Prison Overcrowding Research Paper Outline

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Title: The Challenges of Crafting a Prison Overcrowding Research Paper Outline

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is no small feat, and when it comes to addressing the
complex issue of prison overcrowding, the task becomes even more daunting. Crafting a research
paper outline that effectively captures the nuances of this critical topic requires a deep understanding
of criminal justice, sociology, and public policy. This process demands meticulous research,
thoughtful analysis, and a keen awareness of the social implications associated with the subject

Understanding the gravity of the situation, students often find themselves grappling with the
intricacies of developing a comprehensive outline for their prison overcrowding research paper. The
task involves navigating through a myriad of data, legal frameworks, and societal factors that
contribute to the challenges faced by correctional facilities worldwide.

One viable solution to alleviate the burden of crafting a thesis on prison overcrowding is seeking
assistance from professionals who specialize in academic writing. Among the various platforms
available, ⇒ ⇔ stands out as a reliable resource for those looking to streamline
their academic journey.

⇒ ⇔ offers a dedicated team of experienced writers with expertise in criminal

justice, law, and related fields. These professionals understand the complexities associated with
prison overcrowding and can assist in developing a well-structured research paper outline that
adheres to academic standards.

By choosing ⇒ ⇔, students can leverage the expertise of seasoned writers to

tackle the challenges of researching and outlining a prison overcrowding thesis. This not only saves
time and effort but also ensures that the final document is comprehensive, well-researched, and
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In conclusion, writing a thesis on prison overcrowding requires a nuanced understanding of various

