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Zeynep’s Friendship Homework

Friendship are built on different founditions and this founditions may be end
cause of the specific things for the individuals. For some people, their interests
just don’t match with the another . While for others it may be a lie.
For example: İn the beginning of this friendship we believe that our friend is
really perfect at everything but when some time passes and we start to see that
person’s true face we may want to end our friendship with that person.
If it’s necessary an explanation about my opinions for this topic, here is the
situation for me ;
Firstly there is no a perfect person including us in the world. We all have
imperfections of course and we just should know that and that’s why We cannot
remove a person from our lives without giving them a chance or even an
explanation for a single mistake that they have made.( unless that mistake just
don’t big enough to hurt us or anyone else like a violence or something like that.)
If I give an example from my own point of view I can’t trust a person who always
talking lies about everything. Or I don’t think good thinks towards someone who
is insincere and speaks behind everyone’s back.I also don’t want to meet someone
I feel unhappy with when I am around . We may also not get along with extremely
selfish people for a very long time.
That’s are the possible factors that cause the break-up of friendship for me . But if
you will ask me what’s the biggest reason then I will say to you “ I would never go
on a friendship which I feel myself bad .”

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