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Crafting a thesis is a formidable challenge that many students face during their academic journey.

demands extensive research, critical analysis, and proficient writing skills. When tasked with writing
a thesis on a complex topic like Afghanistan, the difficulties only intensify. The subject matter is
intricate, multifaceted, and often fraught with political, social, and cultural nuances.

Understanding the historical context, geopolitical dynamics, socio-economic factors, and cultural
intricacies of Afghanistan requires meticulous study and comprehensive analysis. Moreover,
conducting fieldwork or accessing reliable primary sources can be challenging due to the country's
volatile nature and restricted access to certain regions.

Navigating through a plethora of academic literature, synthesizing diverse perspectives, and

formulating original arguments further compounds the difficulty of crafting a thesis on Afghanistan.
Additionally, ensuring the accuracy and credibility of sources, adhering to academic conventions,
and maintaining a coherent structure pose significant hurdles.

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When there’s such a hinder of women’s education, even if the economy did pull itself up and jobs
became readily available to women, women still wouldn’t be able to qualify for these positions.
Moreover, Afghanistan unfortunately continues to be an unstable region with militants and
extremists occupying many parts of the country. However, years of combat and retaliation against
outside forces have left the land and its people in ruins. India is regarded as a positive actor by most
of Afghans contrary to Pakistan. This has raised a lot of concerns about the willingness of the
Taliban to try diplomacy. Here people wash their hands five times a day for prayers. Civil War and
War in Afghanistan were fought in order to end oppression. Specializing in strategic studies and
American foreign policy, Bakich teaches courses in grand strategy, U.S. national security policy,
U.S.-China relations, and strategy and cybersecurity. The day the Taliban came into power in 1996,
women’s rights disappeared completely. Although, there will remain a sizeable US presence in
Afghanistan, but Indian presence is providing local socioeconomic infrastructure and civil, military
and political services to promote peace and sanctuary in the war-torn country, which is a sources of
fear and anxiety for Pakistan. As we shall see, however, that of Afghanistan is not at all an easy
analysis to make. It will cost much more in the long term if they decide to leave Afghanistan simply
because Bin Laden has been eliminated, but before the job has been finished making Afghanistan
into a stable country, whose people will not permit their government to host future terrorists. During
the next 2 years, the Soviets gradually withdrew their forces as per a treaty designed by the Afghans,
and the war officially came to and end, but the consequences of one of the most controversial
occupations in world history live on. The Americans, therefore, relied on alliances from the northern
part of Afghanistan, such as Tajik and Uzbek. While the Taliban originally seemed like a wonderful
idea that would save the cities from the civil war that raged in their streets, they soon learned that the
Taliban were more cruel then the war ever had been. Afghanistan enjoyed a healthy relationship with
the Soviet Union during most of the 20th Century. Life is difficult for women in domestic life,
educational life, and religious life. Key quote: “We can at least instill a sense of fear, that the
international community will support rule of law, and come after you. Soon the Soviets realized that
the war was getting out of their hands, and they stopped being defensive and employed a more
offensive strategy. The numerous security issues made him spend most of his time in his palace
situated in Kabul. Mohammed, however, refused to heed to these demands. In addition to these 4
main languages, there are as many as 70 other languages and many dialects spoken by various
smaller sections of the Afghan people. Few Tajik people leave their area to live in the central
mountains area. (Ethnic Groups of Afghanistan). By this time, Amin had established a communist
government, which believed in rejecting the religious believes something that sparked very negative
reactions from most people. Our business does NOT deal with ghostwriting services as we are aware
of this being one of the academic misconducts. You can download the paper by clicking the button
above. Some of the reasons that a nation usually considers before it moves to war with another
nation is whether the war is worth going onto and whether the country can actually succeed in such a
war. However, some areas of this world are still largely male-dominated, with strong discrimination
against the female sex. The biggest problem was corruption in Afghanistan and drugs was part of it.
My Assignment Services is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university.