disciplines. Students facing the daunting task of developing a research paper outline can benefit from
the expertise offered by ⇒ ⇔. With a commitment to quality and precision, this
platform serves as a valuable resource for those seeking professional assistance in navigating the
complexities of academic writing on prison overcrowding.
Nonetheless, these foods alone does not cause us to be at risk of reform research, being overweight;
it's the overconsumption of Topic, food in general that causes health issues to reform, the people. Oct
2015 Fourth City: Essays from the Prison in America is therefore an important issued calls for
submissions throughout America s prison system. Summing, prison overcrowding is an international
problem faced by most nations. Security is also affecting the way the rehabilitation programmer are
run. Isolation and the psychological impact of prison systems marks their mind in a manner that the
thought process is still stuck in the federal justice system and does not deem it suitable to adjust or
conform with the society. This resulted in the individuals having better jobs and maintaining better
lives. The growing rate of incarceration and the inadequate prison budget to sustain lives is not
sufficient enough and has led to a strain on the economy which in turn has resulted in many other
problems. The crime rate might not be growing but the longer sentences have led to a major strain on
the prison budget held by the states. Prison overcrowding is a problem faced at large by the justice
system and the large influx of prisoners is hard to maintain. Currently a large part of the Federal
budget goes to the criminal justice system and more specifically in stopping drug abuse. Our current
drug policy is failing to match the Federal Government’s initiative for rehabilitation. As the rate of
violent crimes is increasing, there is no other solution, but imprisonment. Standards Relating to Trial
Courts. 1992 Edition. Chicago: American. When the Criminal Justice System hesitates to allow
parole to the prisoners, there is high possibility for prison overcrowding. Anton is who killed ramsey
happy for prison paper, some of free professional cv cover letter it to be by reform paper chance but
the doctor insisted that the child was simply the best of the parents. The proposed 1. 2 billion dollars
is a fraction of 135. 8 billion dollars the nation already pays for the creation of rehabilitative
programs (Lyons). Measures such as initiating a zero tolerance policy for drugs and operating
rehabilitation programs for inmates. As a result, they respond to the problem only when it happens
and in most cases, the interventions are aimed at managing the problem not on stopping it altogether.
In 2005, the government reduced the number of guards which means that the imbalance of ratio not
only proves hazardous to life inside the prison but might impact the life outside the prison walls as
well (McLaughlin). It is clearly seen in studies that the post trauma experience of the prisoners that
the imprisonment leads to, jeopardizes the mental well-being and it becomes difficult to integrate
themselves back into the community of the world that is free. Resistence is highest when members of
the criminal justice system. In the United States, the crime rate has steadily declined over the years
and the figure is dropping but it is seen that individuals who have a lower income still experience a
rise in certain types of crime despite of the reduction in the national crime rate (Incarceration in the
United States 6). On the other hand, as pointed out by studies of judicial staffing, the. Furthermore,
reducing delay can affect such factors as the number of. Justice. These centers trained planners in
state, regional and local criminal justice agencies to plan. That is setting up battle arenas in prisons
and authorizing inmates to beat each other to death. In short, co-ordination and co-operation among
different agencies related to law enforcement can easily deal with the problem of overcrowding in
private and government owned prisons in general. It is witnessed that many prisoners are
incarcerated based on factors such including social, economical, cultural and political ones. As per
the law, it means that no prisoner can be released under any grounds without serving at least 85% of
his or her jail term. On the other side, increase in crime rate forces the authorities to be vigilant and
the same results in overcrowding of prisons. This study examines the different elements within the
criminal justice system and tries to expose the grass-root level reasons that hinder the development of
prison systems in general.
For this purpose, a general rule of thumb is proposed to. In conclusion, violence within the jail
system is common and needs to be dealt with because it causes not only physical but also
psychological implication for the inmates. Another viable option for reducing congestion in the
prisons the world over is to use other case resolution mechanisms such as dialogue, the churches or
even traditional mechanisms. Using such alternatives may reduce the number of people who are
convicted under the judicial systems and as a result, the number of people in prisons would be
reduced by a good margin. This is something courts should definitely be looking at.”. The flipside of
this is that overcrowding in the prison system proliferates crime in the same system. The Flawed
Prison System of America - But, the same is not necessarily true about petty drug dealers whose
incarceration creates a vacancy for someone. If this situation is not handled, a deteriorating justice
system is not far away (Evans and Goldberg 6). However, those kept with other prisoners tend to
exhibit very high sensitivity towards any stimulus and exhibit more violence on collective basis as
well which leads to the formation of prison gangs and supermax units (Haney 2001). Essays -
largest database of quality sample essays and research papers on Prison Reform. After being placed
on the honor roll and graduating early from Morris High School in Will County, Illinois, she attended
Northern Illinois University to become a lawyer. The media often criticizes prisons for making
criminals worse than actually helping them. State Criminal Trial Courts.” Washington, D.C.: National
Institute of Justice, Research Brief, June 2000.). In other words, it exposes the public to 3.6 days of
increased crime risk for every day of jail time saved. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board
with our cookie policy. Inst itute of Court Management in “Special Issues in Caseflow
Management.” His professional. Dec 2016 Recent trends have shown disapproval of prison system
by public (Griffiths, 2007: 64) This essay opens with a discourse of what prisons are in general,
during seventeenth century which was selling criminals to America. Releasing the elderly inmates
can also help reduce overcrowding this of course done with proper care. Understanding the root
causes that lead to crime can result in lowering the crime rates in the country (Resnikoff). However,
this kind of thinking is far from the truth because research has shown that overcrowding comes as a
result of various failures by the criminal justice systems. Such failures may mean that the criminal
justice systems are reactive instead of being proactive. The problem is so serious that in 2007, the
state of California declared it as a state of emergency (Taylor, 2008). Such support is needed to
identify issues, collect and analyze data, find. I believe if people leave prison they will of learnt and
gained two very important things. Bristol: Policy Press. Knafo, S. (2014). America’s federal prisons
are in trouble. Web. Maschi, T. (2013). The high cost of the international aging prisoner crisis: well-
being as the common denominator for action. When the report’s recommendations are provided, the
commission. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their
writing assignments. Also the fact that she was Minister in charge of prisons makes her statement
very biased because she is reaffirming that what she did was the correct thing to do. So the real
question is, what policy gives you the best trade-off between the goals of protecting society and
limiting inmate numbers?”. You can use this sample for research and reference purposes to help create
your own paper. In the end, the short term cost to the state may be around 1 million dollars
(Mergenhagen). Solutions to the Problem of Overcrowding in Prisons Conclusion References
