HE 7 - 8 Q3 05 Front Office Services TG

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Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Unit 5
Front Office Services

Table of Contents
DepEd Competencies 1
Unit Guide 2
Practical Applications 3
Central Question 4

Lesson 1: Introduction to Front Office Services 5

Learning Targets 5
Materials 5
Suggested Time Frame 5
Recharge 5
Enlighten 7
Reexplore 14

Lesson 2: Use of Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia 17

Learning Targets 17
Materials 17
Suggested Time Frame 17
Recharge 17
Enlighten 19
Reexplore 21

Lesson 3: Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia 28

Learning Targets 28
Materials 28
Suggested Time Frame 28
Recharge 28
Enlighten 30
Reexplore 32
Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 4: Perform Mensuration and Calculations 35

Learning Targets 35
Materials 35
Suggested Time Frame 35
Recharge 35
Enlighten 36
Reexplore 41

Lesson 5: Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures 44

Learning Targets 44
Materials 44
Suggested Time Frame 44
Recharge 44
Enlighten 46
Reexplore 48

Lesson 6: Interpret Design and Layout 52

Learning Targets 52
Materials 52
Suggested Time Frame 52
Recharge 52
Enlighten 54
Reexplore 56

Unit Presentation 60
Summative Assessment Answer Key 61
Photo Credits 67
References 67
Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

DepEd Competencies
At the end of this unit, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Recognize PECs needed in front office services (FOS) (TLE_PECS7/8-00-1).
1. Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits.
2. Assess the practitioner’s PECs: characteristics, attributes, lifestyle, skills, and traits.
3. Compare one’s PECS with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur.
4. Align one’s PECS with those of a practitioner/entrepreneur.
● Generate a business idea related to a career choice in FOS (TLE_PECS7/8-00-2).
1. Conduct a SWOT analysis.
2. Identify the different products/services available in the market.
3. Generate potential business ideas based on the SWOT analysis.
● Identify FOS tools, equipment, and paraphernalia applicable to a specific job (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0ab-1).
1. Classify equipment, tools, and paraphernalia according to types and functions.
2. Describe equipment, tools, and paraphernalia based on the specified task.
● Use FOS tools, equipment, and paraphernalia (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0ab-2).
1. Use equipment, tools, and paraphernalia based on the task requirements.
2. Conduct a performance-based assessment for using tools, equipment, and paraphernalia.
● Conduct a self-evaluation on the required performance (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0ab-3).
Perform a self-evaluation with regard to the use of FOS tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia using rubrics.
● Perform aftercare activities for tools, equipment, and paraphernalia (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0c-4).
1. Clean tools, equipment, and paraphernalia after use according to standard operating
2. Store tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in the appropriate area in accordance with
safety procedures.
3. Check tools, equipment, and paraphernalia regularly for orderliness/tidiness using a
4. Carry out routine maintenance per standard operating procedures (SOP).
5. Use rubrics in evaluating the performance in rendering aftercare services.
● Conduct a self-evaluation on the required performance (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0d-5).
Perform self-evaluation in the maintenance of FOS tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
using rubrics.
● Perform simple calculations (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0e-6).
1. Perform computations involving ratios, proportions, fractions, and conversions.
2. Prepare a simple report from the arrival to departure of customers.
3. Evaluate FOS-related reports using rubrics.
● Conduct a self-evaluation on required performance (TLE_HEFS7/8UT0f-7).
Perform a self-evaluation of mensuration and calculations.
● Identify hazards and risks (TLE_HEFS7/8OHS0g-8).
1. Clarify and explain regulations and workplace safety and hazard control practices and

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
2. Identify hazards/risks in the workplace and their corresponding indicators.
3. Recognize and establish contingency measures in case of workplace accidents, fire, and
other emergencies
● Evaluate and control hazards and risks (TLE_HEFS7/8OHS0h-9).
1. Identify terms of maximum tolerable limits, which will result in harm or damage based on
TLV when exceeded.
2. Determine the effects of hazards.
3. Report occupational health safety (OHS) issues and/or concerns to designated personnel
and identify safety hazards.
4. Follow OHS procedures for controlling hazards/risks in the workplace.
5. Use PPE.
6. Provide assistance in the event of a workplace emergency in accordance with protocol.
7. Use rubrics in evaluating the preparedness of a given agency in terms of hazards and risks
in the workplace.
● Maintain OHS Awareness (TLE_HEFS7/8OHS0i-10).
1. Participate in emergency-related drills and training.
2. Complete and update OHS personal records.
3. Evaluate the level of OHS awareness using rubrics.
● Conduct a self-evaluation on the required performance (TLE_HEFS7/8OHS0i-11).
Perform self-evaluation in the practice of occupational health and safety procedures using
● Read and interpret the front office reception area (TLE_HEFS7/8ID0j-12).
1. Read and interpret symbols and layout in a given sample plan for a front office reception
2. Describe parts and functions of a front office reception layout.
3. Evaluate a sample front office reception layout.
● Conduct a self-evaluation on the required performance (TLE_HEFS7/8ID0j-13).
Perform self-evaluation of the interpreted designs and layouts using rubrics.

Unit Guide
Robert Gagné, an educational psychologist, created the Nine Events of Instruction as a
structure for instructional design to aid in processing learning strategies and activities.
Accordingly, each step acts as confirmation that learning has taken place. When each step is
completed, the learner is expected to retain the information and be more engaged in the
succeeding lessons. It has three segments:
1. Preparation: gaining attention, informing learners of the objectives, and stimulating
prior learning
2. Instruction and Practice: presenting the stimulus, providing learning guidance,
eliciting performance, providing feedback

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
3. Assessment and Transfer: assessing performance and enhancing retention and
Please see these additional links to read further details about this instructional design.
● Additional Reading 1
● Additional Reading 2

Table 1. Teacher’s Instructional Guide

Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction Equivalent Teacher’s Content

Gaining attention Practical Application, Central Question

Informing learners Recharge, Learning Targets, DepEd


Stimulating recall Recharge

Presenting the content Enlighten, Study Guide, and Presentation


Providing learning guidance Reexplore

Eliciting performance Worksheets

Providing feedback All Processing of the Activities

Assessing performance Unit Assessment

Enhancing retention Subject-specific Features

Practical Applications
The knowledge gained in this unit can be applied to the following:
● designing a business idea that relates to a career choice in front office services
● using the different tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in front office services
● applying the aftercare procedures in the tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
● performing computations involving ratios, proportions, fractions, and conversion
● practicing occupational health and safety (OHS) procedures in the workplace
● interpreting designs and layouts in the front office reception area

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Central Question

What are the essential attributes and characteristics of an

excellent front office service?

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 1
Introduction to Front Office Services

Learning Targets

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Recognize the personal entrepreneurial competencies needed in front office
● Generate a business idea related to a career choice in front office services.

Suggested Time Frame
● presentation slides
● This lesson can be divided into 2
● study guide
● worksheets
● The first session is
● task cards
approximately 30 minutes long,
● PECS worksheet
and the second will last for
● SWOT analysis template
approximately 1 hour.

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a short activity named ‘Guess the Mime.’ A mime is a theatrical
technique that expresses actions, emotions, and gestures to transfer information. It is
done without saying a word to the audience.”
3. Give volunteers a task card containing what they need to portray.
4. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Two to three learners will perform a mime based on the given task card
containing information about a front office personnel's duties. There will be one

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
round for each front office personnel.
See the task cards below:
● front office manager – organizes all departmental functions so that they
operate efficiently
● assistant manager – handles guests' complaints and assists in solving
minor problems
● room clerk – gives the room information and manages all the functions
of guest registration.
● reservation clerk – acknowledges and makes reservations by phone,
letter, fax, or email
● concierge – provides special services, like babysitting, companions, and
personal maid services
b. The class will have 30 seconds to guess. The learner who correctly guesses the
front office personnel will choose the next set of learners to perform. If no one
correctly guesses, the performers will pick the next set of learners for the next
5. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. Who are the front office personnel you were able to identify?
Answer: front office manager, assistant manager, room clerk, reservation clerk,
b. What are the observable duties of the front office personnel based on the
● front office manager – organizes all departmental functions so that they
operate efficiently
● assistant manager – handles guests' complaints and assists in solving
minor problems
● room clerk – gives the room information and manages all the functions
of guest registration.
● reservation clerk – acknowledges and makes reservations by phone,
letter, fax, or email
● concierge – provides special services, like babysitting, companions, and
personal maid services
c. How should we communicate with front office personnel?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “We should communicate with them
respectfully and be polite in stating our demands or when making an inquiry.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8


Business Link

Ms. Kathryn Chandria Bernardo, a 26-year-old award-winning

actress, is a successful young entrepreneur who owns different
business establishments.

