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Are you struggling with the daunting task of writing a thesis? You're not alone.

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Indeed, it is the editor-in-chief of the journal, which is considered central in the decision-making
process. Rimza Sarwar is MS Scholar at National University of. Some journals have an initial
screening step where manuscripts that are highly unlikely to go through the review process are
rejected beforehand. It is rare that the work of a researcher is accepted on the first attempt. IOSR
Journals Effect of Dividend Policy on Value Creation for Shareholders of Companies Lis. This
indicates the need for further understanding and investigation. Even a submission that ends in a
rejection is an opportunity to hone one’s writing and editing skills that will stand one in good stead
for years to come. Capital structure and eps a study on selected financial institutions listed o. This
website presents valuable facts to us, keep it up. Due to a large number of submissions, leading
journals are often forced to reject even high-quality manuscripts for various reasons, such as a large
number of submissions or a lack of correspondence with the editorial direction of the journal. Simple,
direct sentences are better than long, convoluted sentences. This eventually gives an excellent
opportunity to create and establish a network with intellectual people around the world. Alexander
Decker Capital structure and firm performance Capital structure and firm performance Alexander
Morufu Ph.d, FCA, FCTI The Effect of Good Corporate Governance Mechanism and Financial
Performance o. He holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Wisconsin—Madison. Precise
and clear words are better than vague words. Find a perfect journal regarding your field because
there is thousands of journal available. Ideally, you’ll choose your target journal before you start
writing so you can tailor your paper to build on work that has already been published in that journal.
For your information this is not final manuscript for publication but this is the format in which you
can submit it to the any international or national journal. The rules are still nascent, and even faculty
members are often in a dilemma about how to convey the information. Requests for reprocessing of
the manuscript go unnoticed and are a complete waste of time as the publication knows why the
paper was rejected initially. Factors Affecting Dividend Policy at Consumer Goods Sector
Companies Listed. And Many of the students who will apply for further studies in technical courses
will discover that relevant published research papers help during admission process. The ultimate
goal of defining the problem statement is to transform a generalized problem into a focused and
well-defined problem; in fact, a problem that can be resolved through focused research and careful
decision making. But which thing already innovated from it you have to find new way or you can
create better result of any exist process. Ask 2 trusted professors or supervisors to verify your
content and edit your paper for grammar, spelling errors, typos, clarity, and conciseness. If your
article passes this test, it is then sent to a reviewer or group of reviewers. It is primarily viewed as an
expert advice system that helps journal editors decide whether a manuscript is worth publishing. Yes,
you also know the importance of peer-reviewed articles in your CV. However, this is not something
that always inspires Masters and Ph.D. students to research and publish. Factual information that is
not common knowledge Any exact wording copied from a source.
So you can provide better understating for your topic. Study the requirements of the journal first
before you submit the article. The Pixar Way: 37 Quotes on Developing and Maintaining a Creative
Company (fr. Anything aside from just “Reject” is a positive review. The Influence of Good
Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibilit. The best thing to do is to work on it
every day to learn more until one’s story or argument is complete and wait until later to change it.
Decide in advance how you will handle requests for the use of your work, especially if this includes
your creative endeavors in poetry, art, music, or graphics. The ease with which Internet users can
distribute copyrighted information has greatly enhanced the prevalence of copyright infringement.
The recent attempt to curtail the downloading of music to private computers is a demonstration of
this concern. New experiments, those that are usually done in a matter of weeks are often part of
their review requests. Information of this type does not require any in-text citation, as the following
example shows. Then you have you to update yourself with the ongoing technical happenings in your
chosen field. A persuasive cover letter can help “sell” your paper to the journal editor. Unlike full
papers, methods, results, and discussions can be integrated into a single section. I am no longer sure
whether this submit is written by him as no one else understand such designated approximately my
trouble. IPO underpricing analysis in Indonesia during 2012-2016 IPO underpricing analysis in
Proposal (Example) How to make Research Proposal (Example) Research paper published 1 1.
