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Brazilian Student Activities Manual

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Student Activities Manual


Anna M. Klobucka
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

Clemence M. C. Jouét-Pastré Patrícia Isabel Sobral

Harvard University Brown University

Maria Luci De Biaji Moreira Amelia P. Hutchinson

College of Charleston University of Georgia

4 Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

Senior Acquisitions Editor: Rachel McCoy
Editorial Assistant: Alexei Soma
Director of Marketing: Kristine Suárez
Senior Marketing Manager: Denise Miller
Senior Managing Editor: Mary Rottino
Associate Managing Editor: Janice Stangel
Project Manager: Manuel Echevarria
Project Manager: Jill Traut, ICC Macmillan Inc.
Prepress and Manufacturing Buyer: Cathleen Petersen
Manufacturing Manager: Brian Mackey
Cover Art Director: Jayne Conte
Manager, Cover Visual Research and Permissions: Karen Sanatar
Marketing Coordinator: William J. Bliss

Publisher: Phil Miller

This book was set in 10/12 Palatino by the ICC Macmillan Inc., and was printed and
bound by Bind-Rite Graphics /Robbinsville.

e O 2008 by Pearson Education
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.

Printed in the United States of America

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Pearson Education LTD., London

Pearson Education Australia PTY, Limited, Sydney
Pearson Education Singapore, Pte. Ltd
Pearson Education North Asia Ltd., Hong Kong
Pearson Education Canada, Ltd., Toronto
Pearson Educación de México, S.A. de C.V.
Pearson Education-Japan, Tokyo
Pearson Education Malaysia, Pte. Ltd
Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
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PrCaG preliminar FeMPrimeiros passosB e ay AT 1

IGdO Rs: A univelsidades sce segs O e RE us
Eicao e Entreamisose RR 45
Licao S On iloras de:lazer ces een cna ae ce eee oe 61
Lica ode TA familias die Ra eae ee 83
Lição); OH A casa cos MOVEIS Ms e ie ee pa 107
Eiçãor670 GA roupa e as compras Fe 133
ição/ FOTO tempo cos passatempos ar oy
Lição 626" Festas @: ttadiCOeStame., en 181
lição De Gutrabalho eos megocios es seeree 205
EicaonlO@ FA comida Ce ne e DO ED 229
Picadas On Assauidere’0S medicoseee Zoi
ICAO RIROTAS ferias e as viagens ae a ten ns
ee eee PAS)
Eicao HA” OTA sociedade 3 ie a ee ee Sl
EicaorlS o TA ciência Cla teCnOlo
gia oe Rr 345
Expansão ctamatical is rs RR 365
ApendicerinoesPracticetor Speakers okSpanishilaa ete SHES
Apêndice 2 4 European Portuguese Video Activities ...... 413

Contents V

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