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BAPTISM Pouring of water on “N.N., I baptize you in Bishop Lay Baptized Person Marks us forever as
the forehead the name of the Priest Christians, disciples and
Father, and of the Deacon followers of Christ; I
Son, and of the Holy marks us members of
His Mystical Body, the
Catholic Church, and
enables us to receive
the other sacraments.
CONFIRMATION Imposition of the “N.N., be sealed with Bishop Priest Increases sanctifying
hands on the head the Gift of the Holy grace, gives a special
and anointing of the Spirit. Amen.” sacramental grace, and
forehead with Chrism imprints a lasting
character on the soul.

Marks us forever as
mature followers and
soldiers of Christ.
HOLY EUCHARIST Bread from wheat Formula of the Bishop It preserves and
and wine from grapes Consecration in the Priest increases the life of the
Holy Sacrifice of the soul which is grace, in
Mass the same way as
material food keeps
alive and prolongs the
life of the body; it
forgives venial sins and
keeps one away from
mortal sings; it brings
with it spiritual
HOLY ORDER Imposition of the Formula of the Bishop Gives the power to
hands on the head in Consecration or exercise the sacred
silence Ordination ministries regarding the
worship of God and the
salvation of souls and
impresses on the soul
of the recipients the
character of minister of
God, sharing in Christ’s
MATRIMONY Giving mutual Formula which The spouses – Man An increase of
consent of the expresses this and Woman (Groom sanctifying grace; and
spouses consent and Bride) special help of God for
husband and wife to
love each other
faithfully, to bear with
each other’s faults, and
to bring up their
children properly.
CONFESSION Contrition, confession Formula of the Bishop Christ takes away our
(Reconciliation, and satisfaction for Absolution Priest sins, the eternal
sins committed punishment due to
Penance) mortal sin, and at least
part of the temporal
punishment remaining
to be paid after
ANOINTING OF THE Anointing of the Formula of the Bishop It increases sanctifying
SICK forehead and hands Anointing Priest grace; it takes away
with the Oil for the venial sins and even
Sick mortal sins when the
repentant sick person is
unable to confess them;
it removes the
weakness and
faintheartedness one
feels in doing good,
which lasts even after
having obtained
forgiveness of sins; it
gives strength to suffer
sickness with patience,
resist temptations and
die a holy death; and it
helps one recover
bodily health if it is
good for his spiritual

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