Terrorism in The United States Research Paper

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In this chapter we summarize much of what is known about these responses from research in the
behavioral and social sciences. The Americans were the ones who used to provide help and support
to Bin Laden when he was fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. If drug traffickers, who
undermine security and are threatened by security, are not dealt with, then other plans to fight
terrorism will come to naught (Shanty, 2011). If attacks do not occur for a long period of time, public
apprehension diminishes and knowledge about responding properly erodes. It is estimated that
Afghanistan is currently producing nearly 90 percent of the global supply of illegal opium and about
85 percent of the world’s heroin supplies and morphine come from the country (Piazzo, 2012). Two
features of this unusual type of political situation may make for a muting of political opposition: (a)
a temptation of the leaders and party in power to play their political trump card by insinuating or
claiming that political opposition is tainted with a lack of loyalty and (b) the tendency for opposition
voices to drift toward a self-imposed muteness, out of apprehension that voters in their own districts
may also confuse opposition with lack of loyalty. Therefore, its role in contributing to terrorist
activities against the indigenous population and United States troops within the borders of
Afghanistan cannot be ignored. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. This paper
analyzes some domestic extremist groups and their activities with some relevant examples from the
present day world. These new movements demand new approaches to combat them. Consequently,
Rowley felt that it was unethical to remain silent about facts that she knew and that can expose the
ill-performance of some FBI officials. The Afghan Taliban extremist group uses opiate drug revenues
to finance itself, mainly by taxing refined products, stocks of harvested poppy, and drug crop
cultivation (Peters, 2009). Such support does not last indefinitely, however, as the fate of President
George Bush after the Gulf War demonstrates. It should not be supposed, however, that the issue is
permanently closed. Political ideologies continue to prove dominant in many acts of terror. The
1920s saw the communists, and anarchist acts of terrorism spread through the USA. Nowadays,
people plan their holidays according to the factor, such as whether the destination is secure or not,
which route has the least danger. In recent years, terrorism has expanded its appendages globally
and is the favourite fanatics method to achieve what they aspire. Al-Qa'ida turns its support to
Muslim fighters in other countries, such as Bosnia, Chechnya, Tajikistan, Somalia, Yemen, and
Kosovo. We use cookies to create the best experience for you. As per Indian intelligence, terrorists
engaged in these attacks either had close links with or were prepared by handlers in Pakistan or
terrorist groups such as Al-Qaeda. Nationalist movements began expanding all across lands that
were colonial boundaries of European empires. In general terms, the use of perils or destruction to
accomplish a particular purpose is called terrorism—legal interpretations of what composes terrorism
changes from country to country. The full cost of replacing the World Trade Center (including
compensation for survivors) and the damaged portion of the Pentagon are enormous, as would be the
costs of replacing destroyed dams and severely damaged electrical supply systems. Once capital
resources are raised and put to work, however, reconstruction projects take on the same stimulating
significance for the economy as some public works projects. His explanation for this was that
Catholic doctrines promote unity, togetherness and communalist thinking unlike Protestant doctrines,
which promote individualistic thinking from the diverse branches of Protestant churches present,
which teach different doctrines. Taliban as a terrorist organization greatly benefits from the shipping
and selling of illegal drugs. Globalcompose.com sample research paper on analysis of type function
model an. They have also been adept at fund-raising from overseas Tamils, particularly in Canada and
the United Kingdom. It also identifies areas of research priorities for the behavioral and social
sciences. Since then, market power was set to become the modernization project of choice for all
countries of the world.
So far, India’s procedures for tackling this threat have been non-violent. Such support does not last
indefinitely, however, as the fate of President George Bush after the Gulf War demonstrates. Words2
Pages. Terrorism is the use or threat of violence to create fear and alarm. Protection against weapons
of mass destruction. Kreamer, T. Archiving early America. For example, the American administration
repeatedly sends a strong message to Arab leaders that open political systems are a prerequisite for
successful open economies in the Middle East. The tragedy then reaches its climax when Bin Laden,
who was supported by the USA at one point of time, turns completely against it. False alarms and
misdirection of warnings to people not at risk, however, tend to generate public apathy and hostility
(Dow and Cutter, 1998). Indeed, there were messages from government and public leaders
exhorting the public to return to normal activities in the wake of. To determine new areas of research,
they frequently ask people in the field, “What keeps you up at night,” Dodwell said. They also
viewed it as a violation of their most dominant religion, Islam, as USA is a Christian state.
