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Soal 1: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees freedom of religion?

Jawaban: C. Article 29

Soal 2: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution states that the President and Vice President
are elected for a term of five years?

Jawaban: B. Article 7

Soal 3: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution outlines the duties of the House of
Representatives (DPR)?

Jawaban: B. Article 21

Soal 4: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution establishes the principle of the unitary state
of the Republic of Indonesia?

Jawaban: A. Article 1

Soal 5: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees the right to education for all

Jawaban: A. Article 28A

Soal 6: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution establishes the Constitutional Court as a
state institution?

Jawaban: C. Article 26

Soal 7: In which article of the Indonesian Constitution is the principle of Pancasila enshrined?

Jawaban: B. Article 29

Soal 8: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees the right to form labor unions?

Jawaban: A. Article 27

Soal 9: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution outlines the duties of the Constitutional

Jawaban: B. Article 25

Soal 10: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution establishes the National Human Rights
Commission (Komnas HAM)?

Jawaban: C. Article 34

Soal 11: In which article of the Indonesian Constitution is the principle of Bhinneka Tunggal Ika
(Unity in Diversity) mentioned?

Jawaban: A. Article 3
Soal 12: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees the right to a clean and healthy

Jawaban: D. Article 28E

Soal 13: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution establishes the People's Consultative
Assembly (MPR)?

Jawaban: C. Article 4

Soal 14: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees the right to social security for all

Jawaban: B. Article 28B

Soal 15: In which article of the Indonesian Constitution is the principle of a democratic state

Jawaban: A. Article 1

Soal 16: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees the right to freedom of speech
and expression?

Jawaban: C. Article 28C

Soal 17: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution establishes the Supreme Court as a state

Jawaban: D. Article 27

Soal 18: In which article of the Indonesian Constitution is the principle of social justice

Jawaban: B. Article 28

Soal 19: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution guarantees the right to a fair trial?

Jawaban: A. Article 27

Soal 20: Which article in the Indonesian Constitution establishes the General Elections
Commission (KPU)?

A. Article 22E

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