Examples On Lectures 2 and 3

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‫سم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬

University of Khartoum
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Digital Signal Processing (DSP)
Examples on Lectures 2&3 (Chapter 1)
1) Determine whether the following signals are periodic or not, if the signal is periodic,
determine its fundamental period:
a. ( ) = 3 cos(1800 ) + 12 sin(600 + /3)

b. ( ) = 5 cos √2 + 10 cos ( 20 )

c. ( ) = sin(8 )

2) An analog signal contains frequencies up to 10 kHz.

a. What range of sampling frequencies allows exact reconstruction of this signal
from its samples?
b. Suppose that we sampled this signal with a sampling frequency Fs=8KHz.
Examine what happens to the frequency F1=5KHz,F2=9KHz.
3) An analog signal ( ) = sin(480 ) + 3 sin(720 ) sampled 600 times per second.
a. Determine the Nyquist sampling rate for ( ).
b. Determine the folding frequency.
c. What are the frequencies in the resulting discrete time signal ( ).
d. If ( ) is passed through an ideal D/A converter, what is the reconstructed signal
( ).

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