Research Paper About Cell Phones and How Have They Changed Us Socially

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Title: Unraveling the Complexities: Crafting a Thesis on the Social Impact of Cell Phones

In the modern era, cell phones have become ubiquitous, fundamentally altering the fabric of our
society. From transforming how we communicate to reshaping social interactions, the impact of these
devices is undeniable. However, delving into the depths of this transformation through a thesis can
be a daunting task, laden with challenges at every turn.

Writing a thesis on the social impact of cell phones requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and
a deep understanding of sociological concepts. It entails navigating through a plethora of scholarly
articles, conducting surveys or interviews, and synthesizing vast amounts of information into a
coherent argument. Moreover, it demands a nuanced approach, considering various perspectives and
potential biases inherent in the research.

One of the primary difficulties in crafting such a thesis lies in defining the scope of the topic. The
influence of cell phones on society is multifaceted, spanning areas such as communication patterns,
social interactions, privacy concerns, and even psychological effects. Narrowing down the focus
while still addressing the complexity of the subject is a formidable challenge faced by many

Furthermore, interpreting the data gathered and drawing meaningful conclusions can be a daunting
endeavor. Analyzing the quantitative and qualitative data in a rigorous manner requires advanced
analytical skills and a keen eye for detail. Moreover, presenting findings in a clear and compelling
manner that contributes to the existing body of knowledge adds another layer of complexity to the

Amidst these challenges, seeking assistance from reputable sources can be invaluable. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution to alleviate the burden of crafting a thesis on the social impact
of cell phones. With a team of experienced writers well-versed in research methodologies and
academic writing standards, ⇒ ⇔ provides tailored assistance to students
embarking on this academic journey.

By leveraging the expertise of professionals, students can ensure that their thesis meets the highest
standards of quality and rigor. Whether it's refining research questions, conducting literature reviews,
or structuring the thesis effectively, ⇒ ⇔ offers comprehensive support every step
of the way.

