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Đáp Án Part 1 – Bộ 1


Public Transport .................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Vacation ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Geography ............................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Fish.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Robots .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Gifts ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Helping others ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Films ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Running ................................................................................................................................................................................ 11
Volunteer.............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Musical Instrument ............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Taking photographs ........................................................................................................................................................... 13


Public Transport
1. Do you use public transport much?

To be frank, I almost never try using public transport. From experience, not only is the customer
service quite rude on buses, but they tend to be overcrowded quite often. I would much rather opt
for my Honda Future, or book Grab when needed.

2. What kind of public transport do you usually use?

As I’ve mentioned before, I hardly ever use public transport. In fact, the last time I got on the bus
was more than 15 years ago when I was a student. However, if I have to choose then I’d opt for a
taxi service, since it’s the most comfortable option.

3. Is there sufficient public transportation in your city?

I would say that public transportation in HCMC is insufficient in many ways.

In terms of infrastructure, there is no dedicated bus lanes, so buses tend to take up a lot of space
on the roads and cause traffic congestions. Additionally, many buses have broken air conditioner
and quite dirty seats. Moreover, I also think that customer service is also very poor.

4. How do you think public transport could be improved?

Although there are many methods, off the top of my head I can only think of two.

I suppose in the short term, the government should allocate more funding to modernise the
facilities and infrastructure, such as building dedicated bus lanes and expanding the network
coverage. Also, it’s important to provide better training to the staffs in terms of customer service.

For the long term, I guess that more services like trams and subways should be provided to the
public, but the infrastructures will take years to complete.


1. What was the best vacation you ever had?

I think my most memorable vacation was my trip to Hanoi about 5 years ago. This was my first visit
to the capital city, and I had the opportunity to try local foods and went inside HCM’s Mausoleum.
It’s a good time.

2. What do you usually do during your vacation?

For me, I always try to spend as much time as I can with my little daughter. So, whenever I’m on
vacation, I’ll rent a motorbike and explore the local area with her. Next, as a family, we’ll have
dinner at a local restaurant to experience their cuisine.

3. Do you like to plan your vacation?

I find having a fixed itinerary quite limiting and boring, it makes me feel like I’m on a tight
schedule. Instead, I much prefer to be spontaneous and just go with the flow.

4. What are the most important things to think about when planning your vacation?

I suppose the number one priority should be the accommodation. It’s important to find
somewhere that’s conveniently located and also affordable. I also want to stay in a hotel that has
children’s facilities like a playground or kids’ pool so my daughter can play.

Another important consideration is the time of year. It’s best to travel in the correct season to
enjoy the weather and scenery. For instance, if I’m travelling to Canada or the US, I’d never go in
the winter because it’s too cold and snowy.


1. What do you think about geography?

To be honest, I’m quite indifferent about this subject. Although it has good information and value
to others, I think it’s quite boring and theoretical. I much prefer learning maths or a foreign

2. Have you ever studied geography at school?

Yes, it was a compulsory subject in my high school curriculum. But the teaching method was
heavily focused on theory and learning by heart, so I never became truly interested in geography.

3. Are you good at reading maps?

It depends on the presentation style. For 3-D maps like Google Maps, it’s very easy for me to read
instructions and directions, whereas paper maps are much harder to read.

4. What is your favourite type of environment?

I really enjoy temperate climates because there are four distinct seasons throughout the year. It’s
much better compared to tropical climate which is always hot and humid.

5. Do you think geography is useful?

Having mentioned how much I dislike learning geography; I still have to admit that having
geographical knowledge can be beneficial. For example, during times of war, it is crucial for the
generals to understand the local terrains in order to plan his army manoeuvre. I imagine this still
has strategic value for Russia and Ukraine.


