Solution 1225554

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Class 08 - Science
Section A
(d) cow-dung cake
Explanation: cow-dung cake
2. (a) Women are responsible for sex of child
Explanation: Misconception is wrong believing spread in society. It is a misconception that women are responsible for sex of
child, although, father is responsible for sex of child. There are two types of sex chromosomes X and Y chromosomes. Female
cell contains the XX pair and the male contains XY pair. A human sperm contains either an X or a Y chromosome, thereby
determining the sex of the offspring after fertilization. XX = female. XY = male.
(d) above 20,000 Hz
Explanation: Ultrasound has frequency of vibration above above 20000 Hz.

4. (a) 30o
Explanation: Angle of reflection of reflected ray from mirror II is 60°.

(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Reason is not correct explanation of assertion as Petroleum was formed from organisms living in the sea. As
these organisms died, their bodies settled at the bottom of the sea and got covered.
with layers of sand and clay. Over millions of years, absence of air, high temperature and high pressure transformed the dead
organisms into petroleum and natural gas.
6. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: Kerosene oil and molten wax rise through the wick and are vapourised during burning and form flames because
the substances which vapourise during burning, give flames.
7. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Explanation: The reproductive parts in animals also produce gametes that fuse to form a zygote. It is the zygote which
develops into a new individual.
This type of reproduction beginning from the fusion of male and female gametes is called sexual reproduction.
(d) A is false but R is true.
Explanation: Assertion is wrong statement as Amoeba begins the process of reproduction by the division of its nucleus into
two nuclei which is followed by division of body into two.
(b) gamete formation, fertilization, zygote, embryo
Explanation: In human beings, sexual reproduction takes place by the combination of gametes, i.e. sperm and egg, formed in
males and females, respectively. The fusion of gametes is called fertilization. The fusion forms a zygote, which divides
repeatedly to form the embryo. The embryo gets implanted in the female uterus for further development to form the foetus.
10. It is used for extraction of many metals and also for the manufacture of steel.
11. The outer zone is the hottest part of a candle flame. outer zone also known as non-luminous zone.
12. Zygote

Section B
13. About 300 million years ago the earth had dense forests in low lying wetland areas. Due to natural processes, like flooding, these
forests got buried under soil. As more soil deposited over them, they were compressed. The temperature also rose as they sank
deeper and deeper. Under high pressure and high temperature, dead plants got slowly converted to coal.
As coal contains mainly carbon, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal is called carbonisation.
14. The history of the matchstick is very old. More than five thousand years ago small pieces of pinewood dipped in sulphur were
used as matches in ancient Egypt. The modern safety match was developed only about two hundred years ago. A mixture of
antimony trisulphide, potassium chlorate and white phosphorus with some glue and starch was applied on the head of a match
made of suitable wood. When struck against a rough surface, white phosphorus got ignited due to the heat of friction. This started
the combustion of the match. However, white phosphorus proved to be dangerous both for the workers involved in the
manufacturing of matches and for the users. These days the head of the safety match contains only antimony trisulphide and
potassium chlorate. The rubbing surface has powdered glass and a little red phosphorus (which is much less dangerous). When the
match is struck against the rubbing surface, some red phosphorus gets converted into white phosphorus. This immediately reacts
with potassium chlorate in the matchstick head to produce enough heat to ignite antimony trisulphide and start the combustion.

15. Internal fertilisation External fertilisation

(i) The fusion of male gamete or sperm and female gamete or ova (i) The fusion of male gamete and female gamete takes
occurs inside the body of a female partner, such as human beings, place outside the body of a female partner, such as in frog,
birds, and mammal. fish, and starfish.

(ii) The female partner lays either fertilised eggs or a fully grown
(ii) The female partner discharges unfertilised eggs.
young one.