In conclusion, writing a thesis on the social impact of cell phones is undeniably challenging,
requiring diligent research, critical analysis, and effective communication of findings. However, with
the assistance of ⇒ ⇔, students can navigate through these complexities with
confidence, ensuring that their thesis makes a meaningful contribution to the field of study.
Question and Answer Book, AMACOM Books, USA. (2002). Pg. 17. One of the most important
barriers which need to be taken into consideration is a selection of inappropriate channel. Mobile
phones have a huge impact on the lifestyle of the adults around the world. Campbell, Scott W. and
Park, Yong Jin. “Social Implications of Mobile Telephony: The Rise of Personal Communication
Society”. Mobile phones are also called cellphones, mobile or cell. I had a telephone in my room
(which was a big deal) it was attached to the wall with a long cord and was then attached to a base
so I couldn’t walk around the house and talk on the phone. The main purpose of this mass
communication is to entertain, sell and to raise disagreement to the plan of discussion. 4. The Soviet
Communist Theory- This theory developed in Soviet-Union. Using a cell phone is the main problem
for drivers. In a number of aspects, it is the big reason why individuals enjoy a lot of comfort in their
lives. For example, reality television star Kim Kardashian and her family have a great social media
presence, which enables them to make the products and services they mention about trend across the
different social media platforms. Trending increases a product’s popularity, which in turn increases
demand, and finally profits for the company associated with the product. In this theory, media are
controlled by community opinion, consumer action and professional ethics. With just over 19,000
residents, Ozark is full of kind faces and close-knit community; however, the introduction of cell
phones may be changing that. It is also a way to gather information from others. Cell phones are
efficient since they make it possible for people to gain more output for equal units of input. I see a
lot of people on the phone all the time and I believe they have changed us because now just about
everywhere you go there is sign instructing you not to be on your cell phone while ordering or
conduct any type of transaction. In the past few years there have been court cases against cell phone
companies stating that the phones caused substantial damage. According to statistical information
from National Transport Safety Board (NTSB), texting while driving alone causes 11 teen deaths on
a daily basis. Smart phones, that combine the features of PDAs and cell phones include features such
as mobile telephony, SMS, Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS), Cell phone positioning, navigation
systems such as traffic information and geographical location, Instant Messaging, Emails, organizers,
calendars, notepads, address books, music, remote access to networks, remote monitoring, mobile
ticketing and mobile wallet ( Zheng and Ni, pg. 51-55, 2006). Overall, cell phones have had a
significant impact on our society, both positive and negative. A survey by Gazelle revealed that more
than 25% of respondents reported frequent use of their iPhone while socializing, including during
meals or. I employed these research designs in order to discover whether cell phones have brought
change in society, to find out the positive and negative effects brought in the society by cell phones,
and to find out how, if any, negative effects can be reduced effects. Connection issues, widening
generation gaps, misinformation via social media, increased socioeconomic tensions, cyberbullying,
and probable health ramifications only scratch the surface of cell phones’ immense impact. However,
in the past, the mobile phone still must be concocted. There are now more car accidents due to cell
phones. By that we have brought something that can help us. Cell phones have been an important
part of the society for several years and this technology has experienced tremendous amount of
change since its evolution. Information: Keeping up with the current affairs is another benefit that
modern generation mobiles give to their users. Another elemental use of the mobile phone is the
ability to access the internet (Hansen 1). They’re not only speaking in abbreviated ways but they are
also beginning to become distracted during conversations. An unengaged student can often be
identified by their possession of a cellphone, indicating a lack of interest and a preference for
socializing rather than focusing on academics.
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Humans and Technology Wemi Ibidun Technology has been a major part of our daily lives. Most
calls home are not for emergencies, they are for mere simple communication that do not need to be
done during school. The research seeks to maintain simplicity yet it will have precision, wealth in its
consultation to various literature, in-depth analysis and objective examination of the issues under
observation. A standard was expected to improve the similarity between these frameworks. Keep on
browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Consumer applications such
as purchasing tickets, programs and magazines information will be successful in the future. These
devices physically limited people’s ability to relay messages in real-time. Mobile phones have a huge
impact on the lifestyle of the adults around the world. Cell Phones popularity, demand and less
security has made them best target for the attackers. Now, people have many more uses for their cell
phones, other than just making the occasional phone call. We’ll occasionally send you promo and
account related email. Only time will tell all the health problems cell phones can cause. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. When one
