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19) On R, de ine ⋆ by letting a⋆b=a−b.

 This operation satis ies both Condition 1 and Condition 2. a−b is a real number for all a,b in R.

20) On Z^+, de ine ⋆ by letting a⋆b=c, where c is the smallest integer greater than both a and b.

 This operation violates both Condition 1 and Condition 2 because the result c might not always be
in Z^+, and it's not always uniquely de ined.

In summary:

 Operation ⋆ de ined as a⋆b=ab on Z^+ and ⋆ de ined as a⋆b=a−b on R satisfy the conditions of a
binary operation.

 Operations ⋆ de ined as a⋆b=a−b on Z^+ and ⋆ de ined as a⋆b=c, where c is the smallest integer
greater than both a and b on Z^+ do not satisfy the conditions of a binary operation.
Deoquino, Ivy C. BSED-Math 3 Abstract Algebra Module 2: Learning task 3

In all the exercises, + is the usual addition on the set where it is speci ied, and ⋅ is the usual multiplication.


1. What three things must we check to determine whether a function ∅: S → S′ is an isomorphism of a

binary structure 〈S,∗〉 with 〈S′,∗ ′〉?
In Exercises 2 through 8, determine whether the given map ∅ is an isomorphism of the irst binary
structure with the second. (See Exercise 1.) If it is not an isomorphism, why not?

2. 〈ℤ, +〉 with 〈ℤ, +〉 where ∅(n) = -n for n ∈ ℤ

3. 〈ℤ, +〉 with 〈ℤ, +〉 where ∅(n) = 2n for n ∈ ℤ

4. 〈ℤ, +〉 with 〈ℤ, +〉 where ∅(n) = n + 1 for n ∈ ℤ

5. 〈ℚ, +〉 with 〈ℚ, +〉 where ∅(x) = x/2 for x € ℚ

6. 〈ℚ,⋅ 〉 with 〈ℚ,⋅ 〉 where ∅ (x) = 𝑥 for x € ℚ

7. 〈ℝ,⋅ 〉 with 〈ℝ,⋅ 〉 where ∅ (x) = 𝑥 for x € ℝ

8. 〈ℝ, +〉 with 〈 ℝ ,⋅〉 where ∅ (r) = 0.5 for r € ℝ


9. Prove that if ∅ : S → S' is an isomorphism of 〈S,∗〉 with 〈S′,∗ ′′〉 and 𝜓 : S′ → S′′ is an isomorphism of

〈S′,∗ ′〉 with 〈S′′∗ ′′〉, then the composite function 𝜓 ∘ ∅ is an isomorphism of 〈S,∗〉 with 〈S′,∗ ′′〉.

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