Published: 23rd March, 2015 Last Edited: 23rd March, 2015. In the wake of the events, the nation
has simultaneously experienced both deep mourning and a not altogether expected season of
celebration. Of course, these tools will remain essential for taking terrorists off the battlefield,
disrupting plots, and safeguarding our borders. Terrorists have already started recruiting children in
their pre-teens—a trend that is likely to accelerate—and women are increasingly found in high-
profile roles as supporters, mobilizers, and members of terrorist groups. It is no doubt that drug
trafficking is a very lucrative business and it generates big profits that are used for illegal activities
including supporting terrorism (Leu, 2008). But the goals of terrorists differ from those of ordinary
criminals. Conclusion Terrorists usually deploy bombs and guns in their attacks and areas like
airports, railway stations or concert halls are their chief targets of attack. The disruption or
destruction of the stock market, the paralysis of credit systems, and the contamination of currency
with toxic. In the future, successful terrorist attacks, especially major ones, or evidence or suspicion
of terrorist activities on the part of Muslim Americans could quickly turn the picture around and
stimulate explosive group antagonisms. The visit to FDNY was part of the annual homeland security
exercise attended by cadets. Authorities should strive to make warnings free from ambiguity,
directed to all those at risk (wherever they may be), and communicated through multiple channels
(public warning devices such as sirens, radio, television, and Internet) (National Science and
Technology Council, 2000). While many individuals have mistakenly viewed the revolutions as.
Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. India, Terrorism
is at this point one of the main threats that decision makers in the field of national security have to
deal with especially in the United States. So, the American administration wanted to implement its
theory about the best way to achieve a state of coexistence between Islamic devotion and democracy
is to better the social and economic conditions of Arab citizens. Furthermore, while the fight against
terrorism is manifestly a public and governmental responsibility, many if not most of the targets of
terrorism are in the private sector. In this chapter we summarize much of what is known about these
responses from research in the behavioral and social sciences. It garnered global attention
considerately on terrorism and became the idea behind the War on Terror that affected the United
States and its associates into Iraq and Afghanistan. In this day and age, the world is changing
rapidly and while we can learn about our own country's mistakes from past terrorist attacks, essays
terrorism, there is little else that can be gained in terms of essays terrorism terrorism or in predicting
future attacks. However, essays terrorism, the bulk research within this circumference have brought
about hopeful as well as exhilarating beginning for an intangible progress in coming to terms to
psychological procedure transversely to all ranks of terrorist activities.
Despite these being the immediate noted effects of Domestic Terrorism, the long term undesirable
effects are what most terrorists seek to cause. If you need help writing your assignment, please use
our and buy a paper on any topic at affordable price. More will emerge in the final two sections of
this chapter on political and economic aspects of terrorism. The “age of terrorism,” however, with us
for some time but dramatically imposed by the events of September 11, has led to a heightening of
multifaceted anxiety. Post-civil war acts of terrorism begun as early as 1622 when Native Americans
waged war on the Jamestown colony, where they ended up killing 30% of the population. Domestic
Terrorism from below is when a group or individual within a country targets a legitimate institution
as a means to draw attention to, or change, an official policy. Thus a cyber attack in this modern day
is the most personal and intrusive form of terror. One of the most common vulnerabilities of
responses to disaster is the uncertainty of mission and communication among different response
agencies (Tierney et al., 2001:47-54). Both movements, while limited in duration, seriously
compromised the civil liberties and livelihood of some citizens, and both left ugly scars on the body
politic. Document: Arab Convention on Terrorism, htm Department of Justice Canada. Gerard
Chaliand, Arnaud Blin. (2007). The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to Al Qaeda. Political and
religious disparities in ideologies were to blame for the domestic acts of terror during this period.