1. Do you like eating fish?

Fish is my favourite source of protein. Not only is the flesh rich in nutrients like protein and
omega-3, but it doesn’t have a lot of fat compared to pork. I really like eating tilapia, salmon and

2. Where would you go to find fish?

I suppose it would depend on what type. For pet fish, there are a lot of specialty stores which offer
different varieties as well as fish tanks and food. But if people want food for their meals, then the
local markets offer plenty of options.

3. If you do eat fish, what is your favourite?

My favourite fish dish is fried tilapia, eaten with Vietnamese rice paper, rice noodles and lots of
fresh herbs. It’s like a spring roll with fish.

4. Why do people go fishing?

For some, fishing is a hobby, and they find a lot of pleasure and excitement in catching fish.
Besides, people also like fishing because it’s peaceful, quiet and it is a nice escape from the city
environment. Another reason could be related to income, as a lot of locals catch fish to trade in
the market.


1. Are you interested in robots?

Honestly, I don’t pay too much attention to this topic because I think it’s a bit too complicated for
me to understand. For me, I’m more keen on topics like fitness and business since they’re more
relevant for me.

2. Have you ever learned anything about robots?

Not really, it’s not something that Vietnamese curriculum teaches about. I think my only exposure
to robots has been from science-fiction movies like Terminator or Transformers, but I know
nothing about how they really work in real life.

3. How would you feel travelling in a car driven by a robot?

I think I would be quite nervous because I don’t know what might happen. But most importantly
this will depend on the A.I’s track records, if it’s been proven to be safe then I might feel more
comfortable sitting in a car driven by an A.I program.

4. Would robots affect people’s lives?

I think so, there are industries that have already been revolutionised due to automisation of
product lines, and many jobs have been laid off. But at the same time, it’s given birth to newer
industries as well. So in the manufacturing business, robots have already caused both good and
bad impacts on the labour market.


1. Have you ever sent handmade gifts to other people?

I’ve never done this before; I think I lack the creativity and skillset to make a beautifully
handcrafted present. Also it’s just too time-consuming for me. I would much prefer to buy people
gifts from the stores, or just give them cash.

2. How do you choose a gift?

First of all, I will take into consideration the gender as well as the age of my recipient. For females,
I’d go for something more feminine, like flowers and perfume, whereas for men I tend to get them
a wallet or shirts.

3. Do you give expensive gifts?

Sometimes I do give people expensive items, but I only do this for people who I have a close
relationship with. For instance, I bought my mother a new iPhone on her birthday, and I think it’s
money well-spent.

4. What kinds of gifts are popular in your country?

For men I think the most popular presents are wallet, belt, leather shoes and shirts, sometimes
even a bottle of whiskey. But for women, it’s probably flowers, handbags or perfumes.


Helping others
1. Do you usually help people around you?

I try to be helpful when I can. I think it’s a good gesture to give people a lending hand when they
need it.

2. How do you help people around you, like neighbours, family and friends?

Well, it depends on what kind of help is being asked. If people are asking to borrow things, like
they to borrow my motorbike or small amount of cash, I’ll be happy to give it. Sometimes people
ask me for advice about their job or study; in these cases, I try to be more careful and will only
help if I have any good idea.

3. Do your parents teach you how to help others?

When I was a kid, my parents told me it’s important to be helpful and kind to my friends.
I was told that it’s a good gesture to lend a helping hand to friends because they’d remember and
return the favour one day.
4. Did your parents help you a lot when you were young?

Yes, especially my mother. She would spend time in the evening to help me with homework, and
she gave me a lot of emotional support through early years at school. It’s safe to say that I got
through tough time at school because of her.


1. What’s your favourite film?

My favourite film is a Japanese animation called “Laputa Castle in the Sky” by Studio Ghibli. I first saw
it when I was 9 years old with my brother, and it’s been my favourite since. I love the animation style
and the storyline.

2. Did you often watch film when you were a child?

Not very often, my parents were very strict, and they would only let me watch movies on the
weekend. During the week we had to follow a tight schedule to complete our schoolwork. Besides,
when I was little, we had to rent movies on VHS tape, so it wasn’t easily accessible.

