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Group 3 Reaction Paper

Submitted by:
Christine Ann M. Follero
I’ll give group 3’s presentation a grade of 95. Their presentation is very informative and
they presented well. The project “Building a house” is very precise and exact on their topics.
They did well however, some of them seemed like they didn't study their assigned topics and
some forgot to speak in english. But I commend the other members who’ve made us learn with
their definite explanations.

In a comprehensive discussion, Ms. Agapito and Ms. Cao delved into the intricacies of
Project Scope Management and Project Schedule Management. Project Scope Management was
emphasized as a critical aspect that directs attention to discerning what should be incorporated
into the project plans while concurrently discarding any unnecessary activities that may consume
valuable resources and efforts without contributing to the project's objectives. In contrast, Project
Schedule Management was highlighted for its pivotal role in overseeing the timely completion of
the project in accordance with the stipulated time frame. Within this field of study, recognizing
and clearly outlining particular activities and actions becomes crucial for gauging their duration
accurately. As per their project like building a house, scope management is crucial in building a
house as it defines the project boundaries, ensuring clarity on what is included and excluded.
This precision aids in efficient resource allocation, preventing scope creep and facilitating cost
control. As well as a schedule management role in building a house by providing a structured
timeline for project activities. It ensures efficient coordination of tasks, preventing delays and
cost overruns.

Next presenters, Mr. Vargas and Ms. Bacsal explored Project Cost Management and
Project Quality Management. Project Cost Management associates activities such as allocating
funds and overseeing regulation of cost to ensure that the project’s completion aligns within the
endorsed budget. Meanwhile, Project Quality Management encompasses the procedures for
integrating the organization's quality policy into your project. Furthermore, it ensures that the
project contains a level of excellence due to quality policy, and quality control. Cost management
holds importance in building a house as it ensures efficient resource utilization, preventing
unnecessary expenses and budget overruns. This meticulous oversight contributes to the project's
financial stability and aids in meeting financial goals. It serves as a critical tool for controlling
project expenditures, enabling the completion of the house within the approved budget. Quality
management is indispensable in building a house as it establishes and upholds standards to meet
both regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations. This ensures that construction
materials and processes adhere to specified criteria, promoting structural integrity and durability.
Moreover, effective quality management safeguards against defects and rework, minimizing the
likelihood of post-construction issues.

Lastly, Project Resource Management and Project Communication Management was

discussed by Ms. Ruaya and Ms. Tablate. Project Resource Management is the proper utilization
of project resources such as people, equipment, materials, time, and money through planning,
allocating and managing. Then, Project Communication Management incorporates procedures
that guarantee information of the project is well communicated and circulated among relevant
stakeholders to execute activities and tasks efficiently and in a timely manner. Resource
management holds significant importance in building a house as it optimizes the allocation of
labor, materials, and equipment, ensuring efficient utilization. This strategic oversight prevents
resource shortages, enhances productivity, and contributes to timely project completion.
Moreover, effective resource management plays a crucial role in cost control, minimizing
wastage and unnecessary expenses. And also, Communication management is crucial in building
a house as it establishes a framework for effective information exchange among project
stakeholders. This strategic approach ensures clarity, reduces misunderstandings, and fosters a
collaborative environment. Additionally, efficient communication management supports timely
decision-making and problem resolution, preventing delays in construction activities.

Overall, it becomes evident that the entirety of this body of knowledge in Project
Management adheres to meticulously designed and comprehensive procedures, ensuring the
fulfillment of its intended purpose. Furthermore, a discernible pattern emerges as inputs, tools,
and techniques are consistently present across various fields within Project Management. This
underscores the versatility and interconnectedness of these elements, emphasizing their pivotal
roles in shaping the outcomes of diverse projects.

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