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The economist who believes the government should just

print more money

By Zach Helfand
August 20, 2019 – The New Yorker0, 2019

Stephanie Kelton, a senior economic adviser to M.M.T. Twitter, adherents imagine a world
Bernie Sanders and a professor of economics built on M.M.T. principles, in which the
and public policy at Stony Brook University, is government provides guaranteed jobs, health
popular in a way that economists, almost care, and affordable college, and launches
definitionally, are not. Filmmakers trail her clean infrastructure projects to replace our
with cameras; she goes on international crumbling highways, airports, and bridges.
speaking tours and once sold out a basketball Kelton, who does at least five interviews per
arena in Italy. Kelton is the foremost evangelist week, plus lectures, speaking gigs, and
of a fringe economic movement called Modern conferences, is, more than anyone, responsible
Monetary Theory, which, in part, argues that for building M.M.T.’s digital army. She has
the government should pay for programs written regular columns for Bloomberg; started
requiring big spending, such as the Green New the movement’s most influential blog, New
Deal, by simply printing more money. This is Economic Perspectives; and is working on a
a polarizing idea. This spring, Kelton spoke at book, “The Deficit Myth,” which will come
the Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything out next year. “It’s pretty obvious she has
Festival, held in a converted warehouse in become the most visible face of M.M.T.,”
Tribeca, where earnest networkers milled Randall Wray, one of the economists who first
around taking notes. On the dais, a Journal developed the theory, said. “She perfected the
staffer introduced Kelton as an economist with way to present these ideas to the public.”
an idea “that will either solve the world’s An introduction to M.M.T. can provoke strong
problems or send it into ruin!” She made a face, reactions. Maybe it’s not for you, and you find
and then walked onstage. it ridiculous or even a little scary, or maybe it
I’d been stewing for a few months in the blows your mind—like your first time trying
melange of blogs and YouTube videos and marmite or dropping acid. Kelton acts as a
white papers that make up much of the M.M.T. spirit guide. When she began her talk at
world. Some intricacies lay beyond me—a the Wall Street Journal festival, I found a seat
hazy blur of literature about floating exchange in the second row of the theatre, behind a
rates and reserve currencies addled my brain. woman in a white sweater with an eager,
But the basic principle of M.M.T. is expressive face. She said her name was Ann.
seductively simple: governments don’t have to Ann had never heard of M.M.T.
budget like households, worrying about debt, Onstage, Kelton lamented, “There’s so much
because, unlike households, they can simply pressure on candidates to pay for everything. I
print their own money. So M.M.T. proposes don’t see anyone—I mean, I’ll just be honest,
that the constraint on government spending I don’t really see any Presidential candidates
shouldn’t be debt but inflation: How much new putting forward ambitious agendas and saying,
money can you pump into the economy before ‘We’re not going to try to pay for any of this.’”
prices rise?
I saw Ann’s face register various states of
Among a certain crowd—mostly online, and shock. She mouthed, “What?!”
mostly on the left—M.M.T. has ignited a
revolutionary fervor. On M.M.T. blogs and on

