Worksheet XII 1-March 21-22, 2023

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Q1. Read the passage given below.

Andy Dehart is a shark expert and TV presenter who lives in the United States of America. He has had a lifelong interest in sharks and is always
trying to look for ways to educate the public about them. Many people think that sharks have little or no intelligence, but Andy points out that
recent studies have shown that many shark species possess powerful problem-solving abilities and social skills. “Sharks do not want to attack
humans,” he asserts. “There is no shark species that eats humans as part of its regular diet. In most shark attack cases. The shark leaves after
realising that it has mistakenly bitten a human and not its intended prey.”

1. In Andy‟s opinion, all shark fishing should be stopped until the shark populations have had time to grow again. We then need to do a better
job of managing the fishing of sharks. However. Even if the direct fishing of sharks is stopped, many will still be killed when they are
caught up in the nets of boats fishing for other species of fish.
2. When Andy was a boy, his father worked for a national oceanic organisation, and Andy travelled with him all over the Caribbean. He grew
up by the coast and he has been connected with the sea for as long as he can remember. He also lived near one of the best aquariums in
America. Andy then went on to build a career working with sharks in an aquarium environment. More recently, he has been involved with
television and the making of programmes about the sharks.
3. Andy and his wife had their first child two years ago. They were amused and amazed to see what extent their work with animals has proved
to be useful in bringing up their daughter. They know how to observe her behaviour and teach her how to do things by rewarding her.
4. Andy loves sharks and is very passionate about their survival and protection. He feels extremely lucky to have had opportunities working at
the National Aquarium and the television station which presents the Nature Channel. He never wastes a moment in either place that could
be spent educating people about sharks. He does admit that it is probably not possible for everyone to love sharks as he does. However, he
does hope to persuade people personally or through the media to respect sharks and the critical role they play in our environment. His main
objective is to keep spreading awareness that sharks are not dangerous man-eaters but essential creatures in our oceans, as they provide
ecological balance and help to control other species.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the questions given below.
(i) Cite a reason that shows sharks may be intelligent.

(ii) How can you confirm Andy‟s belief that sharks only attack humans by mistake?

(iii) Based on the following statements, choose the correct option.

Statement 1: Andy and his wife knew how to teach their daughter by rewarding her.
Statement 2: Their work with animals benefitted them in their daughter‟s upbringing.

(a) Statement (1) is true and (2) is false. (b) Both statement (1) and (2) are false.
(c) Statement (2) is the reason for (1). (d) Statement (1) is the cause of (2).
(iv) According to the graph, how many sharks were caught in 1990?
(a) 650,000 (b) 700,000 (c) 700 (d) 800
(v) How does Andy hope to educate people about sharks?
(a) Through his work at the national Aquarium. (b)Through the media.
(c)Through the Nature Channel. (d) All of the above
(vi) The word in Para 5 which means the opposite of „safe‟ is _______________.

(vii) Even after the ascending trend, the number of sharks caught show maximum variation in ___________.

(viii)How long has Andy been interested in sharks?

(a) Since he was a boy. (b) Since he had an encounter with a shark.
(b) Since he had a daughter. (d) Since he saw a show about sharks on TV.
(ix) Based on the reading of the text, comment on the main objective of Andy.
(x) Which word in the given passage means the same as having, showing, or caused by strong feelings or beliefs?
(a) passionate (b) essential (c) awareness (d) objective

Q2.You are Samar/Smriti of Lotus International School, Jodhpur. Your school has decided to contribute to controlling traffic near your school
and requires the names of volunteers from IX to XII. Write a notice to be displayed on the notice board. (50 words)

Q3 You are Dhruv/Nidhi, the Student Editor of your school magazine, „The Buds‟. Write a notice in not more than 50 words to be placed on
your school notice board, inviting short stories, articles, poems, etc. from students of all classes for the school magazine. Give all the necessary

Q4 Answer the questions by choosing the appropriate answers :

4.1Which topic was Franz expected to prepare as Home-Work?
a) Nouns (b) Adjectives (c) Participles (d) Verbs

4.2 From where did the order come ?

(a) Paris (b) Alsace (c) Lorraine (d) Berlin

4.3 For how many years had M. Hamel been teaching in the school?
(a) Twenty years (b) Forty years (c) Fifty years (d) Thirty years

4.4 Why did Franz not want to go to school that day?

(a) Because he was late (b) Dreaded the scolding
(c) Wanted to avoid taking French Exam (d) Had not finished his assignment

4.5 The crowd was there at the Bulletin board to…

(a) Collect food (b)Celebrate a good news
(c) Gather information and latest news (d)Take the money being distributed

4.6 What was the image of M.Hamel among his students initially?
(a) A loving teacher (b) A kind and humble teacher
(c)A strict teacher (d)An understanding teacher

4.7 Why did M.Hamel wear his Sunday dress?

(a) To show off (b) To honour his Last Lesson (c) To seek importance (d)To display happiness

4.8 Franz was not scolded that day because-

(a) He was in a happy mood (b) M. Hamel had changed
(c) It was a Sunday (d) It was the last lesson

4.9 The value that prevented Franz from bunking the school is-
(a) Will to resist (b)Sincerity (c) Punctuality (d)Will to learn

4.10 Why was the school so quiet like a Sunday morning?

(a) Because of the war going on (b)Because there was no one in school
(c)Because it was a holiday (d) Because of the order from Berlin

Q5 Read the following Reference to the Context and answer appropriately:

5.1“ It was because they were sorry too that they had not gone to school more.It was their way of thanking our master for his faithful
(a) Identify the lesson, name its writer (b)Who does the word „they‟ refer to? Why were they sorry?
(c) Who was the „master‟? What service had he given to the villagers? (d) Why do you think were they thankful?

5.2 “But you are not the worst. We have all a great deal to reproach ourselves with.”
(a) Identify the speaker. Who is he talking to? (b)Who does „we have all‟ refer to?
(c) Why would they all reproach themselves? (d) What did they all do instead of being regular?

NOTE: Dear Students , attempt all the questions. These questions are based on the part of lesson 1 of Flamingo book.

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