesive system, in
harmful effects on the mechanical properties, which
bonding properties order to analyze its effect on the viability of S.
decreased the material´s adhesive capacity to the
mutans biofilm.
dental substrate.

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).
Table1. Summary of collected articles. (Continuation)

Authors Year Title Objective Conclusion

Bio-interactive zwitterionic The study discussed the potency of Zwitterionic

The objective was to evaluate the performance of
dental biomaterials for polymers, when alone or associated with other
Mangal U, Kwon Zwitterionic polymers in its resistance to protein
2020 improving biofilm resistance: compounds, in preventing the adsorption of proteins
JS, Choi SH adhesion and prevention of biofilm formation,
characteristics and and bacteria to the surfaces of composites, adhesive
maintaining biocompatibility.
applications systems and varnishes.

Mitwalli H, Alsahafi Emerging contact-killing

The addition of light-curing quaternary ammonium-
R, A. Balhaddad antibacterial strategies for Evaluate the recent strategies of antibacterial
based monomers that can covalently bind to resin-
A, D. Weir M, H. 2020 developing anti-biofilm dental agents in the control of infections related to
based dental materials has shown a strong
K. Xu H, Anne S. polymeric restorative biofilm accumulation in dental restorations.
antibacterial effect that does not diminish over time.
Melo M materials

Due to the impact of cariogenic biofilms on resinous

Effect of polyols and selected materials, the substitution of sugars by non-cariogenic
Staszczyk M, dental materials on the ability The objective of this study was to evaluate the sweeteners seems to be important not only from the
Jurczak A, 2020 to create a cariogenic biofilm– effect of sweeteners on the Streptococcus point of view of the development of new outbreaks of
Magacz M, et al on children caries-associated mutans´ ability to form biofilm in dental materials. demineralization, but also to protect the physical-
streptococcus mutans isolates chemical properties of these materials and to more
effectively prevent secondary cavity.
Tektas S, Initial bacterial adhesion and It aims to evaluate the initial bacterial adhesion Aligners have advantages over fixed appliance in
Thurnheer T, 2020 biofilm formation on aligner and the formation of biofilm in different alignment relation to oral health, since they accumulate less
Eliades T, et al materials materials. biofilm.

The oral cavity is an extremely dynamic colonization of bacteria in the region due to the
environment8. Finding restorative and rehabilitative presence of binding proteins 1, 2, 11, 12.The process
materials that can preserve their chemical and of biofilm formation on the surface of dental
physical characteristics, despite humidity, pH and materials also depends on the chemical
temperature variations is a major challenge. In composition of this material, some even have
addition to these factors, the oral cavity serves as substances such as fluoride, chlorhexidine,
a habitat for the development and proliferation of quaternary ammonium salts 13.
various species of microorganisms. However, this Among the dental materials used in restorative
oral microbiome consisting of pathogenic, dentistry, composite resin restorations have gained
symbiotic and commensal microorganisms living in the dental market due to their aesthetic,
a community, can become dysbiotic due to some mechanical properties and minimally invasive
factors such as an unbalanced diet, lack of oral approach, due to adhesive systems 14. However,
hygiene protocols and intrinsic factors of the there are a few attributes on these composites that
individual. Thus, biofilm is formed on the oral provide intense growth of biofilm and can affect its
surfaces. As a result, there is the emergence of longevity 11, 14, 15. The resin, being a light curing
oral diseases and the most prevalent are dental material, does not achieve total conversion of its
cavity and periodontitis, which have as their main monomers, which can lead to the development of
etiological factor the accumulation of pathogenic bacterial colonies by the leaching of their
bacteria attached to biofilm. Together, they components, and this colonization ends up being
represent the most common infectious human responsible for accelerating the degradation
disease in the world 9,10. process of restorations 4.
Dental materials may have characteristics that Another factor would be the surface roughness
influence a higher or lower rate of biofilm of the resins, which is closely linked to increased
accumulation. Surface roughness, for example, plaque formation on the dental surface 16. In a
makes it difficult to remove the biofilm by study by Pereira et al. a reduction in biofilm
conventional oral hygiene methods, as it can formation in nanoparticulated resins has been
create niches in which bacteria are protected from demonstrated compared to nanohybrid and
brushing and cutting forces 7. Another microhybrid resins 17. This occurs because the
characteristic is the surface free energy, because nanoparticulate resins have smoother surfaces
the higher this energy is, the greater the wetting after the same finishing and polishing procedures,
capacity becomes, consequently making the consequently decreasing the adhesion of
surface more hydrophilic which intensifies the microorganisms 1. In addition, composite resins
adhesion of the salivary pellicle, providing greater make use of adhesive systems that form a

