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Struggling to find the right topic for your haematology research paper? You're not alone.

Writing a
thesis or research paper in haematology can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to
selecting an appropriate topic that aligns with your interests and the requirements of your academic

Haematology is a complex field that encompasses the study of blood and its diseases, making it
essential to choose a topic that is both relevant and engaging. Whether you're a medical student,
researcher, or healthcare professional, finding the right research paper topic in haematology can be a
daunting process.

From exploring the latest advancements in the treatment of blood disorders to investigating the
underlying mechanisms of haematological diseases, there are countless avenues for exploration
within this fascinating field. However, navigating through the vast array of topics and narrowing
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The male will transmit an abnormal X chromosome to his daughters and making them carriers while
the Y-chromosomes transmitted to his sons and the sons are not affected. One may inherit this
deficiency or acquire it through a past accident or incident that had happened before such as the
removal of tooth. Haemophilia A occurs exclusively on males who have defective gene on his X
chromosome. Septic screen was done which included urine culture and sensitivity, stools culture and
sensitivity, sputum examination and a full blood count. Note that this is a promotional offer which
applies to all papers submitted before 31 December 2021. In case of a deficiency in iron, there will
be abnormally a low number of the red blood cell. The purpose of medical research is to learn how
our bodies work, why we get sick, and what we can do to get and stay well. The AACR as an
organization aims to promote cancer research worldwide. The severity of the condition depends on
number of genes that have been mutated. Blood maintains its liquid state as long as it remains in the
vessels. Haemoglobin Electrophoresis is a test method undertaken by separating and measuring the
abnormal and normal haemoglobin. A high MVC may result from abnormalities of the bone marrow,
chronic lung disease and nutritional deficiencies and all this may indicate that the patient is anemic.
Circulatory shock Cardiogenic Shock Hypovolemic Shock Sepsis, Septic Shock an. This oxygen is
acquired from the heart, where red blood cells are replenished with oxygen from the lungs. Cml1
Cml1 hepatotoxicity all (1) hepatotoxicity all (1) MCO 2011 - Slide 35 - F. Namburi phased spot test
- NPST To identify bhasma and sindhura - A Qualitat. Bone Marrow Histology is a Pathognomonic
Clue to Each of the JAK2V617F, MPL,5. The postpartum Hemorrhage is divided into two primary
and secondary forms. Primary postpartum Hemorrhage is the most common form with secondary
postpartum Hemorrhage defines a situation in which excessive bleeding from the genital tract occurs
twelve weeks during the postnatal period. At a later time they become active and produce antibodies
and they become referred to as plasma cells. It can also be due to use of medicines that can damage
red blood cells. The impact of the 2005 Blood Safety and Quality Regulations on hospital blood
banks was that the personnel in charge of the management of hospital blood banks are to follow
some requirements and it included. This will ensure that some of the possible causes of PPH are
eliminated. A low platelet count may be because of a medical condition known asthrombocytopenia
caused by usage of some drugs. Boso FG, Akorsu EE, Allotey EA, Yawson AA, Adomako SA,
Adusei S, Kwadzokpui PK. There are several actions that could trigger this block including
submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. With this anaemia the red
blood cells do not love for long as the normal ones. On failure of bone marrow to produce enough
erythrocytes to compensate the loss, anaemia develops (Turgeon, 2005, p. 157). The shelf-life of red
blood cell is found to be less than the normal span of 120 days resulting in anemic conditions in spite
of bone marrow’s capacity to increase red cell production several times which is however inadequate
to compensate the loss. Medical Research studies are designed to provide information on health or
disease. The patient began treatment with a therapy of melphalan and thalidomide together with
radiotherapy support for bone pain. Which of them will not be a source of good information for her?
