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Organization Science
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Do Workgroup Faultlines Help or Hurt? A Moderated

Model of Faultlines, Team Identification, and Group
Katerina Bezrukova, Karen A. Jehn, Elaine L. Zanutto, Sherry M. B. Thatcher,

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Katerina Bezrukova, Karen A. Jehn, Elaine L. Zanutto, Sherry M. B. Thatcher, (2009) Do Workgroup Faultlines Help or Hurt?
A Moderated Model of Faultlines, Team Identification, and Group Performance. Organization Science 20(1):35-50. https://

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Vol. 20, No. 1, January–February 2009, pp. 35–50 doi 10.1287/orsc.1080.0379

issn 1047-7039  eissn 1526-5455  09  2001  0035 © 2009 INFORMS

Do Workgroup Faultlines Help or Hurt? A Moderated

Model of Faultlines, Team Identification, and
Group Performance
Katerina Bezrukova
Psychology Department, Santa Clara University, Santa Clara, California 95053,

Karen A. Jehn
Social and Organizational Psychology, Leiden University, Wassenaarseweg 52, 2333 AK Leiden,
The Netherlands,

Elaine L. Zanutto
National Analysts Worldwide, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103,

Sherry M. B. Thatcher
Management and Entrepreneurship Department, University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky 40292,

n this study we examine a moderated model of group faultlines, team identification, and group performance outcomes. We
I extend research on faultlines by showing how different faultline bases (social category and information-based faultlines)
may have differential effects on the performance of groups. In addition to faultline strength (the extent of demographic
alignment across members within a group), we examine the distance between faultline-based subgroups (e.g., two members
of age 20 are closer in age to two members of an opposing subgroup of age 25 than of two members of age 50). We test
our model using an archival field methodology and multiple-source data (qualitative and quantitative) from 76 workgroups
in a Fortune 500 information-processing company. Our results revealed that groups with social category faultlines had
low team discretionary awards. Faultline distance further exacerbated the negative effects of strength in groups with social
category faultlines and produced similarly negative effects in groups with information-based faultlines. Team identification
served as a moderator enhancing performance of groups with information-based faultlines.
Key words: faultlines; performance; team identification; groups and teams
History: Published online in Articles in Advance August 8, 2008.

Driven by the growing popularity of groupwork and to many subgroups such as those defined by gender, race,
diversification of society at large, organizations are faced education, and age (Gibson and Vermeulen 2003, Jehn
with the challenge of finding ways to reap the bene- et al. 2007, van Knippenberg and Schippers 2007).
fits of diversity while minimizing disruptions that are Faultlines are defined as hypothetical dividing lines
likely to arise in diverse groups. As businesses strive to that split a group into relatively homogeneous subgroups
reach multiple markets and remain competitive by tak- based on the group members’ demographic align-
ing advantage of groups whose members are different on ment along multiple1 attributes (adapted from Lau and
multiple dimensions, the question of whether diversity Murnighan 1998). This partition provides the impe-
helps or harms effectiveness becomes vital for both man- tus for group members with different demographics
agers and researchers (cf. Jackson et al. 2003, Mannix
to differentiate themselves and potentially fracture into
and Neale 2005, Williams and O’Reilly 1998). Despite a
competing subgroups within the group. For example, a
rich history of research in this area, attempts to capitalize
clean-cut demographic alignment in a group (e.g., group
on diversity have met with mixed success, which sug-
gests that a more comprehensive approach to the study members align such that all the men are young and
of group diversity is needed. One of the most intrigu- all the women are middle-aged) may accentuate coali-
ing advances along these lines comes from the group tions and ultimately result in salient subgroup identi-
faultline perspective introduced by Lau and Murnighan ties (a subgroup of young men versus a subgroup of
(1998). Departing from prior diversity research, faultline middle-aged women) (Cramton and Hinds 2005). In this
researchers propose to view the group makeup not only study, we build on the tradition set by prior faultline
within a single-attribute perspective (e.g., group racial research (e.g., Lau and Murnighan 2005, Thatcher et al.
diversity) but also to think about people as a complex 2003) and focus on understanding how the alignment
bundle of demographics; each person in a group belongs properties of group composition based on objective
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
36 Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS

demographic attributes explain performance in face-to- and Mael 1989). Although social identity research sug-
face colocated workgroups. This line of work assumes gests that correlated demographic characteristics increase
that individuals identify and act in ways consistent with the likelihood of subgroups and reinforce existing cate-
a particular demographic grouping; that is, objective gory boundaries (Eurich-Fulcer and Schofield 1995), the
demographic differences explain variance in attitudes strength of members’ attachment to the group (team iden-
and behavior (cf. Williams and O’Reilly 1998). Thus, tification) may bind members together into a powerful
when we refer to faultlines and faultline subgroups, we psychological entity (Gaertner et al. 1993, Van der Vegt
are basing this on the objective demographic alignment and Bunderson 2005). Therefore, our study also exam-
of members (e.g., Lau and Murnighan 2005, Thatcher ines how team identification affects the relationships
et al. 2003). between faultlines and group performance outcomes.
One of the recent criticisms of this work has been
whether the faultline approach adequately takes into
account the nature, or type, of member differences (e.g., Extending the Group Faultline Framework
Gibson and Vermeulen 2003). For instance, a faultline Research on faultlines has contributed to the diversity
between two middle-aged females and two young males literature by theorizing about the effects of group mem-
(i.e., a faultline based on age and gender; social cat- ber characteristics in combination rather than separately.
egories) and a faultline between two experienced high The faultline perspective claims that it is not the disper-
school graduates and two just-hired Ph.D.s (i.e., a fault- sion of certain demographic differences within a group,
line based on level of education and work experience; but rather their particular demographic alignments across
information-based categories) may trigger quite differ- group members, that influence behavior. When multiple
ent dynamics in a group, yet this distinction has often demographic attributes align, differences across group
been overlooked. Prior work in this area has also been members create a partition that may potentially cause a
criticized because most theorizing about faultlines has disruption in the group. Such demographic alignments
focused on the concept of faultline strength (defined have been shown to produce more direct and perva-
as the extent of demographic alignment across members sive effects on group processes and outcomes than sim-
within a group; Lau and Murnighan 1998); yet another ple dispersion of member differences (Bezrukova et al.
important aspect of faultlines—differences or distance 2007, Lau and Murnighan 2005, Li and Hambrick 2005).
between the aligned subsets of members—has been gen- However, there has been less consistency across stud-
erally ignored. However, differences can fluctuate from ies when considering the directional effects of faultlines.
one subset to another (e.g., two members of age 20 Some studies have reported tension and low performance
are closer in age to two members of an opposing fault- (e.g., Dyck and Starke 1999, Li and Hambrick 2005),
line subset of age 25 than to two members of age 50), whereas others have shown increased learning behavior
and this faultline distance may have a unique effect on and satisfaction (Gibson and Vermeulen 2003, Lau and
behavior. Thus, we introduce an extended faultline per- Murnighan 2005). In summary, the goal of our research
spective that explains how social category and informa- is to reconcile some of the controversies around fault-
tional characteristics (Jehn et al. 1999) may serve as a lines by: (1) examining the different bases of faultlines
basis for developing respective types of faultlines within (social category and information based), (2) taking into
a group and how faultline distance may explain addi- account two different dimensions of faultlines (faultline
tional variance in group performance. strength and distance), and (3) considering the effects
As we extend our focus toward uncovering deeper of potential moderators in developing a more complete
mechanisms behind faultline dynamics, we also realize moderated model of the effects of faultlines on group
that various group and organizational factors may influ- performance.
ence the relationships between group composition and
performance. Thus, our third objective is to understand Faultline Bases: Social and Information-Based
how team identification may influence faultline dynam- Categories
ics. For example, whether and how young male members Faultlines form when differences on one dimension pro-
in a group may act in terms of their gender- and age- duce notable schisms that are then coupled with schisms
defined categories will partly depend on how strongly on other dimensions (Li and Hambrick 2005). For exam-
they identify with their workgroup. In the present study, ple, such schisms could occur along social category
we consider the role of team identification to better (e.g., gender, age), or along information-based (e.g., edu-
understand when and how faultlines may affect group cation, work experience) attributes. These attributes vary
performance and what organizations can do to manage in how relevant they are to the tasks performed by a
and use faultlines to their advantage. Team identifica- group and in how much impact they may have on task-
tion reflects a perception of oneness with, or belonging related employee behavior (Randel and Jaussi 2003).
to, a team; it captures the extent to which a workteam Researchers have suggested that the effects of diversity
is valued and contributes to a sense of self (Ashforth may depend on the degree of job relatedness of the
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS 37

