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Are you struggling with writing your thesis on the topic of the Reproductive Health Bill?

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alone. Crafting a comprehensive and well-researched thesis can be an incredibly challenging task,
especially when dealing with complex and controversial subjects like reproductive health policies.

The process of writing a thesis requires extensive research, critical analysis, and coherent
argumentation. You need to delve deep into the literature, gather relevant data, and formulate a clear
thesis statement that addresses the core issues surrounding the Reproductive Health Bill.

Moreover, you must navigate through various perspectives, considering both supporters and
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Most notably, proponents of the demographic concept of birth spacing assume that the practice of
using contraception after childbearing to postpone births could contribute to “empowering” women
socially. Effective reproductive health care services must be given primacy to ensure the birth and
care of healthy children and to promote responsible parenting; e. Menstrual Cycle. Compare phases
of cycle Ovarian Hormonal Endometrial. For this r eason, the State has enacted t he Civil Code on
family relations, the Family Code, and the Child and Youth Welfare Code. My opposition stems from
the fact that, historically, the open tolerance of the use of contraceptives has produced more harmful
effects than the good that its advocates have vowed to promote. Dr. Madduru Muni Haritha
Presentation on Cerebral Palsy and its orthotic management Presentation on Cerebral Palsy and its
orthotic management eshasmalik27 pediatrics. Medical cases which once seemed hopeless can now
be treated. Work-role of Radiation Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. Here
are the pertinent details of the proposed bill, which was introduced during a session of the current
Congress by. Priority health care services of the reproductive health care program in this bill includes
family planning, maternal and child health and nutrition, prevention and management of abortion, its
complications and reproductive tract infections, education and counseling on. Work-role of Radiation
Therapists in the Consequences of Adaptive Radiotherap. Emergency contraception is used to
prevent unintended pregnancies after unprotected sexual intercourse. The first time the Reproductive
Health Bill was propo sed was in 1998. In the promotion of reproductive health, there should be no
bias for either modern or natural methods of family planning; b. Seminar for African Journalist held
at Hilton Hotel, Nairobi-Kenya on 15-18 th June 2006. There are presently two bills with the same
goa ls: House Bill No. 4244 or. The bills have become the center of a contentious national debate.
Chronic illnesses have puzzled scientists, physicians and investigators since the early years of
medicine. Medical and scientific evidence shows that all the possible medical risks connected with
contraceptives are infinitely lower than the risks of an actual pregnancy and everyday activities. If
the Bill is passed, it will become challenging to find a young and traditional girl who has remained
chaste to marry. Introduction. Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008 House
Bill No. 5043 RH Bill of 2010. History. An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on
Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population Development and for Other Purposes.
Aim: We evaluated the perception and knowledge of African Nigerian women towards the
relationship between menstruation and fertility. It promotes household planning methods which are
safe and lawfully allowable. No punitive action shall be imposed on parents having more than two
children. Most cases of female infertility are caused by problems with ovulation. The market
economy has created such an abundance of wealth that, even if not equitably distributed, has
forestalled the dire predictions on the supposed detrimental effects of the law of diminishing
marginal returns. This implies that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life, that they
have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so,
provided that these are no t against the law. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. It is recommended to consider
alternative options like condoms, cervical cap, diaphragm, spermicides and sponges when using
hormonal birth control methods. Employers shall provide free reproductive health services and
commodities to workers, whether unionized or unorganized.
Contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies but not to stop pregnancies altogether. If
we have been doing this, then it can only be through ways of taking care of mothers’ reproductive
health even without the bill. There are presently two bills with the same goa ls: House Bill No. 4244
or. Refuse to perform voluntary ligation and vasectomy and other legal and medically-safe
reproductive health care services on any person of legal age on the ground of lack of spousal consent
or authorization Prohibited Acts 3. To be honest, I am still in doubt of this law, thus I’m neutral yet
somebody told me that to stand neutral is like I do not exist in this world. By clicking “Check
Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. We asked its princip al author
in th e House of R epresen tatives to pre sent the ma in points of an d misconceptions about the bill.
The Bill also highlights the significance of personal responsibility. Johnson William Johnson The
approach to ethics being advocated here is one driven by a commitment to the well-being of self and
others. Section 5 of the law states the Hiring Skilled health Professionals for Maternal Health Care
and Skilled Birth Attendance. On Janu ary 31, 2011, the House of Representatives Committee on
Population and Family Relations voted to consolidate all House versions of the bill, which is entitled.
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Page You are on page 1 of 15 Search inside document. This hominid was named Java man or
pithecanthropus, derived from the Greek words pitnekos meaning ape and anthropus meaning man.