“It’s a tough sound bite,” the moderator, executive named Warren Mosler. A polymath
the Journal’s financial editor, Charles Forelle, with an iconoclastic streak, Mosler shopped
said. around his ideas about money creation and the
deficit in the early nineties, looking for allies
Kelton replied, “It is, right?” She went on,
and finding none. Working some connections,
“What we’ve done to ourselves is to just leave
he eventually, in 1993, scored a meeting
trillions of dollars, literally, on the table, by not
with Donald Rumsfeld, who was then working
taking advantage of the fiscal space that we
as an executive in the private sector. Rumsfeld
have, by running our economies below
said he could spare an hour at the Racquet Club
potential, by living below our means as a
of Chicago, in the steam room. Both men wore
nation, year after year after year.”
towels. When they emerged from the muggy
The session wound down. “O.K.!” Forelle haze, Mosler had won an ally.
said. “Hands up if anybody’s got a question.”
Rumsfeld agreed to set up Mosler with a few
He peered out at the audience. “Oh! We’ve got
economist friends. Most helpful was Art
a lot of questions!”
Laffer, the architect of supply-side economics,
Kelton often hears the same concerns about whose lifework, arguing for reducing taxes on
M.M.T., and most are about inflation. How the rich, recently earned him the Presidential
soon will we become Zimbabwe, which Medal of Freedom from Donald Trump. Laffer
printed so many Zimbabwean dollars that had popularized the contentious notion that
inflation peaked, in 2008, at an annual rate of reducing taxes can actually increase tax
ninety sextillion per cent? Never, according to revenues. Mosler, by contrast, wanted to prove
Kelton; under M.M.T., the focus is sustainable that tax revenues were irrelevant to
inflation, whereas fiscal traditionalists worry government spending. But Laffer helped
about the deficit and don’t consider inflation at Mosler workshop his ideas and directed him to
all. Doesn’t M.M.T. then require accurate a group of post-Keynesian economists who ran
forecasting of inflation risk? Yes, and, Kelton a boisterous Listserv—a Reddit for the dial-up
conceded at the festival, the models aren’t age. Mosler logged on and found the
perfect, “but we can do a pretty good job.” economists who became M.M.T.’s founding
And, anyway, government spending, she thinkers.
believes, is responsible for just a small part of
inflation. Today, Mosler lives in St. Croix, a U.S.
territory where he can avoid paying ninety per
Ann raised her hand but didn’t get called. cent of his federal income tax. (“This is an
When it was over, I caught up with her. “Did actual U.S., federally sponsored program,” he
you hear me just say ‘Holy cow’?” she said. “It told me. “I’m doing my patriotic duty.”)
just seems like it’s exactly backward. But she Mosler estimated that he has contributed about
did it so well that I can’t figure out why.” three million dollars to the M.M.T. movement
I asked Ann whether she found Kelton in the course of a couple of decades, and, “if
convincing. “I mean, kind of!” she said. “I anything, I get kind of defensive about not
know what she said was brilliant; I just can’t having spent more.” The money has subsidized
believe her. She’s gotta be wrong.” academic posts, conferences, and scholarships
and has helped turn institutions like the Levy
Kelton believes that, though M.M.T. is a new Institute, at Bard College, and the University
framework, it builds on old ideas found buried of Missouri–Kansas City into fertile grounds
and forgotten in the work of foundational for M.M.T. thought.
economists. The first person to begin
assembling the pieces was a hedge-fund

