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LS Session 1-5

अथ श्रीलललतासहस्रनामस्तोत्रम् ।

ॐ ऐं ह्ी ं श्री ं ॐ ऐं ह्ी ं श्री ं ।

ॐ श्रीमाता श्रीमहाराज्ञी श्रीमत्- लसंहासनेश्वरी ।

लिदलि- कुण्ड- सम्भूता दे वकार्य- समु द्यता ॥१॥

Om Shreemaathaa shreemahaaraagyee shreemathsimhaasaneshwaree

chidhagni-kunda-sambhoothaa dhevakaarya-samudhyathaa || 1 ||

Salutations to the divine mother, who is the mother of all. She is the great empress of the whole
universe, enthroned on the lion’s back. Devi came out of the fire of pure knowledge and
consciousness to promote the cause of divine forces (devas).

१. श्रीमाता - Shree maathaa - Śrīmātā - Auspicious Mother

She who is the auspicious Mother

२. श्रीमहाराज्ञी – shree mahaaraajnee - Śrīmahārājñī - Auspicious Ruler

She who is the Empress of the Universe

३. श्रीमत्संहासनेश्वरी – Śrīmatsiṃhāsaneśvarī - Ruler of the auspicious lion-throne

shreemath + simha + asanam + eeshwaree

She who is the queen of the most glorious throne

४. लिदलिकुण्डसम्भूता – Cidagni kuṇḍasambhūtā - born in the fire-pit of consciousness

Chit + agni + kuṇḍa + saṃbhūta

She who was born in the fire-pit of Pure Consciousness

५. दे वकार्यसमुद्यता – Devakāryasamudyatā - facilitator of the devas’ work

Dheva - Devas, kaarya- work, samudhyathaa – Arisen Up or ready for action or prepared to

She who is intent on fulfilling the wishes of the gods

उद्यद्भानु- सहस्राभा ितुर्ायहु- समत्िता ।

रागस्वरूप- पाशाढ्या क्रोधाकाराङ् कुशोज्ज्वला ॥२॥

Udhyadhbhaanu-sahasraabhaa chathurbaahu-samanvithaa

raagaswaroopa-paashaadyaa krodhaakaaraankushojjwalaa || 2 ||

The Universal Mother, Lalitha or SriDevi is as radiant as a thousand suns rising together. She is a
four-armed Goddess who holds in one of Her left hands a noose representing the power of love and
the flashing Ankusa (goad) of anger in one of Her right hands for restraining the forces of evil.

६. उद्यद्भानुसहस्राभा – udyadbhānu sahasrābhā - brilliant as thousands of rising suns

Udyad – rising; bhānu-sun; sahasra– thousand or countless; abhā light.

She who has the radiance of a thousand rising suns

७. ितुर्ायहुसमत्िता – caturbāhu samanvitā - four-armed

chathur – four, baahu- hands, samanvithaa – fully endowed with

She who is four-armed

८. रागस्वरूपपाशाढ्या – rāgasvarūpa pāśāḍhyā - bearing the noose of desire

Raaga – desire, swaroopa- form / shape, paasha – type of rope used to pull an object

She who is holding the rope of love/desire/wish in her hand

९. क्रोधाकाराङ् कुशोज्ज्वला – krodhakārāṅkuśojjvalā - bearing the goad of wrath

Krodha – anger / hatred, aakaara – form / shape, ankusha – elephant hook, ujjwalaa - shining

She who shines, bearing the goad of anger ( Ankusha is Elephant hook)


मनोरूपेक्षु- कोदण्डा पञ्चतन्मात्र- सार्का ।

लनजारुण- प्रभापूर- मज्जद्ब्रह्माण्ड- मण्डला ॥३॥

Manoroopekshu-kodhandaa panchathanmaathra-saayakaa

nijaaruna-prabhaapoora-majjadhbrahmaanda-mandalaa ||3||
Devi wields in one of Her left hands a Sugarcane bow that stands for mind and in one of Her right
hands five arrows representing the five Tanmatras (Subtle elements). Devi bathes the whole
Universe in red colour which is equivalent to the early morning Sun.

