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1: Insert front
2:Insert Rear
3: Delete front
4: Delete Rear
5: display
6: exit

Enter your choice- ->1

Enter the Name:John

Enter the USN:123

Enter the Scmester:3

Enter the Branch icse

Enter the Contact Mumber:1234567690

1: Insert front
2:Insert Rcar
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rcar
5: display
6: exit

Enter your choice--->5

The contents of the 11ist are
I----Name-----USN----Branch---Sem-I---Phone NO-
john 123 CSC 3 1234567890
1: Insert front
2:Inscrt Rcar
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rcar
5: display
6: cxit

Enter your cho ice---)2

Enterthe NanC: janc

Enter the USN:145

Enter the Semester:3

Enterthe Branch:cse

Enter the Contact Number:9876543210

1: Insert front
2:Insert Rear
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rear
5: display
Enter your choice->5
The contents of the list are
{--Name USN----Branch---Sem- - -Phone NO--
john 123 CSe 1234567890
jane 145 CSe 3 9876543210
1: Insert front
2:Inscrt Rcar
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rear
5: display
6: exit

Enter your cho ice- -)3

*Record Deleted**
1: Insert front
2:Insert Rcar
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rear
5: display
6: exit

Enter your choice--->5

The contents of the list are

I----Name -ISN ---Branch--1-Sem----Phone NO-
Jane 145 CSe 3 9876543210
1: Insert front
2:Insert Rcar
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rear
5: display
6: exit

Enter your choice-4

***Record Deleted** -MAIN MENJ

1: : 1 e r t

3: Delete front
4:Delete Rear
5: display
6: exit

Enter your choice->5

****List is empty***
1: Insert front
2:Insert Rear
3: Delete front
4:Delete Rear
5: display
6: exit

Enteryour choice6

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