Tea Party Movement Research Paper

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Writing a thesis can be an arduous and challenging task, especially when delving into complex topics

such as the Tea Party Movement. As one embarks on the journey of researching and composing a
research paper on this subject, they encounter numerous hurdles along the way.

The Tea Party Movement, known for its intricate historical roots and multifaceted political
dimensions, requires extensive research and analysis. From understanding its origins and ideological
underpinnings to examining its impact on contemporary politics, the exploration of the Tea Party
Movement demands meticulous attention to detail and comprehensive understanding.

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The main reason this passed was to get the East India Company out of bankruptcy, which the
company was in due to reduced sales of their tea. In May 2010 the Tea Party exerted its influence
again, this time in Kentucky, where Rand Paul, son of former Libertarian presidential candidate Ron
Paul, won the Republican primary for a seat in the U.S. Senate. Paul defeated Trey Grayson,
Kentucky’s secretary of state and the favoured choice of Senate minority leader and Kentuckian
Mitch McConnell, in a race that was widely seen as a repudiation of the Republican Party
establishment. December 17, 1773 150 Men dumped 342 chests of tea into Boston Harbor. The
colonists believed these laws were a violation of their rights and called them the Intolerable Acts (
Intolerable means painful and unbearable). This activity uses a faux newspaper to present the
primary sources in a unique way. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. The Boston
Tea Party marked the colonies frustration over representation and laid down the foundation of the
future notion of self governance. They are not bothered in the least that polite company conservatives
like Brooks look down their noses at them. Because they never read the New York Times, and
certainly wouldn't take it seriously if they did, they could care less about what its oped writers say
about them. For Gramsci, there is a new ruling class, which has a monopoly on the production and
distribution of opinions. This tax measure was called the Tea Act, the precursor of the famous Boston
tea party, which gave the British company British East India Company to have a virtual monopoly on
all teas that were exported to the American colonies (Yale Law Schol, 2008). There is a plethora of
quotes from our Founding Fathers exhorting their countrymen to live honorable lives and the
necessity of such devotion to the preservation of liberty. Not only did the Proclamation prevent
clashes between the Americans and the Indians, it also helped to halt the expansion of the colonies,
thereby saving money that would have been spent on colonizing the land. This is likely to result into
a split of votes in the number of registered Republican voters and even disunity within the party.
They judge them with their own common sense, caring little whether their conclusions will be
shocking and scandalous to polite company. Tea Party Movement The Tea Party Movement is a
collective protest of the individuals and self- organized groups in America against the fiscal
irresponsibility and support of the government. The alienation of affection between intellectual
conservatives and the Republican base is like any marriage that has fallen on hard times--it is not
easy to determine who first started alienating whom or where blame should be assigned, or even if
there should be any blame at all. Independent task forces must tackle each area out of balance and
perform think tank operations that will include a comprehensive, multi-faceted approach to resolve
spending issues as well as delivery of services in an effective and cost contained manner. Instead, he
is making an observation about the social psychology of polite company conservatives--a point we
need to examine at greater length. (1) The company we keep THE FIELD OF social psychology
deals with how individuals are influenced by the circles in which they move. Under normal
circumstances, a political party has to spread their idea to all members of the parliament when they
want to introduce a new law or change an old one. It was discovered way back in 2737 B.C as an
accident, where a few dry leaves accidently blew and fell into boiling water at the place of a
Chinese Emperor Shen Nung. West Virginia is presently standing at 50th position in respect to its
economic stance in the US, which represents a slower movement of income level amid the population
(Golder Associates Inc, “East Lynn Lake Coal Lease Socioeconomic Baseline Assessment and
Socioeconomic Impact Analysis”). The Boston Tea Party The love for tea of the Europeans started
importation, competition and monopoly. By doing so, they remain outside the influence of elite
opinion makers. The British Government had placed a tax on tea, and were forcing the Colonists to
buy tea from the British East India Company. They believe that social justice is the work of the Anti-
Christ and send lobbyists to Africa to push for the death penalty for homosexuals. (Appleton, 2011)
The Tea Party movement is repressive; committed to authoritarianism and suppression of women’s
rights. They were becoming increasingly fed up with the actions of the British, including the Tea Act
which was causing high levels of unhappiness in the 13 colonies. The Coercive Acts were meant to
punish the colonists for resisting British authority and specifically targeted Massachusetts. As
discussed above and in the cover story, there is an undeniable energy and force propelling the Tea
Party Movement. To be sure, this is not the revolution envisioned by Marx, in which the working
class overthrows the capitalist class.