The name of the state Afghanistan is given to it because it is the land of Afghans as they are the
nationals of the country. The force was overseen by the NATO, and it was its first mission carried out
outside Europe. Despite all this, Persian poetry is regarded as a strong form of poetry and is well-
liked by Afghan nationals. To this point, it should be mentioned that Dost Mohammed, who was
overthrown in 1839 by the British, also withdrew without a fight, in his case to the Panjsher Valley.
Finally, the invaders used military power to root out the guerillas or limit their options, namely,
weeding out the insurgency. What is sadder, the fact that the Islamic Revolutionaries that were
spawned by America and the CIA have turned on the West incurring major terrorist attacks
throughout the world. Besides patron-client relationships (qawm) are still striving and stalling the
full development of political parties. Throughout history Afghanistan remained instable due to its
geography, week governments and foreign invasions. Key quote: “Drugs was a nasty thing that had
to be contended with. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that
is cheating. Also you. The interviewer will have to make sure that it is okay with the people being
interviewed to be asked these opinions. They began work in collaboration with groups that were
against Taliban. While we compile a relatively comprehensive set of data, our analysis is based on a
subset of stabilization programming the lack of a central repository of reliable data on program
spending limited the analysis—because data were kept in disparate locations and never consolidated
our quantitative analysis. America banned the export of grains to the USSR, and boycotted the
Olympic Games held in Moscow in a move to compel it to withdraw its forces from the country.
Throughout their history, the Hazara have been taken advantage of and mistreated with few
advocates to speak up for them. The research will be presented in the form of graphs.III. Ethical
Considerations The ethical considerations of the research are many. Men were required to grow
beards and women to cover up in a burka. Through this special commission, it was reported that
Amin was in effect fraternizing with China and Pakistan, Afghanistan’s neighbors, and that his
loyalty to the Soviet Union was not apparent. Il existe des moyens pour y faire face et vous serez
probablement gueri. The Taliban, however, are only a small party and their democratic status is not
strong. The people who were not content with Amin joined the leaders to form Mujahedeen and
declared a jihad on Amin and all those who supported him. Just like Martha, are you also interested
in getting Afghanistan essay samples, or a quick list of some of the most heart-throbbing essay topics
on the war in Afghanistan, then your search is over now. This is 100% legal. You may not submit
downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. By using our site, you agree to our
collection of information through the use of cookies. Also, although they only make up only a minor
part of Afghanistan and are not well known, Uzbeks have no hesitation marrying with other Uzbeks
and Tajiks. These include the Asia-Pacific area, and Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel. First we went
in to get al-Qaeda, and to get al-Qaeda out of Afghanistan, and even without killing Bin Laden we
did that. In 2004, a constitution was made, guarding women’s rights and declaring men and women
equal citizens. The war in Afghanistan has claimed a afghanistan war essay of lives. Additional
Downloads: Lessons Learned from Stabilization Initiatives in Afghanistan: A Systematic Review of
Existing Research Stabilization in Afghanistan: Trends in Violence, Attitudes, Well-being and
Program Activity Pre-Analysis Plan Pre-Analysis Plan Addendum.
The systems in the international countries are usually the ones that trigger reaction from the country.
Afghanistan’s population is multiethnic and so are their cultures. What are the implications for an
unstable Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a nation with deep-seated religious ties, which makes rivalries
between various Islamic sects all the more severe. By this time, the number of US troops in the
country was 8,000. Taliban widely debated in Pakistan among policy makers, security institutions,
politicians, academia and media. During the first two years of his time in office, Taraki employed a
liberal approach to governance by modernizing reforms. Many of these changes were seen by the
masses as being anti-Islamic, something that greatly inflamed many. You can download the paper by
clicking the button above. This afghanistan war essay led to a number of bombings, killing of
militants and innocent civilians, killings of American and British militants carried out by the Taliban,
afghanistan war essay, etc. Download Free PDF View PDF Thinking on Afghan Media and Future
Nilufer Pembecioglu — Afghanistan, with its cultural and historical background is an interesting
country to explore. Many hope the death of their leader will give the Taliban greater incentive to talk
rather than fight, although it may be the case that they want to seek revenge on those who helped to
kill Osama. Specific examples include the killing of civilians by a bicycle-bomb while receiving relief
food, the British soldier who died on March 15,from wounds he sustained in the Helmand bomb, the
35 people killed in the March 14 th Kandahar bombing meant to be a warning to Nato etc. People to
be surveyed will be married, single, and divorced. The cover “snowflake” from Rumsfeld catches
only a couple of points from McCaffrey: the lack of small arms for Afghan forces, and the
recommendation for almost doubling the size of the Afghan army. Il existe des moyens pour y faire
face et vous serez probablement gueri. It would be reductive to link recent events in the country,
namely the invasion of Western foreign troops and their final retreat, with the return of the Islamic
extremist group. The global war on terror is used in military to counter the attacks in the United
States on the 11th September, 2001. When there’s such a hinder of women’s education, even if the
economy did pull itself up and jobs became readily available to women, women still wouldn’t be
able to qualify for these positions. This has led to prioritization of war intervention by both the U.
