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MY DAILY DUA BOOK COLOURING AND ACTIVITY BOOK FOR CHILDREN Ag WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY FAIZA KHAN Foreword In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the merciful. Ih an age of increasing mindlessness, I thought it both crucial and hecessary that our children be provided with an engaging Dua book. Th today’s climate, there is a danger that practicing the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) will gradually decline with the passing of time. This book aims to Introduce young children to the Duas of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), in a mahher Which is fun, memorable and contemporary. No doubt a book is only as good as the teacher Who teaches it and ‘as Such it must be kept in mind that memorising Duas, whilst important, should be Secondary to the actual implementation of lessons ahd ideas behind the Duas themselves. It is therefore vital that children be given ample time and a certain degree of freedom in progressing through the book at a pace Which is digestible and unrestrictive. Whilst children have a great capacity to learn and a right to a comprehensive and fulfilling Islamic education, they also have a right to understand ahd explore Islamic teachings at a level that they are comfortable With. This will also ensure that they have ehough time to bring certain lessons ahd habits into practice. I pray that Allah accepts the efforts of all teachers and parents in providing their children with the true Understanding of deen. Care has been taken fo ensure that all duas are authentic. However I will be extremely grateful in receiving any information in regards to any errors or omissions. How do I use the book? It is recommended that one Dua Should be covered per week. For the more able and eager, two should suffice. Once the student knows the Arabic ahd English of a certain Dua, the page Should be sighed and dated by the teacher or parent. The two stars at the bottom of the page represent the student having learnt both the Arabic and English. If they complete both, the stars can be coloured in by the student. Alternatively, star stickers can be given to the students as ah incentive to progress further. For further information please visit: Follow islamicresources4 teaching on Instagram Acknowledgements: I am thankful to Allah that he has blessed me with both the knowledge and commitment needed to complete this book. Tam also thankful fo the teachers of Jaamia Tul Imaam Muhammad Za- kariya for imparting both wisdom and guidance during my teenage years. Lastly I am extremely grateful for my wonderful family and my mum ih particular. To both my sisters Aisha and Shawaha, your earlier work was my inspiration for this book. May Allah reward you for your efforts. This book cah be photocopied for educational purposes only. It can be printed and photocopied for use by children. It is not be printed for the purpose of being sold. To order a hard copy, please visit: https://Wwuw.islamicresources4 Also available fo purchase on Amazon:'y-Book -Childret/ dp/T18912368X/ref=olp product _details?ie=UTFB&me= Discounts available for madrassahs and schools Please contact us via the website under the contacts tab for a discount oh more thah 5 books. Answer book available at: CONTENTS Borore siarting anything Hl When boarding 2 vehicle When waking Up ; When thanking someone Before going info the bathroom y Before opening a fast Berore doing wudhu . Actor sneering At fer doing wudhu 8 Before reading the Quran, Wnen Coming Ut OF the 7 bathroom 0 |ACIer Committing a bad deed Borore eating When meeting someone When given Food OF water