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⚫ 3 Speaking Parts

⚫ Time limit: 11-14 minutes

⚫ Overall speaking score will be rounded down

⚫ Part 1: Interview – Simple general topics, personal focus

⚫ Part 2: Individual Long Turn – More complex topic, personal focus

⚫ Part 3: Two-way Discussion – More complex questions, impersonal focus

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1. Do you work or are you a student?

2. Why did you choose this subject/ this job?

3. What do you like about your study/ your job?

4. What do you dislike about your study/ your job?

5. Do you have a specific talent?

Does it help you with your study/ your job?

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1. Hi my name is Thịnh. The meaning of this name is “prosperity” in English. I’m a
junior at Medical School. My school ranks top 10 best universities in HCM city. It
offers the best education that a student can get, so I’m really proud of my school.

2. There are many reasons why I chose this subject. For one,… Another reason is…

3. I like my excellent friends. I also like the teachers. The teachers are also excellent.
Moreover, I like the facilities. They are modern and nice.

4. I don’t have anything to dislike. Yeah… So I don’t hate anything.

5. My talent is that I can read so fast. I can read plenty of kinds of books, from novels
to comics without getting bored.

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1. Hi my name is Thịnh. The meaning of this name is “prosperity” in English. I’m a junior at
Medical School. My school ranks top 10 best universities in HCM city. It offers the best
education that a student can get, so I’m really proud of my school.

→ This answer lacks coherence, goes off topic, and includes too many unnecessary details.

2. There are many reasons why I chose this subject. For one,… Another reason is…

→ This answer maintains good coherence and organization, but fails to paraphrase the question.

3. I like my excellent friends. I also like the teachers. The teachers are also excellent. Moreover, I
like the facilities. They are modern and nice.

→ This answer fails to paraphrase the question, and it contains too many simple sentences.

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4. I don’t have anything to dislike. Yeah… So I don’t hate anything.

→ This answer doesn’t showcase any use of vocabulary nor grammatical range. It also lacks
coherence since there is no development of ideas.

5. My talent is that I can read so fast. I can read plenty of kinds of books, from novels to
comics without getting bored. With this talent, I can become a good student at school.

→ This answer isn’t supported by relevant ideas and examples. It also fails to paraphrase
the question.

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Advanced Grammar Idiomatic expressions Collocations
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Advanced Grammar Idiomatic expressions Collocations

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1. Fluency and Coherence
⚫ ‘Speak at Length’ (2-3-4 statements)
⚫ Answers should be smooth and easy to follow
(effortless + coherent)
⚫ Almost NO repetition – self-correction – hesitation
(vocab | idea)

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2. Lexical Resource

⚫ Paraphrasing (but with control) → Collocations

⚫ Use less common vocabulary

⚫ Use idiomatic expression (occasionally)

to be bitten by a (n) bug = to get interested in

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3. Grammatical Range & Accuracy

⚫ Range: simple + complex structure | different tenses

⚫ Accuracy

4. Pronunciation

⚫ Intelligibility (easy to understand)

⚫ Accent (should be as clear as possible)

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1. What is the most unexpected thing about your study/ work?

2. Do you prefer to study/ work in the morning or evening?

3. What are the ways that you can improve your skills?

4. What is/was your favorite subject to study at school?

5. If you had the chance, what would you want to change in your

work place/your school/your university?

6. Do you plan to get a job in the same field as your subject?

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Question 1: What is the most unexpected thing about your study/ work?

→ Well, I used to consider teaching as a run-of-the-mill job, but my experience has shown

the total opposite, so I hardly perceive my job that way now. Although I’ve been working

as a teacher for the better part of the last… 6 or 7 years, I couldn’t foresee that every day I

constantly find myself out with the old and in with the new.

→ I mean, each class of mine resembles a small community with people from all walks of

life, so my daily working environment makes me feel like I’m assimilating into a tiny

culture where it’s good enough for me to impart and receive knowledge at a same time.

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1. Do you think job satisfaction is more important than
salary when choosing a job?
2. What skills do you think are needed to get a good job
these days?
3. Do you think women should be able to do all the same
jobs that men do?
4. What jobs do you think are most valuable to society?

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