Kelton first encountered M.M.T. in the mid would form the basis of a new approach to
nineteen-nineties, when, as a graduate student policymaking, in which our political
at Cambridge University, she came across imagination is broadened. The important
Mosler’s online agitating. Kelton applied for a question, she said, shouldn’t be “How will you
fellowship at the Levy Institute, where many of pay for it?” but “How will you resource it?”
the early M.M.T. thinkers had gathered. There, She uses the mobilization for the Second
in 1998, she authored one of M.M.T.’s World War as an example; the country
foundational texts, a paper titled “Can Taxes focussed on maximizing its resources to make
and Bonds Finance Government Spending?” planes and guns and food. The deficit was not
The paper concludes that taxes don’t actually a concern.
pay for anything—that the federal government In the economy that Kelton envisions,
spends first, then taxes some of that money spending would rise and fall with the economic
back later. Kelton went on to get her Ph.D. cycle. Sometimes, if the economy were
from the New School, then was hired by overheating, the government might call for a
U.M.K.C. In 2013, she became the chair of its budgetary surplus. This is, basically, standard
economics department. Soon, she became the Keynesianism: spending during downturns,
preferred interlocutor of hedge-fund managers which then tapers as the economy reaches full
and politicians who had questions about employment. Kelton and others add a federal
M.M.T. She held meetings with members of jobs-guarantee program—she calls it an
Congress. Larry Summers, who had recently “automatic stabilizer.” When the economy
stepped down as the director of the National tanks, more people enter the program, and
Economic Council under Barack Obama, spending increases. When the economy
solicited M.M.T. literature. improves, people move on to better, private
While at U.M.K.C., in 2008, Kelton jobs, and spending shrinks.
unsuccessfully challenged a Republican “Winning, for me, looks like prioritizing
incumbent for a seat in the Kansas legislature. human outcomes over budget outcomes,” she
She campaigned on economic issues and told me. “Winning looks like handing the
pitched her “commitment to fiscal discipline.” Congressional Budget Office a piece of
(M.M.T. spending theories don’t apply at the legislation and saying, ‘This legislation is
state level, because states can’t create more designed to lift ten million kids out of poverty.
currency.) She offered tepid support for Tell me, will it be successful? Tell me, does it
abortion and said that she believed “that carry inflation risk? Do I have the offsets
marriage is defined as a bond between a man right?’ And then we vote.”
and a woman.” (Kelton now says she has
supported gay marriage from her earliest The current economic conditions look pretty
thinking on the issue.) She told me that she’s good for M.M.T. In Japan, where deficits are
been asked about running for the U.S. Senate, high and the interest rate is set at less than zero,
from Kansas, but doesn’t want to relocate her the economy has met with no calamity. When
two school-age children. Since 2017, Kelton Congress passed a tax cut in 2017, the C.B.O.
has been a professor at Stony Brook, and she predicted that there would be a jump in interest
has a visiting appointment at the New School. rates caused by the deficit. This hasn’t
happened. Still, most mainstream economists
Several of Kelton’s colleagues told me that she view M.M.T. as the Cult of the Magic Money
can be playfully funny, but, when we met, in a Tree, deriding what they see as its theorists’
New School conference room overlooking preference for analogy over mathematical
Fifth Avenue, she spoke with the intense focus modelling or empirical evidence. “What most
and faith of a crusader. For Kelton, M.M.T.

concerns me is I can’t actually quite figure out with the interest rate set near zero, Congress
what it is,” Paul Krugman, the Nobel Prize- would take on the Fed’s dual mandate to
winning economist and Times columnist, told control inflation and reduce unemployment. If
me. Krugman is a political progressive, and he inflation is expected to rise, this could present
agrees with many of the spending programs Congress with tough decisions on spending
that M.M.T. proponents support. But, he said, and taxing that neither political party wants to
“I’ll be damned if I can figure out what it is make. “It’s helpful advice for some political
exactly that they think.” universe that I’ve never visited,” Krugman
The rhetorical simplicity that frustrates
professional economists is, for a layman, part At the moment, interest rates remain
of M.M.T.’s appeal. A framework called stubbornly low. Krugman told me that, in this
sectoral balances undergirds much of the environment, he actually agrees that the deficit
theory. Kelton, in her speeches and writing, isn’t much of an issue. He just finds M.M.T.
likes to explain it this way: the government and inscrutable and its policies unrealistic. The
the private sector are on two sides of a balance jobs guarantee, he said, would offer a fine
sheet. If the government has a deficit, the economic stabilizer, but it would never get
private sector must have a surplus. “Their red passed. “Were people like me arguing,
ink is our black ink,” Kelton said. This is a frantically, for more government spending of
useful model, but, in the real world, the math one sort or another to prop up the economy
isn’t as clean. When the government spends, when interest rates hit zero? The answer is
most of the money ends up in the hands of the yes!” Krugman told me. “I don’t know how
people, but there are leakages on the way—to much more vehement we could’ve gotten. But
international markets, most significantly. we didn’t get it. To say, ‘Ah, but this wouldn’t
(Also, to corruption.) Interest rates, too, are be a problem if we had a federal jobs
heavily influenced by the global economy. If guarantee’ is true but not really helpful.”
the American government has a deficit, the These fundamental criticisms extend across the
private sector has a surplus. But whose private political spectrum. Glenn Hubbard, the
sector? chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers
One frequent critique of M.M.T. is that it’s under George W. Bush, told me that M.M.T.
basically Keynesianism with some social- raised a few interesting questions, but that “it
media-influencer branding. This elides a few has no coherent framework at all.” Like
important differences between the two schools Krugman, he thought that expecting Congress
of thought, including how each handles the to fulfill the Fed’s role demonstrated
interest rate. According to most mainline “breathtaking naïveté.” Hubbard, who has
economists, the bigger the deficit the more the warned consistently about the dangers of debt,
government has to borrow, which means that, was also an architect of George W. Bush’s tax
past a certain point in the economic cycle, the cuts, which added an estimated three hundred
interest rate may have to go up. This stifles billion dollars per year to the deficit. But
private investment and chokes off growth. Hubbard argued that the private-sector gains
Kelton argues that the Fed can, and should, set from the cuts would be worth the added deficit,
the interest rate near zero—problem solved. and he said he never denied that the country
Abstract economic questions being what they would have to pay off that debt in one of two
are, this debate is not likely to kill at parties. ways: taxes or inflation. “I think the country
But the interest-rate question is perhaps the key can have more debt than it has now. I view that
difference between M.M.T. and as an open and interesting question that we can
Keynesianism. Under an M.M.T. framework,