In order to prev ent unw arra nted curiosity and corr ect the misc once ptio ns, sex shou ld nev er be
con sid ere d ta bo o, but sho uld be dis cu sse d by the pa ren ts wit h th e chi ldr en wit h
delicateness and sensitivity. Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) from UNFPA (2009). Since the
contrace ptive mentality (I can’t have or I don’t want this child) is already there, if the
contraceptives fail, people may just consider having an abortion. Th e im pl em en ta ti on of
Reproductiv e Health Education shall commence at the start of the school year one year following
the effectivity of this Act. Menstrual Cycle. Compare phases of cycle Ovarian Hormonal
Endometrial. In 2003, USAID started its phase out of a 33 year old program by which free
contraceptives where given to the country. McClish, Paulina A. Essah, and John E. Nestler (2005).
Chronic illnesses have puzzled scientists, physicians and investigators since the early years of
medicine. Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans (International Agency for Research on
Cancer) 91. Thus, the Population Commission (Popcom) was created to push for a lower family size
norm and provide information and services to lower fertility rates. The victorious individual
reproduces and passes down their genes. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN)
Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. This is because sex should be
regarded as a sacred act deserving respect. Another the government also recognizes our right to
choose and make decisions for ourselves in accordance to our religious convictions, cultural beliefs,
and the demands of responsible parenthood, meaning the government cannot sue us just because of
our beliefs and we can also choose when to have a child because the government gives the right to
make decisions. The sexual act, properly exercised within marriage only, is ordained primarily to the
propagation of life. Poverty can lead to disability, just as disability can lead to poverty. It implies that
people are able to have a safe and satisfying sex life.
We use cookies to create the best experience for you. This suggests that the role Dhukun Gedhe in
reproductive health education is very important because reproductive health education to be more
able to reach the Tengger with involve the local wisdom. The objectives of this research paper are to
identify and explain the scope of Reproductive Health Bill. Some signs that a woman is not
ovulating normally include irregular or absent menstrual periods. Report this Document Download
now Save Save Reproductive Health Bill For Later 0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0
votes) 90 views 22 pages Reproductive Health Bill Uploaded by Phoebe Casipit AI-enhanced
description The bill promotes information on and access to natural and modern family planning
methods. Critically, it has been observed that health problems associated with the reproductive
system of humans usually commences during the procreative years. Upload Read for free FAQ and
support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
While there is general agreement abo ut its provisi ons on maternal and child health, there is great
debate on its key pro posal that the Philippine government and the private sector will fund and
undertake widespread distribution of family planning devices suc h as condoms, birth control.
Chronic illnesses have puzzled scientists, physicians and investigators since the early years of
medicine. Series of ceremonies that includes reproductive health is a series of wedding ceremonies,
namely walagara, sepasar, retrieval and offerings kayapan manten great. Are existing health care
policies and programs adequate to the needs of mothers and children. The Truths and Half Truths
about Reproductive Health, The Bishops-Legislators Caucus of the. Junior Health. Daily Recording
Calendar Current Event Article Due Friday Identical Twins Vs. Employment to guarantee the
reproductive health rights of its. However, the solution to poverty is developm ent and not populatio
n control. Moreover, the State also ensures the promotion of gender equality and the
nondiscrimination of homosexuals. Declaration of Policy Universal basic human right (regardless of
A, S, RC, CB) Gender equality, equity, and women’s empowerment Universal access What is
Gender Equality. Materials and Methods: It was a prospective cross-sectional household survey with
multi-staged cluster sampling design in which 230 randomly selected, consenting women in
September and October 2012 were assessed about their perception of menopause using a structured
questionnaire. During my two stints in government, I have realized why every secretary of health is
bound to support the use of contraceptives in population control programs. Almost the entire DOH
budget (up to 80%) is allocated for personnel salaries and administrative expenses. Another reason
why I am in favor of this law is that this law does not convince people to really go on to family
planning. The Reproductive Health Bill in the Philippines is a significant matter that has the potential
to greatly influence moral values and culture. MORE RULES ?. Reproductive Health Review Rules.
Game Rules. He fatally shot and killed two women who worked at Planned Parenthood reproductive
health clinic in Massachusetts in 1994. Another the government also recognizes our right to choose
and make decisions for ourselves in accordance to our religious convictions, cultural beliefs, and the
demands of responsible parenthood, meaning the government cannot sue us just because of our
beliefs and we can also choose when to have a child because the government gives the right to make
decisions. As Filipinos are naturally inclined towards conservatism, any decrease in conservativeness
brought about by the Bill will have repercussions on our culture and attitudes towards women.