attribute (Webber and Donahue 2001) and the poten- motion mechanisms such as stereotyping and prejudice,
tial for information use (Dahlin et al. 2005). Following information-based faultlines are driven by informational
Jehn and her colleagues (Jehn et al. 1997, 1999) who processes that are more likely to work in accordance
have stressed the value in differentiating between types with a cognitive resource perspective. This information-
of diversity, we argue that faultlines based on social based perspective suggests increases in the flexibility
categories and faultlines based on informational cate- of group members’ thoughts (De Dreu and West 2001,
gories may have different implications for workgroups. Nemeth 1986) because it facilitates effective pooling
Although some studies have looked at faultlines formed of information and integrating of alternative perspec-
along social category characteristics (e.g., Earley and tives (Gruenfeld et al. 1996). Information-based fault-
Mosakowski 2000, Lau and Murnighan 2005) or across a lines may operate in workgroups as “healthy divides”
number of various attributes (e.g., Bezrukova et al. 2007, that stimulate effective decision-making processes and
Gibson and Vermeulen 2003, Thatcher et al. 2003), little foster learning (Cramton and Hinds 2005, Gibson and
is known about how the nature of members’ alignments Vermeulen 2003) by utilizing the teams’ cognitive
(social category versus informational) may affect perfor- resources. We believe that the nature of members’ align-
mance in diverse workgroups. ments (social category versus information-based) may
Social category faultlines are hypothetical dividing trigger different processes that will have different effects
lines that split a group into subgroups based on mem- on group behavior.
bers’ alignment on social category demographic char-
acteristics. Social category characteristics are attributes Faultline Distance
such as race/ethnic background, nationality, sex, and age The concept of “distance” in itself is not new to socio-
(Cummings et al. 1993; Jehn et al. 1997, 1999). Whereas logical, social psychological, or organizational behavior
members’ differences on these characteristics may not literatures. For instance, the social distance perspec-
be directly relevant to a given task, they do shape peo- tive (widely researched in sociology) suggests that
ple’s perceptions and behaviors through mechanisms of group members share a schema that cognitively con-
categorization, stereotyping, and prejudice (Messick and structs outgroup members into a hierarchy by agree-
Mackie 1989). On the other hand, information-based ing which groups are to be kept at a greater distance
faultlines form when group members’ multiple attributes than others (Bogardus 1925, Rokeach 1960). Group
come into alignment and split a group into relatively members construct these social representations based
homogeneous subgroups based on informational char- on social distances that exist between members of one
acteristics. Informational characteristics are underlying group and members of different groups defined by
attributes of individuals that are directly job related nationality, ethnicity, occupation, and other demographic
(such as work and education experiences) and are impor- attributes (e.g., Hraba et al. 1989). Similarly, research on
tant in the completion of a task (Jackson et al. 2003; multiform heterogeneity has introduced the concept of
Jehn et al. 1997, 1999). Members’ differences on these distance to describe how people make social distinctions
characteristics—the number of differences as well as the in their associations with one another to differentiate
spread of information content and experience (e.g., grad- role relations (Blau 1977). This body of literature sug-
uating from the eighth grade versus having a Ph.D.)— gests that the social distinctions implicit in assumptions
are typically associated with a broader array of relevant about demographic characteristics reinforce one another,
information and a larger pool of task-relevant skills that widen social barriers, and fragment society.
group members bring to a team (Jehn et al. 1997, 1999; Cross-cultural research has utilized a related con-
Tsui et al. 1992; Webber and Donahue 2001; Williams cept, cultural distance, which refers to subjective per-
and O’Reilly 1998). ceptions of differences between members of home and
Whereas Lau and Murninghan (1998) based the idea host cultures (Leong and Ward 2000). Of particular
of faultlines on social identity, self-categorization, and interest is the notion of a “gap” between cultures that
coalition theories, we believe that a cognitive resource involves clear contrasts and divisions (Tafarodi et al.
perspective should be added when conceptualizing 2002). The idea of cultural distance has received further
information-based faultlines. A cognitive resource per- development in contemporary literature on transnational
spective suggests that diversity in job-related or informa- teams and international joint ventures (IJV) (e.g., Earley
tional characteristics offers greater cognitive resources and Mosakowski 2000, Hambrick et al. 2001, Salk
to the group than do other types of diversity (Tziner and Shenkar 2001). In this line of research, cultural
and Eden 1985). For example, an extended resource differences are posited to cause misunderstandings and
pool may exist based on members’ differences in knowl- performance problems in transnational and IJV teams
edge and expertise, from which a member can draw to (Li and Hambrick 2005, Polzer et al. 2006).
solve problems pertinent to the task at hand. Whereas Social psychological research on cross-categorization
social category faultlines are driven by social pro- has looked at the effects of group distinctiveness as con-
cesses that may invoke social categorization and set in ditional upon the relative distances between ingroups
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
38 Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS

Table 1 Examples of Groups: Faultline Strength and Distance

L&M faultline Strength Distance

Group no. Member A Member B Member C Member D strengtha b score score

1 White male 21 White male 21 Black female 50 Black female 50 Strong 100 349
(3 align, 1 way)
2 Asian female 21 White male 21 Black female 25 Asian male 35 Weak 040 125
(1 align, 3 ways)
3 White male 21 White male 21 Black female 25 Black female 25 Strong 100 148
(3 align, 1 way)
With the number of identified attributes fixed at three, faultline strength, as defined by Lau and Murnighan (1998), is deter-
mined here by the number of demographic attributes that align (denoted as “align”) and the possible ways to subdivide the
group on the basis of these attributes (denoted as “ways”).
We use the following classification of faultline strength, based on the maximum number of characteristics that align: 1 = weak,
2 = medium, 3 = strong.

and outgroups (Jetten et al. 1998). The basic assumption faultline strength as Group 1, but a very different fault-
of cross-categorization is that overlapping memberships line distance: In this group, the two black females are
reduce the psychological distance between ingroups and 25 years old (rather than 50) and the two white males are
outgroups. Large differences between subgroups may 21 years old (see Table 1, comparing Groups 1 and 3). In
stand in the way of positive intersubgroup relations Group 3, the two members of age 25 are closer in age to
and widen the perceived gulf between “us” and “them” two members of the opposing subgroup (those of age 21)
(Jetten et al. 2004). Some important insights about dis- than the two members of age 50 in Group 1. Although
tance can also be found in the relational demography both groups have a similar faultline strength (both char-
literature, which is, perhaps, of most relevance to our acteristics align one way; per Lau and Murnighan 1998),
conceptualization of faultline distance. Within this tra- we propose that the different distances between the
dition, studies have largely relied on the concept of subgroups will cause the effects of faultlines on per-
demographic distance, or the degree of isolation of an formance outcomes in these groups to be very differ-
individual from a group, which has been mostly found ent. For example, an alignment of members (faultline
to be negatively associated with outcome variables (e.g., strength) may induce awareness of membership into
Tsui et al. 1992, Wagner et al. 1984). separate and distinct subgroups. However, faultline dis-
Despite this previous research, early work on faultlines tance may moderate this relationship by escalating more
has primarily focused on the concept of faultline strength, antagonistic subgroup interactions in groups with large
which captures how many demographic attributes align distances in which the members of one subgroup are
within a group or, in other words, how cleanly a group extremely different from members of another subgroup.
may split into two fairly similar subgroups (e.g., Lau and We believe that only when we consider the two aspects
Murnighan 1998, 2005; Thatcher et al. 2003). An exam- of faultlines simultaneously do we see the true effects of
ple of a group with a strong faultline would be a four- faultlines in diverse groups.
person group consisting of two white male employees
who are 21 years old and two black female employees
who are 50 years old (see Table 1, Group 1). In this A Moderated Model of Group Faultlines,
group, the demographic alignment is clear because two
homogeneous subgroups emerge based on group mem-
Team Identification, and Group
bers’ similarities in gender, race, and age; according Performance
to Lau and Murnighan (1998), there is a strong sub- Lau and Murnighan (1998) propose that faultlines are
group faultline. A four-person group consisting of one inherently detrimental because they promote processes
21-year old Asian female, one 21-year old white male, such as potential conflict and communication problems.
one 25-year old black female, and one 35-year old Asian The alignment of demographic attributes based on the
male would be an example of a group with weak fault- similarity of group members across social category char-
line strength (see Table 1, Group 2). In this group, the acteristics (e.g., age and gender) is likely to amplify
demographic alignment across members is not as clear ingroup/outgroup distinctions and to sharpen the bound-
as in Group 1 and several subgroup possibilities exist; ary salience around faultline subgroups. Social cate-
those based on gender, age, or race. gory membership provides a particularly salient basis
The faultline strength approach has not, however, for categorizing members into ingroups and outgroups
adequately considered the extent to which subgroups (Jehn et al. 1999, Pelled et al. 1999). The negative
diverge as a result of accumulated differences between effects of stereotyping, ingroup favoritism, and out-
subgroups—we label this aspect faultline distance. Con- group hostility can cause conflict and dislike to surface,
sider a third group (Table 1, Group 3) that has the same and lead to decreased cohesion and social integration
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS 39

(Mackie et al. 2000, Tajfel and Turner 1986, Webber and and thus is likely to initiate unproductive interac-
Donahue 2001). The “us versus them” attitude that is tions between subgroups. Faultline distance may further
likely to occur in groups with social category faultlines exacerbate this effect. First, a large distance encourages
may facilitate fragmentation of groups and cause pro- people to remain “psychologically located” within their
cess loss and mismanagement (Li and Hambrick 2005). subgroups and precludes them from exposing themselves
For instance, cross-subgroup interactions and informa- to the ideas and behaviors of the larger group (Nesdale
tion exchanges that are necessary for accomplishing a and Mak 2003). Second, member interactions across
task in common-goal groups will be limited in such social category faultlines may become more antagonistic
groups (Lau and Murnighan 2005). Tension and per- if members of one subgroup are extremely different from
sonal attacks resulting from the categorization processes members of another subgroup (Jetten et al. 1998). Any
may also decrease efforts to share critical information disagreements across social category lines may be seen
in groups with social category faultlines (Sawyer et al. as wider, deeper, and more immutable as they are rooted
2006). These processes are likely to adversely affect in basic and fundamental beliefs (Miller and Prentice
group performance. 1999). Such strained and unproductive interactions may
further limit the extent to which valuable information
Hypothesis 1 (H1). Social category faultlines will be is shared, used, and attended to in a group with social
negatively associated with group performance. category faultlines. For instance, Wagner et al. (1984)
We believe that work-related expectancy effects found that larger demographic distances among the vice-
(Bettencourt et al. 1997) emerging from information- presidents in 30 firms exacerbated the negative dynamics
based alignments (e.g., education, work experience) may in top management teams. Chatman and Flynn (2001)
have positive effects on group performance. Unlike demonstrated how respondents who were more demo-
social category characteristics, attributes that make up graphically different were less effective performers and
information-based faultlines have direct relevance to received less substantial compensation increases than
work, and play an important role in developing expec- those who were more similar to their colleagues. We
tations about anticipated behaviors of others in the therefore, propose that faultline distance will exacer-
workplace. In groups with information-based faultlines, bate the negative effects of social category faultlines in
diverse groups.
the fact that members across faultlines have different
Although work-based expectations may help members
work experiences is consistent with the fact that they
of groups with information-based faultlines capitalize on
also may have different education levels. As group mem-
cognitive resources that such alignments bring to the
bers become aware of their informational differences,
group, these effects are contingent upon the extent to
they expect to be different along informational lines and
which subgroup members differ from each other. Strong
may adopt an attitude of mutual positive distinctive-
and distant information-based faultlines may result in
ness (e.g., “We are different and that is ok”) (Cramton
subgroup members speaking “different languages” and
and Hinds 2005). Because information-based differences
making it difficult to share tacit knowledge within a
directly contribute to the achievement of a common group (Weber and Camerer 2003). Because the amount
group goal (Jackson et al. 2003, Jehn et al. 1999, Pelled of information and the access to the resource pool will
1996, Webber and Donahue 2001), members of differ- be reduced in such groups (Clement and Schiereck 1973,
ent informationally based subgroups may see the value Freidman and Podolny 1992), members of faultline sub-
in their differences and be able to effectively utilize all groups may engage in coalition formation to provide
cognitive resources available to the group, thus increas- support for their shared self-interest (Stevenson et al.
ing group performance. In addition, they may be more 1985). Once a coalition is formed in a group, the implicit
willing to engage in a thorough and intensive elabora- competition between coalition and noncoalition mem-
tion of the problem, freely express their ideas, and col- bers may cause power differentiation and unequal distri-
laborate across faultline subgroups (Cramton and Hinds bution of resources within a team (Mannix 1993, Sherif
2005, Gibson and Vermuelen 2003). A synthesis of ideas 1966). Under these circumstances, members of faultline
that is superior to any individual member idea may subgroups will be less inclined to make choices that
emerge (Schweiger and Sandberg 1989, Schwenk 1990) would benefit their entire group, which may prompt
and reinforce group performance. severe losses in overall group performance. Thus,
Hypothesis 2 (H2). Information-based faultlines will Hypothesis 3A (H3A). Social category faultline dis-
be positively associated with group performance. tance will moderate the relationship between social cat-
egory faultline strength and performance outcomes; that
Moderating Effects of Faultline Distance is, if there is a large distance between faultline-based
As previously discussed, the simple alignment of mem- subgroups, social category faultline strength is more
bers along social category attributes induces awareness likely to be associated with lower levels of group perfor-
of membership into separate and distinct subgroups, mance than if there is a small distance between them.
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
40 Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS

Hypothesis 3B (H3B). Information-based faultline subgroup members, places members’ emphasis on sim-
distance will moderate the relationship between infor- ilarities across subgroups (Brewer 2000). Cross-cutting
mation-based faultline strength and performance out- identification further decreases bias and contributes to
comes; that is, if there is a large distance between productive intersubgroup contact by reducing psycho-
faultline-based subgroups, information-based faultline logical distance between distant subgroups (Crisp and
strength is more likely to be associated with lower levels Hewstone 2000, Hornsey and Hogg 2000) emerging from
of group performance than if there is a small distance a social category or information-based faultline. The for-
between them. mer intersubgroup boundaries become less salient, and
instead, new, inclusive team-based boundaries become
Team Identification important in the minds of members. This logic suggests
Individuals tend to pay particular attention to attributes that team identification may reverse the negative effects
that make them distinctive. For example, young females associated with faultline distance in groups with social
within a diverse group are more likely to describe them- category or information-based faultlines. Therefore, we
selves in terms of their gender and age when old male propose:
employees are present in a group (Roccas and Brewer Hypothesis 4A (H4A). A three-way interaction be-
2002). They may define themselves as members of a tween social category faultline strength, distance, and
“women’s” subgroup (Brewer 1995, Tajfel and Turner team identification is expected, such that groups with
1986), but they may also perceive their entire workgroup strong and distant faultlines and high levels of team iden-
as a unified entity and feel emotionally attached to their tification are likely to have higher levels of group perfor-
membership in this group. The extent to which they mance than groups with low levels of team identification.
identify themselves with their workgroup as a whole
can facilitate harmonious relations because the cognitive Hypothesis 4B (H4B). A three-way interaction be-
and motivational processes that produce positive feelings tween information-based faultline strength, distance, and
toward ingroups (Tajfel and Turner 1986) can now be team identification is expected, such that groups with
extended toward outgroups (Mottolla et al. 1997). When strong and distant faultlines and high levels of team iden-
members perceive themselves as sharing a common tification are likely to have higher levels of group perfor-
ingroup identity, the chances of subgroup categoriza- mance than groups with low levels of team identification.
tion, identification, and associated biases are minimized
(Gaertner et al. 1993, Gaertner and Dovidio 2000). That
is, when members of one subgroup formed by a social Method
category or information-based faultline perceive them- Research Site and Sample
selves to share a group membership with members of Our study population is a Fortune 500 organization
another subgroup (i.e., the overall workgroup), they are that specializes in mailing and document processes and
motivated to strive actively to reach agreement and coor- technologies that save customers’ time and money and
dinate their behaviors in identifying shared beliefs, clar- enhances their security. Data were collected in 1999 as
ifying points of agreement, and exchanging information part of a broader research study on the effects of diversity.
(Haslam and Ellemers 2005, Hogg and Terry 2000, Pratt Archival data on the groups came from two company data
1998). This team identification may act as some kind sources: corporate databases (e.g., demographic informa-
of “social glue” in preserving group integrity when the tion; team member listings; performance) and company
group is under the threat of a split (Kane et al. 2005, text documents from human resource programs (e.g.,
Van Vugt and Hart 2004). workgroup development reports).
Given that members may identify with multiple We identified the workgroups in our data set using
units of affiliation (Brewer 1995, Randel 2002), cross- managers’ names and a reporting system developed by
categorization theory (Brewer 2000, Crisp and Hewstone the company. We verified that these were actual work-
2000) provides additional support for the moderating ing groups in existence for over a year (they identified
effect of team identification. Cross-categorization is each other as group members and were seen by others
based on cross-cutting categories within groups, where as workgroups, Hackman 1987) by interview and obser-
“others” can be simultaneously classified as ingroup vation. Key senior staff and employees also informed us
or outgroup members based on multiple dimensions that group members did not select themselves but rather
(Hewstone et al. 2002). Subgroup and team member- were assigned to the teams and that “groups” of one or
ships can be viewed as a special sort of crossed cat- two employees or groups with over sixteen employees
egorization, with the shared group category (e.g., the were not actual working groups. The latter is consistent
workgroup) at a more inclusive level of the category with the definition of a group (see above) and with group
hierarchy (Hornsey and Hogg 2000). The strength of process theories regarding group size (e.g., Goodman
team identity, which cuts across demographically aligned et al. 1986). Therefore, the effective sample size was
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS 41

