T Lo I (Bu I 2)

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Question 1. Do you think these measures are _______ enough to arrest the spread of the disease?
A. effect B. effective C. affect D. effectively
Question 2. I wear sunscreen so as to _______ harmful effects of the sun.
A. avoidance B. avoidable C. avoid D. unavoidable
Question 3. A final _______ about layoffs hasn’t been made yet.
A. decide B. decision C. decisive D. decisively
Question 4. I find it quite _______ that some people are very good at adapting to hot weather.
A. amazing B. amaze C. amazement D. amazingly
Question 5. Smoking poses a real _______ to health, so it’s a good idea to stop smoking.
A. threaten B. threatening C. threateningly D. threat
Question 6. On weekends, I like to _______ by gardening or shopping with my friends.
A. relaxation B. relaxing C. relaxingly D. relax
Question 7. My visit to the largest pagoda in Asia wasn’t very _______.
A. please B. pleasant C. pleasantly D. pleasantness
Question 8. The guest speaker made some _______ points in his talk.
A. interests B. interest C. interestingly D. interesting
Question 9. This medicine can be used in a _______ of surprising ways.
A. various B. vary C. variety D. variously
Question 10. She must have prepared well for the test; she answered all the questions _______ .
A. confidently B. confidence C. confident D. confide
Question 11. Not only does Tom study very hard but he’s also very _______ .
A. creativity B. create C. creative D. creatively
Question 12. Feel free to contact me if you need more _______ about our services.
A. inform B. informative C. informatively D. information
Question 13. Don’t _______ to buy some milk when you return home.
A. forgetful B. forget C. forgetfulness D. forgettable
Question 14. He looked relaxed and _______ when he finished the test.
A. comfort B. comfortable C. comfortably D. comforts
Question 15. We’re trying to meet the demands of the students with _______ .
A. able B. enable C. disabled D. disabilities
Question 16. He opened the box with _______ for fear of breaking the cups inside.
A. care B. careless C. carefully D. careful
Question 17. We had an _______ weekend at the local beach.
A. enjoy B. enjoyable C. enjoyment D. enjoyably
Question 18. The singer’s announcement caused great _______ among his fans.
A. excited B. excitingly C. excitement D. excite
Question 19. He failed to give a _______ answer about his scandal at the press conference yesterday.
A. satisfactory B. satisfy C. satisfaction D. satisfactorily
Question 20. Children can develop an _______ to TV when they’re left at home very often.
A. addicted B. addict C. addiction D. addictive
Question 21. He got into _______ troubles when investing in bitcoin.
A. financially B. financial C. financier D. finance
Question 22. Travelling by car is more _______ than taking a flight.
A. economist B. economy C. economically D. economical
Question 23. Retail shopping is a popular _______ among young people nowadays.
A. activate B. actively C. activity D. active
Question 24. They formed a close _______ after the accident.
A. friendliness B. unfriendly C. friendly D. friendship
Question 25. The _______ appointed mayor is going to give his first public speech tomorrow.
A. renew B. newly C. renewal D. new

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