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(Off Campus Teaching Internship)

Angelo A. Teope

Mr. Richard Bermundo


Teaching isn’t not just a job and
profession but a privilege to entails the
values and knowledge to every innocent mind of
a younger generation. Teaching internship is
the placement in a work environment which can
enable us to acquire professional experience.
It is an opportunity to integrate the knowledge
and skills acquired unto career related
experience by participating in planned,
supervised work. Thus, teaching internship
helps us, as aspiring teachers for our future

It plays a vital role to our success as a

professional teacher. It gives us the
opportunities to apply what we have learned in
actual classroom practice. Moreover, at this
momentous journey, we had experienced certain
phenomenon which molded us to be better, braver
and competent educators.

It tested our personal capacity if what

kind of educator we are. This teaching
internship truly brought everyone of us in an
obstacle that is full of torn that we need to
surpass in a specific time period. It involves
sleepless nights, feel ill, anxiety, dizzy and
certain changes to our physical body.

Our work is not just an educator but an

individual with a heart to serve. To prepare an
appropriate and effective demonstration process
with an accompaniment of a well-planned lesson
and instructional materials. It is not just,
because school is our second home which we
value everything. We clean, we decide, we
planned and we nurture. This off campus journey
was truly a challenging yet a very satisfying
part as an educator. Ensuring that all what
we’ve learn to this will definitely applied to
our profession as we pursue it.

I, Angelo A. Teope would like to express my
gratefulness to the following people who were able to
give their willingness to help, for their assistance
and for brilliant ideas they shared, unwearied support,
and precious time for the accomplishment of this
portfolio in Off-campus teaching internship.
My deepest and sincere thanks to our Heavenly
Father, for giving me strength, good health, knowledge,
and skills in making this portfolio. Thank you Lord for
the mercy poured upon me and to all of us.
To the school, San Juan Elementary School with the
approval of our respective School Principal and other
teachers and faculties who welcomed and allowed us to
conduct our teaching internship.
To our Off-campus teaching internship instructor,
Mr. Richard R. Bermundo who enthusiastically shares the
knowledge, guidance and learning to us. Thanks for the
typical advice you shared with us and for all the
teaching views you had given.
To all the teachers especially to my cooperating
teacher, Mrs. Catherine R. Bautista and Mrs. Cristina
B. Blanquiza for their kindness and assistance. Thank
you for guiding me and sharing your knowledge and other
important things needed for me to possess an effective
and productive teaching and learning process.
To my family, relatives, and friends especially to
my affectionate parents who work hard for me, for their
undying support and effort for the success of this
Thank you so much! May God richly Bless you all

Curriculum Vitae
Personal Data:
Birth Date: March 28, 2000
Birth Place: Binatagan Ligao City
Sex: Male
Age: 23
Height: 5’10
Weight: 60
Religion: Baptist Christian
Nationality: Filipino
Paren’ts Name: Luisa A. Teope (Mother)
Edgar B. Teope (Father)

Educational Background:
Tertiary: Oas Community College (2019-2023)
Secondary: Oas Polytechnic School (2013-2019)
Primary: Oas South Elementary School (2007-2013)

My Teaching Philosophy as a Beginning


Teaching is a passion that brings about changes and

transformations in people's lives. As a new teacher, my
opinion is that we must have the heart of a teacher.
Teaching as a vocation that you enjoy. We can shape any
inexperienced mind into a competent and knowledgeable
individual through our zeal.
Moreover, it is necessary to discover and learn
their various behavioural acts as well as their diverse
learning ability. To constantly monitor each student's
progress and ensure that they are all following the right
learning pedagogy. Assuring that it meets the needs and
interests of all students.
Furthermore, it is critical for teachers to be their
students' second parents. Learners learn best when they
are constantly motivated. We don't even know what their
position is before they start to school, therefore we
must continually remind them how wonderful it is to
complete their studies. I know that every kid is
intelligent; all we need to do is maximize their
potential through the best teaching and learning
Additionally, it is necessary to always reinforce to
children the value of morals above everything else and
the necessity to remember who they are, no matter what
happens. I raise them as competent humans with good
morals since I am a teacher, and I educate and develop
them as such.

Cover …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Page ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Curriculum Vitae ……………………………………………………………………………………………….

Certificate of Completion ……………………………………………………………………..

Professional Readings ………………………………………………………………………………….

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