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).
microscopic interface between the tooth and when these ions are most needed to inhibit the
restoration and, if this material tends to demineralization process 1,19. Therefore, the
degradation, it can lead to infiltration and efficiency of fluoride ions depends not only on their
subsequent secondary diseases. The dissolution of concentration, but also on the pH threshold value
the adhesive is mainly attributed to the acidic for their release. However, although this material
environment created by the microorganisms has the ability to inhibit enamel demineralization
present in the biofilm 9. through fluoride release, low pH and microbial
One of the major concerns about biofilm environment can provoke changes in the
accumulation is its deposition on the surface of morphology of the GIC and accelerate the aging of
composite resin restorations leading to the the material by increasing surface roughness,
development of secondary cavity, mostly formed at which causes greater bacterial adhesion and
the tooth and restoration interface, a place of biofilm formation 1.
greater fragility, and also the main cause of failure Indirect restorations with adhesively cemented
of the restorative procedure14,15,18. Restoration ceramic, such as inlays/onlays, facets and crowns,
longevity is linked to susceptibility towards are mainly used due to their biocompatibility, low
bacterial colonization 13, which leads to the need thermal conductivity, color stability and aesthetics.
for a restoration replacement, which may cause a Clinical failure is related to a number of factors,
greater loss of dental structure 13,15,18. The pellicle such as lack of marginal sealing, superficial
formed under the composite resins not only irregularities and cement excess, which may favor
degrades the material, but also results in infection the accumulation of microorganisms,
at the resin-tooth interface, which can cause caries compromising the restoration´s longevity. Both
disease or pulpitis 11. surface roughness and free surface energy are
Prior to the development of composite resins, able to decisively influence initial microbial
the frequently used material for direct restorations adhesion1,20. A material widely used for this type of
was amalgam. However, amalgam restorations are procedure is zirconia, which has shown lower
becoming obsolete due to the risk of environmental accumulation of biofilm on its surface 1.
pollution, unfavorable aesthetic results and the The physical and chemical characteristics of
need for greater removal of dental tissue during dental prostheses can also influence the coating of
cavity preparation, compared to resins, despite the acquired salivary pellicle, initial bacterial
having excellent mechanical properties, good adhesion and biofilm formation, which is
longevity and low cost. The longevity of amalgam aggravated by the presence of roughness and
is closely related to a lower incidence of secondary pores on the surface of the acrylic resin prosthetic
cavity, since the reduction of biofilm deposition on base, limiting the material's longevity 1,2,12. The
amalgam surfaces probably comes from the poor adaptation of prostheses associated with local
release of ions with bactericidal activity, mainly factors such as poor oral hygiene, continuous use
mercury (Hg) and silver (Ag), in addition to the of the prosthesis and changes in saliva pH are
copper present in its composition, which has a inducing agents for the development of prosthetic
strong and rapid bactericidal effect, known as stomatitis, a clinical condition characterized by
"contact killing". The amalgam also has the self hyperemia, edema, pruritus and pain. Although its
sealing property, resulting from the corrosion of the etiology is considered multifactorial, Candida spp
metal alloy and oxide deposition in the tooth- infection, also present in oral microcolonies,
restoration interface. However, the roughness especially Candida albicans, is still the main
caused by corrosion tends to accelerate the responsible agent 12.
deterioration process and ultimately induce the There are other materials that have retentive
failure of amalgam restoration. 1 characteristics for the dental plaque, such as
Glass Ionomer Cement (GIC), used as a orthodontic appliances and aligners, which may be
provisional restoration material, presents some responsible for the formation of incipient cavity
satisfactory characteristics such as its ability to lesions and inflammatory processes in gingival
chemically adhere to enamel and dentin, as well as tissue. This occurs, since these devices can
its ability to release fluoride in the oral environment prevent patients from performing adequate
. Acidic conditions can increase the constant hygiene, and their components can cause changes
release of fluoride due to its high bioavailability at in the oral microbiota, reducing the pH and
low pH, but the highest rate of release of these increasing the retention areas for microorganisms
ions is found when the pH is around 4. It is known . Orthodontic adhesives used in the direct fixation
that the cariogenic pH is between 5.5–4, that is, of brackets to enamel are also highly susceptible to

