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[Omar Martinez Berlin] [3523110294]

[Kevin Tepox Romero] [3523110801]


Senior University Technician in

Information Technologies.
Area Development of Multi-platform Software


APRIL 2024

Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3

Goals ................................................................................................................................. 3

Objectives .......................................................................................................................... 4

Hardware ........................................................................................................................... 4

Sequence of steps for assembly: ....................................................................................... 5

Recomendatiosn to follow: ................................................................................................. 6

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 6

Bibliographies .................................................................................................................... 7

In the world of technology, taking care of both the physical pieces and the programs
in computers are key. This maintenance, whether to prevent or correct issues. Since,
with the great advancement of technology, we must face the challenges head on.
So, maintenance is not just a small thing, but an essential thing so that everything
runs smoothly, improving how we experience technology and preventing

organizations from being left hanging or having errorsGoals

The essential objective of preventive and corrective maintenance of hardware and

software is to ensure the optimal functioning of computer systems, avoid possible
failures, and minimize downtime. Through interventions planned and reactive
actions, the aim is to preserve the health and stability of the physical and logical
components, while promoting adaptability to the technological changes. This
approach aims to maximize efficiency, prolong the useful life of equipment and
ensure the security of information in an increasingly complex and dynamic digital

The scope of preventive and corrective maintenance covers both the scope
hardware and software of computer systems. In the aspect of hardware, includes
periodic review, cleaning and replacement of components as well as the evaluation
of the technological infrastructure to anticipate posible problems. Regarding
software, the scope extends to the application o updates, security patches, and
troubleshooting that may affect the performance or stability of the operating system
and applications.

Internal Components:

❖ Motherboard: It is the main component that connects all the other computer
components. Contains the chipset, connection ports and expansion slots.
❖ Processor (CPU): Executes software instructions and is crucial for the overall
system performance.
❖ RAM Memory: Temporarily stores data and programs in use to access quickly
to them.
❖ Graphics Card (GPU): Processes graphics and is essential for video
applications and games.
❖ Hard Drive or SSD: Permanently stores data and the operating system.
❖ Power Supply: Supplies electrical power to all components.
❖ Fans and Cooling System: Maintain the temperature of the computer within
safe limits.

External Components:

▪ Monitor: Shows the system's graphical interface.

▪ Keyboard and Mouse: Standard input devices to interact with the computer.
▪ Speakers or Headphones: Provide audio output.
▪ Optical Drive (optional): To read CDs or DVDs.

Sequence of steps for assembly:


❖ Gather all the necessary tools.

❖ Make sure you work on an antistatic surface.

Internal Component Assembly:

❖ Install the CPU on the motherboard.

❖ Place the RAM modules in the corresponding slots.
❖ Connect the motherboard to the power supply.
❖ Insert the graphics card and storage drives.

Connections and Wiring:

❖ Connect the power supply cables.

❖ Connect the hard drive or SSD and other devices to the motherboard.
❖ Connect external peripherals.

Cabinet Assembly:

❖ Install the motherboard into the case.

❖ Add the power supply and fix the storage devices.

Connection of External Peripherals:

❖ Connect the monitor, keyboard, mouse and other peripherals.

Power on and Testing:

❖ Turn on the computer and check the operation of each component.

❖ Adjust BIOS settings if necessary

Recomendatiosn to follow:
➢ Static Handling: Avoid static discharges by using antistatic bracelets and
Work in a static-free environment.
➢ Component Compatibility: Verify that all components are compatible with
each other and with the motherboard.
➢ Adequate space: Make sure the cabinet has enough space for air circulation
and cooling.
➢ Software Updates: Update the BIOS and drivers after the assembly.

In conclusion, preventive and corrective maintenance of hardware and software
represents a cornerstone in the efficient and sustainable management of computer
systems. Alabama proactively and reactively address the challenges inherent to
technological evolution, It is possible not only to extend the useful life of the
equipment, but also to optimize its performance. and safeguard the integrity of the

Small business success: Rashida. (s. f.).

Spiceworks, Inc. (s. f.). SpiceWorks Community - IT best practices, how-tos, product

reviews, written by and for IT pros. Community.

ArchWiki. (s. f.).

Mehrotra, S. (s. f.). How-To Geek. How-To Geek.

Coursera. (s. f.). CourseRA | Degrees, Certificates, & free online courses.

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