Past Paper 2023 Lahore Board Inter Part II Mathematics Group I Objective English Medium

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UN Tus nie : 20 (Sy possible answers A, B, C and D to each question are given. The choice which you think is correct, fill that circle in front of that question with Marker or Pen ink in the answer book. Cutting or filling two or more circles will result in zero mark in that question. “ dy f y = tanh'x, then — =: & If y = tanh” x a ‘ ‘\ 4 Tt : 12 8 fe’ (sinx+cosx)dx = ® e*cosx+c e* sinx © e*sinx+c © e*cosx di = X=: A also) 4 ® cosvx ® cosyvx.—= vx 1 © vx cosvx © cos-/x.—= < 2vx a a™) a : dx : : oun @ a® O ( \ 8 iN x iy 2 sl" a Ana meter P of a square as a function of its area A is given as: @4A © 4A ©2A © 2VA If y=x?-1,then dy =: @xdx+ce ® (x - 1)dx © 2xdx+c © 2x dx 5 f 4 dx =: x+2 ® (n|x+2/+e ® (n|x+2f +c : © 2fnx+ce ae ® Sq xt +o © cosec? x +c lomain of cosine function y = cos x is: ® Real numbers : (+1, 1] © (0, 2”) © +1, 1[ Two lines aix + biy + ¢: = 0 and aox + boy + c= 0 are parallel if: ® asap + bibs = 0 ® a;a2—b;b2 =0 © arb2 - azb; = 0 © ajb2 + arb; =0 For parabola, value of eccentricity e is: @e=0 e<1 ©e>1 Oe=1- A region is said to feasible region which is restricted to: ® | quadrant ® Il quadrant © lll quadrant © IV quadraa cow Oo Focus of the parabola x* a ®@ G aoe My 4 Os EEd The lines represented by ax? + 2hxy + by? = 0 are imaginary if : @h?-ab=0 ®h?-ab<0 ©h?-ab>0 Oh?-ab+0 i A vector perpendicular to both vectors a and b is: @a.b ®axb © ab Ob.a Inclination of the line joining the points (4, 6) and (4, 8 is: / @ 90° @ 45° wa nae . pele 18 | The coordinate’ ‘ fi the hyperbola se gn b) © (£b,0) © (0,4 a), © (+a,0) 19) If u, v and w are coterminous edges of a tetrahedron, then its volume is: ®[uvw] ® © Z uyw) 0 Eq] An angle in a semicircle is of measure: ® 90° 60° © 45° : © 30°

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