Her latest business undertaking is the Isla Amara boutique resort

in El Nido, Palawan, in partnership with another actor, Mr. Piolo
Pascual. It shows that Ms. Bernardo is a risk-taker since they
launched the resort amidst a pandemic, in which leisure
activities are strictly monitored to follow COVID-19 guidelines
and restrictions.

Her other business ventures include Kathnails, a nail salon that

started in 2017, Barbero Blues and District 8, in partnership with
Daniel Padilla, and other food cart franchises.

Last June 2021, Ms. Bernardo’s mother gifted her a studio space
for pictorials and gatherings. However, as a business-minded
millennial, she opened it to the public for rental venues. Some of
her clients were actors Jennylyn Mercado and Dennis Trillo, who
rented it as the venue for their wedding reception.

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will answer the self-rating questionnaire on personal entrepreneurial
competencies (PECs) in front office services. Evaluate how likely you agree with the
different competencies and provide two to three sentences on how to exhibit each
competency. Analyze the results to identify your strong and weak competencies.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Evaluate yourself by answering the self-rating questionnaire on PECs in front
office services.
b. Carefully go through each statement and answer all the items. Check the
appropriate box that corresponds to each number. The five choices are as
5 – Always
4 – Usually
3 – Sometimes
2 – Rarely
1 – Never
c. Analyze the results to identify your strong and weak competencies and write
your answers on the My Highs and Lows template.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What did you learn after completing your self-evaluation on PECs?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I got the chance to know more about
myself. I learned what my strengths and weaknesses are.”
b. How will you use your strong competencies in the future?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I will utilize them to start a business
c. What will you do after identifying your weaknesses?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I will find ways to turn my weaknesses into

Table 2. Self-Rating Questionnaire on PECs in Front Office Services

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) in
Front Office Services
Competencies 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Opportunity-seeking I focus on things that need to be
I do things before being asked
by others.
I like challenges and new

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) in
Front Office Services
Competencies 5 4 3 2 1 Score
I choose activities that I know
well and with which I am
I try new and different things
from what I have done before.
Total Score:

Persistence When faced with difficulties, I

spend a lot of time trying to
find a solution.
I often try to get people to do
what I would like them to do.
I strive to accomplish what I
want, even if something gets in
the way.
When faced with significant
difficulties, I quickly go on to
other things.
I attempt several ways to
overcome any circumstances to
reach my goals.
Total Score:

Fulfilling I complete my work on time.

commitments I keep the promises I make.
If necessary, I am happy to do
someone else's work to get the
job done on time.
When doing a job for someone, I
put in extra effort to make sure
that the person is happy with my

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) in
Front Office Services
Competencies 5 4 3 2 1 Score
I value my family and personal
life more than the work
deadlines I set for myself.
Total Score:

Demand for quality It troubles me when things are

and efficiency not done well.
My work is better than other
people's work.
It troubles me when my time is
I never feel entirely happy with
the way things are done. I always
think there is a better way.
I find ways to complete tasks at
work and home quickly.
Total Score:

Risk-taking I prefer situations where I can

control the outcomes as much
as possible.
I do not try something new
without making sure that I will
I weigh my chances of
succeeding or failing before I
decide to do something.
I do risky things.
I do things that others consider
Total Score:

Goal-seeking I like to think about the future.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) in
Front Office Services
Competencies 5 4 3 2 1 Score
Worrying about what to do with
your life is a waste of time.
The more specific I am about
what I want out of life, the more
chances I have to succeed.
I have a clear plan for my life.
I am more concerned about
meeting my weekly goals than
my yearly ones.
Total Score:
Information-seeking I always gather information
before starting a task.
I ask for advice from people who
know a lot about the task I am
working on.
I start the task without wasting
time gathering information.
When working on someone's
project, I always ask questions to
ensure that I understand what
that person wants.
I look for many sources to get
information about my task.
Total Score:
Systematic planning I always break a large project
and monitoring into smaller tasks.
I think about the advantages and
disadvantages of different ways
of accomplishing things.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) in
Front Office Services
Competencies 5 4 3 2 1 Score
I imagine all the problems I may
encounter and plan what to do if
each problem occurs.
Rather than trying to anticipate, I
deal with the problems as they
I think of another approach to a
problem if the other does not
Total Score:
Persuasion and I get others to support my
networking recommendations.
I do not spend much time
thinking about how to influence
I get help from influential people
to accomplish my goals.
I think of solutions that help me
reach my goals.
I can get people with strong
opinions or ideas to change their
Total Score:
Independence and I am confident I will achieve
self-confidence whatever I try to do.
I change my mind if others
strongly disagree with me.
When trying something
challenging, I am confident that I
will succeed.
I do excellent work.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs) in
Front Office Services
Competencies 5 4 3 2 1 Score
I stick with my decisions even if
others strongly disagree with
Total Score:

Table 3. My Highs and Lows

High Competencies Low Competencies

_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Tips and Tricks

Ways to spot business opportunities:

1. Know your target customer.
2. Follow the trend.
3. Find the problem and be the solution.
4. Conduct a product analysis.
5. Check the economy.
6. Identify the purchasing power of the consumer.
7. Recognize your competition.
8. Send surveys.
9. Observe the community.
10. Do not be afraid to give it a try.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

1. This activity is approximately 20 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will research business trends related to front office services. You need to obtain
information from three different established businesses or companies.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with three to five members.
b. Research regarding business trends related to front office services.
c. Obtain information from three different established businesses or companies.
d. Perform a SWOT analysis on those three businesses. The results will help you to
come up with a new business venture of your own.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What common strengths and weaknesses did you identify?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The strengths are quality products and
services, strategic location, and demand. The weaknesses are high costs, limited
target customers, and high business expenses.”
b. What possible opportunities and threats did you gather?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The opportunities are business expansion,
additional investors, and customer loyalty. The threats are new competitors,
inflation, and losing customers.”
c. What business venture do you have in mind after conducting the SWOT
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I am thinking of having my own resort
hotel. It is in demand by those who want to have a staycation with their loved

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 4. SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Possible answers: Possible answers:

● Quality products and services ● Costly
● Strategic location ● Limited target customers
● In demand ● Business expense is high

Business A: Answers may vary. Business A: Answers may vary.

Business B: Answers may vary. Business B: Answers may vary.

Business C: Answers may vary. Business C: Answers may vary.

Opportunities Threats

Possible answers: Possible answers:

● Business expansion ● New competitors
● Additional investors ● Inflation
● Customer loyalty ● Losing customers

Business A: Answers may vary. Business A: Answers may vary.

Business B: Answers may vary. Business B: Answers may vary.

Business C: Answers may vary. Business C: Answers may vary.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 5. Rubric
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Completeness The group is able The group is The group is The group is 40
to research new able to research able to able to
business trends, new business research new research new
conduct a SWOT trends, conduct business business
analysis, and a SWOT trends, trends, but fails
come up with analysis, and conduct a to conduct a
their own come up with SWOT analysis SWOT analysis.
business their own but has They fail to
venture, which is business missing parts, come up with
innovative and venture. and come up their own
based on with their own business
consumer’s business venture.
needs. venture.