This is the condition observed in haemolytic anaemia. The AACR as an organization aims to promote
cancer research worldwide. The red blood cell count is the estimation on the number of the red blood
cell per litre of blood. If you are still struggling try to use our sample topics list as a source of your
inspiration. A decrease in the level of serum ferritin indicates a chronic iron deficiency. Introducing
amazing Healthy habits and fitness Introducing amazing Healthy habits and fitness Anesthesia
Implications in cannabis Users.pptx Anesthesia Implications in cannabis Users.pptx Bursitis is
inflammation or irritation of a bursa sac. The deficiency of factor VIIIc is because of the
development of some antibodies that act against the coagulation process and results in a fatal
bleeding. When the red blood cells reduce in the blood stream because of rapture or haemolysis,
anaemia develops. As they advance, they develop and exhibit distinct proteins on their surfaces.
Patient has a swollen lymph node, fever, frequent infections, night sweats, and weight loss and
become asymptomatic. Clinically a patient with less than 1 percent is referred to be having severe
disease, 1-5 percent as factor activity and greater than 5 percent to be having a mild and moderate
disease. We hope that all our readers will find plenty of interest among these timely and thought-
provoking articles. The severity of the condition depends on number of genes that have been
mutated. There are newer options of treatment for people non responsive to “corticosteroids”
(Hoffman, 2006, p. 13) and spleen surgery, such as “mycophenolate” (Hoffman, 2006, p. 13) a new
immunosuppressive. Antibodies generally produced in the body to fight infections, attack red blood
cells for unknown reason. Find answers to your research questions at History Hub. Aletmtuzumab
antibody, this targets the CD52 which is a protein at the surface of a matute lymphocytes. Although
the diagnosis cannot be made by laboratory tests alone, the. Diagnosis and treatment of hemolytic
anaemia in general Apart from the findings of general features of haemolysis, Heinz bodies caused
by denaturation of unstable haemoglobin are found in red blood cells (RBCs). Blood formation takes
place in the liver, spleen, and lymph nodes and development goes to advanced stages. Abnormalities
in platelet aggregation and adhesiveness tests suggest defective platelet function3. Which illnesses
are associated with blood loss- Anemia can occur due to blood loss in cases such as hemorrhoids,
ulcers, cancer or gastritis. Level of haemoglobin in the blood, measuring on the level of haemoglobin
concentration in the blood helps in diagnosis of anaemia that caused by a deficiency in haemoglobin.
If the article gets notified for revision by the handling editor, then it will take another 5 days for
external review by the previous reviewer or alternative reviewer. How can medications cause
anemia?- The usage of NSAIDs such as ibuprofen and aspirin may lead to gastritis and ulcers which
in turn result in blood causing anemia. Myeloid cells are responsible for roles such as adaptive
immunity, innate immunity, and blood clotting. Heparin is a quick acting anticoagulant that blocks
the. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety IIHS is an independent nonprofit scientific and
educational organization dedicated to reducing deaths injuries and property damage from motor
vehicle crashes through research and evaluation and through education of consumers policymakers
and safety professionals. The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to
psychology. We are the oldest cancer research-focused association in the US, having just celebrated
our 110th anniversary this past year.