All the profits they made from trading were being lost to the British because of this taxation, and
therefore they were very angry. Dan Maes, running as a Republican with Tea Party backing, faded
from contention for the Colorado governor’s office after former Republican presidential candidate
Tom Tancredo entered the race on the American Constitution Party ticket. They all flew from their
mother country to start a new life in a new world, but the British government didn't gine them the
possibility by controlling them. The Constitution established a government of enumerated and
limited powers and those limits must be adhered to. Let us write or edit the research paper on your
topic. There is a clear relationship between the Boston Tea Party and the present one: people in
Boston were protesting against arbitrariness of British political and financial elite and now people
protest against the arrogant financial elite and the federal government and presidential policies all
over America. Under the banner of the People’s Party, these populists got 8 percent of the
presidential vote in 1892, with James Weaver as their candidate. FreedomWorks, a supply-side
economics advocacy group headed by former Republican House majority leader Dick Armey,
provided logistical support for large Tea Party gatherings, and Sen. Get a Britannica Premium
subscription and gain access to exclusive content. For the sake of time, I reduced the number of
question but otherwise this was great. It is indicated that this matrix is a solid marketing tool to
determine the financial performance. To put it another way, the Tea Partiers can escape the otherwise
all-pervasive influence of our cultural elite because they are the people who Gramsci called
marginalized outsiders. They found cheaper source from Holland thus evading the 25% tax slapped
on them. How do you use social networking tools in campaigns or in building coalitions or in
building communities of like-minded citizens. They are actively involved in degrading public
officials and threaten the judiciary authority in many states. The nature of American politics has been
dramatically revolutionized by the Tea Party’s ability to politicize people who were previously
apolitical. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID
found at the bottom of this page. As the Tea Party gains in momentum, conservative intellectuals are
faced with a dilemma: to join the party or denounce it. Feeling the need to regain his control, and
angered by the colonists actions, Parliament responded by passing a series of laws called the
Coercive Acts in 1774. Tea Party gatherings are full of people who say they would do away with the
Federal Reserve, the federal income tax and countless agencies, not to mention bailouts and stimulus
packages (The New York Times). There are so many more factors involved in liberty and justice for
all than just being free from the monarchy. On one hand, if they actually take over to become the
Republican Party, then their independence will be short-lived. Philadelphians demanded the return of
the tea back to England. Orwell's Animal Farm famously tells us that some animals (humans
included) will always be more equal than others, which means that every society that has claimed to
be a democracy has in fact been managed by an elite, or juggled among a competing group of elites.
Three hundred and forty chests were seized by the Sons of Liberty and tossed into the water. They
practiced “smuggling in” their people to TPM rallies with provocative slogans. It is all about attitude,
like the attitude expressed by the popular poster seen at all Tea Party rallies. This is where the tension
between England and the colonists blossomed, and the thought of war began running. It is exciting
and hopeful and augurs well for a renewal of those timeless tenets of good Republican government.
Five Bostonians were killed in this event by British troops, and this angered the Bostonians greatly,
and therefore in want of revenge.
An author states that Jackie Robinson was the perfect candidate to integrate organized baseball. The
costly war between France and India was just over and British storehouses were nearly empty. There
are, however, unwritten articles of faith to which those seeking the tacit endorsement of the
constitutionally minded Tea Party faithful must pledge their allegiance. The colonists believed these
laws were a violation of their rights and called them the Intolerable Acts ( Intolerable means painful
and unbearable). Their claim to fame is their need to speak out about what’s being done across the
nation, while not yet offering viable solutions; claiming to be the voice of the people. It is seen in
different cultures and can be for an assortment of reasons, some including political, economical,
social, and religious. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out how to manage cookies.
In particular, the illusion that the people can govern themselves, without the need of an elite, has
proven to be immensely useful in restraining elites in their incessant quest for greater and greater
power. Resolutions of the Stamp Act Congress, 1765 One key aspect between the Boston Tea Party
and the Stamp Act Congress were that they tried to keep Americans from making their own money.
