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1. Summary
Abraham Lincoln is one of the greatest of American Statesmen. He is known for
his celebrated speeches. This lesson is the story of his first speech as a little boy. One
day Little Abe and his companion Dennis Hanks attended a political meeting. Both boys
were unhappy with the views of the speaker. Dennis told Abe that he could make a
better speech than the campaign orator. Then Abe decided to stand on a dry goods box
and delivered a speech. That speech attracted the attention of the crowd and won him
great applause. Here Abe’s friend Dennis encouraged him and it helped him to get

2. Why some people are unable to showcase their talents?

We can see everybody has some potential in them. The reasons why some
people are unable to showcase them are because of 1. Lack of opportunity 2. Lack of
confidence 3. Lack of training in public speaking 4. Lack of encouragement from friends
5. Lack of reading habits.

3. Write some qualities which will make the people great.

A) Hard work, creative thinking, determination, perseverance, initiative and

4. Do you think good dress, appearance, position in society etc. are needed to present
yourself before the public for a speech?
No. a public speaker often catches the attention of his audience by the power of
his ideas. His dress and appearance are not important when compared with the content
of his speech. Anyone who can raise strong ideas can make a good speech.

5. ‘Some are born great; some achieve greatness; some have greatness thrust upon
them.’ -- William Shakespeare (Twelfth Night). Is greatness an innate trait? Is it acquired
by the successful or thrust upon them?
I believe that success is not innate. It is acquired by people with hard work. We
have many role models before us. Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Mother Teresa,
A P J Abdul Kalam are a few among them. They rose to great heights through their hard
work and determination. Success was not thrust upon them.

6. What qualities make people great? Discuss with your friends and write them in the
boxes below. Determination, Confidence, Courage, Dedication

7. What thoughts and feelings does it evoke in you?

This is the picture of a school anniversary. A student is led by his teacher to the
stage. He is a little bit afraid. The teacher is encouraging him to say a few words or to
sing a song. The boy has no courage. He also lacks confidence. The guests are eagerly
watching him.

8. Can you give a suitable title to the picture?

Stage fright – that is the fear of public speaking.
9. Have you had any similar experience? If so, share it with your friends.
Yes, I had a similar experience in my life. When I was in the seventh standard, I
learned the art of swimming. At first I was very much afraid to jump into water. We were
learning swimming in a pool. I feared that I would drown. The water was not very deep.
Yet I was afraid of taking my dive. One day the coach pushed me into the water. I sank
into the pool and drank some water. But my coach jumped along with me and took me
from the water. Therefore I lost my fear to jump into water. My coach taught me how to

10. What made little Abe stand on the dry goods box and deliver the speech?
The speaker stood on a tree stump and made his speech. Abe and Dennis did
not like the views of the public speaker. After the speech, Dennis declared that Abe
could make a better speech. He arranged a goods box and asked Dennis to make his
reply speech.

11. What is the role of Dennis in bringing out the best in young Abe? Abe’s friend
Dennis encouraged him and it helped him to get confidence. He was more
confident about Abe’s abilities than Abe himself. Dennis made his friend believe
that he can deliver a better speech than the one made by the campaigner.

12. Do you think that everybody has some potential in them?

Some people take the initiative, while others do not dare to showcase their
talents. What do you think are the reasons for this? Write down your views. Abraham
Lincoln was able to achieve greatness because he utilised the opportunities that he got.
Sometimes people lack the confidence to use opportunities that they get. Some others
do not get opportunities to prove their abilities. All people have some sort of talents in
them. Most people do not even realise what their potential is. Sometimes people lack
encouragement and often they are discouraged by other people. With proper training,
motivation and encouragement the best in each and every person can be brought out.

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