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Section I - Fill in the blanks with a term that best describes the statement.

(1 point)

1. ____Organization design_____________________________ is the resulting structure from

managers developing intentional patterns of relationships among people and other resources in the

2. _________________Proficiency survey___________________ are external quality assessment

programs in which blind specimens are sent by an external agency for analysis and comparison with
other laboratories.

3. _______Adam's equity theory_____________________________ is a motivational theory that

states that people calculate the ratios of their efforts to the rewards they receive and compare them to
the ratios they believe exist for people in similar situations.

4. ___________Scheduling_________________________ is matching the people now working in

the laboratory with current workload requirements.

5. _____________________Authority scale_______________ is the level of authority and degree

of autonomy the person has in carrying out the duty. It is usually included in a job description to indicate
which duties can be done without having to check with the supervisor and which ones cannot.

6. ____________________________________________assigning direct responsibility for safety

and developing and implementation of active safety management
program__________________________________ Mention one of the things that should be done in
management of laboratory safety.

7. _______________________Floater_____________ is a person who is able to work in many

sections of the lab and is assigned according to fluctuating daily and hourly workload needs.

8. ____________________________________ is the energizing and triggering of human behaviour

by needs that people have.

9. ____________________________________ factors are those that deal with the physical and
psychological impact of work tasks and station design on the well-being of the employee.

10. ____________________________________ is the branch of management that claims the role of

job analysis; it offers an objective and detailed time-motion study approach that emphasizes tasks.

11. ____________________________________ is adding a variety of different tasks to the existing

tasks of a job, and sometimes offering the opportunity for one to expand his/her knowledge and grow

12. _____________________Standing order_______________ is a purchase order issued for a

product or service to be delivered according to a preset schedule.

13. _______________Transformational_________________ leader is a leader who develops a

vision, instills the vision to workers, and they work to achieve this vision.
14. ____________________Expert ________________ power is the leader having knowledge and
skills desired by the organization.

15. ______________country club management______________________ is a management style in

Blake and McCanse’s managerial grid where there is thoughtful attention to the needs of people for
satisfying relationships and it leads to a comfortable, friendly organizational atmosphere and work

16. ___________________Team based_________________ is an organizational structure that is

due to people interaction and reflects the wishes and preferences of the individuals who work in the

17. __________Benevolent__________________________ system is a system of interpersonal

relationships of Likert’s System 4 Management Model where the manager is still boss but does not
exploit subordinates.

18. ____________Skeleton stage________________________ is a working draft of the schedule

that includes weekends and requested time off; it can serve as a working document in which the
supervisor notes any changes and requests that will influence the final schedule.

19. ________________________Material Safety Data Sheet (___MSDS)_________ is a document

dealing with the safety information about the hazardous material.

20. ____________________Unity of direction________________ is the management principle that

says each group of organizational activities that has the same objective should be directed by one
manager using one plan.

21. ________Tell and sell method___________________________ is the way that an evaluation

interview is conducted when the employee is young and inexperienced.


__________________________________________________________________________________ are
two costs/expenses incurred in doing a malaria test.

23. ______________________Dress codes,Food and smoking rules, telephone use, Absences and
late arrival notifications____________________________________________________________ are
two examples of what laboratory policies may include.

24. __________________psychic pay_________________ pay consists of the intrinsic rewards that

give us a good feeling about ourselves and our work.

25. _____________________Decision grid______________ is the most basic decision-making tool

where there is a display of the possible alternatives in a decision along with the various factors that will
affect it.

26. ________________Authority___________________ is the empowerment, by formal job

classification, of an individual to make commitments and act on behalf of the firm and to decide how
resources, rewards, and penalties are used, to ensure that designated goals and responsibilities are
27. __________Delegation_________________________ is passing on to someone else the
authority and responsibility to get a job done.

28. __________Amount of supervision and support available to the person performing the test ,
technological and analytical complexity of procedures, testing volume and
workload________________________________________________________________________ is one
of the factors that the types of personnel needed to staff a laboratory depend on.

29. ___________________________________ is a mechanism through which work is done,

products and services delivered, and all parties ultimately rewarded.