In modern liberal societies the same principle has been at work, but with different players. Some
longtime Republicans, a number of whom had lost to Tea Party candidates in their respective primary
races, chose to contest the general election as independents or only lukewarmly endorsed their
previous opponents in the general election. The people who could not make their own tea, had simply
switched to coffee. The table provides a brief overview of a few of the events that relate to finding
of tea and these help in gaining a better overview of how tea has grown to become the current
position that it is at present. If they hope to retain their influence on the Republican Party, they must
either join the Tea Party, too, or else battle it out to the bitter end. It is indicated that this matrix is a
solid marketing tool to determine the financial performance. It reduces itself to representation of the
TPM activists as radicals, extremists, racists and lunatics. In particular, they stated that Boston was
fighting against the East India Company, which had tax privileges, that is, supposedly, for tax boost.
They fear the tax burden will eventually collapse the free enterprise system; as taxation increases,
consumerism will decrease. One should remember that the event that preceded the Boston tea party
was the French and Indian war that was extremely costly for the British Empire. Get a Britannica
Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. One of the most direct and recent
parallels happened not on the Potomac, but in Paris. They hoped that this would anger the British in
response to the taxation on tea that was imposed on them. They may still vote Republican in the
future, but only for those Republican candidates who are willing to join the party--the Tea Party, that
is. In this blog, the blogger has raised his support towards the tea party movements by arguing that
there are thousands of people now involved in this movement and it may force the government to go
for lower tax and smaller government policies. (The tea parties). The fallout from the Boston Tea
Party was severe and greatly impacted the economy of Boston. Before Gramsci discovered Marx, he
had been a student of languages. In Kentucky Rand Paul, perhaps identified more closely with the
Tea Party than any other candidate, coasted to a comfortable victory, and in Florida Tea Party
nominee Marco Rubio won a three-way Senate race that included the sitting Republican governor,
Charlie Crist. Despite the hopes of Patriots like Sam Adams, the Boston Massacre did not spark new
protests against British rule. Needless to say, conservatives who limit their company to others of like
mind will suffer from the same illusions. The constant opposition of the tea party to the
administration of the Obama government has provoked political expression and oratory very sharply
that in turn may increase the political violence in the country in a dramatic way.
Ceccarelli (2011) explains that the movement is modelled after the Tea Party Movement in 1773.
Only a Tea Party supporter would say “yes”; the rest of us would remember how far we’ve come
from the days of the good ole boys and their paternalistic, self-serving practices that so many fought
hard to liberate us from. King George III, British king, is angered by destruction of tea. But it poses
a very grave problem for conservative intellectuals loyal to the Republican Party. Lanham, Maryland:
Rowman; Littlefield, 2002. Print. Ammerman, David. In the Common Cause: American Response to
the Coercive Acts of 1774. It is a warning. If you are an intellectual, you can debate an idea, but
how do you debate a warning. Instead, he is making an observation about the social psychology of
polite company conservatives--a point we need to examine at greater length. (1) The company we
keep THE FIELD OF social psychology deals with how individuals are influenced by the circles in
which they move. They want to continue permanently the Bush tax cuts, eliminate estate tax entirely,
and replace income based progressive taxes with either a flat tax rate or national sales tax initiatives.
They seek to overthrow all the New Deal policies and social programs that have kept this country
going during the difficult times. However, this essay will explore their differing perspectives on the
revolutionary nature of this monumental event.The Boston Tea Party took place on December 16,
1773. Tea, which was only imported from China, was the most valuable and made it a luxury item
(Black 1). These 60 people in the Congress (about 20 are the most active now) replaced what
America has always considered as Republicans. Although these reasons are perfectly valid, they
support the idea that the build up of the events led the Bostonians to feel as though they had put
enough with enough grief from the British, and that they wanted to act. She is a blogger, non-profit
local math instructor, and improvisational comedienne who enjoys bringing her audience to action.
(Kaste, 2010) Although not actually supporting one party over another, most of the freshmen
Republicans in the House of Representatives are closely aligned with the Tea Party Movement.