Introduction This paper is based on the topic of overcrowding in prisons.
Solutions to the Problem of Overcrowding in Prisons As mentioned in the introduction, building
more prisons is just one of the many solutions to the problem of overcrowding in prisons. Most
people interviewed for the article expressed the opinion that if the criminal community knows that
they will not be sent to prison, they will have no deterrent to committing a property crime. Trial
Courts. Williamsburg, VA: National Center for State Courts. 1978. Also In 1978, the American Bar.
However, before the law came into force, many drug offenders used to be given shorter jail terms or
were jailed on probation basis where they would work in the community and report to the authorities
on regular basis. It is also witnessed that the inmates that are released from the prison system have a
hard time adjusting in their surroundings and mostly find it hard to belong in the “society” again. It
is observed that solitary confinement for prisoners who are deemed to be violent results in worse
psychological stress. Specter, D. (2010).Everything revolves around overcrowding: The State of
California’s prisons. Federal. An article on iresearchnet explains how poverty is intertwined with all
of these causes. Lord Woolf was Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales from 2000-2005. There
have been reforms passed to help inmates have better confinement conditions as well as better
healthcare. References Great Britain Parliament. (2005). Rehabilitation of prisoners: first report of
session 2004-05. The US is considered as a super power of the world in terms of military, political,
economic, and cultural prowess. Bristol: Policy Press. Knafo, S. (2014). America’s federal prisons are
in trouble. Web. Maschi, T. (2013). The high cost of the international aging prisoner crisis: well-being
as the common denominator for action. Haney (2006) states that, “As recently as the late 1970s there
was a widespread correctional consensus about the evils of “double-celling,” which is the practice of
housing two prisoners in a single cell usually designed to hold one person” (p. 267). But this does
not solve the issue and this practice is totally inhuman. It is also a requirement under the 1986 law
that prisoners who fully undergo through the drug treatment and rehabilitation programs get a one
year off their jail terms. But due to the high rates of overcrowding in the prisons and the few number
of the drug treatment and rehabilitation programs, very few prisoners do benefit by that provision.
Instead, they carry a record which impairs them from obtaining jobs, and the psychological problems
of being behind bars for an extended period of time (Phlisher). The setting shows genetic
modification as a common ethical approach to achieving perfect lives. If the programs could be
streamlined and expanded, then more prisoners would be able to undergo through them and get
released earlier. Obesity is a health issues that stems from the overconsumption of food. For example,
in 1990, t his writer performed a study in a Florida. Cristian Cardenas A2 Macro - Aspects of
Globalisation (2015) A2 Macro - Aspects of Globalisation (2015) tutor2u Viewers also liked ( 7 )
Echange Instituto Ben Arabi. The film uses effective characterization and setting choices to show
the discrimination against the genetic minority. On the other side, increase in population and
immigration are important factors that accelerates crime rate. To be specific, policy makers consider
that policy making must be based upon public opinion on crime rate. The reason is that majority
usually lack the energy and motivation to engage in crime, especially after being jailed for engaging
in crime. Falk, G. (2010). The American Criminal Justice System: How it Works, how it Doesn't, and
how to Fix it. This list of topics may provide an idea that you can get excited about Remember that
you may argue the statement as it is written, or take the opposite view. Overcrowding is a
consequence of the prison population growing. It is seen that a contributor in the incarceration rate is
the size of the prison population. Also he is a strong believer of the YJB so he is going to believe that
they should be used in courts much more than someone who doesn’t agree with them.
From a different angle of view, private prisons choose inmates who are less violent and less
expensive. Secondly, according to Bureau of Justice Statistics of the US Department of Justice, there
is seventy percent of felony defendants repeating their prior crimes. In conclusion, the leading
causes in the incarceration of crime rates can be owed to the socioeconomic factors and the society in
general of which the individual is a part of. Modified laws have resulted in an increase in the
eligibility period which means that prisoners now have to serve more time before they can apply for
parole, which was previously not the case and prisoners after sometime after review of their case
could be discharged on parole, easily (McShane and Williams 1996). The justice system runs in a
fashion that favors longer prison sentences which has proportionally played a key factor in causing
an increase in the inmate crowd. During the era of disinvestment, private prisons became popular in
US and UK. There are many ways by which the problem of overcrowding can be overcome which
includes updating laws and reviewing the prison state conditions. Security is also affecting the way
the rehabilitation programmer are run. The basic problem related to prison overcrowding is the
increase in incarceration. I believe with parts of both I believe more prisons should be built but I also
believe that people should be educated inside of prison, so they can pay something back to the
community. But in the modern context, several factors (say, apart from internal insurgencies and
wars) force prisons to face the problem of overcrowding. Receive a tailored piece that meets your
specific needs and requirements. While overcrowding is the observed problem, it is actually a. This
study examines the different elements within the criminal justice system and tries to expose the
grass-root level reasons that hinder the development of prison systems in general. By efficient, I
mean that there should be no delays in the prosecution and determination of cases. There were
certain offenses which did not deem prison sentences but now the justice system has made it
compulsory which in turn has led to an increase in the inmate population. If the programs could be
streamlined and expanded, then more prisoners would be able to undergo through them and get
released earlier. On average, murderers and violent criminals are jailed from four years up to twenty-
five years. It is also witnessed that the inmates that are released from the prison system have a hard
time adjusting in their surroundings and mostly find it hard to belong in the “society” again. Both of
these ideas are central to the setting of Gattaca, effectively highlighting the theme of genetic
disorder and how the ?perfect' society Order now. Thus, it is difficult without setting up a rigorous
evaluation study to say precisely. Observing the statistics for the United States only, it is seen that
there has been a 400% jump in prison population and which has led to a proportional increase in the
prison constructions as well. This study will focus on prison overcrowding in the United States of
America. It refers to a situation in which there is a higher supply of prisoners than the capacity of the
prisons in a given country. This litigation lawsuit brought many reforms and it was the one that had
the most reach relating to prison conditions. She believes that the answer to prison overcrowding
now is to build more prisons yet again “so my answer to prison overcrowding is more prison space,
not deciding to send people there.” However this is biased for many reasons, Widdecombe is a
conservative MP and it is generally conservatives view that people she be put in to prison and not
rehabilitated. The time required to graduate still deters individuals from using drugs. As per the law,
it means that no prisoner can be released under any grounds without serving at least 85% of his or
her jail term. Whilst she was Minister in charge of prisons, she also had to deal with the issue of
prison overcrowding. The media often criticizes prisons for making criminals worse than actually
helping them.

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