has a cell phone, one can get information about the well being of family members, and an individual
can be able to call for help in case of an emergency (Geser 4). Contrastingly, cellphones have also
increased the occurrence of fraudulent cyber crimes, promoted anti-social behaviors, and increased
the likelihood of accidents. However, this is causing many students to become unfocused and
sidetracked during face to face conversations. “I think that some cell phones have opened up
communication for teens 100% because that’s how they communicate with their friends, parents,
with their school work. In addition, innovative tech gurus are increasing the number of applications
that are compatible with cellphones, which expose people to a new platform; social media.
Performance.” Cambridge University Press. (2002). Pg.8-9. It's well-known that communication
plays a vital role in human being society because maintaining the relationship with family members,
peers, relatives, and with all those who are close to us and touches our lives in one way or another is
indispensable. Today when people are waiting for a bus, they just pull out their cell phones and speak
with old friends, missing out on the opportunity to make new ones. Convenience offered by
cellphones has freed up time for individuals to engage in constructive activities. In the essay
“Camera phone technology in the Market” the author focuses on the influence of the different forms
of technologies that are related to telecommunications and digital applications. What change in
attitude and outlook has it bought about. In 2010, a study proved that as internet use increased, time
spent with family and friends decreased while 39% of Americans spend more time socializing online
than face-to-face (Brown 2013). Introduction of the mobile phones also equipped the users with new
methods of communication along with the traditional methods. Smart phones, that combine the
features of PDAs and cell phones include features such as mobile telephony, SMS, Enhanced
Messaging Service (EMS), Cell phone positioning, navigation systems such as traffic information
and geographical location, Instant Messaging, Emails, organizers, calendars, notepads, address books,
music, remote access to networks, remote monitoring, mobile ticketing and mobile wallet ( Zheng
and Ni, pg. 51-55, 2006). People can connect all over the world whenever they want. The United
States saw an advent of the Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS), Narrowband Advanced
Mobile Phone System (NAMPS), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) and the Code Division
Multiple Access (CDMA). The mobile phones have many other benefits to offer to their users such
as camera, music player, games, GPS, Mobile office and lots more. In conclusion, it is apparent that
any form of technology affects society in both unfavorable and favorable ways.
It is no surprise that with how much people are attached to their phones it is almost impossible to set
it down even if just for an hour. Just talk to our smart assistant Amy and she'll connect you with the
best. This is because cell phones are key tools of socialization, yet, with unfamiliar people, most
people tend to concentrate so much on their phones instead of getting to know their neighbours
(Katz 15). The majority of the calls, if not all, will be used in idle chatter. According to Larry Rosen,
virtual communication is not commendable like real world interactions. Data from the different parts
of the world proves that the diffusion of the mobile telephony is even higher than the Internet which
considered being the most successful technology innovation of the modern world. Cellphone service
providers liaise with banks to provide convenient financial services to their clients such as clients are
able to check their bank balance, withdraw or deposit money using their cellphones. “M-pesa” is a
cellphone-based money transfer service provided by a Kenyan company called Safaricom after its
launch into the market in 2007 (Saylor 304). Cell phones have been an important part of the society
for several years and this technology has experienced tremendous amount of change since its
evolution. A huge example is Facebook, everybody even my grandmother has a Facebook account.
The invention of cell phones today they have to bring drastic changes in the lifestyle of people. In
different theories it is said that human beings shares a universal orientation towards the adoption and
use of communication medium. You could tune in to music and utilize the web simultaneously. In
this paper I aim to discuss the evolution of mobile phones and how it has affected our society
(especially teens) in recent years. I was walking north on a sidewalk, preparing to cross the road on a
green light. So the use of mobile in public settings is facing many challenges yet it is getting famous
and creating a new type of society. Katz, J. “Magic in the Air: Mobile Communication and the
Transformation of Social Life,”. I do feel that the importance of face- to- face communication has
been impacted by the use of cell phone and texting vs. Can you imagine not being able to check your
Twitter, Facebook or messages for a week. Another important invention that completely
revolutionized the world is computer. According to the Pew Research Center, 72% of teenagers text
regularly, and one in three sends more than 100 texts per day. These devices physically limited
people’s ability to relay messages in real-time. Statistically, the number of deaths and life-altering
accidents for our young nationwide drivers are not pleasing. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. The mobile phones have many other benefits to offer to their users such as
camera, music player, games, GPS, Mobile office and lots more. It was by far the largest mobile
phone manufacturer in the early 2000s and produced most of the working class people's very first