Biggs ran for the two-year term, and endured his opponent bragging at a key public forum about
how many people he could call in Washington to get things done for the local schools. The only truly
effective check on elite rule is the fear that the people will become fed up with it. They support
cutting taxes and deregulation of business, as well as cutting the funding for health care and
education. They oppose financial regulation with regards to cap-and-trade and carbon emissions. The
American people were infuriated and would contrive a plan to punish the British. In this blog, the
blogger has raised his support towards the tea party movements by arguing that there are thousands
of people now involved in this movement and it may force the government to go for lower tax and
smaller government policies. (The tea parties). A survey in March, 2010 revealed that approximately
28% of Americans agree with the Tea Part Movement’s approach. (Rowen, 2011) The actual launch
of the Tea Party Movement is credited by CNBC commentator, Rick Santelli, who made an
announcement at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009 in response to the bail out
program for mortgages to prevent a collapse of the housing and banking industry. They found
cheaper source from Holland thus evading the 25% tax slapped on them. When the people decide to
try to rule themselves, their first step toward self-government will be to toss out the old elite. They
practiced “smuggling in” their people to TPM rallies with provocative slogans. Those who weren't
influenced by elite opinion usually had no political opinions of their own and so had nothing that
could be influenced. The Tea Party arose in the year 2004 and emerged a very popular slogan to
weed out the Republican Party so that it could find its political base in the values upon which the
American nation was founded as well as the principles of the renowned Boston Tea Party of 1773.
Lastly, there are 4 extension tasks to choose from. Philadelphians demanded the return of the tea
back to England. This research The first part is an overview of British colonization of America to
show the relationship between ruled colonies and the ruling Empire. Despite the hopes of Patriots
like Sam Adams, the Boston Massacre did not spark new protests against British rule.
Throughout European history, conquerors had routinely moved into new territories where the
inhabitants spoke a different language. During this period of time, the thirteen American colonies
flourished and grew ncreasingly less dependent on Great Britain. These five Acts has the purpose to
raise revenue in the colonies to pay the salaries of governors and judges so that they would be
independent of colonial control, to create a more effective means of enforcing compliance with trade
regulations, to punish the province of New York for failing to comply with the 1765 Quartering Act,
and to establish the precedent that the British Parliament had the right to tax the colonies (Larabee
32-33). Sometimes and effect can be the cause of another effect. One of the ways they did this was
by smuggling the tea and not paying their duties for it. Such unconstitutional outlays must end and
the burden of financing them must be removed from the backs of the ever-shrinking American
middle class. Through miscalculation and sheer abuse of the colonial system, Britain strengthened
support for a growing movement toward independence. The Tea Party Movement took advantage of
this sentiment. Battle of Saratoga. Convinced French to provide aid to the Americans. The company
was founder in the year 1884 by Jim Koch in Boston, Massachusetts. Most people have heard about
the Boston Tea Party, when the American's. SMU dailycampus.com. January 30, 2011. Web. April
18, 2011. Kaste, Martin. Tea Party Star Leads Movement on Her Own Terms. Npr.com. February 2,
2010. Web. April 18, 2011. Of Thee I Sing 1776. It becomes more a situation of those who have
what they need, of course, are happy; while those who do not have what they need, feel enslaved.
Their overall agenda is not so much oriented toward any particular position; rather they attempt to
block votes as oppositionists. A survey in March, 2010 revealed that approximately 28% of
Americans agree with the Tea Part Movement’s approach. (Rowen, 2011) The actual launch of the
Tea Party Movement is credited by CNBC commentator, Rick Santelli, who made an announcement
at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on February 19, 2009 in response to the bail out program for
mortgages to prevent a collapse of the housing and banking industry. This tactic backfired, however,
and the seat went to Democrat Bill Owens; Owens was the first Democrat to represent the district
since the 19th century. Were the government to confine its spending within the narrow constraints of
the Constitution, there would be no need to siphon more and more of the hard-earned money out of
the pockets of Americans and into the coffers of the national treasury. Yet Gramsci, far from feeling
shame about his native Sardinia, remained intensely proud of it all his life. The colonists believed
these laws were a violation of their rights and called them the Intolerable Acts ( Intolerable means
painful and unbearable). Cultural hegemony, according to Gramsci, did not have to be imposed on
the people through threats and intimidation. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Beside each purchase, you will see a Provide
Feedback button. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors.