Researchers should write regularly and practice it as a discipline in its own right. If, after careful
consideration, one believes there has been a misunderstanding or error, some journals will receive a
request for reconsideration, usually in the form of a letter or clear message explaining the
researcher’s point of view. Writing a high-quality, publishable article necessitates confidence in one’s
ideas, as well as practice and skills that take time to learn. Impact of Corporate Governance on
Firms’ Financial Performance: Textile Secto. 74737 283037-1-pb 74737 283037-1-pb Factors
Affecting Dividend Policy at Consumer Goods Sector Companies Listed. Academic writing
exercises your critical thinking and your capacity to collect ideas. They should make sure that every
word plays a role in presenting their case and that they know the meaning of any unusual words they
use. He is also the Director for the Institute for Research in the Social Science’s Secure Data Center.
Copyrights 2014, Society of Management and Human Resource Development. Is calling for papers
for its third issue titled Environmental Sustainability: Methods for Green Energy Management.
Letting their manuscript sit for a while means that when they come to review it, they should be able
to identify any issues with it. Basically it is so easy to publish review papers in any international
journal. Impact of Corporate Governance on Firms’ Financial Performance: Textile Secto. What are
the Various Types of Academic Search Engines. Fortunately, every one of the many obstacles that
arise with the prospect of writing and publishing research work can be avoided by staying prepared
and getting to know about the common step-by-step process of having a research paper published.
Academic writing exercises your critical thinking and your capacity to collect ideas. The description
doesn’t need to be tidy and linear if that doesn’t work for them. If, after careful contemplation, one
is still of the belief that there has been a misunderstanding or error, some journals will welcome a
plea for reconsideration, usually in the form of a clear letter or message explaining their point of
view. If researchers find themselves backtracking or repeating details, it likely means that the
structure of their work needs to be revised. He has published 3 books and over 70 articles and book
chapters on demography, economic development, poverty and unemployment. ARDA’s dedicated
editorial team has adopted conventional plagiarism checking processes that have been (and are still)
in use in offline journal publications to the world of online publication through the incorporation of
powerful software tools and technologies that far outdo human capacity for identifying plagiarized
content from millions of previously published scientific works. Is your paper is complete without an
error or any feedback than sure it will be accepted and you can complete the remaining procedure.
Availing guidance from associates and others in the profession who have expertise as journal
authors, critics, and editors will help tremendously in this regard. The vast majority of schools
publish an official student code of conduct (sometimes referred to as an academic integrity policy),
and you should familiarize yourself with these guidelines and how they’re applicable to your
research and writing. Correct: Is your solution technically sound or are there errors. A Study Of
Dividend Policy And Its Effect On Market Value Of Shares Of Select. Researchers should make
every attempt possible to comply with their requests, including performing additional experiments,
even if they believe they are unnecessary. Unlike full papers, methods, results, and discussions can
be integrated into a single section. They need something very solid that would motivate them to do
extensive research and eventually publish. On the other hand, criticisms of the content of the paper
may require more substantial revisions -- rethinking your ideas, running more tests, or redoing an
analysis. Firstly, maintain personal notes full of your own ideas on a topic. What are the Various
Types of Academic Search Engines. A lot of researchers only publish their articles in peer-reviewed
journals. A persuasive cover letter can help “sell” your paper to the journal editor. In this regard,
some published papers in peer-reviewed journals will definitely attract employers in academia and the
research industry. The conferences will accept papers which details about the comparison of existing
technologies, mathematically proven but practically unproven proposals, etc. Reviewers often offer
authors detailed advice on how to further edit their articles. This website presents valuable facts to
us, keep it up. B02110106018 B02110106018 The impacts of ownership structure on capital structure
and firm’s performanc. Only doing the work and not sharing or not keeping it open for others is not
encouraged in any research field. You can ask your peers or professors to review your paper. It is
always good to have a supervisor who is observing on the outside and knows when to stop the
experimentation and proceed with the conversion of the data and findings accumulated into an easy-
to-understand, high-quality manuscript that is worthy of being accepted by the manuscript reviewing
committee of any top SCI, SCOPUS, and Web of Science Journal. So to secure a good scholarship,
you should have at least 2-3 published papers in peer-reviewed journals. Research authors increase
the chances of their articles being accepted if they assume that reviewers offer their suggestions in the
form of constructive criticism. Go to the “author's guide” (or similar) on the journal’s website to
review its submission requirements.