(iii) Offsprings have a high chance of survival. (iii) Offsprings have a low chance of survival.
16. Echolocation is nothing but just a reflection of sound. For example- when you throw a ball on a wall, it hits the wall and bounces
back. Same is the case with sound waves. When sound wave travels, it hits things which come in its path and bounces back. This
phenomenon is called reflection of sound or echo. To hear the echo, one should be at 17m distance from the reflected surface.
Section C
17. State True or False:
(i) (b) False
Explanation: False
(ii) (b) False
Explanation: False
(iii) (b) False
Explanation: False.
The fishes exhibit external fertilization. The eggs layer is unfertilized and covered only by a slimy, jelly-like
substance for protection. No hard shell is present.
18. An inexhaustible resource is a resource that never runs out or gets depleted. Some of such resources include wind, sun, solar
energy etc.
The exhaustible natural resources are limited in nature and can be exhausted by different human activities such as coal and
19. Substances that burn in air or oxygen to produce heat and light are called combustible substances. E.g. Paper, wood , coal.
Substances which do not burn in air or oxygen to produce heat and light are called non-combustible substances. E.g. Water,
Glass, iron nail.
20. After fertilisation the zygote divides repeatedly and travels down the oviduct. As it travels down, many protective layers are
formed around it. The hard sell on the hen’s egg is one such protective layer. The hen finally lays egg. The embryo takes about
three weeks to develop into a chick. After the chick is completely developed it bursts open the egg shell.
21. Excessive or unwanted sounds are called noise. Noise is unpleasant to hear. E.g., Sound produced by a bunch of students speaking
together in the classroom.
The sounds which are pleasing to the ears are called music. It gives a soothing effect rather than creating a chaos in mind. E.g.,
Sound produced by a harmonium sound.
22. a. Angle of incidence: The angle between normal and incidence ray is called angle of incidence. Angle of incidence is always
equal to angle of reflection.

b. Angle of reflection: The angle between normal and reflected rays is called angle of reflection.

Section D
23. We can reduce pollution by planting trees along roadside.
Burning of fossil fuels produce many harmful gases like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxide etc. Carbon
dioxide causes global warming and increases the temperature on the earth.
Plants absorb these gases and converted into useful gases like oxygen.
In some situations trees will reduce noise levels up to 50% but to be effective you need a tree barrier that is at least 50 feet
They act as an obstruction to the light beacons from the other side of the lane( This helps in preventing Accidents).
24. Petroleum (also known as crude oil or simply oil) is a fossil fuel that was formed from the remains of ancient marine organisms.
When small sea plants and animals die they will sink, they will then lie on the sea bed where they will decompose and mix with
sand and silt. During the decomposition process tiny bacteria will clean the remains of certain chemicals such as phosphorus,
nitrogen and oxygen. This leaves the remains consisting of mainly carbon and hydrogen. At the bottom of the ocean there is
insufficient oxygen for the corpse to decompose entirely. What we are left with is the raw materials for the formation of
25. Liquids and gaseous fuels have many advantages over the solid fuels. Some of them are discussed below:
a. The calorific value of liquids and gaseous fuels are higher than solid fuels.
b. Liquids and gaseous fuels have low ignition temperature than the solid fuels.
c. They burn completely leaving no residue, but solid fuels leave residue on burning.
d. They are easy to store and transport. But solid fuels occupy most of the space.
26. The difference between combustible and non combustible substances are as follows:
Combustible substances - The substances that catches fire easily to produce heat and light energy is called combustible substance.
The combustible substances are called fuels. Such fuels may be solid, liquid or gas.
Examples of combustible substances are- petrol, kerosene, diesel, coal etc.
Non combustible substances - The substance that does not burn in the presence of air is called non combustible substances.
Such substances are not fuels.
Examples of non combustible substances are - metals, glass, etc.

27. a.

b. After the embryo gets implanted in the maternal uterus, its gradual development continues. Body parts such as hands, legs,
head, etc. develop and the resultant fetus starts to resemble adult human beings in terms of body parts and structure. When the
development of the fetus is complete, the mother delivers the baby, i.e. the fetus is expelled out from the mother's body.
28. The type of asexual reproduction in which an animal reproduces by dividing into two individuals is called as the binary fission.
It is usually found in single celled organisms such as “AMOEBA”.
It begins the process of reproduction by the division of its body into two nuclei.
This is followed by division of its body into two each part receiving a nucleus.
Finally two daughter amoeba are produced from one parent amoeba.