567 individuals (76 groups). All teams were manage- where the centroid (vector of means of each variable)
ment groups who had certain nonroutine task character- for subgroup 1 = X11·  X12·  X13·      X1P · and the cen-
istics (the task is complex and not well understood, it troid for subgroup 2 = X21·  X22·  X23·      X2P · . Fault-
has a few set procedures, and a high level of variability, line distance can take on values between zero and ,
Van de Ven et al. 1976). Employees’ average age and with larger values indicating a larger distance between
organizational tenure were 48 and 14 years, respectively. faultline subgroups. Values of faultline distance ranged
Roughly 70% were male and 60% had some college from 0.54 to 3.02 for social category faultlines and from
education. 0.43 to 2.90 for information-based faultlines in our data
set (see Table 1 for examples of groups with varying
Measures levels of faultline strength and distance, and Table 2 for
Group Faultlines. Our methodology for measuring means and standard deviations of faultline strength and
faultlines was motivated by Lau and Murnighan’s (1998) distance in this study).
faultline framework in estimating how the alignment of Group Performance. We measured group perfor-
multiple demographic attributes can potentially subdi- mance using two variables; team discretionary awards
vide a group. We adapted our faultline measures from (company’s archival data) and perceived performance
the multivariate statistical clustering analysis literature (content-analyzed company documents). Teams were
(e.g., Jobson 1992, Morrison 1967, Sharma 1996), which formally recognized for team discretionary awards
provides statistics for estimating how well the variability based on team performance. These awards were granted
within the group can be explained by the presence of dif- once a year based on discretionary award recommen-
ferent clusters within the group. We measured social cat- dations provided by the senior management through a
egory and information-based faultlines along two social grant nomination process. Because awards were given
category characteristics (gender and age) and two infor- in various forms (e.g., lump-sum merit, special bonus,
mational characteristics (level of education and tenure). option shares, etc.), we averaged the standardized values
These demographic variables were chosen based on on various award variables to arrive at our overall team
availability in the data set and previous research on discretionary awards measure.
group diversity (Jehn et al. 1997, 1999; Tsui et al. Perceived team performance was assessed through
1992). content coding of 300 pages of documents that were part
To measure faultline strength, we relied on the of the company’s human resource program. In our quali-
faultline algorithm developed by Thatcher et al. (2003) tative methodology, we adapted the procedure developed
and used in faultline research by others (e.g., Lau and by Chatman and Flynn (2001) in their content analysis
Murnighan 2005, Molleman 2005). This algorithm cal- of team evaluation papers. Employees completed devel-
culates the percent of total variation in overall group opment reports regarding their workgroups as a method
characteristics accounted for by the strongest group split for improving planning and determining what employ-
by calculating the ratio of the between-group sum of ees think about their team’s performance. The data were
squares to the total sum of squares (faultline strength can responses to an open-ended question that asked them
take on values between zero and one, with larger values to identify the key issues for their groups in dealing
indicating greater strength). Possible values of faultline with performance gaps (if any) and to set action pri-
strength ranged from 0.386 to 0.954 for social category orities. Following the procedure of Doucet and Jehn
faultlines and from 0.398 to 0.936 for information-based (1997), we developed lists of key words characteriz-
faultlines in our data set. ing our performance variable based on relevant group
We extend prior operationalizations of group faultlines
and organizational theories (e.g., Hackman 1987), as
by measuring faultline distance along the strongest fault-
well as the concepts used in the company’s rhetoric.
line split (our faultline measure includes one score
We conducted computer-aided text analysis on the com-
for strength, one score for distance). Faultline distance
pany’s textual data using the program MonoConc Pro 2.0
reflects the extent to which subgroups formed across
(Barlow 2000) and created frequency lists with the terms
faultlines diverge, or in other words, how far apart
mentioned most, to least, often. To arrive at the key-
they are from each other on social category and infor-
word list for this variable, two raters first indepen-
mational characteristics. The faultline distance measure
dently considered all terms from the frequency lists and
was adapted from multivariate statistical cluster analysis
selected the key words representing this variable (inter-
(e.g., Jobson 1992, Morrison 1967, Sharma 1996) and
rater agreement = 092). Examples of key terms included
was calculated as a distance between the faultline vari-
words such as “best-of-breed,” “progress,” “success,”
able centroids for the subgroups (the Euclidean distance
between the two sets of averages): “efficient,” “effective,” “gain,” and “improved” (e.g.,
 Chatman and Flynn 2001) following the key-word snow-
P ball technique of Jehn and Werner (1993).

Dg =  X1j · − X2j · 2  Based on the method of Jehn and Werner (1993),
j=1 two independent raters further conducted the key-word
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
42 Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS

searches on all individual responses, reviewed the sur- identified with their team. The eta-squared statistic for
rounding context, and coded the text for perceived this variable was 0.35, and the 0.50 value of ICC[1] was
team performance. The raters followed guiding ques- significant at the 0.001 level. On the basis of these results,
tions based on past research (Chatman and Flynn 2001; we confirmed that this variable represents a group-level
e.g., “To what extent does a group accomplish its pur- construct and concluded that aggregation was justified.
pose and produce the intended, expected, and desired Control Variables. In selecting our control variables,
result?”) and rated each individual response on a scale we focused on the variables that were available in
from 1 (the least) to 7 (the most). When raters assigned our data set that have been shown to influence per-
the score farther than one point apart, they discussed formance outcomes in past diversity research, and that
an issue until they reached an agreement. The variable- could be viewed as alternative explanations for perfor-
specific Cohen’s Kappa was 0.74, and on the basis of mance effects. First, we controlled for job level (e.g.,
these results, we concluded that our coding was reliable. assistant to CEO) because it normally accounts for the
We further assessed whether analyzing this dependent variation in the type of work and merit raises based on an
variable at the group level was justified by calculating employee’s position within the job range (Chatman and
eta-squared statistic 2 , which indicates whether any two Spataro 2005, Elvira and Graham 2003). We included
people in the same group are more similar than two peo- job level as a continuous variable based on the com-
ple of different groups (Florin et al. 1990, Jehn et al. pany’s assigned values, which ranged from 24 to 40
1999). The eta-squared statistic for this variable was in our sample (x = 3662, s.d. = 243); 24 represents
0.58, which exceeded the minimum criterion of 0.20 and the lowest level of job and 40 represents the highest
indicated that there was less variance in group members’ level of job. To control for diversity effects, we used
responses than was expected by chance. In addition, Blau’s (1977) heterogeneity index to measure group het-
we performed intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC[1]) erogeneity for categorical variables (e.g., gender) calcu-
analysis to estimate the proportion of variance in the 
lated as H = − Pi2 , where P represents the fractional
variable between groups over the sum of between- and share of team members assigned to a particular group-
within-group variance (Bliese 2000). The 0.74 value of ing within a given characteristic and i is the number of
ICC[1] was significant at p < 0001 and confirmed that different categories represented on a team. We used the
analyzing this dependent variable at the group level was coefficient of variation to measure group diversity for
justified. continuous variables (e.g., age) (Allison 1978). Follow-
Team Identification. In our measurement approach, ing the procedure suggested by Jehn and her colleagues
we first drew on the common ingroup identity model (1999) and widely used in recent diversity research (e.g.,
(Gaertner et al. 1993) and operationalized team iden- Polzer et al. 2002), we averaged age and gender het-
tification as participants’ superordinate group represen- erogeneity variables to arrive at our social category
tations (or the sense of “we-ness”) (Dovidio et al. heterogeneity control variable and averaged tenure and
1997a, b). We then built on qualitative work in the area of education heterogeneity variables to arrive at our infor-
organizational identity and identification (e.g., Brickson mational heterogeneity control variable. These demo-
2005, Earley and Mosakowski 2000, Pratt 2000) to arrive graphic characteristics were chosen based on previous
diversity research (Williams and O’Reilly 1998), avail-
at our measure of team identification. A different set of
ability in the data set, and their respective match with
raters coded the company’s documents for team identifi-
our faultline variables.
cation using the key words and reviewing the surround-
ing context as described above. Examples of key terms
for team identification included words such as “identi- Results
fication,” “dedicated,” “together,” “support,” “our,” and Table 2 displays means, standard deviations, and correla-
“involved” (interrater agreement = 089) taken from key tions among all variables. We examine the relationships
theoretical articles and survey items (Mael and Ashforth between group faultlines, team identification, and perfor-
1992, Mottola et al. 1997, van Knippenberg and Elle- mance outcomes using hierarchical regression analysis.
mers 2003), and verified by qualitative work in the area
of organizational identity and identification (Earley and Main and Moderating Effects of Faultline Strength
Mosakowski 2000). The raters followed guiding ques- and Distance
tions based on past research (Kane et al. 2005, Mullin and Table 3 (see Model 1) shows the results of the hier-
Hogg 1998; e.g., “To what extent does the group mem- archical regression analysis testing the main effects of
ber identify with the team?”) and rated each individual faultline strength. Step 1 of the hierarchical regres-
response on a scale from 1 (the least) to 7 (the most). sion contained controls, including job level and hetero-
The 0.63 value of variable-specific Cohen’s Kappa con- geneity variables. Step 2 included the main effects of
firmed that our coding was reliable. We further checked either social category faultline strength or informational
for within-group agreement to assess that all members faultline strength. Step 3 included two-way interactions
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS 43