SWOT Analysis It has complete It has complete It has complete It lacks relevant 30
relevant relevant relevant information
information with information information. and the group
a with a The group conducts a
research-based research-based conducts a SWOT analysis
answer. The answer. The SWOT analysis for one to two
group conducts group conducts for two businesses
a SWOT analysis a SWOT analysis businesses only.
for four for three only.
businesses. businesses.

Organization The learners The learners The learners The learners 20

show the highest show try to organize lack
level of organization in the details for organization in
organization in presenting the their output. presenting the
presenting the details for their details for their
details for their output. output.

Time The group The group The group The group 10

finishes its work finishes its work finishes its finishes its
ahead of in time for the work close to work past the
time. deadline. the deadline. deadline.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 4 x 100

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 2
Use of Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia

Learning Targets

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Identify front office services (FOS) tools, equipment, and paraphernalia applicable
to a specific job.
● Classify tools, equipment, and paraphernalia according to types and functions.
● Describe tools, equipment, and paraphernalia based on the specified task.
● Use FOS tools, equipment, and paraphernalia based on the task requirements.
● Conduct a performance-based assessment for using tools, equipment, and
● Conduct a self-evaluation on the required performance.
● Perform a self-evaluation with regard to the use of FOS tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia using rubrics.

Materials Suggested Time Frame

● presentation slides ● This lesson can be divided into 2

● study guide sessions.
● worksheets ● The first session is
● printed pictures approximately 30 minutes long,
● self-evaluation guide and the second will last for
approximately 1 hour.

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will be playing a game where you will guess what the representative is drawing on
the board.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
a. Form five groups and choose a representative for each group.
b. The representative will draw the assigned tools, equipment, or paraphernalia
and the rest of the group members will guess it.
c. The group that guesses correctly will get a point.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What tools, equipment, and paraphernalia did you identify?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I was able to identify the calculator,
telephone, and laptop.”
b. What do you think are the uses of these tools, equipment, and paraphernalia?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Each tool has its own use, but most of
them are used in the front desk or front office services.”
c. Where do you often see these tools, equipment, and paraphernalia?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I often see those tools in offices, cash
registers, and help desks.”

Pictures to be used:

Calculator Telephone Desk

Key Card Laptop

Figure 1. Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Tips and Tricks

How to properly use these tools:

● Credit card machine

As a front office service personnel, you need to be extra
cautious in handling credit cards and using credit card
machines. First, always do your job with integrity. Protect
the cardholder's information. Do not be tempted to get the
card number and use it later. Second, secure your devices
and provide proof of receipts. You will need it afterward.
Third, in case of unfortunate events like the loss of cards,
report it immediately, and do not forget to inform the
guest/cardholder of what happened.

● Safe-deposit box
Advise the guests to always bring their valuable items. This
is for safety purposes. Everyone knows the main purpose of
a safe-deposit box. However, it is much better to be safe
than to regret it. Remind guests to not leave cash,
passports, any important documents, expensive jewelries,
and even spare car or house keys.


Classification of the Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“We will have a guess-the-word activity. The boxes indicate the total number of letters
per word. These words are the tools, equipment, and paraphernalia we often see in a
front office.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Study the boxes presented. The number of boxes will correspond to the
number of letters in the word you will guess.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
b. Think of a word that corresponds to the exact number of letters.
c. If you guess a letter correctly, your teacher will show the letter in a yellow box.
d. If you guess both the letter and its correct place in the word, your teacher will
show the letter in a green box.
e. You have only five tries to guess the correct word.
Note: You will be the one to change the color for the correct letters. Whiteboard
markers can be used, while this game is flashed on the board.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. How did you feel about the activity?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The game is quite challenging, but I
enjoyed it.”
b. What words did you identify?
Possible answer: furniture, electronics, cards, and stamp
c. Why are these words significant in front office services?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The words from the game are tools and
equipment used in front office services.”
Words to be guessed:





Example: The word to guess is stamp. The learner’s first answer is trays.





⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8


New Technology in Hospitality and Hotel Industry

● Robot Concierge
Hotels nowadays utilize robots for greeting the guests,
giving information about the area, and discussing tourist
destinations. It is a great innovation for maximizing the
technology that we have now.

● Keyless or Smartphone-Operated Rooms

Traditional rooms are operated by a physical key, while
others use key cards for convenience. The trend now is
having a keyless room which makes it more favorable to
those who always forget their keys or key card. In keyless
rooms, a system software is connected to the personnel’s
and guests’ smartphones. Security and safety should be
considered for this technology.

● Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is widely used in various ways by different sectors. It can
be used for online reservations, mobile check-ins,
contactless payments, and even in self-service
accommodations for guests. This trend allows the
customers to have it their way with minimal guidance. It
gives them more confidence to those who prefer to do
things themselves.

1. This activity is approximately 15 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will answer the self-evaluation guide in front office services.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Print a copy of the self-evaluation guide and evaluate yourself for each
competency in front office services.
b. Share the results with your seatmates after.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What personal strengths and weaknesses did you identify?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “My strengths are recording details of
reservations, operating computerized reservations, and preparing front office
records and reports. My weakness is handling guests and feeling nervous when
dealing with them.”
b. What are the possible challenges you might encounter?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “One challenge I might encounter is when
the guests or customers complain about my services or are not satisfied with
the reception.”
c. How can you provide quality services to your guests?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I will use the self-evaluation guide for my
skill assessment in every task that I do. I will make sure to apply it in my
day-to-day operations.”
5. Explain to the class that the self-evaluation guide serves as a checklist for a
performance-based assessment. It will help them accomplish the required tasks in
front office services. The self-evaluation guide provided is adapted from TESDA NC II
Front Office Services.

Table 6. Self-Evaluation Guide 1

Self-Evaluation Guide for Front Office Services
Unit of Competency ● Receive and process reservations.
Covered ● Operate a computerized reservation system.
● Read and understand each of the questions in the first column.
● Place a check in the appropriate box opposite the question to indicate your answer.

Can I receive reservation requests? Yes No

● Acknowledge customers making a reservation using property

standards. It can be by phone, email, or personal message.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
● Determine the requested availability of the room. Call other

● Offer alternatives, including waitlist options, if the requested

booking is unavailable. Offer clients or customers services.
● Answer inquiry regarding rates and other product features
accurately through a phone, e-mail, or other modes of personal

Can I record details of reservations? Yes No

● Record complete customer details in the system accurately using a

computer or laptop with the internet.

● Check and use guest profile/history, if available, in making the

reservation. Use filing cabinets or computer software.
● Record special requests clearly in accordance with the
establishment’s requirements by using a pen and paper or a
● Complete, explain, and confirm reservation details of customer
bookings by recording it through the use of a pen and paper or a
● File the reservation according to property standards by using a pen
and paper or a computer.
● Prepare and issue documents and other materials to the customer
in accordance with the requirements of the specific reservation. Use
a pen and paper or a computer, the internet, or filing cabinets.

Can I update reservations? Yes No

● Record or update reservation payments and deposits of the

reservation accurately in accordance with the property standards.
Use a computer with internet, folio printer, printer, cash receipt,
credit card, credit card machine, etc.
● Receive, process, and record amendments and cancellations of
reservations in accordance with customer requests and property
standards by using computers with an internet connection, phone,
● Communicate general and specific customer requirements and
reservation details to appropriate departments and colleagues by
using phones or other communication devices.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
● Address follow-up on customer requests and ensure that all specific
requirements in his reservation details are prior to guest arrival. Use
phones or other communication devices.

Can I operate a computerized reservation system based on property

standards? Yes No

● Access and accurately interpret the reservation system by using

computers with an internet connection and software.
● Use all system features to access a range of information by using
computers with an internet connection and software.

Can I create and process reservations? Yes No

● Check the availability of the required booking in accordance with the

system functions and requirements. Use computers with an internet
connection and software, phone, and other communication devices.

● Create new reservations using the format required by the

computerized system. Use computers with an internet connection
and software.

● Retrieve bookings using the format required by the computer

system by using computers with an internet connection and

● Record, update, and store amendments by using computers with

an internet connection and software, filing cabinets, etc.

● Download and print reservation details by using printers and forms.