Furthermore, women who use diaphragms and cervical caps may be more prone to urinary tract
infections. On Janu ary 31, 2011, the House of Representatives Committee on Population and Family
Relations voted to consolidate all House versions of the bill, which is entitled. One-fifth of the
women think there is no link between menstruation and family planning. Topics to be covered Why
focus on young adults Defining young adults Characteristics of young adults. Refuse to perform
voluntary ligation and vasectomy and other legal and medically-safe reproductive health care
services on any person of legal age on the ground of lack of spousal consent or authorization
Prohibited Acts 3.
Aid recipients such as the Philippines faced the c hallenge to fund its own contraception program.
We may hear or read news about the Reproductive Health Bill now known as the Reproductive
Health Law on newspapers, televisions, radios and even on the internet, right. Seminario biologia
molecular-Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Employment to guarantee the reproductive health
rights of its. The Truths and Half Truths about Reproductive Health, The Bishops-Legislators Caucus
of the. Ang RH Bill ay isang kautusang pinag-iisipan pang ipatupad sa pamahalaan. Definitions. The
endocrine system includes various organs that work together to regulate body functions. RH
education in an age-appropriate manner shall be taught by adequately trained teachers from Grade 5
to 4th year high school. Thus, implementing this law will help us lessen our population, meaning our
economy may progress. Contraceptives are used to prevent unwanted pregnancies but not to stop
pregnancies altogether. The Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 (Republic
Act No. 10354), informally known as the Reproductive Health Law, is a law in the Philippines
which guarantees universal access to methods of contraception, fertility control, sexual education,
and maternal care.While there is general agreement about its provisions on maternal and child health,
there is. This suggests that the role Dhukun Gedhe in reproductive health education is very important
because reproductive health education to be more able to reach the Tengger with involve the local
wisdom. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. In the promotion of reproductive
health, there should be no bias for either modern or natural methods of family planning; b. To ensure
people’s access to medically safe, legal, quality and affordable reproductive health goods and
services e. The Bill seeks to safeguard the rights of women and medical professionals in maternity
duty, promote family values, and provide sexual education for young individuals. The Church
believes there is no relation between population size and poverty. Reproduction has always been
among the most significant of human activities, and it will no doubt continue to be so. Upload Read
for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next
What is Scribd. Dios, Benjamin E. Diokno, Emmanuel F. Esguerra, Raul V. Fabella, Ma. Report Back
from San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) 2023: Spotlight. Intra-sexual selection refers
to competition within the same sex to secure a mate of the opposite sex, ensuring reproductive
success. To guarantee universal access to medically-safe, legal and quality reproductive health care
services and relevant information even as it prioritizes the needs of women and children. Taxes, once
paid to the government, have no religious identity and are to be used for the common good. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit vitae urbanitas sadipscing nec ut, at vim quis lorem labitur. I heard the preacher war
nin g how it would lead to abo rti on in the Phi lip pin es. Some signs that a woman is not ovulating
normally include irregular or absent menstrual periods. This situation mirrors the scarcity of 18-year-
old virgins in America and Europe. Benjamin E. Diokno, Emmanuel F. Esguerra, Raul V. Fabella,
Maria. It may help to bring the debate from the emotional temper to a more rational temper.
Pro-life groups, and many professionals in the medical and nursing fields, believe that physicians and
policy makers should understand and respect the beliefs of patients who consider human life to be
present and valuable from the moment of fertilization. Do Catholics claim the right to contest all
those uses and if not, what criteria are used to decide which of such uses to contest. The reproduc
tive health bill does not actually solve th e problem; it may actually cause more predicamen ts. Topics
to be covered Why focus on young adults Defining young adults Characteristics of young adults.
Naniniwala rin sila na ang katawan ng tao ang siyang templo ng Diyos. One-fifth of the women
think there is no link between menstruation and family planning. Legislative and Regulatory
framework for delivery of health services Creates uniformity by establishing norms and standards
Preamble Firmly entrenched in the Constitution Clearly states intention of Bill. The limited resources
of the country cannot be suffered to, be spread so thinly to servi ce a burg eoni ng mult itud e that
makes the allo cati ons gro ssly inad equ ate and effectively meaningless; f. Population Growth for
U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in
Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Isa pa ay ang mga kababaihang
nabubuntis na hindi naman nila ginusto tulad ng mga kadahilanang napagsamantalahan at naharas. At
the same time. these cannot totally protect users from sexually transmitted diseases. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade
your browser. The author of the bill has outlined the following objectives. Taxes paid by the majority
Catholic Filipinos should not be spent on contraceptives, the usage of which is deemed immoral by
the Catholic Church. Avenues (San Carlos Seminary Graduate School of Theology). It would be
required in the curriculum in public and private schools. There are presently two bills with the same
goa ls: House Bill No. 4244 or. For the bill’s proponents, one of the primary reasons why they wrote
the bill is the interconnection between rapid population growth and poverty, with much of the
growth in population occurring among the poor. Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized.