Table 2 Means, Standard Deviations, and Zero-Order Correlations Among Variables

Mean S.D.
Correlations (N = 76) (N = 76) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

1. Social category 066 013

faultline strength
2. Social category 161 053 049∗∗
faultline distance
3. Information-based 060 012 −005 −008
faultline strength
4. Information-based 168 050 −003 −002 030∗∗
faultline distance
5. Team discretionary 091 101 −012 −004 −004 022
6. Perceived team 398 079 −009 −011 004 011 006
7. Team identification 435 125 −008 −018 004 009 −003 044∗∗
8. Social category 023 009 −009 041∗∗ 004 −010 001 002 −011
9. Informational 041 012 011 009 006 060∗∗ 012 015 007 004
10. Job level 3624 183 001 008 −021 024 063∗∗ −010 −012 −018 013
∗ ∗∗
p < 005; p < 001.

(e.g., faultline strength × faultline distance). All vari- for all of the four effects. Graphing the relationship
ables were grand mean centered. Hypothesis 1 (H1) pre- reflected that groups with strong (high faultline strength)
dicted that social category faultline strength would be and wide (high faultline distance) faultlines had lower
negatively associated with group performance. In par- levels of group performance than groups with low dis-
tial support of H1, social category faultline strength was tances along the strongest splits (see Figure 1).
negatively related to team discretionary awards (Beta =
−017, p < 005). The change in R2 from steps 1 to 2 Effects of Team Identification
for the main-effect model indicated a significant increase We conducted a series of hierarchical regression anal-
above and beyond the control variables. yses to test Hypotheses 4A (H4A) and 4B (H4B) pre-
Hypothesis 3A (H3A) predicted that social category dicting three-way interactions between faultline strength,
faultline distance will moderate the relationship between distance, and team identification, such that groups with
social category faultline strength and group perfor- strong and distant faultlines and high levels of team
mance; that is, if there is a large distance between identification are likely to have higher levels of group
faultline-based subgroups, strength is more likely to performance than groups with low levels of team iden-
tification (see Table 3, Model 3). Step 1 of the hierar-
be associated with lower levels of group performance
chical regression contained controls including job level
than if there is a small distance between subgroups.
and heterogeneity variables. Step 2 included all the main
In full support of H3A (see Table 3, Model 2), social
effects, step 3 included all the two-way interactions,
category faultline distance moderated the effects of
and step 4 included a three-way interaction (e.g., infor-
faultline strength on team discretionary awards (Beta = mational faultline strength × distance × identification).
−017, p < 005) and perceived team performance Although H4A was not supported, H4B received full
(Beta = −024, p < 005). Hypothesis 3B (H3B) stated support. There were two significant three-way interac-
that information-based faultline distance will moder- tions between information-based faultline strength, dis-
ate the relationship between information-based fault- tance, and team identification on group performance:
line strength and group performance; that is, if there team discretionary awards (Beta = 055, p < 001) and
is a large distance between faultline-based subgroups, perceived team performance (Beta = 046, p < 005).
strength is more likely to be associated with lower levels The change in R2 from steps 3 to 4 for the double mod-
of group performance than if there is a small distance erated models indicated significant increases above and
between subgroups. Supporting H3B, information-based beyond the control and main-effect variables for infor-
faultline distance moderated the effects of faultline mational faultlines effects. Graphing these relationships
strength on team discretionary awards (Beta = −025, shows that groups with strong (high faultline strength)
p < 005) and perceived team performance (Beta = and wide (high faultline distance) faultlines and high
−026, p < 005). The change in R2 from steps 2 to 3 levels of team identification had higher levels of group
for the moderated models indicated significant increases performance than groups with low levels of team iden-
above and beyond the control and main-effect variables tification (see Figure 2).
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
44 Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS

Table 3 Hypothesis Testing Using Hierarchical Regression Analysis

Team discretionary awards Perceived team performance

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

(H1) (H3) (H4) (H1) (H3) (H4)

Social category faultlines

Job level 068∗∗∗ 068∗∗∗ 067∗∗∗ 003 −001 −002
Social category −005 −002 −003 001 009 012
Fau strength (FS) −017∗ −019∗ −016† −009 −008 −005
Fau distance (FD) −005 −005 −006 −002
Identification (I) 003 041∗∗∗
FS × FD −017∗ −016† −024∗ −025∗
FS × I 018∗ 008
FD × I 004 −013
FS × FD × I 003 005
Change in R2 003 003 000 001 005 001
F change 187∗ 136∗ 027 052 381∗ 012
R2 048 048 043 001 007 026
Adjusted R2 047 048 033 001 001 016
F 1386∗∗∗ 851∗∗∗ 424∗∗∗ 021 102∗ 259∗

Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3

(H2) (H3) (H4) (H2) (H3) (H4)

Information-based faultlines
Job level 062∗∗∗ 059∗∗∗ 053∗∗∗ 002 −002 −003
Informational 010 003 011 006 001 014
Fau strength (FS) 006 −005 007 003 −008 009
Fau distance (FD) 014 −002 013 −003
Identification (I) −017 042∗∗
FS × FD −025∗ −008 −026∗ −023∗
FS × I 057∗∗ 044∗
FD × I −022† 016
FS × FD × I 055∗∗ 046∗
Change in R2 001 006 007 001 006 006
F change 027 579∗ 752∗∗ 008 330∗ 523∗
R2 040 047 056 002 008 030
Adjusted R2 037 043 048 000 001 020
F 1265∗∗∗ 973∗∗∗ 714∗∗∗ 055 157∗ 309∗∗

p < 01; ∗ p < 005; ∗∗
p < 001; ∗∗∗
p < 0001.