30. ___________________________________ is a voluntary process where a private agency or

association (usually) grants recognition to an individual who has met certain predetermined qualification
– graduation, complete work experience, and pass exam.

31. _______________________identification and heading____________ is a part of the job

description that includes the name of the facility, the location (department, section) at which the work is
performed, and a short descriptive title of the position.

32. ________people, equipment,

__ are the different resources used/needed in an organization.

33. Job specifications includes the qualifications, skills, special knowledge, and experience, considered in
a job analysis.

34. Salary and Working conditions are two examples of Herzberg’s “dissatisfies”, in the workplace.


__________________________________________________________________________________ is
one positive aspect of informal groups.

36. Administration, Pathologists, Clinical scientists, Managers, Supervisors and Line workers are
‘members’ that should be included in the laboratory safety committee.

Section II - Short Answer Questions. (5 points each)

1. Explain the differences in formal and informal organization by the following characteristics:

Leaders, purpose, and sanctions.

Leaders of formal groups are appointed by the owners or their designates whereas Informal leaders
emerge from within the group itself either because of a perceived need or personal charisma.
The purpose of the formal group is profit or social goals where the purpose of informal groups is peer
Formal business organizations impose sanctions through the financial reward systems and its
disciplinary procedures. Sanctions in informal groups can range from temporary rejection, with verbal
and emotional shows of displeasure, to exclusion and ostracism (excommunication).

2. Explain the conditions that must be present for management to succeed.


3. Explain the typical problems that there may be with motivation.

No linkage between performance and reward

It might not be clear what the manager wants

Ability and situational constraints

4. Explain the advantages of the participative style of leadership (Likert’s 4 System).

Encourages followers to identify with the organization

Can be a means to overcome resistance to change

Enhances personal growth and development of organization members

Enables a wider range of ideas and experience

Can increase organizational flexibility

5. Describe the five dimensions along which jobs can be enriched, that incorporate “Herzberg’s

Opportunity for achievement i.e feeling of making a difference and having a sense of contribution and

Recognition for one's role

Challenging work


Chance for advancement and personal growth

6. Describe the employee objectives that job descriptions must meet?

 Identify the duties, tasks, and responsibilities of the job.

 Provide orientation to the organization, supervisory and peer networks, and workplace
 Give guidelines and direction to the performance expectations of the organization.
 Set the limits and boundaries of responsibility.
 Assign the authority to act in performing duties.
7. Explain the five components of an effective performance appraisal system.

1. A person expected to perform a job with a designated job description.

2. Standards and criteria that clearly state what is expected and how it is measured.
3. A measurement instrument to compare actual performance with the desired behavior.
4. A judge or assessor trained and competent in issuing the measurement instrument to do with
5. A feedback mechanism (conference, information report) to share the results of the review,
take corrective action, and arrive at an agreement on a plan for the future.

Section III - Essay Questions - Give a detailed answer. (10 points each)

1. a. Outline Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory

Is a theory that prioritizes human needs into five categories. The primary needs take priority and
must be satisfied before the secondary needs.
Primary needs include:
 Physiological needs: The most biological survival needs such as food, water, air , rest,
and sex
 Safety needs: Physical and psychological security and stability and freedom from
deprivation, fear or threats.

Secondary needs include:

 Social needs: affiliation, affection, friendship, a sense of belonging, acceptance, and

being a part of a group of peers
 Esteem(ego) needs: Personal respect and independence, recognition for
achievement, and appreciation from others

b. Give the role of job functions in fulfilling it, including examples in a job situation.

2. Describe the items that must appear in a standard operating procedure (SOP).


Date(effective and review)

Key point summary ( summary of what the procedure entails)

Principle of the test

Specimen requirements

Supplies and equipment


Control material (Quality control)

Testing precautions

Testing procedure

Interpretation and reporting of results

Reference values
2. State five ongoing activities, in the lab, that can be defined directly as part of quality
management programs, and explain how they can be part of these quality management
4. Decision-making – Choose one of the problems listed and use the steps of decision-making to
determine what can be done about it:

1. Lab results not reaching the cardiology clinic.

2. Hostility and withdrawal towards the supervisor.




Identification of of alternative solutions

Evaluation of each option

Selection of the best alternative

Implementation of the solution

Follow up on the success and progress

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