Can I send and receive reservation communications? Yes No

Create internal communications using the required features of the

system by using computers with an internet connection and
software, phones, and other communication devices.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 7. Self-Evaluation Guide 2
Self-Evaluation Guide for Front Office Services

Unit of Competency ● Provide accommodation reception services.

Covered ● Provide concierge services.

● Read and understand each of the questions in the first column.
● Place a check in the appropriate box opposite the question to indicate your answer.

Can I prepare the reception area for guest arrivals? Yes No

● Prepare and check the functionality of the reception area and all
necessary equipment. Check tools, equipment, and paraphernalia
used in front office services.
● Check and review daily arrival details prior to guests' arrival. Check
guest books and files by using a computer, pen, paper, forms, etc.
● Allocate rooms in accordance with guest requirements. Use data
and software for requests.
● Follow up on uncertain arrivals or reservations in accordance with
property standards. Use a computer with an internet connection
and software.
● Compile and distribute the arrival list to relevant personnel. Use
forms, pen and paper, and communication devices.

● Inform colleagues of special situations in a timely manner.

Can I welcome and register guests? Yes No

● Welcome guests. Use relevant information.

● Confirm reservation details with guests. Use a computer with an

internet connection or software.
● Register guests with or without reservations according to the
establishment’s systems and procedures. Use a computer with an
internet connection or software, phones, and communication
● Apply correct accounting procedures. Use folio and folio printers,
computers, and software.

● Issue room key/electronic cards, guest mail, and messages to


Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
● Follow procedures where rooms are not immediately available or
overbooking has occurred. Monitor and report discrepancies in
guest arrivals.
● Monitor and report guest arrivals and discrepancies between actual
and expected arrivals in accordance with property standards.

Can I perform “during stay” functions? Yes No

● Address all guest requests during in-stay according to property
standards by using phones and communication devices.

● Respond promptly to inquiries to guests’ satisfaction. Use of phone

and communication devices.

Can I organize guest departures? Yes No

● Review and check the departure list by using computers with an

internet connection and software or a pen and paper.

● Gather information on departing guests from other departments to

facilitate the preparation of accounts by using computers with an
internet connection, pen and paper, phones, and other
communication devices.
● Facilitate information on departing guests from other departments
by using phones and other communication devices.

● Generate and explain guests’ accounts by using phones, other

communication devices, and computers with an internet connection.

● Recover key electronic cards from guests by using computers with

an internet connection.

● Act or refer guest requests to appropriate departments by using

phones, other communication devices, and computers with an
internet connection.
● Process express and group express checkouts by using computers
with an internet connection.

Can I prepare front office records and reports? Yes No

● Prepare and update front office records by using phones, other
communication devices, and computers with an internet connection.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
● Follow establishment policies with regard to room changes,
no-shows, extensions, and early departures. Use phones,
communication devices, and computers with an internet connection.

Can I handle guests' arrivals and departures? Yes No

● Review expected daily arrivals, departures, and requests for major

guest movements.

● Direct guests to appropriate areas for registration by using pens,

paper, and forms.

● Assist guests with luggage.

● Escort guests to rooms and, where appropriate, courteously

show/explain the establishment/room features. Use key cards or

Can I handle guest luggage? Yes No

● Transport and deliver guest luggage to the correct location within

appropriate timeframes.
● Operate luggage storage systems. Use a guest security box if
● Mark and store luggage to allow for easy retrieval.

● Place luggage within the storage system. Use a guest security box if

Can I respond to requests for concierge services? Yes No

● Provide concierge services promptly.

● Liaise with colleagues and other departments to ensure effective

responses to guest requests. Use phones and other communication
● Distribute reports and records to appropriate departments by using
phones, other communication devices, and computers with an
internet connection and software.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 3
Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia

Learning Targets

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Clean tools, equipment, and paraphernalia after use according to standard
operating procedures.
● Store tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in the appropriate area in accordance
with safety procedures.
● Check tools, equipment, and paraphernalia regularly for orderliness/tidiness using
a checklist.
● Carry out routine maintenance as per standard operating procedures (SOP).
● Use rubrics in evaluating the performance in rendering aftercare services.
● Perform a self-evaluation in the maintenance of front office services (FOS) tools,
equipment, and paraphernalia using rubrics.

Materials Suggested Time Frame

● presentation slides ● This lesson can be divided into 2

● study guide sessions.
● worksheets ● The first session is
approximately 30 minutes long,
and the second will last for
approximately 1 hour.


1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.

2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a short activity named ‘Word Search.’ This activity will introduce the topic
of maintaining tools, equipment, and paraphernalia.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with three to four members.
b. Each group will receive a printed copy of the word search file.
c. Find all the words in the Maintenance Box.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. How did you feel about the activity?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I felt happy doing this activity.”
b. What words were you able to identify?”
Possible answer: ink, paper, machine, software, binders, and internet
c. What is the importance of those words when it comes to maintenance?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The words that I found are the office tools
and equipment that need maintenance.”

Figure 2. Word search

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Maintain Tools, Equipment, and Paraphernalia
1. This activity is approximately 20 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“We will have a group activity called ‘Fishbowl Talk.’ Each group will pick a topic from
the fishbowl and prepare a short presentation about it.”
Note: Show the class a fishbowl with pieces of paper containing different topics
regarding maintaining tools, equipment, and paraphernalia used in front office
services. After the group presentation, add pertinent information regarding each topic.
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Each group representative will pick a topic from the fishbowl. The topics are:
● cleaning a physical laptop/desktop computer
● emptying the recycle bin
● filing techniques
● check-ups for the printer
● dos and don'ts for safe-deposit box
● dos and don'ts for credit card machine
● aftercare for key card
b. Each group will have a few minutes to prepare for their presentations. You may
search online and consult relevant content.
c. Use visual aids or electronic media in your presentation.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. Why do we need to maintain our tools, equipment, and paraphernalia?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Maintaining our tools, equipment, and
paraphernalia will prolong their lifespan. It will lessen the expenses of the
company because you do not need to buy or replace tools from time to time.”
b. What could possibly happen if we fail to maintain our tools, equipment, and
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “It will affect the productivity of the
employees. You will have to spend money on the tools and equipment that are
no longer working, due to failure of maintenance.”
c. How can you apply what you have learned on this topic?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I will make sure to check the tools,
equipment, and paraphernalia, clean them, and follow aftercare procedures.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 8. Fishbowl Talk Rubric
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Accuracy and The group is The group is The group is The group is 40
Content able to able to able to able to research
research research research information for
relevant and relevant and information for its assigned
accurate accurate its assigned topic but lacks
information for information for topic. However, relevant
its assigned its assigned it needs information.
topic and topic. improvement
indicate its for
reliable fact-checking
sources. and feasibility.

Organization The learners The learners The learners try The learners lack 30
show the show to organize the organization in
highest level of organization in details for their presenting the
organization in presenting the output. details for their
presenting the details for their output.
details for their output.

Presentation The group gives The group gives The group does The group does 20
a clear and a clear and not give a clear not present its
concise concise explanation output and does
presentation presentation and the not prepare
using prepared using prepared presentation presentation
presentation presentation slides need slides.
slides and slides. improvement.
other electronic

Time The group The group The group The group 10

finishes its work finishes its finishes its finishes its work
ahead of work in time for work close to past the
time. the the deadline. deadline.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 4 x 100

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Tips and Tricks


The 5S Methodology is an organization method practiced in

workplaces and developed by the Japanese. The original terms
are in Japanese, and here are the terms translated into English:
● seiri as sort – Tools, equipment, and paraphernalia are
sorted according to their use and department.
● seiton as set in order – After decluttering, organize what is
● seiso as shine – This is where cleaning comes in.
● seiketsu as standardize – Execute standard operating
procedures in specific departments or workplaces.
● shitsuke as sustain – Consistency is the key to everything.
Maintain practicing the first 4S.

