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Princess Otoo

Melanie Trejo

What are the most common symptoms of this disorder in patients?

- Presence of light brown sports on the skin.
- Appearance of two or more neurofibromas (pea-sized bumps) that can grow either on
the nerve tissue, under the skin or on many nerve tissues.
- Manifestation of freckles under the armpits or in the groin areas.
- Appearance of tiny tan clumps of pigment in the iris of the eyes (Lisch nodules).
- Tumors along the optic nerve of the eye (optic glioma).
- Severe curvature of the spine (scoliosis).
- Enlargement or malformation of other bones in the skeletal system.

How many patients are affected?

1 out of every 3,000 people
Occurs in 1 out of 4,000 births

What cells/tissues are impacted in patients with this disorder and why?
Peripheral nervous system- nerve tissue is most affected because this disease affects how
nerve cells form and grow. It causes tumors to grow on nerves, NF1 usually affects the skin and
can include bone deformities.
Record any sources you use to find this information
About Neurofibromatosis (
Neurofibromatosis | NF | MedlinePlus

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