The Tea Party claims to be in favor of strict adherence to the original interpretation of the United
States Constitution. Finding that a protest is a significant weapon, nationalism among the Americans
became a widespread action that eventually led to a revolt for a cry of independence. It is predicted
that the Tea Party movement will go on to further divide the Republican Party; with the highly united
Democratic Party able to watch the eventual self-destruction. (Huseman, 2011) (Erickson, 2011) If
the Tea Party movement will actually be able to move beyond where it currently is, it will have to
drop the moniker and begin to see itself for who it truly is, comprised of every day citizens;
American taxpayers and voters. Origins of the Tea Party Historically, populist movements in the
United States have arisen in response to periods of economic hardship, beginning with the proto-
populist Greenback and Granger movements in the 1860s and ’70s and continuing with William
Jennings Bryan ’s Populist Party in the 1890s and Louisiana politician Huey Long ’s Share Our
Wealth program during the Great Depression of the 1930s. If they continue without central
leadership, they may become disheartened and fizzle out, feeling that they can’t make a difference.
Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. Since the people who shop at Wal-Mart do not
normally attend the same dinner parties as David Brooks, they will be completely indifferent to the
scornful comments made about them by those who do.
The Boston Tea Party was organized by and carried out by a group of patriots led by Samuel Adams
know as the sons of liberty. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. In 1773 Boston, the
seeds of the American Revolution were being sewn. And the fact that the Tea Partymovement does
not give a damn about the current standards of intellectual respectability makes it problematic for the
intellectual, who cannot take the same attitude. Write down one thing you learned about the British
East India Company and the Tea Act. The bitter end strategy is fraught with peril, however. There
are advantages to everything, including ignorance. And if people are willing to change languages
because of prestige, they will certainly be willing to change their ideas, their values, their customs,
and their traditions for the same reason. During this period of time, the thirteen American colonies
flourished and grew ncreasingly less dependent on Great Britain. There is a plethora of quotes from
our Founding Fathers exhorting their countrymen to live honorable lives and the necessity of such
devotion to the preservation of liberty. December 17, 1773 150 Men dumped 342 chests of tea into
Boston Harbor. In the wake of the financial crisis that swept the globe in 2008, populist sentiment
was once more on the rise. And this was seen by historians as the biggest mistake of the King
because this sparked nationalism that started the revolution. However, the idea of perfect timing
seems to link most firmly with the other two reasons. That is the beauty of prestige: It doesn't need to
lift a finger. It is little wonder that so many sober intellectuals find it difficult to take the Tea Party
seriously, except to see it as a threat to the future of American politics. The Tea Party claims to be in
favor of strict adherence to the original interpretation of the United States Constitution. Review
Learning Goal Scale sheet and open notebooks to review. Behind the criticism lies the implicit
assumption that comes quite naturally to American intellectuals: Namely, that a political movement
ought be motivated by ideas and that a new political movement should provide new ideas. It was
baptized by fire in the midterm elections for Congress in 2010, having at least 139 party candidates
for this legislature. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Hillyer, Q. (2009). After the Tea Parties. The tea
shipment became a sticking point between the British and the colonists as it was the taxation on the
tea that was objectionable. In the 1850s, it gave rise to the anti-immigrant Know-Nothing Party, and
according to some critics, it was a factor in the xenophobic supremacist movements of the late 20th
century. Speaking from the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, Santelli heatedly stated that
the bailout would “subsidize the losers’ mortgages” and proposed a Chicago Tea Party to protest
government intervention in the housing market. Here under this act the governor was allowed to
house soldiers in other buildings if suitable quarters were not provided (Ammerman 10). Only a Tea
Party supporter would say “yes”; the rest of us would remember how far we’ve come from the days
of the good ole boys and their paternalistic, self-serving practices that so many fought hard to
liberate us from. Tea party movement The Tea Party Movement is a collective protest of the
individuals and self- organized groups in America against the fiscal irresponsibility and support of
the government. Research Papers look at a sample of an order placed on a social policy or program in
the United States. Let us write or edit the research paper on your topic. One was to regain money
lost, and the other is to reinstate their authority to the American colonies which they have neglected
because of war.2 Taxes and monopoly When the monarchy started to tax products sold to America,
people began to despise the rule.

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