Researchers should test their reasoning on colleagues by asking them if they told a logical and
convincing story after giving a lecture from their assembled characters, for example. It is important to
note that publishing your collaborative project electronically on the web raises additional legal and
ethical issues. You may publish works that are in the public domain, such as a section of The Scarlet
Letter by Hawthorne or a speech by the President of the United States, without permission. Jayantha
FIRM VALUE IN. The Effect of Good Corporate Governance Mechanism and Financial
Performance o. There is some criteria in course that you must have to publish research paper. This
eventually gives an excellent opportunity to create and establish a network with intellectual people
around the world. Because in review paper there no need to research any new thing for publication.
IPO underpricing analysis in Indonesia during 2012-2016 IPO underpricing analysis in Indonesia
Proposal (Example) How to make Research Proposal (Example) Research paper published 1 1. All
received manuscripts have to pass through 'Plagiarism Detection Software' test before forwarding for
peer review. New experiments, those that are usually done in a matter of weeks are often part of
their review requests. Writing a Research Paper at Colleges and Universities Cards define drawing
how to write an introduction for persuasive essay analytical wikipedia.You can find more
information about whatever style you are working with in a style guide or from OWL at
Purdue.Good knowledge maker what to write in a why this college essay 400 good work.Moreover,
Bill Gates is a billionaire who founded Microsoft.Satisfaction how to write common app essay
examples creator. They have a more intricate and reliable quality assurance measure through the peer-
review process. If, after careful contemplation, one is still of the belief that there has been a
misunderstanding or error, some journals will welcome a plea for reconsideration, usually in the form
of a clear letter or message explaining their point of view. The key for researchers is to constantly
keep the paper in mind as they perform the experiments. Very few article submissions get an
immediate “Accept” from a peer-reviewed journal. A Study Of Dividend Policy And Its Effect On
Market Value Of Shares Of Select. International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology.
Graphic images and non-free text, especially an entire website, should be mentioned in your text,
even paraphrased and quoted in a limited way, but not uploaded to your file. Each figure should only
present one or a few related points and together they should present all the important points of the
document in an easy-to-understand way. Taking sample of 73 firms from different sectors of KSE.
However, how do you know what constitutes and what doesn’t constitute common knowledge.
Alexander Decker Determinants of Capital Structure: A Study on Some Selected Corporate Firms i.
You may copy or attach the page(s) of your article in which the material appears. Business,
Management and Economics Research Working capital investment and financing policies of selected
pharmaceutical. These are the sort of reviewers that editors typically look for. In the rest of the
article, we are going to present to you “How to publish a research paper in reputed journals?”.
Getting used to simulation software is much useful for simulating your work. Using sticky notes, the
mind map technique or writing on a blackboard are all techniques that researchers can use to ensure
their ideas form a cohesive structure. Researchers should make every attempt possible to comply with
their requests, including performing additional experiments, even if they believe they are unnecessary.
This survey could help researchers check whether or not their article would be an honest-to-
goodness journal without the need for going through the whole submission and review process.
Putting as much information about the data and conditions of the experiment directly on the figure
as possible will offer more credibility and transparency about the entire work. The recent attempt to
curtail the downloading of music to private computers is a demonstration of this concern. Impact of
Firm Specific Factors on Capital Structure Decision: An Empirical S. With its continuing
contributions to the scientific community as well as academic progress and growth, ARDA has
single-handedly brought the world of online scientific publication where it is today. Azhagaiah and
Sbari (2008) studied the same relation of. The best thing to do is to work on it every day to learn
more until one’s story or argument is complete and wait until later to change it. It is, therefore,
essential that the paper is free from reckless errors, especially in the data. If so, don't let it get to you -
- just rewrite that part of your paper more clearly so that the same misunderstanding won't happen
again. Just explain that all thing in detail in your own word and you can prepare manuscript and then
easily after acceptance you can publish review paper. Only a small proportion, 5 to 10 percent, are
accepted the first time they are submitted, and usually they are only accepted subject to revision.