talk about,” Hubbard said. “But the free lunch Mosler told me that he has met with Sanders’s
is just silly. No serious person believes this.” staffers, and many of them expressed a
familiarity with M.M.T. “The staff read my
For several years, Kelton’s most prominent
book. They’re all really good with this stuff,”
supporter has been Bernie Sanders. But even
he said. “But Bernie doesn’t go there. They
he has used M.M.T. as more of a provocation
kind of roll their eyes and say, ‘Look, we try.’”
than a prescription. In December, 2014,
Mosler has his own remedy for inequality, “but
Sanders, then the incoming ranking member on
it’s so counterintuitive that it catches people
the Senate Budget Committee, was looking for
out,” he said. Part of it “is to eliminate the
a chief economist. He called Kelton. Kelton
federal income tax entirely, corporate and
recalled that Sanders asked what she would do
individual. And replace it with just a property
if she were him. “I said, ‘What do you mean?
If I were you, Senator Sanders? Or if I were
you, maybe I’m going to run for President?’” When I mentioned the idea to Kelton, she said
Both, he suggested. “My instinct was that this that Mosler’s proposal would make sense, in
was more than just taking a position for the theory, if the country’s tax system could be
Senate Budget Committee,” she told me. “This redesigned from scratch, but that it’s not
had the potential to be part of something more realistic. “If you say, ‘Eliminate the corporate
exciting.” Kelton worked for the Democrats income tax,’ Bernie’s head would explode,”
throughout the 2015 budget negotiations and she said.
became an adviser to Sanders’s Presidential Warren Gunnels, Sanders’s staff director, told
campaign that spring. me that Sanders hired Kelton because they
Sanders, however, has never offered an agree on the policies that form Sanders’s
endorsement of M.M.T. When asked, in platform. “She’s one of the leading economists
February, how he planned to pay for his who’s trying to create an economy for all,” he
policies, Sanders responded, “Am I going to said. “We need more economists like her.”
demand that the wealthy and large But, he said, “M.M.T. never really crossed our
corporations start paying their fair share of mind, to be honest. We never looked at M.M.T.
taxes? Damn right, I will!” as a theory that we should adopt.”
Kelton and Mosler believe that taxing the After my call with Gunnels, Kelton e-mailed
wealthy does nothing for a big program like the me to say that portraying Sanders as opposed
Green New Deal: taxes don’t fund spending, to M.M.T. “would be a mistake.” She went on,
after all, and wealth taxes won’t control “Senator Sanders knows that Congress needs
inflation. “If you did an ambitious Green New to be able to spend without that artificial
Deal, two to three trillion a year over ten years, constraint. Presidential candidate Sanders, like
and you tried to pay for it with a wealth tax, every other presidential candidate, is trying not
you’d get massive inflationary pressures,” to get called out by literally everyone for
Kelton told me. “You’ve removed all the proposing stuff he ‘can’t pay for.’ You have to
income from people who aren’t going to spend know this is how the game is played.”
it.” To remove cash from the monetary base, Kelton is mostly alone among the M.M.T.
and thereby offset inflation, you have to tax the crowd in this view of Sanders. James
people who spend most of their income—the Galbraith, a professor at the University of
poor or middle classes. (According to M.M.T., Texas at Austin and an M.M.T. supporter, was
the converse is also true—if you want to spur an economic adviser to the Sanders campaign
growth, tax cuts should target the poor and in 2016, but he told me that he considered
middle class.) himself more of a fan than a counsellor. “The

