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Bahasa Inggris



ii Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2
1. Kerjakan semua soal dengan teliti.
2. Jawablah soal pilihan ganda dengan cara klik
pada pilihan a, b, c, d atau e.
3. Jawablah soal uraian dengan cara ketik
jawaban Anda di kolom jawab yang
4. Geser ke kanan/kiri untuk berpindah
5. Pastikan soal sudah terjawab semua.
6. Jika sudah yakin dengan jawaban Anda,
selanjutnya klik tombol “NILAI PILIHAN
7. Selanjutnya kirim/share (ikon pada pojok
kanan bawah) hasilnya ke guru Anda.

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 3

Multiple Choice

Listen to the tape and complete the blanks

number 1 to 5!

Salsabila Khairunnisa, who lives in Jakarta,

started to take an interest ... (1), when she came
across a group campaigning against forest
destruction, due to excessive tourism and energy
exploration, near her ancestral home in West Java.
Khairunnisa began debating and discussing
deforestation at school, describing how forest
losses in West Java ... (2) she and her friends
regularly experienced in Indonesia’s capital.
Khairunnisa and her friends also found out about a
campaign led by indigenous groups to protect
Kinipan rainforest in Central Kalimantan province on
Borneo Island from palm oil expansion.
Keen to get involved, she helped ... (3) Jaga
Rimba to campaign against and study
deforestation, and create a place where young
people could discuss such issues. Students
involved with Jaga Rimba are between 14 to 22
years old and take part in weekly school strikes,

4 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

online petitions, ... (4), and give conservation
talks and workshops to students.
Khairunnisa is increasingly being recognized for
her climate activism and last month was listed as
one of the BBC’s 100 inspiring and influential
women for 2020. For her, rainforests not only
play an important role for biodiversity and
tackling climate change, but also ... (5) and

1. a. about the topic of nature sustainability

when she was young
b. to be environmental friendly when she was
13 years old
c. to give more concern to the nature
d. in environmental activism at the age of 13
e. in nature conservation

2. a. damages the environment

b. causes landslide
c. has resulted in habitat damage
d. destructs the nature ecosystem
e. contributed to the flooding

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 5

3. a. set up the organization of
b. create program for teenagers called
c. establish youth-led movement
d. co-found the organization
e. organize young movement

4. a. debate and strike

b. discussions and campaigns
c. meetings and movements
d. presentation and donation
e. speech and seminar

5. a. connect us with our ancestors

b. protect the animal populations
c. give benefits to nearby communities
d. ensure food and water security
e. build resilience in the future

6 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

The dialogue below is for questions 6 to 10.
Winda : Hello, Ratri.
Ratri : Hi, Winda. What’s up?
Winda : Not much. I’m reading about the
profile of Mitzi Jonelle Tan. Do you
know her?
Ratri : Yes, she is a Filipino’s climate activist.
Winda : You’re right. She decided to fully
commit her life to activism because
she realized that collective action
and system change is what we
need for a just and green society.
Ratri : I see. I heard that she is participated
in some organizations.
Winda : Yes. She co-founded Youth
Advocates for Climate Action
Philippines (YACAP) and the Fridays
For Future (FFF) organization of
the Philippines.
Ratri : How does she do her activism?
Winda : She is engaged in activism through
a staged demonstration.
Ratri : I see. Well, I got to go. Bye.

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 7

6. What is Mitzi Jonelle Tan famous for?
a. Her action to fight agaisnt climate
b. Her achievement in studying the green
c. Her research about the organization in
d. Her engangement in doing the staged
e. Her action in the climate change

7. Which one is true based on the dialogue?

a. Mitzi Jonelle Tan is an actrees.

b. Mitzi Jonelle Tan is a Filipino.
c. Mitzi Jonelle Tan is only participated in
one organization.
d. Mitzi Jonelle Tan’s action is based around
South East Asia.
e. Mitzi Jonelle Tan fights agaisnt racism in

8 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

8. Which of the following is the expression to
start a conversation?
a. What’s up?
b. Yes, she is a Filipino’s climate activitist.
c. I see.
d. How does she do her activism?
e. Well, I got to go.

9. “I see.”
The utterance above is spoken in ....
a. rising intonation
b. falling intonation
c. double intonation
d. flat intonation
e. higher intonation

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 9

10. Which of the following questions that the
answer can be found in the dialogue?
a. What happened in Philippines?
b. What makes Mitzi Jonelle Tan concerned to
the climate change?
c. Who is the inspiration of Mitzi Jonelle
d. What organizations are Mitzi Jonelle Tan
participated in?
e. What is the educational degree of Mitzi
Jonelle Tan?