The deficiency of factor VIIIc is because of the development of some antibodies that act against the
coagulation process and results in a fatal bleeding. B are blood type AB. Others, who manufacture
neither, are called type O. To ensure that the testing and the procedures that the blood banks are to
take are all validated. Septic screen was done which included urine culture and sensitivity, stools
culture and sensitivity, sputum examination and a full blood count. Include pathophysiology; mode
of inheritance; and clinical presentation. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how
to manage cookies. A loe haemoglobin content may indicate that a person has anaemia and this
conmditipn can be present with iron deficiency whereas a high haemoglobin content may lead to
polycythaemia as this is normally associated with low concentration of haemoglobin. Work Sample
of Research Proposal Work Sample of Research Proposal An-empirical-examination-of-the-text-
structure-of-original-research-articles-. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. How many patients does case series should have In comparison to case reports. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. Haemopoiesis The process of production of blood
cells. Human bodies as well as the body of other animals are constantly faced by the risk of infection
from various disease agents. For example, when the drug statin is prescribed to a heart patient to
normalise his heartbeat, mainstream medicine may allow that patient to take omega-3 fatty acid
preparation only as supplement and never one without the other. This is 100% legal. You may not
submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Level of haemoglobin in the
blood, measuring on the level of haemoglobin concentration in the blood helps in diagnosis of
anaemia that caused by a deficiency in haemoglobin. Haemophilia A is a bleeding disorder that
develops out of deficiency in factor VIII. In other publication styles this list may be called a
bibliography or a works cited page but APA uses the term reference list. Postgraduate Diploma in
Hospital Management and Operational Excellence - Broc. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the
Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. They offer a healthy basis to understand very many factors
that have been previously ignored. Sideroblasts which is an Immature siderocytes forming a ring
pattern. The impact of the 2005 Blood Safety and Quality Regulations on hospital blood banks was
that the personnel in charge of the management of hospital blood banks are to follow some
requirements and it included. The shape or poikilocytosis of the red blood cells may have 10-30
projections, which are spiny, known as echinocytes. This condition might have resulted from iron
deficiency since iron is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, which can also be linked to
situations of inability of the body to absorb certain vitamins which help in hemoglobin production.
This is a combined treatment that has largely been used in patients diagnosed with myeloma. Healthy
individuals are generally expected to have their blood cell populations within the normal limits and
therefore a doctor may order a full blood count for a person having the symptoms associated with
anemia such as weakness and jaundice to help diagnose the cause. Red cell count, this is the
estimation per litre of blood on the red blood cells. Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management
and Operational Excellence - Broc. ? ???? ??????? Different Types of Heart Surgery Offered at
Gokuldas Hospital Exploring Treat. TZE YENG YEOH MBChB II (2003). CASE 1 -1. Mary, 31
year old lady.
Presentation on Cerebral Palsy and its orthotic management Presentation on Cerebral Palsy and its
orthotic management Hematology case studies: Platelets 1. The doctor should then find out the
patient’s history in respect to previous births (Bhau, 2008). You are called to see a 30y old man on
Ward 2Y with AML, Day 15 of chemotherapy with a fever of 38 ? C. Hb 8.7 WBC 0.2 (Neuts 0.0)
Plt 16. What do you do? What don’t you do. Absorptive disorders may also disrupt the uptake of
folate and vitamin B12 which are both necessary for erythropoiesis. In chronic lymphocytic
leukemia, there is continuous accumulation of incompetent monoclonal lymphocytes. Reduction on
these factors arises out of the development of antibodies primarily IgG that work against the clotting
process of a bleeding s site. However, the proliferation of lymphoid cells usually occurs in the
secondary lymphoid organs such as lymph nodes, spleen, and thymus. This is a combined treatment
that has largely been used in patients diagnosed with myeloma. It is also important to note that they
were observing trends from developed countries. Less than 5 volumes 30 days 8 - 9 volumes 40 days
10 and more volumes 45 days. Myeloma has been greatly linked to the reduction in immune systems
though no imminent cause has been identified to date and those susceptible to the disease are the
aging individuals at the age of 65 and above. Work Sample of Research Proposal Work Sample of
Research Proposal An-empirical-examination-of-the-text-structure-of-original-research-articles-.
Autoimmune hemolytic anaemia (AIHA) It has been recently found that it occurs in people
administered with “purine nucleoside analogues for hematologic malignancies” (Hoffman, 2006, p.
13). It also results from blood transfusion complications in people who have received
“alloiimmunization”. Differentiation is a process whereby cells acquire a type regarding hemopoiesis.