TESDA adopted this methodology to maintain cleanliness and

orderliness in the workplace. Workers trained by TESDA often say,
“Do the 5S” before and after using the working area. It will also be
helpful to apply it in front office services. It is similar to
CLAYGO/CAYGO which means “clean as you go” and is practiced
in the food industry.

1. This activity is approximately 30 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have an out-of-class activity to conduct a maintenance check. You will be
called The Maintenance Team.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with four to five members.
b. Visit the nearest establishment from your house that has front office services.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
c. Conduct an evaluation of their maintenance standard procedures.
d. Your group will create your own evaluation form. It will be subject to approval
before using it.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What challenges did you face during the out-of-class activity?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “It was not easy to find a business
establishment that will allow us to do the activity.”
b. How did you overcome those challenges?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “We did not give up. We continued looking
for ways to persuade employees and business owners to allow us. We gained
their trust that we would only use the information gathered in our school
c. How will you describe the nature of a maintenance employee’s work?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Being a maintenance worker is not that
simple. You need to be knowledgeable of every tool, equipment, and
paraphernalia so you will know how to do aftercare procedures. If you fail to do
so, you might be the reason they fail to function properly.”

Table 9. Out of Class Activity Rubrics

Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Accuracy The group The group The group The group 50

evaluates an evaluates an evaluates an evaluates an
establishment establishment establishment establishment
that has front that has front but lacks but it lacks
office services office services information on information on
and gathers and gathers front office front office
accurate enough services. The services. It does
information for information for gathered not gather any
the maintenance the maintenance information is additional
procedures. procedures. insufficient. information.

Evaluation The group uses The group uses The group uses The group does 30
Form the approved the approved the first draft of not use an
and edited and edited the evaluation evaluation form
evaluation form evaluation form form in while conducting
and adds in conducting conducting this this activity.
information this activity. activity.
while conducting
the activity.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Participation The group Most of the Some of the Only a few 20

members work group members group members members work
together to do work together to work together to together to do
the task. do the task. do the task. the task.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 3 x 100


Inventory Management System

As a part of maintaining tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in

FOS, keeping track of all the supplies is one thing that needs to
be done. Logbooks and printed inventory sheets are the
traditional ways of equipment maintenance and inventory. What
if I tell you that there is a more efficient way of doing this?

An inventory management system is a useful technology

product for equipment maintenance and inventory. Businesses
can use this technology to check their supplies on a real-time
data basis. It is accessible to anyone, anywhere. Employees do
not need to get the logbook or the inventory sheet from another
department or building. They can see the data from their end,
minimize workplace disruption, and save a lot of time.

Some examples of inventory management systems that are free

and easy to use are Google Sheets, Smartsheet, ClickUp,
Zohosheet, Jotform, and Airtable. Using inventory management
systems ensures maximum efficiency and is a great way to keep
track of office supplies and check what needs to be replaced or

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 4
Perform Mensuration and Calculations

Learning Targets

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Perform simple calculations.
● Perform computations involving ratio, proportion, fractions, and conversion.
● Prepare a simple report from the arrival to departure of customers.
● Evaluate FOS-related reports using rubrics.
● Conduct a self-evaluation on required performance.
● Perform a self-evaluation of mensuration and calculations.

Materials Suggested Time Frame

● presentation slides ● This lesson can be divided into 2

● study guide sessions.
● worksheets ● The first session is
● whiteboard & marker approximately 30 minutes long,
● self-evaluation sheet and the second session will last
for approximately 1 hour.

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a short activity named ‘Number Game.’ You will need to use your
mathematical skills in this game.”
Note: Show the questions to the class and start a one-minute timer.
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Work with your seatmate for this pair activity.
b. Answer each question within one minute. Write your answers on your

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
c. Once the time is up, raise your boards to show your answers.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. How did you come up with your answers?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I was able to answer the activity because I
recalled the formula and process of solving the math problems.”
b. Did you have a hard time answering all the questions?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Yes, because I am not that good at math
and numbers.”
c. Why do we need to do mathematical computations in front office services?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I think knowing how to perform
computations is useful in knowing your profit based on the services you offer.”

These are the questions for the number game:

1 2
1. Compute: + =?
4 4
2. Convert this fraction to decimal:
3. Change this fraction into a percentage:
4. What is the ratio for this given: 4 cups of flour and 2 cups of milk?
5. Compute for 25% of 300.

Answer key:
2. 0.25
3. 21.42%
4. 4:2
5. 75

Perform Mensuration and Calculations
1. This activity is approximately 30 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“We will have a group activity called ‘My Own Hotel.’ You will need to come up with a

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
name for your own hotel. Then, perform the mensuration and calculation needed for
operating a hotel business.”
Note: Discuss the concepts first and give sample computation, and then proceed with
the activity.
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with three to four members.
b. Each group will create its own hotel with the following details:
● number of rooms for sale
● number of rooms sold
● number of guests
● number of guests per room
● net rooms available
● revenues per department
● expenses
c. The group will compute for the following:
● occupancy percentage
● average daily rate
● revenue per available room
● gross operating profit per available room
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What is the relevance of understanding the number of rooms, guests, and other
related data?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “This is important because front office
personnel assign the rooms to guests and keep hotel records.”
b. Why is it important to know the occupancy percentage and average daily rate?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “This is to know how often the room is
occupied and if the business is earning.”
c. How did you feel about the mensuration and calculation process in managing
the hotel business?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I felt overwhelmed. I did not know that
mensuration and calculation are part of studying front office services. However,
it is a necessary skill I need to learn.”

A. Sample computation for occupancy percentage:

occupancy percentage = ____number of rooms occupied____ × 100
total number of rooms for sale

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
On January 14, 2019, Quipper Hotel had a total of 250 rooms available for sale. 168
rooms were occupied due to a convention. Compute for the occupancy percentage for
that day.

occupancy percentage = 168 ­× 100 = 0.672 × 100 = 67.2 %


B. Sample computation for average daily rate (ADR):

ADR = _____room revenue_____
number of rooms sold

Last February 14, the total room revenue was ₱955,999.00 with 157 rooms sold.
Compute for the average daily rate.
average daily rate = __₱955,999.00__ = ₱6,089.17
157 rooms

For February 14, the average sales for this day alone was ₱6,089.17.

C. Sample computation for revenue per available room (RevPAR):

RevPAR = __rooms revenue__
rooms available

At ABC Hotel, the room sales for the whole month of December was ₱12,789,456.00
for a total of 150 rooms. Compute for the RevPAR for December.

RevPAR = __₱12,789,456__ = ₱85,263.04

150 rooms
With this computation, we could say that each room's average sale was ₱85,263.04 for

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
D. Sample computation for gross operating profit per available room (GOPPAR):
GOPPAR = ___GOP (gross operating profit)___
number of available rooms

Below is an example of an income statement. The data below are needed to solve for
Number of rooms 150
Days in a year 365
Total number of rooms available per year 54,750

Revenues per department:

Rooms ₱4,500,000
Food and beverages ₱1,800,000
Other departments ₱500,000
Total Revenue ₱6,800,000

Rooms ₱750,000
Food and beverages ₱700,000
Other departments ₱200,000
Undistributed ₱1,200,000
Total Expenses ₱2,850,000

Gross Operating Profit (GOP) ₱3,950,000

Gross Operating Profit Per Available Room (GOPPAR) ₱72

How did we arrive with a GOPPAR of ₱72? We subtracted the Total Expenses from the
Total Revenue to get the GOP. Then, we divided the GOP by the number of rooms
available per year.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 10. Mensuration and Calculation Rubrics
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Accuracy The group The group The group The group 50

provides all provides all provides all provides all
necessary necessary necessary necessary
numbers for each numbers for each numbers for each numbers for
criterion and criterion and criterion but does each criterion
performs a check performs a little not perform but does not
and balance to check and checks and perform checks
get 100% balance. balances. There and balances.
accuracy. are errors in the All the total
total answers. answers are

Organization The learners The learners The learners try The learners 30
show the highest show to organize the lack
level of organization in details for the organization in
organization in presenting the computation presenting the
presenting the details for the based on the details for the
details for the computation three criteria. computation
computation based on the based on the
based on the three criteria. three criteria.
three criteria.