fact is that Bernie Sanders doesn’t need a lot of people.” Carney predicted more support for
advice from people like me. He knows exactly M.M.T. from the right once politicians realize
what he wants to do,” Galbraith said. “And that it can justify deep tax cuts.
those views are fiscally more traditional than This shift, if it is to occur, seems far off. Earlier
the M.M.T. perspective.” this year, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez publicly
Kelton is perhaps more pragmatic than most expressed interest in M.M.T. Subsequently,
academics. Randall Wray, the economist who five Republican senators, led by David Perdue,
helped develop M.M.T., traced Kelton’s of Georgia, introduced a resolution that sought
moves: scholarship to blog to Twitter to to offer an official condemnation of M.M.T.
Washington. “These are all things normal The resolution demonstrated M.M.T.’s
academic-type people don’t want to do at all,” growing clout, but it also underscored the fact
he said. “And then getting involved more that Kelton’s battle is over M.M.T.’s
directly with Bernie. Even though he has never legitimacy, not its politics. Allies are valuable.
come out with a strong endorsement of “Maybe just the fact that she’s e-mailing with
M.M.T., it really doesn’t matter. It gave the a Breitbart editor is a sign that she wants a
access, for her, to the media. He’s going to broad evangelism for M.M.T. and not just to be
have the right policy proposals.” Whether a darling of the left,” Carney said. But he noted
Sanders endorses M.M.T., he said, “is sort of that there are fraught political decisions to be
irrelevant.” made. “The way I put it is, can the government
For the moment, most of the major M.M.T. build a gun range? Is that an O.K. job-
thinkers are staunch progressives. But guarantee job? Can the job guarantee be used
M.M.T.’s politics are difficult to categorize. “It to build a border wall?”
can lead you to the left or the right,” Kelton I asked Kelton if she worries at all about these
told me. “You could use it to say we should fights, further over the horizon. “At the end of
have tax cuts to lower unemployment.” the day, what I really hope for is just a better
Mosler, who used to identify as a “Tea Party debate,” she told me. “Let both sides put
Democrat,” told me that he speaks to Tea Party forward their best ideas.”
groups about M.M.T. and is received warmly.
This is the ultimate dream of M.M.T.: freed
Kelton often exchanges ideas with John
from false financial shackles, we could debate,
Carney, an economics columnist at Breitbart,
on honest terms, the most fundamental
who considers himself a “fellow-traveller” of
political questions. If money weren’t an issue,
the M.M.T. movement. “I think, functionally,
would we want to scrub carbon from the
Donald Trump has a lot of M.M.T. in him,”
atmosphere? Pay for reparations? Expand ICE?
Carney told me. “He doesn’t think we need to
Maybe we just want to be left alone, with our
cut Social Security. He doesn’t think that the
tax money in our pockets and some Social
deficit is a problem for the United States
Security checks when we age. M.M.T.’s
government right now. He thinks that if you
architects describe their vision as
can borrow cheaply you should and that
encompassing not just a better economy but a
interest rates should be low. Those are all
better, healthier body politic—a goal that is,
positions that the M.M.T. people would agree
given the state of things, almost certainly
with.” The idea for the job guarantee, he added,
doomed, but is admirable nonetheless. Deficits
is “very close to what Make America Great is.
do matter—not just the financial ones.
We don’t want welfare, we don’t want
handouts, we want good jobs for the American

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