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Character profiles

Template, People Support Animals

-Name -Name
-Age -Persons support
-Species -Species
-Element -Magic element(If they have one)
-Home town -Support Major
-Kingdom -Kingdom
-Major -A word to describe them
-Sexuality (Cause why not)
-A word to describe them

Astrom elor Ruina

-Moon Elf
- Lunar
-Cenclia Kingdom
-Elemental Magic and Potion brewing
-Louvel Degarmo
- Wolf
-Animal transformation
-Aninmaxia kingdom
-Animal taming

- Lucix
-Astrom elor Runia’s Support
-Alozia Cat
-Elemental support and Potions
-Cenclia Kingdom
-Smart Ass

Word list in magic fantasy language that I'm coming up with

A= qw

Ring Ring Ring

Astrom: Ah! 𝙹ust a minute please!! Runs to phone tripping over trash in the dorm room and
answers phone

Astrom: Yes hello?

RW 𝚂taff: Since it’s the beginning of the year, everybody will be having new roommates of
different species, if you have an issue with this new policy or your new roommate, please let us
know. Thank you and goodbye
Astrom: Wait can I know what species my room-
Ravenwood staff member hangs up

Astrom looks around his room which is a mess from the party he held last night and he simply
face palms

Lucix: Well if it isn’t the consequences of your actions

Astrom: Shut it you dang cat

Lucix: I’m looking forward to your misery

Knock Knock Knock

Astrom: Shouts Who is it?! Goes to unlock and open the door Oh hello there! And who might
you be?

Louvel: Bonjour colocataire!

Astrom: Umm.. No hablas espanol?.. Ah shit wrong language

Louvel: … Anglaise?

Astrom: English please

Louvel: Qui qui! Anglaise! How intriguing…

Astrom slams the door on Louvel

Astrom: God I hate randos, they take time from my studies

Lucix: And parties? And messes?

Astrom scoffs at Lucix

Louvel knocks on the door again, when Astrom doesn't open it, Louvel opens the door with his

Astrom screams and traps Louvel in a lunar prism

Louvel: Hm? That's a bit rude of an introduction. Ooooh, shiny!

Louvel plays with the wall of the prism as it shines

Astrom: Who are you??

Astrom sits down on the floor and Lucix sits in his lap and purrs

Louvel: My name is Louvel Degarmo! A new student at this school, and a new werewolf! Uh, if
my names a bit hard to say, you can shorten it to Lou

Astrom: If you’re a new student shouldn't you be in a different room? This is a higher ranked
dorm room and you shouldn't barge in!

Louvel: Who says because I'm new that I'm low-ranked? I came to this college at 18. You dare
test my abilities?

Astrom: No I mean all freshmen start low ranked and then they go into the next rank the next
year. It doesn't mean you’re not good at what you do, it just means you are a freshman in the

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Astrom: Just one minute!! Lucix, go answer the phone.

Lucix: You’re asking a mere cat to answer something so complex and personal, I'm honored
you filthy elf.

Astrom: No more catnip for a week for that comment.

Lucix dramatically falls on the counter

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Astrom: shouts Just answer the phone!

Lucix: Yes hello? Room 338 speaking

RW Staff: yes, just letting you know once again it's policy that you have a roommate and they
should be here already, have an amazing day!

Lucix: Thank you for informing room 338, have a horredress day!

Lucix: He’s your new roommate! The new french freshman trapped in your magic, wow aren’t
you amazing.

Astrom makes the prism vanish and Louvel falls to the ground

Astrom: He’s not trapped in my magic.. he simply was.

Louvel: Owww my ear!! Pouts slightly from his ear hitting the ground first

Astrom: Ack! Sorry! D-Do you need you ice? Bandages? A medic!? I know a healing potion! I-I
learned it at a lecture a few weeks ago so it poisons you.

Louvel: A healing potion that will poison me? Qui s'il vous plaît!

Lucix: Astrom you sound like a mom…you also look like one

Louvel: WAIT IS THAT A CAT?! He jumps back and growls at the kitten-like figure
(even though he seems like a pussy himself for that respon-

Despite the fact Lucix is 19, he grew up with Astrom many people mistake him for a big
Astrom scoops up Lucix into his arms like he is a kitten

Astrom: Yes, I major in Elemental Magic and Potion brewing so I have a support animal. He has
grown up with me though it’s not like he was randomly assigned to me. He definitely acts like it
sometimes though.

Louvel: Hmm, I don't trust cats I don't know, you seem trustworthy enough of a witch though, is
the cat trustworthy? Or do I need to request a room change? He looks like he has evil in his

Lucix scoffs

Astrom: He’s perfectly fine trust me, I’ve grown up with him and he’s saved my life multiple
times. Isn’t that right Lucixy? Also! I'm not a witch, I'm a wizard, despite the look of my hair and
my femmine features I’m a guy! I swear.

