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For data set 2-Major League baseball, answer the following questions:

1. Draw a bar chart that shows the salary for each team. Highlight teams that
have salaries above $80 Million.
2. Draw a bar chart that shows the size of stadium of each team, which team
has the largest and smallest stadium size.
3. Draw bar charts that show the Average salary and average number of wins
for American and national teams , determine which league have the
maximum average salary and minimum average of wins.
4. Draw a pie chart that shows the average number of errors for teams built
before 1990 and team built in or after 1990.
5. Draw a bar chart that shows the maximum number of wins for teams that has
natural surface and those that have artificial surface for each league.
6. Draw a boxplot for stolen bases determining the outliers and extremes values
if exist.
7. For the size, the salary, attendance, wins, ERA, Batting, and HR, evaluate the
following statistics the mean, median, mode, standard deviation, range,
maximum, minimum, and quartiles.
8. Construct the frequency table for the categorical data: the league, surface.
9. Construct the frequency table for the continuous data: size, salary,
attendance, wins, ERA, HR, stolen, and errors. (hint, use a suitable number of
10. Calculate the 95% and 99% confidence interval for the average salary,
average number of attendance, average size, average number of wins, and
average error.
11. Test the hypothesis that the average number of wins is equal 90. Write the
null and alternative hypothesis in each case.
12. Test the hypothesis that the average salary is equal 65 million dollars.
13. Test the hypothesis that “there is no significance between the average salary
of American and national teams”
14. For American teams, test the hypothesis that “there is no significance
difference between the size of the stadium that has natural surface and that
has artificial surface “
15. Test the hypothesis that “there is no significance difference between the
average salary of the teams built before and in or after 1990”
16. Test the hypothesis that “there is no significant difference between the ERA
of the teams who win more or equal 85 times and the teams who win less
than 85 times”.
17. Test the hypothesis that”there is no significant difference between the HR of
the teams built before 1950, teams built during 1950-1970, teams built
during 1971-1990, and teams built in 1991 and more”.
18. Test the hypothesis that ”there is no significant difference between the
number of wins of the teams of salary less than 70 millions and teams of
salary greater than or equal 70 millions”.
19. Test the hypothesis that ”there is no significant difference between the
number of wins of the teams of salary less than 40 millions, teams of salary
between 42 and 57 millions, teams of salary between 60 and 80 millions, and
teams of salary greater than 86 million”.
X1 = Team
X2 = League (0 = national, 1 = American)
X3 = Built (Year Stadium Was Built)
X4 = Size (Stadium Capacity)
X5 = Salary (Total 2000 Team Salary $ Mil)
X6 = Attendance (Total 2000 Team Attendance)
X7 = Wins (Number of Wins in 2000)
X8 = ERA (Earned Run Average)
X9 = Batting (Team Batting Average)
X10 = HR (Number of Home Runs for the Team)
X11 = Surface (natural = 0, artificial = 1)
X12 = Stolen (Stolen Bases)
X13 = Errors (Team Errors)

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