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International Student Facts and Process


- To apply for a study permit in Canada, you need to provide proof of sufficient funds
during the application process
- A student is required to show proof of funds for tuition amount, as well as $10,000 for
each 12-month period during your stay in Canada
o Therefore, for a 24 month program, you will need to show proof of funds that
amount to $20,000 + the cost of tuition for your degree
- More details on finances can be found on this website -

Choosing your program of study in Canada:

- Based on my conversation with Maulana Faezi, I understand you have a Masters degree
in Chemistry. To be granted a study permit in Canada, you must select a degree that will
reasonably progress your academics. For example, since you have a Masters degree
already, applying for a diploma program will result in a rejection of your study visa
- If pursuing another Masters degree, you must select a program that is unrelated to
Chemistry, to show you a progressing in your academics by pursuing another field of
study (e.g., Masters in Business Management, Masters in Public Health)
- If pursuing a degree related to Chemistry, it would be recommended to consider a PhD,
since that would demonstrate progress in your academics

When to apply for your study permit:

- It can take several months for your study permit application to process
o The best practice is to prepare all your study permit documentation alongside
your university/college applications and apply for the study permit as soon as
you receive the letter of acceptance

Application Requirements for Universities/Colleges in Canada:

- Depending on the program of study you select in Canada, you may be required to
submit several documents to fulfill the application requirements
- Program requirements can vary – some may require standard documents such as
academic transcripts, while others may require your non-Canadian degrees to be
assessed for equivalency through external organizations such as WES. Some programs
may also require letters of recommendation from previous professors/colleagues
- I would highly encourage you to shortlist programs of interest and refer to the
application requirements section on the institution’s website

Some affordable universities/colleges to consider:

The following are some universities that have Masters programs and are relatively affordable:

University/College Location Fees

University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Manitoba Fee Information
Lakehead University Thunderbay, Ontario Fee Information
Memorial University of St. Johns, Newfoundland Fees Information
University of Calgary Calgary, Alberta Fees Information

These are just a few examples – there are many more universities in Canada. I would
recommend avoiding universities in major cities such as Toronto, or Vancouver as the tuition
fees and cost of living will be higher.

Useful resources

- – II have used the forum on this website whenever I have had a
question about my studies in Canada. Usually, the community provides prompt
- Facebook Groups – there are numerous Facebook groups that provide unofficial advice
on study permit related questions

Examples of Facebook Groups:


 This service will be opening an office in Tehran soon and offers advice
through Zoom sessions. They can help you shortlist relevant programs of
study as well.
o Canada Express Entry PR Study Work Business Immigration, Visa

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