Louvel: Hmm, in order for me to really believe you I'd have to see for myself… but why don't we
save that for another time

Astrom: Well I mean I don't think I will be in any life threatening situation for Lucix to save me
from. I’d like to say, potion brewing and elemental magic is very safe! Well.. besides the
occasional potion poisoning and infected injuries!

Louvel: Speaking of the poisoning and injuries… he points to his swollen ear and winces a bit

Lucix jumps out of Astrom’s arm’s to check his ear out then leaves the dorm

Astrom: Lucix thinks you’re fine, it’s just gonna bruise up a bit. No potions needed.

Louvel: But I don't want a bruised ear, that's not very attractive he innocently pouts again

Astrom gags

Astrom: I don’t care if you have a bruised ear or not, you didn't even fall straight on the floor!
You fell onto a pile of trash, your ear shouldn't even bruise that bad! It’s going to be gone within
days so shut up and stop pouting.

Louvel: Aww but that means if I get headpats I won't feel them in that ear, sad…

Astrom tears up a bit from frustration (lol self insert when I get frustrated

Astrom: Who in their right place of mind would give a 6 foot tall wolf headpats! An ugly wolf at
that!! Stop being such a little baby. You are in college, grow up!
Louvel gets onto his knees so he’s a little shorter than Astroms’ height and looks at him

Louvel: Is this good?

Astrom stares at him for a minute then proceeds to kicks Louvel in the face and walks to his
room with his fisted balled up

Louvel: Puts his hand to his face and looks at Astrom with the eye that isn't covered, mumbling
under his breath. I know you’ll warm up to me eventually, just wait…

Astrom stays in his room for multiple hours trying to process his emotions about Louvel while
Louvel cleans up the trash in the dorm

Astrom: Should I have kicked him? I’m supposed to be a “hard working behaved student” not
somebody almost failing potion economics and with anger issues

Astrom starts tearing up so he shoves his head into his stuffed frog and starts crying

Astrom: I hate myself! I hate hate hate! I have the temper of a child! Gets quieter. Everybody
treats me like one. Lucix also hates me I'm sure, he’s so cold and tempered now.. He used to be
so soft and kind. What happened to him? What happened to me?

He wipes tears and lays down on the edge of bed

Astrom: I bet it was my fault… Everything is my fault

Starts tearing up and he falls off of his bed with a loud ‘Thump!’

Astrom: Ah! Fuck!

Louvel opens the door and peeks in at Astrom on the floor crying

Louvel: You shouldn't be crying. It's not good to cry, what's wrong?

He kneels on the floor next to Astrom

Astrom covers his face with a frog plushie

Astrom: With trembles in his voice N-nothing's wrong!

Louvel: Well that's not true, as they say in France, "Arrête de pleurer salope!"

Astrom: What does th-at mean?

Louvel: …It means I hope you get better

Astrom: I’m already better so there no need for that

Astrom takes the plushie off his face and lays on his bed

Astrom: Now, if you would please, leave my room I'm perfectly fine.

Louvel: No cause if I leave then you can become even sadder.

Astrom: I don't need your presence to feel happy.

Louvel moves onto the bed with Astroms sitting next to him, even though he sees that Astroms
clearly doesn't like it

Louvel: Talk. What's wrong? He said in an almost demanding serious tone that Astrom didnt
expect from him

Astrom: I’m fine! There I'm talking, wow!

Louvel: Lies. Louvel grabs onto Astroms wrist and tightens his grip, not in a hurtful state but
enough for discomfort and pins it to the headboard. Talk.

Astrom looks up to Louvel and starts crying more trying to slip his wrists from Louvels grip

Astrom: P-please let go

Louvel couldn't lie, seeing Astrom with tears, hand pinned to the headboard, begging for Louvel
to let him go was kind of… arousing, but no, he was a new student too, he couldn't think like

Louven: Why are you crying?

Astrom: I-it isn’t your business Louvel! So shut up and let go of my wrists. And leave my room!!

The sun had set so it's dark by now combined with Astrom’s red lights to help with elemental
studies Astrom couldn't help to feel a little.. hot? But more so violated by Louvel’s touch so he
tried pushing him off

Louvel pulls Astrom by his wrist so he would be close to Louvel’s face, letting Louvel grab his
other wrist as well and pin them behind his head, their heads very close, Louvel grins

Louvel: So, you gonna tell me what's wrong, or will you keep letting me do whatever I want to
Astrom clears his throat before chanting a spell

Nailoheix dci clio!

Louvel is now in the middle of their dorm room trapped in a prism

Astrom cries a bit more trying to recover from everything and just wanted to lay there forever
sobbing. After a few hours, he eventually lets Louvel out of the prism and he falls asleep.