Terrorism is a crucial quandary all across the world at the moment. Transition in the history of
western terrorism was spearheaded by Heinzen and Most. Extremist nature in a person is and
abnormality whose cure is very tactful and polite, but a person in that kind of situation got a
destructive company then he may be tamed in any direction such a process is known as brain
washing. Thus, the Americans at that time had the same goals as bin Laden and the Afghani
militants, referred to as the mujahedin. Cyberspace terrorism is slowly becoming the preferred way
of committing atrocious crimes because of the anonymity of the culprits and the difficulty in tracking
cyber terrorists. These are, by and large, reasonable and adaptive responses on the part of a
population because of the rarity of specific kinds of catastrophic events in life. The press also played
a role, scarcely deliberate, in magnifying the threat, bringing what were essentially a series of highly
localized events to the attention of a vast population of viewers and readers. They include; religion,
political ideologies, and, nationalism. While potentially very disruptive in the short run, these types
of attacks—except perhaps the last—are such that reasonably rapid recovery can be envisioned.
Given the number and diversity of possible attacks, the prospect of terrorism is simultaneously
national, regional, and local. One of the most common vulnerabilities of responses to disaster is the
uncertainty of mission and communication among different response agencies (Tierney et al.,
2001:47-54). Considerations of strategic prudence and the force of national public opinion probably
dictate that the country will pursue all three lines of prevention. No matter what the attack, however,
there is always a human response to it. Yep, it was opened as one of the measures during the famous
War on Terror. Related to this is citizen awareness and alertness—that is to say, much valuable
intelligence about nascent terror plots has come from citizens who observe unusual behavior and
report it to the local police. They assumed that Jews cannot be ruled by other people and should only
be ruled by God. Global Essays terrorism a Review of Multilateralism and nternational
Organizations. The other attacks made on the Pentagon and Shanksville, Pennsylvania resulted in 3
more deaths in different states, one death each for Massachusetts, Missouri, and New Jersey.
Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member only perks. He advanced
that, people within the ruling class have power over their subordinates. Sadam Hussain was declared
as terrorist and Iraq has weapons of mass destruction and chemical and biological weapons and of
course America is afraid of them he wants to protect himself as well as want to save the whole
world from it. And mail, like currency, is something that everyone regularly handles. The use of
bombs will forever be the preferred way of instilling terror among a group of people, for example,
the World Trade Center bombing in September, 2011. The United States have a particular way in
which it deals with homeland security issues given the nature of its administrative and political
organization. The deadlines are pressing and you have no time to handle all your academic
assignments. They also believe that the Palestinian state that would replace Israel should be governed
by Islamic law. Widespread terror—a generic objective of terrorist attacks—is more likely to occur
when attacks are dispersed, multiple, unpredictably recurrent, and by ambiguous or unknown agents.
At the level of government and community officials, preparation should be both exhaustive and
contingent—anticipating every kind of. Emile Durkheim, a prominent, sociologist, tried to show the
significance of religion in forming people’s perspectives, in his study of suicide. Liberal
institutionalism would replace international anarchy by the international rule of law. Terrorism is a
tactic that various organisations use to accomplish their aims by targeting innocent people. The goal
is to bridge the gap between civilian researchers and military intelligence to paint a fuller picture of
terrorism worldwide, he added. When terrorism takes place, it does not only harms the country in
which the violence or threats are taking place, but it also involves many nations. This paper
demonstrates knowledge and assimilation of terrorism perspectives, counter- and anti-terrorism, and
aspects relating to prediction, prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and post-response
recovery activities and analyze it in terms of how it would be dealt with it in terms of a
counterterrorism plan that includes orientation diplomatic, military, law enforcement, etc. While the
Afghan government and United States coalition in the country are making some efforts towards
addressing this challenge, there is need for more efforts to be put if the war on drug trafficking and
terrorism is to be won. Thus, the Americans at that time had the same goals as bin Laden and the
Afghani militants, referred to as the mujahedin. Thus, the whistle-blowing case here is completely
ethical because it reveals hidden facts and enlightens the public about some important matters that
are related to the security standards in the United States. The first is open source information, which
includes reporting done by journalists and material published by the groups themselves. The aim of
the United States, at that time, was to win the last stage of the cold war with the Soviet Union, the
second world Super Power at that time. In recent years, drug trafficking has emerged as the biggest
income source for these organizations (Crews and Tarzi, 2008). The defense against terrorism
promises to make the uncertainties even more salient. They also viewed it as a violation of their most
dominant religion, Islam, as USA is a Christian state. Even under normal circumstances, American
politics are fraught with ambiguities and conflicts over the respective costs to be borne by federal,
regional, state, and local authorities. In this case, the difference in social and political ideologies
compounded the inhumane warfare which plagued different states within the USA. Published: 23rd
March, 2015 Last Edited: 23rd March, 2015. Alaska, Kentucky, and Rhode Island rank last in terms
of attack numbers. Readiness and preparedness involve a number of delicate equilibria, however. The
first relatively big suicide terrorist attack against the United States was the bombing of its two
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in 1998.