Participation The group Most of the Some of the Only a few 20

members work group members group members members work
together to do work together to work together to together to do
the task. do the task. do the task. the task.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 3 x 100

Business Link

Room Royalty: Ranking the World's Biggest Hotels

Knowing the number of available rooms is vital in the hotel

industry business. According to Wikipedia, the top 10 hotels with
the largest numbers of rooms to accommodate their guests are
the following:

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

1. First World Hotel (Genting Highlands, Malaysia) – 7,351

2. The Venetian Resort (Las Vegas, United States) – 7,092
3. MGM Grand Las Vegas (Las Vegas, United States) – 6,852
4. Abraj Al Bait (Mecca, Saudi Arabia) – 6,000
5. The Londoner Macao (Macau, Macau) – 6,000
6. Izmailovo Hotel (Moscow, Russia) – 5,000
7. Wynn Las Vegas & Encore Resort (Las Vegas, United States)
– 4,748
8. Barkhatnye Sezony (Sochi, Russia) – 4,688
9. Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino (Las Vegas, United States)
– 4,426
10. Luxor Las Vegas (Las Vegas, United States) – 4,407


1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.

2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will answer the self-evaluation sheet in performing mensuration and calculation
in front office services.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Using the printed self-evaluation sheet, evaluate yourself for each criterion in
terms of mensuration and calculation. Take two to three minutes to do this.
b. Share the results of your self-evaluation with a seatmate.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What are the results of your self-evaluation?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The results are good because I am
confident that I can perform all of the criteria.”
b. Did you answer “no” to any of the criteria?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “No, because I listened very well to our
discussion and practiced the calculations.”
c. What will you do about it?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “None. But if ever a classmate needs help,
then I can teach him or her how to compute the values. ”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 11. Self-Evaluation Sheet

Self Evaluation for Performing Mensuration and Calculation in Front Office Services

Can I? Yes No

Take down reservations and post the details in the POS or guest folio
and process payments?

Check financial transactions.

Compute for ADR, occupancy percentage, RevPAR, and GOPPAR.

Identify and resolve financial and systems discrepancies according to

the level of responsibility.

Implement financial systems and financial control systems.

Provide monitoring and feedback to appropriate management for

possible improvements.

Complete routine and reports within designated timelines.

Compile accurate and relevant reservation statistics and provide them

to concerned personnel or departments.


● Online forms for reservations

Let us skip the pen and paper booking. It is more efficient to
use different platforms in processing reservations for room
accommodation, restaurant hotels, leisure activities, events
places, and other events.

Front office personnel only need to check and verify the

details upon arrival. Reservations are done ahead of time.
Some online forms that you can use are Google forms,
Jotform, Zoho forms, SendinBlue, and Wufoo.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

● Online tools for KPI computation

It is not convenient to compute everything with a calculator.
There is an easy way to do it. The most widely used online tool
is Google Sheets. Formulas can be encoded directly in it, and
all you have to do is input the data.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 5
Practice Occupational Health and Safety Procedures

Learning Targets

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Identify the hazards and risks in the workplace.
● Evaluate and control workplace hazards and risks in the front desk.
● Maintain occupational and health safety awareness.

Materials Suggested Time Frame

● presentation slides ● This lesson can be divided into 2

● study guide sessions.
● worksheets ● The first session is
● whiteboard & marker approximately 30 minutes long,
● contingency plan template and the second session will last
for approximately 1 hour.

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a short activity named ‘Sight the Signs.’ This activity will introduce hazard
signs in the workplace.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. You will work independently for this activity.
b. Using the whiteboard and marker, write the correct name for each hazard sign
shown to the class.
c. Raise your whiteboard after a 30-second timer to show your answers.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. Where do you see hazard signs?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I see hazard signs in the places where we
need to be extra careful, like construction sites, schools, and factories.”
b. What are some common hazard signs you see in different places?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I see caution, slippery when wet, and
sometimes high voltage.”
c. What is the importance of those signs?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Hazard signs are very important to let
people know that there is a possible danger or risk in that area.”

These are the pictures to be used for the activity:

Poison, Poisonous, or High Warning, Hazard, or Caution Electric hazard or High

toxicity voltage

Slippery floor or Slippery when wet Flammable or Fire

Figure 3. Hazard signs

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8


Hazards in the Front Office

1. This activity is approximately 20 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“We will have a group activity, which is a creative presentation where you can choose
how you want to present. A discussion will follow the group activity.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with four to five members.
b. Present each possible hazard in the workplace using your chosen strategy.
(news reporting, role-playing, storytelling, class reporting, etc.)
c. Here are the task cards for each group:
● groups 1 and 2: hazards in the physical environment
● groups 3 and 4: hazards associated with work practices and procedures
● groups 5 and 6: hazards associated with security issues
Note: If there will be more than six groups, you can modify the assigned topics and
add more groups.
4. Ask these questions to process the activity:
a. How did you present your topic? Why?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “We chose role-playing for our presentation
because it was a good way to show the hazards in our area and portray how
hazard signs are useful to people.”
b. What did you learn from all the group presentations?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I learned that there will always be a risk or
danger in every place. We should be extra careful at all times.”
c. How can you ensure your safety despite these hazards?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I will need to be knowledgeable on hazard
signs, so if ever there is one, I know that there is a risk or danger.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Table 12. Creative Presentation Rubrics
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Accuracy The The The The presentation 50

and Content presentation on presentation on presentation on on the assigned
the assigned the assigned the assigned hazard has three
hazard has hazard has hazard has one or more incorrect
correct and correct and to two incorrect and inaccurate
accurate accurate and inaccurate contents. It is
contents. content. It is well contents. It is research-based
Extensive research-based research-based but lacks
research is but lacks but lacks fact-checking.
done. fact-checking. fact-checking.

Creativity The learners The learners The learners The chosen 30

choose the best choose the chose a strategy strategy is not
strategy for their appropriate that lacks well presented,
presentation strategy for their preparation, and and the group
and use props presentation the group uses does not use any
effectively. and use enough minimal props. props.

Participation The group Most of the Some of the Only a few 20

members work group members group members members work
together to do work together to work together to together to do
the task. do the task. do the task. the task.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 3 x 100


Newly Improved Security Cameras

Improvement in safety and security is endless. Before using

technology, business establishments utilized manpower to
secure the place. Nowadays, most of them use cameras for
monitoring and security purposes.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

There are newly improved security cameras that have the added
feature of motion detectors and alarm systems. It is like a 3-in-1
device. It detects motion by comparing the sequence of frames
and counting the number of pixels registered on the system. If
there is a sudden change, it will notify the user. It can be a
pop-up notification for the personnel in charge of the security
monitoring room or emails.

In the alarm system, audio devices are one of its features. It

receives the data connected to a motion detector so it can
produce the sound. People will be aware of their surroundings
when the alarm goes off. This is a good innovation for all
business establishments.


1. This activity is approximately 20 minutes long.

2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a group activity named ‘News Flash’ to apply what you have learned
from this lesson.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups of four to five members each.
b. Search online for five news articles about front desk incidents.
c. Create a contingency plan to prevent the incident. Refer to the discussion of
practicing OHS to come up with a good solution.
d. Present your output afterward. Be guided by the rubrics.
4. Ask these questions to process the activity:
a. What are the common risks/hazards in front office services?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The common risks/hazards in front office
services are theft, malfunction of some tools and equipment, unauthorized
individuals that enter the building, etc.”
b. How did you come up with your answers in Preparation and Response?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “We searched for credible information
about the risk and devised our own plan.”

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
c. What things did you consider when creating your contingency plan?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “We considered the best way to deal with
the risk and the most feasible solution.”

Table 13. Contingency Plan Template

Risk Probability Preparation Response

1. Theft High Heightened the The personnel in

security in the area. charge will press the
Put CCTV cameras alarm button, not
and alarm buttons. argue with the
Provided training for perpetrator, and
the employees on remain calm.
dealing with this
kind of incident.