१०. मनोरूपेक्षुकोदण्डा – manorūpekṣukodaṇḍā - bearing the mind bow

Mano - mind, roopa – form, Ikshu- sugarcane, kodhandaa - bow

She who holds in her hand a bow made of sugarcane that represents the mind

११. पञ्चतन्मात्रसार्का – pañcatanmātra sāyakā bearing the tanmātras as arrows

Pancha – five, thanmaathra - elements ( here the 5 suttle elements), saayakaa - arrows

She who holds the five subtle elements as arrows, five senses of touch, hearing, sight, taste and

१२. लनजारुणप्रभापूरमज्जद्ब्रह्माण्डमण्डला – nijāruṇa prabhāpūra majjad-brahmāṇḍamaṇḍalā

bathing the universe with her rosy effulgence

Nija – Ones Own / innate,

aruna- coming from / red,

prabhaapoora- radiance/ effulgence/

majjadh – immersing/ sinking,

brahmaanda - one galaxy,

brahmanda mandala – means the whole universe that consists of millions of such galaxies.

she who immerses the entire universe in the red effulgence of Her form


िम्पकाशोक- पुन्नाग- सौगत्िक- लसत्किा ।

कुरुलवन्दमलण- श्रेणी- कनत्कोटीर- मत्ण्डता ॥४॥


kuruvindhamani-shreynee-kanathkoteera-mandithaa ||4||

Sridevi’s shining locks of hair impart their fragrance to flowers like Champa, Ashoka and Punnaga
adorning them. Her crown is shining with rows of Kuruvinda gems. 4
१३. िम्पकाशोकपुन्नागसौगत्िकलसत्किा – campakāśoka punnāga saugandhika lasatkacā -flowers
adorning her hair

Champaka, Ashoka, punnaaga, saugandhika – lasath kachaa – adorned in the hair

Sougandhika also means fragrance . So this could also mean these flowers get the fragarance from
devi’s hair

She whose hair has been adorned with flowers like champaka, ashoka, punnAga and saugandhika

१४. कुरुलवन्दमलणश्रेणीकनत्कोटीरमत्ण्डता – kuruvinda maṇiśreṇī kanatkoṭīra maṇḍitā - Crown

adorned with rows of Kuruvinda

Kuruvindha mani – Kuruvinda Gems,

shreynee- rows,

kanath – shine,

koteera- crown ( crown for women which will not hide the beauty of their hair)

mandithaa – adorned or decorated

She who is resplendent with a crown adorned with rows of kuruvinda gems


अष्टमीिन्द्र- लवभ्राज- दललकस्थल- शोलभता ।

मुखिन्द्र- कलङ्काभ- मृगनालभ- लवशेषका ॥५॥


mukhachandra-kalankaabha-mrganaabhi-visheshakaa ||5||

Devi’s forehead shines, arching like the crescent moon of the eighth lunar digit (Ashtami). The
Kasturi Tilaka adorns her moonlike face, like the spot in the moon.

१५. अष्टमीिन्द्रलवभ्राजदललकस्थलशोलभता – aṣṭamī candra vibhrāja daḷikasthala śobhitā -

Forehead shining like the crescent moon of the eighth night of the lunar half-month

Ashtamee Chandra – Moon as it appears on the Ashtami day or the 8th day,

vibhraaja- shine through/ be bright or radiant,

dhalikasthala- forehead,

shobhithaa – beautiful, splendid or adorned

She whose forehead shines like the crescent moon of the eighth night of the lunar half-month

१६. मुखिन्द्रकलङ्काभमृगनालभलवशेषका – mukhacandra kaḷaṅkābha mṛganābhi viśeṣakā

wearing a musk mark on her forehead which shines like the spot in the moon

mukhachandra- moon / face of the moon,

kalanka – stain or spot,

abha- appearance,

mrganaabhi- musk deer,

visheshakaa – mark on the forehead / distinguishing mark

She who wears a musk mark on Her forehead which shines like the spot in the moon


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