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Struggling with writing a thesis on firearms? You're not alone.

Crafting a research paper on such a

complex and sensitive topic can be immensely challenging. From gathering relevant data and
conducting thorough analysis to presenting coherent arguments and adhering to academic standards,
the process demands time, effort, and expertise.

Exploring the multifaceted aspects of firearms, whether it's examining their impact on society,
delving into legislation and policy, or analyzing their role in crime and self-defense, requires a deep
understanding of the subject matter. Moreover, navigating through the vast array of existing
literature and ensuring originality in your findings adds another layer of complexity to the task.

Amidst these challenges, seeking professional assistance can alleviate the burden and enhance the
quality of your thesis. At ⇒ ⇔, we specialize in providing comprehensive support
for research papers on firearms and related topics. Our team of experienced writers and researchers
are well-equipped to tackle even the most intricate aspects of your project.

By entrusting us with your thesis, you can expect:

1. Expert Guidance: Our writers possess expertise in diverse areas related to firearms, enabling
them to offer valuable insights and guidance throughout the research process.
2. Customized Approach: We understand that every thesis is unique. Our tailored approach
ensures that your paper aligns with your specific research objectives and academic
3. Original Content: Plagiarism is a serious concern in academic writing. We prioritize originality
and ensure that all content is thoroughly researched and referenced.
4. Timely Delivery: We recognize the importance of deadlines. Our efficient workflow and
commitment to punctuality ensure that your thesis is delivered on time, allowing you ample
opportunity for review and revisions.
5. Confidentiality: Your privacy is our priority. We adhere to strict confidentiality protocols to
safeguard your personal information and the integrity of your research.

Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis on firearms deter you from producing a compelling and
scholarly work. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to provide the support and expertise you need to
succeed. Reach out to us today and embark on the journey towards academic excellence.
Do not hesitate to seek help writing a sample essay on legalization of. Tushnet, M. V. (2007). Out of
Range: Why the Constitution Can't End the Battle over Guns. As noted above, counting crimes
averted before the threat stage, and measuring deterrence more generally, may be impossible. Of
these, 16,907 were suicides, 11,920 were homicides, and 730 were accidental deaths. Strict gun
control can make our life much safer and much longer, because the only purpose of guns is to take
lives. Hunt Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2002, Book Review: Foundations of Marketing Theory.
These firearms are then trafficked to neighboring countries where they play a significant role in
helping drug dealers across the border. If those times don’t work with your schedule, we can
schedule a different time. Shooters are already illegally bringing guns onto campuses, so allowing
guns to be carried wouldn’t make a difference in the amount of potential shooters. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Imagine, for
example, measuring defensive gun use for a person who routinely carries a handgun in a visible
holster. You can grab the gun rights essay from the person, remain calm and try to talk it out, or just
give the attacker what they want. He bellowed the latest tunes and told the funniest jokes at the drop
of a hat. As international security specialists well understand, the constant threat posed by the
security dilemma would be no threat at all if a powerful international authority existed that could
impose order, and accompanying standards of behavior, on the nations of the world. Females every
day are reporting to being abused in this way. We find that fundamental problems in defining what is
meant by defensive gun use may be a primary impediment to accurate measurement. Mere repetition
does not eliminate bias (Rosenbaum, 2001; Hemenway, 1997a). Along with being very detailed and
useful; this is a scholarly source that was gathered from the search engine of google scholars, which
leads to the conclusion that it is reliable. There are many people that can acquire guns through the
black Pro Gun Control Research Paper 1010 Words 5 Pages In 1939, Germany established gun
control. Gold, Susan. Gun Control. New Jersey: Marshall Cavendish, 2004. Regardless of the
specific focus, a research paper on gun control would need to examine the issue from multiple angles
and present a well-rounded and nuanced view of the topic. The culprit of the Newtown shooting,
Adam Lanza, lived in Connecticut, a state with some of the most strict gun laws in the country; you
must be 21 or older, apply for a local permit, use your fingerprint for a background check, wait 14
days, and take a course on gun safety. Overall, what the literature points to is the importance of
restricting firearm access and possession in contexts where there is a high risk of violence. As a
matter of fact, there were two officer cars that were able to increase gun seizures by 65% in areas
that were far off worse than any others in the city of Kansas. Harsh Punishment For Harsh Crimes
The death penalty has acted as a deterrent to crime for many years. This article also makes a very
good point; outlawing guns in a society doesn’t eradicate them, it just drives them underground.
What are the main arguments that can be mentioned in an argumentative essay on gun control.
Another essential step, which has a significant role, is the conclusion, which summarizes everything
in the whole paper. On the other hand, the opponents of this debate argue that gun control does not
necessarily reduce crime and other gun-related injuries. Of course, the benefits of defensive gun use
must ultimately be weighed against the potential costs that may arise if firearms are involved in the
final stages of violent criminal encounters: defensive gun use may lead to relatively higher risks of
injury and death to victims or offend-.
The courts of appeal ruled that the ban was unconstitutional and instructed the legislature to provide
for the law. However, true prevalence among the 1,000 surveyed individuals depends on how many
of the nonrespondents used a firearm. Per a governmental estimate, civilians defend themselves with
a firearm approximately 235,700 times per year, and utilize firearms to deter home invasions around
498,000 times every year. Hemenway (1997a) and others suggest that estimates from the NSDS are
biased upward, arguing that memory telescoping, self-presentation biases, and the rare events
problem more generally lead the numbers of false positive reports to substantially exceed the numbers
of false negative reports. While their stands in particular years have been alternately modest and
symbolic, on the one hand, and aggressively specific, on the other hand, they have identifiably split
with consistency, as critics would expect for social regulatory policy: the state parties have opposed
new gun laws. Between 1982 and 2012, there were approximately 62 mass shootings, 49 of which
were done with legal weapons. In this instance, at least, the parties have offered voters an
identifiable choice on the gun control issue. Analysis: It is in my best interest that I use this source
for my paper because it gives away a lot of detailed information. This conclusion is surely no surprise
to anyone with a passing acquaintance with the gun issue. The annotated bibliography includes over
200 citations from books, journal articles, and papers, with cross-referencing and indexes for each
topic area. These disagreements over definition and measurement have resulted in prevalence rates
that differ by a factor of 22 or more. While even the smallest of the estimates indicates that there are
hundreds of defensive uses every day, there is much contention over the magnitude and the details.
In contrast, if firearms are used in more dangerous situations, then the estimated associations would
be biased downward (Kleck, 2001b:292). Most gun regulation still occurs at the state and local
levels, and laws vary greatly from state to state. While this is a nice sentiment, and perhaps the most
sensible, reasonable reason to keep a gun in the home, the realities of its effectiveness are a different
story. Using a multivariate regression analysis, Kleck and DeLone (1993) confirm these basic cross-
tabular findings. 11 Defense with a firearm is associated with. Read on, and get in touch with writing
experts whenever you need help in writing outstanding assignments. Some essay writers may fail to
recognize proofreading as a critical step, but the truth is it is of utmost importance. My point is, gun
control advocates focus only on the criminal statistics of gun use, and disregard the statistics
concerning how many lives they have potentially saved. Academic Search Complete. Web. 20 Oct.
2014.. Most people involved with life-threatening violence have a prior criminal record and problems
with the justice system in the past. The other nations always consider gun ownership a privilege and
as such, there are restrictive measures put in place to ensure that owning a gun is a difficult process
for individuals. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. As the survey results from
questions on gun registration, waiting periods, assault weapons, and even a ban on handguns make
clear, the British decisive support for stronger gun control is not the product of misunderstanding or
a failure to comprehend what the gun debate is all about. Yet the outrage-action-reaction cycle means
that public outrage is limited in intensity and duration, especially since the gun issue is but one of
many that compete for attention on the national issue agenda. The results, summarized in Table 5-2,
suggest that respondents who use firearms are less likely to be injured and lose property than those
using other modes of protection. Given the high prevalence of firearm-related homicide, one might
presume that gun possession could pose a direct victimization risk if legal guns were used against
their owners during the commission of a crime. I had 5 days to complete my paper and not even a
single chance to do it by myself. Please do not include military service, police work, or work as a
security guard. The media portrays gun control in a positive light, they believe that this is something
that would work: believe that gun control will never work and giving people guns to protect
themselves and taking guns from people the public judges or deems unfit is a terrible Idea. After
being collected from USA TODAY I was able to analyze the source and point out that it comes from
a reliable source and that it is a popular source.
For example, Kleck, one of the most vocal critics of DGU estimates derived from the NCVS,
assumes these data are fully accurate when measuring the efficacy of resistance (Kleck, 2001b;
Kleck and DeLone, 1993). The particular outcome of an offender is of little relevance. The US
homicide rate was seven times higher than the average of all comparable countries, due to the fact
that the US firearm homicide rate was 22 times higher. They cause more suicidewoman killed, and
more accidental deaths of children. This year Chicago officials recorded 241 shooting cases just
within the month of January. Another issue concerns the gathering of information. As international
security specialists well understand, the constant threat posed by the security dilemma would be no
threat at all if a powerful international authority existed that could impose order, and accompanying
standards of behavior, on the nations of the world. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or
find out how to manage cookies. The American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 64 2, pp. The
source itself is very descriptive and is current. Why Guns Should Be Banned Essay 872 Words 4
Pages The number of incidents of gun violence last year in the United States was about 60,000. In
fact, Cook and Ludwig (1998), Smith (1997), Kleck (2000), and many others make numerous
recommendations for experiments or replications. However, true prevalence among the 1,000
surveyed individuals depends on how many of the nonrespondents used a firearm. Theories
surrounding gun control figure that without firearms in citizen possession murder rates and gun
related violence should heavily decrease. Also, it is an academic journal, which tend to be known for
their reliability since they are reviewed as mentioned above to make sure that the information being
handed out to the audience is efficient and trustworthy. This paper will consist of insight on gun
violence in the United States and the newly imposed gun control policies by President Obama; along
with, the arguments for and against the new policies and what roles both the formal and informal
actors. This further facilitates persons with ill intentions and low financial resources to use the newly
purchased weapons to commit crimes in search of socioeconomic benefits ProCon Organization 1.
Obama is trying to lobby congress to support him on new gun control legislation which includes
banning of military style or semi-automatic firearms and high capacity magazines. She wanted to
enroll him into the after-school program but could not afford the fees. As soon as the latter two
elements are in place, it is the high time to start your research. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Opponents argue that gun control
law will not reduce the violence. Private firearm sellers aren’t required to perform a background
check on buyers, and 82% of gun owners feel this is a serious problem. While it would be easier for
potential shooters to bring weapons on the campus, many more students would also have guns,
enabling them to fight back against the shooter. On the other side of the debate, there are those who
argue that gun control will have little effect beyond robbing law-abiding citizens of their right to
defend themselves effectively in a world that has become increasingly rife with crime. The source
provides me with a more elaborated description on what kinds of solutions do and do not work in
trying to solve the problem of gun violence in America. Register for a free account to start saving
and receiving special member only perks. sample research paper on analysis of
type function model an. If, as Kleck and Gertz (1995) suggest, the NCVS misses over 2 million
defensive uses per year, then biases caused by reporting errors may be substantial. Responses are
miscoded, and respondents may misunderstand the questions or may not correctly remember or
interpret the event.

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