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The Faculty of Dentistry organizes a

scientific conference on dental treatment

approaches from a multi-specialty
On January 13, 2024, the Faculty of Dentistry, Van Lang University organized a
conference titled "Approaching dental treatment from a multi-specialty
perspective" to improve specialized thinking and quality by understanding
the multi-specialty trends of contemporary dentistry. From a multi-specialty
viewpoint, a problem solved by combining many different specialties will
achieve optimal success.

Approaching dental treatment from a multidisciplinary perspective is

extremely important because dentistry requires a deep understanding and
combination of many different specialties such as smile aesthetics,
endodontics, prosthodontics, surgery, and orthodontics.

On January 13, 2024, the Faculty of Dentistry, Van Lang University organized a
conference "Approaching dental treatment from a multi-specialty perspective:
The secret to success", gathering more than 200 lecturers.

Topics presented at the conference:

Topic 1: Smile aesthetics and multi-specialty approach | Reporter: Dr. Doctor.

Tran Ngoc Quang Phi, Head of the organizing committee, Dean of the Faculty of
Dentistry, Van Lang University
Topic 2: Managing challenges in endodontic treatment using a multi-specialty
approach | Reporter: MSc. Doctor. Nguyen Tan Hung, Head of Department of
Dental Treatment - Endodontics, Faculty of Dentistry, Van Lang University,

Topic 3: Integrating implants in multi-specialty treatment | Reporter: Dr.

Doctor. Nguyen Ngoc Phuc, Lecturer, Department of Periodontology -
Implantology, Faculty of Dentistry, Van Lang University

Topic 4: Compensatory orthodontics treatment or combined surgery: From

scientific evidence to clinical practice | Reporter: MSc. Doctor. Lam Vinh Phuc,
Lecturer of Maxillofacial Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Van Lang University;
Doctor. Hoang Viet, Lecturer, Department of Orthodontics - Children's
Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Van Lang University

Dr. Tran Ngoc Quang Phi, Head of the Department of Dentistry, Van Lang
University, emphasized that combining knowledge from many different
professional fields in choosing treatment methods is very important for achieving
optimal success, which contributes to improving the quality of treatment for

Dr. Tran Ngoc Quang Phi, Head of the Department of Dentistry, Van Lang
University, gave the opening speech at the conference.

The topics presented by 5 Doctors and Reporters provided comprehensive

perspectives on multi-specialty aesthetics, including numerous specific examples
and demonstrations of successful application in patient treatment.
Presenting the topic "Smile aesthetics and multi-specialty approach", Dr. Doctor.
Tran Ngoc Quang Phi has outlined a picture of dentistry in close connection with
other specialties. The dentist's primary responsibility is to provide high-quality,
effective smile aesthetic treatments.

In the topic "Smile aesthetics and multi-specialty approach" - Dr. Tran Ngoc Quang
Phi points out the causes of gummy smiles and treatment methods.

Exploiting the topic "Compensatory orthodontics treatment or combined surgery",

Dr. Hoang Viet with MSc. Doctor. Lam Vinh Phuc shared the key factors in diagnosis,
treatment planning, and the decision-making process for compensatory
orthodontics or surgery. When combining Orthodontics and Surgery, functional
factors must be guaranteed. The patient's input on the limits of cosmetic treatment,
as well as the orthodontist's skill, are critical in establishing and maintaining
treatment outcomes.

Doctor. Hoang Viet reported on the topic “Compensatory orthodontics treatment or

combined surgery”.

MSc. Doctor. Lam Vinh Phuc reports on the topic "Compensatory orthodontics or
In the topic "Integrating implants in multi-specialty treatment", Dr. Nguyen Ngoc
Phuc emphasized that the multi-specialty treatment plan consists of four phases:
Whole body phase - whole body treatment, and behavior control; The treatment
phase includes tooth extraction, periodontal cleaning, tooth filling, and
endodontics; the repair phase includes periodontal surgery, orthodontics, implants,
and restorations; and the maintenance phase includes supportive care. When
integrating implants into inter-specialty treatment, the reporter provided the
panelists with scientific evidence, recommendations, and quotes from actual clinical
cases. Identifying challenges, dealing with multi-specialty approaches, handling
complex cases, MSc. Doctor. Nguyen Tan Hung talked about the most common
causes of failure in endodontic treatment, how to identify risks, and how to tackle
challenges when treating patients.

Within the framework of the conference, a roundtable discussion among experts

assisted guests in answering outstanding questions about the report content of
four topics, as well as delving into clinical case analysis, thereby contributing to
improving clinical case quality when examining and treating patients.

In addition to attending the event, panelists had the opportunity to visit booths
displaying dental materials in the lobby area.

Not only does it broaden thinking but accessing dental treatment knowledge from a
multi-specialty perspective will also give doctors more confidence in diagnosing
treatment cases, resulting in a smile that is both beautiful and healthy for patients,
spreading knowledge to the medical community in general, and the Vietnamese
dentistry industry in particular, thereby confirming Van Lang University's Faculty of
Dentistry's position and brand value.

News: Hoang Anh – Thanh Huy

Photos: Minh Tri – Gia Thuan

Translated by Thai Bao

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