mobile phones. For that matter ringtones and wallpapers of popular movies, exchanging cool jokes,
SMS and MMS, camcorders and MP3s have always attracted youth (Michael and Salter, pg. 3,
2006). They love to listen to downloaded music or radio while travelling. Some behaviour, while
receiving calls in public are also unbecoming and, they end up disrupting social order. Based on
coverage area, we can classify wireless network technology in four ways: 1. To conclude mobile
phone technology has changed the face of the world. This paper will discuss the evolution of
information technology in the banking industry with emphasis on internet banking, growth of e-
commerce and virtual banking and new delivery channels such as PC banking, mobile banking and
TV banking.
Underlying the unbiased proposition of where the cell phones stand in our lives, the research will be
able to draw certain conclusions and also give certain recommendations. This is where the prospects
of newer researches come in, such as the one I intend to undertake. He had prevailed about building
up the absolute first working model of a cell phone. She freaked out when she saw me as she knew
what she had done. From these statistics, it is apparent that younger people use their phones more
compared to their older counterparts. With the no limitations of time and place, people can interact
and communicate with their peer groups whenever they require in a different format and remain
engage. This hub seeks discuss the effects of smart phones in social interactions and how the ever
changing technology has influenced the social development of the modern society. Typical example
of how these behavior and preference is influenced by the environmental factors which are media,
culture and social influences. Video Say more by seamlessly including video within your publication.
In conclusion, it is apparent that any form of technology affects society in both unfavorable and
favorable ways. Alternatively, is it only a mare tool of engagement in the social sphere of life. In this
theory print, media is not considered as an instrument of top level authority. Initially, cellphones
were bigger in size, which made it difficult for people to carry around. Sometimes it’s good, meaning
if you don’t like a grade you have, you can email the teacher saying you have concerns about your
grade. In countries ruled by oppressive regimes, text messaging (SMS) came in handy when
sanctions forced Internet providers to disable the service with the aim of stopping the spread of
propaganda internally and externally; for example, in the 2011 Egyptian Revolution. By contrast, a
cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single, private base station. As cell phones
are relatively new (the first one was made in 1991) more longitudinal studies are needed to come to
a verdict on the long term health risks. According to Gao Jingo(2014)Although millet mobile phone
with high profile and low price advantage to win. In such instances, they excuse themselves to
hastily finish the call and return to their companions at the dinner. With cell phone’s global
prevalence, health concerns have risen. In short mobile phone technology helps us to coordinate our
lives, gives us sense of safety and allows us accessibility to others (Ling, pg. 4, 2004). Mobile phone
is praised for being an instrument that can help in case of emergency. This property of the mobile
phones has challenged the traditional conceptualizations of the relationships of the communication
medium or technology and the body. Mobile Marketing: Since mobile phones have now become
portable computers a number of companies are using them for marketing their brands. Your one good
step of buying mobile phone will prove as great money saver for you. People are now more attentive
towards facts and evidences. Candidate Signature: Date: Tutor Statement I hereby confirm that this
assignment, to the best of my knowledge, is the candidates own work and they have not collaborated
in the production of this assignment with any other person. We use cookies to create the best
experience for you. During the same time period Europe saw an advent of the Nordic Mobile
Telephone (NTM) which became very successful as it automated the calling process and introduced
the international roaming. Importance Of Mobile Phones In Our Life 2019-02-06. If you want a high
paying, stable job, or possibly even to be admitted to a university, you must have good face-to-face
communication skills.
But studies also says that mobile owners do not deliberately leaving non-mobile holders, but it that
so because they cannot be contacted easily (Campbell and Park 371). A survey by Gazelle revealed
that more than 25% of respondents reported frequent use of their iPhone while socializing, including
during meals or. Photos and videos thought to have been sent confidently are likely to be shared with
other people. The different applications installed on cellphones allow users to access many things at
the click of a button. Connection issues, widening generation gaps, misinformation via social media,
increased socioeconomic tensions, cyberbullying, and probable health ramifications only scratch the
surface of cell phones’ immense impact. Apart from being a fashion accessory and communication
widget, these phones add to the prestige value. An unstructured interview was performed and the
results showed that mobile technology although has brought a lot of relief in terms of
communication and day to day activities, but at the same time reduced physical interactions, meetups
with friends and family and decreased physical activities. These improvements in phone technology
are incredible; however there are also some downsides. As addiction, communication through
electronic means takes more time than real-world communication even we know that it keep us in
distance while not perceiving each other closely and intimately, despite of this, still publics;