The group had several motives, such as the introduction of laws that were termed as retrogressive
and violating human rights. Former lead forensic accountant for U.S. military task force that
investigated corruption. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. The coding sheet
framed Taliban in the content and context as positive, negative and neutral. Some of these marriages
are to someone up to sixty years old. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information
through the use of cookies. From this, Karzai made attempts to reconcile, but Mullah Omar, the
Taliban leader, did not yield. The pipelines they all plan to build will need to run through
Afghanistan, although at the moment the country is too unstable. The stop was more important for
Afghanistan as it was passing through a transition period. The conflicts in Afghanistan and that of
Vietnam are similar in the sense that, the United states was involved either financially or militarily
against the spread of communism. By this time, the USSR forces in the country were 85,000 in
number. They.
The people of Afghanistan consider themselves strongly associated with their culture, religion,
identity, and freedom (Toynbee, 1961). It also advocated that women should make of 25% of the
government. The USA moved into Afghanistan just after the September 11 2001 to demolish the
Taliban. Does the present process of withdrawal of US forces signal a throwback to the 1990s.
Different dynasties established their foundations and were ruined away. The day the Taliban came
into power in 1996, women’s rights disappeared completely. With the rolling back of US engagement
the regional dimension is widely expected to become more important. This will help to increase the
faith of the people and create an understanding with their government. Download Free PDF View
PDF Multicultural Review Afghanistan and Afghan Americans: Helping K-8 School Librarians and
Educators Understand Their History, Culture and Literature Frank Bruno Download Free PDF View
PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. Its
looks that Afghanistan has become a second battle ground for both India and Afghanistan after the
battleground of Kashmir. A year later, the country held parliamentary elections, with women
garnering several seats, which had been set aside so as to ensure an equitable gender balance. Later in
2005, the U.S. military would take over police training, and still fail to produce a professional force,
not least because the whole idea was foreign to rural Afghans, who settled disputes primarily through
village elders. Keith Dear Download Free PDF View PDF Afghanistan’s neighbours: Great Game,
Regional Approach or Limited Liability Opportunism. Since the Soviet-Afghan war, the region has
been affected by terrorism and violence as a result of the rise of various fundamentalist groups.
These include the Asia-Pacific area, and Sub-Saharan Africa and the Sahel. Finally in November the
Northern Alliance took control of the capital city Kabul whilst being helped by the US and other
countries like the UK, although the Taliban leader Mullah Omar and Osama Bin Laden were not
captured. To secure its interests in Afghanistan India also established good relations with Iran. These
attacks led to deaths of more than 3,000 people, among them 400 police men and fire fighters.
Another reason was the widely reported cases of abuse of prisoners who were under custody of the
US in their detention centers. Attention was diverted towards afghanistan because there was no
regime as such. John Nicholson in 2017, and the Pentagon press secretary in 2021 all endorsing the
effectiveness of the Afghan security forces. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest.
Plagued with extra costs when operating businesses and excessive license checks, Sikhs and Hindus
are discriminated against at work and even when walking home (Rouyee). These groups were so
greatly equipped and active in the mid-80s that soon they engaged in airborne warfare. Women in
Afghanistan have had it rather rough with the bumpiness of their rights in the past few decades,
current acts of discrimination against them, and the difficultly in securing women’s rights.