When going Upsiairs) downstairs After eaking SUbhanullah/ Inshallahy Prashallah When forgetting 10 s2y Bismillah (borore eating) When experiending dif Ficuly Before drinking milk Before going Jo sleep When wearing Clothes When gelling angry When entering house Dua ¢Or parenis hen leaving ahouse Dua For confidence and ease Wien enlening the magjid Dua ror guidance Wunen leaving the magid 3 For this world and the herearter Ho increase knowledge 6 When seeingiheating a storm Visiting an ill person % [Ariat having a bad drearn Wunen it rains 28 hen Feeling sad OF Worried latter the Prophels name BEFORE STARTING IANTITHING Meaning: In the hame of Allah the most Gracious, the mos merciful. wy Wy Sighed: Date: Www.islamicresources4teaching.c' 5 ghll ads lel ls oss Chel coil all Jasll Alhamdu lillaahil-ladhee ahyaanaa ba’da maa amaatanaa wa ilayhin-nushoor Meaning: All praise is for Allah who gave us life after causing us to die, and unto Him we Shall return. wy Ve Signed: Date: 2 ACTIVITY: Sara gets up and first does wudhu theh prays her Fajr Salah. She normally reads her Daily Dua book but has lost it today. Can you help her find it? 3 WHEN T ENTER THE SAN Par 7 a)? at o4 ‘ stalls oy as zl ol al Allahumma innee authu bika minal khubuthi wal khabaaith Sunnahs of using the toilet: Meahing: Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from male and female shayateen. wy Wy Signed: Date: ACTIVITY: Sulayman likes to use his Miswak before doing wudhv. He knows that it cleans his teeth and he knows that doing the miswak pleases Allah. Can you help him find it? wuswislamicresourcesd 5 BEFORE DOING wD aN pn Bismillah Rewards of doing wudhu: Meaning: In the name of Allah. wy Wy Signed: Date: 6 When doing udu we should not waste water. Alot of poor people across the world have ho access to clean water. Close the tap when you use the Miswak and when you do masah of the head Try and do wudhu using a water bottle or SS (We should thank a small jug if you stil Allah that we have use too much. $0 much clean water, Did you knows The Prophet (S.A.W) did not like it when people wasted water. Once a companion was usihg water: hen doing WudhU ahd the Prophet (SAW) told him that the water he was Using Was too much. The companion was surprised, The Prophet (S.AW) then said that water could be wasted eveh at a flowing river! ) cages ye cotlectly ay) BN Ge cole! a4 Allchummaj alnee minat-tawwaabeena waj alnee minal-mutatahhireen Meaning: Oh Allah, count me among those Who seek forgiveness and amongst those Who stay clean. sy sk Signed: Date: wwwislamicresources4teachingcom 8 Fardh acts of Mayer Circle the things that you cah do Tayyamum with. What is Tayammume.... Wheh cah you do Tayammum?.. wwwislamicresources4teachingcom q WHEN LEAVING THE ATR ON elles oN ge cst Gal ol Lasll a gs Ghufraanaka, Alhamdu lillaahil-ladhee adh-haba annil adhaa wa aafaanee a Which foot do we come out with? 6 ® Meaning: I seek your forgiveness (Allah) All Praise be to Allah, who removed me from discomfort and gave me ease (relief). aed igned: Date: 10 HUDED WORDSEANC Hidden in the wordsearch below, are some body parts that we Wash in Wudhv. See if you can find them all! HANDS MOUTH NOSE FACE ARMS HAIR NECK FEET wuwwaislamicresources4 1 Muslims pray 5 times a day. The prayer times are at dawh (Fajr), midday (Zuhr), late afternoon (Asr), after sunset (Maghrib) ahd in the hight (Isha). Draw the sky during the time for each Salah. =) MAGHRIB Did you know? Praying in congregation is twenty seven times better than praying alone. rR 3 all ae 8 6 a9, a 8 9 ag 17 6 ele Sunnahs of eating: Meaning: In the name of Allah. wy Ve Signed: Date: WHEN GIVEN OO) A EAT gles YG Bis cgaabl yp a abl Allaahumma