29. Humans communicate with each other by speaking. In humans, the sound producing organ is called larynx or voice box which is
present at the upper end of the wind pipe in the throat region. Inside the larynx or voice box there are two vocal cords made up of
ligaments, which are stretched across it just like a string. When lungs force out air through larynx, the vocal cords vibrate to
produce sound. So whenever we speak or sing, our vocal cords vibrate due to the air expelled from the lungs, producing sound.


The eye has a roughly spherical shape. The outer coat of the eye is white. It is tough so that it can protect the interior of the eye
from accident. Its transparent front part is called cornea. Behind the cornea, we find a dark muscular structure called iris. In the
iris, there is a small opening called pupil. The size of the pupil is controlled by the iris. The iris controls the amount of light
entering into the eye. Behind the pupil of the eye is a lens which is thicker at the centre. The lens focuses light on the retina. The
retina contains several nerve cells. Sensations felt by the nerve cells are then transmitted to the brain through the optic nerves.
There are two kinds of cells; cones and rods.
Section E
31. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Anuj is telling Shashi the story of coal. He told that about 300 million years ago the earth had dense forests in low-lying wetland
areas. Due to natural processes, like flooding, these forests got buried under the soil. As more soil deposited over them, they were
compressed. The temperature also rose as they sank deeper and deeper. Under high pressure and high temperature, dead plants got
slowly converted to coal. As coal contains mainly carbon, the slow process of conversion of dead vegetation into coal.

(i) (d) exhaustible natural resources

Explanation: exhaustible natural resources
(ii) (b) carbonisation
Explanation: carbonisation
(iii) (a) coke, coal-tar, coal gas
Explanation: coke, coal-tar, coal gas
(iv) 1. Inexhaustible Natural Resources
(v) (a) True
Explanation: True
32. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
For centuries, wood was used as domestic and industrial fuel. But now it has been replaced by coal and other fuels like LPG. In
many rural parts of our country, people still use wood as a fuel because of its easy availability and low cost. However, burning of
wood gives a lot of smoke which is very harmful for human beings. The amount of heat energy produced on complete combustion
of 1 kg of a fuel is called its calorific value.
(i) (c) 6000 - 8000
Explanation: 6000 - 8000

(ii) (c) LPG
Explanation: LPG
(iii) (d) Liquefied Petroleum Gas
Explanation: Liquefied Petroleum Gas
(iv) (a) True
Explanation: True
(v) 1. calorific
33. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Anuj has drown diagram related to zygote formation and development of an embryo from the zygote.

(i) (d) Embedding embryo

Explanation: Embedding embryo
(ii) (a) Balls of cell
Explanation: Balls of cell
(iii) (c) ovary
Explanation: ovary
(iv) (a) True
Explanation: True
(v) 1. zygote
34. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
The type of reproduction in which only a single parent is involved is called asexual reproduction. Organism reproduce by different
method. Yeast, amoeba reproduction by single parent.

(i) (c) Amoeba
Explanation: Amoeba
(ii) (d) sponge
Explanation: sponge
(iii) (d) Yeast
Explanation: Yeast
(iv) (a) True
Explanation: True
(v) 1. reproduction
35. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
Rena wants to understand how sound are produced through vocal cord so she performed following activity
Step 1 - Take two rubber strips of the same size.
Step 2 - Place these two pieces one above the other and stretch them tight.
Step 3 - Now blow air through the gap between them. As the air blows through the stretched rubber strips, a sound is produced.
Step 4 - You can also take a piece of paper with a narrow slit and hold it between your fingers.

Step 5 - . Now blow through the slit and listen to the sound.

(i) (b) Larynx

Explanation: Larynx
(ii) (b) hearing organ
Explanation: hearing organ
(iii) (a) 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
Explanation: 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz
(iv) 1. Vocal cords
(v) (a) True
Explanation: True
36. Read the text carefully and answer the questions:
We see things only when light coming from them enters our eyes. Eye is one of our most important sense organs. The eye has a
roughly spherical shape. Outer coat of the eye is white. It is tough so that it can protect the interior of the eye from accidents.

(i) (b) Iris

Explanation: Iris
(ii) (b) both cones and rods
Explanation: both cones and rods
(iii) (c) Cornea
Explanation: Cornea
(iv) 1. retina
(v) (a) True
Explanation: True


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