Multiple regression analysis used for this research. You understand that Epik may release confidential
information. This is one of the most crucial tasks a researcher can carry out when writing because it
allows them to become a better editor of their own work. Effect of Dividend Policy on Value
Creation for Shareholders of Companies Lis. These may include information about their own
availability, related work being reviewed in other journals (from their lab or other labs), or the names
of other scientists who are working on the same problem and who would therefore have a conflict of
interest when reviewing their article. By clearly announcing the name of a source, you reveal the
scope of your reading and, therefore, your credibility (take part in an online international conference
to learn more about these notes). He has published 3 books and over 70 articles and book chapters on
demography, economic development, poverty and unemployment. The best publications are peer-
reviewed, meaning scholars can anonymously review submitted works. Unintentional plagiarism is
often the result of negligence. Make sure the you had carried out enough studies on basics of that
topic. They should make sure that every word plays a role in presenting their case and that they know
the meaning of any unusual words they use. Ideally, you’ll choose your target journal before you
start writing so you can tailor your paper to build on work that has already been published in that
journal. Instead, link to them or direct people to them with URLs. And to host it on SSRN
ELSEVIER and so many others databases? Earning management and dividend policy empirical
evidence from pakistani list. Responding to the need to reduce publication times, several journals and
editors have started offering fast publishing a fast-track path to publication that assures researchers
of the journal’s decision within weeks or days of submitting their manuscripts. Sending an angry
email to the editor explaining why the review process was unfair and biassed is not recommended.
RachelPearson36 Unlocking the Power of ChatGPT and AI in Testing - A Real-World Look, present.
Letting their manuscript sit for a while means that when they come to review it, they should be able
to identify any issues with it.
The Relationship between Dividend Policy and Shareholder’s Wealth (A Case Stu. After review, the
publisher decides on the publication, taking into account all comments received. Then you have you
to update yourself with the ongoing technical happenings in your chosen field. ARDA’s dedicated
editorial team has adopted conventional plagiarism checking processes that have been (and are still)
in use in offline journal publications to the world of online publication through the incorporation of
powerful software tools and technologies that far outdo human capacity for identifying plagiarized
content from millions of previously published scientific works. Information of this type does not
require any in-text citation, as the following example shows. But the best newspapers also present
their story in a clear and logical way. How To Write College Papers - Structure and outline example
of research question, the thesis statement every customization requirements of the.Define theory
define how to clock service to cater to feeds on Facebook, Instagram or.Our experts provide round
the sections, some with specific grammar and writing rules and definitions.Nowadays, we come
across youths you write in a college essay websites should zora hurston. All they want is to see it
improved and published in its best form. Writing a high-quality, publishable article necessitates
confidence in one’s ideas, as well as practice and skills that take time to learn. I saw your
publications earlier, but this one I consider on of the the best, same as this one. Some of these
journals are open-access, meaning readers can immediately read your work, while others require a
subscription. Impact of Firm Specific Factors on Capital Structure Decision: An Empirical S.
B02110106018 B02110106018 The impacts of ownership structure on capital structure and firm’s
performanc. It is not recommended for researchers to initiate personal attacks or send comments on
reviews or critiques. This connects you with a scholarly institution, which can add credibility to your
work. Copyrights 2014, Society of Management and Human Resource Development. The
overbearingly stringent reviewing, editorial, and publication processes that these publications have in
place have proven to be too much to handle, in turn leading to failures on the part of these publishers
in publishing high-level works of research as quickly as possible so that members of the global
scientific community may learn about them and benefit from them in due time. Overall, the peer
review process is intended to perform an access control function. The best publications are peer-
reviewed, meaning scholars can anonymously review submitted works. First-year-level writing
instructors are here to serve you and help you avoid plagiarism (among other responsibilities). Khan),
84 companies from total of 142 listed in Kuala. However, one should again perform a literature
search using different keyword combinations to make sure that there is no existing literature on the
subject. Come back to it later, reading the paper closely to decide whether the criticisms were valid
and how you can address them. A strong conclusion adds context to your thesis and leaves your
reader thinking about the larger implications of your research. Letting their manuscript sit for a while
means that when they come to review it, they should be able to identify any issues with it. Earning
management and dividend policy empirical evidence from pakistani list. Writing research papers with
all of these attributes can take a bit of strategic thinking, practice, and know-how. Just you have to
review already published material regarding your topic. Check your college newsletter and student
handbook. Developing a research paper requires an investment of a long time being independent and
critical to the issue.

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