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Group Observation Proposal

Shyterria Sims

College of Social Work, University of South Carolina

SOWK 411: Social Work with Groups

Bree Alexander

September 24, 2023

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Group Observation Proposal

Group Information

Held on the second Wednesday of each month via Zoom, the Caregiver Support Group is

for people who are non-professional caregivers of someone who has experienced limb loss or

limb difference (Amputee Coalition 2023). The intended audience this group hopes to reach

consists of anyone including spouses, partners, family, friends, or loved ones who look after

someone who has lost a limb. Toseland & Rivas (2017) identify a group’s purpose as the reason

for bringing members together. The purpose of this support group through the Amputee Coalition

is to connect individuals with others who have overcome similar challenges and offer support

and encouragement.

I plan to attend a virtual support group through the Amputee Coalition. Categorized as a

support group, it would fall under the section of a type of treatment group. Toseland & Rivas

(2017) state that a treatment group is used to signify a group whose major purpose is to meet

members’ socio-emotional needs and are bonded by their common needs and common situations.

I selected a treatment group because I feel I would be able to obtain more information and have

some insight into how a particular incident in their lives has impacted them. Selecting this

particular population became of interest because my grandmother was a right below-the-knee

amputee. It did not cross my mind that this type of support group existed for caregivers. I only

assumed there were groups for people who have had an amputation. When I discovered this

group, I wanted to observe it because it would be something different than a common treatment


Potential Personal Biases

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During the observation of this group, I am sure I will encounter some bias like any person

would whether it be conscious or unconscious. To start, I will be aware of these biases and

recognize ways I can overcome them.

I dislike it when someone speaks ill of someone else due to them not being able to

because they are physically or mentally unable to do so. I know they may be frustrated, and the

space will be used to release these emotions, but I feel it may have me negatively view the

person. Before making a final judgment of the person, I will listen to their reasoning and use it to

develop how I interpret them as a person. To avoid having my body language show, I will have

my camera turned off.

During my early adolescence years, I cared for a family member who had experienced

limb loss. At this time, I felt this was not a responsibility I should have taken on because of my

age. Due to those feelings, I will empathize more with the members, if any, who are experiencing

this at a young age. Having shared possible experiences with the younger group, I feel I will not

be capable of empathizing with members in older stages of life and expect them to not complain

about their new roles. I hope I can empathize with the older individuals by remembering they too

were not expecting their lives to change, despite their age, and they are trying their best.

Observation Expectations

When I sit in on this group, I expect to be capable of identifying how the leader interacts

with the group members, the group’s dynamics, and group composition.

As previously stated, the group I will be observing is identified as a support group. The

leaders of support groups are supposed to help members share their experiences and

empathically respond to each other and help members overcome feelings of alienation,
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stigmatization, and isolation by validating, affirming, and normalizing their experiences

(Toseland & Rivas, 2017). I will be looking for these traits in the leader hoping they align with

what we have learned in class thus far.

Sometime during or after the meeting, I expect to be able to identify the group’s

dynamics such as the type(s) of communication and interaction patterns. As of right now, I am

unsure if the group is a closed or open group, but determining this will help me be able to

identify the developmental stage of the group, its effectiveness, and how the members interact

with each other.

Lastly, I expect to observe how the group is composed. Our textbook points out some

principles of group cohesion such as homogeneity & heterogeneity of members, structure, and

member demographics. Taking note of these throughout the meeting will enable me to see how

these may affect the group’s ability to communicate and share their experiences.
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Amputee Coalition Virtual Support Group Meetings. Amputee Coalition. (2023, July 25).

Toseland, R. W., & Rivas, R. F. (2017). An Introduction to Group Work Practice (8th ed.).
Pearson Education Limited.

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