Table 14. Contingency Plan Rubric

Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Accuracy The group is The group is The group is The group is 40

and Content able to research able to research able to research able to research
front desk front desk three to four one to two front
incidents and incidents and front desk desk incidents
come up with an come up with an incidents and and come up
appropriate appropriate come up with a with a
contingency contingency contingency plan contingency plan
plan, which is plan, which is which needs but lacks
reliable, feasible, feasible. improvement relevant
and accurate. for fact-checking information.
and feasibility.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Organization The learners The learners The learners try The learners lack 30
show the show to organize the organization in
highest level of organization in details for their presenting the
organization in presenting the contingency details for their
presenting the details for their plan. contingency
details for their contingency plan.
contingency plan.

Presentation The group does The group does The group does The group does 20
a clear and a clear and not explain not present its
concise concise clearly, and the output and does
presentation presentation slides need not create slides.
with prepared with prepared improvement.
slides and show slides.

Time The group The group The group The group 10

finishes its work finishes its work finishes its work finishes its work
ahead of in time for the close to past the
time. deadline. the deadline. deadline.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 4 x 100

Tips and Tricks

How to Prevent Theft in Front Office Services

Guests, personnel, or employees may execute theft at any time.

The tips provided cover both scenarios.

Theft by guests:
1. Practice getting their identification cards and documents.
2. Observe their gestures upon approaching the front desk.
3. Ask for the needed information. You can formulate
questions using the 5Ws and 1H.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

4. If you feel that there is something wrong, it is okay to be

more cautious. Inform the security about the situation.

Theft by the staff:

1. As a personnel in charge, always check the inventory upon
arriving in your designated area.
2. Keep track of everything that is happening.
3. If there is something missing, you can check the CCTV
4. Analyze the situation and exercise fair judgment.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Lesson 6
Interpret Design and Layout

Learning Targets

At the end of this lesson, the learners should be able to do the following:
● Read symbols and layouts in a given sample plan for a front office reception area.
● Interpret symbols and layouts in a given sample plan for a front office reception
● Describe parts and functions of a front office reception layout.
● Evaluate a sample front office reception layout.
● Conduct self-evaluation on the required performance.
● Perform a self-evaluation in interpreting designs and layouts using rubrics.

Materials Suggested Time Frame

● presentation slides ● This lesson can be divided into 2

● study guide sessions.
● worksheets ● The first session is
● whiteboard & marker approximately 30 minutes long,
and the second session will last
for approximately 1 hour.

1. This activity is approximately 10 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a short activity named ‘Jumbled Words.’ This activity will introduce the
topic of front office design and layout.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Study the jumbled word and the picture that accompanies it.
b. Unscramble the letters to get the right answer and write it on your whiteboard.
c. Raise your whiteboard after the 30-second time limit.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What clues helped you identify the words?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The pictures and the letters helped me
identify the words.”
b. What is the relevance of these words to the topic?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “These words are related to the topic
because they are the areas/parts of a hotel business.”
c. How much do you know about these words?
Possible answers: Answers may vary. “I only have little information about those
words, but I often read the words cashier and reception.”



Figure 4. Parts of a front office

Answer key:
1. Reception 4. Lobby
2. Travel desk 5. Cashier
3. Corridor

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8


Front Office Symbols

1. This activity is approximately 20 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“We will have a group activity where you will give feedback about the pictures that you
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with four to five members.
b. Observe and study the front office layout assigned to your group.
c. Describe the layout and explain its functionality.
d. Present your explanation to the class within three to five minutes.

Here are the front office layouts assigned to the groups:

Layout 1 Layout 2

Layout 3 Layout 4

Figure 4. Front office layout

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What did you observe about the four different layouts?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The layouts show important parts of a
front office area. Some layouts are presented using symbols.”
b. Why do you think those layouts were created that way?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “It is created that way to see the entire
floor plan.”
c. What is the importance of creating a layout before constructing a specific area?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Creating a layout is very important. It
saves time and budget. You can check how spacious the area is and determine
the furniture you need.”

Table 15. Rubric

Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Completeness The group has The group has The group has The group has 40
answers in every answers in every three answers two answers
given layout, and given layout. only from the only from the
cites additional given layout. given layout.

Accuracy The group The group The group The group 30

describes the describes the describes the describes the
four layouts and four layouts and four layouts and four layouts
explains its explains its somehow but fails to
functionality functionality explains its explain its
comprehensively. clearly. functionality. functionality.

Presentation The group gives a The group gives a The group does The group 20
clear and concise clear and concise not explain the does not
presentation, presentation but layouts and just present its
describes the does not discuss reads the output and
four layouts, and some relevant prepared script. only submits
explains its information in the written
functionality. each part. copy.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 3 x 100

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8


Creating Layouts

One online application that you can use in creating office layouts
is Smartdraw. You only need to create an account and choose
the right plan for you. The platform provides objects used in
making layouts. All you have to do is click and drag and resize.

You can also choose different mobile phone applications that are
mainly used for house designs, but still can be used for creating
an office layout. It is more handy and convenient. These apps are
Roomle, Officespace, Qube Space, and also Smartdraw.

1. This activity is approximately 20 minutes long.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will have a group activity where you will check and evaluate top-rated hotels in
the Philippines.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Form groups with four to five members.
b. Search online for three photos of reception areas of top-rated hotels in the
c. Assess them using the evaluation guide and refer to the rubrics provided.
d. Present your output in class.
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. What are your observations of your chosen hotels?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Our chosen layout is very spacious,
soothing to the eyes, organized, and easy to understand.”
b. What makes their reception area welcoming and elegant?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “The reception should have
accommodating personnel, and the area should be accessible, clean, and

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
c. How will you share this information with other hotel owners?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “We can post it on our social media
accounts and use hashtags that relate to the hotel industry. There is a chance
others may see it in their search results.”

Table 16. Front Office Reception Layout Evaluation Form

Unit of Competency Covered

● Read and understand each of the questions in the first column.
● Place a check in the appropriate box opposite the question to indicate your

Does the hotel . . . Yes No

● have a reception area?

● have a reservation area?

● have a bell desk?

● have an information desk?

● have a Cash and Bills section?

● have a night auditor?

● have a travel desk?

● have a communication desk?

● have a concierge?

Is the reception area . . . Yes No

● warm and inviting?

● furnished with the name of the hotel/restaurant?

● done with a clean color scheme?

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Unit of Competency Covered

● well-lit?

● presentable?

● well-ventilated?

● equipped with a lobby?

● laid out in a way that makes it clear and easy to see people?

Table 17. Rubric

Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weigh Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards t
4 3 2 1 (%)

Completeness The group The group The group The group 40

exceeds the searches three searches only searches only
minimum of photos to two photos to one photo to
three photos to evaluate and evaluate and evaluate and
evaluate and uses the uses the uses the
uses the evaluation guide. evaluation guide. evaluation
evaluation guide guide.
for all the

Accuracy The group The group The group The group 30

conducts conducts conducts does not
extensive extensive research to conduct any
research to research to verify two to research to
verify the photos verify all the three photos of verify all the
of the reception photos of the the reception photos of the
area and adds reception area. area. reception area.

Presentation The group gives a The group gives a The group does The group does 20
clear and concise clear and concise not explain the not present its
presentation and presentation but parts and layouts output and only
discusses the does not discuss of the reception submits the
parts and layouts some relevant for each hotel evaluation
of the reception information on and just reads the guide.
area for all the each part. result of the
hotel photos. evaluation guide.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weigh Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards t
4 3 2 1 (%)

Time The group The group The group The group 10

finishes its work finishes its work finishes its work finishes its work
ahead of in time for the close to past the
time. deadline. the deadline. deadline.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 4 x 100

Tips and Tricks

Designing a Front Office Layout

These are some helpful tips that you might want to check before
starting your office layout:
1. Have a floor plan.
2. Choose your color palettes.
3. Create enough space and navigation.
4. Lighting is also essential.
5. Consider ergonomics for the employees.
6. Ensure safety for everyone.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Unit Presentation
1. This activity can be allotted one hour.
2. Use this prompt to introduce the activity:
“You will create a portfolio for your own hotel. It consists of different deliverables that
comprise the entire unit. You can use any tool that best matches the task.”
3. Provide the following instructions to the class:
a. Create a portfolio with the following parts:
i. Name of your hotel
ii. A sketch of the hotel’s location
iii. Your own reservation form
iv. Your own front office layout
4. Ask the following questions to process the activity:
a. How do you feel about this activity?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “This activity is exciting because I am
creating my own hotel. This helps me to be more creative and strategic.”
b. What parts did you enjoy?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “I enjoyed sketching the hotel and the front
c. Are there any challenges you encountered?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Yes, I had a hard time creating the front
office layout.”
d. What is your key takeaway from this?
Possible answer: Answers may vary. “Designing your own hotel is not that easy,
but it is worth it once you see the results.”

