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M3 - A1.

Anatomical Terms, Planes and Axes: WHILE-LAB

Anatomical Terms
● Anterior, Cephalic or Cranial -the front or head end
● Posterior or Caudal -the hind or tail end
● Medial -at or near the middle or midline of body or organ
● Lateral -the sides of a body (right and left sides)
● Dorsal -the back, upper side, or upper part
● Ventral -the belly, lower side, or lower part
● Central -the part nearest the middle
● Peripheral -the part nearest the surface
● Proximal -near main mass of the body/point of attachment
● Distal -away main mass of the body/point of attachment
● Superior -above
● Inferior -below

Anatomic Axes
● Longitudinal Axis -anterior-posterior axis
● Dorso-ventral Axis -up/down axis
● Left-Right Axis

Anatomic Planes
● Sagittal plane / Sagittal section -a cut plane; longitudinal section
through the median vertical plane that divides body into right and left
● Parasagittal section -section to one side of midline, separates right
and left portions of unequal size
● Frontal plane / Frontal section -a cut plane; longitudinal section
made at right angles to a sagittal section
● Transverse plane / Transverse section or Cross section -a cut plane;
any section made through and at right angles to the longitudinal axis

M3 - A2. Frog's External Parts and Functions: WHILE-LAB

Frog’s body form possesses a distinct shape and proportions that give them
an advantage in inhabiting both land and water.
Its body is divided into head and trunk; there is no neck and tail. The brain and
the sense organs are contained within the head. On the other hand, most of the
internal organs or viscera occupying one cavity, that is the coelom or abdominal
cavity are in the trunk.

Body Regions
1. Head - situated “ahead”; contains the brain and sense organs
2. Trunk - where the body cavity or coelom is found, this encloses the internal
organs or viscera
Neck - extension of head; no coelom
3. Tail - extends beyond the anus/vent; comprise of body-wall muscles, axial
skeleton, nerves and blood vessels
4. Appendages - two pairs (Forelimbs and Hindlimbs) are connected to trunk
M3 - A3. Frog's Skeletal System

M3 - Activity 4. Muscular System of the Frog

M3 - Activity 5. Digestive System of the Frog

Activity 1. Phylum Protozoa

Activity 2. Phylum Porifera

Activity 3. Phylum Cnidaria

Activity 9. Phylum Echinodermata

Activity 8. Phylum Arthropoda

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