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Race to Replace Mike Gallagher Will

Be Won by Outsider Who Fully

Embraces Trump, MAGA Movement
DATE: Thursday, March 28, 2024
TO: Interested Parties
FROM: Mitchell Brown, Director, Political Strategy
RE: Survey of 300 Likely GOP Primary Voters in Wisconsin Congressional District 8

In a head-to-head informed ballot, Alex Bruesewitz beats establishment-

picked replacement Roger Roth 47% – 16%.

• Local businessman and MAGA activist Alex Bruesewitz

has a wide lead over departing Congressman Mike
Gallagher’s handpicked candidate, Roger Roth, in a
head-to-head matchup.
• Bruesewitz not only leads Roth with the former
President’s base by 55 points but even tops Roth with
more traditional Republican voters.

Bruesewitz also comes out on top by more than 2:1 in a three-way primary.

• With the inclusion of State Sen. Andre

Jacque, Bruesewitz still outpaces his
nearest competitor by more than
twenty points.
• Jacque earns 15% of the vote while
Roth’s ballot share falls to 12%.

64% want a political outsider…

• Bruesewitz’s ballot share is backed up by

GOP primary voters in WI-8 who
overwhelmingly prefer someone with
his background compared to longtime
establishment politicians like Roth and

Trump’s net favorability in the district is more than twice Gallagher’s

Cygnal is an award-winning international polling, public opinion, and predictive analytics firm that pioneered multi-mode polling, text-to-web
collection, and emotive analysis. Cygnal is ranked as the most accurate firm, and clients rely on Cygnal’s ability to create intelligence for
action. Its team members have worked in 50 states and 17 countries on more than 3,000 corporate, public affairs, and political campaigns.
TRUMP Net Fav +46 GALLAGHER Net Fav +20

• Former President Trump is seen far more favorably in the district than departing
Congressman Mike Gallagher.
• 72% of likely voters view Trump favorably, compared with 55% who feel the same
about Gallagher. This places Bruesewitz, a longtime Trump ally, in a much stronger
position to represent the citizens of Wisconsin’s 8th Congressional District in Congress.

Concerns about illegal immigration and border security at the forefront

Methodology: This probabilistic survey was conducted March 26 – 27, with 300 likely primary election voters. It has a margin of error of
±5.6%. Known registered voters were interviewed via Mult-Mode Digital. This survey was weighted to a likely primary election voter

Cygnal is an award-winning international polling, public opinion, and predictive analytics firm that pioneered multi-mode polling, text-to-web
collection, and emotive analysis. Cygnal is ranked as the most accurate firm, and clients rely on Cygnal’s ability to create intelligence for
action. Its team members have worked in 50 states and 17 countries on more than 3,000 corporate, public affairs, and political campaigns.

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