Table 18. Unit Presentation Rubric

Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Completeness The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio 40

has complete lacks one lacks two lacks three or
deliverables. deliverable. deliverables. more

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Accuracy and Outputs on Outputs on Outputs on Outputs on each 30

Content each each each deliverable show
deliverable deliverable deliverable three or more
have correct show one show two incorrect
and accurate incorrect incorrect contents.
contents. content. contents.

Creativity The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio The portfolio 20

deliverables deliverables deliverables deliverables do
have excellent have good have little not have
designs, color designs, color designs, color appropriate
schemes, lines, schemes, lines, schemes, lines, designs, color
and patterns. and patterns. and patterns. schemes, lines,
and patterns.

Time The group The group The group The group 10

finishes its finishes its finishes its finishes its work
work ahead of work in time for work close to past the
time. the the deadline. deadline.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 4 x 100

Summative Assessment Answer Key

A. Multiple Choice. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space before the number.

C 1. What is the sole purpose of the concierge in front office services?

A. to provide special services and arrange special requests
B. to handle guests’ complaints and assist in solving minor problems
C. to give the room information and manage all the functions of guest

C 2. The following are the duties and responsibilities of a front office manager,
except for _________________.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
A. estimating the volume of future reservations
B. organizing all departmental functions so that they operate
C. notifying the security department of disorderly or undesirable
individuals spotted around the hotel

C 3. Which employee in big hotels acknowledges and makes reservations by

phone, letter, fax, or email?
A. room clerk
B. bell attendant
C. reservation clerk

C 4. Which of the following equipment can create an exact copy of a document

made by electronic scanning and transmitted as data by
telecommunications links?
A. printer
B. computer
C. fax machine

A 5. What do you call the small plastic card used to access some parts of a
hotel? It bears magnetically encoded data that can be read and processed
by an electronic device.
A. key card
B. debit card
C. credit card

C 6. It is an entrepreneurial competency where personnel excel in performing

a specific job and aim to give what is best or promised to customers.
A. persistence
B. goal-seeking
C. fulfilling commitments

C 7. Front office employees must have the skills to manage tricky calls and deal
with demanding guests. What entrepreneurial competency should they

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
A. organization
B. self-confidence
C. communication

B 8. The temporary files are usually saved on the following locations, except
for ___________________.
A. C:\Windows\Temp
B. C:\Windows\Local Disk
C. C:\Windows\Temporary internet files

C 9. Amy is front desk personnel, and she organizes the reservation slips by
putting the earliest date first. What kind of filing technique did she follow?
A. numerical
B. alphabetical
C. chronological

A 10. Who is in charge of fixing and making the revenue statements?

A. cashier
B. manager
C. night auditor

B. True or False. Write true if the statement is correct. Otherwise, write false.

False 1. Risk assessment pertains to the process of identifying all possible

situations where people may be exposed to injury, illness, or disease.

True 2. Lighting is an example of a hazard in the physical environment.

True 3. Hazards associated with work practices and procedures in the front
office may be considered ergonomic hazards.

True 4. A bomb threat is an example of a hazard associated with security


Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

False 5. Hazard identification is the process used to determine the likelihood

people may be exposed to injury, illness, or disease

C. Matching Type. Match the words in column A with the words in column B.

Column A Column B

___d___ 1. Summarizes the hotel’s a. revenue per available room

financial activities within
a 24-hour period

___b___ 2. Shows the proportion of b. occupancy percentage

rooms sold versus the
number available at a
certain date

___a___ 3. Shows how much profit c. key performance Indicators

they have made within a
certain period of time

___e___ 4. Concerned with the d. daily operations report

number of rooms
available in the hotel
rather than the number
of rooms you have sold

___c___ 5. Calculates and indicates e. gross operating profit per

the performance and available room
progress of a hotel for a
certain period of time

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

D. Short Essay Response. Answer each question concisely. Use the rubric as your reference
for the expected output (five points each).

Table 19. Short Essay Response Rubric

Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Weight Score
Standards Standards Standards Standards (%)
4 3 2 1

Quality of The answer is The answer is The answer was The answer is 50
Writing well-written and well-written and poorly written poorly written
shows a deep shows enough and showed a and shows zero
understanding of understanding lack of understanding
the topic. of the topic. understanding of of the topic.
the topic.

Grammar The answer has The answer has The answer has a The answer has 30
Usage no misspelled no misspelled few misspelled a lot of
words, no errors words and no words, a few misspelled
in using errors in using errors in using words, errors in
punctuation punctuation punctuation using
marks, and does marks but has marks, and punctuation
not have grammatical grammatical marks, and
grammatical errors. errors. grammatical
errors. errors.

Order of The progression The progression The progression The progression 20

Ideas of ideas follows of ideas follows of ideas lacks of ideas lacks
an excellent a good logical order but order and gives
logical order and order and gives somehow unclear
gives a clear a clear message. manages to give messages.
message. the messages.

Rating Scale = Score x Weight

Score Percentage = Total weighted score / 3 x 100

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

1. What do you need to possess to become a successful entrepreneur in the front office
services or hotel industry?

2. How will you create an organized and clutter-free front office layout?

3. Discuss the aftercare procedure for at least five tools, equipment, and paraphernalia.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8

Photo Credits

Different danger ribbon and sign flat set by pch-vector is licensed under Freepik License via

Receptionist job vector illustration by pch-vector is licensed under Freepik License via

Travelers standing in queue for flight registration. baggage, line, ticket flat vector illustration.
airlines and traveling by pch-vector is licensed under Freepik License via

Hallway hotel perspective building by ben_kerckx is licensed under Pixabay License via

Hotel luxury lobby resort holiday by islandworks is licensed under Pixabay License via

Spa hotel guest paying by card by DragonImages is licensed under Envato License via


“13 Ways to Identify a Business Opportunity for Beginners.” The Success Bug, August 27, 2022.

Denial, Ari. “11 Best (Free & Paid) Online Form Builders – Updated 2023.” Website Planet,
November 22, 2022.

Frazer. “Security Cameras with Alarms: Top 4 Things You Need to Know & Best Picks - Reolink
Blog.” Reolink, May 30, 2022. https://reolink.com/blog/security-cameras-with-alarms/.

Unit 5: Front Office Services • Grade 7/8
Mouratidis, George. “20 Technology Trends in the Hospitality Industry.” Stasher Blog,
December 21, 2021. https://stasher.com/blog/technology-in-the-hospitality-industry/.

Quickbooks Canada Team. “4 Apps for Designing Your Own Office Space.” QuickBooks®:
Official Site, August 18, 2022.

TESDA. “Front Office Services NC II Self-Assessment Guide.” TESDA Downloads, March 1, 2017.

Tuazon, Nikko. “Daniel Padilla Spotted at Grand Opening of Kathryn Bernardo and Piolo
Pascual's El Nido Boutique Resort.” PEP.ph, October 30, 2022.

“What Is 5s?” 5S Today. Accessed January 13, 2023. https://www.5stoday.com/what-is-5s/.

Wikipedia. 2022. “List of Largest Hotels.” Wikimedia Foundation. Last modified
November 20, 2022, 17:22. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_largest_hotels.


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