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).
plaque accumulation 7. that are a group of materials with positive and
Implants, although commonly used in the negative charges included in its structure, which
rehabilitation of tooth loss, easily become have the property of repelling bacteria. This is due
infectious due mainly to the accumulation of biofilm to the formation of a physical and energetic barrier
on their surface, what can lead to the development on the hydration layers on the surface of the
of peri-implantitis. That is a heterogeneous material reducing the attachment of salivary
infection, in which periodontal pathogens and proteins and bacteria, while maintaining
opportunistic microorganisms act simultaneously. biocompatibility 7,15. There are also polymers
Patients rehabilitated from periodontal disease with formed by quaternary ammonium methacrylates,
dental implants are more predisposed to develop which act by preventing the formation of biofilm
peri-implant diseases, for which the inadequate from the connection between the quaternary amine
control of plaque also acts as a primary etiological present in its structure, which is positively charged,
factor 21. What occurs is that the initial with the negatively charged bacterial membrane,
accumulation of biofilm in implant abutments resulting in its rupture by altering the electrical
causes peri-implant mucositis, which may evolve to balance 15,22.
peri-implantitis, and may lead to the implant´s loss However, quaternary ammonium methacrylates’
in the future. Zirconia is a widely used material due contact killing mechanism could be limited by the
to its aesthetic property and lower bacterial presence of salivary proteins on the composite
adhesion capacity, demonstrating itself as a surface, since these proteins prevent the direct
possible substitute for titanium abutments 1,3. attachment of microorganisms to the material. To
Understanding all the repercussions that biofilm overcome this limitation, studies have evaluated
can bring to oral health and to the longevity of the addition of a polymer to quaternary ammonium
dental materials, it is necessary to take some methacrylates, capable of repelling these proteins,
precautions in order to prevent such such as 2-methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine
consequences. Only the control of plaque (MPC). The advantage of adding MPC in this case
accumulation made through fluoride prophylaxis is is the decrease in protein adsorption, which would
not a sufficient method to prevent cavity, therefore, increase the antibacterial potency of the ammonia
knowledge about the relationship between the quaternary, exposing the polymer surface with
development of this disease and diet, as well as antibacterial function. This demonstrates the
the reduction of consumption of cariogenic sugars, synergistic effect between these two polymers
for example sucrose, is important to develop new .
strategies to prevent this disease. That being said, Therefore, further studies in this direction are
the substitution of cariogenic sugars by polyols necessary to prove these potential benefits in
such as sorbitol and erythritol, which are clinical practice, and thus obtain a better analysis
substances naturally found in many fruits and of the behavior of these polymers incorporated into
manufactured from natural raw materials, proves to dental materials in the future, and it is necessary to
be a good option for reducing the growth of dental ensure that this addition is not toxic and does not
plaque. These can be found in the form of chewing negatively interfere with the mechanical and
gums, toothpastes and dental floss 13. chemical properties of dental materials. This
In the mouth, the surface of a restoration is demonstrates a possibility of promising progress in
quickly coated by a film of saliva containing the area of Restorative Dentistry.
salivary proteins. These proteins are fundamental
for the adhesion of bacteria on the dental surface,
and the first step towards the formation of the
biofilm is the adhesion of primary colonizers such
as streptococcus to these salivary proteins. Thus, It can be concluded in this study that bacterial
making a composite able to repel binding proteins adhesion and biofilm formation are strongly
would contribute to the reduction or elimination of influenced by the surface characteristics of dental
the biofilm. Following this point of view, several materials, just as their chemical compositions,
studies have been conducted aiming to develop surface roughness and surface free energy. These
dental materials with antimicrobial properties, factors lead to negative repercussions to the
consequently aiming at an improvement in their individual´s oral health, since biofilm accumulation
longevity and functionality in the oral can cause problems, such as secondary cavity,
environment22. periodontal diseases, peri-implantitis and
As an example, there are zwitterionic polymers prosthetic stomatitis. Therefore, the development

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).
of new dental materials with antimicrobial and 12. Marra J, Paleari AG, Rodriguez LS, Leite
remineralization properties is a good option for the ARP, Pero AC, Compagnoni MA. Effect of an
advancement of restorative and rehabilitative acrylic resin combined with an antimicrobial
polymer on biofilm formation. Journal of
dentistry today, and it is important to conduct
Applied Oral Science . 2012; 20:643–8.
further studies in this area.
13. Staszczyk M, Jurczak A, Magacz M, et al.
Effect of Polyols and Selected Dental
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Endereço para correspondência

Marcos Antônio Japiassú R. Montes
E-mail: marcos.japiassu@upe.br

Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).
Rev. Fac Odontol Univ Fed Bahia 2022; 52(1).


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