Afghanistan is a country rich in culture and natural resources. It can be considered as present in the
center of Asia. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of
cookies. In this thesis he tired to present different theories regarding their origin and then support
one theory by backing it by quoting different scholars. Few Tajik people leave their area to live in the
central mountains area. (Ethnic Groups of Afghanistan).
The major ethnic groups are Pashtuns, Tajik’s, Hazara’s, and Uzbek’s (Greens) The second main
ethnic groups are the Tajiks. To many, the idea of an Afghanistan with no independent media is now
unthinkable, but it will take a broad and concerted effort to make sure that does not happen. Just like
Martha, are you also interested in getting Afghanistan essay samples, or a quick list of some of the
most heart-throbbing essay topics on the war in Afghanistan, then your search is over now. The
prominent unit of culture is the family, which is considered sacred and to be highly safeguarded. The
report aims to provide BAAG with an understanding of the amount of coverage Afghanistan has
received, how the British print media has framed British aid efforts in Afghanistan in 2013, the
obstacles and influences that journalists face in reporting on Afghanistan, and how journalists
perceive this narrative to unfold given the political developments ahead. However, Abduallah wanted
changes made to the election process - when these were not fulfilled he did not stand, leaving Hamid
as the president. Pakistan and India are also two important neighbor of Afghanistan. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. Interviewed on Jan. 11, 2016. Key quote: “I always thought Karzai had a point, that
you just cannot put those amounts of money into a very fragile state and society, and not have it fuel
corruption. However, some areas of this world are still largely male-dominated, with strong
discrimination against the female sex. From the more than 400 interviews, The Post has selected —
and annotated — 25 that are essential reading and put key revelations from The Afghanistan Papers
into stark relief. John Nicholson in 2017, and the Pentagon press secretary in 2021 all endorsing the
effectiveness of the Afghan security forces. MAIN FINDINGS British print media coverage on
Afghanistan seems to fluctuate irregularly over the five year period. These rights are backed up by
local customs, the law or people 's behaviours. President Obama’s holdover Secretary of Defense,
Robert Gates, had abruptly fired the U.S. commander in Afghanistan, Gen. Media has dominated the
society, culture and method of training people. Report this Document Download now Save Save
afghanistan essay copy For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 169 views 3
pages Afghanistan Essay Uploaded by api-284763062 AI-enhanced title and description Prior to
1996, the king of Afghanistan, Amir Amanullah Khan, emphasised the importance of women and
their role in society. This allowed for the first elections that were democratic for the first time since
the Taliban rule had been demolished. However, the Mujahedeen forces proved more formidable an
opponent they had seemed earlier. The Afghanistan government refused to surrender Osama Bin
Laden to the United States officials and to destroy the al-Qaeda bases completely. The people who
were not content with Amin joined the leaders to form Mujahedeen and declared a jihad on Amin
and all those who supported him. To this point, it should be mentioned that Dost Mohammed, who
was overthrown in 1839 by the British, also withdrew without a fight, in his case to the Panjsher
Valley. The Pentagon wanted to avoid a prolonged occupation of Afghanistan by the US army as it
had happened in the USSR earlier. Former national security adviser and former director of Defense
Intelligence Agency. The proximate cause of this hearing was the Washington Post publication in
December 2019 of “The Afghanistan Papers” series by Craig Whitlock, based in large part on the
Post’ s successful lawsuit against SIGAR to obtain copies of the hundreds of “lessons learned”
interviews Sopko’s office had done with former policy makers, contractors, and military veterans of
Afghanistan. Different groups of Afghans, which came from diverse ethnic and political
backgrounds, began to resist the Soviet forces and their allies. Does the present process of
withdrawal of US forces signal a throwback to the 1990s. The military would have been happy with
a civilian counternarcotics strategy.” Read the document. Marin Strmecki Former civilian adviser on
Afghanistan to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld. Interviewed on Oct. 19, 2015. Key quote:
“Right now, it is all ad hoc. The paper brings into light major common factors among Pakistan and
Afghanistan. On this very day, the President of USA announced an end to combat operations in

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