The following text is questions 11 to 15.

Arrum Harahap was one of the delegations
of Indonesia in the UN Youth Climate Summit
in 2019. He is an environmental activist from
Tapanuli, North Sumatra.
A day before the summit, Arrum had
chance to participated in Climate Strike in
Battery Park, New York with Greta Thunberg.
With the other participants, they demanded for
the world’s leader to do the real action agaisnt
the climate change.

10 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

Arrum who studied on Andalas University
became one of the delegates of Indonesia in
participating in the UNESCO Man and
Biosphere (MAB) program. This science based
program is purposed to increase the
relationship of human and nature.
Arrum said that by this conference, young
people are expected to concern more climate
change mitigation in Indonesia in the future to
rescue the various biodiversities as the
solutions for climate change.

11. What is the social function of the text?

a. To retell an experience.
b. To discuss the reason of a natural
c. To provide information about the profile
of someone.
d. To present a recent activity publicly.
e. To explain how to do something.

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 11

12. The first paragraph of the text is called ....

a. thesis
b. resolution
c. arguments
d. conclusion
e. orientation

13. The main idea of the second paragraph is ....

a. UNESCO Man and Biosphere is a
science based program
b. Arrum’s wish for the climate change
mitigation in Indonesia
c. Arrum is from North Sumatra
d. Arrum studied in a university
e. Arrum participated in a strike to demand a
real action of the world’s leaders

12 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

14. What is the hope of Arrum after he participated
in the conference?
a. For the young people to have role in
political issue.
b. So that young people concern more in
climate change mitigation.
c. For the Indonesian government to care of
the seas.
d. So that the world’s leaders would make a
real action
e. For the next conference to be held in

15. “... they demanded for the world’s leader to do

the real action.............”
The underlined word is similar in meaning
with ....
a. answered
b. agreed
c. responded
d. pleaded
e. replied

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 13

The dialogue below is for questions 16 to 20.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for coming today. Let me tell you
about myself. My name is Andhika Ramli. In
this occasion, I would like to talk about how to
save the forest to support our lives in the
future. Now, let’s start our session.
Almost billions of people rely on the world’s
forests for their livelihoods. Without forests,
people will lose their primary sources of water,
food, shelter, and income. Learning how to
save trees is one of the most powerful things
you can do to help the planet.
First, the easiest way to support trees is to
plant trees yourself. Whether you plant a
single new tree in your backyard or plant trees
with a group, your actions will have a significant
positive impact on the planet and climate
Second, we should support conservation
organizations. Sometimes you can’t directly protect
trees. Luckily, there are plenty of organizations
out there that help support the world’s forests.

14 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

Third, use tree-free products. Bamboo
products, in particular, are rising to
prominence. Bamboo toilet paper, toothbrushes,
paper towels, and more have become modern
green staples. Bamboo products are soft,
strong, and sustainable. Once they’ve been
harvested, bamboo stalks begin to grow back
almost immediately without the need for
reseeding or fertilizer.
Fourth, enjoy forests responsibly. Going out
into nature and enjoying our existing forests
for yourself is a big part of learning how to save
trees. Once you get outside and appreciate all
that our forests have to offer, you’ll be filled
with a new vigor for protecting the planet.
To conclude, everyone has the power to
protect our existing forests. Its effects might
not be immediately evident, but the planet and
future generations will thank you. This is the
end of my presentation.
Adapted from:

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 15

16. What is the topic of the presentation?
a. The recent news about the forest.
b. The importance of people to save the
c. The suggestion to use eco-friendly
d. The significance in planting trees in the
e. The steps to support conservation

17. The followings are the good sides of bamboo

products, except ....
a. bamboo products are soft and strong
b. bamboo can be made into various
c. bamboo stalks can grow immediately
d. bamboo products are expensive
e. bamboo stalks don’t need fertilizer

16 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

18. Which action is not related to the text?
a. d.

b. e.


19. Which information is false based on the

a. Forest is important for human’s life.
b. Planting trees is one of the ways to save
the earth.
c. Appreciate nature motivates us to save
d. Bamboo products are unsustainable.
e. Planting trees can give significant impact
on the planet.