Discussion port for the disruptive effects of social category align-

The faultline framework is based on an intuitively pow- ments, our findings also suggest that not all faultline
erful idea of group splits being inherently conflictual and compositions are necessarily negative for group perfor-
detrimental, yet recent empirical findings in this area mance (especially when there is a high level of team
have been relatively inconsistent; groups with faultlines identification). We also found that heterogeneity had no
can suffer (e.g., Earley and Mosakowski 2000, Dyck significant effects, which is not surprising given prior
and Starke 1999, Li and Hambrick 2005) as well as diversity research that showed that differences alone may
benefit from faultlines (Gibson and Vermeulen 2003, not strongly impact ongoing work groups (e.g., Ely and
Hart and Van Vugt 2006, Lau and Murnighan 2005). Thomas 2001, Watson et al. 1993).
In this study, we examined how different faultline bases Our conceptualization of group faultlines as both
(social category and information-based faultlines) may (1) the extent of members’ demographic alignment, and
have different effects on group outcomes Consistent (2) the degree of distance between subgroups, enables us
with Lau and Murnighan’s (1998) model of faultlines to make another contribution to faultline research. In our
and intragroup processes, we found that the strength theorizing about these two properties of faultlines, we
of social category faultlines was negatively associated predicted that faultline distance would work as a theoret-
with group performance. However, there was no evi- ically distinct source of demarcation that moderates the
dence that information-based faultlines were negatively effects of faultline strength in diverse groups. We found
associated with performance. Although providing sup- that faultline distance further exacerbated the negative
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS 45

Figure 1 Interactions: Moderated Effect of Distance Figure 2 Interactions with Team Identification
Moderated effect of distance High team identification
4.20 6.00

Perceived team performance

4.10 5.50
Perceived team performance


3.70 4.00

3.60 Informational faultline distance

3.50 High
3.50 Social category faultline distance Low
High 3.00
3.40 Low Med High
3.30 Informational faultline strength
Low Med High
Social category faultline strength Low team identification

Perceived team performance

6.00 Moderated effect of distance
Perceived team performance





Low Med High
Informational faultline distance
5.40 High Informational faultline strength
Note. The graphs of the interactions where team discretionary
Low Med High awards is the dependent variable resulted in similar shapes.
Informational faultline strength
Notes. Low and high values represent one standard deviation
below the mean and one standard deviation above the mean. Anal- between faultline subgroups is large, potentially posi-
ysis is based on centered values (cf. Aiken and West 1991). The tive effects of faultline strength may be overruled by the
graphs of the interactions where team discretionary awards is the
dependent variable resulted in similar shapes.
processes such as implicit competition, communication
breakdowns, and power differentials. Interestingly, we
found that the performance of groups with low faultline
strength varied depending on the distance; low strength
effects of social category faultline strength and produced groups had higher levels of performance when the dis-
similarly negative effects in groups with information- tance was large than when it was small (see Figure
based faultlines. It is possible to think that faultline 1). To understand this effect, we conducted supplemen-
distance may trigger additional negative categorization tary analysis and found that “low diversity” groups (see
effects, potentially resulting in stereotyping and bias Groups 2–4, Lau and Murnighan 1998) had low strength
in groups with either faultline base (social category or and low distance in our sample, whereas “high diversity”
informational). Faultline strength serves as a founda- groups (see Groups 7 and 8, Lau and Murnighan 1998)
tion for a faultline to exist and has a primary function, had low strength and high distance. Although we did
whereas distance truly shows itself as a moderator by not predict this difference, the form of the interaction is
exacerbating the effect of strength (which is evidenced consistent with theory; diverse groups with weak fault-
by the significant interaction terms (see Table 3)). For lines may have more potential for performance gains
instance, strength may cause damage in groups with than do homogeneous groups on nonroutine tasks (Lau
social category faultlines, but it may also promote and Murnighan 1998).
healthy competition, stimulate information elaboration, Finally, we found that the extent to which group mem-
and be beneficial for the groups with information-based bers identify with their workgroups played a critical
faultline (Gibson and Vermeulen 2003, Phillips 2003, role in how group faultlines translated into performance
Rink and Ellemers 2007). However, when the distance outcomes. When members strongly identified with their
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
46 Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS

teams, groups with strong information-based faultlines archival study, our results are limited because of an omit-
had high levels of performance. These results support ted variable bias. For example, it is not possible to rule
the basic notion that faultlines are highly context depen- out all of the possible confounds as a number of fac-
dent and might be beneficial under the “right” condi- tors in addition to our controls, faultline strength, fault-
tions (Williams and O’Reilly 1998). Taken together, our line distance, and their interactions may predict group
results show that while faultline distance may aggra- performance outcomes (e.g., individual ability, motiva-
vate group functioning, the strength of members’ iden- tion and opportunity to perform, task interdependence).
tification with a team may alter this relationship and Furthermore, team identification could be a dependent
instead, enhance the group’s performance, or at least variable and status, success, and performance may add
lessen the negative effects. These findings are consis- to social identification with a group. Although our study
tent with the common ingroup identity model (CIIM; design, as is common in field research, does not allow us
e.g., Gaertner et al. 1993), which posits that bias reduc- to determine true cause-effect relationships, we believe
tion may occur when group members recategorize their that our model is feasible because of the dates that our
perceptions of group boundaries to perceive themselves data were collected (qualitative data were obtained ear-
as sharing common ingroup identity. Interestingly, the lier than the quantitative outcome data). Lastly, because
significant effects were only observed for groups with it is common in the measurement of any relatively new
information-based faultlines. One explanation is that and rather complex construct, our faultline measure may
when team identity is salient, groups may directly bene- have certain methodological limitations; for instance, it
fit from informational faultlines simply because informa- can be potentially sensitive to the statistical weighting
tional differences have a more explicit connection with processes. Future studies are needed to more accurately
task performance than do social category differences. reflect the effects of faultlines and investigate how peo-
Team identification may assist these groups in avoid- ple perceive differences and make sense of them.
We believe our study has an advantage, however, over
ing potential performance losses by preserving group
many archival studies, because we were able to obtain
integrity via the united group feeling toward a common
useful and relevant text data about the team, some-
goal. It may help group members extend their focus
thing most often missing in large archival data sets.
toward recognizing the value of informational differ-
Next, our study methodology is based on a combi-
ences across faultline subgroups. When this happens,
nation of different methods (archival quantitative and
group members are more likely to exert greater effort on
qualitative data), and it is also less sensitive to common-
behalf of the group rather than spending time on recon- method biases that are particularly problematic in sur-
ciling the differences between subgroup members. vey research (Podsakoff et al. 2003). For instance, we
Our methodological contribution to existing research designed our study and coding procedure (e.g., different
on group composition and faultlines comes in the form raters who were unfamiliar to specific hypotheses per-
of devising a more accurate measure of the faultline con- formed the coding of different variables in our study)
struct. We theoretically justify the reason for considering to eliminate the possibility for common variance due
faultline distance as an indicator of faultline “width” to method. As Podsakoff and colleagues (2003, p. 887)
and empirically show the necessity of using the inter- put it:
action between faultline strength and faultline distance.
Our faultline distance measure provides valuable infor- the advantage of this procedure is that it makes it impos-
sible for the mind set of the source or rater to bias the
mation that may add to our understanding of the effects observed relationship between the predictor and crite-
of “rifts” between people in diverse groups and advance rion variable, thus eliminating the effects of consistency
faultline research. motifs, implicit theories, social desirability tendencies,
dispositional and transient mood states, and any tenden-
Limitations of the Study and Future Directions cies on the part of the rater to acquiesce or respond in a
The strengths of the current research (e.g., data collected lenient manner.
from an actual workplace setting) are accompanied by Research further suggests that common method variance
potential weaknesses. Some limitations of this study are does not bias in favor of interactions and is more prob-
common in demography studies that use archival file lematic for the direct predictor-criterion relationships.
data. First, although we were able to construct reliable For example, Evans (1985) concluded that common-
measures of team identification and perceived team per- method variance cannot generate artifactual interactions
formance variables using content analysis of company and may only serve to attenuate true interactions.
documents, no direct survey measures were available. The results of this study also open the door for
Future research should use employee survey data and future research on faultlines in diverse workgroups. For
interviews, if possible, to more fully understand how example, past research has suggested looking at the
team identification and other context variables shape the mediating and moderating mechanisms as an alternative
effects of group faultlines. Next, as is typical in any way of explaining the mixed effects of group diversity
Bezrukova et al.: Faultlines, Team Identification, and Performance
Organization Science 20(1), pp. 35–50, © 2009 INFORMS 47

(cf. Williams and O’Reilly 1998). Lau and Murnighan Implications for Managers
(1998, p. 327) suggest that “faultlines have more poten- The results of this study show that faultlines may not
tial for performance losses owing to increased subgroup necessarily cause dysfunctional processes, as has been
conflict.” One possibility for future research, therefore, suggested in the past (e.g., Lau and Murnighan 1998,
would be to explore the effects of conflict in relation Thatcher et al. 2003), but rather may promote effec-
to the dynamics by which a group splits into sub- tive decision-making processes when members align
groups when faultlines occur in diverse groups. Specif- along informational lines and have a strong superordi-
ically, the examination of the mediating effects of three nate team identity. Consequently, we provide evidence
types of conflict—relationship, task, and process con- that the nature of alignment, and specifically the type
flict (Jehn 1997, Jehn et al. 1999)—in the relation- of demographics responsible for the alignment (social
ship between faultlines and performance may shed light category versus information-based), determines whether
on how a group-level construct affects both individuals members of a group fully capitalize on their diversity.
and groups. For example, future research should exam- The delineation of the processes behind social category
ine how differences in groups with a subgroup-focused and information-based splits as provided by this research
attitude may compare to groups with an entire-group should help managers effectively handle the dynamics
focused attitude when examining performance. This may of diverse groups and maximize the productivity of their
require collecting the data at different levels (e.g., sub- increasingly diverse workforce without being fearful of
group versus group performance) in a laboratory set-
diversity. Based on our results, we suggest that man-
ting because it might be a challenge for researchers to
agers should be aware of the potentially harmful effects
get measures of real subgroup performance in organi-
of faultlines that divide groups along demographic lines.
zations. Although we do not specifically differentiate
One way in which they may mitigate this risk would be
between these effects, given the focus of our paper, we
believe that this is a very interesting topic that should be to stress similarities across faultline divides and promote
addressed in future studies. overall team identification. Strong identification with a
Another line of research is to investigate the effects of group may consolidate group members around mutual
other possible moderators and contextual factors, such goals and eventually facilitate group performance. In this
as the organizational hierarchy or task interdependence. sense, our extended faultline framework may provide a
The alignment of members that are similar on social more comprehensive understanding of the functioning of
category (e.g., age and gender) or informational char- diverse groups in organizational settings.
acteristics (e.g., tenure and education) can add to status
effects and cause problems. For example, hierarchical Acknowledgments
power and status can accrue with age and gender, render- This research was supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Founda-
ing the distance between younger female and older male tion, the SEI Center for Advanced Studies in Management
subgroups to also be one of hierarchical power.2 Thus, of the Wharton School, and The George Harvey Program on
an additional source of faultlines may be status within an Redefining Diversity: Value Creation Through Diversity. The
authors would like to thank the M-squared working paper
organization. Certain groups may also have such strong
group of the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, for
faultlines with a large distance between subgroups that
their helpful comments. In addition, they are very grateful to
isolated, distinct groups may emerge, effectively cut- Madhan Gounder, Hina A Kharbey, Isaac O Choi, Apurva
ting off contact between subgroups and triggering “exit Dave, Andre Kursancew, and Vikas Keswani for their assis-
dynamics” (Dyck and Starke 1999, Hart and Van Vugt tance in data analysis.
2006). Research on breakaway organizations and exit
groups has led to a number of important insights, yet lit- Endnotes
tle is known about how the exit dynamics would unfold 1
Please note that whereas faultlines based on one characteris-
in common–goal organizational groups. Finally, future tic are equally possible (Lau and Murnighan 2005, Molleman
research should specifically examine the mechanisms 2005), this study follows a theoretical approach that concep-
behind potential and active group faultlines. Whereas tualizes faultlines as based on multiple characteristics.
potential faultlines are based on the objective demo- 2
We would like to thank an anonymous reviewer for this
graphics of group members, active group faultlines exist comment.
when the members perceive and behave as if there are
two separate, different (and potentially even opposed) References
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