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Proposal of improvement :

1. What are the causes of your traps? Explain!

 The causes of my traps were mainly the lack of preparation, research, communication,
and cooperation for the negotiation. I did not prepare or research adequately for the
negotiation, such as the goals, the interests, the alternatives, the power, and the
reservation points of both parties. I did not communicate or cooperate effectively or
constructively with the company representative, such as the exploration, the
explanation, the reframing, and the feedback of the offers or demands of both parties.
I also did not use or leverage my power or resources strategically or appropriately,
such as the information, the support, the advice, and the reputation that I had or could

2. Improvement proposals (How do you improve it?)

 To improve my negotiation performance, I need to adopt some best practices or

strategies that can enhance my negotiation outcome. These practices or strategies are:
o Expand the pie: I need to view the negotiation as a positive-sum game, where
both parties can gain or benefit. I need to try to expand the pie or create value
for both parties. I need to explore the underlying interests or needs of both
parties. I need to look for potential trade-offs or synergies that could benefit
both parties.
o Avoid anchoring: I need to avoid being influenced by the first offer or
demand that the company representative makes. I need to challenge or
question his offer or demand. I need to make a counteroffer or a
counterdemand that reflects my target or aspiration. I need to adjust my
expectations or positions based on my own analysis or information.
o Reframe the offer or demand: I need to avoid being affected by the way that
the company representative presents or frames his offer or demand. I need to
reframe or restate his offer or demand in a neutral or objective way. I need to
use frames that could appeal to his interests or values.
o De-escalate the commitment: I need to avoid becoming committed or
attached to my position or proposal. I need to be willing to back down or
change my mind. I need to save face or avoid loss. I need to consider or use
the feedback or information that contradicts my position or proposal. I need to
consider the alternatives or options that could improve my outcome or
o Be realistic and humble: I need to avoid overestimating my abilities or
resources. I need to avoid underestimating the company representative’s
abilities or resources. I need to prepare or research adequately for the
negotiation. I need to assess or test my assumptions or hypotheses. I need to
seek or use the advice or support from others. I need to learn or improve from
my mistakes or failures.

3. Show how the proposals will eliminate the traps or improve the negotiation results
(bigger pie and/or bigger portion of the pie)!

 The proposals will eliminate the traps or improve the negotiation results by:
o Expanding the pie: This will increase the value or the benefits for both parties.
This will also improve the relationship or the trust between the parties. This
will lead to a win-win or a mutually beneficial outcome.
o Avoiding anchoring: This will prevent me from being biased or manipulated
by the company representative’s offer or demand. This will also allow me to
negotiate from a stronger or more confident position. This will lead to a more
favorable or optimal outcome for me.
o Reframing the offer or demand: This will reduce the emotional or
psychological impact of the company representative’s offer or demand. This
will also enable me to persuade or influence him more effectively. This will
lead to a more acceptable or agreeable outcome for him.
o De-escalating the commitment: This will prevent me from being stubborn or
irrational about my position or proposal. This will also allow me to adapt or
adjust to the changing situation or information. This will lead to a more
flexible or creative outcome for both parties.
o Being realistic and humble: This will prevent me from being overconfident or
arrogant about my abilities or resources. This will also allow me to learn or
improve from the negotiation experience. This will lead to a more realistic or
sustainable outcome for both parties.

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