Louvel was disappointed, Astrom seemed to not like him very much, he really likes this student,
more than any others he's seen at this school. He really wants to keep this one, and he decided
that he would keep this one, even if this one didn't like him very much… then he made his way
to bed, his ear twitching the entire night from what happened in Astroms room

The Next Morning

Astrom wakes up and goes into the kitchen to make himself breakfast and Lucix has returned,
relaxing on the counter top

Astrom: Hums to himself. Ah fuck! That's not how you make food.

After Astrom makes his food he checks the calendar.. Saturday no classes so he can’t leave the
dorm with an excuse. He finishes up his food and goes back into his dorm room leaving the dirty
dishes in the sink.

Louvel wakes up at around 1pm and finds out he's been sleeping hugging his pillow… well he
didn't really care too much about that, not like anyone saw. He gets up and looks out the
window, he always likes the look of outside, after staring at the warm sun long enough, he walks
out to the main living room and has nothing better to do with all his homework done so he turns
on the tv and sits on the couch with a cheap snack from the pantry, not wanting to cook or clean
today. He realizes the tv is really loud, and while he doesnt mind because it doesn't really affect
him too much as he's used to loud noises, he turns it down considering Astrom was probably
asleep, he thought.

Astrom decided to practice potions as he had a potion brewing test on Wednesday so he mixes
lumis and promptus to create a light potion but failed and it resulted in a powdery explosion. The
explosion was loud and coated Astrom's face and clothes

Astrom: Ack! Shit! Fuck!

Astrom runs out of the room to the bathroom going passing by Louvel as the black power starts
to burn Him so he quickly washes off the potion from his face and strips down to his boxers with
minor burns on him and his clothes look like they had been in a small fire. He's now in the
bathroom in only his boxers wet hair and the faucet still running.

Astrom: Auck, that burns

Feels the fresh burns

Astron: Owww he pouts slightly

Louvel gets up and knocks on the bathroom door after hearing Astrom in pain and seeing the
burn marks on the floor

Louvel: Astrom? You ok?

Louvel sees the pile of burnt clothes right outside the door, then realizing astrom doesn't have
any clothes.. on right now…but still continues to knock and ask if he's ok, kind of hoping he
would answer the door

Astrom: I need clothes! And don’t come in please..

One week has passed

Astrom is now friends with Louvel but still hasn't forgiven him for that night. He’s close to
forgiving Louvel but doesn't want to hang out a lot now.

The sun has set

Astrom: Lou!

Louvel: Hm?

Astrom: Do you want to order Chinese food tonight? I think the oven broke and I will not make
food in the microwave or with potions…

Louvel: Ça sonne putain de bien! (“It sounds fucking good!”)

Astrom: Lou! For the last time, stop speaking French when communicating with me! So yes or

Louvel: Yes sir!

Astrom: Okay, that's an improvement, it's not french.

Astrom orders Chinese food with extra fortune cookies. 30 minutes later it arrives and they start

Astrom: I order extra fortune cookies!

Astrom checks to see if they included them and they did!, there's about 25

Astro: We should both open an equal amount and see who gets the better fortunes!

Louven: I already have a better fortune if your here winks

Astrom: Huh? What do you mean? I can't help you study or anything, I mean we major in two
completely different things!

Louven: Who says I need help studying? I'm an A+ student!

Astrom: coughs That's so funny, last time I checked your grades you’re failing a class, shifting
safety so maybe you should study being safe

Louvel grins at that, his mind elsewhere when Astrom made that comment

Astrom: Why are you grinning?? That's nothing to grin at!

Louven: looks up seductively at Astrom Oh nothing, nothing you need to worry about he keeps

Astrom fake gags and scoffs

Astrom: Anyways, let's finish this meal and then open the fortune cookies

Astrom starts scarfing down his fried rice but chokes on it

Louven gets up rushingly and starts doing the heimlich maneuver on Astrom being too
overprotective even though Astrom would probably be fine

Astrom stops choking and takes a gulp of water

Astrom: Thank you, but I'm fine now

Louven keeps his hands where they are for a minute, thinking, until Astrom reminds him he still

Astrom: Can you let go please?

Louvel: Hm? Oh yea, sorry

Astrom: Thank you, now let's finish this meal, hopefully without choking.

Astrom continues to eat his meal and drinks some water in awkward silence with Louvel; they
soon finish their meal and start opening fortune cookies.

Astrom reads one off

“Your love is right in front of you”

Astrom looks in front of him and there's a table

Louvel: Looks like you’ll fall for-

Astrom bursts out into a laughing fit

Louvel: What's so funny?

Astrom between fits of laughter says

Astrom: I-I'm gon-gonna fall in love with table! Such a good future!

Louvel: Yea yea a table, surely not me! Pouvez-vous simplement tomber amoureux de moi?

Astrom: ...Louvel.. I’m Aromatic-

Louvel: So? Not for long


Astrom pulls away, disconnecting the kiss

Astrom: I-I'm sorry Louvel-

Astrom tear up

Louvel: What do you mean, darling?

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