especially younger generations are using technological sources for communication and messages.
These systems made mobile telephone quite popular as they allowed increased capacity. Above was
the example of the functional impact of the mobile phones, but more importantly it play a major role
in developing and strengthening of the relationship among the people and their peer group. I do,
however, intend to hold all calls until stationary once a law is pass. So it making easier for the
different components of the society to communicate with each other more easily and flexibly. While
texting, it is easy to jump from topic to topic when an idea comes to mind. Cellphones have
enhanced communication between people, as people find it easier to use the devices to relay
information to each other. One of the most important barriers which need to be taken into
consideration is a selection of inappropriate channel. Hence, press functioned as per the direction of
top level. In the beginning phones were just a way to contact people if they happend to be home
when called. This advancement led to Skype, a program that allows you to talk to other people face
to face, long distance. However, they can also be a source of insecurity by people making hoax calls
and causing apprehension, as well as stalkers using cell phones to issue threats and nag people (Katz
16). Nevertheless its advantages outnumber the disadvantages. The invention of mobile phones
changed the way human beings socialize, the way they transact businesses and communicate in
general. The mobile phone now has the ability to perform many functions, such as a music player,
camera, text messenger, video player, GPS system, and email device. Because of the technological
advances as said before, the phone companies have developed a phone that can help people with
most of their daily things. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Since
one lives in a civilized world so it is important for everyone to seek benefit from the growing
technologies in a civilized way. Receive a tailored piece that meets your specific needs and
requirements. Texting love messages to their beloved become equally important8 (Berg et al., pg. 2,
2003). Mobile technology has also been helpful to teens who are more interested in locating the
position of their friends. However, results have changed according to generations. Here, you will
highlight the negative consequences of using mobile phones.
However, they can also be a source of insecurity by people making hoax calls and causing
apprehension, as well as stalkers using cell phones to issue threats and nag people (Katz 16). The boy
with the cellphone hides in his seat, embarrassed. Impact on Families Most of the parents believe that
their children should carry mobile phones themselves. There have been several studies made where
professors have asked students to leave their cell phones in their desk at the beginning of class and
in doing so you’d earn a point every time you decided to participate (Katz; Lambert, 2016). This
property of the mobile phones has challenged the traditional conceptualizations of the relationships
of the communication medium or technology and the body. I had a telephone in my room (which
was a big deal) it was attached to the wall with a long cord and was then attached to a base so I
couldn’t walk around the house and talk on the phone. They even love to play different games that
have been downloaded or installed in their mobile sets (Michael and Salter, pg. 5, 2006). By
continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. These sources of information,
however, expose the teenagers to many vices like phonographic sites, which significantly influence
their behaviour. According to Gao Jingo(2014)Although millet mobile phone with high profile and
low price advantage to win. Nevertheless its advantages outnumber the disadvantages. They cell
phones allow us to communicate in multiple ways. The extensive usage of smartphones for numerous
significant purposes is widespread. And have come up with a texting language and this new thing
called emotion cons. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the short range of a single,
private base station. This disregard for those around them qualifies as anti-social behaviors. If it is
truly an emergency, call the school main number and have the child brought to the office. Harris
interactive. Cell phones key to teens’ social lives, 475 can text with eyes closed. In the past few years
there have been court cases against cell phone companies stating that the phones caused substantial
damage. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. It will not be wrong to say that writing letters today has become an ancient practice.
Thusly they attempted to separate themselves from the challenge. I still remember how I collected
notes from my friends just a day before my exams using mobile phone Apart from studies, it helps in
communicating with your friends and family. During the research, i found out that communication
has been made easier by the mobile phones by increasing efficiency and reliability (Katz 16). Having
a cell phone is no longer a luxury but a necessity in the modern era. Teenagers hooked to computers
for exchanging emails and surfing through the web can do the same through their mobile phones. The
third generation came with the invention of IP data networks which were so fast, and it was also
characterised by mobile broadband. Download Free PDF View PDF See Full PDF Download PDF
Loading Preview Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The addiction is more common in teens as
elderly people find it difficult to use mobile technology (Michael and Salter, pg. 9, 2006). Some
people also criticize mobile phones for interfering in their private lives. You can use essay samples to
find ideas and inspiration for your paper.

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