3. Are there any kinds of films that you don’t like?

I really dislike corny romantic movies, like Twilight or The Notebook. For me these movies are one-
dimensional, and the characters lack depth. I much prefer movies with good characters and
storyline, especially the Quentin Tarantino films.

4. Would you like to be a movie star?

Not at all. Although being a movie star earns a lot of money, I don’t think it’s worth it. Movie
celebrities are always harassed by paparazzi, and they don’t have any privacy. I much prefer to be
a normal person living a normal life.

5. What kinds of films do young people like?

I suppose young people enjoy Korean movies, like the Squid Games on Netflix. These series have
good-looking cast and high production value. Another genre that’s popular for kids nowadays is
superhero action movies like The Avengers.


1. Do you like running?

I don’t like nor hate it. I think it’s a good cardio exercise and I go running from time to time, but I
also think there’s better options like swimming or cycling because they don’t cause knee pains like
running does.

2. How often do you go running?

I guess I do it at least once a week. After my weightlifting session at the gym, I always follow up
with some cardio, and running on the treadmill is something I try to do once or twice a week.

3. Where do you usually go running?

I only go running on the treadmill at the gym, I think it’s a better choice because there’s a lot of
settings like the speed and incline, it’s more suitable for my training program.

4. What do you think of running as a form of exercise?

I think it’s a very good cardio exercise. There is little cost involved, as people only need to invest in
a pair of running shoes, a water bottle and they’re ready to go. However, running can cause knee
and ankle problems, and it’s heavily dependent on the weather.


1. Have you ever done any voluntary work?

I’ve done some volunteering in high school, as I joined a social volunteering club which organised
visits to orphanages and hospitals once a month. I was part of that group for 2 years of high

2. Would you like to work as a volunteer?

At this stage in my life, I would prefer to focus on my work and move up the career ladder. I have a
lot of financial goals to accomplish, and I don’t see how working as a volunteer will help me
achieve those. Maybe once I’m more financially independent I will take up a part-time
volunteering job.

3. Why do you think people volunteer?

For many young people, they see volunteer as a way to get experience and establish their social
network. This is similar to joining an internship program, but it has a more meaningful message.
Some people are also attracted to volunteering activities because they feel the need to contribute
to society and help make it a better place.

4. Is volunteering worth the time it takes?

I think it would depend on the type of volunteering programs and what experience the
participants get. For example, there are programs that send volunteers to do fund-raising activities
for charities, and I think the experience is both valuable and meaningful.


Musical Instrument
1. Have you ever learned to play a musical instrument?

My dad taught me how to play the guitar when I was 14. But since I don’t practice often, I would
say my skills is just average. I know only the basic chords and a few songs. Chords (n) hợp âm.

2. What musical instrument do you enjoy listening to?

I like listening to guitar the most, whether it’s electric or acoustic. Some of my favourite guitarists
are Tommy Emmanuel, Chet Atkins and Richard Smith.

3. Would you like to become a musician?

I’ve never intended to pursue a career in music, I think it’s very competitive with little payoff. I’d
much rather get a normal office job and play music for fun.

Taking photographs
1. Is equipment important to photography?

Definitely. Having good equipment plays a key role to taking good shots. For instance, there are
different lenses to help take landscape and portrait pictures more easily. People will also need to
buy the tripod if they want to take better-focused shots.

2. Do you think anyone can learn to take professional-quality photographs?

Not really. Although the courses are widely available, and people can register if they have the
money, I think being a professional photographer takes some natural talents. Also, people have to
be very passionate about this area to get to the professional level.

3. What skills and personal qualities does one need to be a professional photographer?

In terms of skills, I think people need to know how to operate the camera and set the lenses. They
will also need photo-editing skills to improve the contrasts of the pictures. And customer service
as well as good communication skills are required when dealing with customers. As for
personalities, I guess professional photographer should be patient and detail oriented.


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