Lesson3 3

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Exegesis in everyday life and as a specialized discipline KINDS OF EXEGESIS


Read Hands Heart
Mark 3:34-35
Knowing Doing Being
Looking about at those who were sitting around him, Scripture Evangelism Discipleship
he said, “Behold my mother and my brothers! 35 “For Theology Mercy & Justice Counseling
whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and Convictions
sister and mother.”

For the Exegete the meaning of ‘brother’, BIBLICAL EXEGESIS

‘sister’, and ‘mother’ as ‘whowever does the will of God.  intellectual knowledge historical-critical method
Matthew 23:9-10 trained scholars hard work academic.
 The standard is to distinguish the way a person
Do not call anyone on earth your father, for one is your interprets the bible is NOT whether it is right or
father, he who is in heaven. 10 “Do not be called leaders; wrong interpretation but rather whether it is an
for one is your leader, that is, Christ. interpretation that comes from the text
Jesus is speaking in HYPERBOLE to magnify the lsson (exegesis) or an interpretation that is placed
that his disciples need to learn in fatherhood into the text which the text itself did not mean
The real meaning of fatherhood is servanthood. The
reflection of the father who is above. EISEGESIS

EXEGESIS  Is in contrast of exegesis.

 ‘eis’ in Greek means ‘into’
 Is a normal activity that we practice in everyday  Means the process of leading one’s own
living meaning into the text
 Whenever we try to understand something we  Expresses the interpreter’s own ideas, bias, or
have heard or read the like rather than the meaning of the text.
 The term “exegesis” is from a combination of  Is reading and understanding the text the way
the Greek word ‘ex’ – which means “out of”, of the reader understand.
‘ago’ which means “to lead” and of ‘sis’ which
denotes a process.
 the process of leading out the meaning from EXEGETE
the text  A person skilled in exegesis, an expounder or
 In a broader sense the term exegesis can refer textual interpreter, especially of scripture.
to any act of interpretation or explanation.
 Critical explanation or interpretation of a text, EISEGETE
digging into the bible to discover its real  A person who places meaning on a text which is
meaning not originally or inherently present in the text.
 reading and understanding the bible the way
that text itself expresses effectively 3 THINGS TO BE A GOOD INTERPRETER
 we are able to respect the word of god as it is –
1. Admit we need help
- We cannot understand it fully, ask the Holy
 takes into consideration the parallelism Spirit for Wisdom and Understanding.
2. We need faith in the sovereign goodness of the
- Faith not only frees us to go where the bible
leads us, but it impels us to go where the
bible leads us
3. We need to learn how to read with the kind of
care that corresponds to the preciousness of
the book


- A small leather box containing Hebrew texts

on vellum, worn by Jewish men at morning
prayer as a reminder to keep the law.


1. Content
2. Context
3. Comparison
4. Culture
5. Consultation


- Content of the passage is the raw materials

with which you will interpret the text.


A. When reading within a particular text, be sure

to note the following four things
1. Terms
2. Structure
3. Literary Form
4. Atmosphere

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