at‘im man at‘amanee, wasqi man saqaanee Sunnahs of Drinking Meaning: Oh Allah! Feed the one who has fed me ahd give drink to the one Who has given me drink. Signed: Date: 14 tO iO AY Siti The Prophet (S.AW) sald: “it Is enough for him (the son of Adam) to take a few bites... If he cannot do it, then he may fil it with a third Of his food, a third of his drink, ahd a third of his breath.” (Tirmidh’) Fill in the table by writing examples of healthy and Unhealthy food: Healthy food Unhealthy food wuwislamicresources4teachingcom Ne Alhamdulila hilladhi at‘amana wasaqaana, waja‘alanaa muslimeen Food that the Food that I like: Prophet liked Meaning: All praise is for Allah, who fed us and gave us drink and made us muslims. wy Wy Signed: Date: 16 IF I FORGET TO SAY THE DUA BEFORE EATING I SAY: sels 4 abl ry Bismillaahi awwalahu wa aakhirahu Draw a circle around the healthy food we should be eating more of. Cross out the less healthy food. Meaning: In the name of Allah, af the beginning and at the end. wy Wy Signed: Date: 1 “oT die 6355 4a O Db g i i Allaahumma baarik lanaa feehi wa zidnaa minhu — Meahing: Oh Allah, bless it for us ahd increase it for us. wy Wy Signed: Date: WHEN WEARING CUT nes CAND cle Gal all Aas “2S. it Se phe ates 39 15 oe J TE Of $953 ‘Atherulilahiladhikascni heath haube wa razaganeeh min ghar hawlin-mimee wleequvwatn Draw your favourite pair of clothes in the box below: Meaning: All praise is due to Allah who has clothed me with this garment and given it to me without any effort or power. Wy Wy Signed: Date: 9 RINGIAOUS Allaahumma innee as-aluka khayral mawlaji wa khayral makhriji Bismillahi walajnaa wa bismillahi kharajnaa wa alallaahi rabbinaa tawakkalnaa CE> 4 Bg () sll 7 10 —S hy Meaning: Oh Allah I seek a good entry and a good exit. Ih the name of Allah we enter, in the Name of Allah we leave, and upon our Lord we trust. A Signed: Date: 20 WHEN SENG HOUSE al, Yas Vo Uz Vo oll cle Cf alt aay Bismillaah, tawakkaltu ‘alal-laah, wa laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa billaah Draw a picture of what you would like your house to look like in Jannah. Meaning: In the Name of Allah, I have placed my trust in Allah, there is ho might and ho power except by Allah, the most high, the great. wy Wy Signed: Date: a WHEN ENTERING A SJ z j Py We kes 5 cla od I el Allaahum-maf-tah lee ‘bias rahmatik How should we behave in a masjid? TED “ Sf i r | UT Meaning: Oh Allah, open the doors of your mercy for me. wy Wy Signed: Date: 22 WHEN LEAVING THE MeN ALB x2 allel 23) eb S\| oy 3 S\\l 2) -3) 2 oe Ss Allaa-humma innee as‘aluka min fadhlik Design your Own Masjid in the box below. Meaning: Oh Allah, I ask You from Your favour. wy Wy Signed: Date:, 23 SASZSZSZESZSZSES RZs ‘yegey a4 Jo Bulmeup ayy ajaiduio5 SALI 24 Meaning: Oh my lord, increase my knowledge. wy Wy Signed: Date: 25 WHEN Viste (lee ab ld 3) 5 4b ob Laa ba'sa tahoorun in shaa Allaah Meaning: Do not worry, it will purify you (from your sins), if Allah wills. wy Wy Signed: Date: 26 Abu urayrah (may Allah be pleased With him) saic: I heard the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) say: "A Muslim has five rights over another: returning the greeting of salaam, visiting the sick, attending funerals, accepting invitations, ahd saying yarhamuk Allah (tnay Allah have mercy on you) to one Who sheezes.” Write down the rights of a Muslim Under each pictur DID YOU KNOW: SMILING AT YOUR BROTHER OR SISTER IS CHARITY! wwuiislamicresourcesd 27 WHEN IT \] (FN Lt go gall Allaahumma sayyiban naafi’aa 6 6 g+O SS £2!) > = | aw, Meahing: Oh Allah, Send upon us beneficial rain. wy Wy Signed: Date: 28 AFTER SAYING/ HEARING/READING THE Pde DAUR i RE alas ale abl le ‘Sallallahu alayhi wasallam Outline Prophet Muhmmad’s name below ahd colour it in. Meaning: May Allah's peace ahd blessings be upon him. wy Wy Signed: Date: 29 Can you find the names of 15 prophets (may Allah be pleased with them all) in the wordsearch below? YUSUF YAHYA = ISA HARUN YUNUS NUH ~— IBRAHIM = HUD ISMAIL MUSA SALIH — ISHAQ 30 BEFORE BOARDING A ‘Subhan-alladhi sakhara lana haadhaa wamaa kunna leh mugrineen wa inna ilaa rabbinaa lamungaliboon Draw your favourite way of travelling in the box below. Meaning: Glory to Him who has brought this (vehicle) under our control, though we were Unable to control it (ourselves), and indeed, to Our Lord we will surely return, Signed: Date: 31 WHEN LAG Slt pe all die Jazakallahu khayran Draw or write about things that you are thankful for. Meaning: May Allah reward you ih a better way. wy Wy Signed: Date: 32 WHEN OPENING MY NS abels 3 eS Cds Sail bel, tab a5 Dhahaba-zama'y wabtallatil urooqu wa thabatil ajru in sha Allah Ss Meaning: The thirst has gone and the veins are moist and reward is assured, if Allah wills. Signed: wy be 33 RAMADAN WORDSEARCH Cah you find all the words in the Wordsearch below? Taraweeh Reward Masjid Eid ul Fitr Tasbeeh Iftaar Suhur Quran 34 u ae 3 Wheh I sheeze I say: J ad J This means: ae Alhamdu lillah i) das Someone else should say: B\s- L This means: a Yarhamu kallah In reply to this say: b eis al pss This means: Yahdeekumullah wa yuslih baalakum Signed: Ki HK Date: 35 BEFORE READINGIOURAN wi) lead! gy abil 3 sf peg hee gl all ay Audhu billaahi minash-shaytaan-irajeem. Bismillah-hirahmaan-iraheem Meaning: I seek refuge in Allah from Shaifan, the rejected ohe. In the name of Allah the most merciful, the most kind. tee Date: 36 QURAN WORDSEARCH The Quran has one hundred and The longest surah Is called surah . The Shortest surah is called surah |. The surah which Is equal to a third of the Quran is called surah .... Sur Is the only surah which does not start with Bismillah, The Quran names a 3 seo PPOPhetS ih total ‘The Prophet who has been mentioned most in the Quran Is Prophet... 37 AFTER DOING A D D a ) D ¥ 2 - “Ze \ | saner Astagh firullah Things that I am not allowed to do: Meaning: I seek forgiveness from Allah. Signed: K Ne Date: 38 How to ask Or FOrgiveness 1. First we Should Understand, recognise and admit our mistakes ahd sins. Allah has given us free choice but remember all our actions effect us or those around us. 2. We should feel regret at having committed a sin and we should ask Allah's forgiveness with inceri EVERY TIME WE SIN, Sincerity. If we have hurt someone, We ‘OUR HEART TENS also heed to ask their forgiveness too. FURTHER AWAY FROM ALLAH 3. Make a promise to yourself that you will never do that sin again. Things we cah do to ask forgiveness from Allah: pyeW> = G00 OP GIVE ZARA Wi yO moet OOD US ASK FORGIVENESS DAY AND NIGHT 39 SUING SOME OS 5 abl das 55 ASE All Assalamu alaykum wa rahma tullahi wa bara kaa tuhu Meaning: Peace, mercy ahd blessings of Allah be upoh you. What is the reply to As-Salamu alaykum? Meaning: Peace, mercy ahd blessings of Allah be Upon you. Signed: Ki Ki Date: \ 40 WHEN GOING SPOTAlag I SAY: a | all WHEN GOING Allahu akbar OG WN STN Re ISAY: alll Sbes Subhan Allah 4 WHEN SEEING OR HEARING ABOUT SOMETHING AMAZING I SAY: SULT NUA ith Stee THIS MEANS: WHEN MAKING AN INTENTION TO DO SOMETHING I SAY: aD eL& St TSAI THIS MEANS: WHEN PRAISING ALLAH I SAY: ALS AGO ab THIS MEANS: Signed: K Ne Date: 42 WHEN EXPERIENCING Inna lillaahi wa inna ilayhi ragjioon Allahumma'-jurnee fee museebatee wa akhlif lee khayram-minhaa v ~~ yet fa ~ nhekek Meaning: Surely we belong fo Allah ahd to Him we shall returh. Oh Allah, grant me reward in my