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 17

20. Which expression is used on the closing
a. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
b. Thank you for coming today.
c. Let me tell you about myself.
d. My name is Andhika Ramli.
e. This is the end of my presentation.

The infographic below is for questions 21 to 25.

Ways to Save Water at Home

Take a shorter
If you can reduce
your shower time
from 10 minutes to
4 minutes, you can
save approx. Fix leaking taps
15.000 litres a A dripping tap can waste over
year. 7.000 litres a year.

Leaky loo?
A leaking loo
wastes between
200 and 400 litres
a day. Head on
over to Cartref
Turn off the tap
programme to see Turning off the tap while
how me can help. brushing your teeth could save
6.000 litres of water a year.

Dual flush
Only use the big
flush when you
need to. Using
the big flush uses
almost twice as
much water as a
small flush!
Wash full loads
Wait until you have a full load before
using the dishwasher and washing
machine, and always use the eco

18 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

21. What information can we get from the
a. The steps to save water at home.
b. The description of a good water for
c. The explanation to install a good water
system at home.
d. The steps to save the earth.
e. The experience in saving water at

22. Which of the following actions fits with the

information on the infographic?
a. Rudi lets the water flows when he
brushes his teeth.
b. Each family member wash their clothes
separately every day.
c. Sinta takes a bath for more than 10
d. Beni doesn’t take much concern of the
dripping water on the dishwasher.
e. While brushing, Elvi turns off the water

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 19

23. What is the benefit in reducing the shower
a. It saves over 7.000 litres water a year.
b. It will make us pay less for the electricity.
c. It saves approximately 5.000 litres a year.
d. It saves between 200 and 400 litres a
e. It makes us be healthier.

24. The pronoun “you” in the infographic refers to

a. the writer d. the consumer
b. the water e. the reader
c. saving water

25. “A leaking loo wastes between.........”

The underlined word is similar in meaning
with ....
a. avoids d. spoils
b. prevents e. accumulates
c. rescues

20 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2


Isra Hirsi
In recent years, a host of
young environmentalists have
taken charge of the green
movement and brought it to the
forefront of public
consciousness. Among these
dedicated leaders stands Isra
Hirsi, a Minneapolis teen who has
the way for sustainable activists of the
future. This young activist has taken on
many roles in the movement, including
heading organizations, rallies, and other
initiatives. She is well known for her
dedication to social and environmental justice
in her community and country.
Hirsi’s own focus is on the sustainability
movement. As a freshman in high school, she
joined her school’s environmental club and
discovered her passion for creating a more
sustainable future. This laid the groundwork
for her later ecological initiatives. Hirsi led
hundreds of students across the United States
in the School Strike for Climate. This was
meant to inspire politicians, and the public, to
Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 21
consider the long-term effects of climate
change and pursue renewable energy.

22 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

In January 2019, Hirsi co-founded the
U.S. Youth Climate Strike, acting as an
Executive Director, keeping to her
environmental activism. This organization
helped to orchestrate over
1.000 strikes across the United States. This
was a collaborative effort between students
and various other organizations throughout
the country, marking one of the largest
climate demonstrations in the history of the
United States. International youth climate
activist Greta Thunberg also made an
appearance at the New York strike site.
Similar events were also held across the
These efforts earned her substantial
recognition, not only for her notable climate
activism but for undertaking this venture at
such a young age. She was awarded the
Brower Youth Award, an award dedicated to
young social and environmental activists under
the age of twenty-three, in 2019 at just
sixteen years old. In 2019 she was also
awarded the Voice of the Future Award to
recognize her efforts to create a better future.
As a Black American, she was also recognized
by the BET in their 2020 Future 40.
Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 23
Hirsi stands as perhaps the perfect
representative of the next generation of
Americans and American activists. A
generation keenly aware of their rich
backgrounds but wholly dedicated to
contributing to developing a resilient,
shared future. Unafraid of confrontation or
controversial acts of advocacy, they stay true
to their beliefs and commitments. Exemplifying
this notion, Hirsi’s primary cause, climate
change, hopes to ensure sustainability is still
considered in the following generations.
Adapted from:


1. What is the text about?

24 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2

2. What makes Isra Hirsi famous?

3. What is the purpose of School Strike for


4. What happened on January 2019?

Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 25

5. What are the achievements of Isra Hirsi?

26 Bahasa Inggris XI Semester 2



Semester 2 Bahasa Inggris XI 27

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