However, this bill has the capacity to alter our faith by introducing artificial birth control methods. In
2003, USAID started its phase out of a 33 year old program by which free contraceptives where
given to the country. Secondly, in collaboration with health authorities (health center midwives) to
provide education for adolescent regarding reproductive health every three months. If we have been
doing this, then it can only be through ways of taking care of mothers’ reproductive health even
without the bill. While “management of post-abortion complications” is provided, this is not to
condone abortion but to p romote the huma ne treat ment of women in life-t hreateni ng situat ions.
In addition to these common side effects, there are also more serious risks such as blood clots, a
potentially higher risk of cervical cancer, heart attacks, and strokes. The recommended methods are
the result of a complex and sophisticated system of beliefs about the alchemy of the subtle body,
ontogenetic development, metaphysical anatomy and secret gynecology. Definitions. The endocrine
system includes various organs that work together to regulate body functions. Population Growth for
U.S. Security and Overseas Interests. Psychologists propose a link between human sexual selection
and reproductive success.
A consistent part of Bauls' lyrics deals with body-centered practices that aim at controlling sexual
desire, purifying the body and attaining longevity. Unfortunately, many Filipinos are unaware of the
possible negative consequences this bill may have on our traditional Filipino morality.Religious
groups, organizations. Topics to be covered Why focus on young adults Defining young adults
Characteristics of young adults. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip
carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Minsan, sa sobrang kahirapan at dami ng
problema, hindi naiiwasan ng tao na gumawa ng isang bagay na hindi maganda. Women shall not be
discriminated against in the matter of hiring, regularization of employment status or selection for
retrenchment. The subjects of this study is Dhukun Gedhe of Tengger. There is general agreement in
the country on the importance of its provisions. 31 March 2011. Retrieved 25
October 2011. Report this Document Download now Save Save Reproductive Health Bill For Later
0 ratings 0% found this document useful (0 votes) 90 views 22 pages Reproductive Health Bill
Uploaded by Phoebe Casipit AI-enhanced description The bill promotes information on and access
to natural and modern family planning methods. 31 March 2011. Retrieved 25
October 2011. Introduction. Reproductive Health and Population Development Act of 2008 House
Bill No. 5043 RH Bill of 2010. History. An Act Providing for a Comprehensive Policy on
Responsible Parenthood, Reproductive Health and Population Development and for Other Purposes.
Because of reasons of impact, urgency and inequity, reproductive health is a global concern. The
Roman Catholic Church expresses its opposition against the bill on many counts, most especially the
procurement and distribution of family planning supplies for the whole country, when the available
evidence from peer reviewed medical journals supports the hypothesis that when ovulation and
fertilization occur in women taking oral contraceptives (OCs) or using intrauterine devices (IUD),
post-fertilization effects are operative on occasion to prevent clinically recognized pregnancy. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit vitae urbanitas sadipscing nec ut, at vim quis lorem labitur. Adequate scientific based
knowledge about menstruation and its relationship to fertility is crucial in attaining optimal
reproductive health. The bill does not have any bias for or against either natural or modern family
planning. To integrate on a continuing basis the interrelated reproductive health and population
development agenda into a national policy c. Therefore if there is no fertilization, there is no life yet.
University of Santo Tomas, the Philippine Nurses Association, the. We’ll occasionally send you
promo and account related email. Lorem ipsum dolor sit vitae urbanitas sadipscing nec ut, at vim
quis lorem labitur. Module overview (Delete this slide when no longer necessary). This is because sex
should be regarded as a sacred act deserving respect. Pro-life groups, and many professionals in the
medical and nursing fields, believe that physicians and policy makers should understand and respect
the beliefs of patients who consider human life to be present and valuable from the moment of
fertilization. Another the government also recognizes our right to choose and make decisions for
ourselves in accordance to our religious convictions, cultural beliefs, and the demands of responsible
parenthood, meaning the government cannot sue us just because of our beliefs and we can also
choose when to have a child because the government gives the right to make decisions. Are
overpopulation and graft and corruption mutually exclusive issues. Despite being advertised as such,
safe condoms do not exist; companies do not demonstrate the use of their condoms with an AIDS
victim in commercials. Give us your email address and we’ll send this sample there. Declaration of
policy: the state upholds and promotes responsible parenthood and informed choice, birth spacing
and respect for life.

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