The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma also continues to increase. This is done more than once
since the results fluctuate over time. Already published content will remain available on the Atlantis
Press platform until further notice and will be migrated to SpringerLink in due course. This presents
a situation where blood continuously flows after the delivery (Anderson, 2007). What are the
functions for the different components. TEMPI Syndrome: a rare plasma cell paraneoplastic
syndrome that mainly charac. A decrease in the level of serum ferritin indicates a chronic iron
deficiency. Haemorrhage Bleeding, either internally or externally. This disease develops when blood
in the bone marrow is produced in a large amount. This is also made quite difficult if the woman is
suffering from a blood disorder (Knight, 2009). Secondly, the clotting factor level in the blood of the
patient is measured and if it is below 50 percent of the normal then probably the patient is a carrier
having, a mild condition whereas factor levels above 50 percent also means that the patient is still a
carrier only that there are elevated levels on the factor. We are the oldest cancer research-focused
association in the US, having just celebrated our 110th anniversary this past year. This test performed
is referred to as a full blood count and once the test for Haemoglobin falls below a certain level of
count then it can be presumed that the patient has anemia. The only treatment is bone marrow
transplant and cord blood transplantations though they can cause complications in some and hence
are not suitable for all. At 1000x magnification (oil immersion), this is equivalent to about 7-. Red
cell G6PD activity is low i.e ( accessed 20 May 2013 Weatherall, D. (2010). Thalassaemia: The
Haematopathology: Introducing the various types of anaemias and red cell di. This condition results
from tiny fractures in the bones that are made of accumulated plasma cells causing a weakened bone
structure. Absorptive disorders may also disrupt the uptake of folate and vitamin B12 which are both
necessary for erythropoiesis. Red blood cell count, this is in order to measure the number of the red
blood cells per litre of blood. High differential white cell count may reslt in leukemia or lymphoma.
Which of them will not be a source of good information for her? It also includes the study of
etiology, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis, and blood diseases prevention. Role of Regulatory
authorities in Quality education, practice, and rights of. Normal ranges of haemoglobin S should be
50% and high levels of Hb S about 70-98% the implicatiuon will be sickle cell anaemia. Our faculty
conducts scientific research on topics that span across all areas of psychology. In case if iron
deficiency, there is a reduced reticulocyte count. It details the dynamics of the fluid in the veins
(blood) which play a significant role in the modeling. Hemoglobin is obviously responsible for the
transport of oxygen in the blood keeping the body and cells fresh and active. TZE YENG YEOH
MBChB II (2003). CASE 1 -1. Mary, 31 year old lady. Distinguish between the following types of
anemia-including symptoms- 1. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to
manage cookies. Pubrica How many patients does case series should have In comparison to case
reports. The test itself is the most appropriate worldwide for an examination of blood further
supported by the fact that it gives an overview of the patients' condition. It would have been
essential to observe some developing countries. On failure of bone marrow to produce enough
erythrocytes to compensate the loss, anaemia develops (Turgeon, 2005, p. 157). The shelf-life of red
blood cell is found to be less than the normal span of 120 days resulting in anemic conditions in spite
of bone marrow’s capacity to increase red cell production several times which is however inadequate
to compensate the loss. Macrocytosis Abnormally large red blood cells (erythrocytes). The other role
is that is carries the factor VIII in the circulation thereby increasing the half-life of this coagulation
factor by a great percentage. This is also made quite difficult if the woman is suffering from a blood
disorder (Knight, 2009). Abnormalities in platelet aggregation and adhesiveness tests suggest
defective platelet function3. This disease is most common in adults over 55 years of age but at times
younger adults also get this disease. An analysis of recent advancements in computational biology
and Bioinformatic. Find answers to your research questions at History Hub. Disease of the bone
marrow resulting from myelodysplatic syndrome, myelofibrosis and leukemia. Neutropenia is a
medical condition characterized by a reduction in the number of neitrophils in the blood. At times,
the spleen, liver, and thymus recommence their hematopoietic function commonly known as
extramedullary hematopoiesis.

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