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MUieerae Os leo el to any EIGHT (8) questions: We ecessarily Zero inside a charged rubber balloon if ll alloon is spherical? Assume that charge is distributed uniformly over the surface. Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low potential? Howa sensitive electric apparatus is shielded from electric fields? Give a comparison of electric and gravitational forces. Describe the right hand rule to find the direction of magnetic field inside a current carrying solenoid. Electric force does-work, while no work is done by the magnetic force. Why? A plane conducting loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that is directed along the x-axis. a eraaie of the loop is the flux a ne imum t ‘ation is __»,the renee ul ~Howcan a fein BGs st mine the presence | BE} Se SBE J fj | __ ofa magne} region of space? = wht reas in acoil of wire using a bar magnet? ny boa induced emf is sometimes called as back AZHAR UNSOLVED 158 (xi) Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit? saints A Showthate and 2 have the same units. Write short answers to any EIGHT (8) questions: Does bends in a wire affect its electrical resistance? Explain. Why does the resistance of a conductor ow temperature? Whatis temperature co- ea er A sinusoidal current at Nae o What is the maximum thes How man A WE 8 ABB we will an incandescent lamp i eo when connected to a 50 Hz at are the electromagnetic waves? Write a note on superconductors. What is meant by hysteresis loss? How is it used in the construction of a transformer? Differentiate between N-type and P-type substances. Why ordinary silicon diodes do net emit light? . Why a photodiode is operated in reverse biased state? Whatis the working principle ofa light emitting diode? Write short answers to any SIX (6) questions: If an electron and proton have the same de Broglie wavelength, which particle has greater speed? Which photon red, green or blue carries the most e ae and momentum? What are black body eee chan pale a\col" HASSE SSE = What do we mean her is excited? Is energy conse cn emits a photon of light? Describe a briefa en interaction of various types of radiati it er. avy nuclei unstable? at do we mean by termcritical mass? Differentiate between Baryons and Mesons. . §] REE! &i EE) Section - I] Note: Attempt any THREE questions. 159 AZHAR UNSOLVED 4 UP TO DATE 5a)| Define capacitance. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when dielectric is inserted between the plates. _{b)) A rectangular bar of iron is 2 cm by 2 cm in cross- sectional area and 40 cm long. Calculate its oa if 9 DEN is 11x10° Qm. Discuss the pie reo Ning > ae Y ee ZN \ Lo B exes for induce: rae ate i of an electron moving ata S sin a uniform magnetic field of 2.0 x 10°T. 7.(a) ~ behaviour of A.C. current and voltage in inductor? Discuss power loss through an inductor over a period. _{b) J The current flowing into the base of a transistoris 100 pA. Find its collector current |,, its emitter current |. and the ratio I,/I.. Ifthe value of current gain Bis 100. @ '8.(a)| Describe the principle, construction and working of a Wilson Cloud Chamber. _(b)} What stress should cause a wire to increase in length by 0.01%, if the Young’s modulus of the wire is 12 x 10"P.a.? What force would produce this stress, if the pes of the wire is 0.56 mm? ‘9.(a)| What is wave nature of ae eB wit Germer experiment confi ed it A (b) nee thelest aon ©) ee

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