difficulty and give me something better in return. Signed: Date: 43 SUEPING Lely Spl eal gel Allahumma bismika amootu wa-ahyaa Sunnahs of sleeping: Meahing: Oh Allah, with your name I die and I live. A : Signed: Date: 44 WHEN GETTING ANGRY peed) ae i alll 5 Audhu billaahi minash-shaytaan-irajeem What should I do wheh I get angry? Meaning: I seek refuge in Allah from Shaitan, the outcast. Signed: Ki Ki Date: 45 DUA FOR PARENTS Ve cols LS Lapa jos Rabbir hamhuma kama rabbayaani sagheeraa What does your mum ahd dad |What can you do to help your do for you? mum and dad? m8 AG es S ne Py They cook for me [cat ROP sismusrisincnanssiveniav Meaning: My lord have mercy oh them as they bought me up wheh I was small. wy Wy Signed: Date: 46 A mah came to the messenger of Allah (peace ahd blessings of Allah be upon him) and said: ‘O messenger of Allah, who among the people is most deserving of my good company?” he PROPHET (S.A.W) said: he MAN asked: 'THEN WHO?" he PROPHET (S.A.W) said: he MAN asked: "THEN WHO ?' he PROPHET (S.A.W) said: he MAN asked: ‘THEN WHO ?' he PROPHET (S.A.W) said: Jannah lies under your \ mother’s feet! | wuwislamicresources4teachingcom 41 “™ ROMANCE © B/\SE GA dei Gre Seales < a7 ’ fe 2, 4 3124335 2 le) 2g EUSA elles A yet coiled of Sab ple 5 Rabbi-sharahlee sadree wa yassirlee amree Wablul ugdatam millisaani yafgahoo qawlee Meahing: Oh my Lord! Widen for me my chest (grant me self- confidence), And ease my task for me; And make loose the knot from my tongue, so they may Understand what I say. Signed: wy tate 48 ™ GUIDANGE ils Slislly citls cag abl 3) gal Allahumma innee as-alukal hudaa wattuqaa wal afaafa wal ghinaa What other things should we ask Allah for? 2D ° oO Meaning: Oh Allah! I ask you for guidance, piety, modesty and contentment. wy Wy Signed: Date: 4g DUA FOR THIS Wo) RE [D) AND THE leery (oh Kes I 3 GI; Hl 21s. tee ge Be J Olde (3 Oe 3% Rabbanaa atinaa fidunyaa hasanataw wafil aakhirati hasanataw waginaa adhaaban-naar ea orld and good ih the Hereafter, and save us from the torment of the Hell Fire. wy Wy Signed: Date: 50 DUA TO READ DURING A: STORM 5h op dh Sgly lege allel oJ agli Allaumma innee as-aluka khayrahaa wa-a'udhubika min sharrihaa Meaning: Oh Allah, I ask You for it’s goodness and I seek refuge with You from it’s evil. wy Wy Signed: Date: Wwwu)islamicresources4 Sl DUA TO READ AFTER A: D ) ) D D pad leak op alll, 5 yf ‘Audhu billaahi minash-shaytaan-irajeem The Prophet advised us to do 5 things after we have had a bad dream. Ohe has beeh done for you. Cah you fill in the rest? =e Spit on your left three times. (Use more air theh actual spit!) Meahing: I seek refuge ih Allah from Shaitan, the outcast. Signed: K Ne Date: 52 DUA TO READ IF T' pally oF 5 pal ye Sh Sol ooh eal dle 3! ides ogi ls alls Bal SoS Allahumma innee audhubika minal hammi wal hazani wal ajzi Walkasli walbukhli waljubni wadalid-dayni wa ghalabatir-rijaal Sometimes we might! feel sad or Worried abou! Something. Is perfectly normal fo feel this way as every Single person feels sad. Even the Prophets of Allah (May Allah be pleased with them) felt this way! Discuss What you can do if you feel sad and write if down in Ine speech bubbles below. A Meaning: Oh Allah, I seek refuge With You from anxiety, and sadness, ahd Weakness, ahd laziness, ahd miserliness, and cowardice, ahd the burden of debts and from being overpowered by people. wy oe Date: 53 This dua book contains daily duas in both Arabic and English. There are colouring pages, wordsearches, drawing and wutiling aciivities that children can work through wilh the help of parents and Jeachers. ISBN 978-1-78972-368-7 o" rer7ea "723687

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