One of the most common vulnerabilities of responses to disaster is the uncertainty of mission and
communication among different response agencies (Tierney et al., 2001:47-54). This includes left-
and right-wing extremist groups, ethno-nationalist and more. Turing to expose the failure of the
succeeding American administrations during the last three decades, it should be noted that the
September 11 attacks were caused partly by the Americans themselves. A number of studies have
shown that the link between terrorism and drug trafficking is strong particularly in countries that are
either the hubs of terrorism planning and organization or the main target of terrorism. In recent
years, drug trafficking has emerged as the biggest income source for these organizations (Crews and
Tarzi, 2008). No matter what the attack, however, there is always a human response to it. Thus, in
deciding to release the MEPI, the US wanted to win the war over terrorism and change the current
prevailing spirit of anti-Americanism in the Middle East. The 1920s saw the communists, and
anarchist acts of terrorism spread through the USA. Many NATO and United States officials are of
the view that any efforts to rid Afghanistan of terrorists must include enhanced efforts in eradicating
drug trafficking. Scapegoating of governmental and other agencies and persons singled out as lax or
irresponsible would become more salient because of expectations that vigilance and security should
have increased as a result of the previous attacks. Click here to buy this book in print or download it
as a free PDF, if available. According to Burgess, (2003), the earliest recorded terrorist activity in the
united states was in 1622. The attacks on the US in 2001 have affected the US relations with almost
all countries of the world. Psychopathology remains a unique theme in current terror acts, for
example, cyberspace terrorism. However, in an era of social media, domestic radicalization, and lone
wolf attacks, it is clear that military, intelligence, and law enforcement strategies alone are
insufficient to eradicate the threat. While we know that there is no single variable explaining why
people join violent extremist groups, we have learned that terrorism thrives where marginalization,
injustice, and oppression reign and where people are struggling to find an authentic identity and
sense of purpose. The new threats of massive communications disruption, loss of utilities, and the
access to larger weapons have necessitated the broader definition of Domestic Terrorism. These
include opportunities to embed with the FBI, the Defense Intelligence Agency or the National
Security Council for an in-person experience. Conclusion The above discussion clearly indicates that
drug trafficking in Afghanistan is significantly contributing to terrorist acts against the indigenous
population as well as U.S. troops within the borders of Afghanistan. Going forward, terrorists will
likely seek to evade improved law enforcement and intelligence capabilities and border controls by
calling on national citizens or green card holders—without a criminal record or known terrorist
ties—to conduct attacks. Investigations have found that the proceeds and profits realized from drug
trafficking are usually laundered through certain legal business and pumped back to terrorist
organizations and their associates who then use to fund terrorism (Dolan, 2005). The internet has
also provided terrorist groups with a global platform to broadcast their agenda and hire more people.
We cannot negate the fact that global terrorism has impacted policy decisions to a great extent. This
tension between vigilance and liberty is of special significance and is likely to be a running sore in
the context of American democracy, because of the nation’s commitment to civil liberties. As has
been noted, drug trafficking in the country is a very lucrative enterprise and generates big profits
often used in supporting terrorism. The use of basic physics and chemistry has made it possible for
anyone to create a bomb with anything. It is more complex than these, calling for a correspondingly
increased complexity in efforts to comprehend and respond to it. The widespread use of social media
has also made violent extremists’ plans more difficult to identify and disrupt. Review of Policy
Research, 22(4), 451-471. Leu, A. M. (2008). Fighting Narcoterrorism. Temporary and selective
economic dislocations, however, are readily traceable; some of these were mentioned above.

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